The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 14, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2.
THURSDAY, SKl'liiir.iv n,
1 1 1 It II M 1 11 ! II 1 1 1 1 ! t M H 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1: 1 u it! JUiUULL'liJJJ R
From Wednesday's Dally.
There is considerable rejoicing at
. ... 1 101(7
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lin
The Demand for Apartments Greatly
In Excess of the Present
From "Wednesday's Dally.
Daring: the last few weeks the big
Omaha Construction company has
been making quite an appreciable
change in the appearance of the lots
nt 3rd and Vine strets, where a large
number of artisans and laborers are
lushing the construction work on
I'lattsmouth's new apartment house.
The builders state that work is to
be rushed with all possible speed, as
the building owners have already re
ceived more applications for apart
ments than they will be able to accom
modate, from people who are anxious
to get their personal effects settled
in their new quarters before winter
weather sets in.
The men at the head of the com
pany which is to own and operate
I'lattsmouth's new apartment building,
are proudly congratulating themselves
today over the future prospects of
this building as an investment. They
point to the fact that they already
have many more applications for
apartments than they have apartments
itnd that more applications are con
tinually being received. Some state
that it would have been an easy mat
ter to keep full a building one and a
half times as large as this is to be
when completed, and therefore that
they expect to see the building fully
occupied right from the start with a
big waiting list continually on hand.
This building, which is to have
every modern convenience such as gas
fr cooking, electricity for lighting,
with completely equipped bath rooms
in every suite, and with running hot
and cold water in the kitchens as well
:is in the bath rooms, and with modern
laundry equipment in the basement
for every tenant's use. is to have four
teen "-room apartments and six 4-i-oni
apartments the entire building
t- be heated by steam.
The location of the building is ideal
in every way for the convenience of
the many Plattsmouth people who will
make their homes here, and there is
little doubt but what it will be one of
the most popular places in this city
when completed.
Plattsmouth's contemplated expen
ditures for moderizing this city with
pavements and with a fine, new school
building, together with this fine new
modern apartment residence building,
is giving this place a reputation for
doing things and is attracting favor
able attention from other communities
all over Southeastern Nebraska who
are studying the things we are doing
so successfully some with the hope
doing likewise. In other words, Platts
mouth is showing itself as a leader
these days a position hard to achieve
and therefore one in which we can
well afford to take pride in maintaining.
derman over the fact that a fine little
daughter came yesterday noon to
make her home with them in the fu
ture. The mother and little one are
both doing nicely, and Fred is very
proud, over the newcomer, who is the
first in the family and the object or
I much admiration from not only the
parents, but the grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Linderman and Mr.
and Mrs. Chris Mockenkaupt as well.
It is to be hoped the little lady will
be a joy and comfort to her parents
in the years to come.
Twenty-three miles east of orth
Platte, Neb., on Lincoln highway.
Three miles to good town, all in the
bottom, the best of black loan' and
every foot of it fine alfalfa land.
Plenty of fine prairie hay and alfalfa
on it now. Must be sold quick, $35
per acre, only for thirty days. Terms.
C. B. Schleicher, 3146 South 16 st.,
Omaha. Neb., Telephone Tyler 903. 2t
a week in d tf ; It w.
From "Wednesday s Dally.
lhe heavy rams of the past few
days has demonstrated clearly that
the need of curbing and guttering of
North Fifth street from -Vine street
north. The rain has washed the street
very badly, and on the gutters on the
side the water has been very much
in evidence in washing out the dirt
The placing of the curb and gutters
on the streets certainly goes a long
way in making better streets and in
cutting down the expense "to the city
in caring for them, as they remove
one of the great evils of a dirt road
wav that of washing at the time of
each heavy rain. On the streets
where the curb and gutters have been
placed it is far easier to keep the
streets in good shape and at a cost
far less than that of the purely dirt
roadway. Main street, Sixth street
and Third street have certainly proven
that this is one way of making a long
step toward better streets, and while
the cost is seemingly heavy at the
commencement, it is not long before
the amount is saved to the city in
the cutting down or the necessity of
having someone on the job trying to
keep the roads in passable shape. The
situation of North Fifth street is such
as to make it hard to keep the road
way in good shape unless some such
step is taken, and the property owners
should see that they are in the front
ranks of progress in urging the crea
tion of a curbing and guttering dis
trict in that section of the city. North
Sixth street is 100 per cent' better at
the present time, as is Main street,
from the use of the curb and gutter,
and on the hilly streets they certainly
should be adopted.
From Wednesdays Dally.
The funeral services of Mrs. Ella
Ruffner Dodge will be held at 2
o'clock Thursday afternoon, from the
Jackson chapel in Omaha, conducted
by the Knights Templar. The body
will be brought to Plattsmouth Thurs
day afternoon at 4:30, and will be
escorted to the P. E. Ruffner home
by the members of Mount Zion com-
mandary, Knights Templar. Funeral
services will be held at the home here
on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, con
ducted by Rev. H. G. McClusky. The
body will lay in state at the home
from 9 to 12, Friday morning.
C. C. Wescott was in Omaha today
for a few hours, attending to some
matters with the. wholesale houses in
that city.
