The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 07, 1916, Image 1

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    Neb State Historical Soc t
you xxxiv.
No. 129.
Large Crowds Daily and the Visitors
Enjoyed the Event Amazingly,
Without a Single Dis
turbance. From Tuesday's Dally.
The fall festival has come and gone,
and carries with it the fact that it was
the mcst successful affair f it? kind
thr.t has oet been staged in the city
and one that afforded the grea- st op
.rtun:ty j'cr the amusement and en-
tertainmen of yoaner and oWt. The
committee of the Comercial club, that
arranged the affair, is deserving of a
great deal of praise for the splendid
manner in which the event was car
ried out, and each of the sub-committees
worked early and late in see
ing that the occasion was a great and
glorious success. The parade commit
, tee, headed by C. E. Haney, is espe
cially deserving of praise for the
splendid success of the various pa
iaies that were afforded the crowd?
in the city. The automobile parade,
the stock parade and the fraternal
i parade were all imense successes, and
for the Saturday program kept the
day well filled with a high class cf
Saturday al"trroon the stock pa
rade was made the feature of the
opening exercises, and those who wit
nessed it were more than surprised
by the fine array of thoroughbred
stock that was offered in the parrdo
by the farmers of this section of the
county. Headed by Chief Barclay the
parade was formed at 1:30, and moved
through the principal streets of the
downtown section of the ity, back to
the stock pavilion at Amick garage.
It was led by a number of the P.oy
Scouts' mounted on Shetland ponies,
and behind them came the exhibits of
the blooded stock of the county. There
were fine horses and thoroughbred
cattle shown in the line of march that
would be a credit to any community
in the world, and spoke more elo
quently than words of the stock thnt
is raised on the Nebraska farms.
Following the stock parade the fra
ternal parade, was staged, and it was
one that vied with the automobile pa
rade in point of interest to the gen
eral public. The Burlington band
headed the procession, and behind
them followed the members of the
various fraternal societies of the city,
and the members of the Woodmen
Circle, Degree of Honor and Women's
Relief Corps were in the line to dem
onstrate that they were proud to rep
resent their societies in the city. The
Woodmen Circle lodge was fortunate
in having with them for the ocacsion
the Dora Alexander guards of Omaha,
the crack team of the order in this
part of the country, as well as the
pleasure of having Miss Dora Alex
ander, the supreme clerk of the order,
who was present on the event. The
Omaha team and a large delegation
of visitors arrived Saturday after
noon at 1:12, and were escorted to
the hall, where the Woodmen Circle
vjere keeping open house for the day
fc honor of their visitors, and here
the visiting delegations rted until
the time for the parade to commence.
This order, with the largest delega
tion, was allowed the first place in the
parade and, headed by the Alexander
guards and the Nebraska Guards of
this city, the or3er, with its numerous
membership, was in great evidence in
the parade. The Degree of Honor
was also very strongly represented
in the parede, and did great credit to
the order. The Woodmen Circle
branches, composed of the children of
the members, took part in the parade,
as well as the Woman's Relief Corps
Following the parade, that moved
through the business section of the
city, the members of the Alexander
' guards, under the personal direction
of their captain, gave a drill on the
court house lawn that was very much
enjoyed and appreciated by an audi
ence numbering several thousand." The
lodges taking part were all well rep
resented, and the especial efforts made
by the 'Woodmen Circle were respon
sible for their fine turnout and' the
keen interest manifested by each mem
ber. Mrs. M. E. Manspeaker, cap
tain of the drill team of this city, and
Mrs. Joseph Droege, the deputy, have
been : pushing the ' parade proposition
with their local guardian, Mrs. W. H.
Bunch. At the school grounds, Miss
Dora Alexander gave a short address
on fraternity among all lodges.
Saturday evening was devoted to
the band concert and the farewell ap
pearance of the S. W. Brundage
shows, that certainly drew a record
breaking crowd on their last day and
night here, the grounds being so
thickly packed that it was impossible
to get through some parts.
Sunday was a day of Home Coming
in the churches of the city, and es
pecially was this feature carried out
at the Methodist church, where two
of the former pastors were present to
take part in the pleasures of the day.
