The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 11, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1916
x2j 30L Ei
Sept. 16th,
AT 9
.i-i , n.,TTm-n, r-r.-., .- I
16th, I
vAT 91
mill ill
Steel Carpet Sweepers,
Worth $3
bio wraow
Only one sold to each
None sold before the
sale day.
No 'phone orders will
be accepted.
None sent C. O. D.
None will be charged
bring a dollar and get
two cents change.
You will be sure to admit that this is a wonderful bargain. You will won
der how it is possible to secure such splendid sweepers to sell at such a low
price. It is merely another demonstration to give our patrons the advantage of
every special purchase we make, having secured kJ0O of these sweepers fJom one
of tlie largest manufacturers in the country at an exceedingly low price as a
big special sale feature offering, $XAH) won't buy a better sweeper. Made of
steel: light in weight, but very strong a sanitary sweeper which harbors no
germs. Far superior in every way to the old fashioned wooden sweeper with
its germ collecting attributes. The HYG EXO sweepers are handsome, having
beautiful mahogany baked enamel finish and nickle trimmings.
Don't Fail to See Them on Display in Our Window
Judging from the intense interest being ni:ini fpsted in the display and the comments on the very low
price of only cents, there will he a big crowd here sure. F.enu'mber only L'OO of these Sweepers in this
sale and if "yon appreciate a big bargain and want to obtain your s.veeperit is essential that you be here
promptly at ! o'clock Saturday morning. Positively none sold before this time. At !'e they'll go like ho;
cakes. No phone orders and. none sent .'. O. I.
u B
1 M s
or Hext Excii
n n m
Sunday, September
The following prices on Ford Cars and Chassis,
f. o. b. Detroit, becomes effective August 1st:
Ford Chassis $325.00
Ford Runabout
Ford Touring Car 360.00
Ford Coupelet
Ford Town Car
Ford Sedan Car
AVe guarantee there will be no reduction in the
above prices prior to August 1, 1017, but can not as
sure whatever against an advance in price any time.
IC ULU ifinn-
The Omaha World-Herald of Sun
day has a very interesting story of
the old Methodist church at Kock
IHuii:-, which is as follows:
"The corner stone of the old Metho
dist church of Rock Bluffs in eastern
Cass county was opened August 21,
after being sealed for forty-six years,
and documents of historical value
were found.
The church, a substantial stone and
brick, 20x 10, was one of the best con
structed buildings in this thriving
little river town at that time. From
the time of its construction to the
time of its destruction, it has weath
ered many hardships erected in 1870,
taken by the mortgagee in 1883, later
sold to a farmer, who used it as a hay
barn, and while filled with alfalfa
from the pews to the belfry, was de
stroyed by fire within the last year.
The building is being wrecked by Alex
Giaves of Murray, whose father, Will
iam CI raves, and uncle, Eben Graves,
manufactured the brick and did the
brick work on the church two years
later. He will use the brick to con
struct a dwelling in Murray.
"The contents of the corner stone
had been placed in the cavity chiseled
out of the limestone and had been
plastered over with mortar. They
were in a bad state of preservation.
Its Interesting Contents.
"Those things found in the corner
stone were: A statement of the dedi
cation, the minutes of the tenth con
ference of the Methodist Episcopal
church, a book of Discipline, New
Testament, a copy of the Central
Christian Advocate, published at St.
Louis, dated September 7, 1870.
"A sheet of common writing paper
gave the following information re
garding the dedication:
" 'Methodist Episcopal church, Sep
tember 15, 1870. -W. Gidding, P. E.,
Lincoln district, Nebraska conference.
Dedicated with appropriate ceremo
nies September 15, 1870. Present And
associate members. The Rev. H. 11.
Maxfield, the Rev. L. W. Smith, the
Rev. II. I Mann, the Rev. Brother
Murphin of Portsmouth, ()., ami the
Rev. Brother Lemming.'
"The Rev. Mr. Lemming was pas
tor of the church at the time of dedi
cation. '"On the opposite page was given
the names of the building committee,
all well known pioneers of this part
of the country: 'Henry Polen, Mandy
(not legible), Moses Hiatt (now
84 and a resilient of Murray), John
Stafford, Sampson Carncs, Thomas
Mann, II. Craig and Mary Polen Tay
lor.' "Mr. Moses Hiatt was chairman of
the building committee, class leader
and superintendent of the Sunday
school at that time. Mr. Hiatt, in
looking over the records he helped
deposit in the corner stone a half cen
tury ago, dreamily remarked, "People
don't live now like they did then no
time for enjoyment all in a hurry.'
"The book of Discipline, and New
Testament were returned to Mrs. Will
iam Taylor, Plattsmouth, as she had
given them to the dedication services.
"The minutes of the tenth Nebraska
conference held at Fremont, March
31, to April 2, 1870, gives in detail the
transactions of each day. They were
published by 'The Republican Steam
Printing House and Book Bindery,
Omaha, 1870'
"The copy of the 'Central Christian
Advocate' of September 7, 1870, pub
lished in St. Louis, while forty-six
years old, is quite modern as it re
ports extensively war news (Franco
Prussian) and the influence of the
war on food stuffs. The medical
charatan advertised much bolder than
he does in this age. There are no
illustrations and Mutt and Jeff could
not be found.
