The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 14, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding: Vicinity Especially for the Journal Pveaders
A Bank Account
Is the Gibraltar
If you are a man of family you must have a hank account. A BANK
It protects you in time of need.
It gives you a feeling of independence.
It strengthens you.
It Is a Consolation to Your Wife
to Your Children
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
For Insurance of all kinds see J. W.
Offer $100.00 for your car if stolen,
if you are insured by J. W. Holmes.
A. L. Baker and Bill Barker were
Plattsmouth visitors last Sunday eve
ning. Mr. and .Mrs. Alf Gansemer and
Louie Puis were Omaha visitors Wed
nesday. Mrs. Schafer and daughter. Miss
l:osa. were visiting with Murray
friends Wednesday.
Charles Carroll returned to Weep
ing Water Wednesday morning where
he has some farm work to look after.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Engelkemeier
are rejoicing this week over the ar
rival of a new baby girl at their home
last Friday.
Mrs. Win. Puis, who has been visit-!
ing with her parents near Coleridge,
Xeb., for the past few days, returned
home Monday evening.
Chas Tucker and family departed
Wednesday morning for Loaran county
where they will make a visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dilh
J. L. Shrader made a business trip
to Plattsmouth and South Omaha
Wednesday. While in the county seat
he paid the Journal office a pleasant
Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Slangle and fam
ily, from near Randolph, Mr. and Mrs.
Jess Hendricks and Mr. and Mrs. Jake
Taylor and families, from near Plain
view, are visiting with friends and
lelatives in and near Murray, coming
in via the auto route.
Louie Puis has been doing a rush
ing business the past week with the
famous Alamo Electric light plants.
A complete plant was sold to August
Engelkemeier, also one to Jacob
Krueger. Both of these plants will
be installed in the near future.
is the word for the big Watch and Jewelry
sale now on at this store. Many people
are taking advantage of the
on jewelry prices for Christmas. It will
pay YOU. Remember its one-third off on
jewelry. A $7.50 bracelet would only
cost you $5.00. Watches one-fourth off.
Buy now and make your Xmas money go
of the
Green Piggott was a Plattsmouth
visitor Sunday.
Mrs. Mira McDonald was a Platts
mouth visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. John Stones has been on the
sick list fcr the past few days.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Ruby has been on the sick list
for the past few days.
Miss Leora Brown went to Bethany
last Monday where she will attend
Cotner University for the winter.
Ben Xoll was called home from his
work in the garage here thi.-: week ow
ing to the serious illness of Mrs. Xoi!.
Frank Ronnc unloaded a car load of
feeders at Murray Wednesday morn
ing, that were driven to his farm near
Manley for winter feeding.
S. O. Pitman was up from Nebraska
City Wednesday, making the drive on
to Plattsmouth where he had s-ome
matters of business to look after.
Mrs. Engelkemeier and daughter.
Miss Rose, of Plattsmouth, were Sat
urday and Sunday visitors at the
home of August Engelkemeier, west
of Murray.
Mrs. J. W. Berger has made several
trips to Omaha during the past week,
owing to the serious condition of one
of her eyes. She has been receiving
treatment from Dr. GitTord.
Ab. Slagle and family, Jake Taylor
and family and Jess Hendricks and
family drove down to Weeping Water
l?.st Sunday, where they spent the daj
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll.
Pastor Davis was greatly pleased
with the increased attendance at the
Christian church last Sunday. He is
anxious to meet and become acquainted
with all the members, and hopes for
even a larger attendance next Sunday.
His sermon themes will be, "Charitable
Judgment" and "The Sense of GodV
. Tutt,
W. P. Cook was a Plattsmouth vis
itor Sunday. ,
Service at Lewiston Sunday after
noon at 0 p. ni.
Hoy Cline was a Plattsmouth visitor
Tuesday evening.
Miss Grace Porter has been sick for
the past few days.
W. D. Wheeler is building a new
garage this week (Ford).
A. F. Nichles and family were Ne
braska City visitors Friday.
Mrs. George Parks and family were
Plattsmouth visitors Saturday.
Nick Friedrick and Ed Tutt were
Plattsmouth visitors Wednesday.
Miss Grace Lintner has been on the
sick list for the past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. IJert Root were
Plattsmouth visitors last Saturday.
Frank Campbell and family spent
Sunday with L. M. McVey and family.
Mrs. J no. Hendricks was looking
after business in Plattsmouth Satur-
Henry Creamer was looking after
some business matters in Omaha Mon
dav. Mrs. Will Hutcheson and family
were guests of Mrs. Will Oliver the
past week.
