PAGE' I. 6 2.42 ... 13 23.20 '..'. 16 S,4'. iililtilon to Plntthmoulli. Block. Amt. 4 19.96 4 21.24 . 4 1 .76 4 1.21 1. 2 10 12.04 Riverside Addition to Weeplnjc Water. Lots. Block.. Atnt. 1 to 3 1 416.65 4. i 2 11.51 6 2 69.01 3 to 6 3 14S. 73 12 t.o 14 3 104.52 Pltcliie Addition lo Weeplnie .Water. 1 2 5.70 -. 2 5.68 3 2 5. 70 4 2 41.15 6 2 10.93 Park Place Addition lo Weeitins Water. I ms i Block. Amt. '.. 4 10.26 "iteclor Addition 10 ceplnR Waler. Lots. Block,. Amt. t 1 1 1 I .WW ' 1 -" 10 to 13 -J 14 ' 1 Clark Addition lo W eepliiK Water. t P.loek. Amt. NOTICE OF DE LINQUENT TAXES OF CASS COUNTY I.alla Flrat Atldliloo. to 6 7 3,91 4 . r: 7.90 i!i6 i. or. 21.20 8 I While Lot. I lo 1 21 to 7 to 17 Cii:H" I'lii1'1 20. ?. 10 7 x 1?. 16 Me NV. 1. 2 S'i 1. 2 N 70 fl 3 llto 13 S 70 ft 3 vii.l.f;i: OP XF.IIAWKA. I.ot, Eloek. Ami. So 120 f I of 1 to 8 1 .4 4 s r. i.r.:: .'. 8.97 S 2-3 4 to 0 7 7.T.9 Vouaic and Ilayen Addition to PlallN- motitb. Lot. 3 to S 1. 2 .. 1. 2 . 1 to 4 1. 2 . 3. 4 . P.loek. Atnt. .. S 104.S2 10 IS 20 20 3 ' 33 9.4 9 10.21 20 . I S 22.46 S . 6 .1 24 i; li ! 10 10 IX. 6S 9.11 112.46 .ll Ileal P.Mlale in t'a.wM limokfl, for Hit rnr i'rior trt, Comity, Ittl." and 10. SmW 8 : 1 Shall We 1.1 .1 12 44 272 20 CS 76 2 4 7 2 76 -3 4 fr V I i ; IT; 1 . 4 ASP 1 4 -. '7 .! iff is li.Tohy jjivcn that T, V. Kflly l-'ox, Tri'iisurf r !' Cass ruiinty, in 1 1 Stat of NVInuska, win on tli lirst MuMitay, Vioin tlio fust lay of .vt-rnhi-r, i:l, as roiuiril )y law, . .jiihii. nci slliiiK at tht1 office of th imtv Tri-asiiier of said County, ill Hi.- City f l'la tttsmmilli, at publir i n-t ion. so much of tli following traits of lands arid town lots as shall i- ii--.sary to pay the taxes, together with interest and rosts that may have aiiriifd thereon that day. heiiifr tlie de liroiiient taxes for the year 1!M", and prior years, as appears from the tax 1 i t f said years. Said sale will he held hetween the hours of nine oVloek a. in. ami four o'i'loek p. m. of said date, and eon linue from day to day between said hours until all of said property, upon which delinquent taxes remain unpaid, rtliill he sold or otfereil for sale. W. KKLLY FOX, Treasurer Cass County, Nebraska, l'lat tsuuuit !i, Nebraska, t (etcher 1. I. MS. 'I on nhi IO. Hnnue !. See. n w t J ne '4 7 I.ot I ...l V ' '. W i" N w " Sw 1 Se4 ne , nei, lie 1 W, I...t N 1 . i : . n l r. 17 ; rrruiimiil t'l-criucl. 'I'u nlii II, Itnuue !. - See. 'i neu s:u ' : : : : . : "il ft lot S se'j se4... :i I Snli t'ri'i-k lrMiiift. TowiiNbip 1:1. Itnuue i. See. 14 It . . . . 