The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 28, 1916, Image 1

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Historical Soc
No. 133.
Democratic State Chairman Langhorst
Iuits Omahans and City
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 2C. Believing:
that Woodrow Wilson's visit will bring
thousands of Nebraskans to Omaha,
Chairman Langhorst of the democratic
state committee today announced the
committee would open headquarters in
Omaha on the second floor of the
I'axton hotel.
Mr. Langhorst hopes that all Ne
braskans who favor the re-election of
Piesident Wilson will not fail to pay
the headquarters a visit. All are wel
come he states.
His announcement is as follows:
"The state democratic headuarters
will be open at its Omaha branch, on
the second floor of the Paxton hotel,
Omaha, October 2 to 7. The great
number of Ak-Sar-Ben visitors in Om
aha for the week and the great throng
from out in the state which is ex
pected to greet the president, October
warrants this establishment. All
democrats, and especially those not
residents of Omaha, are urged during
the week specified to visit democratic
headquarters, which they will find by
signs on the second floor of the Pax-
ton hotel."
From Wednesday's Di!!r.
A change in the management of the
Nebraska Lighting company has been
made by the appointment of Mr.
Ponsler, the manager here to take
charge of the electric light interests
at Norfolk, and the plant here will be
turned over to Mr. F. E. Smith, for
merly in charge of the light plant at
Oakland, la., where he had charge
f the towns of Oakland, Hancock and
vedonia. Mr. Smith arrived yes
av and will spend the next few
.in getting acquainted with the
its of the city ar.d the patrons
ompany. Mr. Smith is a pleas-
a ..rid genial gentleman and one
whom it is a great pleasure to meet
and he will be found ready at all
times to look after the best interest
of his company and its patrons. Mr.
Ponsler has made a great many
friends since coming to this city and
his friends will regret very much to
see him leave to take up his work in
other localities but it is a pleasure to
learn that his ability is so recognized
in his being sent to have charge of
the large interests of the public ser
vice company at Xorfolk. Mr. Smith
will at once enter into the active man
agement of the light company and
hae the supervision of this city and
Pacific Junction in his territory.
From "Wednesday's Dally.
The real estate firm of Vallery &
rVrTYivl I nf Mnrrnv nre havinir
much success in their land sale deal
ings in the western part of the state
and will have excursions to Perkins,
Keith and Chase counties. These gen
tlemen have jut disposed of several
large tracts of land in Perkins county,
and among these are a fine G40-acre
farm to John Kaffc-nborger, jr., as well
as 320 acres of Perkins county land,
purchased by W. G. Boedeker of Mur
ray. Those who have looked over the
land are convinced that Messrs. Val-
lerv and Cromwell have something
good for the people, and it is being
takon advantage of by their friends
throughout the county.
Frank Vallery of Murray and Ezra
Albin of near Union departed last
eening for Perkins county, Nebraska,
where they will visit for a short time
there looking after land interests.
If you enjoy a good social dance.
a good time and good music, do not
fail to attend the dance at Coates' hall
on Saturday evening. September .10th. I
From Tuesdays Dally.
A message was received in the city
last evening by relatives announcing
the death of the little 8-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Rice,
which occurred at their home in Maple
Creek, Canada., where the family have
resided for the past few years, prov
ing up on a homestead. The message
did not give any of the particulars of
the cause of the death and came as a
great shock to the relatives here, who
were not aware of the illness of the
little one. The body will be brought
back to Plattsmouth for burial, the
message states. In their loss Mr. and
Mrs. Rice will have the deepest sym
pathy of their many friends.
From Tuesday's" Daily.
With Vice President Thomas R.
Marshall on his visit to this city on
Tuesday morning, October 10th, will
be Governor John H. Morehead and
Attorney General Willis E. Reed, who
will escort the distinguished guest
from Omaha to Falls City. The visit
of Mr. Marshall will be the opportu
nity to greet one of the leaders in
the nation, and the city and Cass
county should see that he is given a
splendid reception and one that will
be fitting to the people of this section
of the state. If possible the city
schools will be dismissed for an hour
to allow the school children to greet
the vice president of the American
republic. The speaking will be held
at 10:30 and will give everyone from
the surrounding country time to come
in and hear the message that Mr.
