The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 07, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4.
'Cbz plattsmouth journal
EaUr4t Pottofllceat Plattsmouth. Neb., as sccond-class mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
,I..H"M"I"!-!"X-I"I-M H'-I I'M'
Let us never forget that an
fr act of goodness is of itself an
5 act of "happiness. No reward
coming after the event can com- -J
J. pare with the sweet reward that
J. went with it. Maurice Maetor-4-
"Home Coming" over.
Did you enjoy yourself?
Pretty strenuous time all around.
The world is now waiting to hear
from Greece and Maine.
Of. course, the man in the other po
litical party is always wrong.
The common people are all for Pres
ident Wilson. They know he is their
Mexico reports the death of three
bandit chiefs. Real deaths, or Villa
A Plattsmouth old maid says she
l)Ves cats because they are just as
treacherous as men.
The man who rails at matrimony
in public usually deserves the sort of
a wife he gets.
Old-fashioned folks used to believe
that lieutenant governors should be
seen and not heard.
"America first and America effi
cient" fell flat as the campaign slogan
of the party which attempted to pur
loin it. "
It is advertised, however, that the
chestnut blight hasn't struck the
humor department of the Congres
sional Record.
Tre real reasoi that Mr. I higher
not told what hi? -vould have done
hid he been in Wilsor's place, is, that
he doesn't know.
President Wilson's letter, like all
hir, uterances, has the true rng. lie
generally speaks the riglit sentiment
at the right tide
When the "wise'' fellow tells you
that Plattsmouth can't "put over" any
good thing, just look about and see
where the object of his grouch is lo
cated. :o:-
Maine has always been a repub
lican state, and there will have to be
a great political change for the demo
crats to stand any show of carrying
the state.
The nicest large crowd that ever
assembled in Plattsmouth. No dis
turbances to amount to anything,
which is due the alertness of Chief
Barclay, who was on the job all the
Senator Reed of Missouri made the
statement in the senate the other day
that should a change in the adminis
tration be made at this time, it would
mean war in this country. This is no
time for a change.
Keep it before the voters of Cass
county that John Murtey is just the
kind of man to represent our people
in the legislature. Mr. Murtey is able
and will always be found at his post
in the discharge of his duties.
When you read one of Hughes'
speeches you read them all. He pay3
more atention to President Wilson
than anyone else or anything else
It takes a man of great ability to at-
tract so much attention, and that's
the reason Hughes makes such a weak
attempt to abuse the president.
He is a Sioux Cityan and a repub
lican who has never cast any other
kind of a ballot.
"But I am going to execute a right
about face this time," he said; "I am
going to vote for Woodrow Wilson.
"I rather hate the idea of doing it,
too. I have voted the republican
ticket for so many years has
grown to be second nature, and no
doubt I shall feel queer for a few
minutes in the polilng booth.
"The reason? Wei!, I believe in
voting for principles; and, to save my
life, I am unable to grasp Mr. Hughes
platform I don't understand what it
is he is contending for. I have been
conscientiously wading through the
text of his campaign speeches thus
far, and I don't like them. Beyond
abusing the demociatic administra
tion, they don't tell anything at all.
Mr. Hughes is neglecting to specify
definitely wherein Mr. Wilson has
erred, and to tell what his own actions
would have been in each instance if he
had been president. I can't biing my
self to vote fdr the republican candi
date merely because he wants to dis
place the incumbent that isn't worth
a fig as an issue. I think Wilson has
done well. If I am wrong, that's what
I want to be shown.
"And I am compelled to observe
that some of the leading newspapers
of my own party, the Springfield Re
publican, for instance, which I read
regularly, are growing more impatient
with the Hughes tactics, and are re
minding him that he can't expect to
win with a campaign of simple abuse".
"That is one reason why Mr. Wilson
will get my vote. Another is that my
best judgment tells me his has been a
constructive administration.
"I am not going to do any active
work for the democratic ticket. I am
not a politician; but I have a right to
my individual viewpoint as a private
citizen, and to vote in accordance with
those views. I find that many of my
closest republican friends feel the
same way about it, and, for the once
at least, are going to shed their party
This is not an imaginary incident.
The gentleman who thus interviewed
himself is a flesh and blood resident
who knows his own attitude and took
occasion to voluntarily express it.
Sioux City Tribune.
Now and then a man's conscience
pesters him considerably, but as a
rule it is his stomach or the lives
that he is concerned enough about to
spend money on.
The trial marriage of a girl of 17
years of age was annulled by an east
ern court. If ever one of these trial
marriages stick, we may take more
stock in them.