1 11 U 1 .". . . . . I'O . . . . I'O . . . . ::i :u . . . . t . . . . :: l N'w'i ne'., SW'4 tie' t Sf't nwU Ne1, nw . NW'i se'4 Ni nwU Lot 1 sw 'j se So pt lots sw1, l.(it 10 sw', se'4 Lot 4, se'i nw', . I.ot::. se ', ne Lot 7. se 1 , ne . . . I.ot '2V. se , ne ', . . S' . nw', I.ot X Lot It; Snl lot 1-J, l-ot 1" se'4 St' l Ami. 12.17 12.17 l;.40 i'0.::o ::x . 42 no . 27 i.o.47 A mt. . 7 .'00. l ::s . oo 4 .:!4 A nit. 1. SO 2::.M.". 21.71 IS . 47 17.2.-. 4:: ::i ::i l Lot ,ot I.ot Lot 11 Se', S'-. se ' XW ', .... "1 nv. ', ::i se'i llW'i I I:IiiimmI I'rrt'liiff . 'ronihi II, lliniKe lO. sw '.4 n w 1 , .V South llenil I'reeluet. 'l'o nhip IU, ItaiiK See. ,ar.d sublets of fi, 7, S, 11. 12. i:.. It 11 sw'., 11 .... 1 W rriiinx Winer I'reelnel. Tovnilii to. Itnnure II. See. 1 :!' 21 .ss . 4S . 1 4 . 2! .sr. . . ?. 1 . :: .::; .so . i .S7 . 4S . ; A int. 1 . 2 15. 2'i. IX 03 Lot Lot Lot 12 Nw nw 1 sw ne ' , I Ctfilr-r I'rr-iiict. Xe', Nw ': Lot Lot I Lot Lot : Sub 'lotviiMlii I-, Unlike II. Sec. H 14 i :. l r l :. ir. i.i se',; scU :: i - Amt. 1.6; 6.33 4 .:1.1 mt. 17 se JO 1 , se . ne I, :1, n e' .4 1 2, se 1 , se ' , li. se se', lot 1. of lot C 79 is 1 16 . i .47 .63 ..19 ' , !. .66 .X3 Lot Lot Lot 1 1. 1 1, l.uniille I'reeliiel. 'I'oivuMhip II, Itanue II. See. 1 nwli 12 nw'., 12 tvicn lre'liiet. 'I'oivimliip IO, IliiiiKe ill. See. Sw4 llW'i 1 ne',4 2 Ne', se, 2 Se'4 se4 2 XW, 3 Lot 7. sw a -se'4 Lot 14, 1't n w Nw 4 r 7 10 is 2t; l I'lra.miil lreeinet. Tonslilp Itanne I-. See. nw'4 nw V, . nw'4 w of Mop. Amt. !' . xfi Amt. 1.1. 4S 22.70 . ;2 .62 '! .30 .49 . X.I 13 21 16 . 16 . r.i . 23. S4 . 4-.1 II vii.i.'cr. op w .viiasii. Lot. Hloek. x 2 1. 2 S :: to it 8 10 s 11 to 13 .X 14 to 20 8 U. Of 0 ! ft 9 1.. of tf ! 10 9 23, 2 4 9 HOCK HLIFFS. Lot. Work. 1 2V 2 2V 11 2 V 12 2 W 1 to 12 :!v 1 to 12 7&SW Lot 1 and 3 to 12 IN' 2 and 13 lo 1C IX 10 4S .1, 6 13S 1 to 10 IX IK i toio ix 21: 1 to 10 IX 3K, 1-2 IX 1 to X 2x21: 1 to S 2X 3K i to "ioV ix i'v".' i-2 '.'.." ."1x2 : 3. 4 1X2W .1 IN2W to 10 1X2 W 1, 2 1X3W 3. I 1X3W .1 1X3W . 7 1X3W S 1X3W 9 1 NSW 10 1X3W 1 to X 2X 1 2W 1. 2 2X3 W :i to X 2X3W 1 to 12 1SSW 1 to 3 2S"iW 1 ...1S1W J.r.siw 1 to 12 T.S2W 1. 2 .1S3W 3. 4 .;1S:!V .1 to 12 .1S3W 1 to 12 .1S4W 10 2S2K 1 to :: 4S2K i to 10 : SS 2K 1 to 10 10S 3K All 12S4K HI T LOTS TO TIIK CIT OP PI Mill Til. TvhmIi1u 12 ltance 14. See. So 63 ft lot 11 7 ! Lot 6S, se'i nw4 7 Township 12. Kriikp 13. See. Amt. IS. 24 .27 .43 .2f. .21 .7! 32. 4 x .27 .27 .27 Atnt. .2.1 .90 r..s2 .47 .47 2.19 .9.1 .1.9.1 .29 .3.1 1 .67 1 .2.1 1 .2.1 1 .S4 2.74 .27 1.01 .3.1 .27 .27 .47 . 27 .39 .66 . 60 . 2-1 . 2.1 .SI . - 4 .39 .39 . 43 .43 . 