nrni'nan iv CT?rTTTPFlf 2 191 PAGE S. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. f it " y i i 1 1 k i k i i I American yjftygll Lady Corsets 1M "The Corset That Fits!" Mi jj.Vj i f!j J-j . . - JlwM i J 66Yyr 1 NEW LIFE IN THE OIL INDUSTRY Our Prices RANGING FROM $1.00 to $3.00 The Carter Oil Company Leasing New Land and Paying Cash for Five-year Leases. just the one you should have you will find among the various style we have in "American Lady Corsets." We Would Be Glad to Show Them to You Any Time. fila m Call phones 53 or 54 ES 9 11 HUMPH eft 9 We like to serve. HU''J Hitchcock Comin gf Senator Hitchcock will speak in Plaits mouth Tuesday flight, October 3. Remember the date and hour Tuesday nsght. Octo- ber S5 at IJ AUCLAYS KESTAUKANT. lJoy, you will tin J anything you ;.rit tu t-;:U l':-i:m "c t a dollar. l'try SarcUy raring Chicken with 'inrer 2i. Oyster stew 1"-; coffee, - it h pie, ."c; hot soup. hct cakes arid cutTte. iV. AH kinds of sar.d v. iches. ."f and .-ix for quarter. o--::-2wkd SOCIAL DANCE. MR. AND MRS. W. A. ROBERTSON CELE BRATE ANNIVERSARY The matter of oil in Cass county seems to have been given new life by the appearance in the locality of "Murray by representatives of the Carter Oil company, who are securing leases on land in all the localities pes sible, and who will continue the work of scekig for oil. This company seem? to mean business as they are payin ' the farmers oOc an acre for the o rights on their land for a period of live years and will undertake the work a.s they state without asking a cent from the land owners or anyone- else ami either locate oil or know the reason why. The new company oilers to the farmers 'n addition to the price for the lease on the oil rights, the proposition that if oil is found on an oi tne larms the owner is to receive i ro3-alt on the oil taken from his land. Th.-y will drill and undertake id I the work necessary to carry out the search for oil without asking the farmers or anyone else to contribute to the cost of the same and this makes the prospects for oil look rather rosy despite the fact of the failure of the recent operations v.t Union to locate i paying oil well. The activity of the representatives of the Carter com pany have been in the vicinity of "Murray and Nehawka and the resi dents of these localities have been verv much pleased with the fact that this company has come in on their own responsibility to undertake the work of searching for oil and have not asked the citizens to donate towards carrying on the work. It would certainly seem that there is some good indications of the fact that Cass countv has all the favoraMe indications of having oi A STRANGE PARTY PASSING THROUGH COUNTY ON FOOT Yesterday a very strange locking party passed through the neighbor hood four miles southwest of this cityheaded from Omaha to northern M'ssouri. The party consisted of a woman and two boys apparently rdv.t fifteen or sixteen years of age and a 7:umber of children who were racing along the road and apparently enjoy ing themselves very much. A push j cult served to carry the equipage of the expedition and all of the party were on foot with the exception of the youngest tot which perched in the cart and enjoyed being pushed along. The party stopped out near the FouV .Mile Creek on the Louisville road where they had dinner and it con sisted of a few vegetables that had been accumulated along the road. The party informed several of the people living along the way that they had been several days on the way from Omaha and certainly were in tough luck in making their way along in this manner. MRS. JOHN SGHEEL CELEBRATES HER Prepare for Winter by making an early selection of your Stove! eaung Pick out your stove now while we have a complete line. You can have it delivered whenever you wish. Prices may be higher later on. 50TH BIRTHDAY On Sunday, September 21th, a very pleasant birthday party was cele brated near Murdock when Mrs. John Scheel celebrated her fiftieth birthday anniversary in a most !elightlul man ner by spending the day surrounded by her children, relatives and friends. The day was spent most delightfully in conversation and music, and a number of games. At the supper hour all did ample