We call them aristocrats
Those New Caps for Fall,
.7 7My a
so bright in color, so at
tractive in pattern, that
even the fair sex cannot
"resist them.
The young man looking for the nobby,
original, the new from capdom, will find
it here,
50c to $1.50
New Sport Hats for Girls, 75c.
New auto crushers for girls in all wool plaids and
checks, either for school or street wear, $1.00.
escoit 's Sons
"Everybody's Store"
I -. : jjj ' " Capyrigkt 1916. Tk House of Kuppenheimer 1
1 jj
The Beaufort: Yes, these Kuppenheimer styles are attractive, vigor
ous, correct? characterful. Note the long roll to the lapel and the smart Colonial waistcoat.
Just what young men want and are wearing. The values are right. Your Kuppenheimer
leaier is rcfidy to serve you. Prices ?20 to &45. Vhat are you doing ahout it?
Spe cially of Fractional Sizes and ilia Forctcard Mod!, originated by this House CHICAGO Get our Book, Styles for Hen, from your dealer or send your name to us
I ! I Mil! I !M!t fill i! II MM
1! In hli ; 11 iiiBiiiiiiai I ii !
. 1 .
III .ffl .iimiiiB
Stetson flats
Carhart Overalls
Fim Wednesday's Dally."
The ladies of the Woman's Relief
Corps were entertained in a very 'de
lightful manner yesterday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Thomas Wiles, by
Mrs. Wiles, Mrs. Julius Hall and Miss
Ella Kennedy, at their regular monthly
social meeting and the event was one
filled with the', rarest enjoyment to
the ladies taking part. The attend
ance was quite large and the mem
bers who werepresent enjoyed. to the
utmost the pleasant time that had been
provided for them by the hostesses.
The parlors, of the Wiles' home were
very prettily decorated with Killarney
roses while in the dining 'room asters
were used in the decorative scheme
making a very pretty scene. The aft
ernoon was spent' in sewing by the
ladies and in taking part in a musical
program of the old songs of the G.
A. R. and the stirring wartime songs
was most pleasing as the voices of the
ladies blended in their pleasing strains.
Mrs. W. S. Askwith presided at the
piano and assisted in making the pro
gram one of much enjoyment. The
large and commodious porch of the
Wiles' home was very handsomely
decorated with flags . of the United
States and presented a very patriotic
After the program had been given
the ladies were invited to partake of
a very tempting two-course luncheon
served by the hostess that was very
much enjoyed by everyone present and
brought to a close one of the most
pleasant gatherings that the ladies of
the corps have enjoyed for some time.
From Wednesday DU.
District Judge James T. Beg4ey will
be here. Saturday to hold, a session of
district court and at that time will
take up a number of matters that are
pending. The divorce case of JBrunko
vs. Brunko will be the principal busi
ness of the session.
From Wednesday' Dally
Today the "fruit and confectionary
store of John Schiapacasse, one of the
was disposed of by the owner to G. W
Morgan, of San Diego, ICalif., who
.will at once assume .the management
of the. business and keepupthe old
established custom of courteous treat
ment and the best goods that it is pos
sible to secure for his patrons. Mr.
Morgan has been engaged in the fruit
husinrss in different cities for the past
,f ew years and comes to - Plattsmouth
to make his home and to give the peo
ple of this city a 'first" class isiore in
every respect. Mr.- Morgan is a for
mer resident of Mills county, la., and
made ' his home ' at Glenwood before
removing to the coast and is a son of
William - Morgan, . for - many years
sheriff of Mills county and one of th
most popular men in that section of
Iowa. The store will continue to pro
vide for the needs of the residents of
the city in this line. Mr. Schiapacasse
will retire from business to enjoy the
rest that the long years of activity has
so well earned and as his health and
age are such as to make necessary the
cnange ne can spend nis remaining
years in the enjoyment of life. It is
with regret -that it is learned that he
is no longer to be a part of the busi
ness life of the city but it to be hoped
that he and his family will continue
to make their home in this city. To
Mr. . Morgan the business men and
citizens in general will extend a hearty
welcome' ;to , Plattsmouth and assure
him thai-he has made no mistake in
locating in this city. "
FOR SALE-Poland-China male pigs.
Inquire of C. E'." Heebner,' Nehawka,
Neb. ' -V . 9-7-lmowkly
FOUND A child's hat. Owner may
have wtme by calling at this office
and paying for this advertisement.
: , 9-8-tfd
From Wednesday's Dally.
Mrs. Fred Gunther met with a very
painful acident on Monday at her
home on West Locust street, when
She fell on the concrete walk, and as
a result sustained a
e l. . . . . " "Ullu'i'
ij. uiu-rigni lorearm int i
, u U V c
wrwi. Medical assistance was -moned
and the
and the patient is reported as doing
....j s yussiuie under the circum
stances, althouirh sufTWi, :J
ble pain from thn
.r ; " '"jury. Mrs.
uuntner experienced ,
dent two years ago, when she well and
fractured the wrist of v,, ir r.
arm and as a result was laid up for
some time. The mnnv v;..i
1 . . m mis
estimable lady will 1 t i .
i . ... - iier UCC1-
dent with great regret and trust that
she may soon b blo s
of her injured arm.
Letter files at the Journal office.