The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 21, 1916, Page PAGE 8, Image 8
rPn x V SEPTEMBER 2U 1918., PAGE 8. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. i.ffo tff JftfV. r"ft ifrfr JT rfi .fP. f3Vrtnh ( ( ( 3 American Lady Corsets "The Corset That Fits!" 4 5 -iir&Lbi f&VL 1 Our Prices RANGING FROM $1.00 to $3.00 ( ( t or just the one you should have you will find among the various style we have in "American Lady Corsets." We Would Be Glad to Show Them to You Any Time. ( ( 13 In Call phones 53 or 54. SilyufijSElftlill iVjn We like to serve. P f LGUIS DAVIS, IHMATE OF CGUNTY JAiL, IS DEAD Early this morning Louis Davis, who has been confined in the county jail for the past few days as a part of a thirty days' sentence, passed away in the jail. Mr. Davis was brought to this city charged with be ing an inebriate, and from his ap pearance it was clear to see that he was suffering very much from the effects of his overindulgence. lie had beeri at the state hospital twice for treatment but without any suc cess and as soon as released he had sible. was done to relieve him, but his condition gradually grew worse until death came to his relief. The de ceased was not married, but leaves a brother residing at Council Bluffs, and Sheriff Quinton will endeavor to get in touch with the relatives to learn what they desire to do in re gard to the funeral. The case is a very sad one as Mr. Davis had com pletely wrecked his life for nothing. SMILE SOCIAL. Smile! Smile! Smile! Not now, but Thursday evening, September 21, at the Epworth League business and so cial meeting. Meeting will be called to order at 7:30 sharp at church par- i fallen Lack into his old habits, with ; lors. Your eating capacity judged by the width oi your smile, ana a lee oi 2 cents per cf smile to cover Everybody wel-2td ADDRESS TO THE VOTERS OF PLATTSMOUTH The Board of Education Needs More Money to Build School House According to Plans. which might be pursued at this time and the board submits them to the choice of the people: First:- To so decrease the size of the building as to come within the $f0,000 in hand. This would mean to eliminate the seventh and eighth grades from the building and abandon the proposed plan, which, according to the best judgment of the board, the wisdom of Superintendent Brooks and the council of the architect are only sufficient to cover the present require ments and a normal increase for the next generation. Second: To erect the proposed building and leave a large portion en tirely unfinished. Third: To. call upon the voters for an additional bond issue of $15,000 at a special election to be called, and thus be enabled to erect and com plete the proposed building. The board feels that this is a busi ness proposition covering one of th most vital issues of our community life. We have given hours and day during the last six months to the problem of securing a plant of which the city might be proud, and which would stand for many years to come as a home for our school system. We have endeavored to look upon the problem, not as one of today or to morrow, but for the future years After months of investigation and in spection we are satisfied that a plant suitable to the needs of Plattsmouth cannot be built at the present prices of material and labor, for $"0,000. and for this reason we are unanimous in our opinion' that the third alterna tive mentioned above is the only proper solution of the matter. We therefore submit it with this brief statement to the judgment ant wishes of our citizens, whom we fee are one with us in desiring that the wise course may be pursued at this time. The official set of plans for the proposed new high school and grade building is in the hands of the secre tary of the board, and may be seen and examined by any person suffi ciently interested to call at his office A picture of this building, together with data concerning its capacity and facilities is now on display in the win dow of Warga & Schuldice, and the public is invited to inspect the same. The board has endeavored to select a style of building, both as to architec ture and construction, which would be substantial and serviceable; avoiding expensive and unnecessary ornamen tation in design and finish. The pur pose throughout has been to build tirely necessary changes have been made which seriously handicap the instructors and students in the carry ing out of the high school program. The board has designated Tuesday, September 2(5, as the date for the special election when the voters shall decide whether or not the additional $l.r,000 bonds shall be voted. We strongly urge upon the voters the im portance of a favorable expression at this time and feel that, upon the success of this election, depends our ability to do for the school system what we consider absolutely neces sary for its future success and serv ice. WE HAVE NO DESIRE TO DO MORE. WOULD YOU HAVE US DO LESS? Respectfully yours, HOARD OF EDUCATION. the result that he finallv succumbed t its effects. Mr. Davis was attend