MONDAY, OCTOKEK 2, 191 G PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 5. CHAPTER V. Then i'l! Come Back to You. C tfc" drive limno Wechicilny Caleb rehearsed a half score of lies with which he might apprise his sister Sarah -f the step lie hal taken, but when the time tame fur him to employ one- of them he forgot the entire lot DJ bad to report to a bald and stam mered statement of the facts, which soitnded more like h confession of jruilt than anythiajr eise. It had jrrown colder with the" storm, and directly r.fter a hastily swallowed supper, with many indignant .dances for her broth er. Sarah had bundled the boy off up-t-rairs to bed. for he had come in out of the rain as sleekly wet as a water rat and blue lingered and blue lipped from the cold. So it happened that they were all alone before the lire-fhv-e when Caleb made known his de cision. "I've never done much of anytmnp: for anybody but myself, you know, Sarah." Caleb hesitatingly tried to ac i ount for Ids conduct. '"And this seems to nie to be as bi an opportunity as I'll ever have. You you like the boy, don't you. so far as you have k-come acquainted with him':'' Yes, I like him," she assented, after n hile. "Of course it it comes as a surprise to you." he nrurmured. "It is pretty Midden, but I don't think that either of us will ever regret it." And then Sarah faced round toward her brother. Her eyes were unac countably wet, but there was laughter on her lips. "A surprise a a somewhat sud den!" she faltered. "Why, I knew you were jroinc to do it that first day when tou came sidling up to the veranda be hind him. I was certain of it even then. And if you hadn't decided to why, I'd made up my mini that I'd do It myself if you ever came Lack. from that endless fishing trip!'; "I've been rummaging through some of the old chests upstairs" she added. ' Today I explored for hours and found some of the things you used to wear which look as though they hadn't been worn at all. I laid some of them out for him to put on when he gets up in the morning. And. Cal. who'd ever be lieve now that a plump behemoth like you ever could have worn such such dainty and cunning things!" The inferred description should have prepared Caleb, but at the moment he failed to remeber that it was some forty years since the garb she men tioned had been ia vogue. Instead, he blushed uncomfortably at the gurgle in her throat. And so the next morn ing, when a little figure in velvet jacket and pantaloone velvet of the same jet hue in which Barbara Allison had first appeared to the boy a day or two before stopped nt the head of the lonsr stairway the moment was robbed of not one whit of its sensationalism. Tliere was something in Sarah's flut tering delight over the boy's changed appearance that morning which awoke an almost hysterical impulse in her brother. When Caleb came back an hour lat er, with Allison at his heels, he search ed the house throuch without finding the boy. In his perplexity he appealed tii Sarah, who followed him to the front door. "Where's Stephen?" he asked. Sarah nodded to Allison. Why, I waited a half hour. Cal." she said, "and then, when I thought , nu ' ouruii t uf uacii. j.oi iiue, i tent him downtown I sent him to the Tillage" Caleb Fceiued fairly to shrink. :'You sent him down to the village:' no c'linpii. uin ne uiu ne cnane ms clothes:-" "For pome egss." Sarah rounded out ( lie sentence. "And of course he didn't." Suddenly her brother's face alarmed her. "Cal." she exclaimed, "I haven't done anything I shouldn't have done, have 1?" Caleb turned a wry face toward Alli son. "In that outfit!" he groaned. "Down to the village, and it's a lumber town! Ho' gone, and if he doesn't have to light his way back then I' Sarah's alarm changed to fear in Maullr. Sho stepped out upon the porch. They sat and waited, and in due course cf time the hoy returned. As h appeared at the gate Sarah, with a sirauge choking sound in her throat, half rose and then dropped weakly back Into her chair. And even to Alli son, w ho had fondly looked forward to the worst, the little suit with the pret 1 v lulled cliffs was an unbelievable v. reck. The coat had been ripped from hem to collar and dangled loose upon rituer side as the boy advanced toward them, the knees of the trousers were split till the bare skin showed through beneath, and those portions of the fab- rlc which were not incrusted with dirt v-crp lincraiir oersvrcad witD egg. Atter one stricken giance at the spec- ta- Je Sarah tottered to her feet and it- .