I! MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, PACE 2. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. A LOCAL LODGE ENJOYS VISIT TO NEBRASKA CITY - 4 AXumber of Local Sons of Herman HighU- Entertained in Our Neigh boring City. Yesterday the members of the Sons of Herman lodge of Plattsmouth de cided to show their fraternal spirit by a visit to the lodge at Nebraska City, and accordingly, several anto loads of the members left this city at 10:30 for tiie Otoe county metropolis. The auto ttip through the finest part of Cass and Otoe counties was most en joyable and the writer, who was in the car of G. 11. Tarns, which was in the lead, was permitted to enjoy to the fullet the fine prospective of the land scape, with the many fields of fine farms stretching on either side of the load. The coin looks as though the u.-ual bumper crop was being secured and all the farm homes are in fine r-hape. and make a splendid appear ance for the industry and prosperity of the residents throughout the route traveled. The roads, too. as a rule we;e excellent, with the exception of a small piece about two miles long south and west of Union in Otoe county, where the road is just about as poor as could bf imagined, but with this exception the load is excellent and makes fine motoring. The Cass county r ads are in good shape almost the tntire distance from this city to the Otoe county line. The expedition., under the direction of William Starkjohn as generalissi mo, leached Nebraska City near the nou hour and the members of the party at once proceeded to enjoy din ner, preparatory to the pleasures of the day. The welcome extended by the Nebraska City members to their visitors was very enthusiastic and hearty and there was nothing that could add to their pleasure and enjoy ment. The Plattsmouth delegation wa; 5-iV.wn vwr the city by auto and made a complete tour of the Otoe county metropolis. The sightseeing party was in charge of Senator John Mattes x-.nd A. I. Younir as the guides, and every point of interest in the city and vicinity was reached by the members of the party in the trip. Beautiful Morton park and Arbor Lodge, the h me of the family, was visited, and this monument to the great man that had contributed! so much to Nebraska City, was much admired. The visitors from this city were very much pleased with th" trip and gratified at the treatment accorded them by their friends at the city. At the Sons of Herman hall a num ber of addresses were given and the speakers. Mayor John P. Sattler, Sen ator Mattes, G. II. Tarns and Max Pfitzmeyer, all touched on the splen did enjoyment of the occasion and the gracious hospitality that had been shown the Plattsmouth delegation dur ing their stay in Nebraska City. It was a very pleasant time' for every one and the large number in attend ance felt that it was an occasion long t be remembered as one of the most pleasant in the history of the two lodges. Those who made the trip from this city were: Mayor J. P. Sattler, John Bauer, sr., Albert Sergun, Al bert Lentz, William Starkjohn, Max P: ies, August Rakow, Frank Steppatt, John Hirz. G. H. Tarn. Charles Ul rica, Max Pfitzmeyer, Emil Ilild and Frank Smith. HOME AGAIN. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Sheldon and laughter, Isadore, and Misses Anna Peterson and Poena Pollard returned borne from their visit and auto trip in the eastern states last Saturday afternoon. The trip was made in the foimer's car. They were east as far as New ILimpshire and returned through New York. They report hav ing had a delightful trip and that no trouble was had to speak of. Ne hawka News. Henry Heebner, the Cedar Creek t levator manager, returned this morn ing to his duties, after an over Sun day visit at Murray with relatives and friends. Catarrhs! Deafness Cannot Be Cured t v Ir.cal applications, as they cannot reach the dicastd portion of tho car. There is c-r.iy on way, to cure catarrhal deafness, r.r.d that is by a constitutional remedy. 'atarrhal Deafness is caused by an in i:arael condition of the mucous lining of in Kustacbian Tube. When this tube is inflamed 5'ou have a rumbling sound or im perfect hearing, and when it is entirely cIiis.-L Lrafntes is the resu'.t. Unless the inflammation ca.n be reduced and this tube res'ored to its r.orma! condition, hearinp will b destroyed forever. iiany cases of iealnss are caused by catarrh, which is an, inflamed condition of ih mucous Eur-f.