The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 11, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1916.
' Cbe plattsmoistb 'Journal
Entered at Tostoffice at Flattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mail matter.
R. A. SATES, Publisher
srnscmPTiox pkicki tio
l- So many Gcds. so
creeds: so many ways
many v
ind. and. just the act of being
kind, is ail this sad world nerds.
S.-e that your furnace is O. K. ,
:o: -
A very early winter is predicted.
Now is the time to fill your ecal bin.
The pumpkin crop is fine. um!
Examine your flues before putting
:o: -
The oyster season is ripe. But
wht'e are the oysters?
. :o:
Crc-vC, like Maine, seems to enjoy
Wing entertained by b;th sides.
Kenierr.bcr that the fellow who
w.n"t keep a piomise won't keep a
eci et.
Wh:it law has been created by the
democratic congress that has not been
in liny with progressiveism ?
Why not people who denature
f- kj practice on mushrooms? It would
not irij'iie mushrooms very much.
S- r.utoi Hitchcock begins his cam
paign iH-t Tuesday by speaking at
I-.rt Caihoun, Blair, Herman and
The principal between
the oiaph' amous skirt last year and
thi year is that last year the sun had
to bo shining brightly.
Ilule for choosing a ripe water
melon: Thump the melon, and then
thump a bald man on the head. If
the thumps sound alike, the melon is
Mr. Hughes has a vision of what
the country needs. Visions are made
of very flimsy stuff. What the coun
try wants is not visions but explicit
lines of policy.
In other days, when you heard a
man boa.-t about the climate back
home, it was a sitrn he was from
California. Now you can't tell. He
might be "from Missouri."
John Wunderlich is gaining new
supporters every day, and the present
indications are that he will bo
r!"f.t'.-d sheriff of Cass county this
year by a good majority.
Governor Hiram Johnson of Ca!i-foni-i,
in an address to the progres
sives at their national convention,
!!!', said: "Remember Barnes, Pen
jo-e and Crane in l'JPJ! We left the
or.vention because the bosses were in
control. They are still in control."
If you tan't boost your own town
:.nd community, for the love of com
mon sense and the elimination of
yourself as a pest, either move some
where else or get off the earth. You
are no good to yourself and are eer
tainly a nuisance to everybody else
in town.
The Seward city council has passed
a resolution authorizing Mayor Mcr
riam to appoint a movie censorship
committee of five citizens to regulate
shows in that city. Seward people
must not approve the work of the
National Board of Censorship or the
National Hoard of Review, under
which many pictures are shown. Per
haps the eyesight of the membership
composing the aforesaid hoardsis de
vfai vear
The following reference is made
to the effect of the Hughes' campaign
in the west, by the Chicago Herald, a
republican paper:
Mr. Hughes has made a number of
speeches out west, and it is generally
admitted there is no glow in the west
e:n skies indicative of anybody set
ting the woods and prairies afire. Of
course the spaiks may possibly be
there, to flare up later into a confla
gration. But it is entirely fair to say
that at present the aspect of the west
ern skies is " entirely normal to the
casual observer.
He has been hammering away at
the present administration with
charges of incompetency and ineffi
ciency. He has insisted that its pre
parationsfor defense are belated and
inadequate. He has emphasized the
idea of an American far-visioned and
efficient. He has laid great stress on
his advocacy of a federal woman's
suffrage amendment. He has empha
sized the importance of the tariff
question and insisted the democratic
party can not and will not afford
American industries proper protection
against the dangers f rom Europe af
ter the war.
It may be that this mass of criti
cism, these numerous counts in the
indictment which he has evidently J
prepared with lawyer-like precision,
and it must be confessed, seems to
press with a somewhat lawyer-like
diyness, are making an impression.
It may be that, with the ground thus
prepared by his painstaking and, seen
from this distance at least, rather
commonplace tour, the task of repub
lican campaigners in the next two
months of heated combat will be made
appreciably easier.
But the detached and impartial ob
server i? forced to the conclusion that
the evidences of the results are at
present not particularly plain. The
enthusiastic republican, knowing the
value of first impressions, may pos
sibly feel a trifle disappointed at the
failure of his presidential candidate,
at the beginning of the compaign, to
sound an epic note to rally followers
to the standard. And not without
significance, perhaps is the fact that
Washington, which at first seemed a
little flurried at his speaking cam
paign, has apparently relapsed into
an attitude of, complacent indiffer
The hog market in Omaha recently
reached the highest point since 1910,
soaring around the S10.85 mark. The
average "porker" must feel like an
aeroplane, taking such a lofty position
in the world.