Rev. J. H. Presson of Lincoln, whose
first charge in the church was in
Plattsmouth in 1872, was present and
gave a most pleasing address at the
morning service of the church, and
made it a most pleasant informal oc
casion by discussing a number of the
incidents of early days in the church.
He was able to meet a large number
of friends, and two of the members
of the church were present who were
here when he first took up his church
work, Mrs. Rasmus Peterson and Mrs.
Rebecca Kennedy, and it was very
pleasant to the pastor to once more be
back in Plattsmouth. At the evening
worship hour, Rev. Peter Van Fleet
of Elmwood, who was here twenty
years ago, in charge of the church,
gave a very pleasing sermon . and
spent the entire day in meeting the
members of the congregation with
whom he had spent so many pleasant
days during his pastorate here. The
day will long be remembered as one
of the greatest pleasures in renewing
the memories of the years that have
gone, never to return, and the old-
time members of the church were
present in force at the services to
meet with their former pastors and
The program yesterday was one of
the most successful of the entire pro
gram of the fall festival, and the em
ployes of the Burlington shops, who
had the affair in hand, carried it out
most successfully, and it will go down
as one of the most pleasant Labor
day gatherings in the history of the
city. The day was ideal for the event,
and at 9 o'clock the parade was
formed at the city hall, and moved
west on Vine to Seventh street, south
on Seventh to Main and east on Main
to Third street, from thence the pro
cession proceeded to the shops, where
the program of the day was carried
out. Chief of Police Barclay and W.
D. Smith officiated as the marshals
of the parade, that numbered in the
neighborhood of 350 of the men from
the different departments of the
shops, all presenting a very fine ap
pearance. The Burlington band fur
nished the music for the parade, and
following them, came the car contain
ing Mayor J. P. Sattler, Attorney A.
L. Tidd, the orator of the day, and
Superintendent William Baird of the
shops. The men, carrying a large
number of placards with the figures
as to the number of men employed
and the output of the different de
partments, and the payrolls of I each
department. The G. A. R. and W. R.
showing made was one that filled
everyone with a sense of pride at the
splendid showing of the 'shops and its
efficiency in turning out work. At the
shops the platform for the speakers
had been erected on the west side of
the coach shop, and this was decorated
with a large flag, while at either cor
ner, members of the Boy Scouts bore
the beautiful, silk flags of the G. A.
R. and W. R. C, who had been a part
of the parade.
Mayor John P. Sattler presided
over the exercises at the shops, and
after expressing the appreciation of
the city to the shop boys for arrang
ing the parade he introduced Mr. Tidd
as the speaker of the day.
Mr. Tidd in his opening remarks
paid a glowing tribute to the Amer
ican flag and the principles for which
it has stood in all these years, and
the feeling of love for the ideals of
the flag that the speaker had been
taught from his childhood. He had
been born in the best country in the
world, and had chosen Nebraska and
Plattsmouth as his home and was
proud of this fact.
He congratulated the men of the
shops on the splendid showing ' they
had made in their ' parade and the
plendid work of those at the head of
the shops, who had, with the co-operation
of the men,' placed the shops in
better shape" han for the past sixteen
years. . He urged a better feeling be
tween everyone residing in the city, a
clearer understanding of the ideals of
brotherhood, and a realization of the
value of the shops to the city and
the part that they play in the devel
opment of the city. The Burlington
shops are the greatest asset of the
community, and the men employed
there have devoted their time to the
upbuilding and improvement ofi them
The speaker urged that all should feel
more of the kindly feeling that makes
of each man a brother, and his utter
ances were heartily applauded by the
audience, numbering in the neighbor
hood of 2,000 persons. As the band
played "The Star Spangled Banner
the three large flags which the men
had purchased for the shops and which
were borne in the parade, were hoisted
to the breeze, and the bared heads of
the audience paid a token of respect
to our flag, and the ladies of the W,
R. C, who were seated on the plat
form, gave the salute to the flag. The
singing of "America" by the entire
audience was very inspiring and closed
the program at the shops, when the
crowd was invited to adjourn to the
park, where the program of sports as
arranged by the committee was car
ried cut.