46 PLATTS- Amt. 10.74 4 9.. "6 . Amt. Lot !I6, sw4 nwli Pt Val- lery I Mace 12 32.13 Kpt. lot .13. se1,, seH 12 3.72 NV'. l.t 62, nw'i se'i 12 22.46 Lot 67 and 7 neU nw'4... 13 IS. 00 Lots 16 and 9. se'.i nw'4 ...13 22.46 Lot 30. no!, ne',4 24 H.10 Lot 46. se'.i se'i 24 16. S9 TotvriMliip I-, HaiiKP 14. Lot 6.'sV sw!', IS 14.16 Lot 13, s'i sw4 IS 272. S3 Lot 24. sS sw'i IS Lot .13. s'i sw', J ... 1 S 1.1.78 Lot r.l. s',2 sw'4 IS .112.47 Lot 23, s'g sw'4 IS 69.41 Lot 7S. sV. sw'4 IS 24.96 Lot 79, s sw'i IS 24.96 Lot SO. sV. sw', IS 16. S.I Lot S3. sVi sw'4 IS 3.82 Lot S4. sU sw'i IS 16. Sf. Lot 93. s'i aw'i IS 22.71 Lot , s',-i sw'i IS IS. 6.1 Lot !)7. s sw'i IS 2.67 Lot S.I, 86. se'4 sw'i IS 2.44 Lot 19, se'4 .e1, is 23. oo S 6S ft lot 11. nw'i nw'i ..19 27. 8 Tot 136, sw'i ft s of lot 11, (lot ' : mvK 1 :.20S 142 1 nwH nw'4 Lot Lot. 7 6 111. sw IT OP nw'i 19 nwVi i!) PI.ATTSMOPTII, ltlock. 9.71 31 .36 31.84 to ; w '.. 1 0 KVi 10, all 11, 12 Lot Lot Ne', Lot Lot Lot Lot SI.. NV W vi s . Sw ', w v.. lol ne'i sv . n w 'i .... r.iuiit "Viiie 'I on iiMliip :. se'i .'-3, w '. sw 1 Ton lethifi and nw'i 24 2.1 31 IJruvp Preelaet. Itaiiue Vi. See. Amt. 76.11 1.32 S0.!I2 13. IS Itaiisf I". See. 2.1 2 S Nelunika Preolin-t. 'I'mi nlii( IO, Itaimc 13. Sec-. ntl-l; . 2 se 1, , ne 1 1 n w se ' 13.- 13 24 29 29 3 t Amt. 2. SO 9 .97 Amt. 21 ..17 63 . 61 19.10 Amt. 37 .('.1 37. S3 4 .............. se'i sw '.4 : Liberty Preeinet. Tvaliit IO, Itanue 14 See. W'i. sw'4 17 Lots 3-4-.1. N',2 se!, 17 Lot 13, nz se'i 17 Lot 1, ne!, nw4 .. 28 SwU se'i 28 Lot 2, sw'i se', 32 I.ot 1. east side River 3 4 Went Itoeli illiiliM I'reelact. Tovu.lii II, Itaajte i:t. Sec. X'i sw'i 1 N 1 '. sw'i-s'-i. sw, ami se1, 7 Nv'4 . ". ! X ' nw'i is 27. 19. .16. 16. 92 S.I r.6 49 Amt. 2 4.61 1 .40 j i 70 94 4.1 81 94 2S4 12 111 Amt. 37.74 Lot y ' is, n w V, nw'i 23 9. ne'i nw'i 21 Past Itoek HIuiI'm Prrciaet Tviilii II. It a nt e 14. See. n e ' 4 7 130. 67 3S. 19 1'6 61 67 63 4 0 31 ' i Lot 4 to 6. 1 Lot 12, w'i se'. Lot 5. se'i sw . i.ot 2, se1,, nw'4 . . Lot 2S. nw1, ne'i Lot 2. se', ne'i . . Amt. 11.54 Lot IS. Lot 24. se'i lie V, n w !, nw sw .4 , Lot Lot 14. Lot 13. Lots N'j, Lot 14. nw'i se ', sw ', sw ', ne', ne ',, I : u 1 'o 9-14-2 ne!,-s!i ne'4 se, 4. se'V se!i Pint Lomotil a Totvii!hi VZ. Ilaiie i:t. See. w'i lot S. e'i lot 7 . . . 11 lot S. all lot 9. ne'i 1 Hi 20 21 21 21 21 2S 31 ne 'i -nw i 31 31 31 PrH"iiiet. Lot 19. 16. ..11 .96 .37 .56 ,90 .69 .33 .11 .31 .35 se ; TomiMliip Nw'', lie!, Lot 3 7 Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot I.ot Lot Lots ; Lot 7 Lot X k S ' -' 40 42 43 S. ne'4 6 . . Lot. 2 k 4 h 11. Lot. ! 