When the taxpayers of Cass county
vote lor .Mike r ritsch lor treasurer
they can depend upon geting an offi
cial who is thoroughly competent in
every particular. There are but few
men in the county as competent for
the treasurer's ofiice as Mike Fritsch,
the present efficient deputy.
Grand Island did the proper thing
when it organized a regular old-time
county fair. That is the kind of show
that always makes a hit'in an agri
cultural section. Cass county used to
years ago, but she is better able now
to have a finer county exhibition than
ever. Can't we try it next year?
John Wunderlich is the right man
for sheriff. Many, who failed to vote
for him two years ago. now see where
they made a big mistake. He is a
man who will strictly attend to the
duties of the office, and his books
will be kept in such condition that
those who have the legal right can
easily learn as to their correctness,
and just as they should appear.
Congress has adjourned, after nine
months hard work.
Candidates, keep an eye on the pic
nic dates. It is well.
The campaign will open now in
great shape in all directions.
It is said a woman shows her age
most by her cranky disposition. Well,
dont a man do the same? '
While there is a great deal to be
learned by asking questions, careful
watching and listening will bring bet
ter results.
:o: ;
Admitting, for the sake of argu
ment, that a public official is a public
servant, mighty few of them act that
: :o:
The Omaha Bee optimistically ob-
, . -W T 1 1 A. t
serves: ilugnes nas em on mc run
toward the rear." No doubt, and
when the votes are counted on Novem
ber 7 Hughes will be so far "toward
the rear" and Wilson will be so far
from the same place, that the republi
can nominee will have abundance of
time to cool himself from the run.
:o :
Chairman Wilcox's appeal that Mr.
Hughes be spared all formal dinners
during the campaign would seem to
indicate that Mr. Wilcox fears some
democrat would slip a button in Mr.
Hughes' soup. No use to think of
such a thing. The democrats are too
anxious for him to keep on abusing
President Wilson, and make the presi
dent's re-election as near unanimous
as possible.
:o: '
The political parties are very .slow-
in getting things in running order in
this campaign. We would advise the
democrats to get matters in better
shape than they are at present. Dr.
Gilmore, chairman of the committee,!
has started in the right direction in
thoroughly organizing the county. He
should be assisted by. all democrats.
Get a move on you, gentlemen, and
push matters.
:o: i
Ybraham Lincoln Sutton, the repub
lican candidate for governor, is get-
ting his foot in worse everv daw He
said the other day at Kearney, that if
Keith Neville was elected governor of
Nebraska he would not enforce the
prohibition law if the amendment car
ried. When he uttered such a remark
he knew he lied. A candidate's
chances for election are certainly very
slim, when he resorts to such meth
ods against his competitor.
Is this a cae of survival. of the
fittest? A farmer, living south of
Little Sioux, la., was plowing the
other day, and turned up a squirrel
wrapped up in the coils of a huge hull
snake. The mother was fighting to
save its young, but the snake was
too strong and was slowly crushing
it to death. The farmer refused to
interfere, claiming that the snake was
the farmer's friend, and a better trap
than any gopher catching device ever
invented. Query: Was the farmer
justified in letting life be taken for
the sake of the welfare of his busi
ness? :o:
"Chickens come 1iome to roost." The
expression is trite the application lies
in the opportunity to utilize it. Back
in October, 1914, Raymond Robins,
who is now supporting the candidacy
of Mr. Hughes, indulged in the. fol
lowing re-marks, which, more or less
must emb;trass him in his present
political attitude: "The most skillful,
the most courageous, the greatest
statesmanship of the last two years
in this woild was the manner in which
Wilson averted war between this coun
try and Mexico. The reason that the
blood of American men sons of our
homes is not today reddening the
soils of Mexico, to serve the interests
of a few corporation magoutees and
speculators, is due more to the courage
and constancy of Woodrow Wilson
than to any other factor in American
life. I would count myself poor and
small, indeed, if I were not able to
recognize wisdom, courage, and pub
lic service, even if it had been shown
by the chief of an opposing party."
Was Mr. Robins wiser year before li'.st
than now? Is his tribute recallable?
Subtle, but no less violent, is the
effort to prove that Judge Sutton was
riot , nominated by the whisky . ele
ment. Some care is shown to disclose
that Keith Neville got more votes in
a certain specified ward in Omaha
than Mr. Sutton did.
But who nominated Sutton? Sam
McKelvie carried all of the state, out
side of Douglas county, by 3,713, re
ceiving in such counties 23,0S2 votes
to 24,369 for Sutton. Had there been
no Douglas county as the home of the
big liquor element of the state, Mr.
McKelvie would have been decisively
the republican nominee for governor
3ut there was a Douglas county,
and it came sturdily to the rescue oi'
Mr. Sutton by giving him a majority
over Mr. McKelvie of 6,533.
