The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 07, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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A Very Spirited and Well Played
Game, and a Large Crowd of
Fans Present.
From Tuesday's Danr.
Before the largest crowd that ever
attended a ball game in Plattsmouth,
the Red Sox downed the Armours, by
a 4 to 2 score.. It was a battle royal
from start to finish, and only after
playing the best ball they have put up
in many a moon were the Hose able
to win out. Yeast, the twirler se
cured from Lincoln, was all to the
good, holding the visitors to six scat
tered hits, striking out seven men and
having almost perfect control. Eddie
Roben, the whirlwind little infielder,
played the keystone sack as it has
never been played here before, cutting
off several clean hits. Floyd Rock
well, the slugging outfielder, came
through with two clean swats, both
figuring in the run getting. Man for
man the Armours were simply out
classed and it was a deserving victory
fur the Hose.
The Armours opened the first in
ning by securing a tally. Al Graves
was safe when Rice fumbled his sharp
grounder. Graves stole second and
scored on Yost's single to right. The
Hose came right back. -Deal and Par
riott fanned the air, but "Rocky" sent
a screaming double to center, going
to third on Gurness' wild heave, and
scored on Ryan's wild heave to first.
The Packers scored again in the fifth,
when Clements received a free pass
to first, was sacrificed to second by
Gurnes and scored on Collins' single
to left. The real play came in the
seventh. Craig drew a walk, went to
second on Deal's sacrifice and scored
on Rockwell's hit to center Rice
smacked a hit to left and Roben drew
a walk. Harold came through with
the winning blow, a clean single over
second; Roben was nipped at third,
nding the inning. The Armours
threatened in their last two attempts
but Yeast had them in hand, at all
times. Following is he score:
AB. H. O. A. E.
Deal, cf 4 0 0 0 0
Parriott, 3b 4 1 3 1 0
Rockwell, rf 4
Roben. '2b 3
Herold, c 3
Mason, If. 4
Yeast, n 4
Craig, 1st 3
c 07 in 9
. AB.H.O.A.E.
Collins, cf 4 0 1
Al Graves, If 4 1 2
learner, 1st 4 i 9
Yost, c 4 1 6
Corcoran, 3d 3 2 1
Ryan, ss 4 0 2
Rapp, 2b 4 1 1
Clements, rf 1 0 1
1 0
0 0
1 1
0 0
0 0
3 2
5 0
Gurness, p 1
Fletcher, p 1
0 0 2 0
0 0 0 0
Graves, p
0 0 0 0 0
.30 5 24 12 4
In one of the most one sided games
f the year the Armours crushed the
Red Sox by a 12 to 2 score Sunday
The packers had their batting eye
jrlued on the ball and drove Lefty
Hirsch from the mound in 6 innings.
Cost, Learner and Al Graves responded
with doubles in the pinches and mis
plays on the Sox part gave the pack
ers the remainder of their runs. The
Armours scored in the first stanza,
Collins singled to left, stole second and
third and scored on Corcoran's fly to
left field. They came back in the
fourth with four more, Rapp was
Leaned by Hirsch; Clements was safe
on an infield blow; Collins gingled to
center, scoring Rapp; Learner sent
Clement and Collins home with a dou
hle down the left field line. Yost
doubled to left scoring Learner. The
fifth was again productive of a run
for the mighty sluggers when four
more runs were annexed by them as
a result of the lambasting of Hirsch
r-nd the general ragged game played
I y the locals. Scores in the sixth and
eighth enabled the visitors to pile up
the score that swamped the locals who
were lucky to get even two runs.
The Sox tallied in the seventh on a
hit by. Rice; a two bagger by Roben
and these two were netted as the sum
total of the Plattsmouth scores.
The summary is as follows:
1 0 0
3 2 3
4.2 1
0 0 0
2 3 0
Eeal, cf.