9 lot 19 lot 1 VI LI. A UK TILLAGE to 10 11 12. linage 14. 14 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 29 33 33 33 33 MAM.EV. Block. 1 $ 1 1 1 o OP' Mt RRAV. Block. 4 6 4.7: Amt. 4 .06 7.29 it S V-4 10 11. ' 6 4. .1, 6 No Wash Ave, lots 9 6 9. 10, n',i 11. 12 4 to 12. 1. 2 x r.o ft 4 .1. C nv. r. WVs 10 12 W 23 ft sub lot 6 of and w 23 ft sub lot 31-100 ft Pearl st bet 80x110 ft . KVi 3 K 20 '.. ft lot K V. 6 S 20 ft 7 4 6 , 10 S'i 4 7 9 0 1 1 11 1 1 13 19 19 21 21 21 23 23 28 30 30 A m t 531 .86 .11 ir. 167 r. 5 , is 38 104 40 3S.90 69.39 4. 17. 381, 19, 20, 17, 17, !..- 90 04 30 o o 27 27 15.33 1.88 .1.1. 3 S :1.66 IS 44 43 7S 320 72 4.1 1 14 !. 14 nv 16 bk and 47, 1 11 Kxcept off K side. 7. S 3. 4 8 W 11 ft 3 4 1 7 WVi 8 S 60 ft of w 24 ft 3 1 4, 5 RVi . 7 ' Pt lot 9 13 7, 11 1 sv. fi. 8 12 to 6 1. 8 i. : s pt s pt s pt s. 10 5. 6 8. 9 34 31 36 36 36 3 6 41 41 4 2 43 44 44 45 4.1 46 48 48 48 49 49 52 52 53 54 .16 57 60 60 61 62 63 63 63 63 65 75 SS 88 44 . C4. 73. 1 00 . 30 6S 36 21 94 75 37 22 9 '. 2 9 1 , 1 . 14. 1 . 5. , 1 33 48 OP .36 .26 .54 .25 .34 .56 .SS .62 .29 .41 Amt. .90 .44 .44 .32 .66 Amt. 9.60 10.73 1. 2 sr. 3 to 6 9.-. 9 95 10 95 9 98 9 Ill 10 ill 11 Ill 12 Ill 1. 2 122 10 122 11, 12 122 i 123 10 123 11. 12 123 138 10 138 SVi 11. 12 149 r 164 40 37 250 21.1 1 1 . 23 3.1.81 9.10 22.26 .88 20. 7S 4.55 , 20.23 I 2 12 16.56 89.01 22.62 72.59 26.81 51.70 80.33 100.17 31 36 46". 94 66. CO 23.36 24 .68 6.87 13.45 11.33 9.56 .65 .65 .44 .10 .36 .04 .6.1 .94 18. 14. 90. 54. 11, 21.67 20.02 44 20 70 90 2' 21 92 76 60 59 91 30. 15. O 17. 115. 12. 114. 11. 34. 32. 13 9 1 NVi 6 10 4 and 6 7. 8 Und Vi 8 . . Michel wait Lot. .164 .166 .166 .168 .171 . 221 221 .224 . 224 17.98 18.00 16.63 15.76 13.45 466. 26. 15, 31, 45, 8, Addition to Plattomout h. Block. Amt. - 1 6.15 rowniienrt Addition to Plnttamoath. Lot. Block. Amt 1 1 15.96 2 1 15.96 1 to 8 2 16.09 5. 6 5 13.55 11. 12 5 16.89 1. 2 : 6 2.42 3. 4 6 31.04 to 8 io'V ; . . 38 38 45 4 7 Orchard Hill Addition to PlattMinoulh. Lot. S 9 lb' ami 11 to Ye" Kx ir" 21. 22 23 24. 2.1 26. 27 2S 6, 7. 8 9 Block. I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 7 8 Amt r..s7 1 .56 S. 1 . 7. I . IS. 7 , 1.1 6 28 .16 70 5S .12 71 9 4 77 !l! II ay cm Addition lo Plaltnnioul It. Lot. Block. Ann. 7 2 52.1.7 Vallery Place Addition lo IMal Imiiioii I li. Lot. Block. Ami. All blocks 2, 3. 4 1:1. 12 Lots 1.1 to 20 16 12.89 !0 19 1.76 19 .6.1 Place- Addition lit PlattMninul h. Block. Amt. to 44.61 7.22 . . : 7.22 7.41 42.76 6.42 26 . 9 I 1.1 24. 2.1 Itiehey Lot. 1. 