-eated 110-9 too steadily into the house. . - 1 "Just what does this mean:-"' Caleb altered. "Where have you been?' He hardly recognized the boy's voice. "I leen daown to the city," Steve slurred the words. "I been daown to git Miss Sarah a dozen eggs, and 1 run into trouble daown there a-gittin' 'em." "You'd Letter go upstairs and get into your old clothes," Caleb advised him then. "And I'll get you something less less dangerous to wear before night." Hut the boy stood rigid still. "Will you," he asked, "will you give me another quarter now?" "A quarter," echoed Caleb slowly, even while he reached into his pocket and handed the coin to the boy. "Sow, what do you Here, where are you going now?" "Why. I'm goin' back daown to the city," he grated out. "I'm goin back after Miss Sarah's eggs!" Aud he went, and when he returned the creases In tfce paper bag which held his purchase were as fresh as when it had left the grocer's counter. "Well, I'm I'm hanged!" Allison murmured, after the boy had entered the house. "I'm hanged! You'll have to bring that youngster over, Cal. and introduce him to the children." Acting upon Dexter's suggestion, the man took Steve the very next day and presented him to the children who were guests in. the big stucco and timber house: Little, shy. transparent skinned Mary Graves and Garret Deve reau and Archibald Wickersham the Kight Honorable Archie. rut from the very first Steve's lack of enthusi asm for their company impressed itself upon Caleb. As a matter of fact, the boy did cross over and join in their games the first day or two. but it was only after Caleb himself had suggested it. And more often than not he would be back again before an hour had pass ed, to sit silent and moody. But it needed no word of Caleb's to keep Steve t home. Without some suggestion to urge him, the latter showed no inclination to leave his own yard, and yet he would sit, too. for hours upon the top stop of the veran da, staring In the direction of the stuc co lodge and listening to the voices be hind the high hedge. More and more often Garry Devereau came over and joined him instead, and together the pair made almost daily trips down to the mills. A quick intimacy had grown up between the two boys, an intima cy which seemed all the stranger to Caleb because of the contrast between them. From the beginning Steve had evinced an insatiable appetite for books; he started in to devour every thing upon which he could lay his hands, and the Hunter library was lined with well Btocked cases. But it was the history volumes that drew him most. With a fat tome upon his knees he would sit for hours in a cor ner upon the floor, his eyes glued to the pages. And one day, two weeks after the occurrence of the eggs, he came to Sarah with a shy question, a book in one hand. After she had causht the drift of his query Sarah took the volume and found that he had been reading of the fabulous deeds of King Arthur and A is Knights of the Hound Table. Steve went back to his reading after she had finished, but ever and again that morning his eyes, blank with pre occupation, wandered from the type; ever and again his ears seemed to be straining to catch the echo of childish trebles from the yard beyond the hedge. And after dinner Caleb was astonished when the boy explained, a little awkwardly, that he was' going over to Allison's grounds for awhile. Allison himself passed Steve in the hedge gap and, with a word of greet ing, stopped to shake hands with him gravely. So it came about that they were sitting together, Dexter and Ca leb, smoking in silence, when Barbara Allison's first scream came shrillm? to their ears. They waited, staring at each other until the riotous clamor which rose set them to-running across the lawn. But the scene which met Caleb's eyes when he burst through the shrubbery froze him into immobil it.v- There was a seething pack of chil dren around two writhing figures upon the ground; they were all shrieking in soprano panic all save tfarry Dever eau. Tie, standing a little to one side. was smiling his queer, crooked, hand some smile, while Stephen O'Mara mauled the Honorable Archibald Wick crshain with true riverman thorough ness, which meant the infliction of the greatest possible damage in the least possible time. It grew very quiet - when Caleb whirled the boy around and stood i peering sternly down into his battle streaked features. Allison slrodHquiet- ly up in that moment. "Well?" Caleb aidn't know just how to begin, but his voice was cold. MWcll, i young man. can you explain just what this means? ' "uthm nutuin much, Steve re- ! plied, "only we was goin' to play King i Arthur and the Knights of tie Hound Table. He wanted to be her knight" an uncomplimentary thumb indicated the Hon. Archie "and and so did I." This time his eyes went to Barbara, who was listening, her teeth sunic in Iiat lin. "He wanted to be her knigCt, an' an' he ain't got no call to be. be cause in case of trouble or anything he couldn't Durtect her. He couldn't fight good enough to take good keer o' her. because I kin fight better, l I just licked him to prove it." But. in the davs when knighthood was in flower. Steve," Caleb explained ponderously, "the the fair ladies al ways chose their own knights, difln t they?" And just then the little girl, her eyes twin shafts of searing scorn, curled her lips at him and fairly spat out the words in her shaking rage. "You you my knight?" she halt whispered. "You!" And she turned her back and went, solicitously, to ward Archie and his rumpled clothes. Even Allison stopped smiling, ever Devereau forgot his curious amuse 3 "a - l-v.