Now, by whom was Judge Sutton
nominated? Was it by the part of
the state outside of Douglas county?
Certainly not. It was by Dovglas
county, and by Douglas county alone.
Does anybody suggest that DongRs
county is not "wet?" If so, in heav
en's name send for the insane com
mission and a straight-jacket.
Mr. Sutton was not a candidate
against Keith Neville in the primary,
and it is impossible to obtain a tost
of the partiality of the liquor element
for him over Mr. Sutton. Keith Ne
ville does not owe his nomination to
Douglas county. Ho was nominated
over his democratic opponent by mora
than 8,000 votes without count' ng a
vote from Douglas county for either
of them.
No spacious calculation can wipe-
out the fact that Mr. Sutton would
have been beaten but for the strong
support he got in the county that i
the home of the "wet" cause, and
therefore owes his nomination to the
Nobody has undertaken to say tnat
Mr. Neville enjoys the hostility of the
anti-amendment forces. What the fig
ures prove is that Mr. Sutton is not
distasteful to that element at ail. lie
has lived in Douglas county, and held
important judicial office meantime, for
so long that the liquor element knows
that it has nothing to fear from him.
Had he been as fierce an. anti-liquor
judge as he is an anti-liquor candi
date, the liquor element would cer
tainly have some reason to fear him.
Lincoln Star.
Some merchants claim that adver
tising does not pay because they once
knew a man who got his wife that
If we understand the medical pro
fession correctly, only about 12 per
cent of the people living today are
When a girl has a couple limbs that
look like old-fashioned piano legs, she
eloesn't give a rap which way the wind
:o :
It is observed, however, that the
chestnut blight hasn't struck the
humor department of the Congres-
sional Record.
As expected, Mr. Hughes opposes
the eight-hour law. Of course, all the
railroad employes will support
Hughes in a horn!
The next annual encampment of
the G. A. R. will be held in Boston.
The Bostonians doit want to feed
them altogether on Boston baked
"What would you have done, Mr.
Hughes?" is the query that confronts
the republican candidate wherever he
goes. The query takes many forms,
becomes specific as well as general,
but is never answered. The hundred
per cent candidate is also the hundred
per cent dodger.
Why should the election in Maine
next Mondav indicate the result in the
nation at. large? It-is naturally a re
publican state, by a good majority,
and there can be no significance in the
election of one state that is known
to be republican at all times and un
der all circumstances. If it goes
democratic it will be a democratic
success, but if it goes republican, they
j simply hold their own and that is all.
While Mr. Hughes is traveling over
the country abusing the president of
the United States, the president re
mains at his post of duty doing busi
ness for the people of America.
:o: :
It is said that the dreamy waltz is
to succeed the tango.- It's about time
something "succeeded it." It might
be added that life seems to be one
continual dreamy waltz for some.
The European countries now at war
will have an attractive collection of
curios by the time they have declared
war on all the nations opposing and
filed their declarations away in the
archieves. Future generations who
examine them can truthfully say:
"What fools these mortals were."
"Suffrage Party Fights Democrats,"
announces a head line. So does the
republican machine, and look where
it is now in trouble, as usual. But
these political parties are not orga
nized for the especial purpose of en
dorsing the platform of another; for
instance, witness the bull moose or
ganization. :o:
Otoe and Cass . counties had the
credit of having one of the most in
fluential and able members of the
last senate, and gained a state-wide
reputation on the strength of his leg
islative ability. That person is Hon.
John Mattes. And the taxpayers will
make a very grave mistake if they fail
to re-elect him.
It might as well be recognized now
as later that the republican leaders
have made three important tactical
blunders in their opposition to the
president. To those blunders much
more than to the affirmative record
of achievement he sets forth in his
speech of acceptance he owes what
ever strategical advantage he has in
the campaign.
Mr. Roosevelt made the first of
these blunders when he insisted that
the president should have gone to war
over the invasion of Belgium and
later over the sinking of the Lusitanin.
All effective criticism of the Presi
dent's foreign policy is now met witn
"he kept us out of war." The Amer
ican people did not want to go to war,
they do not believe now that we should
have been justified in going to war,
"he kept us out of war" is all we
shall hear until the polls close.
Mr. Hughes made the second tacti
cal blunder in that unhappy reference
to Huerta in his opening speech. No
body believes Huerta should have
been recognized, everybody feels that
the administration was,right in refus
ing to have anything to do with
Huerta. There was never a prospect
of the least popular response to an
attack on the administration because
Huerta was turned down. All the
blunders of the president's Mexican
policy are now going to be covered by
the plea that he has held the door
open to the oppressed of Mexico to
have better government.
