The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 14, 1916, Image 1

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    Neb State Historical Soc m
No. 131.
Much Important Business Transacted
Claims Allowed. Etc., Etc.
From Tuesday's Daily.
The regular session of the city coun
cil convened last evening at the city
hall with all the members present
with the exception of Councilman Lus
chinsky, who is out of the city en
joying his vacation, and the city dads
lost no time in retting right down to
Bruce & Standeven, the engineering
firm of Omaha, addressed a communi
cation to the council in regard to the
grading estimate in District No. 10,
and the amount due the contractor was
fixed at $121.53. This estimate was
not included in the original estimate
made by the engineers and covers the
last cost in the paving work. On mo
tion of Bajeck the estimate was ac
cepted and the amount ordered paid.
A petition was also received from
F. H. Steimer asking that a grade be
given for a sidewalk north of his resi
dence property in the Third ward, con
sisting of lots 1 and C, block f0, in
the Third ward.
The claim of the Monarch Engineer
ing company for a part of the work
thai they have carriel out on the
Washington avenue paving was read
and in which the company asked that
90 per cent of their work be allowed,
and the following sums were asked
for: Eight blocks of paving, $1,440;
200 barrels of cement, $720; 700 tons
of gravel, $734.
Chairman Bestor of the streets, al
leys and bridges committee did not
know, he stated, that the bill was to
have been brought up until a few
hours before the meeting and he there
fore was not in a position to say as
to the work or material, and that the
engineers had not placed their ap
proval on the work as they had not
been in the city, but that as noon as
they came the work and the quanti
ties of material used would be meas
ured up and approved.
On motion the claim of the Mon
arch company was allowed, with the
und rs'.anding that the engineers ap
prove the claim after they had in
spected the amount of work done. Mr.
G. A. Cook, who was present, stated
that he was willing to vouct for the
(dlltrent amounts as namcJ in the
Luis as having bcn used by his com
par.y in their pavng.
Chief of Polic ' Barclay repoited
th.-jt for the monih of Aucuri there
had been fifteen arrests, nine of
whom had paid Vines, four vorked out
th(ii fines on the streets, and two
v;(m still unpaid. This was referred
L.) the police on.mittee.
City Cleik Warga reported that
during the mo-th of August he had
collected the sum of $1,300.45 from
the residents of the city, the greater
part being the taxes in District No.
10, and the funds had been turned
over to City Treasurer Soennichsen.
Police Judge M. Archer had enjoyed
a very profitable month in August
and as a result, he had collected the
stim cf $80, that had been turned over
to the city treasurer to be used in the
financing of the city. This is as good
a showing as has been made for some
time in the police court and will help
out a great deal.
Chairman Bestor of the streets, al
leys and bridges committee, reported
to the council that he had interviewed
the members of the board of county
commissioners at their recent session
in regard to the matter of the bridges
in the city and they had promised to
do whatever is necessary to widen
or build up the bridges. In regard
to the road dragging fund, Mr. Bestor
stated that the county attorney had
been of the opinion that the city was
clearly entitled to a part of the road
dragging funds from the county for
their use, and as soon as possible the
steps necessary to secure these funds
would be taken. In regard to the
placing of a permanent walk on the
north side of Vine street between
Fifth and Sixth streets, Mr. Bestor
stated he had interviewed a number
of the property owners and they had
agreed to get busy in putting" in the
Chairman Bestor desired to have the
council order the placing of eight-inch
tiling under the paving on Washin
ton avenue at the intersections of
Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh streets, in
order that they might be all ready
for use when the new sewer was com
pleted along the old creek bed and
save the necessity of moving the pav
ing later on. On motion the commit
tee was authorized to go ahead and
see that the tiling was placed in as
required. This will be found a great
advantage later on to the residents
along the avenue.
Councilman Frank Buttery desired
to have some grading done in front
of the residence of Henry McMaken on
North Eleventh street, in order that
a permanent walk might be placed
at once, and the wrork was ordered
looked after as soon as possible.
Councilman Bajeck stated that a
number of the residents on North
Tenth street desired to have the drain
age of that street arranged so that
instead of water flowing down Walnut
street, it would follow down Tenth
to the avenue and save the washing
out of private property. Councilman
Buttery did not think that the course
of the water should be changed unless
tiling was put all along the street to
carry the water, as it would be incon
venient for those residing near the
Councilman Bestor called the atten
tion of the i council to the necessity
of placing a crossing southeast of
the Columbian school in order that
the school children might get to and
from school without the necessity of
having to wade in the mud and water.