The boys at the shops have been
holding a contest for the past few
days to settle the questions of the
most popular, the handsomest, and the
homliest man in the employ of the
Burlington shops, and the keenest of
interest was manifested as Frank
Warren, official announcer, gave the
results. For the most popular man,
D. B. Smith, one of the old employes,
was honored by receiving G5 votes to
59 for James Kennedy, the efficient
day watchman at the shops. For the
most handsome man, Adam Wolf was
picked as the winner, receiving G9
votes; James Kennedy, 38; Jack
Jirousek, 36; Monte Franks, 30; Dave
Wallengren, 20; Anton Vitersnik, 10,
and there were a large number of
scattering votes. In the contest for
the homliest man, Gene Brady re
ceived 182 votes; E. Mason, 41; F.
Toman, 27, with a number of scatter
ing votes. The prizes were given out
by the committee to the winners, and
a great deal of fun and pleasure de
rived from the various contests, and
everyone was well pleased with the
selections made.
In the races staged there was much
interest shown, and it was with dif
ficulty that a place on Fourth street
west of the park could be cleared for
the racers.
In the shop foremen race Charles
Hula of the steel car shop was the
first man under the wire, and vas fol
lowed by General Foreman Robert
Hayes as second. A number of the
foremen were unfortunate enough to
fall out and get off poor in the start.
In the race for the employes of each
department, Glen Edwards of the steel
car shop was first; Glaze, of the coach
shop, second, and Ed Ripple, jr., third.
The day was one long to be remem
bered and the public will have to take
their hats off to the shop committee
that put over the event in such a suc
cessful manner and brought a fitting
climax to the fall fastivities.
The exhibition of the Teddy Broth
ers, the base ball game and the band
concert at the park closed a most suc
cessful day, and one of the best times
in the history of the city.
From Tuesday's Dallv.
One of the interesting relics of the
Home Coming season that was on ex
habit was shown at the First National
bank where the bell off the steam
boat, "The Survivor" was on display.
This boat was used on the Missouri
in the early days for the purposes of
transportation and one interesting
story is related by John McDaniels,
who is perhaps the earliest river man
in this locality. It was on July 4,
1861, that the boat made an excursion
under the charge of Peter A. Sarpy,
as captain; William Edgerton as pilot,
a man by the name of Graham as en
gineer and John McDaniel as fiieiran.
On the tr?p was the band and thi ex
cursion an to a point just above where
the mouth of the Platte river is now
located. The old boat after several
years of service sank at a point just
opposite the elevator at the foot of
Wihtersteen hill and is now buried
under ' the eaTth and sand of many
Frank Finkle of Union departed
this afternoon for Dunlap, la., where
he expects to spend a short time with
a cousin in that place.
The Red Sox Get Away With the
Omaha Gas Company, By a
Score of 4 to 3.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Saturday afternoon the Omaha Gas
company, second place holders in the
Greater Omaha league, journeyed
down to our quiet little city to engage
with the Red Sox at a contest of the
national pastime, and were trimmed
by the score of 4 to 3. It was de
cidedly a "fritz" for the visitors as
they were unable to stop the on
slaught of the mighty Sox in the
opening innings and were therefore
given the small end of the gate re
For the occasion Eddie Robin and
Rice of Omaha were assisting in the
infield for the Sox, and did some
mighty good work for the boys. Con
nors was the mound artist for the
locals and did a splendid job, as only
four hits were secured off his delivery
and these were scattered through the
game so that they did no damage, al
though a pass in the first resulted in
the first tally for the Gas Company.
Rawitzer and Hull, who were slated
for the pitching stunt for the visitors,
were touched up in a very lively fash
ion, while the wildness of Hull re
sulted in his being forced to give the
Sox a score by walking a man in.
In the opening Feltman drew a pass
from Connors, advanced to second on
the sacrifice of Tracy, and when the
liner of Probst was not handled fast
enough by Rice at short Feltman tal
lied. Stangle retired, Connors to
Craig, and Sutey made his withdrawal
on a fly to Roben at second.
In the Sox's half of the opening
stanza Beal led off with a clean hit
to the left garden, and was followed
by Parriott, who laid down one of his
usual clever bunts, and beat it out as
Graham juggled the throw of Rawit
zer. Beal scored on a wild heave of
Rawitzer that Gillespie could not get
in reach of. Herold retired on a
grounder to Coady at second. Rock
well was up, and proceeded to lay on
the ball for a neat single to right that
scored Parriott. . Rice was out on a
long drive to Sutey in right, and
Roben ended the inning by a grounder
to Tracy at third.