2 2 9 2 10 2 1 to 10 3 17 3 IS 3 19 3 1 to 26 4 Lois 17 nd 1(2. HrotviiN Sub Division lo Plat iNiiifMith. Lot. Block. Amt. 11 to 14 1 .1.11 II like Addition to Plat tMmoutli. Lot. Block. Amt. X pt 2-3 except rr 3 .86 4. e 2-3 except rr 7 7.o2 7 to 10 11 3.7-1 8. 9 12 3.SS Se'. 12 13 3.62 1 to 4 19 3.1. SI :;. 4 20 23.26 X to 10 2S 1 1 .33 Clark' Addition to PlattMninul h. Lot. Block. Amt. Lot 2 15.6S TlinliinHon Addition to Plat t Mm oil I II. Lot. 2. NVi 3 SVi n 36. S.I It S 4 ft 4. and ne'i 5 to 5. 9 6. 7 6 8 to 11 8 9 10 11. 12. s V 13 10 to 13 3 to 6 anil IS 21 to 26 1 to 6 9 Vil3 A 1 3 IS MIIcm Lot. Block. . . 4 . . 4 4 .. 10 . 6 6 8 10 11 11 14 Amt. 9.10 9.10 79. 17 12.7.1 1 5 . 9 1 1 5 . 6 S 4.74 .67 1.21 1 .21 x . 7 1. 4 . 3.1 0.1 2 . 9 6 2.87 6.72 6 6 .97 .97 .44 5, s V 6 N!i 6" . . . Doiielan Lot. Vddiliou lo PlallMinoiilh. Block. Amt. 1 11. SS 1 26.91 1 2.32 Addition to Plat turnout li. Block. Amt. 7 1 3.52 Staiideliuaun Addition to Plat turnout li. Lot. Block. Amt. 10, 11, pt 12 1 IS. 00 13 to 17 2 11.33 18 2 14.07 C 42 ft, 19, 20, 21 2 14.66 PilxKcrald Addition to Plal turnout h. Lot. Block. Amt. I'nd !i 5, 6 3 32.23 KKenlicrKTcr or I'leaxnnt Hill Addition to Plal t wiiioiil li. Block. Amt. 3 2.57 PlaltKinoulh. Block. Amt 2 31.90 3 7 .13 lo Plal t union 1 li. Block. Amt. is. 00 SI rcll wclMcr Addition to Plal I.hiiioiiI h. Lot. Block. Amt 2 13.1.1 ., .. ItlirriM Soli IMvlxioii. of Lot 30 "Ne1, .NP.Vi Sec. U4-I-LU Lot. Block. Amt 1 1.21 2 to 8 5.76 South Park Addition to PlaltMmoul h. Addition to Lot. 6, 7 Palmer Lot. 11. 12 6 11 Dove Addition Lot. 4 Lot. o , 14 15 16 15. 12. 16 14 1 6 7 10 1 to 3 . 1 to 3 . 4, 5, 6 . 10, 11, 1: 11, 12 .. 1 to 4 . 1. 2 Block. 7 S 8 S 10 11 19 21 24 2.1 28 2S 28 3 4 3.1 Amt. 46.6.1 2.60 2.57 26. S3 29.13 24. 7S .1 .S3 1 .92 6.77 1.21 6 . 06 19.63 17.84 17.12 17.77 16.7S 12. S.I 13.35 2.4 2 Vie Addition to Pla t Ixiuou t li. Lot. Block. Amt 4 2 1 . 7 6 43 1.77 .12 9.00 Porter Place Addition to I'lat IhiiioiiI h. Lot. Block. Amt. Sub lot 1 12 16.79 X pt sub lot 7 and sub lot 6 14 6.87 22 20.1S OWeil Addition to Plnttmou(h. 9 ) 8 9.00 2 9 1.21 t rrv op; watp.ii. Lot." Block. Amt. 4 3 4 .1.67 7, 8 34 9.14 1 A t.;.. 3 36 4.64 4 36 .86 5 36 29.36 6 36 20.87 1. 2 4.1 4. 78 3 4.1 26.53 4.1 4.46 46 17.14 4 6 9.18 47 4.20 4S 98.39 48 102.41 49 52.89 62 10.90 62 12.08 6 4 8.22 6.1 10.25 66 15.09 66 1.S7 67 337.67 67 56.41 69 92.05 73 .78 81 .SS S3 32.7 4 ft 4 S3 2.13 i SS 90.43 .7. 89 3.19 M emitting; Race Addition tm W een ine Water. Lots. Block. i. 4 1 1 1 1. 2":::::::::: o 4 XVi 1 and 2 . . 1 2. eVi 3 2Sx44 lot 5 K 1-3 7 5. I'i W 4 6 S 1-3 of Vi 10 N 1-3 of eVi 11 O 1-3 2 7, 8 N 72 ft 1. 2,all 3 W'i 3 and e 16 14 5 6 7 r 8 K 1-3 11 C 1-3 11 o N pt 5 3 SVi 4 4 N 22 ft 2 8 11 7 11 N pt 8. 