The placing of some kind of a tem
porary crossing was authorized by the
The bill of the St. Joseph hospital
for $121 for the hospital fee and
board of Officer Wilson was presented
to the council, together with a bill
of $37.50 for nurse hire for this per
Mayor Sattler stated that the insur
ance company with which the city car
ries a liability policy would pay $200
on the care of Mr. Wilson, who was
so seriously injured while in the dis
charge of his duties as an officer of
the law. Mayor Sattler thought that
Officer Wilson would soon be in condi
tion to return here, although he would
have to make trips to Omaha fre
quently to be treated, and as the
nurse's fees was for care of the in
jured policeman, he thought that this
amount should be allowed. The in
surance company has already paid
$37.50 on the services of the nurse.
On motion the claim for the services
of the nurse was allowed.
The finance committee of the council
recommended the following bills as
correct, and warrants were ordered
drawn for their payment: William
Barclay, salary, $75; Alvin Jones, sal
ary, $05; M. Archer, salary, $30; P.
A. McCrary, merchant police, $20;
J. C. York, special police, $11.25;
Jesse F. Warga, expense city clerk,
May to September, $5.23; Albert God
win, labor and service as motorcycle
cop, $10; F. F. Buttery, expense trip
to Omaha, $3.50; Lincoln Telephone
and Telegraph company, rent and
tolls, $3.42; Warga & Schuldice, sup
plies, $1.40; J. P. Sattler, expense in
taking William Wilson to Omaha, $3;
John Bauer, auto to take William
Wilson to Omaha, $9.60; H. M. Soen
nichsen, supplies to Wilson family
and commissioner, $8.84; Waterman
Lumber and Coal company, supplies
to street commissioner, $86.10; Bruce
& Standeven, engineering service, $2;
Mike Lutz, work for one horse, $12.50;
Q. K. Parmele, street work, $13.50;
Mike Lutz, street work and salary,
$40.50; Ed Snodgrass, street work,
$18; Charles Allen, same, $50.70;
John Zitka, same, $22.50; Charles Mc
Bride, same, $31.25; Earl lies, same,
$23.62; Mike Karnes, same, $31.25;
Merle Parmele, same, $43.65; Ray A.
Best, nurse, William Wilson, $37.50.
On and after Friday night, Septem
ber 15th, you will find the Wagner
restaurant open all night. This step
is made owing to the demand of our
many patrons. Here, at all hours of
the night you will find the very best
the market affords in everything: good
to eat, in the way of steaks, chops,
short orders, fish and oysters, pre
pared in the most inviting manner.
Call now at any time for what you
want to eat.
i Alf Nickels was among those going
to Omaha this afternoon to spend a
few hours looking after some business
matters. ,
This Estimable Lady, Formerly Miss
Ella Ruffner, Was Reared to
Womanhood in This City.
From Tuesday' Daily.
It was with saddened hearts that
the many friends in this city learned
this morning of the death of Mrs. Roy
Dodge at the Swedish Mission hospital
in Omaha, where she had been since
a week ago, when she was taken from
her home to the hospital for treat
ment. Mrs. Dodge had not been in
the best of health for some time, but
her condition had not been alarming
and Mrs. Dodge was able to attend
the Home Coming here with her hus
band, and spent a few days here with
the relatives and friends, but on re
turning to the metropolis she was
taken very sick, and since that time
had gradually grown worse until late
yesterday afternoon, when it was clear
to see that her recovery was impos
sible and that the end was not far
off. Mrs. Dodge passed away at 11
o'clock last night despite all that med
ical skill and loving hands could do
for her relief.
Mrs. Dodge was formerly Miss Ella
Ruffner of this city, and the only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ruff
ner, and was born and reared to wom
anhood in Plattsmouth, and where she
was united in marriage to Dr Roy
Dodge several years ago. Since their
marriage Dr. and Mrs. Dodge have
made their home at Omaha, and the
departed lady was loved and esteemed
by a large circle of friends in that
city as well as here in her childhood
To the broken-hearted husband as
well, as to the parents and other rela-
times, the deepest sympathy of the
many friends will go out in their loss
of a noble wife, daughter, sister and
friend, who has been so suddenly
taken from their midst.
From "Wednesday's Dally.