- w -r O'Mara Mauled the Honorable Archi bald Wickersham. ment nt the livid change which came over Steve's face with that answer whi h she flung at him. The boy fell sway a step before her tierce little visage; he crooked one arm over the cheek where her lists had beaten the skin pink a moment before. And then her meaning struck him like a blow be tween the eyes. "I ain't good enough to be your knight, am i?"' he accused her in a hushed and vibrant voice. "I I don't know enough, nor I can't talk good enough to he j-onr knight. I ain't good enough fer you. But I'm a-goin' to be do you hear? I'm a-goin' to le. An' when I am when I am then I'll come back to you!" This time, rigid as a lance, he disap peared from sight. Caleb stood star- inz at the gTound. Allison stood and stared at the horizon. Steve did not come downstairs for supper that night, and when he failed to appear at the breakfast hour both Caleb and Sarah mounted to his room, fear in their hearts. The bed had not been slept in. The sheets were not even disarranged, but there was a scrap of paper pinned to one pillow slip. It wasn't written in "book lan guage," that short message, for it was not his grain, but his heart which had phrased it: I'm a-comin back I'm comin' back to you some day when they won't be no need fer you to be ashamed fer me. I'm takin my new clothes with mo localise I knowed you would a-wanted me to and the shoes too. I'm askin' you to take keer of ole -Samanthy til I come fer her and Miss Sarah ain't pot no call to worry, fer I could always take keer o' myself. It was signed "Stephen O'Mara." Sarah's face went white when she had read it through. Her knees weak ened Tinder her. and she had to sit down. "Why. Cal why, Cal, he s he's gone!" Fhe quavered. And Caleb nodded down into her stricken face. "Yes, he he's gone!" he breathed. Farah swallowed hard. Then two bright tears crept out from under her eyelids and went coursing down her cheeks. -fhe rose and groped her way to her own room. Caleb found Barbara Allison waiting in the living room when he, still numb f rem the shock, went back downstairs. Shex came up to him and stood a mo ment, twining the fingers of one hand within those of the other. 'I want to see Stephen, please, Un cle Cal," she faltered. Caleb drew a deep and unsteady breath. "Steve isn't here, Barbara," he said as gently as he could. The child didn't understand. "Father sent me over to apologize. she explained slowly. "I'm to tell him that I'm sorry. But I I want to tell him, too. that if I couldn't have him for ray knight 1 I wouldn't ever havo any knight at all!" Caleb felt a tightening at his throat which made speech difficult. "But Steve has gone away," he man aged to gulp. A shadow came into the big dark eyes lifted to his. . "He'll be back for breakfast, won't he?" she asked hopefully. "I'm afruid not. Barbara. I'm afraid now that he may never come back- again." She didn't understand what he meant at first, so Caleb tried to explain. Bat when his voice broke, and trailed off into a husky whisper there was no L L-V.- '4 w -r V -OI-C I V 1 further neea or explanation, she rah then and threw herself in a passion of tears upon a window seat in the cor ner, caieo touna nis chair. And after a time he felt a small hand touch his sleeve; -he felt a wet cheek pressed "Oh, don't you feel so fcadly, too, Uncle Cal," Barbara -sobbed. "Please, please! Because he is coming back! He told me he would; he told me he would himself!" (To Be Continued.) WHEN YOU TAKE COLD. With the average man a cold is a serious matter and should not be tri fled with, as some of the most dan gerous diseases start witn a common cold. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and get rid of your cold as quickly as possible. You are not ex perimenting when you use this rem edy, as it has been in use for many years and has an established reputa tion. It contains no opium or other narcotic. Obtainable everywhere. CREAM, 34c, Plattsmouth. at Dawson's store, 9-19-d&wtf FOR SALE Double standard Poll- Durham bull, eighteen months old. W. II. Heil. Telephone No. 3005. t FOR SALE Poland-China male pigs. Inquire of C. E. Heebner, Nehawka, ' Neb. 9-7-lmowkly YOUR WIFE CAN USE IT. If you are away from home and one ci your horses takes the colic your wife can treat him if she has Farris' Colic Remedy in the house. It is easy to use. Just drop it on the horse's tongue and in thirty minutes he is relieved. Get it today. You may need it tomorrow. II. M. Soennichsen. Puis & Gansemer. LAND FOR SALE! I have some county lands for Chase and" Deuel sale at prices below trie average out with mc I am right. prices. If you will go I can convince you that Some of as good land a3there is in Chase county at prices from $10.00 to $22.50 per acre. also have a ranch proposition, C,000 acres, all fenced with four barb wires 200 acres of good hay land which will grow fine alfalfa. Pasture land is rolling hard land with good grass; two good wells and windmills Running water through land. This can be had for $10.00 per acre. think I am in position to save any one some money for I have been per sonally acquainted with the west for the past fifteen years. I am ready to go at any time. Any one buying land of me will get their railroad fares re funded. There will be no hotel bills after you arrive in Imperial. Will show you the CQuntry in autos. Write me and arrange to go out. JOHN COLBERT, Weeping Water, Neb. If you have anything for sale adver tise in the Journal. Public Sale of Pedigreed Duroc Jersey Swine MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1916. On the above date I will sell at public acution to the highest bidder the following pedigreed Durocs: 0 yearling sows out of King the Col., 2 with litters at foot, 1 yearling boar out of same sire, 3 spring boars out of the great boar Illustrator, 2 spring gilts out of the same sire, 1 yearling Sow out of Burk's Good Enuf, the Illinois champion owned by the Economy Stock Farm, Shenan doah, la.; 1 yearling sow by Moats Disturber, a son of old Defender; 4 spring boars out of the best son of old High Model, 3 spring gilts out of the same sire, 5 fall boars strong, vigor ous, husky fellows, just the kind for hard service, 10 spring boars out of Jumbo Critic 10th, 5 spring boars out of Dreamland King, a son of King the Col. Will also sell my herd boar, Jumbo Critic 10th, one of the best boars of the breed and a uniform get ter; 9 sows with litters at foot, 7 open sows, 26 summer pigs. In fact, all my herd goes in this sale. Sale begins at 1:00 o clock at place in Mynard, Neb. W. U. PORTER, Owner. my Col. W. W. R. Young, auctioneer. T. Richardson, clerk. FOR SALE OR TRADE A good or gan, a velvet bed couch and some rag carpet that has been used. Call Phone No. 4013. 9-20-2td2twkly If you have anything for sale adver tise in the Journal, TWICE PROVEN If you suffer backache, sleepless nights, tired, dull days and distressing urinary disorders, don't experiment. Read this twice-told testimonv. It's Plattsmouth evidence doubly proven. Ben Brooks, Main strest, Platts mouth, says: "As the result of a bad cold, it left me with a severe attack of kidney complaint. I had pain in my back and hips and at times it extended into my shoulder blades. I got completely past going and was laid up for two weeks. My head ached for hours at a time and was subject to dizzy spells, during which my sight became blurred. Half a box of Doan's Kidney Pills checked these troubles, and after using two boxes, procured from Edward Kynott & Co.'s drug store, I began to regain my health." (Statement given Apri 10, 1912.) On February 22, 1916, Mr. Brooks said: "I couldn't speak too highly of Doan's Kidney Pills, for it was this old. reliable medicine that fixed me up in fine shape when 'I was down with lumbaero. I haven t had one ot these attacks since." Price 50 cents, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Brooks has twice publicly recom mended. Fostcr-Milburn Co., Props. Buffalo, N. Y. tiii: coiMV coiiiT ok tiik t'OVXTV OF CASS. X Hlilt ASK A. In the matter of tlie estate of Laura Standley, deceased. You are hereby notified that si hear iiiK will be had on the petition of Ulysses (5- Standley filed in said cause, asking: for the appointment of Thomas W'allinjr. as administrator of said es tate and finding: as to all the heirs of L.anrtt Standley are, will lie had at the office of the County .)nde:e in Platts mouth. Cass County. Nebraska, on the 1st day of November, 1!M6, at the hour of len o'clock. A. M. Objections to the allowance of said petition must be on tile on or before said date. iiv the Court. ALLKN J. IJISRSO.V County .ludgre. First publication Monday. October Z. l'Jlfi. ;: wks. IN THK COIMV ( III IIT OK TIIK COIXTV OK CASS. XKHKASKA. In the matter of the estate AL. Standley. deceased. of William To nil Persons interested in sa idles ,id tnl creditors, and' heirs, take notice that I'lvsscx i. Standley, has filed his petition, allejfinir that William M. Standley, died intestate in Cass County, Nebraska, on or about the Hth day ot October. I!)