War News, Too.
"The pioneers in Nebraska read the
following war news in September,
" 'Minister Motley telegraphed the
news to Washhigton, and adds that
King William will assign a residence
to Napoleon. Count de Palikoa and
the council of ministers of Paris is
sued the following proclamation to
the French people: "A great misfor
tune has come upon the country. Af
ter three days of heroic struggles,
sustained by the army of Marshal
McMahon against 300,000 of the en
emy, 40,000 men have been made pris
oners. This cruel reverse will not
shake our courage. Paris is today in
a complete state .of defense. The
milifnrv forces of the country will
organi'e in a few days. A new army
will be under the walls of Pari; an
other army is forming on the banks of
ilm Tviip. The emneror has 'been
made a prisoner."
"Under the caption, "Grain and Pro
duce Prices Current" the following is
"'St. Louis, Mb., Saturday, Sept. 3,
1S70. The overwhelming defeat of
the French army under McMahon and
the surrender of Napoleon have caused
gold to fall considerably, and raised
the (juestion as to what will be the
future prices for bread-stuffs and pro
visions If peace is shortly con
cluded, prices will advance for a time,
on opening the blockade ports, until
the waste of war is in a measure sup
plied by our imports.'
' This is followed by a very com
plete list of all commodities on the
maiket at that time. Flour is quoted
at o" pei- barrel, live cattle per
hundred, sugar 11 cents per pound,
deer skins, summer, 23, and winter,
18 cents per pound. American gold is
quoted at 113, and lead at 7 cents per
Omaha in 1870.
"A part of a letter from the Rev.
John Ing to Ids friend, in Chicago runs
as follows:
" 'On Train Cooper Lake, C02 M. S.
W., Omaha, Tuesday a. m., Aug. 23.
1870. Running all night we reached
Council Bluffs. Ia., which, being on
the opposite side of the liver from
Omaha, late capital of Nebraska,
which was moved to Lincoln, some
sixtv miles south of the last men
tioned city. Omaha is a beautiful
city, : treets 100 to 120 feet wide, has
many fine residences and churches
(two Methodist churches), one street
car railroad and a population of from
15,000 to 18.000. mostly from the east.
"Notices, appear to the effect that j
Peter Cartwright was holding meet
ings in St. Louis at the date of thi.-"
issue of the Advocate, and he seems
to have been in as great a demand as
Billy Sunday is today. Many com
ments are given on his rough and
ready sermons.
"It has been agreed by all those in
terested that all papers taken from
the corner stone of this pioneer church
shall he turned over to the State Hi
toiical society."
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Constipation the Father of Many Ills.
i If the numerous ills that affect hu
manity a large share start with con
stipation. Keep your bowels regular
and they may be avoided. When a
laxative is needed take Chamberlain's
Tablets. They not only move the bow
els but improve the appetite and
strengthen the digestion. Obtainable
Why It Pays io Buy a HOOS1ER
Kitchen Cabin
Iloosier's production is bigger than any other
live makers combined. Their capacity for making
kitchen cabinets is yo great that they can turn out
higher quality cabinets than any other manufacturer
and at lower prices.
Their enormous output enablethem to save in
hundreds of ways and his saving is given to you in
the way of low prices.
We can sell Iloosiers from $2.00 to $5.00 less than
any other kitchen cabinet on the market.
Come in and see them now, while we have a com
plete stock. Learn for yourself how the Iloosier will
save you time, steps and work.
Hoosier kitchen cabinets save miles of steps
A Soeclal Weave
iooI Rolbes
rancv woo.
Letter files at tb Journal office.
Implement Dealer and Dodge
Brothers' Cars.
A re bfing lu-ld all over the eoun
tryNall the time. You as a stock
raiser appreciate the value of healthy
looking animals. Of course it increas
t. their vuk'e. but they need a regu
lator ami tonic to help nature keep
them in condition. 15. A. Thomas'
Stuck Remedy is guaranteed to give
;t isfact i n or we refund your money.
II. M. Socnnichsen.
Puis X- (iansemer.
We desire to exiiress our thanks
to the many friends for their kind
ness and assistance to us during our
misfortune of losing our home by lire
and assure these friends that their
acts of kindness will long be remem
bered. mi. axi) mrs. j. r:. wiles.
A. E. Pail ing of (Ireenwood was
among the boosters accompanying
their base ball team to this city Sun
day and enjoying the time to visit his
friends in the county scat.
Peats burying them. Steve Hoover,
Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, writes, 'Com
menced feeding my herd of about
100 hogs P. A. Thomas' Hog Pow
der ( ver two months ago. Fifty
were sick and otr feed. Nearby
herds had cholera. I did not lose one
they are well and growing fast."
II . M. Soennichsen.
Puis & Cansemer.
How to Oivc Good Advice.
The best way to give good advice is
to set a good example. When others
see how quickly you get over your
cold by taking Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy they are likely to follow your
example. This remedy has been in
use for many years and enjoys an ex
cellent reputation. Obtainable every-'
Attorney William Deles Dernier and
Charley Stone, the genial Klmwood
banker, were in the city Saturday vis
iting with friends, while Mr. Dernier
was looking after a few matters at the
court house.
' it.
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