Oscar Messier, a former Platts
mouth young man, came in yesterday
afternoon to enjoy a short visit here
with his old time friends, before re
turning to his home at Worchester,
Mass., where he has been engaged in
his chosen profession of music for sev
eral years past. Mr. Messier will be
remembered here by his old friends
and associates, although it has been
sixteen years since the family moved
away from this city. While here Os
car was much interested in musical
work and assisted in the musical de
partment of the Presbyterian church
and since going east he has devoted a
arge part of his time to the study
of the pipe organ and general musical
work. He has been at Beresford, S.
D., where his parents now reside and
has spent the past six weeks at that
place and reports his father, Eric
Messier, who was for a number of
years employed in the Burlington sta
tion here as freight agent, as doing
very nicely in his new location and
this fact will be pleasing to the many
friends of this estimable gentleman in
this city. Mr. Messier will leave to
night for his home in the east after
having enjoyed to the utmost the stay
in the west with his relatives and
I hereby wish to notify the public
that I have accepted a position with
the hardware firm of J. L. Barton &
Co., and I would be pleased if my
friends would call and see me, and if
you need anything in our line will
give you the best service possible, and
anything that goes out from our store
I have authority from my employers
to make right. I am fully convinced
that you can save money by buying
your hardware from us.
Plattsmouth, 'Neb.
George W. Shrader from near Mur
ray was in the city for a few hours
From Wednesday's Dally.
The Woodmen Circle last evening
met at their lodge rooms in a very
pleasant session and the evening was
largely spent in the discussion of the
affairs of the lodge. The members
of Forest grove, of Omaha, who were
here for the Home Coming, extended
to the members of the grove of this
city their heartiest appreciation of
the splendid treatment afforded them
while in the city, and were very loud
in their praise of the splendid manner
in which the Fraternal day program
was carried out. The ladies of the
order were much pleased that their
efforts had been appreciated and will
see that they are doubled at the next
fall festival.
The ladies spent several hours in
the discussion of the affairs of the
order and Jne transaction of the rou
tine business of the lodge.
From Tuesday's Dallv.
Will it be necessary to remove the
guide post in the center of the inter
section of Main and Fifth street? is
the question that is agitating the
minds of many of our people. It
would seem that either the post is
removed or one of the leading farmers
of this locality will have to buy his
supply of shafts for his spring wagon
by the gross in the future. Last even
ing this farmer, who has had a similar
experience in the past, was driving
from the south to the north side and
while crossing Main" street he became
engaged in conversation with a num
ber of friends standing on the curb,
and the first thing anyone knew there
was a loud crash as the shaft on the
side next to the post was snapped off
and the procession halted right there.
It was necessary to have the horse
unhitched from the wagon and the
vehicle taken to the blacksmith shop
to have some repairs made. It was
only about three weeks ago that Louie
met with a similar accident, and his
friends are urging that the city in
stall a barrel at Fifth street, similar
to that in use on Main street, to save
the damages to the wagon of our far
mer friend.
From Tuesdays Dally.
The republicans of the county held
their second rally of the season last
night at the Philpot hall in Weeping
Water, and despite the very bad
weather conditions a large number
were out to listen to the talks on the
issues off the day made by H. L.
Shumway, candidate for lieutenant
governor; W. H. Reynolds, candidate
for state treasurer, and R. W. DeVoe,
candidate for attorney general, and
who proceeded to expound the doc
trine of republicanism to their hear
ers. There were a number from this
city in attendance, including the can
didates for the county offices, who
took advantage of the occasion to
meet with the representatives on the
state ticket. Thus far the republicans
are the only ones to hold any public
meetings for the campaign, and seem
to be putting one over on their demo
cratic rivals in this respect, as the
democrats have had none of their can
didates save a few of the county offi
cers out to meet with the voters. It
will only be a short time, however,
until the orators will be out in full
force to convince the voters that their
beside is the right one.
From Tuesday's Dniiy-
Our old friend Charles Miller, resid
ing south of the city, was in today and
called at The Journal office and pre
sented the publisher with a basket of
grapes, that certainly are as fine as
any we have seen this season and
which are of a delicious variety. Mr.
Miller certainly knows how to grow
the grape on his fine fruit farm. ;
Mr. Harrv White of Sioux City, and
Miss Jennie Button United in
Marriage at Home of
Bride's Parents.
From "Wednesday's Dally.