W. W. Hamilton went to Omaha
last Sunday to spend the day with
his family.
Ed. Gansemer and August Engel
kemeier delivered hogs to the Murray
market this week.
Misses Marie Davis and Lydia Todd
vent to Peru this week where they
v."! I aitcml school for the winter.
For Sale Three thoroughbred Dr.r-oc-Jersey
males and one gilt. See
Chester Shrader or H. C. Long.
Homer Schlichtemeir shipped in a
car of feeders this week that were
driven to his farm for winter feeding.
Moise Lloyd, who has been in the
hospital for some time is improving
rapidly, and is now able to be up and
Wm. Blanketer, who was injured by
a falling hay fork some few days ago,
has almost recovered from his injuries
and has returned to his work.
Mr. and Mrs. George Meisinger and
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Meisinger and
son, Carl, were Sunday guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Puis, sr.
Walt Minniear and family made a
fishing trip down to Weeping Water
last Sunday. It is said that Walt
came very near landing a nine-pound
catfish, but it got away.
Frank Vallery, Frank Rhoden and
Harry Wiles departed over the auto
route for Perkins county, Nebraska,
Sunday, where they will spend a few
days looking after some land inter
ests. A. B. Slagle of Randolph, Neb., who
is visiting relatives and friends in this
vicinity, motored to Plattsmouth
Wednesday afernoon to attend to
some business matters and visit
friends for a few hours. He was a
pleasant caller at The Journal office
and had his subscription extended for
another year.
The Murray schools opened last
Monday morning with the usual at
tendance and excellent feeling for a
very successful year. The high school
departs cuts are in charge of Miss
Thorpe and Miss Rachel Livingston.
The primary department will be under
the excellent care of Miss Beulah
Sans, while Miss Elizabeth Hall will
have charge of the grammar depart
Dr. Gilmore is in receipt of a let
ter from Sargent A. H. Bell of Com
pany B, Fifth Nebraska, who is now
stationed at Llando Grande, Tex. He
writes a very interesting letter, and
encloses a number of photos of scenes
along the border, also samples of
Mexican money. Mr. Bell formerly
worked for Henry Thiele, and has a
great many friends here who will be
pleased to hear from him.
Our excellent old friend, J. A.
Walker, celebrated his seventy-eighth
birthday last Sunday. All the home
folks were present; also H. N. Dovey
and family of Plattsmouth, to assist
Mr. Walker in celebrating the occa
sion. We are also pleased to note
that Mr. Walker is at the present
time enjoying pretty good health for
one of his years, and we trust that
he may remain with us to enjoy many
more such happy occasions.
The street leading to the school
house has been graded up and now
has the appearance of a city boule
vard. The next move will be to get
new concrete walks leading from town
right to the entrance of the building.
This will he. done in a short time.
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
e?entorltem of Interest In
tills vicinity, and will mall
same to t his oftica. It will ap
pear under this heading. We
want all news Items Editor
Miss Mary Parks celebrated her
eleventh birthday by entertaining from
2 until r Thursday afternoon a com
pany of young friends at a picnic
party. The afternoon was spent in
cut door games and a delightful time
was enjoyed by the little guests pres
ent. Miss Willa and Mary Parks
served a dainty and delicious two
course luncheon. Those present were.
Mary Creamer, Alice Nickles, Alice
Creamer, Vitcor Wherbein, Dorothy
Wherbein, Will Creamer, Henry Reed,
Jean Nickles, Rose Reed, Sarah and
Elizabeth Wiley, Carl Parks, Mar
garet Wiley, Willa Parks and Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Wilev.
1 will be in a position to serve hot
and co id lunches at yov- public .sales
this fall and winter. See me before
making other arrangements. VT. S
Scort Murray, Box 21.
Heavy American "A" seamless bags
for seed, 24c postpaid. We are in the
market for seed. Mail, us samples;
also, eating potatoes. Johnson Bros.,
Nebraska City. 9-14-ltwkly
w e wisn to tnank tne relatives and
menus wno nave been so kind and
sympathetic at the time of the death
of our beloved husband and father.
Jacob I. Miller. We also wish to thank
the business men and the Sunday
school of Manley for their beautifu
floral remembrances. We assure them
their kindness will never be forgotten
Mrs. J. I. Miller, Virgil and Mary.
