The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 02, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Cbe plattsmou tb journal
Entered at Postoffice at Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
-J. America asks nothing: for
herself but what she has a right -J-to
ask for humanity itself.
-I- Woodrow Wilson.
Rather cool for September.
There is a difference to most people
as to whether you are tired or tire
some. :o:-
The trouble with the man whc
knows it all is that he can't keep it to
The lurid life of the city is generally
exaggerated. The town is seldom as
red as it Is painted.
In forty years the sugar per capita
of this country has increased from
eighteen to eighty-nine pounds.
More harm results from the nar
row thinking of good people than
from the wrbng thinking of bad peo
ple. :o:-
A woman may be lucky tt. have
no sense of humor, if she is com
pelled to associate with egotistfj of
the male species.
Yes, it is true that a woman insists
on two things. First, she wants a hat
that is stylish, but it must not be
like any other hat.
Notwithstanding we are right in the
throes of a great political campaign,
it has no effect upon business in
Plattsmouth and building improve
ments and street paving goes on just
the same.
This thing of opening political con
ventions with prayer does not satisfy
some of our political leaders, who
claim that the most enjoyable mo
ments of their political opportunities
was when they were opened .with a
A Chicago judge says that a per
fect human being would be a nuis
ance.. Possibly they don't have that
kind in Chicago. The judge should
move to Nebraska, and he will get
over that fit of indigestion and cyni
cism. -:o:-
One good thing about being a bach
elor, he is never awakened by a
woman's snore. Hastings Tribune.
No doubt Adam Breede, the editor, is
good authority on a subect of this
kind, and under the circumstances, we
are willing to accept his opinion as
Many voters in Cass county have
expressed themselves favorable for
the re-election of Hon. John Mattes
because he has been tried and never
even in one instance, been found lag
ging in doing his duty in behalf of his
constituents. A worthy public servant
of the people.
It is reported from Buffalo, N. Y
that Arthur Schmale of Lincoln got
his fiingers burned to the tune of $lt0
by getting into a game where stran
gers matched dollars with him. He
told the police. Reporters got hold
of it and wired to his home papc
Schmale was on his vacation. Oh,
what's the use of working with the
"crop" so fine.
The most neat and tasty specia
edition issued from any print shop, is
that devoted to Lincoln and issued
from the office of the Omaha Ne
braskan, of which Richard L. Metcalfe
is the editor. Special editions when
printed and gotten up with such fine
taste are a credit to the city in whose
interests it is published, and always
brings forth good results.
Gifford Pinchot has written a let
ter to the editors of newspapers
throughout the country giving his
reasons for supporting Hughes for
president, or, rather, his reasons for
opposing Wilson. We quote from the
letter as follows:
"Worst of all is this: When every
principle of freedom and equity for
which our fathers fought was at
stake in the great war, when our
whole country eagerly awaited the
leadership of the president, Wilson
dodged. lie refused to take sides on
the greatest moral issue of our time.
He advised our people to be 'neutral
even in thought,' undecided between
right and wrong. While our friends
.abroad were fighting for the princi
ples we held equally with them, he
taught us that profits and ease were
better than self-respect. President
Wilson has done our nation the most
serious injury that any leader can
do to any people by making us flinch
with him from a great moral decision.
Thereby he weakened our hold as a
nation on the principles which alone
can make any people self-respecting,
safe and strong."
In other words, the worst thing
that Wilson has done as president.
according to one of Hughes' most
ardent progressive supporters, is that
ie has kept this country out of the
world war.
Ve have too much respect for Gif
ford Pinchot even to suspect that he-
is not perfectly sincere in his con
viction that millions of American boys
ought to be fighting side by side with
the boys of Great Britain, France and
Russia in the blood-soaked, vermin
infested trenches of Europe.
Yv'e admire his courage in publicly
stating his conviction a courage in
which his candidate seems io be sadly
If all the loose talk in which Hughe.-.
has indulged about a "strong foreign
policy," "national honor," etc., means
anything, it means that he believes
with Pinchot that this nation should
have declared war against Germar.v.
