v ... PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1916. WILSON DOES NOT SEEK VOTES FROM DISLOYAL President Indignant at Charge He is Pro-British. Answers in Strong Words. To Tell Why He Seeks Another Term in Today's Speech. Long Branch, X. J., Sept. 29. President Wilson made it plain tonight that he wants no "disloyal" American to vote for him. He expressed indig nation over a telegram from Jeremah A. O'Leary of New York, president of the American Truth society, accusing him of bring pro-British and saying he had failed to obtain compliance with American rights. The president sent Mr. O'Leary a short telegram which officials indi cated Mr. Wilson had desired to put in stronger language. His message follows: 'Your telegram received. I would feel deeply mortified to have you or anybody like you vote for me. Since you have access to many disloyal Americans and I have not, I will ask you to convey this message to them.' 31 r. O'Leary's telegram, given out by the president, follows: "Again we greet you with a popular disapproval of your pro-British poli cies. Last year from the Twenty-third New York Congressional district and r.ow from your own state and from the voters of your party. Senator Martine won because the voters of New Jersey do not want any truckling to the British empire nor do they want dictatorship over congress. "Your foreign policies, your fail ure to secure compliance with all American rights, your leniency with the British empire, your approval of war loans, the ammunition traffic, are issues in this campaign." The president's attitude toward tho campaign and toward some of the is sues before the country were made known here today. It was learned that in his speech at Shadow Lawn tomorrow, and in subsequent address es, he intends to state definitely why he seeks another term. Following is an authoritative sum mary of his campaign attitude: The president will adhere strictly t his determination not to enter in to personalities or into political con troversy with Charles K. Hughes. All the speeches he will make away from Shadow Lawn will be delivered to non pa! tisan organizations and will be de voted entirely to a discussion of pub lic questions. By inference they will have a political effect. His speeches here, however, will be more political in tone. Tomorrow he will tell why he thinks young men should vote the democratic ticket. American voters are entitled to know, he believes, what republicans would do in Mexico, what attitude they would take toward belligerent nations in Europe, whether they would repeal the federal reserve act, the tariff law, the rural credits acts, the tariff commission bill, the eight hour law and other legislative acts of the democrats. Although several days ago officials here said the president would take occasion to refer frequently to the settlement of the recently threatened railroad strike, it became known to day that he has since decided not to dwell on this question. The president believes that satis factory setlement of pending interna tional questions can only be embar rassed by partisan discussion of them For- this reason, he is not expected to reply directly to the challenge is. su d by Mr. Hughes, that he deny or confirm the charge that John Lind went to Mexico with orders to oust (eneral Huerta. On this subject Mr. Wilson takes the position that Huerta was ousted, that the democratic ad ministration opposed him consistently and that, therefore, no reply is neces sary. In connection with international questions, an authoritative denial was made here today to statements that James W. Gerard, American ambas sador to Germany, is coming here to discuss reports that Germany is about to renew submarine attacks on mer Yhant vessels. It was said here that Mr. Gerard 'was returning to the United States onlj: because he greatly needed a rest. BAKU WIRE CUTS AND WOUNDS Are troublesome to cure. Get a bottle of Karris' Healing Remedy costs 50c make it at home. Heals rapidly. A sore never matters where this remedy is used. We sell it on the money back plan. H. M. Socnniclistn. pul & Gaiiaenier. Letter files at the Journal office. THINKS LIVERY RIG STOLEN THAT WAS HIRED FOR DAY From Saturday's rarty. A case of what seems to be horse stealing has been unearthed in this city and as a result, Q. K. Parmele, the liveryman, is greatly worried over what has become of his horse and buggy. Yesterday a stranger came to the barn and asked if he could se cure a horse and buggy for a trip out in the country and of course was ac commodated by the proprietor of the barn. As soon as he secured the out fit the man drove to the Perkins House, where his wife and children were staying and loaded them in the buggy, together with their baggage and drove away, and this is the last that has been seen of the rig or the parties who secured it. Mr. Parmele is hoping that perhaps the outfit will be returned to the barn, but it looks as though it was a case of a getaway with the horse and buggy. The sheriff is looking up the matter and the nearby towns have been notified to let him know if the outfit has been seen "in any of these places. MANY A SLIP BETWEEN HONEY IN THE CHIMNEY AND HONEY ON TABLE From Saturday s Dally. At the farm home of Anton Meis inger, west of the city, on the place owned by Frederick Guenter, M. S. Briggs with the assistance of J. C. York has been engaged the last week in painting the house and barn, which has added greatly to the appearance of the farm home, both buildings now looking like r.ev. The other night after having gone to bed, Mr. Briggs heard something light on his pillow between himself anil Mr. York, who were occupying the same bed. Milo thought it was a wasp and laid very still until a few moments later when he heard a bump against a window nearby and was at liberty to turn over, which he was very desirous of doing when he thought he could not for fear of being stung. Yesterday while painting the saddle boards on the top of the house Earl Meisinger told Mr. Briggs to look in the chimney, which was un used. and