The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 07, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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' PAGE 6.
I Murray Dep
Prepared in the Interest of the People
Young Man,
E-rrn i ops? TFK
Scatter Your
YOUTH IS PRODIGAL. Frequently the young: man DOESN'T
YOUTH IS NOT EVERLASTING. The big men of the country laid
the foundation for their success by opening a bank account when they:
were young.
If You Hope to Amount to Anything Don't
Delay Starting a Bank Account.
Start It Today.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
For Insurance of all kinds see J. W.
A. L. Baker went to Lincoln Weii
nesday to attend the state fair.
W. II. Pul? has been numbered with
the sick for the past few days.
Offer $100.00 for your car if stolen,
if you are insured by J. W. Holmes.
Murray was well represented at the
Home Comnij celebration m Platts
mouth all last week.
Mrs. Ada Farris and daughter, Miss
Ethel went to Lincoln Monday evening
for a few days visit with relatives
and friends.
Miss Opha Baker and Miss Eva
LaRue went to Plattsmouth Monday
evening, where they will attend school
this winter.
Miss May Loughridge went to Lin
coln Monday evening where she will,
attend the high school and school of
music the coming winter.
Misses Parlire arid Fr.y Oldham at
tended the state fair Wednesday, br
ing conveyed to the capitol city L.v
Ben Noll over the auto route.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes and son,
Ralph, of Plattsmouth, were Murray
visitors Tuesday evening, taking sup
per at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. S.
Mrs. W. E. Dull, who has been visit
ing with relatives and friends in Oma
ha for the past few days, returned
home Tuesday of this week.
After selling his barber shop in
Murray, M. G. Churchill and family
moved to Lincoln this week, where wp
understand that Mr. Churchill will
take up the carpenter line of work for
the winter.
Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Brendel went
to Weeping Water Wednesday to at
tend the wedding of Miss Mary Jame
son, sister of Mrs. Brendel, that took
place at the home of the bride in that
city Wednesday at high noon.
Big roomy house Aprons,
Genuine Indigo Dye,
Work Shirts,
School time is here,
Pencils, Slates, Pens,
Matt SL Tutt,
of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially f0r the Journal Readers
Don i
Wra. Lisitncr was a state fair visitor
E. Ii. Queen attended the state fair
Murray was well represented at the
state fair this week.
Grandma Shrader has been very ill
lor the past few days.
Dwyer and Glen Todd attended the
state fair in Lincoln Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Iliatt are in Weep
ing Water this week visiting with their
dan filter.
Miss Laura Puis went to Nebraska
City Monday for a visit with friends,
returning home Tuesday evening
Mrs. W. E. Dull went to Plattsmouth
Wednesday afternoon, where she wil!
spend a few days at the Rutherford
Harry McCuIluugh accidentally shot
himself through tho finger last Friday.
The injury will not prove serious, but
has been very painful.
Mrs. James G ruber, from near My
nard. was a Murray visitor Wednes
day, a guest at the home of Mrs.
John Campbell. Mr. Gruber attended
the fair on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Iliatt departed
Tuesday for a week's vacation and
visit among friends and relatives, go
ing from Plattsmouth to Lincoln to at
tend the state fair, from where they
will go to Rising City for a few days'
visit with Mr. Hiatt's brother and
C. C. Parmele, Pollock Parmele and
James Donelly, state bank examiner,
were in Murray Wednesday, this be
ing the regular visit of Mr. Donnelly
to the Murray State Bank, and Messrs.
Parmele drove him down in the car.
We are safe in stating that Mr. Don
nelly found this old and reliable Mur
ray banking house in its usual excel
lent condition.
fast color, 50c
how about Tablets,
History Paper, Etc.
Lee Cole was a state fair visitor
K. R. Nickles and family were
Plattsmouth visitors Saturday.
Mrs. Will Oliver visited W. P.
Hutchison and family Tuesday.
Jr;o. Hendricks and family attended
the Home Coming at Plattsmouth Sat
urday. Wi'.'. Rice and family attended the
Horn? Coming in Plattsmouth last
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Boedker and
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Barrows were
Plattsmouth visitors Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman were in
Nebraska City a ?ouple of days the
past wek visiting with friends.
For Sale Three thoroughbred Dr.r-oc-Jersey
males and one gilt. See
Chester Shrader or H. C. Long.
George Packs and family and Mrs.