In Europe the nations are fighting
a life and death struggle. In America
the same nations live in best of har
mony side by side, and the same har
mony prevails also in tneir praise o
Triner's American Elixir of Bitter
Wine. Girardo Varano, an Italian
writes from Mount Carmel, Pa.:
shall not fail to boost your remedy
because it is really potent. Although
I did not finish as yet, the second bot
tie, I feel already its efficiency in such
a way that I cannot even find a full
expression to describe it." Michae
Bobienski, a Pole, writes from North
bridge, Mass.: "I am using Triner's
Elixir of Bitter Wine the second year,
and I would not be able to live on this
earth without it." And really it is
an unsurpassable remedy for consti
pation and all ailments accompanied
by constipation, for general weakness
headache, flatulence, nervousness, mal
adies of the liver and the intestines
In drugstores. Price $1.00.
Triner's Liniment is a strong rem
edy, for external use only, giving
safe relief in rheumatism, neuralgia
over-exertion, various accidents, etc
Price 25 and 50c at drugstores. By
mail 35 and 60c. Joseph Triner, Man
ufacturing Chemist, 1333-1339 S. Ash
land ave., Chicago, 111.
If you have anything for sale adver
tise in the Journal.
Saturday Evening,
September 16
Show Starts at 8:30 Sharp
S-H-H l-H-M j-l-l-K H-W
!:-!-1-2 !-!-J M !!-"!-' M-;
B. L. Philpot is in Chase county
i.L ' 1 1 1 I .
tnis weeK looKing alter ois larm in
terests and the sowing of a hundred
acres of wheat.
The Misses Nora Thomas and Jen
nie Wachner of Nebraska City spent
several days the first of the week with
Miss Maude McNamee.
Mrs. Helen Wallick who had been
spending her two weeks, vacation here
returned to her telephone duties at
Seward Sunday evening.
Lon Cone and daughter, Florence,
of Blackfoot, Ida., visited over Sunday
at the home of Mr. Cone's aunts, the
Misses Ellen and Lillian Bates.
The Misses Ellen and Lillian Bates
received the sad news on Wednesday
morning of the death of their brother.
F. A. Bates, of Takoma. Wash.
Miss Mary Rose of Kansa City ar
rived Sunday evening to visit her
sister, .Mrs. A. Houts and other rel
atives, Mrs. Rose is past 80 years of
age but is very spry for her age.
W. E. Countryman of Mt. Pleasant
was a business visitor in town Wed
nesday morning. He had just been
to the Omaha market and bought C00
sheep to feed on the farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Winger and
daughter, Elnora, of Wayland, la.,
spent several days last week at the
Martin Rich home. They were re
turning home fro ma trip to Califor
nia. Riley Rector returned Saturday eve
ning from enver where he had spent a
month with his son, Frank and fam
ily. The prospect of the strike brought
him home sooner than he had planned.
At high noon on Wednesday, Sept.
Gth the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. F.
Jameson was the scene of a very pretty
wedding, when their daughter, Miss
Mary, was given in marriage to Mr.
John Bates of Rising City. The
young couple will make their home in
Rising City where Mr. Bates is as
sistant cashier in the State bank.
VW t i i i WW
Misses Mary and Catherine Ash
left last week for Jackson, Neb.,
where they will attend St. Catherine's
academy this coming year.
Miss Ida Nichols, of near Green
wood, will teach the College Hill
school the ensuing year, and will make
her home with Mr. and Mrs. William
Miss Ruth Jacobson opened her
school in Oak Grove district Monday.
Miss Doiothy Group will teach the
Glendale school, which starts next
Mrs L. F. Polk and daughter, Mrs.
Henry Shockey, and the latter's son,
left last week for' a trip to Colorado,
expecting to be gone several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Thompson and
their friend, Miss Alma Droeger of
Fort Collins, arrived last week to visit
over Sunday with their relatives, P.
Petersen and family.
Mrs. Louise Ahl, who conducts a
dressmaking establishment in the
Rose building in Omaha, came down
Saturday to visit over Sunday with
her father, P. Peterson and other rel
atives. D. E. Smith, the barber, returned
from the western part of the state
Tuesday, where he had been for the
past' week at the bedside of his
mother. He reports her much im
proved when he left for home.
If success of this school year
should depend upon enrollment, the
outlook would be very flattering,
High school grades show a marked
per cent oi increase, lotai enroll
ment, 242, of whom sixty-two are high
school pupils.
W. F. Diers and family left Sunday
by auto for Gretna, where they took
a train for Greeley, Neb., where they
expect to spend a week with County
Treasurer W. D. Towner and family
They will probably hunt prairie chick
ens in the sand hills during their ab
Miss Matilda Heebner left for Har
vard, Neb., Saturday, where she went
to teach school.
Miss Clara Hotz, who had been vis
iting at the home of Henry Du Clos,
returned to her home in Omaha Sat
urday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hilborn of Lin
coln are visiting at the home of R. C.
ollard and family this week. Mrs.