Print paper has been boosted from
$40 to $90 per ton in the past few
months. Many members of the senate
and house propose to investigate into
this outrage. The paper mills are the
cause of the high price of papers.
They evidently have placed a muz
zle on the republican candidate for
governor. Sutton spoke here at the
banquet Monday night and, if you will
believe it, he never said one word in
reference to the temperance issue.
The voters do not believe in deception
and hypocracy. Maybe he has just
found that out.
Since the infantile paralysis plague
has threatened to close all the eastern
Sunday schools, perhaps a few million
parents should brush up on their les
sons. It, should be very humiliating
to have the children point out to you
that it was not David who was swal
lowed by the big fish, and that Dan
iel's famous affair was with the lions,
not with Goliah.
Only nine weeks till thcclection.
Keep you:
for Sheriff.
eye on John Wunderlich
We ought to feel Rood,
hail a pood time.
We have
The Balkans seem to have a keen
appetite for Turkey.
The time to do right is when temp
tation is the strongest.
ureece s neutrality has lon in a
bad state of repair ever since the war
Only a little now and again we will
have to save the country. And, goh,
how we dread it!
Hughes is coming to Nebraska, and
will speak at Lincoln and Omaha on
September 22 and 22.
It may be a twisted view, but all
these hariangues against divorce ap
pear to be traceable to the marriage
They call it Wilson luck. He ha:;
worked harder for his luck than al
most any man who ecr became prom
inent in public life.
A Cincinnati man who had $S()0,()00
when -he started out, has been mar
ried six times and has $20,000 left.)
Form line to the left. Don't crowd.
Municipal elections in Northern
Mexico resulted in the return of all
the Carranza candidates. They still
vc xpert counters down in that
Keith Neville, the democratic can
didate for governor, done a remarka-
ly wise thing when he got rid of his
primary campaign manager. We tin!
not learn of his "kick-out" until a few
lays ago. He is now folding docu
ments for the liquor element.
The likeliest story of the girl who
flagged the train with a red-flannci
petticoat came from away down south,
where they may wear them, and they
may not. Anyhow, they uon t up
north. But they almost stop trains by
not wearing them.
"Spellbinding is to be a feature of
the campaign this year, according to
the leaders of both parties, "remarked
John O. Miller of New York, at the
New Willard. "We may therefore ex
pect to hear a lot of good speeches
by the younger members of the two
organizations. This reminds me that
I once heard Champ Clark say that
the three best stump speakers of hi:;
experience were the late Senator Mar
cus A. Ilanna, former Governor Leslie
M. Shaw, of Iowa, and Third Assist
ant Postmaster General A. M. Dock
cry of Missouri. Mr. (Mark said he
had never heard Mark Ilanna speak,
but Vie had been told that after he had
entered the senate the Ohioan had be
come one of the readiest and most
forceful debaters in that body and
was a wonder on the stump.
"The remarkable thing about these
three men was that all learned to
make political speeches after they
had passed the youthful period of
their lives. Senator Ilanna was more
than 50 when he entered actively into
politics, ami he was to GO be
fore he attempted to make political
speeches. Leslie Shaw, who was sec
retary of the treasury in Roosevelt's
cabinet, was a lawyer in Iowa, who
enjoyed a good practice, and I am
informed he never attempted t1 make
a political address. Former Gover
nor Dockery was a doctor before he
became a banker in Missouri, and was
approaching middle age before he
got into the game. All these men
developed into the most forceful
stump speakers. Speaker Clark told
me he regarded Mr. Shaw as one of
the most sensible men in the repub
lican party and one who could make
the best speech of anybody in the
organization. Mr. Dockery wa3 a
wonder on the stump. This all shows
that one does not have to be born
an orator, or speaker and that he
can learn to talk after he has reached
middle life. Washington Post.
The arrogance, blundering methods
and favoritism toward the railroads
of the Interstate Commerce commis
sion is one of the strongest argu
ments against abolishing the state
commissions and giving complete con
trol over railroad rates into the hands
of the national body.
Above is a paragraph from an edi
torial in the most recent issue of the
Nebraska Farmer, published in this
city. It undoubtedly expresses not
only the sentiment of its editor and
publisher, but also the prevalent sen
timent among the farmers whom it
Sam R. McKclvie is publisher of
this outspoken opponent of that plank
of the republican state and national
platform which declares for exclusive
federal contiol, ro much desired by
Captin Rosewater, Colonels Smoot,
Penrose, ct a!., and Commander-in-Chief
Hughes. Mr. McKclvie is a rc-
v . . wi ...... j . ... .iv v-. I v
know:; what the farmers think about
the sort of a surrender of their priv
ilege; which th? republican party is
asking them to make.