The republican leaders in the senate
have made the third blunder in their
united opposition to the eight-hour
day for railroad workers. Of the
three capital blunders we anticipate
that the third will cost more in votes
and in influence in the campaign. The
eight-hour day was bound to come,
nobody seriously questions the right
of congress to order it, it is right as
a fundamental proposition. Senator
LaFollette was the only man of re
publican affiliation to do what the
plain common sense of the situation
dictated. ,
Mr. Roosevelt enters the campaign
bearing over-weight, to use a racing
term, so does Mr. Hughes, and so does
the republican party, and while the
handicap is not so serious that it may
not be overcome, it is well to recog
nize that it is a handicap. Young
Depew could win a 100-yard .sprint
after he had been set back a yard for
anticipating the' pistol. But neither
he nor his friends underestimated
what it meant to make up that lost
Why our republican senators,-after
making every effort to include in the
eight-hour bill some provision against
the, sort of thing that had forced this
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Copy of Wrapper.
emergency action, after fixing up a
record they could appeal to the coun
try on. did not vote for the eight-hour
law must pass the common under
standing. Every skilled trade has the
eight-hour day." Nobody seriously
questions the power of congress to
make any reasonable regulation it
pleases for interstate commerce. The
American people elid not want the rail
roads tied up over an eight-hour day.
Practically everybody will approve the'ur day law now that it is en
acted. We might just as well recognize
that the president enters the campaign
under far more favorable conditions
than his most sanguine supporters
could have hoped for or than the rec
ord of his administration entitles him
to. This does not mean that he is
going to be re-ee!cted necessarily. But
it eloes mean that the republican lead
ers have a much more serious under
taking ahead of them than many of
thorn have been assuming. Des
Moines Register (rep).
John D. Rockefeller says he values
his friends more than he does his mil
lions. But the people are not prepared
to believe it.
It is time the democrats were get
ting on their war-paint and kindling
the fires of enthusiasm. Delays are
dangerous. Thorough organization
brings forth victory.
Criticism of President Wilson's ad
ministration in his policy of Mexican
affairs 'didn't get several candidates
in the Texas primary election very
far in the direction of nominations.
We have added school supplies in
our big cut price sale. It will pay
you to see them before buying. Cres
cent Pharmacy.
-Western Farm Values!-
Bumper wheatcrops and favorable live stock conditions
are creating wide spread demand for these deeded lands,
sons expect to get hold of good lands along the Burling-'
get in touch with me at once ahead of the landseekers'
activity that is responding to the excellent 1916 crops
on cheap Western lands.
S. B, HOWARD. Immigration Agent, C. B. & Q, R, r.
Lf you or y
ton, 1 urge you
ou to
i;-rV3 fi I ii 3
111 I I I llll !! T
n y n n "
Mothers Know that
' r '
Bears th
For Over
Thirty Years
From Friday's Daily.
Karl Reese, the youngest son of
Mrs. Eva Reese of this city, is quite
ill at the Methodist hospital in Om
aha, where he was taken on Wednes
day for treatment. Mr. Reese was
here Sunday' to visit with his mother
and other relatives and at the time
he complained of feeling badly, and
upon his return to his home in Omaha
it was found necessary to perform an
operation to give him relief, and on
Wednesday afternoon he was removeel
to the hospital, where the second op
eration was performed. He is reported
as doing as well as possible under
the conditions and his relatives are
hopeful that the operation will prove
of lasting benefit to him in restor
ing him to health.
From Friday's Daily.
James Gilmour and wife of Ulysses,
Neb., who have been visiting with
their relatives and friends in this sec
tion of the country during the Home
Coming, were in the city today visit
ing with their old friends. Mr. Gil
mour is a native pf Cass county and
has a great many friends in this lo
cality who were much pleased to
meet him and his estimable wife dur
ing their stay. They were greatly im
pressed with the appearance of the
city since their last visit, and the
splendid outlook for the crops this
season. Mr. Gilmour and wife mo
tored in from their home in Furnas
From Friday's Dally.
This afternoon Mark White and
mother, Mrs. I. S. White, departed for
Bethany, Mo., where they will attend
the eightieth birthday anniversary of
Lance Alley, an old schoolmate of JiVs.
White, and they will spend a few days
there. '
L , A.
n riw'fm fn n n
m i mm
320 acre-Free Mondell Lands going fast. An excellent
selection yet for you near Douglas, Wyo., on Burlington
main line.
Watch for autumn announcement opening 12,000 acres
Deaver Unit, Big Horn Basin, next to wonderful Govern
ment irrigated locality at Powell. Write me about it.
t i
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