Marshall is bringing. He has had a
great part in the handling of the af
fairs of the government and has ably
seconded the efforts of President Wil
son in preserving peace and bringing
prosperity to the American people, as
well as in preventing the great na
tional railroad strike that threatened
the business interests of the country.
Governor Morehead, Nebraska's busi
ness governor, as well as Attorney
General Reed, will also speak to the
citizens of the county on this occasion.
Do not fail to attend the meeting and
enjoy hearing the discussion of the
public questions.
From Tuesdays Dany.
Another of the old residents of Cass
county who came here when a child
in the early days of the country has
been called to his final reward ac
cording to a notice received from
Corral, Ida. This message tells of
the death of Thomas Wood Ruby, son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ruby, who were
early residents of Cass county and
who will be well remembered bv a
large number of the old friends.
Thomas W. Ruby was born at Win-
terest, la., August 12, 1854, where
his parents, J. P. and Amy J. Ruby,
were among the early settlers. When
two years of age he was brought by
his parents to Nebraska and the fam
ily located near Plattsmouth where
they engaged in farming for some
thirty-five years and where Mr. Ruby
grew to manhood. At the age of
twenty-two he was united in mar
riage to Miss Martha M. Jeffers at
Plattsmouth and to this union two
sons and two daughters, all of whom
are living. In 1893 the Ruby family
removed to Kansas where they made
their home for twenty years and from
that state they removed to Idaho
where they have since resided at Hill
City, and where Mr. Ruby passed
away September 15, 1916
For the
past ten years he has been a helpless
invalid suffering from heart trouble
and f rorn which he peacefully passed
away at his home in the Idaho city.
There is left to mourn the death of
Mr. Ruby, the aged father, J. P.
Ruby, the bereaved widow, four child
ren and ten grandchildren. The fun
eral services were held at Hill City
Qn Sunday, September 17th and the
burial had in the . -, v in that
The Long Looked for Engagement of
Big Dancing Festival "September
Morn" Comes to the Parmele
Theater. Saturday Sep
tember 30th.
"September Morn" of course gets
its title from the painting of the same
name, which stirred up comment from
coast to coast. The story has to do
with the aspiration of one Rudolph,
owner of an art studio, who claims
to have been a painter. Of course
Rudolph does not even know how to
paint a picket fence. The model of
September Morn" is laid claim to be
an actress who has instructed her
press agent to circulate the rumor
that she is the original. The ludicrous
moments when the two impersonators
are dodging each other and when a
chesty old army officer, who has fal
len in love with the actress, discovers
that she is a good friend of his wife's,
creates enough laughter and plot for
six musical plays. The scenery is
prettily designed and painted, and the
costuming introduces the latest Paris
ian creations.
The company numbers within its en
semble some fifty people. The dan
cing numbers are many, spirited,
charming, highly enjoyable and wel
come the world's popular tango being
introduced in various attractive forms
Dainty Ruth Wilkins is seen in the
newest dances now in vogue; the pop
ular Wm. Moore, J. J. Patton, Maud
K. Williams, James Baber, Leslie
Jones, also have important parts
Arthur Gillespie wrote the book and
lyrics, Aubrey Stauffer composed the
music and Frank Tannehill, jr., staged
the production, which comes from the
LaSalle Opera House, Chicago.
$15,000 SCHOOL
From Wednesday's Dally.
The additional school bonds of
$15,000 which had been asked for by
the board of education for their use
in the construction of a high school
building were defeated yesterday at
the special election by forty-six votes
despite the fact that the vote was
very light and not a great deal of in
terest was taken in the result by the
people in general. The result of the
ballots will leave the situation where
it was before and the board will have
to go ahead and erect the building out
of the original $50,000 which was
voted last spring at the city election.
There were quite a -number of ladies
voting at the election and a great
many of these were not in favor of the
additional bonds and all of which
helped in the final result of the ballot.
The wards that were favorable for
the bonds were weak in their majori
ties while in the second and fifth wards
the majority was marked and de
cisive against the proposition and in
these two wards the bonds received
their knockout blow.
The vote in-the different wards of
the city was easy to count and in a
very few minutes after the polls were
closed the votes were counted and the
result known to the people.
The vote in the different wards of
the city were as follows:
For Against
First ward..! 57 35
Second ward 73 117
Third ward 96 88
Fourth ward 37 36
Fifth ward 5 38
Go to southwestern Nebraska with
Vallery & Cromwell over the Union
Pacific, eight hours' run from Om
aha, who will then show you through
Keith, Perkins and Chase counties,
and will guarantee nobody to have
any better land and bargains listed.
