The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 21, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1916. (
Murray Depar
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surround In Vicinity Kspecially for the Journal Readers
Present lotir Wife
With a
You'll be surprised at the system
give your wife a sort of business education.
Start an Account Today In
Wife's Name
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
For Insurance of all kinds see J. W.
Pauline Oldham was in Plattsmouth
Saturday on business.
Miss Margie Walker was a Platts
mouth visitor Tuesday evening.
Miss Gertrude Long was a Platts
mouth visitor Saturday evening.
Offer SI 00.00 for your car if stolen,
if you are insured by J. W. Holmes.
Mrs. IL L. Olc'ham and daughter,
Miss Fay were Omaha visitors Tues
day. II . C. Long returned home
from i
Furnace county 1-st week where he
has leen looking after his wheat crop.
H. C. Long and nephew. E. Opoe.i
heimer, and George Nickels were
Plattsmouth visitors Wednesday after-
Joe Creamer, of Omaha, spent
Sunday at tne home of Mr. Creamer's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L.
If you wish to become a reader of
the public library, call phone No. 20
for further information. The library
wants you.
The Missionary society given at the
home of Mrs. Grace Gapen last Friday
was well attended and a good time
was enjoyed by all present.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will serve a chicken pie sup
per at the church, on Saturday even
ing, Sept. 30th, from six to eight
The Library Associations-ill meet
Tuesday evening, Sept. 2b'th, for the
purpose of selecting new officers. All
members and those who are interested
are requested to attend the meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Puis, Ted Bar
rows and Mrs. Louie Puis drove to
Omaha Thursday morning of this
week, where they spent the day visit
ing and looking after some matters of
is the word for the big Watch and Jewelry
sale now on at this store. Many people
are taking advantage of the
on jewelry prices for Christmas. It will
pay YOU. Remember its one-third off on
jewelry. A $7.50 bracelet would only
cost you $5.00. Watches one-fourth off.
Buy now and make your Xmas money go
you'll inaugurate in your home if
II. C. Long was a Plattsmouth vis
itor last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Davis were
Plattsmouth visitors last Tuesday.
Now is the time to become a member
cf the library. Send in your name.
Mrs. George Thomas was visiting at
the home of Mrs. F.u. Tutt Wednes
day. Albert Young and his crew of men
are carpentering in the country this
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Barrows were
visiting with relatives in Omaha last
Mrs. Adams, ot riattsmom n. is
spending the week with her daughter,
Mrs. Pitman.
Frank Mcore met with the misfor
tune of having one of his best horses
jd;e a few diys ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Boedeker and
Mrs. E. S. Tutt were
visitors Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Boedeker, Miss
Beulah Sans and Chas. Boedeker were
in Plattsmouth Tuesday evening.
John Hendricks and wife and son
Vein were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Lewis last Sunday.
Mis. L. D. Iliatt was visiting with
Plattsmouth friends and relatives for
a few hours Wednesday afternoon.
Oldham's shipped eight head of
fancy Durocs Monday. Each week
takes out a large number from this
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lillie and
children and Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Ray
motored to Lincoln to attend the state
fair one day.
Clarence Fleger departed for his
home in Denver, Colo., after spending
the summer with Mr. and Mrs. John
Chalfant and other relatives here. He
came here for his health and feels
greatly benefitted.
SL Tutt,
Mi-, and .Mrs. (I. M. M in ford drove
to Omaha last Tuesday.
V. G. Boedeker has been making
some lepairs on his Murray residence
Minford !c ('reamer shipped a car
of hogs to the South Omaha market
Mr. Giimorc was looking after some
matters of busiryss in Plattsmouth
Monday evening".
Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Ileil were vis
iting nt the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Puis last Sunday.
Mis. John Stones was taken to
Omaha Tuesday where she was placed
in the hospital for treatment.
Nelson Berber and family were in
Omaha Tuesday, making1 the trip in
their line new Overland six car.
For Sale Three thoroughbred Dur-oc-Jersey
males and one gilt. See
Chester Shrader or II. C. Long.
Mrs. Ben Noll, who has been so very j
ill for the past few weeks, remains in
about the same condition as last weec.
W. G. Boedeker, L. D. Hiatt and
Ted Barrows were looking after some
matters of business in Nchawka Mon
day. S. O. Pitman, of Nebraska City, was
looking after some matters of busi
ness in Murrav and Plattsmouth Wed
Dan Chalfant and bride are visit
ing at the home of the former's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Chalfant,
near Union.
Mrs. Will Hutchison and children
aie visiting at the homes of W. P.
Hutchison and family and Andy
Campbell and family.
W. J. Phiipot and daughter. Miss
Irene autoed to Omaha Monday where
they spent a few days visiting with
relative and friends.