-cer. HaI3 Catarrh .Medicine acts thru the blooU cn -Ike mucous eurfaccs oi the SJ-T-i TVe v.Mit Gar- Hundred Oi!!ai3 for pay C'3! t D-a:T that canmt be "cured t" Hali'a Catarrh .Medicine. Cir culars ivi. All Druge-ists,. "5c. F. J. CHENEY &. CO.. Toledo, O. THE HEAVIEST RAIN STORM OF THE SEASON LAST NIGHT Last night one of the heaviest rain storms of the season visited this ciey and for several hours the downpour was intense, the water falling in sheets and in a very short time the streets were decidedly uncomfortable to cross owing to the depth of water. The rain seems to have been general throughout this section and for sev eral miles south and as a result the roads are quite muddy and hard to travel. The rain lasted throughout the night but was the worst from 8:C0 to 10 o'clock when the storm was at its height. The streets were cleaned olF in fine shape by the rain and presented a fine appearance his morning. The lowering of the paving on Main street several years ago cer tainly has been one of the biggest benefits to the city that was ever" car ried out as despite the heavy rainfall and the immense volume of water that drained through the business part of the city, there was not the slightest damage done. The church attendants as well as others who were down town at the time the rain came up ex perienced discomfort in reaching their homes and the storm caused the auto mobile owners who were out to seek a place cof refuge. JOHN W. BANNING AND MISS KATHERYH O'DGNNELL MARRIED Announcement has been received in this city of the marriage on Wed nesday. September (Uh ac Omaha of Mr. John W. Panning of Stuardt, Neb., and Miss Hose Katheryn O'Donnell of Union. 1m. th of the Young people are well known throughout Cas cour.tv where ti .' were reared to manhood and womanhood and made tneir none near Lnion tur a great many years. The bride is one of the mo.-t popular young ladieS in the southern portion ot the county and has for a number of ye-ais been a member of the teaching force of the count v and bv cliarm oi cnaraci.er has won manv yarm friends who will wih her joy in her married life. The groom, oas lor tne past lew vars been engaged in the lumber business t Stuart, in which he- has been very successful and is a young man univer sally esteemed bv thoe with nhom he lias come in contact with. Mr. Pan ning is a son of one of the leading fam- ies in Cass county and is a brother of W. P.. Banning and Joe Banning of Union, and here the groom made his home until removing to Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Banning are enjoying their honeymoon at Casper, Wyo.. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Buck. Mrs. Buck and Mrs. Banning are sist ers and here the young people will remain for some time, returning to Stuart, November 1st and will then be at home to their friends there. OLD-TIMERS II EKE Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Yoman and then oldest daughter, Mrs. Elmer Smith and husband of Denver, arrived in town Saturday night. They made the trip by auto. They visited at the A. A. Johnson home until Monday morn ing, when they drove to Plattsmouth for a short visit at the old home town of Mr. Smith, returning here Tuesday for a more extended visit. Mr. Smith was connected with what is now the Nebraska State bank about twenty-two years ago. Mr. Yoman and family lived here a number of years and were well known throughout the county, especially Mr. Yoman, who was deputy sheriff and also special detective for the Missouri Pacific. It has been twenty years since Mr. Yoman has been in Weeping Water and naturally he sees many changes and many strange faces, but it is a great pleasure to meet his old friends who are still here. Weeping Water Republican. Mrs. Barbara Bookmeyer who has been at Iowa City, la., visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lillian Freeman, re turned home this afternoon. Hiss Hazel Tuey departed for Chi cago yesterdayafternoon, where she will enter the Columbia School of Mu sic to take supervision work. She was Accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wescott of Los Angeels, Cal., who are on their way to Massachusetts, where they will make an extended visit at various points. WANTED Lady or gentleman, to make house to house demonstration and take orders for a necessary ar ticle that everyone uses; can easily make S3 to $6. 