ed constantly at the jail by the county physician and everything pos- cost of refreshments, come. Our Next E Ti HA! "3 xcursion bounty tember 24 eptem BETTER CQ31E ALONG! HI At the general election held last April a bond issue of $50,000 was voted for the erection of a new High large enough, and provide for only school and grade building. The those things which are considered es- Board of Education immediately scntial in the arrangement and op- thereafter set themselves to the task eration of a reasonably modern high of securing an architect, deciding upon school and grade building, to accom- plans, disposing of the bonds and se- modate our present demands and early curing a contractor to build the build- future requirements lOyOTEOi m FORD GARS! The following prices on Ford Cars and Chassis, f. o. b. Detroit, becomes effective August 1st: Ford Chassis.. $325.00 Ford Runabout . 345.00 Ford Touring Car . . 360.00 Ford Coupelet 505.00 Ford Town Car 595.00 Ford Sedan Car 645.00 We guarantee there will be no reduction in the above prices prior to August 1, 1917, but can not as sure whatever against an advance in price any time. T. H. POLLOCK. DEALER ing. After going carefully over the plans submitted by ten leading archi tects of Nebraska and Iowa, the firm chosen was that of Berlinghoff & Davis of Lincoln, distinguished as school architects throughout this sec tion. Various plans were submitted to them and finally one agreed upon, which Superintendent Brooks and the Board of Education considered ade quate to present needs and probable future requirements. Bids were called for covering the erection, heating, plumbing and light ing of this building. Meanwhile the bonds were sold to Mr. C. C. Parmele of Plattsmouth, who offered the largest premium for the same. This money, $50,000, drawing in terest, has been delivered and is on deposit to the credit of the Board of Education, and interest is being col lected thereon by the board. The bonds were voted for the purpose of erecting a building and the funds must be used sooner or later for that purpose. The bids from contractors were opened by the board on Tuesday afternoon, August 3d. They were carefully tabulated and considered by the entire board in session during the afternoon and evening. The board was disappointed to find that the bid ders were all far in excess of the amount available, $50,000, and while the lowest bidder on the general con tract was the local firm of Peters & Richards, the bid was too high to permit of letting the contract. The lowest bid on the electrical work was also a local firm Warga & Schul dice. The unforeseen and unprecedented rise in the price of all building ma terials since last winter when the board settled upon the amount to be asked for at the April election ac counts for the bids submitted being so far in excess of the mark set. The board feels that the public should be informed of the exact facts in the case and herewith presents them, for your consideration, as the matter of a school building is not a school board concern, but one which involves every taxpayer and child in the city. There-are "three "courses of action The enrollment in both the high school and .seventh and eighth grades this fall is increased over last year. The high school proper, enrollment is 220, and the new building is de signed to accommodate but 320. So it can be readily seen that the plan in this particular is not extravagant. The crowded condition of the high school has become such that the cloak rooms have been converted into reci tation rooms and the wraps are placed upon the improvised racks around the walls of the assembly room. Other inconvenient but en- TWO SUITS FOR OIVORGE FILED IN DISTRICT COURT Two suits for divorce have been filed in the office of the clerk of the district court for trial at the coming term of the court. One suit is en titled Anna Frances Coins vs. John Coins, in which the plaintiff state.' they were married at Albia, la., Oc tober 21, 1012, and on November 12 1912, the defendant deserted tht plaintiff and has not provided or aided her in any way, and she asks that a decree of absolute divorce be granted and the restoration of her maidtn name, Anna Micin. A. G. Cole is at torney for plaintiff. Another suii filed is that of William H. Bunch vs Maude E. Bunch, in which the plaint iff asks for divorce. EAGLE TO PLAY HERE SUNDAY. The base ball team of Eagle will be with us next Sunday for one game of the national sport, and will en deavor to show the locals a few fine points about the game, ihe visitors promise to bring with them one of the best teams seen here this season and will put up a first ciass ball game, that will be well worth seeing. The Sox will be all ready for their opponents as they desire to wipe out the two tlefeats of the last week at the hands of Greenwood and Nebraska City, and will be in the game with determination of winning the bat tle. A large number of the base ball fans from the vicinity of Eagle will accompany their team to this city. DEPARTS FOR SHORT