."., being: a resident and in habitant of Cass County. Nebraska, and the owner of the following: described real estate, to wit: Southwest Quarter of Section thirty C.0, Township ten 10. Kanjre nine i'J. Kat tlth I. M.. Cass County. Nebraska.- Ueavinp; as his sole and only heirs at law the following- named per sons, to wit: his widow. Laura Stand lev, and the following- named children; F-:Cfic .1. Standley. now Kffie J. IMllon; daughter; Klihu M. Standley. son; Klorenee H. Standley. now Florence H. Shaw; daughter; Iick it. Standley. son: Ulvvsses O. Standley. son; all of whom are "now of lawful ae and praying for a decree barring claims. That said decedent died intestate. That no application for administration has been made, and the estate of said decedent has not been administered in the State of Nebraska, and that the heirs at law of said decedent as herein set forth should be decreed to be the scribed real estate, which has been set owners in fee simple of the above de for hearing on the 1st day of Novem ber. 1916. Dated at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this i'8th dav of September, 1916. By the Court. ALLKN J. DKESOX. County Judge. First publication AMnday. October '1, iai6. j weeks. IX IJISTHICT CO U It T OK CASS COIXTV, XIOIIIIASKA. In the matter of the Guardianship of Phillip Thomas Campbell. Minor. Now on this I'Oth day of September, 1916. this, cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Ida M. Campbell, guardian, praying therein for a license to sell Lot Four, in Block Thirteen, in Younir 6z Hays Addition to the City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, subject to life estate and homestead rights of Ida M. Camplell. for the purpose of reinvest ing the proceed thereof to a better ad vantage for said minor. It i.s therefore ordered that the next of kin and all persons interested in said matter appear before me at the district court room on the "1st day of October. li16. at ten o'clock A. At., to show cause why a license should not be granted to said guardian as above set forth. That notice of the time and place of said hearing be given to all persons in terested by publishing a copy of this order in the I'lattsmouth Journal, for three weeks prior to said ilst day of October, 1916. J AM IiS T. BKCJLKY, Judge of the District Court. First publication Thursday, Sept. Sth. SIIKItlFF'S SALF.. State of Nebraska SS. County of Cass Uv virtue of an Order of Sale it sued bv .lames Hoiwrtson Clerk of the Dis trict Court w ithin ami for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will on the ::0th dav of October. A. D.. 11 at 10 o'clock A. At. of said day at the South Door of the Court House in said countv, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the foljowitig jjersonal pronertv towit: Lots 673. 671. C70. C7C, 677. all of that part of Lot is east of a straight line extending south on the ea side of Kim Street; Lot !?, 100 and 101: that part of South Street .lvjngr South of and the full length of Lot 67.". all In the Village of Creenwood. Cass County. Nebraska: The same belli? levied uori and taken as the prpertv of William M. Cope end Matilda F. Cope, defendants, to satisfy a judgment or said court recovered by Nathaniel II. Ateeker. plaintiff. ag-aln-r Defendants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, September L'Sth. A. 1.. 1916. C. T. Q LINTON, Sheriff" Cass County Nebraska. First publication, Thursday, Septem ber i'8. 1916. W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. East f Riley HoteL Coates Block, Second Floor. MH tH'Tj-fc THE DISTRICT COtltT OF THE C'Ol'XTY OF CASS, XERItASKA. Fred Patterson, Plaintiff. vs. The unknown heirs, devisees, letratees. personal representatives and all other persons interested' in fhe estate of John Carrell, deceased, et al. defend ants. Notice of Salt te Quiet Title. To the defendants the unknown heirs. devisees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested In the estate of John Carrell. deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal- representatives and all other ersons interested in the estate of Airs. John Carrell. first real name unknown. deceased: Justus L. Cozad; Mrs. Justus L. Cozad. first real name unknown; the unknown heir, devisees, lesrutees. per sonal representatives and ali other nf r- sons interested in the estate of Justus L. Cozad. deceased: the unknown heirs. devisees, lecratees. personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estate of Mrs. Justus L. Cozad. first first real name unknown, deceased: Samuel Catlin; Mrs. Samuel Catlin. first real name unknown: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in- trested