'Want three or four parties with car or rig to work in country. Address Journal, Platts mouth, Neb. O-fJ-d&wtf FRIENDS ARE HAPPILY ENTERTAINED AT THE HOME QF A. S. WILL The beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Will on Chicago avenue, was the scene of a very pleasant gathering yesterday when a number of the old friends who are here visiting from the Pacific coast, were entertained for the day by Mr. and Mrs. Will. The dining room was very prettily deco rated in pink and white asters, making the room one of great beauty, and here the delicious and tempting din ner was served, the color scheme being carried out in the different courses. A part of the afternoon was spent in visiting and then the guests were all taken bv automobile to Eight Mile Grove, near where the former homes of a number of the guests were lo cated in the years gone by, anil the occasion was much enjoyed in looking over the old scenes. The event brought many happy recollections to the mem bers of the party of the old times that have gone never to return. Those who enjoyed the pleasant hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Will were: Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Waybright, Mrs. Benton Brown, Mrs Earl C. Wescott and son, Shirley, all of Los Angeles; Mrs. Olive Jeffers of Olympia", Wash.; Mrs. Eliza Beverage, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mauzy of this city and Robert Mauzy of Omaha. ARE REJOICING OVER THE ARRIVAL OF A FINE G!RL A very happy home today is that l Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murrav due to the fact of the arrival there tins morning of a fine ei.uht and ::e-uai t er pound girl baby, who made her ap pearance at .'I :.". The arrival of the litt'e "lie hrs be-".i the occasion of much pleasure rv.t only to the par ents in:: to the proud grandparent. Mr. and Mrs. Mar!; Ik-, as well and as the first grandchild is the object cf the greatest admiration and direc tion. "Uiu-le Earl lies is also feeling mightily well pleased over his Iktle neice and it is needless to say :i.:-t sho is the bo.-s of the Murray household TMilav. UNITED STATES POSTOFITCE. Plattsmouth. Neb., Sept t'th, H'l. Mr. E. J. Clark Mr. E. Patterson The above mail is unclaimed and Hill he sent to the dead letter ctrice September 2o, l'.'lO. I). C. MORGAN. Postmaster. S. S. Hall of Pender. Neb., who has been enjoying a cw days visit with relatives at Elmwood. Murray and with his brothers. Major Hall and Dr. J. II. 1 1 ill 1 in this city, departed this morning for his home going to that city on the early Burlington train. (Jet your writing tablets and sta tionary at the Crescent Pharmacy. Half price during the sale. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is a medicine chat every family should be provided with. Colic and diarihoea often comes- on suddenly, and it is of the greatest importance that they be treated promptly. Con sider the suffering that must bo en dured until a physician arrives or medicine can be obtained. Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a reputation second to none for the quick relief which it af fords. Obtainable everywhere. ATTENDS BALL-GAME. J. C. Lemon, one of the prominent residents of Greenwood came down yesterday to attend the base ball game and enjoy the day in the county seat. Mr. Lemon was greatly surprised at the showing made by the Sox of the city as he really expected a much closer score. LOSS OF CORN SMALL. Lafe Nelson, residing south of the city, who, it was reported lost consid erable corn during the wind and rain storm of last Wednesday, states that he has not suffered any loss to speak of from the effects of the wind or rain and his crop is in fine shape. Remember ths Journal carries the finest line of stationery in town, and can please all in this line of goods. CASTOR !A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature MISS FERN FERGUSON MARRIED AT LINCOLN From FrMnVfi Daliv Word has reached us of the mar riage of Miss Fern Ferguson and James Iloteling, both of Lincoln, which occurred at Lincoln Saturday. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. J. D. Ferguson, one of the oldest and most highly respected of the pioneer families of Cass county, now residing in Lincoln. The groom was foimerly a real esbute dealer of Lincoln, but expects to locate in Long Beach, Cal. Miss Ferguson was mar ried in her traveling suit of dark blue cloth, and wore, her mother's wedding ring. Immediately after the cere mony, they left for an auto trip to California, accompanied by the bride's mother, and also by her sister, Mrs. L. G. Todd and husband, expecting to make the trip in the hitter's new Pathfinder. As announced last week, they all expect to be gone a year. The many friends of the family in this vicinity join us in extending congratu lations and best wishes. Louisville Courier. SERIOUSLY BURNED IN SAVING HIS AUTOMOBILE Leonard Meisinger is suffering from a" very painful injury which he sus taincd as the result of his foresight in saving his fine Oakland automobil from destruction. It seems that one of the electric wires in the car ha become short circuited while the car was in use, and as a result there wa clanger for a few minutes that the car might be burned up but Leonard realizing the danarer, tore the wire and saved the car, but in doin; so both his hands were badly burner and it was r.eces.-ary to take an er! forced layoff from his duties at tin C. E. Wescott's Sons store while tin injured hands arc bandaged up. Whih the acident was one th.'t was seriou: Lccnaiil feels thankful tlrat it was no wor-e and that his auto suffered no injury m the effects OWENS RELEASED GN BONO OF 52,500 i?'rri Friday's Dallv. Ye rdav afte rnoon Wiiliani Owens was released from the cAinty jail on i.e-n. :,o. 0. and olfered as se curitics for the sum. James Cier.::, the grandfather of the young man, and Frank and Ma: v Bash us. Owens was charged wan ne'ng implicated in tne assault of O.'iicer William Wilson in this cit" on the morning of August ith, and has been at the ImmanucI hospital i i Omaha snce that time re covering from the effects of a wound from a revolver bullet he received in the abdomen during the mixup. The young man waived a preliminary hear ing and was bound over to the district court to await trial at the November term of the court. The bond leing approved, Owens was released and al lowed to go to his home. MRS. FlOY DODGE VERY ILL, m IS. From Friday's Dally. Renorts from Omaha state that Mrs. Roy Dodge, who has been very :sick at her home for the? past several days, was showing much improve ment, and this has greatly encouraged her family. It was thought at first that it might be' necessary to have an operation performed in order to give the patient relief, but it is hoped now this will be avoided and that she will recover without the necessity of the operation. This will certainly be very pleasing to the relatives and friends in this city and they trust that Mrs. Dodge may continue to im prove until she is once more able to be up and around. WILL MOVE TO PLATTSMOUTH. From Friday's Dally. W. II. Seybeit, who for a great many years has been a resident of the vicinity of Cullom has decided that he will hereafter enjoy a more easy life than that on the farm and ac cordingly will remove to Plattsmouth the coming season and locate on the Henry Hilbert farm-just west of the city, to engage in farming on a smaller scale and have more time for the enjoyment of life. While he is now moving a part of his equipment to the new home, Mr. Seybert will not remove until March to the Hilbert farm to make his permanent home. WANTED Married man for farm work. Apply to Nick Friedrich, Murray, Neb. d&wtf. The Best Place to Buy It is at Wescott's Are You Open to Conviction? This is addressed to thinking men men who are aiding in the development of Plattsmouth and who know the value of good clothes as a business asset. Come in and try on the new Fall models you'll like the new styles the pinch backs, the one and two button sack models. You'll admire the fine fabrics the excellent tailoring the unequalled workmanship. SPECIAL STYLES FOR YOUNG MEN Quality Clothes Local Pews From Friday's Dally. Oscar Gapen returned home this morning from Lincoln, where he has been attending the state fair and vis icing with friends. F. J. Hennings and son, Albert, mo tored in this morning to spend a short time attending to a few matters of business with the merchants. W. F. Moore of near Murray, was in the city today attending to a few matters of business and visiting with his friends, motoring up from his home. Paul Roberts, the Cedar Creek lum berman, was in the city today for a few hours looking after some mat ters of business and calling on his friends. W. II. Seybert of near Cullom, was here today for a short time making some arrangements for his rcmova from the farm to the Hilbert place west of the city. Miss Eda 'Marquardt was among those going to Omaha this morning to spend