9 11 Carter Addition to Weenlnir Wac.p. Lot. Block. Amt. NVi 1 1 17.52 3 4 15.33 2 5 12.26 3 to 8 5 2.22 5 to 7 7 22.54 8 7 4.14 Reed Addition to Weeping Water. Lots. Block. Amt. N 67 ft 1 to 4 1 6.97 Pt eVi 2 .89 8 7 12.97 Amt. 6.22 10.26 30.85 32.96 19.01 6.87 .77 6.87 15.65 8.22 113.67 5.16 4.26 57.30 . . ' -. Addition lo Wceplntc Waler. Block. Amt. .1 1.3S Hill Addition lo WceptiiK Water. Block. Amt. 1 13.70 op 1.01 isvii.i.p. Amt. 10, 11 . Trent Lots. . ...... "WaVnu'l" Lots. 1 to 6 mil ;i: Lois. 15.1 to 1..7 16 1 N pt ISO 197. 198 X 37 ft 29 1 29S. 299 210 3 24 325 326 o.rj ii 10 W. ...... WW. 3 11 3.11 to 3.13 exc rr 1't 3.1 I exc rr 37S exc rr 122 to 121 12.1 to 427 552 7 I S to 723 sot 'i n ri:m vu.i.vtd:. Outlot 9 sec 13. twp 12 Vtf 10.. Lots. ' Block. S',i lot S. all 9 to 11 3 30" 3 S'i 3 10 K',i 3 ili.a;i: op Lots. 11, ei. 1.1 29 to 3S 39 to .10 1.2 t ;s 102 1.16 to 162 163 to 17S , 197 199, 200 20 1, 205 209, 210 276. 277 279 to 2S2 3 IS to 323 33 1 to 336 346 to 3 IS 3.1 387 lo 3SS 3S9 390 to 3 9 'l 403 to 412 123 to 129 136 to 111 412 4 4 3 to 4 56 .1.13 to 5 41 .1.17 .1.19 69:: IS 4. It I.KVW OOl). to 69, 11.1 9 28.55 23. SI 26.79 .1 . 5 2 4.00 8.61 7.96 7 . 96 6 .9.1 6 .99 6.99 6 . 99 59.51 3S . S.I 1 .07 2 1.4 3 13.4 9 3.54 5.90 1 .92 A mt. 3.6 4 .IS .IS 2.0S Amt. .12.4 7 1.24 7 . 76 4.43 ill':! 9 . SS 9 . 9 2 3 22 13 SO 3 . 6 1 4I.5S 12.39 1.73 4 .73 3.61 3 . SS . 26ls9 .10.09 7 . 00 5 . 1 1 3 . S3 1.21 S . 90 26 .62 2.71 3.12 6 . 67 West (irri-iiMi.uil. Lots. 1 6 22, sub lot 2. 2 I 4 of 23 and 26 A mt. .$12. 29 . 12.9.1 . 1 9 . S .1 . 3.12 .Ioucm Addition to lircciMvood. 1 1 31 3 2 34 Ryder Addition lo l.rceiitvood. Lots. Block. 1. 2 6 3. 4 9 12 9;p. op i:ii.i:. Tow 11 hi lit. RilliKc U. Sec. Out lots pt lot 16, ne'4 se', 20 Lot 30, sub 19 sw!, se4 .. 20 Sub lot 3 of lot 30 sw1, se!, 20 Lot 31 sw'i se'i 20 Lot 32 or sub lot 20 sw1. se'4 Loi 12 s e 1 se'i 20 i.ot 32 se'i si-''i 2o Lot 23 Se1, se'., 20 Lots. Block. 17. IS 7 1 11 SK'. 3 to 12 11 S 10 12 II Pt t 16 10 IX 11 IS 15. 16 IS 11 23 12 23 15 23 1 to 6 21 16 26 vn,i,t(d: OP P.I Al WOOD. TnwiiNltiit IO. Rauice I O. Sec. Out lots, lot 10 ne'i ne'4.. 9 KV- lot 21 nw1, sw'i 9 Lots. 15 hick.. 12, 13 9 1 13 S 13 ft 1. n 16 ft 2 16 JO ' ' 12, all 13. 14 20 9.17 4.63 6.77 1.61 A lot. 9. S3 6 . .IS . 16 Amt. $ .63 2 . 6 1 1.61 .62 6 . 2 2 8. 21 5 . 7 9 4 . 07 Amt. .1 . so . 92 1.8 3 13.75 2 . 04 S.0.1 1.61 t; . 6.1 6 . 1 2 9 . 33 16.53 2.7S 1.11 Amt. 29 . 60 20. 