justice to a most elegant supper which was prepared l s-rtnA hy the hostess. Mrs. Scheel in re- Yesterday was the fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Robertson, and in honor of the oc casion they entertained in a most charming manner at their home on North Sixth street a number of their friends at a G o'clock dinner. The anniversary being the wooden wed- beneath the surface of the soil or these representatives of the large oil interests would not be in the county offering the farmers the in ducements theyr are to secure the land on which tio make their ex periments. The residents of the county will be glad to give them the opportunity of investigating the oil question and with the hope that the fact of oil in paying quantities may he found in the county. The lands in ding, this feature entered into the plans of the evening and was carried the eastern section of the county are out in tne decorative scneme oi tne an Deing leased as ranutlv as nos- 1 ! jl l memorance oi tne occasion received a large number of handsome presents which he will treasure in the years to come as tokens of the loved ones and friends who had joined with her cn this very pleasant event. The event was one of the rarest pleasure to every one present and will long be pleasantly remembered. Those who came from a distance by automobile to help in the celebration were: Mr. and Mrs. Will Cadow, Mr. and Mrs. George Gacjow, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert There will be a social dance given . dinner. The beautiful home was taste- at the K. S. Hall on Saturday even ing, September 30. The usual good time; good music, and you are cor dially invited to be present. Make the date now and keep it. 0""p supplies nt the Journal office Uur Next H .xcursion HASE G0UNTY iraciay, uctober 1st BETTER eOE ALONG! A! IT !TS fa ft 5" B S S B a ySRv Pi Oil GIVEN AT THE J?cm fa IS P Saturday Evaning, SEPTEMBER 30h EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED GOOD MUSIC AMD A GOOD TIME fully arranged with decorations of the handsome wildflowors of the fall sea son, in which the Goldenrod predom inated, and in the dining room the geautrful Geldenrod was used in the table decorations. The knives and forks were of wood, while the place cards consisted of tiny clothes pins, which were tied with yellow ribbon, making a most pleasing and novel feature of the dinner. The dinner was served in four courses by Misses Lillian Cole, Hazel Dovey, Jessie Rob ertson and Mrs. M. II. Gray of Santa Rosa, Cal., mother of the host ess. Those present to ; enjoy this pleasant event were: Messrs. and Mesdames F. L. Cummins, C. G. Fricke, C. V. Baylor, A. J. Beeson, E. J. Richey, W. A. Robertson. The evening was spent most delightfully in visiting and enjoying a real jolly occasion, and at the close the guests departed homeward wishing Mr. and Mrs. Robinson many more such happy anniversaries of happy wedded life. GASOLINE THIEVES ARE NOW TRYING OUT THEIR HAND Last evening sometime, someone made a raid on a large tank of gaso line that was setting in the vicinity of the elevator at Mynard, and as a result of the visit W. F. Gillespie, the manager of the elevator, is shy several gallons of the fluid that furnished the power for the joy rider. Mr. Gillespie as well as Sheriff Quinton have a pretty good line on the parties who took the gasoline, and they would do well to come across with the money for the gasoline before it causes them more grief. It would have been just as easy for the parties to have called and asked for the gasoline as to have taken it in the manner they did and with the result that it is likely to land them in trouble unless it is set tled for at once. Our Jitney Offer This and 5c. Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5 cents to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold everywhere. $5.00 Phonographs at Dawson's. Gadow and daughters, Grandma Ga- sible and it would seem that work ! dow, Mr. Weinke and Emil Bronkow was to be commenced as soon as pos-;of Western. Neb. sible. A SPLENDID RECORD FOR CORN PRODUCED DURING THIS SEASON FOR SALE. 1 Frank Schlichtemeier, one of the leaing farmers in the vicinity of Ne hawka has made a record for corn this year that is going to be hard to beat for good corn and. the yield is exceptionally heavy. This season Mr. Schlictemeier plowed eighteen acres of alfalfa ground that had been liber ally treated with fertilizer. The land was plowed twice, listed, culti vated twice and harrowed. He has just husked two rows of the -corn and the result has greatly surprised him for the splendid yield shown, weighing it contained . eighty pounds to the bushel, it weighed out -11 bushels and thirty pounds on the two rows, 157 rods long. The owner expects to get 1,800 bushels from the eighteen acres. A good many of the ears measures ten to twelve inches. This is a splen did showing on the eighteen acres and demonstrates what can be done in the way of scientific farming which will increase the crops and give the land better treatment and the process of Mr. Schlictemeier in treating his land had a great effect on the splendid re sults secured. This is the best show ing made as yet in the 1916 corn crop and it is going to make anyone get up and go some to beat the yield secured on the Schlictemeier farm and it speaks well for the possibilities of farming is Cass county. MRS. JENNINGS NOT SO WELL. Reports from the Presbyterian hos pital in Omaha state that Mrs. T. E. Jennings of this city who is there re covering from an operation is not as well as she has been and has suffered a great deal of pain and this has caused her family and friends con siderable anxiety. Mrs. Jennings has been doing quite well up to this time and it is hoped that in a few days she may be in better condition and show the progress that has been hoped for. P. E. O. NOTICE. The P. E. O. society will meet at Mrs. Robert Hayes, Friday afternoon at 2:30. SOO-acre ranch at half its value. Sickness and age of owner the ronton. 8-room house, large barn; 210 broke. 400 tons hay. running water, 2 miles of good town; level. 100 head young cattle. All implements, feed, corn, horsese, etc. Possession at once. Sale must be made immediately. 241 So. 28 St.. Lincoln. Neb. A want ad will bring what you want. HEOiigTM m FORD GARS! Tlie following prices on Ford Cars and Chassis, f. o. b. Detroit, becomes effective August 1st: Ford Chassis.. $325.00 Ford Runabout 345.00 Ford Touring Car 360.00 Ford Coupelet.. . 505.00 Ford Town Car 595.00 Ford Sedan Car 645.00 We guarantee there will lie no reduction in the above prices prior to August 1, 1.)17, but can not as sure whatever against an advance in price any time. Ebb ILh I DEALER 9 1 DANCE SATUIJDAY. There will be a social dance given by the Cosmopolitan elub on Saturday evening at C'oates hall, to which a cordial invita V ticn is extended and a genuine I goed time is assured. The Holly orchestra will furnish the music. A Had .Summer for Children. There has been an unusual amount of sickness among children every where this summer. Extra precau tions should be taken to keep the bowels open and liver active. Foley Cathartic Tablets are a fine and wholesome physic; cause no pain, nausea or griping. Relieve indiges tion, sick headache, biliousness, sour stomach, bad breath. Sold everywhere. New Fall ress Goods! '0 9 A most complete line Exceptional values in shown in every grade in fashion's list of New Silks. Considering the heavy ad new shades, including navy, brown, green, vance in silks, we are enabled to show red, Copenhagen, and also black: some striking values: 36-inch all-wool serge, yard 59c 26-inch plaid and stripe taffeta, at 42-inch French " " 85c 85c, $ 1 .00, $1.25 54-inch storm " " 85c, $1,$ 1.50 36-inch black taffeta silkes, at 54-inch whip cord, 1.50 $1.25, $1.50, $1.65 54-inch wool popplins, " $1.75, 1.85 36-inch colored and striped taffetas, at 54-inch split gaberdines, 1.85 $1.50, $1.65 54-inch broadcloths, " 1 .85 36-inch two season satins special, $1 .00 40-inch Georgette Creps, in "all shades, including green, rose, copen, pink, flesh, grey and white, at $1.65 per yard. 0 nmrningsS We are showing the very latest ideas in gold and silver laces, bands, flouncing, etc. Fur Trimmings in good assortments from one to four inches wide. Velvets and Velveteens! (IN ALL SHADES) Corduroy Velvet, 30 and 36-inches at $1.25 per yard. 1 EH 'da pOftf .il Jbtf 0 QUALITY! SERV1CE! i-czzc: : DC J 0 VALUE! f