the day in that city attend ing to a few matters of business am visiting with friends. Miss Mathilda Vallery, who has been making an extended visit with relatives and friends at Chicago and various points in Michigan, returned home Tuesday morning. J. K. Wiles came in this morning from his home near this city and de parted on the early Burlington train for Omaha to spend the day looking after a few matters of business. W. F. Gillespie, the Mynard grain man, was in the city yesterday for a few hours en route home from Omaha, where he had been for a short time attending to a few matters of busi ness. John Wichmann was a passenger this morning for Lincoln, where he well spend the day in that city vis iting with Joseph Droege, and will take in the state fair while in that city. Mrs. Annie Britt is spending a few weeks in Chicago with her daughter. Miss Dorothy Britt, and will enjoy tho time in visiting in the windy city Mrs. Britt will be gone some three weeks or a month. James Patterson, who has bean hero visiting at the home of his grand pa! ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Mc C'auley, for the Home Coming, de purled this morning for Lincoln to at tend the state fair. Mrs. Carrie B. Wilson of Omaha, who was here over tho Home Coming festivities visiting with her many friends, departed this morning for her home. Mrs. Wilson was a former Plattsmouth lady and the daughter of Captain L. D. Bennett, one of the pio neers. From Satnrdav'a Dull v. J. W. Ward of Algona, la., and a former Plattsmouth man, was here to day visiting old friends. Ben Dill of near Murray, was in the city for a few hours today looking after some trading with the mer chants. S. L. Furlong, the pioneer from the i . 'sir 2 The Best Time to Buy a Fall Suit is to Buy It Early! $20 to $35 Styleplus Clothes $17 You'll want to buy be cause the value is there in every suit. C. E. Wescoft's Sons "Everybody's Store" vicinity of Rock Bluffs, drove in today and spent a few hours looking after some trading with the merchants. L. M. McVey and wife from near Union were in the city for a few hours today looking after some trading with the merchants and visiting with their friends. William Puis drove up this morning from Murray to spend a few hours in this city attending to a few matters of business and calling on his old friends. Mrs. George Adams returned this morning to her home at Western, Neb., after a visit of some time here with her mother and other relatives j and friends. L. A. Meisinger, wife and children were among those visiting in the city yesterday afternoon for a few hours, attending to some trading. Charles Butts of Bartlett. Ia., was in the city today attending to some trading with the merchants, and is loud in his praise of the Plattsmouth stores over those of nearby towns. Mrs. J. R. Hunter and son, Paul, and Mrs. Ileinmann departed this aft ernoon for Hitchcock. S D.. for a short fl TT V -rev h ; r THE mirror can tell you the story of those beautiful new Stetsons better4 than we can and what a wealth of style there is to choose from your formal Derby, your dressy Soft Stetson, and the easy sports hats. Come try them on. View them front, side and roarnote the becoming blocks, the graceful new swing to the brims and Jheir quality. Our store has become the rendezvous of many young men. You arc welcome. It's a pleasure to show these hats, buy or no buy. Stetson Hats Manhattan Shirts ,11 k visit there with relatives and friends. Mr. Hunter accompanied them as far as Omaha on their journey. Mrs. Isaac King of Superior, Neb., who has been here visiting over the Home Coming season with her old friends and her brother, J. W. Crabill and family, and her sister, Mrs. W. G. Brooks, departed this morning for her home. Are You Looking Old! Old age ccrmes quick enough with out inviting it. Some look old at -10. That is because they neglect the liver and bowels. Keep your bowels regu lar and your liver healthy and you will not only feel younger but look younger. When troubled with consti pation or biliousness take Chamber lain's Tablets. They are intended es pecially for these ailments and are excellent. Easy to take and most agreeable in effect. Obtainable everywhere. Have you looked at the bargains offered at the Crescent Pharmacy? No? Then you are missing some thing. Please ho fair to yourself, and to us. Look these over. ;STETSONHATSi N) ih el. Vir N ta Hansen Gloves Car hart Overalls SI I -tT J ' . a 0 . i i I