The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 31, 1916, Page PAGE 3, Image 6

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    riAtrsMsuTK journal nOMt S3Ml?ifi gfrifcfo
fciXAX AUGUST 31, 1316
J -
J. :
The Blackberry
By Douglas Malloch.
ilE' Hiram on his ranch
tei'bjf home paper that they were
going to have a Ilome-Com-ing
week back in the old
home town he slapped himself on the
knee and exclaimed, "By gosh. I'll do
it!" It was forty years forty years,
think of it! since he had seen the
place of his birth, forty years of wan
dering like a lost sheep at first, and
then settling down on some "gov
e'lnent land" to raise real sheep and
acquire a modest fortune. He never
had lost his affection for the old town,
and he never had permitted himsrlf to
get quite out of touch with it either,
fur the County Times had come to him
week after week, wherever he was. to
remind him of old plai es and old faces.
"Guess I'll just go along with this
bunch myself." he said to the ranch
foreman; and five days later he was
on the train with his sheep, armed
with his shipper's pass, and jolting
eastward. "No use spendin' a lot o'
money just for a fcol idea." he said.
When the last sheep had been deliv
ered and the draft was in his pocket
for the last head, he climbed into a
day-coach, and in four hours was set
down at the old town. The place had
c hanged some, he had to admit. The
old depot was pone, and even the new
one that Ik- had read about was begin
ning to show signs of age. lie missed
the mud. for a neat pavement of creo
soted blocks had replaced it. The old
oil lamps were gone, and a row of in
candeseents shone in their place. Up
Main street, rounding a curve, he
cp.upht a glimpse of an orange-colored
interurban car. Vet. withal. Main street
still ran north and south as it always
did. across the tracks, and it was the
Earn old town, only in new clothes.
There seemed to be fewer idlers
around the depot, though the town had
grown; and not one of those who were
there seemed to know him. He walked
tip to the new hotel, and felt just a
little lonesome when the hotel man, a
stranger, showed no excitement or
surprise when his signature was
scrawled across the page.
"ilomp-romer?"' asked the landlord,
acting ?.s though Hiram and not he
were the stranger.
"Yep one o' the Wilkinses," an
swered Hiram.
"Don't know as I ever heard of
them" and Hirani felt a bit Ione
bomer than ever.
Uut aa old fellow with a badge on.
and a smile, followed by two yonnger
men similarly adorned, hopped from
th'dr chairs in the lobby and came fcr
uanl with outstretched hands.
"Hi Wilkins?" asked the old man
w'.Va v i J.- opcu r j er a .d . look cf de
light that did Hiram's heart good to
"The guilty Tarty," Hiram replied;
and Judge Bennett, "Ked-head Ben
nett." who swem frcm Maple Bend to
Picnic Point, you remember, all but
took him in his arms.
"By gosh. Red I mean 'Judge'
this was worth the wfiole darn trip,"
said Hiram, after they had visited.
"Hi Wilkins" did not mean much to
most of the young folks in the com
munity, but it meant a lot to certain
persons who used to play shinny, and
likewise hookey, with him. So the
vord spread around.
But one young person heard it with
interest and some amusement. Mary,
the wife of the hardware dealer, went
right in to mother when she heard
about it.
"Who do you suppose is here for
Home-Coming week?" she asked with
a teasing laugh.
"How should I know?" answered her
mother carelessly, yet with a shade of
curiosity in her voice.
"Hi Wilkins. that poor father used
to josh you about." plumped out Mary.
"Well, land sakes, what do you think
of that!"
' I'll tell you what I think of it,
mother I'm going to invite him up to
"No, you won't do nothin' of the
kind. Why, I wouldn't have him see
nut now for worlds!"
"How foolish, mother. I know what
you're thinking of that you're a little
older but I don't imagine h's been
; :mmir.g in any fountain of youth.
A iid I know he'd just love to see one
of his old friends."
It took a lot of persuasion but then,
maybe the widow knew more about
Hiram than her daughter did but
Mary eventually had Judge Bennett on
the phone and invited the judge and
Mrs. Bennett, who was a newcomer in
the town, having lived there only twen
ty years, and asked them to bring Mr.