Mary Wiley were Plattsmouth visitors
Saturday, and attended Home Coming
The commercial club are now al'tir
the new cement walk leading up to the
school house, and they expect to see
lit instaned in the near future.
1. C. Rhcuen has added a coat of
fiesh paint to his livery barn, whicV
Tdds greatly to the appearance of the
same. Jess Chambers is doing O .
Jesse Hendricks and family, Jake
Taylor and family, Abe Slagie and
tainily all motored in to Murray from
near Magnet, Neb., for an extended
visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Slagle and M.v
and Mrs. Jeff Hendricks, from near
Plninviev-, were in Murray a few days
the pasL week visiting with relat:ves
and friends The trip was made over
the auto route.
J. L. Young, near Coleridge, Neb., re
turned home last Friday. He reports
ill crops iii that locality extra good,
one of the finest oat crops that he has
seen this season. The yield is heavy
fin! the quality good.
Remember the regular services at
the Christian church next Sunday
morning and evening. The text for the
morning service will be "The Ascend
ed Christ," and the evening service,
"Paul at Athens." A cordial invita
tion is extended to all.
When you want anything in the pa
per li;ie remember that it can be
found at the Journal otfice, the Cass
County Paper House. Both plain and
fancy stationery, box papers, tablets.
pencils and m!cs. 1 he prices are al
ways the lowest.
Z. W. Shrader is sure going into the
sheep business this fall on a big scale.
He shipped 1,000 head down from
South Omaha Wednesday that were
unloaded at Murray and driven to his
farm six miles northwest of town. He
will also feed about 100 hear of cattle
ihis winter.
W. W. Hamilton has moved his
family to Omaha, where they are com
fortably located in their new home
for the winter. Mr. Hamilton will le
main in Murray for a few weeks in
crder to finish up the work that he ha .
under way, after which he will -o
to Omaha to make his future home.
There is still a shortage of frieht
cars on the M. P. railroad at this time
of the year, when in the greatest de
mand. The Farmers' Elevator have
on hand at the present time 10,000
bushels of wheat; 5,000 bushels of
corn and 4,000 bushels of oats and the
bins are full and overflowing, simply
held in waiting for cars.
Mrs. Wm. Rice and daughter, Mrs.
Alva Long and children, were attend
ing the Home Coming last Saturdrvy.
They were driven to the county seat
by Harry Long in the car.
Mrs. A. D. Cruck and little daught
er, Francis, left Sunday for Deep
Water, Mo., where they will spend a
few weeks visiting friends and rel
Several months ago the Murray
Commercial club, through their repre
sentative, Mr. W. G. Boedker, took
up the matter of the railroad com
pany installing an electric bell at the
crossing here at the east end of Main
street, and this week Mr. Boedeker
receives word that the bell has been
ordered, and will be installed just as
soon as possible.
J. W. Berger and Jack Shaw went
to Plattsmouth last Friday where they
attended the home coming celebration,
arriving in the county seat just in
time to join in the big auto parade
that was forming on Lincoln avenue.
"Bee" as he is better known to every
one in and around Murray, is one of
the busy men of this community and
this was his first visit to the county
seat for many months, but being one of
the old timers of Cass bounty he
could hardly pass up the home coming
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or item of interest in
this vicinity, and will mail
same to this ofHce, it will ap
pear under this beading'. We
want all news items Editor
E. R. Queen was attending the fair
at Lincoln Tuesday.
A. D. .Crunk and Jasper Owen were
state fair visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Jno. Hobscheidt, sr., was a
Plattsmouth visitor Monday.
""W. R. Good and wife, James Filch
and family spent Wednesday at the
state fair.
Harry Johnson and Will Barker
were Plattsmouth visitors Sunday
Frank Oliver and wife spent a few
days of this week with Will Oliver
and wife.
Albert Wilson and family and F. T.
Wilson and family were state fair
visitors Tuesday.
Burton Young went to Lincoln Wed
nesday where he will visit a few days
and attend the fair.
E. K. Leach and family, Mr. and
Mrs. -Ed. Trett, spent the day in
Plattsmouth Monday.
Eleanor Creamer who has been seri
ously ill for some time is reported
improving at this writing.
Miss Pearl Dugay went to Cedar
Creek Monday where her school work
begins for the coming year.