Our rate from Plattsmouth, round-
trip without any other expense, will
be $14.50. Also have autos to drive
you until you find out what you want.
Leaving Plattsmouth every Sunday
evening. I'none or write, r ratHc val
lery, Murray, Neb.
Stewart's Phonographs, only $5.00,
at Dawson's, Plattsmouth, Neb.
From "Wednesday s Dally.
W. E. Rosencrans and party who
have been out looking over the land
in Chase county returned home this
morning and report a most delightful
time with the country in fine shape
and the crops there a record breaker.
There are a large number of Cass
county people interested in the land
in Chase county, and all cases the pur
chasers of land have been greatly
pleased with their property. Mr
William H. Splitt has just recently
secured a tract of land amounting to
300 acres which adjoins Imperial, the
county seat, and is as fine a piece of
land as lies in western Nebraska
Mr. Rosencrans will have another ex
cursion leaving next bunday night
and which will travel over Chase
county by automobiles so that the
prospective land owners can see what
they desire in the way of good first
class land.
From Wednesday's Dan.
One of the most pleasant and en
joyable meetings that has been held
by the ladies of St. Mary's guild ac-
curred yesterday afternoon at the
beautiful country home of Mrs. Joseph
Johnson southwest of the city, which
was attended by the largest number
that has been present at any meeting
for several months. The members of
the guild were conveyed to the John
son home in automobiles and the trip
out in the fresh and bracing fall at
mosphere was most delightful to all
who were fortunate' enough to be in
attendance. The afternoon was srjent
most delightfully in visiting and in
the plying of the busy needle, which
made the hours pass very swiftly and
pleasantly to every one present, and
the delightful music on the victrola
assisted in the entertainment of the
guests. During the afternoon a most
delicious three-course luncheon was
served by the hostess that added much
to the delights of the occasion and
brought to a close a most pleasant
afternoon. The, ladies enjoyed to the
utmost the gracious hospitality of the
hostess and the afternoon spent at
the Johnson home will long be very
pleasantly remembered by every one
of those who participated in the meet
ing. Those who were present as
guests of the guild ladies were: Mrs.
Ben Elson, Los Angeles; Mrs. Karl
Reese, Omaha; Mrs. F. I. Mavor, Mrs.
H. B. Wooley, and Mrs. Gray of Han
ford, Cal. It was late in the after
noon when the ladies returned to their
homes, well pleased with the pleasant
and profitable meeting.
Prom Wednesdays Dally.
The Cass county dry federation is
preparing for the opening of its cam
paign for the dry amendment in the
county on next Saturday when a ser
ies of meetings will be held in every
town in the county. In this city an
open air meeting will be held on the
street at 8 o'clock, at which Attorney
C. A. Rawls will be the speaker. The
federation will have meetings each
Saturday night in all of the towns
of the county at which there will be
different speakers from over the
county and an especial effort made to
reach the voters who are not identified
with the work of the federation. Each
local organization has organized teams
of workers and speakers who will di
vide time over the county in present-
ing their side of the question. The
movement will be continued up to the
time of the general election in Novem
ber at which time the voters will pass
on the dry amendment. The speakers
will be selected from among the prom
inent dry workers of the county.
(5. W. Shrader and daughters. Mrs.
harH$ Creamer and M js. jerinie
Rhoden, were in the city today for a
few hours looking after some trading
with the merchants.
From Wednesday's Dallr.