Parriott, 3b
Herold, c :
Rockwell, rf
Uice, ss
Roben, 2b 3 1
Mason, If 3. 0
Hirsch, p 2 0
Graves, p ...... 2 1
Craig, lb ....... 3 1
, Total ..36 9
2 4 0
10 0
10 1
0 0 0
9 10
27 12 5
10 0
4 0 0
1 0 0
2 1 0
12 0
4 5 0
2 0 0
0 0 0
27 9 0
Collins, cf ...... 6 3
Al Graves, If .... 4 1
Learner, lb 5 3
Yost ...2 1
Corcoran, 3b .... 5 0
Ryan, ss 2 0
Rapp, 2b 4 1
Clements, rf .... 3 1
Fletcher, p 2 1
Prom Tuesflay's Dally,
Saturday afternoon a man named
Conn, and hailing from Cedar Creek,
met with quite a misfortune as he
was gaily mingling with the crowd
of 8,000 persons who filled the streets,
and as a result of his experience is
short 70 in good hard cash, the result
of the work of some light-fingered
person who, in the excitement and
crowd, made' the touch that caused
the loss of the pocketbook and the
corresponding gloom of the owner
The theft was reported to the authori
ties, and Sheriff Quinton and Chief
Barclay did their utmost to locate the
person taking the coin, but without
success. The empt pocketbook be
longing to Conn was found at the
Burlington station, but without the
money. It was thought at first that
the man had made his escape on the
Schuyler train, but it was searched at
Oreapolis without success. The theft
of the pocketbook led to a number of
very sensational reports as to how
the affair occurred, but it was merely
the case of a real smooth pickpocket
getting away with the gods, and for
tunately, was the only incident of the
kind reported, which isvery lucky, con
sidering the large crowd in attend
ance at the Home Coming.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Officer Alvin Jones is wearing his
left arm in a sling today as .the re
sult of a nasty, flesh wound from the
bullet of a 38-caliber revolver that was
discharged ot him at an early hour
this morning by a party of hoboes.
The officer had gone up to the upper
yards of the Burlington a short dis
tance north of the platform at the
depot and here he states there were
three hoboes sitting around a fire.
Mr. Jones requested them to move on
and not to camp in the yards and at
this two of the men started away but
the other instead of going proceeded
to draw a gun a shot Alvin through
the fleshy part of the left forearm
making a very painful wound. Mr,
Jones fired after the retreating men
but there seems to have been none of
them injured as they all made their
getaway. Jones came back to the
city to have his injured arm looked
after and Chief of Police Barclay was
called to the scene of action and in
company with Sheriff Quinton and
Mr. Jones visited the scene of the
trouble but there was no trace of the
men to be found. The place where
the shooting occurred is on the west
side of the railroad yards and a short
distance north of the switch shanty.
It is reported that three hoboes were
seen along the track yesterday after
noon near the west limits of the yards
Last evening the home of Mr and
Mrs Edward McCully was visited by
a great misfortune when their little
babe was taken from them by death
and leaves their home darkened by
the loss of the, rear one. - The little
daughter has been very poorly for the
past few weeks and was taken to Oma
ha Tuesday in the hopes 'of having an
operation performed for the relief of
the little one but without avail as the
babe gradually grew worse and passed
away In their loss the parents will
receive the deepest . sympathy of the
entire community. During the few ,
months of the life of the babe she has
been the sunshine of the home and the
loss is one that falls most bitterly on
the bereaved parents.
Jhe funeral of the babe wjll be held
tomorrow; afternoon from the home at
2:30 and the interment made in Oak
Hifl cemetery.
Interesting Letter From C. W. Sher
man, in Which He Mentions Other
Cass County People.
From Tuesday's Pally,
From far off California comes a
very interestjng letter from C. W.
Sherman, for a great many years
editor and publisher of The Journal,
and tells of the doings of the former
Cass County people in the coast coun
try. Mr. Sherman has removed from
Oregon to Los Angeles, and is now
enjoying life in the beautiful southern
city. In writing Mr. Sherman says:
"Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 29th, 1916.
Publisher Journal, Plattsmouth, Neb.
My Dear Sir: Enclosed find cash in
payment of subscription to the semi
weekly Journal for the coming year
to be sent to Wm. R. Davis, at 112
E. Walnut St., Fullerton, Cal.
"Let me say, Mr. Davis was former
ly of Cass county, is a brother of the
late Sthephen Davis, for many years
a highly respected resident of Platts
houth. "Mr. Davis says that while life in
southern California is the acme of
pleasurable satisfaction, it is not quite
complete without The Journal, will
its twice-a-week installment of news
from his did home in Cass county.
''Some forty people, former Cas
county residents, attended a Nebrask;
picnic at the Long Beach Auditorium
on the 19th inst., and enjoyed the lux
ury of a visit and the renewal of old
acquaintanceship for the day, taking
in a sail on the bay to and from Sar
Pelro and the Los Angeles harbor
late in the afternoon three steamer.-
having been launched for their ae
commodaticn. Among those present
I noticed ex-Senator Thomas, who, :
tnougn in nis fc-un year is still ai
active business man of Long Peach
Captain L. D. Bennett and his sister-
in-law, Mrs. Cooper; Mrs. Mose
uodge anu ner uaugnter, .Mrs. Ana.1
Bryant and her daughter of Holly
wood; Wm. R. Davis of Fullerton an
his family, including several grand
children; Mrs. Emma Van Clevc, for
merly Miss Hesser, and her youngest
sister (whose name I have forgotten)
of Fullerton; Mrs. Robert Black, Mrs
Dr. John Black, Mrs. Lentz, formerly
the wife of George Minor; II. Cannon:
Arthur Helps, who with his brother
John, is in the realty business in Long
Beach, Many others were there whose
names I do not now recall.