Chas. Boedker, who for the past
three weeks has been visiting at the
home of his daughter, Mr. and Mrs
Mrs. E. R. Owen went to South
Bend Saturday where she will take
up her school work for the coming
Miss Margaret and Francis Moore
left for La Porte, Colo.. Thursday,
where thev will snend a few weeks
with their sister, Mrs. Arthur Hansen
Jno. Hebrichendt, jr., and family
returned from Coleridge, Neb., Sun
day evening after a few weeks' visit
with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Shaffer accompanied them home for a
isit with friends.
Algeron Wiley and family of Hum
boldt accompanied by his son and fam
ily attended the Home Coming at
Plattsmouth Monday and visited his
mother, Mrs. Mary Wiley and daught
er, Mrs. George Parks. Mr. Wiley
was born on the old Wiley homestead
where his mother still resides. Mr.
Wiley was formerly employed in the
Burlington shops at Plattsmouth and
met many old friends while here. The
party returned to Humboldt Mon
day evening.
W. P. Cook, of Plattsmouth, closed
a deal during the past week whereby
he becomes the owner of the M. G.
, Churchill barber shop in Murray which
will be conducted by him in the future.
Mr. Cook arrived in Murray Tuesday
and is now engrged in giving the shop
a thorough renovating and repairing
and will be ready for all business in
this line the latter part of the week.
Mr. Cook is one of the best workmen
that ever located in Murray his many
years of experience has taught him
how to look after the trade, and we
can vouch for the fact -that he will
not be found lacking in the service
that he will give the patrons of the
A. L. Becker and Frank Finkle of
Union were in the city today for a
few hours.
A two reel feature,
"His Wife's
a Universal comedy
A two reel western drama,
"Across the
Rio Grande"
featuring Olive Golden
Saturday Evening,
i September 9
Show Starts at 8:30 Sharp
Automobile Attempts to Cross the
Track in Front of Oncoming En
gine. One Man Killed.
This afternoon another automobile
accident was added to the long list of
those in the past few weeks, when
one man was killed and another in
jured at the Missouri Pacific crossing
in Union.. The man killed was C. W.
Wilson, and a letter on his person
gave his address as St. Louis. The
injured man was William Shriner, who
resides in the vicinity of Dunbar, in
Otoe county. The two men were rid
ing in a Ford car and Shriner was
driving, and they came down the main
street of Union about 1:30 this after
noon, at a rate of speed estimated at
between forty and fifty miles an hour.
While running at this rate of speed
the car was rushed on the railroad
crossing just as a freight engine
which was engaged in switching came
from the north and struck the car,
demolishing it and mangling Wilson
in such a manner that he died at 2:f0
from the injuries. The engine had
been switching at Union for some
time when the accident occurred, and
was in the north part of the yards
coming down just as the automobile
at its high rate of speed came onto
the crossing, and struck the car with
great force. Wilson was injured in
a terrible manner, having his ribs
broken and sustaining severe inter
nal injuries, from which he died about
an hour after the acicdent occurred.
The dead man was apparently about
50 years of age, and a stranger in
Union, and in the condition of Shriner
it was impossible to learn much of
his identity beyond the letter that was
found on his person.
Wesley Burnett, one of the old resi
dents from south of the city was
taken to Omaha this morning where
he will be placed in one of the hospitals
there for treatment and an operation
if necessary. Mr. Burnett has been
suffering from stomach trouble for
sometime and his condition has become
such that it was necessary to have
him taken to the hospital. While the
condition of Mr. Burnett is very seri
ous it is hoped that the operation may
be successful in giving him relief from
his sufferings. County Commisioner
Julius Pitz accompanied Mr. Burnett
to the hospital and will see that he is
placed in the hospital.
The American Newspaper Publish
ers' association sent, three weeks ago,
to all its members, a telegram asking
them to reduce the number of page-
of their newspapers. Sliould this
crisis grow worse and worse and even
make the greatest reduli-.m a neces
sity, one remedy will endure quietly
such calamity. One liii'.- would be suf
ficient for it in any newspaper: Tn-
ner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine
A world of people know that this
remedy gives the most rel'able anil
quick relief for constipation, flatu
lence, belching, headache, loss of en
ergy, weakness, maladies of the
stomach and the intestines, etc., an
those who had convinced themselves
of the effects of Triner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine are fU best
boosters. At drug stores. Price $1.00.