7 S Amt. $17. si 1 1 .97 4 3 . S 4 IS. 57 5 33 11 .27 I'cruuon Addition lo Plitiwnnd. Lots. Block, Amt. S. 9 6 3.14;i: OP AVOCA. ToivitMliin IO, Ranu'c - See. Amt. Out lot 17. sw'i nw'i 31 $56.61 Lot. Block. Amt 1 4 4.06 1-3 3 19 Curler Addition to oca. Lots. . Block. Amt. 1 1 .5 1 1. 2 6 9.9 0 VII.I.Atil: OP I MO. TotviiMliip IO. ItaiiKc i:. Sec. Out lots, pt lot I, ne'i nwVi 26 Lots. Block. South I tiion. 4 9 Block. 1 4, 5, 6 . . 9 1.1 to IS . Lots. .... 9. 10 2 ill;i : OP Al l' It DOCK. Lots. Block. 9 20 ' I I.I. A 1. 1-5 OP I.VO. Lots. Block. 19. :'( l 21. 22 1 X 2 1 ft 3 X 24 ft 5 IS 14 15 Al 11 titer Lots. Addition lo Alvo. Block. 4 Amt. 36.07 Amt. 10. S6 10.20 2.0S S.20 Amt 9.43 61 .54 Amt. 3 .00 Amt. 11 .50 4 4.33 4 . 28 17.31 19.3 6 10.27 11 .47 4 .3S a mt. 1 1 . C. E. Wescott and wife and Mrs E. C. Wescott and son, Shirley, who have been here since the first of Sep tember visiting1 with their relatives and friends, departed this afternoon for their home. William Nickels and son, Lee, and daughter, Miss Etta, came up Satur day afternoon from their home near Murray to spend a few hours here looking after some matters of busi ness. FOR A MUDDY COMPLEXION. Take Chamberlainlain's Tablets and adopt a diet of vegetables and cereals. Take outdoor exercise daily and your complexion will be greatly improved within a few months. Try it. Ob tainable everywhere. r- .: - 1 1 m a- - m 1 Mm MOpt fete IProliiiEDstBQLi ? Under the existing Local Option Law, it lies within the power of the citizens of any community in Nebraska to adopt local prohibition for their own city, town, or village. i In every community in this state absolute control over this ques tion lies in the hands of the majority of the. voters. No interference from the outside is possible; nothing can thwart the wishes of the majority in the city, town or village, with respect to the question of license or no license. Many communities in this state have availed themselves of the power granted to them under our Local Option Law, and have adopted local prohibition for their own community. Where there is a dominant LOCAL public sentiment in support of that policy, it is possible to make the no-license policy respected and obeyed. There are, on the other, hand, many communities in this state where it is the opinion of the majority of the citizens that the license policy is better adapted to their own community. Where that is the prevailing sentiment, the community is permitted, under our existing Local Option Law, to license the sale of alco holic beverages subject of course to the provisions and restric tions of the general state law. In neither case, is a policy forced on a community from without. The principle of Home Rule prevails. It is now proposed to