in the estate of S;niuel Catlin. oeceasea; me unknown heirs, devistts lesratees. personal retiresentat Ives and ail other persons interested in the es tate ot Airs. Samuel Catlin. first real t.aine unknown, deceased: William L. Thompson: the unknown heirs, deviates legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of llliam L. Thompson, deceased; David Crai; Ann Craig also known as Ainai.da Al Crais: the unknown heirs. ueisees, legatees, personal represen tatives an: all other persons Interested in Lie estate of David Craie. deceased the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees. personal reprr-.senialives anil all othe persons interested in the estate of Ann Crulp also known as Amanda M. Craiff. deceased; the unknown hens, devisees legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es taie ui i-uwuiu barren aiso Known as Edward Carroll deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives ana all other persons in terested in the estate of Kebec-ca Car rell also known as Kebecca Carroll, de ceased: Andrew nuic: Mary Youna: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of An drew Younc, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal repre sentatives and all other persons inter ested in the estate of Mary Young, de ceased: Eli B. tfpratlen; Mrs. Eli B SDratlen. first real name unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of EM H Soratlen. deceased; the unknown heir. devisees, personal representatives and all other nersons interested in the es tale of Mrs. Eli 15. Spratlen. first real name unknown, deceased; Abraham Towner, widower: Emily Patterson. widow. Susan C. Cutler, a widow; Kan nie Tishue: Joe Tishue; Winnie Diers Henrv Diers; Will D. Towner; Carrie Towner: Clem Towner; Mrs. Clem Towner, first real name unknown: vera Towner: Leonard Towner; George lien nes: Mrs. tleortre Kennes. first rea name unknown; the unknown heirs, de visees, legatees, personal represenia tives and all other persons interested in the estate of George ltennes, deceased the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of. Mrs. George Kennes, first real name un known, deceased; Hiram p. JJennett. trustee; Hiram P. liennett: Mrs. Hiram I. Bennett, first rea! name unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives arid all other nersons interested in the estate ol Hiram J", liennett. defeased: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of Mrs. Hiram P. liennett, first real name un known, deceased; John H. Maxon; Mrs. John H. Maxon. first real name un known; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of John H. Maxon, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of Mrs. John II. Mason, first real name un known, deceased: Pennett Maxon & Company; the unknown grantees, suc cessors and assigns of Bennett Maxon He Company: Lucy G. Thompson, a widow, Margaret Cm. Byers; S. H. Mar shall Byers; the unknown, heirs, de visees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estate of Annis S. Clayton, ele ccased: the unknown heirs, devisee?:, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of Clayton, first real name unknown, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of Mary Storm, deceased; Andrew Hopkins: Hannah M. Hopkins; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of Andrew Hopkins, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of Han nah M. Hopkins, deceased: William Searight. Mrs. William Searight. first real name unknown: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of William Searight, defeased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estate of Mrs. William Searight. first real name unknown, deceased Ilobert Dorrgan: Mrs. Kobert Dorrgan first real name unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep lesentatives and all other persons in terested In the estate of Itobert Dorr gan, deceased; the unknown heirs, de visees, legatees, personal represntatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Mrs. liobert Dorrgan, first real name unknown, deceased; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of James M. Latta. deceased; the unknown heirs. devisees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estate of Mrs. James M. Latta, first real name unknown, deceased; Isaac Coe; Mrs. Isaac Cop, first real name unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and all other persons interested In the estate, of Isaac Coe, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Mrs. Isaac Coe, first real name unknown, de ceased; Iloward Patterson: Mrs. How ard Patterson, first real name unknown; Isabel I e Moore; Charles Moore: Lilly Joy; Joy, first real name un known, husband of Li Hie Joy; Lycargus Patterson; Kannie Black: Black, first real name unknown, hus band