The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 21, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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as you never thought
could be is yours to
command quick as
you buy some Prince,
Albert and fire-up a
pipe or a home-made
cigarette !
Prince Albert gives
you every tobacco sat
isfaction your smoke
appetite ever hankered
for. That's because
it's made by a patented
process that curs out
II III Mil I Jjlll
bite and parch! Prince Albert has always
been sold without coupons or premiums.
We prefer to give quality !
. iii
fAe national joy smoke
has a flavor as different as it is delightful. You never
And that isn 't strange, eithsr.
Buy Prince Albert every
where tobacco is sold in
toppy red bags, 5c; tiJy red
tins, 20c; handsome pound
and half-pound tin humi
dors and that corking
pound crystal-glass humi
dor with sponge-moistener
top that keeps the tobacco
in such clever trim alcccys !
Ed Gust in moved to hi- new kcui.-e
the first of the week. He has one cf i
the best and nicest properties in EInv- j
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Swipart of Cam
eron, Mo., ari'ived Ly auto Friday and
visited for several days at the L.rt
Reed home.
Mrs. Mary Thompson of Yir.-hip,
la., arived last Friday and is vi:-;itinjr
at tVie home of her brothers, Hiram..
Oscar and James Miller.
Georpre W. Milie:- cf Lena. III., ar
rived last Sunday on -a visit to his
brothers, Hiram, James and Oscar
Miller. He will remain for a week or
ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Arbor.oth of Los
Anpreles, Cal.. arrived Sunday on a
short visit at the Wm. Lefler h-jme.
They were old neighbors on the fai m.
Sanford Clements left last week for
Chadrcn. Xeb., where he will teach
manual training and physical culture
in the Chadrcn State Normal the eom
injr year.
Harry Green commenced the work
of paperinjr the Elmwood State bank
on Tuesday. The paper that is beinp:
put on is of the heavy kind and har
monizes with the woodwork and bank
On Tuesday workmen began work
for the erection of the new Missouri i er
Pacific depot at this place. The lum
ber has been shipped and it will be
only a short time new until the new
depot will be equipped.
The Stcnes have purchased the bank
The Eeha
arc row Rolling and
w . w
The Popular Cass County Brand of Flour
Also a Full Line
JOE IVSALCOLrvl, Head IVSilier.
For Sale by Hatt a Son, Piattsmouth, F3cb.
11' i .
.l, -
' :;,-p ;;V
On th reverse ?ide
ot this tidy red tm
you v ill rcpd: Prt
ces P.- tpnf-jtl Ju'y
I T 7 , " v hich
h 5 mace fnree men
smoke pipes w litre
onf naoked before!
Men who think they can't smoke a pip3 or roll a ciga
rette can smoke and will smoke if the3T use Prince
Aitert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try
out certain! have a big- surprise and a lot of enjoyment
coming their vay as soon as the' invest in a supply,
r-rince Albert tobacco will tell its own story !
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winsicn-Salcro, N. C.
i F.!nr.vo
' n- it-.-j
ient. :
:1 Statf i)?!".k, Yii
US v:l!-C'L'1
Idem of i)
t"V ai.d p'-eii-le
bank will be
vi e.
'. I. e viailt-d
kilei liait .'"-
rear iu;
E. V
s. CI:;
eral daw
.::C u;m
o tne week.
Kansas (V.v, Me
formerly M
Anna Hart an'
was married to
several !
weeks ago.
Rev. Va?i Fleet ivft o:; Tuesday to
attend the M. F. wkh-h
ctnven-jj at Hasti -irs. lie i ret g-.-in.T
to return t J Elmwood again, but
we understand that several la'
places de-sire
th services of Dr. Van
Fleet. Many will be icrrv to sea him
leave here.
Last Saturday James Miktr pur
chased the Wall property in the we.-;
part cf town. The property is now
C' ecu pied by
man. Mi-.
Aliord. the hardware
to this
aice irrri tr.e
urn in the .-pring an-d
,iir. .-iiorfi i
, 1 : -J. 1 - . .
Kanz rrc-pcrtv. now occupied by C
A3 Irit h. The consideration price for
the Wall property was $1 ,4oO,
.ur. an
W. J. Kikendall of
ere called here by
EJuvville. who
ne iea;
their brother-in-law, Mr.