The death of Mrs. Henry Meier
jurgen, one of the prominent res
dents of near Murdock occurred at
the home on Thursday evening at
10 o'clock and the funeral services
were held irom ine vananan cnurcn
two miles west of Murdock on Sun
day, September 24. The funeral was
one of the largest ever held in that
section of the county, where the de
ceased lady was known and highly
respected by everyone in that com
munity. The death of this estimable
lady was caused from heart trouble
from which she has been a sufferer
for some time. Henry Meierjurgen
and wife would have been married
twenty-four years had the wife lived
until the 11th of May next, and the
married life was one of happiness and
joy in the sunshine of a perfect home
circle, which is now broken by the
taking awav of the wife and mother
The maiden name of Mrs. Meierjur
gen was Liouisa Uornemier and she
was born at Brockhausen, Lippe-Det-
mold, Germany, October , 1869, and
came to this country when quite
young and has since made her home
near Murdock where the family has
a most beautiful home and extensive
land interests. To mourn the death
of this good woman there remains the
husband and four children, Carl, aged
22; Jonas, aged 20; Walter, aged 17
and Louisa, aged 11; also two broth
ers and one sister, Henry Bornemeier
of Murdock; Charles Bornemier of
Elmwood and Mrs. Henry Rieckmann
of Murdock. Five half brothers and
two half sisters also remain to share
the grief at the death of this good
woman, uustav isornemeier, uridley,
Kas.; Paul Bornemeier of Elmwood;
Ernest, Martin and .Arthur Borne
meier ot luraocK; -iiss iiiatnnae
Bornemeier and Mrs. Simon Brakhage
of Murdock. At the funeral services
at the Callahan church Rev. Pieper
of Elmwood, Rev. Braun of Callahan
and Rev. Schwab of Murdock offi
To our kind friends and neighbors
we desire to express our neartiejt
thanks for their sympathy and loving
kindness shown to us at the time of
the death of our beloved wife and
mother and to the ministers for their
beautiful services and the many acts
of kindness.
Henry Meierjurgen and Family.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Last evening the Woodmen Circle
grove met at their lodge rooms to en
joy one of the nnst interesting meet
ings cl the fa'I season and five n;w
candidates were initiated into the
mysteries of the order by the efficient
degree team of the giove, under the
direction of Mrs. M. E. Manspeaker,
and which carried out ti e ritualistic
work in a most impressive manner
and in a way that brought to the new
members a sense ef the great princi
ples of the order. Mrs. J. E. McDan-
iel, past guardian, presided at the
meeting in the absenc e of Mrs. Maude
Burtch, giardian, and assisted the de
gree team in conferring the work.
The resignation of Mr. Bunch as
;uardiun was received and it was with
regret that the membership irarts
with their guardian, who has been
such an aid in the work of the lodge,
but her removal from the city has
made it necessary for her to resign.
Mrs. James Marasek, one of the live
members of the grove, was selected
as guardian by the vote of the lodge,
and was at once installed into the
office by the degree team, assisted by
Mrs. William Morley as past guardian.
The grove is constantly increasing in
membership, due to the untiring work
of Mrs. Joseph Droege, the deputy,
and the coming session promises to
be one of the most successful in the
history of the order in this city. Ev-
erv one of the members are boosting
for a further increase in the member-
ship and the new. guardian will be
right with the boosters in the good
From Tuesday's Darrr.
A very pleasant gathering was en
joyed last evening by the members
of the Wescott family and a few
friends in participating in a most de
lightful beefsteak supper at the rifle
range grounds north of the citv. The
members of the party were conveyed
to the scene of the supper by auto
mobile, and soon had a fine roaring
campfire going, over which the steaks
were broiled and prepared for the
hungry crowd that soon made them
disappear, ine event was one most
eniovable and filled with P.Pat nlpa.
ure. Those enjoying the event were:
C. C. Wescott, wife and family; E. II
Wescott, wife and family; J. E. Wiles
and wife, L. L. Wiles and wife, Mrs.
William Baird and son, Robert; J. W.
Crabill and wife, W. G. Brooks and
wife, Leonard Meisinger, Mrs. Mae
Morgan and daughter, Miss Clara
Mae, and the guests of honor, Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Wescott, Mrs. E. C. Wes
cott and son, Shirley of Los Angeles,
who are to return home the first of
next week.
From Tuesday's Dallr.
The success of the "Come to Sunday
School and Stay for Church" day last
year has led to the preparation for
the obser'ance of the day this year
on a scale greater than ever, and one
that will stimulate the interest in the
religious wcrk. Sunday, October 8,
has been the date selected by the state
association for the day and every
church regardless of denomination
will make special efforts in the stimu
lating of the religious work. This
movement is non-denominationa- a:d
the efforts to secure the attendance o'
worshippers will solicit them to be
present at the church of the faith that
appeals most to them. This is a day
tnat should oe boosted and aided in
every way in this city and everyone
who can should be in some church on
that day regardless of what religious
faith they believe in. Remember the
date, Sunday, October 8, and be in
church on that day.