VISIT. Mrs. Eugene Setz departed this morning for Omaha, where she will spend a few hours, and from there she goes to Talmage, Neb., to spend few days with Mr. Setz's parents n that place, and will then go to agle, where she will enjoy a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Valandingham, ami attend the wed ding of her sister, Miss Myrtle Lyle, hat will take place at the parents' home in a few days. Mrs. Setz is anticipating a very pleasant visit with the home folks. repare ror wmio by making an early selection of your eating Stove! Pick out your stove now while we have a complete line. You can have it delivered whenever you wish- Prices may be higher later on. H FUNERAL OF AN OLD RESIDENT WAS HELD AT UNION MONDAY ST. LUKE'S CHURCH. Ember Day. Friday services: Holy eucharist at 9 a. m. Intercession. 7:45 p. m. 9-19-3td Monday afternoon the funeral serv ices of John Klaurens, one of the pioneer residents of the county, was held at his home in Union, near where he has made his home for so many years, and the services were attended by a large number of the old friends and relatives. The body was laid to rest in the Union cemetery. John Klaurens was a native of the duchy of Luxemberg, where he was born eighty-four years ago, and when a young man of 20 years of age he decided to turn his footsteps- west ward and embarked to America, wheie he landed sixty-four years ago. Mr. Klaurens located at Chicago for a time, and in 18" came to Cass county, Nebraska, locating near Un ion, where he had spent the greater part of his lifetime and through care ful management had been able to spend the last few years resting from the tcil cf the farm. One of the earliest residents of Liberty precinct, he had been able to witness its prog ress ' and to have had an important part in the development of the com munity where he had so long resided Although lie was handieaped by not being able to secure the education he desired, Mr. Klaurens was possessed oi great ability anti tne spirit oi sac rifice and thrift which he brought with him from his native land, and this fact enabled him to secure a great success in his resilience in this county, and his splendid character lad made him many warm friends among the old neighbors and asso ciates with whom he had com inti mately in touch. Since moving to Union Mr. Kalurens and wife have enjoyed their declining years very much, until the shadow of sickness came into the home and laid its hand upon the husband and father. Mr. Klaurens had been gradually failing until it was decided to take him to Omaha, where he entered a hospital, and passed away there last Saturday evening. To mourn the death of this good man there is the widow, Mrs. Nancy Klaurens and a large family of children, all of whom have grown to manhood and womanhood. Thus is another of the old pioneers called home to rest, and lessens the circle of those who have served and labored in the development of the county, and pass with a record of years of toil and service in bringing to the front what was a wild harder country in the days when they first stepped foot in Nebraska. VISITS IN OLD HOME. This afternoon Gotleib Schnasse came in for a hurried visit with his aunt, Mrs. F. D. Lehnhoff and daugh ter, Miss' Tillie, between trains and the visit was one of rare pleasure as it has been twenty-seven years since the relatives met. Mr. Schnasse resides at Spokane, Wash., and is east on a brief business trip, and while he could only spare a few min utes, ran down to greet his aunt and cousin. The Schnasse family were old residents of this city, coming here something like fifty years ago, and later, moved to Rapid City, S. D., where the parents resided until their death. From here Mr. Schnasse goes to Lincoln for a very brief visit be fore taking the train back for the northwest. He was accompanied from Omaha by G. B. Lenhoff. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express our heartfelt appreciation to the many kind friends and neighbors who showed such kind- ; ly sympathy at the death of our little I one, and we also desire to thank these friends for their beautiful flow ers. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vaughn, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Vallery and Fam- ' iiy. i Cook with Gas the best and cheap- est at all times. Nebraska Lighting Co. will tell you about it. c r tin! DC DC 30 Friday and Saturday SEPT. 22 AND 23 OF CORRECT: Stunning New Models from Fisk-age and Edco and others equally good, will be shown for the first time. Autumn ftftillinery! Friday and Saturday SEPT. 22 AND 23 0 You Choose from Jockey Models, Colonials,Turbans,Dress Sailors, Irregulars and Mush rooms; large and small Sailors from $2.50 to $13.50 A pretty fllower souvenir for each lady attending. -T ICOPYBICHT Trimmings of Wing, Breast, Jet, Metal, Goura, Ostrich, Narrow Novelty Rib bon and Paradise effects. New Models of Alberta and Mme Lynn Cor sets from $1.00 to $6.00 Also Hair and Toilet Goods of the better quality. 0! -t; 1 -- it - - "ir " .f " w 30 n cELl ( i