Nor does the Ncbiaska Farmer
agree with the republican party, Mr.
Hughes and Mr. Rosewater when they
insist that the complications arising
from the dual efforts of st.:te com
missions and the national commission
ire so repugnant that the state com
mission.; snouui he (le: troyed. Here
is the farmer view of it:
"So long as we have a dual system
of rate regulation, conflicts are bound
to arise in making rates tljat affect
towns near state lines. But that con
flict would be serious if the proper;
degree of co-operation existed between
ti e Interstate Commerce commission
and the various rtate commissions. It
is seiious, however, when the Inter
state Commerce commission ignore:;
the state commissions, and without
careful investigation insists, as it has
been doing, that whenever a low state
rate conflicts with a high interstate
rate the state rate must be increased."
Ordinarily it requires some heroism
for a paper published by a republican
who has an ambition to be governor
to so lay bare the perniciousness of a
plank in his party platform, and thus
invite the attention of his farmer
readers to the peril that menaces
them, but in the present instance the
heroism required is negligible. For
there is nobody outside of the party
manipulators this year who favor this
audacious program of the republican
machine. The voters are "against it.
Lincoln Star.
:o :
It pays to keep close to your base
of supplies.
The Burlington shop boys are all
right. And they know how to cele
brate successfully.
Rumania seems to be quite up to
date in military matters it disfTatch
ed its army across the border and then
c'oclared war.
When he proclaimed that he was
'too proud to fight" and afterwords
wanted the biggest navy in the world,"
he must have been competing with Bill
Taft at Winona.
A scientist has computed that scan
dal travels 1,000 yards per second,
while truth goes but two and a half.
But. if so, truth is the tortoise, and
wins the raise at last.
No nation ever was beset with bad
luck as is Germany. The big Zeppe
lin which was struck by a British gun
in. the Londo raid did not fall flaming
to the Bank of England it fell onto
a vacant lot.
W. J. Bryan will'speak for the en-
lire democratic ticket in Nebraska.
He will spend the last week or (en
days laboring in the interests of the
party. This is made 'authoratively by
Chairman Langhorst of the democratic
state committee.
Mr. Hughes says: "We have known
any "known right" that he could or
I am not to.fight to maintain known
rights." But did Mr. Hughes ever see
would fight for, not on your life, un
less he was acandidate before the
people. As a soldier, he is a nonen-ity.
The Way One Feels Alter Being Ab
sent From the Old Town
- 31 any Years
Among those who attended the
"Home Coming" festivities in this city
is one whom, while he has grown out
of the recollection of a great many
of the younger generation, still has
in his heart a warm spot for his oh;
home and the place where he first
saw the light of day. This is Attor
ncy II. H. Claiborne of Omaha, who
was here last Friday to take in the
special "Home Coming" exercises. Mr,
Claiborne is a son of Richard Clai
borne, for a number of years inter
e:,ted in the newspaper business in
G'.cnwood, Plattsmouth and also at
Louisville. H. H. Claiborne was born
in this city and his visit here was one
much enjoyed. He was for a num
her of years engaged in newspaper
work in Kansas, and later, moved to
Omaha, where he engaged in the prac
ticc of law. Mr. Claiborne is a neph
ew of John D. Tutt of this city, am
while here met a great many of his
boyhood friends, and under the in
sphation' of the thoughts of the oh
home ho has penned the following
poem of the old town and old times:
I have your invitation
And have an inclination
To join "the boys" at I'iattsmouth for
a treat.
Tho' vc may wander far,
As di iven by "our star,"
There is always "home" to which we
would retreat.
When tired of life's ight
And bo wing to the i light,
Of years which come to all upon thi
We feel a hcartstring tighter
And carry burdens lighter
When our thoughts incline upon our
place of birth.
Where the sun o'er western hills,
Shone bach from many lills
Before the "march of progress" filled
the land
Where the trees sent down their
And the bending hazels bore
A harvest to the active, childish hand
Where the Indian wigwam stood
Near the roadway through the wood
As you pa?s the cemetery's quiet
('low we children shook with dread
When they moved the early dead,
While the living pressed upon their
hallowed bounds.
Oh, the beauty of the scene,
When the sprigs of tender green
Gave color to the banks along the
And youthful fancy's flight
Made us sturdy men of might
-But shattered now are many early
But the ruthless march of time
Cannot shake one thought sublime
Until the day shall come when we
shall rest
As we love the state which bore us,
And the sky which now bends o'er
So we hope to gently sleep upon her
As that day is coming nearer,
Old ties are growing dearer,
Thus affection for old comrades fills
the heart.