Last evening the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H. T. Batton on Wintersteen hill
was the scene of a very pretty and
simple wedding, when the youngest
daughter, Miss Jennie Batton, was
united in the bonds of holy wedlock
to Mr. Harry White of Sioux City, la.
The wedding was witnessed by only
the immediate family, and the par
lors of the home were very charm
ingly decorated with roses and ferns,
making a fitting setting for the very
happy event that was to unite for
life hese two very estimable young
Promptly at 8 o'clock the wedding
party took their station before Rev.
F. M. Druliner, pastor of the First
Methodist church, where the impres
sive ceremony was performed, the
ring service being used by the pastor.
The bride was very charmingly
gowned in a traveling costume of dark
blue serge and wore a picture hat of
blue and carried a shower boquet of
bride's roses. The maid of honor,
Miss Janet Grassman of Alliance,
Neb., was gowned in a costume of old
rose taffeta and carried a boquet of
dark red roses. The groom and the
best man, Dr. H. Jensen of Newman
Grove, Neb., were both in the conven
tional black.
Following the wedding ceremony
the young couple were showered with
the well wishes of their friends and
relatives on the commencement of
their happiness as they go down life's
highway together.
Mr. and Mrs. White will depart this
afternoon for Colorado, where they
will spend their honeymoon before re
turning to Sioux City, la., where they
will make their future home.
Both of the contracting parties have
long made their home here and their
friends are legion in the city and vi
cinity, who will wish them all the
happiness that they so well deserve.
The bride is a graduate of the Platts
mouth schools, and for the past few
year has been numbered among the
most efficient teachers in the county,
and it is with regret that her friends
and associtates part with her, but in
her new home she will take their kind
est regards and well wishes for fu
ture happy years. The groom is a
young man of high character and uni
versally esteemed by all those who
have the pleasure of knowing him.
Mr. White is at present employed
by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
railroad as a fireman on their Iowa
lines, and is a gentleman whose ac
quaintance is a great pleasure.
Nebraska City defeated Hamburg in
the fast game staged at Hamburg,
Sunday afternoon, and came off vic
tors to a score of 6 to 3. Prof G. E.
Stevens, who has been pitching for a
western league team during the sum
mer, was one of the chief aids to the
victory and his pitching, with the sup
port it received at the hands of the
All Stars will be long remembered.
The attendance of base ball fans from
this city was heavy" and contributed
much to the success of the game.
Next Sunday Nebraska City will
play Plattsmouth and if intense de
sire makes for a victory the All Stars
will sure "bring home the bacon."
Just who will pitch the game on Sun
day has not been decided yet. Ne
braska City Press. '
From Tuesday Daily.
This afternoon is. A. Kosencrans,
deputy county clerk was disposing of
number of the chicken that he has
raised on his farm, "The Acres" just
south of the city. "Rosy" between the
hours of labor at the eourt house finds
time to look after the poultry and
other farm work with marked success.
From Wednesday's Dally.
W. H. Wade, who resides at Ne
hawka, seems to have gotten in bad
with the authorities by an excessive
use of intoxicating liquor that he ac
cumulated Monday, and when he met
C. W. Fleshman and proceeded to
abuse and curse him by applying sev
eral vile epithets, the law was in
voked to settle the matter. County
Attorney A. G. Cole has filed a com
plaint in the county court against
Wade, charging him with the use of
vile and abusive language.
Mr. Wade came in last evening to
answer to the charge and was fined
in the county court for his offense in
the sum of $5 and costs, which he
paid and was allowed to go on his
From WeCneeaay'a Dally.
This afternoon at Glenwood oc
curred the funeral of Mrs. A. N
Anthony, who for a number of years
was a resident of this city and a lady
held in the highest esteem by those
who knew her best. Mrs. Anthony
died Monday evening at her home
at Hillsdale, where the family have
made their home for the past few
years, after a brief illness, and the
funeral was held at Glenwood, and
the body laid to rest in the cemetery
there. While a resident of Platts
mouth Mrs. Anthony was very active
in the Methodist church circles, and
her many friends will regret greatly
to learn of her death. She was also
a charter member of the Loyal Mys
tic Legion of this city, and had the
notice of her death been received in
time a number from. this city would
have been in attendance at the funeral
services. The Anthony family re
moved from this city some fifteen
years ago and have since made their
home in Mills county. To mourn the
death of this good woman there re
mains the husband and two daughters,
Mrs. Nellie Wakely of Malvern, la..
and Mrs. Robert Sampson of Tacoma,
From "Wednesday's Day.