on doing so found it full of honey up to within about three inches of the top. When furnished with a butcher knife, which he fas tened to a long stick, and cutting the sections of honey comb from the side, of the chimney, harpooned one with the intention of lifting it out, but with the bees getting very friendly and thick around the top of the chim ney dragged the comb from the butcher knife, harpoon, and down it went lower in the chimney. Then Mr. York got some shingles, and going to the upper story of the house, thrust it into the stove pipe hole to catch the, honey while Mr. Briggs pushed it down. The first batch to fall was composed of bee bread and bees, and this Mr. York removed with the shin gle to empty it out of the window, in order to catch the honey which he knew was coming, and while doing so the honey followed, going down to the bottom of the long chimney, where it could not be gotten. Both the painters, with the family of Mr. Meisinger, were making prep aprations for a feast on the sweet ness, but found that there is many a slip between honey in a chimney and honey on the dining room table. ANDREW F. STURM Candidate for STATE SENATOR Solicits Your Support George Wiles of near Weeping Water, was in the city Saturday for a few hours attending to a few mat ters of business and visiting with friends. Peter Meisinger and wife of near Cedar Creek were in the city yester day afternoon attending to a few mat ters of business with the merchants, driving in from their country home. John Wunderlich, democratic candi date for sheriff, was in the city last evening for a short time, and de parted this morning for Greenwood to attend the meeting of the county cen tral committee.'' Scott Norris, J. A. Whiteman, F. P. Sheldon and several others from Ne havvka, motored up' yesterday after noon to spend a few hours here. The trip was made in the fine touring car of Mr. Sheldon and was much en joyed, as he has one of the best cars in this county. If you have anything for sale adver tise in the Journal. MR. DAN CUPID AGAIN GOMES 0 THE FRONT Miss Gladys Steinhauer and Harvey J. Heneger of Carroll, la., Are United in Marriage. Saturday evening at 8:30 at the home of Judge and Mrs. M. Archer occurred the marriage of Miss Gladys Steinhauer of this city and Mr. Harvey J. Heneger of Carroll, la. The wed ding was a very quiet one and the ceremony was performed in a very impressive manner by Judge Archer. The bride and groom were without attendants, and as they took their station before the venerable justice to have the words that made them as one pronounced, the occasion was one of deep reverence and it seemed a benediction upon the young hearts just entering life together. The bride was attired in a very pretty costume of blue silk, while the groom was attired in the conventional black. Fol lowing the wedding the bride and groom were entertained at the home of the bride's parents, where they remained over Sunday, departing this morning for their future home at Carroll, la., where the groom has a cozy home awaiting his bride. The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steinhauer, and is a young lady of most pleasing and genial disposition, who is held in the highest esteem by her large circle of friends vvhere she was born and reared to womanhood, in this city. Mrs. Heneger is a graduate of the Draughton Practical Business college and one of the accomplished musicians of the city, having been de voted to the study of music for a number of years under the instruction of Miss Olive Cass. The friends will regret greatly to lose this charming frdy from their circle of friendship but in her new home she takes with her the best wishes of the host of friends for hor future happiness thai she so well deserves. The groom is a very bright and talented young man of the highest character and standing and commands the respect and esteem of a larg circle of friends. lie is av former Ca-s county young man, having been reared to manhood here, where his parent.-, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Heneger are numbered among the leading fami lies in their locality, and his friend: in that community will learn of his new hanniness with the greatest of pleasure. He has a very fine? posi tion in Carroll and is rapidly forgin; to the front in his profession. "ANOTHER Mm WIFE," AT THE PAR MELE THEATRE SOON ;ew plays, new plays, and more new plays, has ever been the cry of tne tneatneal producer. there are enough plays submitted but plays with real merit are few and far between Like many firms Gaskell & MacYity have a "safety first" motto, and have adhered to the policy of producing book dramatizations; taking as a basis for judging the chances of a success ful venture, a book that has had very large sale, and with this point in view, gone ahead and had the best dramatizations made that could be made. So they have always produced book plays; this,, season,, howler, among the avalanche of plays sub mitted was "The Other Man's Wife, its name was what causedit to first receive a hearing. After reading the play they were impressed to the ex tent that they immediately made over tures for the possession of the piece It was the only play posessing that absorbing interest and novelty of con st ruction that they wanted. -Itesult, they have given it all that could be isKeu ior in tne way ot scenic m- vesture, and as good a cast as it was possible to get. The story of the play deals with the world-old problem of double-standard of morals. To be seen here at the Parmele theater next Tuesday, October10. C ASTO R I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signatuxeof Wear Union Soils With , The Munsing-Wear Label and you'll be fully satisfied this Fall This nationally known and famous union suit has its headquarters at the 5th St., and every man should give it a thorough going over before deciding the Munsing Union Suits fit perfectly, show careful workmanship and come in fabrics of the very best quality. Here you will see Munsing wear in every size for men. Regulars, shorts, stouts, extra