Wilkins up that very night.
Five minutes later mother appeared
in the kitchen in her gingham apron.
"Why, mother, what are you going
to do?"
"I'm goin' to make a blackberry pie.
That Wilkins boy was always a terror
for blackberry pie."
Meanwhile the judge was having al
most as much trouble with Hiram as
Mary had had with mother.
"Why, gosh almighty, man, I ain't
hardly spoke to a woman, except ranch
help, in gosh knows how long!"
But the hcur for the supper came,
rnd with the hour came Mrs. Bennett,
and with Mrs. Bennett the judge, and
with the judge came Hiram. And it
was about the merriest supper that
ever happened over a hardware store.
My, my, how Hiram and mother
laughed over those old days! They
talked about thecelebrated swim from
Maple Bend to Picnic'Point rio other j
fool kid had ever swum it since, the
judge assured Hiram, trying to con
ceal his pride under that word "fool."
Sometimes the harp of memory was
played in a minor key, for there were
some whom Hiram recalled who had
responded to the final Home-Coming.
Yet always the conversation swung
back to some funny happening of forty
yeais ago, andmother laughed as she
had not laughed in years, and Hiram
laughed as he had not laughed since
the last tenderfoot broke a broncho.
The judge and Mary's husband told
Hiram about the Community club, and
about the six trains a day instead of
two. and the creamery with a laundry
attached, and the township high
school, and the interurban, and the
pickle station, and the farm demon
strator, and a lot of other things.
"What change do you notice most?"
asked the hardware merchant.
"That darn park that used to be the
'.ild blackberry patch," answered Hi
ram, with half a laugh and half a sigh.
But mother's laugh -was not a half
one by any means. She laughed un
il she was ashamed of herself. She
laughed herself, to the kitchen and
came back laughing with a blackberry
pie. And the half-moon gash in the
crust, to let the steam escape, with its
red lips, looked so much like a mouth
that the blackberry pie seemed to be
laughing itself.
"Do you remember the last time we
went blackberry in'?' asked Hiram.
A very clever person might have dis
covered a tone of tender recollection
in his voice.
"Indeed, I do," said mother. "And
remember how you dressed all up be
cause I was goin' along, and you tore
your pants and dassn't go home?"
"No, that wasn't the last time. The
last time was long after that, just be
fore I went West. Why, I guess I
was about twenty then."
Well, mother remembered some
thing about that, but not very much.
So the conversation drifted back to
the park and the playground, but Hi
ram expressed the idea that the chil
dren nowadays didn't get any more
fun out of the slides and the swings
than he did out of the blackberries.
"But," said mother, as they rose
from the table, "you see, now we
have both the park and the berries
only we have the berries out in the
back yard."
So Hiram and mother went out into
the bark yard to see the berries. And,
as they walked and talked, mother re
membered the last afternoon in the
berry patch much better. Somehow,
they stopped laughing about it. And
they stayed out there long enough to
inspect each individual berry.
After the company had gone, moth
er sat up talking about them later
than she had been up in years. "And
what do you think of Hi of Mr. Wil
kins?" she asked.
"I think he's a fine old man!" Mary
answered with enthusiasm.
1 don't see why you call him old,"
said mother with spirit. "He looks
twice as young as the judge."
Hiram dropped in nearly every day
during Home-Coming week, and he
lingered a week after the big week
was over. Then one day he showed
up at the courthouse, suitcase in hand.
"Well, off for the West?" asked
Judge Bennett.
A pause then a grin from Hiram.
"Yep goin to sell that ranch and
come home and settle down."
Full proof of the fact that amuse
ment loving: public were awaiting the
opening of the Brundage shows was
in evidence last evening at the tented
;ity east of the Burlington station,
.vhen an immense crowd fell in behind
:he band and proceeded to take in the
feast of high class attractions that
ire offered by this splendid company.