Chas. Boedeker and Frank Vallery
i departed Tuesday evening for Perkins
county, where they have some matters
of business to look after.
Mrs. George Carroll, who has been
visiting with relatives and friends here
for the past two weeks, departed for
her home in Oklahoma, Wednesday.
A. L. Baker and daughter, Miss
Opha. Mrs. Wm. LaRue and daughter,
Miss Eva. drove down to Weeping
Water last Sunday for a brief visit
with Mrs. Fail Taney.
Will Hendricks and family, and Jess
Hendricks and family, of Piainview,
and William Hendricks were guests
of Mr. arid Mrs. John Hendricks and
family Friday and Saturday.
All parties owing blacksmith ac
counts will please call at the Murray
State Bank and settle either by cash
cr note by October 1st, or they will be
given in for collection with interest
added. James Lough ridge.
The big oats crop of this community
is now being delivered to the Murray
market, and is bringing the handsome
price of 40c per bushel. We have been
informed that the crop is running all
the way from 2-" to 00 bushels pel
acre. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Puis went to
Plattsmouth Monday, and from there
in company with Mrs. Adam Wolf,
went on to Omaha, where Mrs. Puis
consulted a specialist in regard to an
illness that has been troubling her for
some time.
The Puis Garage in Murray is now
a genuine supply department for all
Ford cars. Here you will find any
thing that you may need in that line,
and all repairs or breakages can now
be supplied right at home. See Puis
for the auto business.
Frank Rhoden was here visiting
among friends and relatives a few
days this week. He has been in the
western part of the state for the past
few weeks, and we have been informed
that he will soon take up his work at
Grant. He is still in the insurance
business and doing fine.
Walt Sans met with rather a pecu
liar auto accident last Sunday morn
ing, lie had driven up to the house,
when requested by Mrs. Sans to catch
a chicken for dinner. He left the car
with the engine running, and after
the chicken chase he returned to find
his car gone. The gears came to
gether and the car passed down the
hill and turned over at the side of
the road. The wind shield was broken
off, but no great damage done.
A. J. Shrader of Heldton, Okla.,
who has been visiting his nephew,
Robert Shrader and family and other
relatives in this vicinity for three
weeks, departed for his home Tuesday
afternoon. He was accompanied as
far as Plattsmouth by Robert Shrader.
They were pleasant callers at the
Journal office and while there Mr.
Shrader ordered the Plattsmouth Jour
nal sent to his uncle's address in order
that he might be kept posted on hap
penings throughout Cass county, Neb.
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or item of Interest lit
tdls vicinity, and will mail
same to this otlioe. it will ap
lear under this heading. We
want all uewsitems Eiutok
Henry Ileebner, the Cedar Creek
grain man, was a Murray visitor a
couple of days this week, having some
lepairs made on his auto.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Brown and
daughter of Nebraska City, were Mur
ray visitors last Sunday, guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt.
"What Can I Do" will be the topic
of the sermon at the Christian church
next Sunday morning. All church
members are urged to be present, and
ascertain the work they are best fitted
to do. '"Spiritual Discernment" will
be the evening topic. Sunday will
also be promotion day for the Sunday
We understand that John Edmunds
has been erecting a trap for the pur
pose of catching a Ford car, just as
soon as another flock comes this way.
The trap has been thoroughly baited
with about $380.50, and when sprung
he will make a sure catch. He
js anxiously waiting for the car load
to arrjVe.
We are informed that Chas. Coun
tryman has sold his farm west cf
Murray, and bought a ranch of 1000
acren in Garden county. He will soon
move with his family to Omaha, where
he will make his home for the winter,
and in the spring will probably take
up his residence on the new possession
in Garden county.
D. A. Young, Lee Kniss. A. L.
Baker, Elmer Ilallstrom and George
Small went to Plattsmouth Monday
evening to attend the Woodman meet
ing in that city. The Plattsmouth
lodge is planning on a large class for
the near future .and Murray will con
tribute a number of new members at
the time the class goes in.
Dan Clafant. of Raw Hide, Wyo..
was in Murray this week, visiting with
his old time friend. Dr. G. II. Gilmore.
Mr. Chalfant is also spending a por
tion of his wedding tour among old
friends and relatives in Cass county,
having been married a few days ago
in Omaaa. The new Mrs. Chalfant
was a resident of that city.
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Long are en
joying a visit this week from their
neice. Mr. and Mrs. E. Oppenheimer.
of Shenandoah, la., who arrived in
Murray Tuesday morning. Mr. and
Mrs. Oppenheimer have been residents
of Page county for a great many years
and are among the well to do farm
ers of that hcality. They will make
a trip to the northern part of the
state before returning home.