J. L. ilutchir.s. are spending the week
'pot and son,
the Philpot
y hi.--, hand at
' Jack will ti
n r ! e
k.v.t' 3 & g (Z
FVInnufscturing the
lh B B 85
cf By Products!
n fi fi!j
-r t-t .,( , !, ,';. h
. .... . ; jr . . v
- 'V4r,? - - . v.
. '4
K- k
Copyrlyht 13:8
1 cbacco Cu.
tasted the like of it!
:g uucKs wl-iie
l in
wife and
e i; i:i::g.
G!I!e R-
!:art iii'd famiiv an.! Ames
.t and f.-milv liave been visiting
relatives in this coniruvr.l'.y. a:ul left
iy u'jt-i this nHmi"g for their home
near Waua.
Mrs. Chas r';i!")ot L:t this morn-
5:iC for Norfolk to v;
Jul .-. .-icit.n. vo."i.. ..
'ner daughter,
has l eer (pjite
s'.ek. She was
u.iefi ty ner
J. I'hiipot.
little .-on of
1 ' i
A. -T.
. vi: i
EL G'vr.:!e! and her
hool he re.
rdav until We Inesdav.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Saylor re
tui) e-d Tuesday from a trip to Michi
gan, where, we understand, they
bought a farm and where they will
mo-c next v-ar. Arthur Wiles, who
own- if.'
.nerc tr.ey now
wi mve 'v veav orto T r.p n
Cards ai-c out announcing: the forth
coming wedding of Mi--3 Helen Day,
ighter of Mr.
and Mrs. E. E. Day,
Dean Svit::er, son of
Mrs. L.
D. Switerz. The event is to take
place in Weeping Water next Weelnes
day, September 20th.
The deep well that Davis and Guer
tin finished last week for Clarence
Pool oil the farm just north of town,
is fiOa feet deep, has 45o feet of water
which comes at a rate cf 440 gallons
per hour, according to the test made
while t:y:ng to pump the well dry.
At that rate there is no question
about there l:ng plenty of water for
ie i arm use.
La-t Saturdav evening the teachers
had tkiir first picnic on the rocks in
the Wolcott pasture. Everybody had
a ihoroughlv
good time getting ac-
e;uainted with the new members of
the faculty and in partaking cf the
splendid picnic supper prepared. The
fried thicken and sweet potatoes were
good, the coffee better, but the water
melon the best cf all.
W will enable the first five young
people who answer this advertise
ment to earn board while attending
busine.-vS college in Omaha, giving
each a good paying business position
when, competent. This is a rare op
portunity, so answer today before
you are too late. Catalogue and de
tails free. Doyles' College, 1812 Har
ney St.. Omaha, Neb.
Twenty-three milts east of North
Platte, Neb.; on Lincoln high. way.
Three miles to good town, all in the
bottom, the best of black loan and
every foot of it fine alfalfa land.
Plenty of fine prairie hay and alfalfa
on it now. Must be sold quick, $35
per acre, only for thirty days. Terms
C. D. Schleicher, 3146 South ir st.,
Omaha. Neb., Telephone Tyler 905. 2t
a week in d tf ; It w-
of John Zatopek, or call phone No.
Morgan Curyea went to Lincoln
Henry Roelofsz was a Lincoln vis
itor Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis were in
Lincoln Saturday.
John Murtey shipped stock to South
Omaha Wednesday.
Mrs. Herman visited her parents at
Utica, Neb., last week.
Joe Armstrong went to Lincoln
Wednesday on business. -
Mrs. Paul Thurreson and daughter
went to Lincoln Sunday.
Mrs. Ralph Uhley returned from
Lincoln on No. 14 Friday. -
Mrs. E. M. Stone spent Tuesday
and Wednesday in Lincoln.
J. A. Shaffer went to Sutton Friday
anel returned home Monday.
The Misses Jennie and Katie Nickel
were Linctdn visitors Saturday.
Miss Bessie Sunders of Clatonia is
visiting relatives here this week.
Alvin Cashner was transacting busi
ness in Omaha Friday and Saturday.
The Mothers' Council met Tuesday
afternoon with Mrs. E. L. Uptegrove.
Miss Laura Jewell of Lincoln was
a guest cf Mrs. Arthur Bird Sunday.
Grandma Boyles, who has been very
ill the past week, is some better at
this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. William Linch of Om
aha visited with L. B. Appleman and
family Tuesday.