'"It is noticeable that all the citie
1 A , t i 1
anu towns aiong tne ocean beach ar
full to overflowing at this season wit!
summer visitors, and the same is true
of this city, the mild and ven-tem
pered climate being the chief magne
which draws them lather. Lon.t
Beach, which normally is a town of
perhaps 35,000, is now crowded by
10,000 more, and the proportion hold?
good at all the beach resorts.
"I notice that wherever water for
irrigation purposes can be obtainec
pupuiauuii is rapidly advancing in
southern California; and it would ad
vance much faster were it not for the
greediness' of realty holders, who in
sist on eliscounting future values toe
much, for the markets of the city dis
close a greater variety and a better
'iu"i oi prouuets tne -vvnoie year
through than it has been my pleasure
to see grown anywhere else in the
thirty-odd states I have traversed in
my time the winters being so mild
that many forms of vegetables grow
and flourish throughout the winter
months almost as abundantly as in
spring, summer and autumn. (Not be
ing a realty owner here I think I am
permitted to say these things without
being charged with boosting from in
terested motives.)
uuring the Home Coming the coun
try nome of .Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Todd
was the scene of a pleasant week-end
party, when a number of their rela
tives and friends from Omaha came
down for a visit. The party numbered
several of the most talented musicians
in the big city and the- visit was one
of the rarest eniovment to pvprvunc
in the party. Those who were at the
Todd home were, Misses Madge,
Eloise, Vivian and Bell Wet, Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Todd, E. M. Clark, Norton
Clark, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Todd and
Richard and Raymond Todd.
The people are wise who buy sta
tionery at the 'Journal. '
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bean)
- the
From Tuesday's Dallv.
Saturday evening the pleasant home
of Mr. and Mrs. lfarry Johnson was
the scene of a most delightful gath
ering, when the birthday anniversary
of Mrs. Johnson was observed "by the
family with a very charming G o'clock
dinner. The tables were "very prettily
arranged with pink and white asters
and here the delicious feast was spread,
that was enjoyed to the utmost by
every one of the party. Mrs. M. L.
Rynott of Los Angeles, a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, who has not
been home for ten years, was present,
as well as Lawrence Lawn, of Lincoln,
a nephew of Master Willie Cole, the
only grandson of the guest of honor.
The evening was one long to be re
membered and Mrs. Johnson appre
ciated to the fullest extent the happy
event that had brought her family all
together for the first time in years.
Those in attendance were: Mrs. M.
L. Rynott, Los Angeles; Lawrence
Lawn, Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Sher
man Cole and son, Willie, of Mynard,
and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grybsky
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson of
this city.
From Tuesday's uaiiy-
The general r.. imager of the Mem
arch Engineering company is Mr. C.
A. Crook, a native of Nebraska. He
was born in Falls City and his father.
II. Crock, is a
pioneer merchant
of that city, prominent in
its affairs
i.nd universally esteemed.
Guy, as G. A. Crooks is familiarly
known his friends, graduated
from the civil engineering school of
the University of Nebraska ami al
most immediately afterwards took up
public work. With his brother, J.
A. CioJk, he formed the Monarch En
gineering company and the tornnanv's
operations now extend over a wide
'ield. Guy Crook looks after the pav
ing er.d of the business and every coa
cract made by this company has been
carried out to the entire sa;isfaetion
of all parties concerned. That the
Washington avenue paving will be a
.irst class piece of work is indicated
by the outlook. The'' work in
Plattsmouth is under the superintcn of W. S. Kein. a member of
mother p: eminent Falls City family
ind a man of huge experience in this
.lass of t niloavor.
mmm open house
'mm Tuesday's DhMv
The Woodman Circle of this city
.maintained open house at their lodge
rooms on Saturday afternoon and e-e-ling
in honor of the visiting members
)i the order and at their ro mi lunch
eon was served for the visitors which.
:ncladeei besides the Dora Alexander
Driil team a large number of ihe
nembers of groves in Omaha. The
siting drill team put en a splendid
exhibition at the court house lawn
that was very much enjoyed and the
adies under the instruction of the
drill master carried out a number of
very pleasing anil diilicult l rills. Miss
Dora Alexander, the supreme clerk of
.his order spoke at the high school
grounds in the afternoon ami her ad
Jress was one that pleased everyone
present as a very able talk on Fra
ternity. Mrs. M. E. Manspeaker in
troduced Miss Alexander to the gath
ering in a very pleasing manner. Dur
ing the afternoon and evening at the
lall, Mrs. Eugene Setz of this city
entertained the visitors with a numoer
of high class musical numbers.