The members of the Modern Wood
men of America held a very entnu
siastic meeting at their lodge rooms
last evening and the time was spent
in the discussion of the plans for the
forthcoming big class adoption that
will be held by the local camp on
Wednesday evenincr. October 11th. At
this time the members of Cass camp
of this city, the camps of Murray,
Union, Louisville and South Bend
will join in the initiation of candidates
and a very large class will be present
to join with this great fraternal
order. Head counsel A. R. Talbott
of Lincoln will be present and take
part in the great demonstration. The
new ritualistic work of the Woodmen
will be exemplified by State Deputy
E. E. Kester of Lincoln and one of
the drill teams from the capital city
and will be a splendid exposition of
the teacnings ana principles oi me
order. All modern wooumen irom an
over the county are invited to be
present and join in the big class
adoption and the occasion will be one
of the biggest events in woodcraft
that has been held in many months.
Deputy C. E. Bullock with the live
and hustling officers and members of
the local camp are making all efforts
to secure a class that will be a credit
to the order and a large number of
applications have been secured by the
members of those who will join in the
future with this order. Following the
initiation a smoker will be given.
II. E. Owens, wife and babe of Lin
coln arrived in the city this morn
ing and will enjoy a visit here at
the honoe of Mr. aad Mrs. C A. At
kinson. Mrs. Owens and Mr. At
kinson are cousinfc and the occasion
of tht visit is one greatly enjoyed by
the two families.
Many of Them Made Wider and Oth
ers Reconstructed, Which Shows
That the County Commis
sioners Have Been Busy. f
The past few years has brought
with them a great change in the roads
of the county in the way of improve-
ment a-s a trip over them demon-,
strates n K'at many ways, and the
automobiles as well as the good road
agitation has brought this to the at
tention of the public. A few years
ago the roads were allowed to go, and
if it were possible to use them, all
right, and if not all right, but this
condition of affairs has been passed by
in the march of progress, and where
formerly was narrow ill-kept roads
the county board as well as the road
supervisors of the county have made
the main roads wider, have recon
structed them on more scientific lines
so as to give better drainage and
keep them in good shape in all kinds
of weather as far as possible. The
road work in this section of Cass
county must of necessity be much
harder than in other localities on ac
count of the large hills and the val-
lies where, in wet weather, the water
stands, and after heavy rains the hill
side roads are washed and worn down.
The county commissioners as far as
possible strive to keep the roads in
first class shape, and in which they
are assisted in the work by the ef
forts of the road supervisors in seeing
that the grading, dragging and other
necessary work is carried out. This,
when scattered over the hundreds of
miles of road in the county, keeps the
commissioners going some to get' the
money to do the work, and of neces
sity compels them to forego a part
of what they might like to do in the
way of improvement on the public
highways. This lack of available
funds to carry on the work often
leads both the commissioners and
road supervisor to receive a great deal
of unjust censure for something that
they cannot prevent or stop. If it
were only a few miles of road that
was necessary to attend to it would be
easy, but the hundreds of miles of it,
with the work being costly, it is cer
tainly a credit to the county that the
greater part of the county highways
are keep' in such good condition. C. F.
Vallery, who has charge of the work
in Plattsmouth precinct, is one of the
supervisors who has a very hilly pre
cinct, and his results secured from
the dragging and care of the roads is
very pleasing to the residents of the
precinct as well as those frofh other
points who travel over them in com
ing and going from Plattsmouth.
Reports from Hastings state that
Mrs. Mike Mouzy, who is at the hos
pital in that city, is showing much
improvement and while yet unable to
leave her bed is gaining quite rapidly
and it is hoped that she will soon be
well enough to be removed to the Im-
manuel hospital at Omaha, where she
will remain until her condition will
rermit her returning home. The un-
fortunate lady has suffered the frac-
t f both arm but these ; njure(
members are not troubling her as
much as the bruises and other in
juries received. Mrs. Mauzy is unable
to assist herself on account of her
injuries and is receiving the best at
tention that it is possible' to secure.
Her many friends will be pleased to
learn of the improvement of Mrs.
Mauzy and trust that she will soon be
able to return to her home in this
Frank McClain and Mr. Edson of
Willey, Neb., who were here visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Boggs, have departed for a trip up to
Minnesota. They are making the trip
in a Ford car and expect to return to
their home at Filley befora winter
sets in. , ,
CREAM, 34c,
at Dawson's store,