A fine baby girl was born to Mr.
anil Mrs. Vance Pitman on Monday of
this week. Vance says it is the hand
somest little lady in the land, and
Grandpa Pitman will vouch for him
being correct. The littly lady tipped
the scales at eleven pounds and looks
just like her "dad," and from, the
smile on Dick's face we know that he
feels eleven pounds lighter and hap
pier. He Was Worried and Hopeless.
"For ten years I was bothered with
kidney trouble," writes T. F. Hutchin
son, Little Rock, Ark. "I was worried
and had almost given up all hopes.
I used five boxes of Foley Kidney Pills
and am now a well man." Foley Kid
ney Pills drive out the aches, pains,
rheumatism and all kidney trouble
symptoms. Sold Everywhere.
THE Nightriders
a two reel Bison feature
The Tale of the
a one reel comedy
The Blackmailer
a one reel drama
Saturday Evening,
September 24
Show Starts at 8:30 Sharp
Miss Beth Davis, of Omaha, arrived
in Murray Wednesday for a .brief visit
with her friend, Miss Etta Nickels.
Miss Etta Nickels, Mr. and Mrs.
i Barnes and Wm. Nickles were Platts
mouth visitors Thursday of this week.
Percy Wheeler is sporting one of
those new Chevrolet cars that he pur
chased from the Wasley agency in
Plattsmouth this week.
Mr. and Mrs. David II. Owens, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Barnes, of Oak Grove,
Mo., arrived here last Thursday for
a visit at the Wm. Nickels home east
of Murray. .Airs. Owens is a sister of
Mr. Nickels.
Lee and George Nickels, Mr. and
Mrs. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Owens,
Misses Gertrude Long and Etta Nick
els drove to Omaha Friday of this
week, where they spent the day visit
ing ant I trading.
Tii is will be the first serial mov
ing picture ever introduced in Mur
ray, and the first episode will be
given in tne 1'uis vV uansemer .uovie
Show house, on Saturday evening,
Sept. DO. This serial will run for fif
teen weeks, thirty reels in all. and is
without a doubt one of the greatest
photo plays ever thrown on the screen,
featuring Grace Cunard and Francis
Foul, two of the greatest favorites in
the movie business. Remember the
first episode will be given on Satur
dav evenimr. Sent. ';0. See the first
After the extraordinary hot weather
of this year the cool season is now
coming, and a great many people suf
fer from this sudden change. They
feel weak, their appetite is poor, they
get tired quickly and easily; one is,
as the savinL' foes, not himself. Also
constination usually appears accom
panied by other troubles. For such
a condition Triner's American Elixir
of Bitter Wine is a real blessing
How does it help . It cleans out tne
intestines as thoroughly as possible,
refreshes ami strengthens the body,
impioves appetite, removes the tin
easiness, of mind and relieves the
constipation with all its sequelae,
After a quiet and undisturbed sleep
you will get up in the morning full
of energy. Price $1.00, at drug stores
Should your druggist not have Tri
ner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine
on hand, write directly W the manu
facturer, but don't accept any cheap
imitation, because chean moans noor
For iheumatism, which also usually
docs not fail to respond to the change
ot season: lor neuralgia, various acci
dents, swellings, sprains, etc., Triner's
lanamest is tne nest remedy, it is
used only externally. At Panama Ex
position, 101 C, the highest prize
Grand Prix, was awarded to Triner's
Liniment. Price 25 andc 50c at drug
stores; by mail, n."c and (0c. Joseph
Triner, Manufacturing Chemist, 1333
1330 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111.
A healthy man is a king in his own
right; an unhealthy man an unhappy
slave. For impure blood and slpg
gish liver, use Burdock Blood Bitters.
On the market thirty-five years. $1.00
a bottle.
This morning at the Presbyterian
manse occurred the marriage of Mr.
Kenneth Butler of Omaha and Miss
Zoe Shields of Council Bluffs. The
ceiemony was performed by Rev. H.
G. McClusky, using the impressive rit
ualistic service of the church, and
was witnessed by a sister of the bride
as well as the members of the Mc
Clusky household. Following the wed
ding the young people departed for
Omaha, motoring by way of Louis
For Hay
Fever, Asthma
chit is.
and Brou
Every sufferer should know that
Foley's Honey and Tar is a reliab
remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis,
hay fever and asthma. It stops rack
ing coughs; heals raw, inflamed nieiu
branes; loostens the phlegm and eases
wheezy, difficult breathing. Hold e.y
CREAM, 34c,
0-1 0-
Stewart's Phonographs, only $ii AM
at Dawson's, Plattsmouth, Nth.
A Itud Slimmer lor ( bildieu.
There has been an unusual annnud
of sickness among children evmy
where this summer. Extra precau
tions should be taken to keep ihu
bowels open and liver active. tVe-y
Cathartic Tablets are a find and
wholesome physic; cause no pain,
nausea or griping. Relieve iodigen-.
tion, sick headache, biliousntjba, hour
stomach, bad breath. Sold everywhere.