Matthew Herold of this city, who
completed his four years' course at
the University of Nebraska last
spring, departs Monday for Cam
bridge, Mass., where he will enter the
law department of Harvard college
to complete his study for this pro
fession, and will spend the next four
years in the great eastern law school.
Mr. Herold is one of the brightest
young men that has been graduated
from the schools of this city and at
his graduation had a splendid record
of over forty credits, and was equally
successful at the State university,
where he was given his decree of
bachelor of law. He will enjoy while
en route east a short visit at the
home of the Pfeiffer family in Phila
delphia, where they have extensive
business interests and have just se
cured control of the great Richard
Hudnut perfume manufacturing plant
and will hereafter operate it.
The best wishes of the many friends
of Mr. Herold will accompany him on
his journey to the east and through
his career in school, with the wish
that he may complete his course with
the same success that has ben his lot
heretofore in school work.
From Tuesday Daily
Mrs. Elizabeth Travis has for the
past few days been confined to her
home suffering from what seems to
be an attack of stomach trouble, and
for several days she has been unable
to leave the house. Her condition will
be greatly regretted by her friends,
who trust she may soon be up and
around as usual.
$5.00 Phonographs at Dawson's.
Our neighboring city of Louisville
was thrown into grief last evening
when Fred Schmadier, a prominent
young man of that locality, was
drowned in one of the sandpits north
of Louisville, where he, together with
a number of other young men were
engaged in swimming. It is stated
that the unfortunate young man had
been in the water only a short time
when he suddenly sank out of sight
and never came to the surface of the
pond again. As soon as the tragedy
was noticed by the other members of
the party attempts were made to re
cover the body, but it was an hour
before the body was brought to the
surface by the use of a hay rake.
Medical assistance was at hand and
for two hours efforts were made to
revive the drowned man, but in vain,
as life was cone from the body ap
parently before it was brought to the
surface. The pond where the drown
ing occurred is from twenty to sixty
feet deep and the water was quite
cold. It is thought that the young
man was taken with cramps while in
the water and rendered helpless to
save himself or call for help. The
unfortunate victim of the tragedy is
a son of Joseph Schmadrer, a promi
nent farmer of near Louisville. He
was married and leaves a wife and
two small children to mourn his un
timely death. An inquest will be held
today to determine the facts of the
Word has been received here of the
death in Rochester, N. Y., of Mrs.
Lottie Wright Morrison, a sister of
Mrs. J. N. Wise of Omaha, and a
daughter of the late Rev. Alpha
Wright, for many years a resident of
Plattsmouth in the early days. Mrs.
Morrison died on Friday, at the age
of 79 years.
Mrs. Morrison will be well remem
bered by the older residents of the
city, as she was a frequent visitor
here during the lifetime of Rev. and
Mrs. Wright, and to those who knew
her she was held in the highest es
teem, and the news of her death will
be the source of a great regret to the
old friends. She was a lifelong mem
ber of the Methodist church and quite
active in church and charitable work
in Rochester during her life, until fail
ing health would no longer permit
her participation. However, despite
her feeble health she retained a keen
interest in the affairs of the commun
ity where she resided and was able
to keep in touch with her friends.
In J85G Mrs. Morrison was married
to William F. Morrison, whose death
occurred in 1901. There were two
children. A son, Langley Morrison,
died in Boston in 1914. Mrs. Morrison
leaves a daughter. Miss Alice C. Mor
rison of Rochester; as sister, Mrs. J.
N. Wise of Omaha, and a grand
daughter, Miss Mary Morrison of Bos
ton. The funeral of this good woman
was held in Rochester.
On next Saturday and Sunday, Sep
tember 16th and 17th, the famous
World's All Nations base ball team
will be in Omaha to play the Bran
deis Stores team at Rourke Park. This
organization is considered one of the
greatest teams in the world and has
in its lineup John Donaldson, the
greatest colored pitcher in the world.
On Sunday, the 17th, there will be
a double-header with the Armours of
Omaha and the General Electrics of
Minneapolis,' contesting for the Ama
teur championship of the west in the
opening game, and the All Nations
and Brandeis teams in the second
game of the series. These games will
draw large crowds and promise to b
as god as any seen in the metropolis
this season. . i
Office supplies at the Journal office