The renown of Triner's Liniment is
the same. Have it always at hand for
rheumatism, neuralgia, pains in the
back and neck, strains, swellings, etc
Price 25 and 50c, at drug stores; 35c
and COc by mail. Jos. Triner, Manu
facturing Chemist, 1333-1339 South
Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111.
From Tuesday's Dally.
William Hiner and family who have
been residing in the vicinity of Mur
ray for the past year have decided to
once more locate in Plattsmouth for
the coming winter and accordingly are
Ijnoving their household effects to this
city. The friends of Mr. and Mrs
Hiner will be very pleased to see
them back in this city.
Beatrice A. Walton, pianist and ac
companist of Omaha will be in Mui--
ray Friday and Saturday September
8th and th to organize a music class.
Studio will be at the T. S. Barrows'
home for the present.
' WVl ";; :
putty like your present range was when new.
MONARCH Ranges are riveted tight. The iron is Malleable Iron,
that means unbreakable.
That's how these joints can be riveted while the hammering
that builds a MONARCH would smash the grey iron castings of a
common range into a thousand pieces. It's all a question of Rivets
vs. Stove Putty. Which kind of Tightness do you want in your Range?
Get the booklet "Rivets vs. Stove Putty" and learn why the MON
ARCH is superior to other ranges.
Come in and let us show you.
ardware m
Drs. l2ach & Mach, The
The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Specialists in
charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Prices. Porcelain fillings,
just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized alter using.
Send for free sample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Tigner, residing
four and a half miles west of Murray,
entertained a number of relatives and
friends in a most delightful manner
at their pleasant country home, Sun
day, August 27th. The occasion was
in honor of Mrs. Laura C. Garreon
and daughter, Miss Carmen, mother
and sister of Mrs. Tigner, and Miss
Nora Peeler, all of Bartlett, la., who
have been visiting at the Tigner home
for the past few days. At the noon
hour the jolly company were invited
to the dining room, where a most ex
cellent three-course dinner, and one
which the hostess only, knows best
how to prepare, was served and to
which all did ample justice. The aft
ernoon hours were very pleasantly
spent in social conversation, inter
spersed with music and various other
amusements, there being a number of
pictures taken of the guests. At a late
hour the guests bid their hostess good
bye and departed for their homes, de
claring them to be splendid entertain
ers. Those in attendance were: Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Tigner, Miss Matilda
Brandt of Plattsmouth, Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. Tigner, James Tigner, Mary and
John West, Mrs. Laura C. Garrean
and daughter, Miss Carmen, and Miss
Nora Peeler of Bartlett, la.
Our "Hard Knocker"
for hard wear for
Also a complete line
The Home of
tils & Gansemer,
' " Zrr
7 oflkZL
Now that Fall is near it's time to think
of that new Range. Don't put it off another
year, you can't afford to.
Of course the old range will hang to
gether another year but what's the use? It's
eating its head off every day that you continue
to use it. Its stove putty is gone long ago its'
joints are open and that means waste.
Suppose you could cut your fuel bills in
half how long would it take to pay for a new
range with what you save?
Well, that's just what a MONARCH
Range would do. That is a fact and the reason
is because a MONARCH Range is air-tight in
every joint. But. it's not made tight with stove
Implement Go.,
3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA
ah itectai uiseases cured vritnout a surgical
operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other gen-
eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED
to last a LIFE-TIME, ('examination free.
Omaha. Nebraska f
From Wednesday's Dally.
Among the old pioneers of Cass
county to visit in Plattsmouth during
hist week was William Leesky, of
Greenwood. Mr. Leeslev came to Cass
ccur.ty on Ju tj S, 1851), and for a
ir-Tiber of jvavy was engar;e.! in
freighting across the plains, which oc
t unrtion was then beset whh many
d-mgers and perils from the Indians,
and the experiences of thU splendid
old citizen during these years was at
times very startling. After four
years of the freighting business Mr.
Leesley engaged in other occupations,
and in 18G8 located on a homestead
near Greenwood, where he has since
resided. He enjoys his visits to Platts
mouth very much and was greatly
pleased with the Home Coming and
fall festival during his stay in the
city. He met a number of the other
eld residents of this locality while
here and this brought many reminders
of the good old days.
I will be in a position to serve hot
and coid lunches at yov.' public .-ales
this fall and winter. See me before
milking other arrangements. W. S.
Scott Murray, Box 24.
Brand Shoe Special
Boys and Misses.
be found at our store!
Puritan Flour!