Teutons Storm French Positions From
.Morning Till Dark in Attempt
iu Regain Lost Ground.
Roumanians Apparently Meet Willi
Serious Reverse in Tran
sylvania. London, Sept. 2.0. In an effort to
retrieve lost territory, the Germans
Wednesday made violent counter at
tacks against the French over a three
mile front in the region of the Priez
farm and Bouchavesnes, north of the
Teutons threw attack after attack
along the line from 0 o'clock in the
morning until dark, anil at the end
of the day the French were every
where holding their positions, accord
ing to Paris, and the battlefield at
points was covered with German
Germans penetrated part of Bouch
avesnes, but the French met them
with the bayonet and dislodged them.
Four assaults at the Priez farm were
repulsed by the French.
Russians Repulsed.
On the British front inclement
weather still holds opposing sides to
artilkiy duels. In Russia and Gali
cia, both Berlin and Vienna report
the repulse of heavy Russian attacks
in the Lutsk sector of Volhynia and
southeast of Lemburg in Galicia.
Local successes for Russians in the
Carpathians are conceded by the Teu
tonic allies, who say, however, that
on the whole, the Russian attacks in
this legion were repulsed.
In Transylvania, Roumanians ap
parently have met with a serious re
verse in the region of Hatszeg, where
they have been driven back to the
Transylvania Alps, and the town of
Petroseny and the Szarduk Pass, re
captured from them. In Dobrudja the
title of battle is fluctuating. Sofia
reports successes for the arms of the
Bulga'-s at certain points, while Buch
arest claims victory for the Rouman
ians near Enigea.
Ikilgars Evacuate Town.
The western end of the Macedon
ian front is still the scene of violent
combats. The Bulgarians, according
to Athens, haw hastily evacuated
Vig'ista, at the extreme end of the
line and fallen back upon Svedsa for
a stand in previously prepared en
trenchments, which if captured, will
necessitate the evacuation of Mona
stir, Seibia.
Berlin reports that the Germans.
Drs. Mach & KVIach, The Dentists
The largest and bost equipped dentil ofV.Cfs in Onahi. SpciIists in
charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Prices Porc'.aia fillings,
just like tcxth. Inst ruments carefulty ;eri.i;ci a;wr uv.c$r.
Send for fkkk sauipl of Saai-Per Pyerrh Treatment.
IP lleS FISTULA Pay After You Are Cured
A mild ssvMrf.i c tr4tr.unt. tht eucrs Ties, Fistula and other
lirctal DisrANm in a wx im. wuh.i jiusvil operation. No Chloroform
1-Uher or other Krtirtot am!puo ud. A cwr guaranteed in every case ac
rrpted for ueatuwut, d Wsmv o N jvsJd v.atd currvi. Write for book on
Rectal disaa. uh ipMomu, 1 pv.-uce-At yvj'.'e b.are bea permanent!
DR. TARRY B Building -Omaha.
Oitr"iltml Knottker"
t4r hat wear tor
Alan a mp)no line off
The Home of
Puis & Gasisemer.
Fall Will boon
be here.
Don't let the old
r;i nge do aii
other yea r,
thinking you
are saving
money for yon ai-c not.
After yon once know the
conveniences and comjors a
MONARCH Range will give
you yon will wonder why
you didn't purchase one long
ago. Truly, the kitchen
work is much easier with a
MONARCH in vour home.
e "5ty S&tisfactory"Raie
For the next 80 days we
will give to each purchaser
of a MONARCH Range a 7-
pieceset of guaranteed alum
inum ware free.
Murray Hardware and
Emp.snieni Go.
who are co-operating with the Bul
gars, have repulsed entente thrusts
near Fiorina, Greece. Rome admits
that the Italians on the southern
slopes of Monte Beles have been
driven back by the Bulgarians. Ar
tillery fighting predominates on the
British and Froieh fronts.
No Change n Carso Front.
Aside from bombardments and iso
lated infantry attacks, the situation
remains unchanged on the Carso
front of the Austro-Italian theater,
where the Italians are trying to reach
Constantinople records successes
for the Cttomen forces over th Rus
sian and British, respectively, in Per
sia and along the Tigris.
()uld Not Do Her Cooking.
Mrs. F. E. Hartmeister, Tea, Mo.,
.writes: "I was aifeeted with kidney
trouble for two years. I got so bad
this summer I could hardly do my
cooking. I got Foley Kidney Pills
and I feel like a new person. Too
many women neglect symptoms of
kidney derangement, weak back,
swollen ankles and joints, aches, pains
and rheumatism. Sold everywhere.
7 1- Sign of "as-
I ; A Happy Home fj5)
3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA
Grand Shoe Special
Boys and Misses.
be found at our store!
Puritan Flour!