The Red Sox again tallied in the
fifth, and secured a lead that made
their victory seem much brighter. Par
riott in the opening of the inning se
cured a pass from Hull, who had re-
ieved Rawitzer in the second inning,
but Glen was caught at second by
Coady. Herald put to first that was
safe, and was followed by Rockwell
with a two-bagger to right that ad
vanced Pete to third. Here is where
Mr. Hull, the pilot of the Gas Com
pany, blew up, and with two men on
bases proceeded to walk Rice and
Roben, allowing Herold the gift of a
score. On the lively single of Mason
to left field, which was fumbled,
Rocky scored and made the lead of the
Sox four scores. Rice was caught at
the plate by Gillespie on his attempt
to score on the hit of Connors to the
left garden.
In the ninth inning the visitors de
veloped dangerous symptoms, that
certainly made this contest look de
cidedly doubtful for some time. Tracy
opened with a clean hit to left field
and was followed by Probst, who made
a drive to left that Mason could not
handle safely, and both runners were
on the sacks. Hickey was put in to
hit for Stangle, and his hot liner to
Parriott was safe, and on this Tracy
and Probst scored. Sutey retired,
Connors to Craig; Weisner, pinch hit
ting for Coady, retired on a fly to the
left garden, and Graham closed the
game with a grounder to Craig.
The summary of the game was as
AB. H. O. A. E.
Beal, cf 4 1 0 0 0
Parriott, 3b 3 0 2 3 1
Herold, c 4 1 5 3 0
Rockwell, rf. .. 3 2 0 1 0
Rice, ss 3 0 0 2 1
Roben, 2b. 3 0 3 2 0
Mason, If 3 1 4 0 1
Connors, p 4 3 0 4 0
Craig, lb 4 1 13 0 0
Totals 31 8 27 35 3
AB. H.
Faltman, cf 2 0
Tracy, 3b 2 1
Probst, ss 4 2
Stangle, If 3 0
Hickey, If. 1 0
Sutey, rf 3 1
Coady, 2b . . . 3 0
Weisner, 21) 1 0
Graham, lb 4 0
O. A.E
0 0 0
4 1
0 3 0
3 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
3 0
0 0 0
9 0
Gillespie, c 3 0 4
0 0
Rawitzer, p 0 0
Hull.p 3 0
0 0 0
0 2 1
.29 4 24 9 3
From Wednesday's Dally.
The following from the News of
Fairview, Penn., tells of the reunion
of the Rusterholtz family near that
place. This family has contributed
quite a number of estimable citizents
to Cass county and it is with interest
that the acount of the reunion will be
On Wednesday, August 17, seven
ty-six members of the Rusterholtz
family met at the home of Mr. George
McCray, near Fairview, Pa., to hold
the eighteenth annual reunion.
The usual sumptuous dinner was
served, after which the members were
entertained by literary and athletic
events. The married men of course
won the ball game.
Letters from members unable to at
tend were read and one from Mrs.
Levi Rusterholtz of Murray, Neb.,
was heard with great interest as it
not only expressed good wishes but
was also a history of that branch of
the family for the period since before
the civil war. Mr. Levi Rusterholtz
served during the war and the ex
periences related, such as jack knife
surgery without anasthetics which he
had to undergo, served to call atten-
.ion rather intimately to what the
horrors of war can be.
Plans were made to hold a cen-1
;ennial celebration next year, as one
tundred years will then have elapsed
since the founder of the family, Jacob
Rusterholtz, left Switzerland, and
lfter ninety days on the ocean landed
at Philadelphia, August, 1817. The
centennial will be celebrated in Aug
ust, 1917, at the old homestead in Mc-
Kean township, now the home of Levi
Rusterholtz, which was bought and
settled by Jacob Rusterholtz soon after
his arrival in this country. The old
homestead log cabin still stands and
next year it will be converted into a
memorial and old family heirlooms,
records, furniture, etc., will be placed
on display.