of Kannie Black: Lottie VJrts; Virts, first real name un known, husband of Lottie Virts, John Storm: Charles Carrell: Mrs. Charles Carrell, first real name unknown; George Carrell: Mrs. George Carrell, first real name unknown; John Carrell; Mrs. John Cariell, first real name un known: Elijah Carrell; Mrs. Elijah Car rell. first real name unknown: the un known owners and the unknown claim ants of all of blocks one d) south four (4) east: two C.') south four f 4 east: three (3) south four (4) east; four (41 south four (4) east: five (5) south four (4) east: six (6) south four (l east; seven (?) soutn lour (! east; eignt (8) south four (4) east; nine (H south four ( east; ten UOi south four (4) east: cloven, (11) south four (4) east: twelve (li south four (4) east; teveii (7) south five (u) east: eight (8 south five (5) east; nine (9) south five (o) east; tcu 10 south five () east; eleven (11) south five () east; twelve south five (i) east; nine (0) south six (6) east: ten (10) south six (6) east; eleven (11) t;outh six (6 east: twelve (1J) south six (tt) east; ten (10) south seven (7) east: eleven (11) south seven () east: twelve (1) -south seven (7) east; and twelve (12)' south eight ( o ) east, all numbered from the Public said Village of Bock Bluffs, Square in Nebraska. and part of out hock Bluff. All that lot one ( 1 ) of the Village of described as fol- lows: Comencing' at the northwest cor- ,ner or said oui lot one (ii, running U I thence east 7.oC chains to a stake, lO.bnoii ur.fitli ItL ilf'rrpM STh mtntilPK least, f.00 chains along a ditch, thence said out'lot, theace north 8.96 chains IX to the place of beginning, containing seven i7 acres more or less, also known as lot five (.; in the southeast quarter ( SK ) of section sixteen (16). township eleven (11), range lourtetn (li), Cass county, Nebraska. Also That part of out-lot one (1) in tho illage of Kock Bluffs in Cass countv. Nebraska, described as follows, to-wlt, commencing fourteen (14) chains east of the quarter section corner between ections sixteen (16), and twenty-one I'D, in" township eleven U). north f ange fourteen (14) east in i:ass county, Nebraska, at a limestone on section line, thence north eighteen degrees and forty-five minutes west, L'I.jO chains to a limestone, thence east eight chains o a limestone, thence south eighteen . degrees and forty-five minutes east. 21.50 chains to a limestone to the meander corner between sections six teen (lfi), and twenty-one 21). thence west eight (8) chains to place of be ginning, containing sixteen (16) acres more or less, also known as lot seven ) In the southeast quarter (SE1-) of section sixteen (16, township eleven 111. range fourteen (11), in Ca.-d ounty, Nebraska, together with all accretions and alluvions formed upon and against said described estate. and A strip of land being in north, half X'4 I of the southwest quarter (SNV'i of section sixteen 16. township eleven 11), north range fourteen (HI, in Ca.-s ounty. Nebraska. south of Water Street in the Vilage of Kock Bluffs in said county, and extending east and west from the south end of Second street to the south end of Sixth street. and extending south to the south line of the north half IXH I of the south west quarter (SW4) of said section sixteen (16). also Also government lot one 111 and the north half i.Ni2i of government lot two :. in the northeast quarter t.NKli i of section twenty-one: Jl) townshiit eleven (111, range fourteen (11). east in Casss county, Nebraska, which is also known as lot twenty-eight (I'M. in the northeast quarter (N'li'il of aid section twenty-one (ill. townsliin eleven 11, range fourteen ilh, to gether with all accretions and alluvions lortued upon and against said lands. and also Commencing at the northwest coiner of government lot three (J) jn tho southwest quarter lSV') of section twenty-two (L'l'i. township eleven (111. north range fourteen (ID. east in Cass county, Nebraska, thence 10 chains east, thence south 4'i degrees west, It. 11 chains to the west line of said govern ment lot three ;;, thence north Hi chains to the place of beginning, also known as lot fourteen (14). in the southwest quarter (S'4 of section twenty-two (i''), township eleven (U, range fourteen till, aforesaid. to gether with all the accretions and allu vions formed upon and against all of said lands. All of said lands being in the county of Cass, Nebraska. You are- hereby notitied that on Aug ust JS. A. D. l'JU;. plaintiff hied his petition in the district court of th5 county of Cass. Nebraska, to quiet plaintiffs title to the above described lands, to-wit All of blocks one-(l), south four (I) east; two C') south four 4 east; three CD south four (li east; four (li south four (4) east; live ( r. i south four (4) east; six (6) south