Here are offered a varied line of
.musements all in keeping with the
Brundage slogan, "We Comply with
he Pure Show Laws." Due to the
ate arrival of the' company and the
fact that it was necessary to remove
the wheels from a number of the
wagons before they could be taken
through the subway, several of the
shows were unable to give a perform
ance, but those who were fortunate
to get started did a fine business with
the immense crowd that filled the mid
way. This spot will be the Mecca
for the town people of our city as well
as the influx of visitors from outside
points that will be on hand the last
two days of the week, as young and
old want amusement and the Brun
dage shows offer good, clean attrac
tions. A string of lights has been
placed to the Burlington subway,
lighting the approach to the grounds.
The Mcintosh military band is a splen
did feature to the carnival that is al
ways enjoyed by young and old and
their concerts on the street in which
they are assisted by Billy Kearn, is
proving a decided hit.
LOST Brown imitation leather suit
case, containing girl's wearing ap
parel; was lost on road between
Papillion and LaPlatte, or Platts
mouth. Finder please return to
The Journal office. ltd&w
A most interesting story of Pio
neer life and times is told by Mrs.
Catherine Parmele, widow of C. II.
Parmele, who was an active factor in
the early history of Plattsmouth and
Cass county. She with her husband,
located in Plattsmouth in 1857, Platts
mouth at that time was a lively fron
tier town, and an outfitting point for
Pike's Peak and the mountains. Mr.
Parmele was one of the early freight
ers, making many trips across the
plains; the Indians on some of these
occasions giving them much trouble.
In 18."7 the Pawnee Indians were still
around Plattsmouth, and the Parmele
family had the usual experiences with
these aboriginees. They were always
a source of annoyance, and created a
good deal of fear among the women
and children. Mrs. Parmele calls to
mind that the business of the village
was transacted on Second street, for
several blocks north and south on the
liver front. Boats were constantly
landing and discharging their cargo.
It was one of the amusements of the
times for the young people of Platts
mouth to have dances on the boats,
and frequently these parties would
last for the trip to Omaha and re
turn. In those days people were gen
erally very sociable and more unselfish
than in later years. Mrs. Parmele
mentions among leading citizens of
that date, T. M. Marquet, Willett Pot
tenger. Tootle and Hanna, Wheatley
Mickelwaite, Samuel H. Elbert and
many others who were the moving
spirits of that time. Houses were
scarce for renting purposes and their
first home was in what was known as
Patterson Row, which was situated
near the Catholic church. Mrs. Par
mele has resided for over fifty years
in the residence she now occupies on
Vine street, which was considered at
the time of its construction a preten
tous building. Mrs. Parmele is the
mother of one of our fellow townsman,
C. C.'Parmele; T. E. Parmele, banker
at Louisville; Mrs. Myrtle Atwood, of
Lincoln; and Mrs. Nellie Agnew, now
visiting in this city.
O. M. Streight, another pioneer of
experience, came to Plattsmouth with
his father, from Montgomery county,
Iowa, in 1857, when he was 13 years
of age. He calls to mind that the
leading hotel was a three-story frame
building called the City hotel, situated
on the ground now occupied by the
Plattsmouth hotel. It was run by
Mrs. Uray, who was the mother of
Mrs. J. C. Peterson. He attended
school in a frame building occupying
the ground where Egenberger's sa
loon now is. At this time Platts
mouth was a greater outfitting point
for the west than Omaha. It had
some live business firms, among them
being Amison and Dovey, Tootle and
Hanna, Staud and Anderson, Simpson,
Mickelwaite and Sharp. During the
years 1SG5, 18GG and 1867 Mr.
Streight was engaged in driving
teams across the plains to Denver
and the mountains for the freighters,
and had many varied experiences with
frontiersmen while thus engaged. He
has seen Plattsmouth grow from a
frontier town into a pretentious mod
ern city, and does not regret having
cast his lot with the early pioneers
Saturday evening the fine new Hud
son touring car of C. F. Vallery, the
road overseer, was put out of com
mission for a few hours through the
breaking of one of the front wheels
of the machine. The car was being
driven by Max Vallery along the road
just west of the Oak Hill cemetery,
where the roadway is rather narrow,
and the driver ran to one side to allow
a team to pass and while on the
grass and weeds at the side of the
road the machine slipped and slid
to one side, with the result that one
of the front wheels had all the spokes
broken out of it. P. T. Becker, the
agent of the Hudson car in this ctiy,
soon secured the agency in Omaha, and
by Sunday morning Mr. Vallery had
a new wheel and the Hudson was
back in commission, as good as ever.