Committees were formed to pro
mote the centennial in every way, and
special efforts will be made to induce
members of the family who are now
scattered over the United States, to
attend the centennial in 1917.
From Wednesdays Dally.
A suit for divorce was hied today
in the district court entitled, Florence
M. Liblin against Arthur W. Liblin,
and the plaintiff in her petition states
that they were married in Lincoln,
Neb., September 8, 1915 and that on
April 1. 1916. the defendant without
just cause abandoned the plaintiff and
has neglected to provide for her in
any way although able to do so. It
is also alleged in the petition that
the defendant has been guilty of great
cruelty toward the plaintiff and that
he has at diverse times spit in the
face of the plaintiff as well as down
her back and as a result of such ac
tion caused a great mental anguish.
From Tuesday's Jaiiy.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. P. E.
Ruffner has been the scene of a .very
pleasant gathering for the past week,
when a number of the relatives were
present to spend the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Ruffner. Those who
were, visiting here were: E. A. Kirk
patrick and wife, Nehawka; Dr. R. A.
Dodge and wife, Mrs. Lessie Reed,
Sperry and Horace Ruffner, Omaha,
and Mrs. Edwin G. Ruffner of Obert,
Office supplies at the Journal office.
While Not a Very Enthusiastic Affair
There Were Quite a Numbe
Present, Including a Few
From Tuesday's Dally.
The republicans of Cass County last
ever.irg held a very pleasant banquet
at Coatr-c' hall, hat was attended by
some 200 of the members of the party.
as well as a delegation of ladies, who
were received in membership of the
G. O. P. during the evening.
The hall was prettily arranged with
fancy Japanese lanterns shading the
electric lights, while on the banquet
tables flowers and ferns aid small
American flags completed the .!e.cra
tive scheme of the banquet. Th
ladies of the St. Mary's Guild hr.d the
feast in charge and the repast waj
certainly very enjoyable, and the
menu more calculated to please the
hungry republicans as well as the few
scattcrnjr democrats who wrc- pr-s-
ont, i.nd everyon-- was loud in their
,raise of the dainty repast furnished
them by the lad :s. During the ban
quet the Holly orchestra fnnif.hed q
fit program. ?" banquet wa-v com
menced at 6:45, ;id it war after S
o'clock before the rpeechmaki ng fea
tures of the event was indulged in by
the orators. Dr. E. W. Cook, chair
man of the republican county central
committee, called the meeting to or
der and introduced Ex-Congressman
E. M. Pollard of Nehawka as the
toastmaster, and Mr. Pollard presided
in his usual pleasing manner and
opened up festivities with a broadside
attack on President Wilson and the
democratic party. He took a strong
position against the Mexican policy
that has been carried out by the presi
dent, and also took up the tariff ques
tion and spoke for the republican form
of protective tariff. He charged the
democrats with having tinkered with
Pthe republican tariff commission plan,
and made a general buss of the gov
ernment since they won it from the
republicans. The applause of the
audience was not as thoroughly en
thusiastic as it might have been as
the speaker leveled his attacks on the
A. L. Sutton of Omaha, republican
candidate for governor, followed Mr.
Polllard's opening remarks, and aside
from a few funny stories, told in a
very clever way, and a discussion of
national issues, made his talk a short
one and did not touch on the question
in the state at all. A great many
had come to the meeting expecting to
hear the prohibition question dis
cussed, as the distinguished judge has
delivered this address at a number of
places in the state, but these were
disappointed, as the prohibition ques
tion was not touched upon. Mr. Sut
ton attacked the prosperous condition
of the country at the present time as
one that was artificial, and held up
a very dark picture of conditions after
the European war closes. There was
no illusion made to any of the state
issues by Mr. Sutton.
Robert W. Devoe, candidate for at
torney general, was then introduced,
and spoke briefly along a general ar
raignment of the position of the demo
crats in the nation, and especially on
the Underwood tariff bill, and made
an attack on the measure as being a
sectional bill, and the plea that the
democrats were for the south and
against the northwest part of the
country. He also stated that the at
torney general, as well as local offi
cers should see that every law placed
on the statute books should be en
forced in every case.