substitute for this policy of local self government, the policy of state-wide prohibition. This prohibition policy is not intended for the relief of communities in which the no-license policy already prevails, but is designed to FORCE such a policy on other communities against their will. The result, as the experience of other states has abundantly established, would be disastrous in every city and town on which prohibition is forced. It means, where dominant local sentiment is opposed to prohibition, lax enforcement of the law, the dividing of such towns into bitterly hos tile factions, the reign of the spy and of the in former, the rapid growth of crime and in the end it means higher taxes. Against the substitution of such a system for that under which Nebraska is now operating, everyone having the best interests of the people of this state at heart, should solemnly protest. The Nebraska Prosperity League OPPOSED TO STATE PROHIBITION. IN FAVOR OF LOCAL OPTION, HIGH LICENSE President, L. F. CROFOOT Treasurer, W. L. COAD Secretary, J. 13. HAYNES Send for our literature. OMAHA, NEBRASKA Mrs. Rose Karvanek and son, Vic tor, returned home Saturday after noon from Meadow Grove, Neb., where they have been enjoying a short visit with friends near that place. E. R. Dillahay and wife, who have been making their home north of this city near LaPlatte, have removed back to Plattsmouth and are now making their home here. Their many friends will be much pleased to learn that they will reside here in the future. hours looking after some matters of business with the merchants. C. L. Creamer and family from south of the. city were, in -Saturday afternoon for a few hours attending to some trading with the merchants and visiting with friends. FOR SALE. 1 Two good milk cows and one Rod Poll bull two years old. Inquire of V. Belohlavy, Maiden Lane, Platts mouth. 3td. 2tw. Harvey J. Ileneger and bride de parted this morning on the early Bur lington train for Omaha and from where they go to Carroll, la., for their future home. Mrs. Iver Standish and two daught ers, of Norton, Kas., are enjoying a. visit here at the home of Mrs. Byron Reed and family ahd while here Mrs. Standish called at the Journal oFice in company with Mrs. Walter- Reed and renewed her subscription to the- semi-weekly. Louis Born was among those visit ing in the city Saturday for a few : v- I ;fWW :' ' . . r Samuel H. Sedgwick OF YORK Candidate for Re-election for Supremo Judge His ability as a jurist has been proven in effi cient service on the su preme bench of Nebras ka. His public record is his chief endorsement. Ask your attorney lie knows