If Hughes does not mean this, then
1 is talk is mere political bunk.
A good many of the issues in this
presidential campaign are pretty well
mixed up, but this issue war or
peace is beginning to be clearly de
Wilson kept the boys of America
your boys and my bos out of the
European slaughterhouse, where al
ready upwards of 15,000,000 boys,
just like yours and mine have been
killed, maimed or are suffering the
horrors of prison camps.
Pinchot says that this is "the wovst
of all"' of Wilson's many crimes.
And Hughes, afraid to be as frank
as Pinchot, lest he lose the German
vote, talks glibly about the weakness
of Wilson's foreign policies and the
loss of our national honor. Omaha
Hunt up your last winter's ovcr
coat. -:o:-
However, many of us are fofl any
brand of reform that's fashionable.
Julius Pitz has made an excellent
county commissioner, always atten
tive to his duties in every way, and
deserves to be re-elected. Look over
the roads in his district, and his other
official duties, and see if he has not
done well enough to deserve a re
election. No pne could do better, and
many not half as well. Remember
The voters want to keep their
weather eye in the direction of John
Murtey, the democratic candidate for
the legislature from Cass county. He
is a grand, good man, and should be
elected, because he is abundantly well
qualified to fill the position with abil
ity, and after he has served his time
there will be no disappointments in
the good woik of John Murtey. Y'ou
can depend upon that.
The frost didn't get the corn.-
Man is a mister, while woman is a
Hitchcock here' Tuesday, evening.
October 3.
The frost is on the pumpkin good
and plenty.
v :o:--
Girjs- will be girls if they can't be
married women.
It doesn't take the average honey
moon long to get ready for thd' em-
Y'esterday was an easy day for the
bartender. Bond election, and the sa
loons were closed.
Even us democratss would not deny
that Mr. Hughes has a nice smile
when posing for a picture.
It is all right to profit by your
mistakes, but, say, aid man, don't
make making mistakes your regular
There are many servant girls who
want $12.00 aweek as salary, not
wages. If they get it, there are many
wives who would like to change places
with them.
A man may bs awfully absent-
minded and forget where he lives and
what his name is, but he never forgets
that you borrowed a dollar from him
and didn't pay it back.
Less taxes is pretty close to the
pocket book of every voter in the state.
That's what we get in Nebraska un
der a democratic administration. Don't
you think it should be continued?
Tlu more that Keith Neville travels
the more votes lie makes. His per
sonality is one the people' like, and
his record as a gentleman, citizen
and business man is one on which
there is no discount. Arid thfc meie
you know him the better you like him.
He will be a governor of whom we
will all feel proud.
In sixteen years of power daring
fourteen years of which it wielded ab
solute control of both houses' of con
gress, what did the republican party
do toward tariffff reform.
What did it do with the currency
promt m .
What did it do with Ajaska and its
resources :
What did it do with child labor?
What did it do with workman's com
What did it do with rural credits 2
What did it do about preparedness?
What has the democracy done in
three years and a half with these
problems ?
Wrho are the leaders of the repub
licanism today the men who nomi
nated Hughes and are managing his
'()n the Other Foot'
The Fremont, Neb., Tribune (Rep.)
says: "Not in the legislative history
of the country has there been another
such spectacle as that of the congress
of the Ignited States meekly bowing
to the dicates of a set of men who
ordered it to pass an act or they
would cut the throat of the commer
cial industry and paralyze the entire
business of the country. More than
that, they would starve the people."
But what about the railroad presi
dents? They were ro anxiojus for the
strike that they anticipated it by put
ting an embargo on freight. They,
too, were willing to "cut the throat of
commerce." They were willing to
paralyze business and starve the peo
ple. Tiiey were willing that thepco
plc should suffer or die in order that
unionism might be destroyed.
These railroad managers have al
ways been able to use congress for
their own selfish ends. This is the
first time when congress has 'bark
ened to any other voice. And the re
publican presu that has always pointed
to the corporation leanings of con
gress as "maintainence of national
honor" is horrified, now that congress
has dared to give a little help to
workinnrmen. Omaha Ncbraskan.