Superintendent Worley spent Sat
urday and Sunday with his folks at
University Piace.
Alvo base ball team played the
Unadilla team here last Sunday, with
a score of 14 to 0.
Arthur Albers and sister, Miss
Frieda of Lincoln, visited Wednesday
with Miss Grace Pailcy.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rosenow of
Elmwood visited Sunday with his
brother, Chas. and family.
Mr. and Mis. Fred Clark returned
Tuesday from Llewellyn, Neb., where
they had been the past ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rouse and Mrs.
Ralph Uhley left Tuesday for a visit
with relatives at Moorehead, Kan.
W. D. Boyles of Lincoln, who has
been helping care for his mother, re
turned to his home Tueselay evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde New kirk of
Gre.nwood spent Sunday with his
parents, Mr. anel Mrs. William New
kirk. Mr. and Mrs. George Ryan left
for their home at Chappell, Ne'o.,
after visiting here the past few
Mrs. L. Lawritsen and daughter,
Miss Clara Dickc-rson anel Miss Vera
Prouty were Omaha visitors on Sat
urdav. Mrs. Beatrice McFarland of Cla-
n'nda. Ia., came in Tuesday to visit
her sister, Mrs. Harry Parsell and
Rev. E. L. Uptegrove returned
Monday from Pleasant Grove, la.,
where he attended the Cumberland
Mr. S. F. McMannus of Eagle, has
moved his household gootls into the
Grandma Craig residence and will is
sue a paper here.
Mesdames Joe Armstrong and Fred
Prouty went to Omaha Friday on No.
14, where they visited their brother
till Sunday evening.
W. C. Burns of Albany, Ore.,
stopped off here Wednesday to visit
his sister, Mrs. George Nickel. He
is en route to Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Armstrong
have moved into the H. Roelofsz
property east of the school house,
since he has charge of the dray.
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman enter
tained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
J. II. Foreman and family and Mr.
and Mrs. George Ryan and family.
P. J. Linch left Saturday for La
Junita, Colo., to look after his farm
interests there. Castle Shaffer took
him to Lincoln by the auto route.
Mr. and Mrs. William Casey and
their mother, Mrs. Jphn Casey, mo
tored to Omaha Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Casey returned Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Arr.el Sophlin and
daughter motored over Sunday from
Unadilla anel spent the day with the
former's sister, Mrs. William Yaeger
and family.
Arthur Arram of Sharpsberg, la.,
came in Tuesday to spend a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stout, with
whom he lived some thirty-two years
in Illinois.
The Rock Island will run an Ak-
Sar-Ben special train leaving Omaha
at 10:30 p. m., October 4th, for the
benefit of those returning who attend
the electrical pageant.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klyver and
daughter, Goldie, and the Misses
Mablc and Elsie and Evelyn Stout,
Thomas Stout, Arthur Abram, Peter
Klyver, motored to Lincoln Saturday
The Ledies' Aid society will hold a
reception at the M. E. church Friday
evening for Rev. M. A. Keith and the
-faculty of the Alvo schools. A cordial
invitation is extended to all to at
No. 1914
or THE
At Plattsmouth, in the State of Ne
braska, at the close of business
September 12th, 1916.
Loans and discounts (except tliose
snown on ui
$271 5a- 2o
overuraiu, secured none: unse
cured U. bonds deposited to secure cir
culation (par value).
IJonus other than U. S.
bonds pledged to se
cure postal savings . S 0 Ooo 00
Securities otLor than V.
bonds (not ineliidiiitr
stocks) owned un
pledged 'JO tvd
Stock of Federal Reserve Hank 50
per cent of subscription)
Equity in bankinjr house
Furniture and fixtures
Realestateowned other than banking-
houue -
Net amount due from Federal lie
serve Hank
Net amount due from
approved reserve
agents in New York,
Chicago and .t.
Louis 3 7-0 4ti
Net amount due from
approved reserve
agents in other re
serve cities "! '- 'C CP-
34- 74
50 000 00
::5 sv.5 :;i
J 250 00
1 1 000 00
4 410 Oo
9 !'0o t.7
C, !2 55
Net amount due from hanks and
bankers (other than included m
10 and 11)
Other cheeks on hanks in the same
citvor town as reitortetl bank..
Outside checks and other
cash items .'.,U o'.'