.Trip Malcolm, renresentinir the C
D. St. John flouring mill, of Nchawka
was in riausmouin last aaiuiuay m
. . , , , i i i (-!........ :
the interests of the mill. Mr. Mal
colm was connected with this mill
some years ago under the old man
agement as head miller, holding the
same position at the present time with
Mr. St. John. Joe is a man tlnu
understands the milling line from top
to bottom, and the patrons can look
for all that is the very best from the
Moliawta Mills in the future. Mr.
St. John has fitted the mill out will all
new and modern machinery and is at
the present time getting the very best
iresults in the way of quality Hour, but
the quantity is yet limited, but he will
be in shape to spread out and take in
Hii ontii-P torntorv witnin a snon
time. Mr. Malcolm was in Platts
mouth looking after future business
and visiting with old time county seat
WANTED Married man
for farm
Fried rich,
J work. Apply to Nick
j Murray, Neb.
S3ew Stetsons, New Gordons,
We employ salesmen not only to sell hats, but to show hats and they arc experts
when it comes to personal service.
So when you come in and ask to see these new hats, you'll be under no obliga
tions to buy. Our salesmen will show you the new shapes and colors in any price
hat you like.
New Stetsons, New Gordons, Other Good Makes,
$3.50, $4 and $5 $3.00 to $3.50 $1.50, $2 and $2.50
Do you need another new tie? Remember, we get new ties every week.
Women's sport hats, correct for now, 75c.
The school season of DUG has been
fairly launched now and the.boys and
gills of the city are getting over the
effects of the summer's vacation by
getting warmed up for the winter's
school period. The increase in the at
tendance has been very satisfactory,
and the instructors are right on the
jo!) in getting the youngsters started
on their year's work. The enrollment
of the first day in the high school
reached 220, an increase of twenty
over the first day of last year, and
one that is encouraging of the growth
of the schools. This season the high
tchocl will have a number of new in
structors to take hold of the work
and these are proving very satisfac
tory and add much "to the efficiency of
the instruction.
The young people are developing a
greater desire to remain in school than
has been shown for years, ami each
season the graduating classes grow
larger as the young folks arc realizing
This is a store that never
compromises with inferiority.
This is a store of certain ser
vice, greater value and supreme
This is a store that scchs the
3ch oaf "Sit .Jt'-jgass:
Kuppenheimer Clothes
are now ready for your inspection and selection.
New models are here, showing the genius of original
await you in every wanted, wished-for pattern and shade.
Rich, lustrous, long fiber woolens, fine worsteds, serges and
lxe;vY uvcicudiiua oujciujr tui anu miiisi tea, uuvantu oiyiKa iui men WHO TCllSll
a place in the forefront of fashion. '
Here in these clothes you will find these fitting qualities for which this
store is famous. Here are examples of what can be done to bring perfection
within the reach of any man at
$20, $25, $30, $35 or $40
Others from $10 to $20
the value of the education they re
ceive, and desire to complele their
courses at the school in order" that
they will be in a better position to
take up the battle of life. The need
of a good education is becaming more
and more of art advantage in the life
cf the world, and the young people
are more than ever anxious to take
the fullest possible advantage of it.
The patrons of the public schools are
well pleased with the showing they
are making, and this, in spite of the
hanelicap ef the lack of room, but this
will be overcome when the new high
school building is erected and ready
to be occupied.
A Bad Summer for Children.
There has been an unusual amount
of sickness among children every
where this summer. Extra precau
tions should be taken to keep the
bowels open and liver active'. Foley
Cathartic Tablets are a fine and
wholesome physic; cause no pain,
nausea or griping. Relieve indiges
tion, sick headache, biliousness, sour
stomach, bad breath. Sold every
where. Letter files at the. Journal office.
The Hinjee of kuppcnUcmr
r 1
- I
from Tuesday's Dally.
):. J. 1. Martin, who has been ;t
Omaha for some time recovering from
an operation at the Immanuel hospital
in that city, has returned home and
is feeling a great deal better. Th"
many friends of the doctor are mighty
well pleased to have him with them
again and tiust that he has regained
his former good health.
From Tuesdays Pally.
Sunday a fine little daughter made
her advent at the home of Mi. and
Mrs. Henry IJrinkman on West Pearl
street, and the little lady has been
hailed with much delight by her par
ents. Doth the mother and little one
are eloing nicely, and Henry is a very
proud father over the bright little
The K. S. society will give a social
dance at their hall on West Locust
street, Saturday evening, September
ICth. to which the public is cordially
best, finds the best and sells the
best at prices any man can well
afford to pay.
This is a store built on the
firm foundation of greater value
giving, a store that never lowers
the quality standard it has set.
New fabrics
f 1