Hon John A. Maguire should be re
elected to congress, because his years
of service was crowned with success,
and his record was one that any man
should be proud of. The people have
a chance to choose between C. F.
Rcavis and John A. Maguire, and we
are decidedly in favcv of the latter,
because he works in congress for tho
good of his district.
Henry Ford, author of the Ford car,
millionaire peace advocate, who car
ried his home, state of Michigan for
president oa the republican ticket,
also this district of Nebraska, has an
nounced himself for President Wilson.
He thinks, as we do, that the demo
crats went too far on the prepared
ness business., but the republicans
would go still farther and he isn't in
faror of it. As we said before, the
only difference between the editor and
Henry is his millions, his think tank
seems to run along about the same
lines as ours.
Partisan assaults upon the child
labor law, in which charges were
made and are being made by Hughes
stump champions, have encountered a
rebuff. They set out that the child
labor law contains a joker that de
stroys its value.
Owen B. Lovejoy, general secretary
of the National Child Labor commit
tee, with offices in New Y'ork, send.-:
out a statement endorsing the meas
ure, and suggesting that "the child
labor problem is too serious a one
to have its issues blurred by politi
cal differences," and appealing to
friends of child labor legislation to
"help keej) clearly before the people
the facts of the child labor cam
tee," says Mr. Lovejoy s statement.
"has issued today a protest against
current statements to the effect that
the recently pa-sod federal child labor
law is a 'fraud and a joker.' Wo
iiepe no one will he misled oy mese
rumors. The bill was carefully drawn
iml thoroughly considered. It was
not jammed through congress, but h:is
been pending three years.''
He directs attention to the ft that
only two republicans. Penrose and
Oliver, voted against it, and ten demo
crats, all from Southern states.
"If the law is a gold brick," says
Mr. Lovejoy, "both parties made the
brick, and the attempt to use it as
campaign material is absurd.' The
law is as air-tight as a law can be.
It was framed by the best constitu
tional lawyers in the country."
Mr. Lovejoy says that the thirty
days clause, which has occasioned the
charge that it contains a joker, does
not relate to shipment in interstate
commerce, but to removal from the
factory, and was intended chiefly to
prevent evasion iof the . law by the
storage of child-made goods in a
warehouse. He did not believe that
anyone could attempt to use it as a
means of evading the -Jaw.
Exit, a well-worn campaign, roor
back. Lincoln Star.
Why don't your hens lay when eggs
are high? They do not get the
chemical ingredients that the
grasses and green feed supply in sea
son. -B. A. Thomas' Poultry Remedy
supplies these very ingredients, only
in a more concentrated form. We sell
it and guarantee you, to get eggs.
H. M. Soennichsen.
Puis & (Tansemer.
Mothers are sometimes so thought
less as to neglect the colds which
their children contract. The inflam
mation of the mucus membrane, at
first acute, becomes chonic and the
child has chronic tatarrh, a disease
that is seldom cured and that may
prove a life's burden. Many persons
who have this loathsome disease will
remember having had frequent colds
at the time it was contracted. A lit
tle forethought, a bottle of Chamber
rain's Cough Remedy judiciously used,
and all this trouble might have been
avoided. Obtainable everywhere. -
Sales bill3 done quickly at the
" J -t.
Xi r-r X:: '
K i
.NJfcX. &
cit: .v.Vn.
and ax-Corsgressman
will both speak at the follow
ing places:
Louisville 10:30 a. m.
Weeping Water 1:30 p. m
Avoca 3 p. m.
Don't fail to come out and
give these eminent speakers a
cordial greeting. Bring your
neighbor with you.
tTrom Friday's Daily
Mrs. Sherman Cole anil sister, Mrs
M. L. Rynott of San Diego, Cal., were
am-ijig those going to Omaha this
morning to visit for the day with
Leslie Neil, v. ho has been visiting
at Waterloo, Neb., with his parents
and friends, returned last evening
on .no. J.
Ed Doian, William Weyers and V.
I. llirsh, all of Tipton precinct, were
in the city yesterday for a few hours
looking after a few matters at the
court house.