The accident was wholly unavoidable
and was not in any way the fault of
either the driver or the machine.
If you have anything for sale adver
tise in the Journal.
I 11 "
1901 1905
1894 1900
C. E.
1879 1893
C. E.
c.E. Wescott Wescott Wecsott's
Wescott &
"The Bos Clothier" UT
Sons o
price "Everybody' Store"
no monkey business" OUR
Thirty -Eighth
A Large Concourse of Sympathetic
Neighbors and Friends
Yeseterday afternoon the funeral
services of the late Mrs. John H.
Becker were held at the home on West
Pearl street and they were attended
by a very large concourse of sorrow
ing relatives and friends to pay their
tribute to the memory of this noble
lady who had been taken so suddenly
from their midst and the large number
in attendancs spoke eloquently of the
deep feeling of grief at the loss they
had sustained in her death. The old
neighbors from the community where
the Becker family had lived for so
many years were present to bid fare
well to the one they had known and
loved for so many years and who had
endeared herself to them by the many
acts of kindness and care.
The services were conducted by Rev.
C. E. Perlee, pastor of the Christian
church, who spoke eloquently of the
life of the departed, of her many acts
of kindness that had endeared her to
all who had known her and of her
beautiful and faithful Christian life,
and to the family it brought a sense of
comfort as they anticipated the time
when once more they might meet with
the wife and mother in the better land
where there would be no more sever
ing of ties of love or bitter partings.
During the services at the home
Mrs. E. H. Wescott and Miss Hazel
Tuey gave three very pleasing num
bers, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul,"
'Asleep in Jesus," and "In the Sweet
By and By," each with their message
of comfort and hope to those who had
been bereaft by death.
The house as well as the lawn was
filled with those who mourned with
the family and the wealth of floral
beauty placed on the .casket spoke of
the feeling of great esteem in which
Mrs. Becker had been held in the en
tire community.
Among those attending from out of
the city were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry J.
Miller, Archie Miller, Lyle Miller,
Lehy Miller, Mr. and Mrs. John
Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hardnoek,
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hardnoek, all of
Alvo; Mr. and Mrs. Will Becker, Mr.
and Mrs. George Beck, of Mason City,
Illinois; Mrs. Alice Weinheimer, of
Pekin, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wall
inger of Elmwood; Mr. and Mrs.
George Wallinger, South Bend; Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Baumgart, Lamar, Ne
braska and Miss Emma Tresham of
Seattle, Wash.; Frank Gustin and
wife of Elmwood.
The interment was at Oak Hill cem
etery and the pall bearers were sons
and sons-in-law, P. T., H. E., W. A.
Becker, G. A. Kaffenberger, Frank A.
Cloidt, and C. T. Peacock.
The Farmers Union of Elmwood
are to hold a big picnic gathering on
Saturday, September 2nd, at Clapp's
park in that city. The picnic will in
clude big ball games and a big din
ner at noon as well as a band concert
that will be well worth hearing. The
boosters for the event, Williard
Clapp, A. F. Turk and Joseph A.
Capwell were here today to bill for
the event.
& After a long walk, a
if thought is of a
WHY? Because it should be oftenest thought of for its delici
ousness. Highest thought of for its wholesomness, refreshing
and thirst quenching. Demand the genuine
MffldS P,(BirE(BS5
Always to be had at the Peerless Bar
Also a Fine Line of Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and
Cigars at a very ripe age, at reasonable prices. We will be glad
to serve you. Give us a call.
JOv1acc Z2P
fci JT UmJGdM 9 XWfLff JfUMCU&9 Opp. Court House.
While in the city visit
The Greenwald Studio
and look over the
from 1903 to the present time You may
be in one of them.
Have pictures taken
Plumbing and Watersupply Systems.
Telephone 98.
dusty ride, or any time, your first and best
refreshing drink. Be sure you think of
Tv ErVf VT)Tnr?4 4 th and Mai
as long ago as 1885.
4th and Main Street
i i