longs and jumbo sizes for big men. 1 CELEBRATE Iff I ANT EVENT AT THE HOLY ROSARY CHURCH Yesterday was the twenty-fifth an niversary of the dedication cf the Church of Our Lady of the Holy Ros ary in this city and in observance of" that occasion the day was celebrated in an appropriate manner by the mem bers of the congregation. At the morning worship hour, the impressive high mass of the Catholic church was celebrated by Rev. Father Bouska, the first priest to perform mass ;n the chuich when it was dedicated and who came from South Dakota to be present yesterday to take part in the services. He was assisted in the mass by Rev Father John Ylcek, the present rector of the church, and the services were most impressive and attended by a large congregation that filled the chuich to overflowing. The various Bohemian lodges and societies of this city, as well as several from Oman?, and South Omaha met at the K. S. hall early in the morning tuv.l, headed by a band composed of young men, marched to the church to take part in the mass. In the afternoon a band concert was given at the K. S. hall, as well as an exhibition by a number of the Catholic turners and a very large crowd was present to enjoy the oc casion, that marked a quarter of a century of life for this parish, and every one enjoyed thoroughly the event. This was one of the most ex tensive demonstrations that has been given here for some time and the at tendance was quite large. Mrs. YV. A. Swearingcn of 'Oman a was a visitor in this city over Sun day with her many friends, and was accompanied to this city by her grand daughter, and while here was a guest at the T. M. Patterson home. J. N. Jordan was a visitor in Omaha vesterdav with his wife, who is at the Presbyterian hospital where she is doing quite nicely and seems to be on the highway to recovery. He was accomoanied to that city by Mrs. Barry, the mother of Mrs. Jordan. DESPONDENCY. When you feel disqouraged and de spondent do not give up but take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets and you are almost certain to feel all right within a day or two. Despondency ia very often due to indigestion and billiousness, for which these tablets are especially valuable. Obtainable everywhere. Letter files at the Journal office. 00 to C. E. New ties every week! FUNERAL OF MRS, F, R. STEMXER YES TERDAY AFTERNOON ! rr-i. . i : ti. . i !r iiiiieiai ei vices ot ins; litiv Mr-. F. II. Steimker was held yestei day afternoon at 2:'-)0 from the First Presbyterian chuich and a large num ber of the old friends and neighbors were piesent to pay their last tribute of love and respect to this grand good woman called "to her la'st long rest. The services were conducted by Rev. j H. G. McClusky, pastor of the church, ' who spoke to the friends of the long j and useful life of the departed lady and the example of a faithful Chris-j tian life which she had lived all of ! the years of her life since early girl- ! hood, when she first entered into the j church. During the service there ' were a number of the old and beauti- ! ful hymns given by the members of ! the choir. Following the services the ; body was borne to Oak Hill cemetery, where it was laid to rest in the family lot in the silent city. The wealth of beautiful floral remembrances sent by te friends spoke very eloquently off' the- feeling of love and esteem in which Mrs. Steimker was held by the host of friends. To the broken-hearted husband and sorrowing daughter the deepest sympathy of the community will be extended. CARD OF THANKS. We take this opportunity to thank the many kind friends and neighbors, the I. O. O. F., Degree of Honor, Daughters of Rebekah, the Burlington freight shop employes and others for their sympathy shown us at the death of our beloved wife and mother. The many gifts of beautiful flowers arc gratefully appreciated. MR. F. II. STEIMKER MRS. W. E. MOORE. LUKE'S CHURCH SUNDAY SPECIAL SERVICES AT ST, Yoxterdav afternoon St. Luke's Episcopal church was filled to its ut most capacity to attend the special service given for. the children of the parish by Rev. Father W. S. Lccte vector of the church and at this ser vice the oflice of baptism was given to several of the Little Helpers of the church and certificates given to mem bers of the font class of the little folks. Promotion cards were ako siven out by the rector to the mem bers of the font roll who are now to take up their Sunday school work. Several of the members of the class were presented with honor cards for their perfect recitation of the cate chism. The service was one filled with beauty and impressiveness and the lit tle ones taking part bespoke a greater interest in the church among the members of the parish. Father Lcete has devoted great efforts to the up building of his parish and is meeting with great encouragement from his membership. 1 Munsing Union Suits are not high priced. You can get them here just as cheap as in Omaha, Lin coln or any other city. You can choose from a broad selection too. The first Fall shipment is unpacked and now on display, a Suit Wescotts "EVERYBODY'S STORE" Parmele Theatre! ONE NIGHT ONLY- TUESDAY EVENING "Not a Moving Picture!" Ann Hamilton a star with It Appeals to Every Seats on Sale Friday at Weyrich & Hadraba's Prices 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 If you want to sell IT Are You Prepared for Cold Do not put off buying your Fall needs do it now as you have a wider selection of stock, and longer wear from the goods you purchase. Ask to see our line of Sweater Coats and Jerseys at prices that are right a wide assortment of colors and styles. Also have a complete line of Flannel Shirts in both flat and high collars, in dif ferent shades. Prices $1.25 and up. If you are in need of anything in the clothing line come in to-day, and look over our lines, you are under no obliga tion to buy. Philip Stetson Hats Manhattan Shirts corner of Main and underwear question Sons By Man, Woman and Child! Advertise IT It PAYS the Weather? ShiwiQ Hansen Gloves Carhart Overalls m