Let us gather for a day
To renew our youth in play,
For we know that still "the best of
friends must part."
Sincerely yours,
Could Not Do Her Cooking.
Mrs. F. E. Uartmeister, Tea, Mo.,
.writes: "I was affected with kidney
trouble for two years. I got so bad
this summer I could hardly do my
cooking. I got Foley Kidney Pills
and I feci like a new person. Too
many women neglect symptoms of
kidney derangement, weak back,
swollen ankles and joints, aches, pains
and rheumatism. Sold everywhere.
J. R. C. Oregorj. one of t Ii c leading
farmers of Mt. Pleasant precinct, was
in the city for a short time today.
"W G. Meisinger came in this morn
ing from his farm home to spend a
few hours here attending to some trad
ing with the merchants.
Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas'
Eclectic Oil, the great household rem
edy for toothache, earache, sore
throat, cuts, bruises scalds. Sold at
all drug stores. 25c and 50c.
Lafc Nel:-on and Henry Kaufmann,
two of the leading farmers from south
of the city, came in this morning and
departed on th" early Burlington
train for Lincoln to spend the day at
the fair.
h' m ntfi Mi wi ut-
A . I n a
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a T.r n ! TOL-3 TER CEXE
simiiaunuicloudanduciw ,
tingtkc Stomachs and Bwvckai J
OpiunxMorpiinc liorLW-
J'fppcrriun. -JittitiiriKieSetit
fit mi Strd -
Worms. levcnw-.---
rJTrrxrlrR compass
, -oir
Exact Copy cf Wrapper.
I A WK: !w"rTJT"KfJrr'll WTlfW
i-i.i i . i -. i
nme nome town, uenr liltie nmc 1
Whi.-h ne.-tle.; among ;he hills.
Like a jewel set in the vine-clad
Of a (jiuen. who tr.tileth her emer
ald gown.
Where the wild bird chants aid trills.
And two might' rivers are mingled
in one
Where it murmers and splashes and
Mi! li'tle home town, deir little home
What visions come ba-k to w.c
What soft falling voices of loved ones
drift down,
Through vistas of silert'e, like faint
perfumes blown
O'er the waves of a wind-swept sea
From the far away shores of a coun
try unknown
The dim land of memory.
Yea! fond recollections of thee, lit
tle town
Weave :. wondrously mystic sheen
O'er my heart, as I think of the years
that are down,
The dear happy days of the past
tlu.t are gone,
When life went by like a dream;
And childhood recocted the 5rlorv of
n morning's fast roseate
n all the whole world, thou hast not
many peers
Oh! little home town of mine
'or out of the woof of thy hopes and
thy fear-,
Thy joys and thy sorrows, thy
smiles and thy tea's,
'hou hast woven aspell that's divine
A bridge that spans over the cha-ni
of years
With a faith and devotion sublime.
So fain would I be with thee, little
home town
Where true lovirg friends still
aturday Night,
A 'Grand Good
Music Furnished by Holly's Orchestra
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
. Always
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
thi ciNTtuK covniir, new vork city.
... ii
iriin.iii- i mi t in mmiimimm J
Tho no great itchievemcnt, nor tr ie of
l enown
Thy p-igos of history tell,
Hut ah what enchantment my soj'
cloth enthrall,
When falls on mine ears thy wel
coming call
; Like the sound of a vesper bell.
I.rtiiia -, Hurt on.
Chicago.. III.. Sept. 1, 1U'.
Our Jitney Offer This and 5c.
Don't miss this. Cut out this slip,
enclose with 5 cent:? to Foley & Co.,
Chicago, Ilk, writing join- name and
address clearly. You will receive in
return a trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney
Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tablets.
Sold everywhere.
Itching, toturing skin eruptions
ilis figure, annoy, drive one wild.
Doan's Ointment is praised for its
good work. o0c at all drug stores.
Wash A. Young came in this rnoi n
ing from his farm home and departed
for Lincoln to attend the state fair
and enjoy the sights of the capital
Many ills come from impure blood.
Can't have pure blood with faulty
digestion, lazy liver and sluggish bow
els. Burdock Blood Biters is recom
mended for strengthening stomach,
bowels and liver and purifying the
Mike Hoffert and wifo and children,
who have been here visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. B. fi. Wurl and
family, departed this morning for
their home near Osmond, Neb. Au
gust Nolting accompanied Mr. ami
Hoffert home and will enjoy a visit
in that portion of the state for a
If you have anything for salc'advcr
tieo in the Journal.
y L3
Sept. 9