Fractional currency.
nickels and cents -1- s-H
tH.' S
4 045 OO
- 10 to
p; o4 (m
2 000 00
Note-, of ot her national banks
Federal lieserve notes
Cain and certificates
Lejral-tendcr notes
Redemption fund with U. S. Treas
urer and due iroru U. Treas
urer 500 00
.5 45- 41 73
Capital stock paiuin
;50 000 iXi
2j t'L'U 00
Surplus fund
I mlivided profits o!u ...
Less current expenses.
interest and taxes
i.aid 2 0-1 47
5 2.I4
o" 0i0 00
Circulating notes on tst:'i;l: r:;'. . ..
Net amount due to banUs anu
bankeis (other- than Kiciiiaea
i n r.l or 52
1 it;
2T.t 14
Individual deposits subject to
C erunVaif deposit iuie m less
than :' days
I- 45 07
4 li'.T 2-
122 51
Cashier's chocks outstanding .
Postal Savintr deposits
Total demand deixtMts.
1 tems :;;. .".1. :;5. :6. . o-.
and 4 SM5 C''.'; 9-
CertM.cates of delmsit
1 191 41
Total of time deposits.
Items 41. 42 and 4:; 71-s r.'i 41
Total 5 4-;i 4."1 73
-aieof Nebraska ..
Count v of Cass -' 1. I . M-hlatei-.castiier
of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best or
my knowledge and rt-lief.
F. E. schlateu. Cashier.
Correct Attest: t:. w. Cook.
Ii. . HOVKT.
G. Knapp.
- IMrectors.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
20th day of r-eptemoer. l'.MO.
A. 1.. J IPO.
fseai Notary rublic.
My commission expire October 16, 1921.
Mrs. J. F. Grove of Riverside, Cal.,
came in Monday evening to visit their
nieces, Miss Alice Kellogg:, Mrs. Chas.
Ayres and Mrs. Dora Shaffer, and
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Rosenow
desire to thank the rural route pa
trons for dragging the roads and get
ting them in good condition, and also
the friends who assisted them during
Mr. Rosenow's recent illness. We are
pleased to report that Mr. Rosenow
is now feeling better than he has for
Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch! Scratch!
Scratch! Scratch! The more you
scratch, the worse the itctu Try
Doan's Ointment. For eczema, any
skin itching. 50c a box.
Have you looked at the bargains
offered at the Crescent Pharmacy?
No? Then you are missing some
thing. Please be fair to yourself, and
to us. Look these over.
John Hobsheidt, one of the prom
inent farmers residing near Murray,
has decided hereafter to enjoy life
and take a well deserved rest, and
will move with his family to Platts
mouth to make their future home.
Mr. Hobsheidt has purchased the resi
dence property on South Tenth street
belonging to Mr. and Mrs. John Chap
man, and expects next month to
move in and become settled before
cold weather. We extend to Mr. Hob
sheidt and family a cordial welcome
and assure them that they have made
no mistake in coming to the bct town
in the state to live.
, Terrible Croup Attach
Quickly Repulsed
By Old Reliable Remedy
j WeO known Georgia rtora keeper hac nw
lered croup and colds for his family of ten with
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound.
P- The minute that .hoarse' terrifying
rroupy cough Is hezird in the home of
T. J. Barber,- ot Jefferson, Ga., out
comes Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound there's always a bottle ready.
Here's what he says: "Two of my
children, one boy and a girl, aged,
eight and six years respectively, had
terrible attacks of croup last winter
and I completely cured them with
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. I
have ten in family and for years I've
n?ed Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
end. it never fails."
13anish worry and save doctor bills
keep Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound always on hand, in your home.
One bottle lasts a long tune it's reliable and
6afe and the last-ose is as good
as the first. Get the genuine.
Sold Everywhere.
Saturday Night, Sept. 23
A Grand Good Time Assured
Music Furnished
Gents 50c
Local fews
From Tuesflav's Dally.
Frank Vallery motored up fim
Murray this afternoon to look after
some matters of business and visit
with friends in this city.
Nick Frederich and family of near
Murray motored up this morning from
their home to visit at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Frederich and
Lee Kniss, from near Murray, v.a:
in the city last evening attending the
meeting of the Modern Woodmen. Mr.
Kniss is the efficient clerk of the camp
at that place.
C. S. Aldrich, Guy Clements and
Mr. Lenz of Elmwood motored in this
morning to spend a few hours loking
after some matters of business at the
court house.