four (4) east; seven (7) south four (l east; eight (5) south four (4) east; nine ( S ) south four 4 east; ten (10 south four (4 east: eleven (11) south four (I) case; twelve (1J south four (1 east; seven (7) south five (;" east, eight ( ! i south five (! east; nine (Si) south five ( r, east; ten (10) south five (o) east; eleven (11) south five (.") east; twelve (l:'i south five (5) east; nin (9) south tix (6) east; ten (10) south six (6) cast ; eleven (11) south six () east; twelve (.) south six (6 east; ten (10 south seven (7) cast; eleven (11) south seven (7) east; twelve (1J) touth seven (7 east; and twelve (li'j south eight (M east; all numbered from the Public square in said village of Lock Bluffs, Nebraska, and All that part of out-lot one (1) of the village of Bock Bluffs, described as follows: Commencing at the north west corner of said out-lot one ( 1 I. running thence east 7.06 chuins to u. stake, thence south IS degrees 45 min utes east. 9.50 chains along a ditch, thence west 10.1'S chains to the west side of said out-lot, thence north S.6 chains to the place of beginning, con taining; seven (7) acres more or less, also known as bit five (.1) in the southeast quarter (SE'-i) of section sixteen (16), township eleven (11). range fourteen (14), Cass county, Nebraska, also That part of out-lot (1) in the il lage of Bock Blult in Cass county, Ne braska, described as follows, to-wit: Commencing fourteen (14) chains east of the quarter section corner between sections sixteen (16 1, and twenty-ono CM, in township eleven (11), north of range fourteen (14), east in Cass county, Nebraska, at a limestone on section line, thence north eighteen de grees and forty-nine minutes west, l..") chains to a limestone, thence east eight chains to a limestone, thence south eighteen degrees and forty-live minutes east, 21. DO chains to a limestone to the meander corner between sections six teen (16), and twenty-one CI) thence west eight (S) chains to place of be ginning, containing sixteen (16) acres inore or less, also known as lot seven (7)in the southeast quarter (SE'4 of section sixteen (16). township eleven (11), range fourteen (11). in Cas.s county, Nebraska, toge ther with ull ac cretions and alluvion formed upon anil against said described estate. and A strip of land being in north half (N'4l of the southwest quarter (SW1, of section sixteen (16), township eleven (11), north range fourteen (14, in Cass count-, Nebiaskt, south of Water street in the village of Kock Bluffs In said county, and extending east and west from the soutli end of Second street ti the south end of Sixth street, and ex tending south to the south line of the north half (N'j) of the southwest quarter (rfV"!i of said section sixteen (16). also Also government lot one (1) and tire north half (N'Vi) of government lot two (2) in the northeast quarter (N'L'i) of section twenty-one (21) township eleven (11) range fourteen till cast in Cass county, Nebraska, which is alsi known as lot twenty-eight (JSI, in tho northeast quarter (NE'i of said sec tion twenty-one (21), township e-. ri (11), range fourteen (111, together with all accretions and alluvions funned upon and against said lands. and also Commencing at the northweit cor ner of government lot three '') in I ho southwest quarter 'SW1, ) of section twenty-two (22 township eleven ll. north range fourteen (ID. eat in Cas.. county, Nebraska, thence 10 chains east, thenco south 4" degrees west. ll.H chains to the west line of said govern ment lot three ("I, thence north 1 ' chains to the place of beginning, also known as lot fourteen (111. in tim southwest quarter (SW'i) of section twenty-two (22. township eleven (11). range fourteen (ID, aforesaid, together with all the accretions and alluvions formed upon and against all of said lands. All ot said lands being in thi county of Cass, Nebraska. Because of his advene possession Vv himself, his ancestors, und grantors, for more than ten years prior to the commencement of said suit and to en join each and all of you from having or claiming any rfebt. title, lien or inter est, either legal or equitable, in tr to said lands or any part thereof; to re- quire you to set forth your right, title. claim, lien or interest therein, if any. either legHl or equitable, and to bv the same adjudged Inferior to the title of ptuintilT and for general equitable relief. This notice is made pursuant t'i the order of the court. You are re quired to answer said petition on r before Monday, October 2-rd, 1S1H. ( vour default will be duly entered therein. FKED PATTEKSq.V. Plaintiff. W. A. Kobertsou, Attorney. Four weeks, seml-weekl y.eoniuiciic- ing September 11, 1H16. FOR SALE My well improved forty acres, 1 mile west of court house. Inquire of A. W. Smith. 9-7-lmowkly