W. F. Gillespie of Mynard was in
the city for a few hours today en
route to Omaha, where he will visit
for a few' hours looking after some
business matters.
A. I. Fornoff and brother, George,
and George Lohnes, who were spend
ing a few days near Huron, S. D.,
looking after land interests, returned
home this afternoon.
A. S. Will departed yesterday after
noon for Mexico, where he goes to
look after his business interests iri
the state of Sonora, anil will be ab
sent from the States for some time.
Mrs. Charles McGuire, accompanied
by her daughter, Mrs. Will Decker of
Osmond, Neb., departed this morning
for Gretna, Neb., where they will en
joy a visit with friends and relatives.
R. C. Dill of Rosalie, Neb., who has
been here for the past two days visit
ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ant! row Dill, departed this morning
for his home, going to that city on
the early Burlington train.
Adolph Nierstheimcr and wife of
I'ekin, 111., who have been here, en
joying a visit at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. II. Meisinger, near Cedar
Creek, departed this morning for their
home-in the east. Mrs. Neicrstheimer
is a sister of Mrs. Meisinger.
J. F. Morris and wife of Camas,
Wash., are in the city enjoying a visit
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Linderman, and the event is one of
much pleasure to the families. Mrs.
Linderman and Mrs. Morris are sis
ters and are enjoying to the utmost
the visit.
from Saturday's Dawy.
Adam Stoehr was among those
visiting in the city today, driving in
to look after the week-end shopping.
W. p. Moore of Lincoln arrived last
evening, called here by the death of
Mrs. F. H. Steimkcivhis mother-in-law,
and will remain "until after the
- John Kraeger came up this morn
ing to visit for a few hours with his
friends and look after some matters
of business.
George Smith, from near Rock
Bluffs, was in the city yesterday
looking after a few business matters
for a short time.
Mrs. D F. Whiles motored in this
morning from her home south of
the city and was a passenger on the
early Burlington train for Omaha
to spend .he. day. I
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Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Miss Lydia V. Opp and John G.
Hansen were married at Nebraska
City Monday, September 25th, at H
o'clock by the county judge of Otoe
These young people were born and
raised in this community, where the
fathers and mothers of both of them
were raised. It seems fitting that
these old pioneer families should be
united in more than neighborly bonds
and friendship. The groom's grand
father settled on the farm where John
was born in 1853, and the grandfather
of the bride settled on the farm where
she was born in the early sixties, so
they came from old pioneer stock on
both sides.
The families of both sides are well
known and highly respected citizens,
in a ft., a
The ftlehawka Mills
arc now Rolling and Manufacturing the
Lnv MP
The Popular Cass County Brand of Flour
Also a Full Line of By Products!
C. D. ST. JOHN, Prop.
JOE MALCOLM, Head Miller.
For Sale by Hatt & Son, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Winter Tourist Fares!
Elective October 15th. we shall establish attractive
Winter Tourist fares to Florida, Gulf resorts, Texas and
the South generally; 'also a plan of diverse-route Southern
tours.. With Southern- Europe closed to Winter tourists.
accommodations at these Southern resorts will be in strong
demand. It would be well to make arrangements early.
The usual Winter rates, with uiue months' limit.
Eurlingtn through-service routes to Denver, Kansas
City, Stl Louis, Chicago, form
portions of diverse-route tours
tive Southland! Ask for publications. '
VA Af Fk is
ranwnrmini a
1W H
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
honest, thrifty, law , abiding and an
honor to any community. We wish
the world was filled with such people.
The young couple have been sweet
hearts since their school days, so their
marriage was not such a surprise as
it would have been under other cir
cumstances. The bride is a singer of note in this
community and there are very few
who have not heard her sweet and
bird-like tones on many occasions.
A 6 o'clock dinner was served at the
bride's home to the immediate fami
lies only. For the present the newly
weds will be at home with the groom's
family. We know the whole commu
nity will join us in wishing the young
people happiness, health, long life and
prosperity Nehawka News.
Office supplies at the Journal office.
conspicuouf and desirable
of the historic and attrac-
a m v m mm
R. 17. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent
r w
Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.