In introducing Judge Jesse L. Root,
Mr. Pollard urged the revision of the
state primary law and its amendment,
so as to give better'results, and cited
the defeat of Judge Root for nomina
tion as suprme judge as a point of
weakness in the primary system.
Judge Root made a very brief ad
dress urging the support of the re
publican ticket both in the national,
state and county, and especially of
Judge Sutton, of whom he spoke very
highly as a member of the bench of
Douglas county, and for Mr. Kennedy,
the candidate for senator.
The toastmaster then called' upon
the ladies for a few remarks, and they
all very cleverly responded and showe
clearly that their interest in the af
i'a?rs of the government were quite
keen. Mrs. A. J. Beeson, Mir.. C. D.
Quinton, Mrs. W. A. Robertson, Mrs.
E. II. Wescott, Mrs. W. G. Brooks,
Miss Gertrude Beeson and Mrs. Earl
Wescott of Los .Anw?les all responded
with a few remarks on the pleasure
hey felt n bein-7 present. Mrs. Will
iam Baird added very much to the in
terest of the entertainment with a
clever and thoroughly enjoyable read
ing, that was received with n Hiked
Mr. Pollard in introducing A. F.
rtdrm of Nehawka, candidate for sen
atoi from this district, urged the
election of the entire county ticket,
and e specially that of Mr. Sturm, as a
man free from outside influences at
all Limes. Mr. Sturm made only a few
brct remarks in favor of several law?
that he thought would be for the bet
terment of the boys and girls of the
f.tazs, and first amon;; these was a
physical examination in the school.s
W. H. Reynolds, candidate for state
treasurer, was then called, upon, and
i.i a brief statement expressed his
pleasure at being in this sect'.on of
the state and also, a conviction that
the republican ticket would be the
wirer at the coming election.
Hon. John I. Kennedy of OT.ah:;,
candidate for Urited States senator,
opened his remarks with a plea for
woman suffrage and participation in
the ;;ffairs of government. Mr. Ken
nedy was a very iorceful speaker anil
jroceeded to dwell along the line-, of
Americanism as viewed by the repub
licans, and Mr. Kennedy alsj pre
sented the view of his party of the
affairs of the nation m its foreign
policies and with Mexico.
With the cloe of Mr. Kennedy's
speech the hour was quite late and
the banqueters wended their way
homeward feeling that the banquet
had been very pleasing to the follow
ers of the Hughes and Fairbanks
ticket. ,"
Mr. J. E. Griff en of the Hotel Riley
assisted the ladies in arranging and
supervision of the tables.
From Wednesday's Daily.
During the Home Coming, the firm
of C. E. Wescott's Sons held a num
ber of interesting contests, that at
tracted much attention, and for sev
eral days the store was -the Mecca for
those desiring to register in the va
rious - contests and to guess on the
pictures of the city officials that were
shown in the show windows. In the
guessing contest Mrs. Karl Sattler
was the only one to successfully guess
each of the pictures, and received an
order for $3 in trade.
For the person coming the longest
distance, Mrs. W. E. Maxon of Ancon,
Panama Canal zone, was given the
For the person coming the longest
distance on horseback, Frank H. John
son of Weeping Water, secured the
prize, a box of Darl Proof hose.
The youngest male resident was El-
burn Arnold Covert, and the tiny lad
received a pass book with $1 to his
credit in the bank.
The oldest Burlington employe was
C. C. Neff of this city, who entered
the employ of thcrailroad at Burling
ton in 1867, and came to Plattsmouth
in 1869, and has been employed by
the railroad since first starting in the
Iowa city. He received a Stetson hat.
For the one coming the longest dis
tance by auto, James Gilmour of
Ulysses, Neb., received a linen auto
coat. ' "
The oldest members of the Platts
mouth High school alumni were Mrs.
Louise Shryock Seiver, Edith Shryock
and Ella Kennedy.
For those born In Plattsmouth be
tween 1854-64, H. N. Dovey and E.
M. Buttery received the prize.
From Wednesdays Dally.
Walter Byers, road supervisor of
Rock Bluffs, came in yesterday to at
tend the meeting of the Board of
County Commissioners, and brought
with him a fine load of melons, which
he distributed around the court house,
and the officials and the deputies and
clerks had a big feast of the fruit.
Office supplies at the Journal pffice.