Hilborn is a sister of Mrs. Pollard's.,
Miss Ethel Rough left Saturday aft
ernoon for Falls City, Neb., where she
will teach in the public schools of that
place the coming year.
Miss Belle Bouch returned to her
duties at the Sheldon store Monday,
after a week's visit with friends and
relatives in Nebraska City and Pal
myra. Misses Myrtle Rough and Ferra
Sturm returned home Monday from
Estes Park, Colo. They had been
there for about two weeks enjoying a
very delightful time.
Mrs. F. L. Burdick returned home
Sunday evening after a week's auto
trip in various places in Iowa. The
trip was made with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Hendricks and son of Wyom
ing. Miss Lennea Lumberg left for
Chappelle, Neb., Saturday afternoon.
She taught school there last year and
is returning to resume her old posi
tion. Her father, O. Lumberg, ac
companied her as far as Omaha.
M. P. Wemming and three children
of Coleridge, Xeb., left Saturday for
their home after a short visit with
his daughter, Mrs. Charles Heebner
and family. While here he attended
the Home Coming in Plattsmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Nutzmon re
turned home from their expected
northwestern trip the latter part of
last week. Owing to the expected
strike they went to Minneapolis in
stead of Buffalo, and as it was a lit
tle too cool for comfort on the lakes
they returned and will make the trip
some other time.
Seven-room house, two big lots, well
located. About five and one-half
blocks from main part of city. Ce
ment cellar, electric lights, city water.
For sale cheap. McKnight & Ilaney,
Glenwood, la.
WANTED Married man for farm
work. Apply to Nick Friedrich,
Murray, Neb. d&wtf.
We have added school supplies in
our big cut price sale. It will pay
you to see them before buying. Cres
cent Pharmacy.
Stewart's Phonographs, only $5.00,
at Dawson's, Plattsmouth, Neb.
FOR SALE A good, gentle driving
horse, harness and top buggy, at a
reasonable price. Address Box 514,
Plattsmouth, Neb. 3td 2tw
WANTED Lady or gentleman, to
make house to house demonstration
and take orders for a necessary ar
ticle that everyone uses; can easily
make $3 to $(. Want three or four
parties with car or rig to work in
country. Address Journal, Platts
mouth, Neb. 9-9-d&wtf
Sales bills done quickly at the
Drs. Mach & tftach, The Dentists
The largest and best equipped dental offices In Omaha. Specialist in
charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Prices. Porcelain fillings,
just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized alter using.
Send for free sample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment.
DR. E. IT. TARRY - 240
Our "Hard Knocker"
for hard wear for
Also a complete line of
The Home of
Puis & Gansemer,
Fall Will Soon
b IlttTH.
Don't JettliHold
range do an
other y e i r,
tli ink ing you
are saving
money for yon are not.
After you once know the
conveniences and comjorts a
MONARCH Range will give
you yon will wonder why
you didn't purchase one long
ago. Truly, the kitchen
work is much easier with a
MONARCH in your home.
A Happy Kome )
For the next 30 days we
will give to each purchaser
of a MONARCH Range a 7-
pieceset of guaranteed alum
inum ware free.
Hurray Hardware and
Implement Go.
Could Not Do Her Cooking.
Mrs. F. E. Hartmeister, Tea, Mo.,
.writes: "I was affected with kidney
trouble for two years. I got so bad
this summer I could hardly do my
cooking. I got Foley Kidney Pills
and I feel like a new person. Too
many women neglect symptoms of
kidney derangement, weak back,
swollen ankles and joints, aches, pains
and rheumatism. Sold everywhere.
FOR RENT Farm lands, clos in;
no improvements; either for cash
cr grain rent. Call on J. P. Falter.
9-5-1 wkdvw
He Was Worried and Hopeless.
"For ten years I was bothered with
kidney trouble," writes T. F. Hutchin
son, Little Rock, Ark. "I was worried
and had almost given up all hopes.
I used five boxes of Foley Kidney Pills
and am now a well man." Foley Kid
ney Pills drive out the aches, pains,
rheumatism and all kidney trouble
symptoms. Sold Everywhere.
Sales bills done quickly at the
f JXa
3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA
No onoy.Till Cured
Fistula and All Ha eta I Olaaasaa curad with
ut ttaa knlf a. Parmanant curaa guaranteed.
Wrlta tar Fraa llluetrated book on Rectal
Dlsaaaaa and testimonials mt hundrada af
curad patlenta In Nebraska and lew a.
Doo Bide Omaha. Neb.
Brand Shoe Special
Boys and Misses.
be found at our store!
Puritan Flour!