L. A. Me-isinger, wife and children
came in yesterday afternoon from
their country home to spend a few
hours looking after .'cms business
matters with the merchants.
J. M. Jackson and son, Howard of
Louisville, came in this morning to
spend a few hours here looking after
a few matters of business and to en
joy a visit in the county seat.
D. A. Young, venerable consul of
the M. W. A. at Murray, was in the
citv last lookincr after a few
matters of importance and attendir;
the meeting at the Woodmen hull.
Martin Surggren, one of the prom
inent residents of near Louisville, was
in the city today for a short time
attending to some matters at the
court house and calling on his friends.
Adam Stoehr motored in this morn
ing from his farm home near Cedar
Creek and departed on the early
morning train for Omaha to visit for
the day with friends and look after
a few matters of business.
Mrs. J. E. Wiles, Mrs. Luke Wiles
and Miss Elizabeth Spangler were
among those going io Omaha this
morning to visit for the day in that
city looking after a few matte's of
business and visiting with friends.
Mrs. A. F. Seybert, who has been
enjoying a visit with his brother,
Henry Keil and family on the farm
near Huron, S. D., returned home this
afternoon. She reports Henry and
family as doing nicely and the crops
there as being excellent in every way.
' Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Mayer and
daughter of the vicinity of Bethany,
Xeb., motored to this city yesterday
morning in their fine new Hudson
Super-Six limosine and spent the day
visiting their many relatives and
friends in this vicinity. Mr. Mayer
(22nd Continuous Year)
September 26ih to October 7!h, 1916
In Connection with the Celebration of Nebraska's
50th Anniversary of Statehood.
Industrial Parade,
October 3rd, p. rn.
Electrical Parade,
October 4th, night
Historical Pageant,
October 5 th, p. m.
Coronation Ball,
October 6th, night
Grand Mask Ball,
October 7th, night
Information Bureau for
by Holly's Orchestra
Ladies Free
was a pleasant caller at this office
ur.d while here had his subscnptieil
extended for another year.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Georjre H. Becker was among tho.-e to Omaha this morning tu
spend a few hours in that city at--tending
to a few matters of busi-
ne:-s. " '
J. F. Foreman and S. J. Reames of.
Cedar Creek were i:i the city last
evening to attend a meeting of the;
I. O. O. F. lodge and visiting with!
their friends. ;
Harold Ilolbert and wife of I'lain-1
view, Xeb., were oxer night visitors'
in the city, as gue-ns at the home- of'.
Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Rencruns, re- '
turning this morning to their home. ;
George M. Mark.--, one of the pros
perous and prominent farmers of the .
vicinity of Xc-hawku, was in the city
for a few hours yesterday aftor::ri
calling on his many friends and look
ing after a few matters of business.
John Richardson. Mahlan Richard
son and wife ar.i Mrs. James Higiey
were in Council Bluff's today, where
they attended a birthday dinner in
honor of their mother, Mrs. Jennie
Dalton, at her home, and spent the
day in the enjoyment of the society
of the mother.
Eugene Frey of Holtcn county,
Kan., who is here enjoying a vi-dt at
the heme of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-
i Xurlin, his foster parents, was in
Omaha yesterday, where he spent the
day with his brother, Jacob Friy of
Burr. Xeb., who is at the Clarksoti
hospital recovering from an opera
tion. Harsh physics react, weaken the
bowels, will lead to chronic constipa
tion. Doan's Regulets operate easily.
2"c a box at all stores.
Advance Sale Notice
Pedigreed Duric Jersey Swine
at Publi Auction!
On Monday, October V',, 191-J I will
sell at Public Auction to the highest
bidder about 100 head of Pure bred
Da rocs Breedirg foard.s, Gilts, Bred
sows, some open sows, sows with lit
ters, some weanlings, some June and
July pigs that will make, nice breed
ing animals by January 1st.
Every thing will be sold us I will
discontinue breeding Durocs for tiu
Call and see my animals.
Mynard, Neb
New Jubilee Grounds!
Wortham'a Combined Shows.
Autos Locpiug-the-Loop, ULid
many exciting attractions .
Weci: of "Wondc rfoul WinU,.7
Displays)" beginning Sept. -"i.
Xational Swine Exhibit, week
beginning October 2 at Unioc
Stock Yards..
Hotel Accommodations
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fluke and Mr. and