The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 31, 1916, Image 1

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Neb State Historical Soc
yoL. xxxiv.
No. 127.
Everything Was Right Up to Snuff,
the Attractions Fine and the
Auditors Well Pleased.
From "Wednesday's Dally.
The footsteps of the greater part of
the population last evening took them
selves to the great glittering midway
of the S. W. Brundage shows on the
bottom, east of the Burlington depot,
and here for several hours the merry
makers enjoyed themselves to the ut
most in the varied and high class en
tertainments afforded by this splendid
company. Each attraction is operated
in such a manner as to keep up the
well known reputation of this com
pany for good clean shows, and which
has caused them to be invited back
wherever they have shown.
The dog and pony show, of more
than usual excellence, was the attrac
tion for the little folks as well as a
l:;rge per cent of the older sightseers,
and their performances were attended
by large crowds. The minstrel show,
a rare high class attraction, secured
a large number of the crowd, and
their performances are all to the good
with splendid singing and dancing
numbers by the clever ladies and gen
tlemen belonging to the cast. Another
of the shows that did a very lively
business was the "Slippery Gulch"
dance hall, where the cowgirls were
kept busy in tripping the dance with
the young men who attended, and the
settings of the show were strictly in
keeping with the wild frontier days.
Tne "Place of Miracles" also attracted
?nany, and the "Submarine" with its
exciting and interesting experiences,
secured a large number of the sight
seers on the grounds.
The two freak shows on the Mid
way, have a large number of .the
most interesting specimens of both
the human and animal kingdom, in
cluding "No Name," the baffling hu
man mystery; the cigarette fiend, the
Philipine wonder and quite a large
number of reptile and animal won
ders. The motordome at the Brundage
shows is well worth attending, as the
performance given is one that thrills
and holds the attention of the spec
tator from start to finish. With two
motorcycles and an automobile in a
thrilling death-defying race around
the track of the dome the spectators
are given their full share of thrills.
The concessions at the grounds are
quite large and include the usual doll
racks, as well as booths for china and
fancy articles, as well as pennants
and knives and vases, and these did
their share of the business last even
ing. The Brundage shows have grown
considerable in size since their last
appearance here, and their attractions
are far more numerous and are all
first-class in every way. There is
nothing in any of the shows or the
offerings that anyone, either woman
or man, could possibly take otfense at
and each of the attractions are con
ducted in a perfectly refined manner.
If there are any who have not visited
the grounds they certainly should do
so at once as they are missing a
pleasant treat, and the remainder of
the week promises big for this feature
of the festival.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Yesterday a rather sensational suit
for divorce was filed in the district
court by Frank W. Stokes, who seeks
to have the ties of matrimony be
tween himself and Ruth Stokes sev
ered by law. The petition of the
plaintiff states that they were mar
ried at Lincoln on July 3, 1916, and
the revelations that followed the wed
ding caused the; suit to be filed.. The
petition, is one of the most racy and
spicy that has been filed in court for
some time, and should it be contested
the case certainly should afford a
great deal of interest to the lovers of
the sensational.
The Monarch Engineering company
evidently intends to get through with
the Washington avenue paving before
cold weather sets in. The work is
I progressing fast and thoroughly. Ev
ery man on the work seems to know
just what to do, and there is no lost
motion on the job.
In many contracts of a similar char-
acter you will see groups of workmen
standing around arguing about the
correct method to do a thing, and in
the meantime the thing under discus
sion is left undone. WThen that job
is completed, and it finally is, there
is always a large bill for extras that
the property owners have to settle
The close of the third day of the
county teachers institute yesterday
afternoon was very pleasing both to
the county superintendent and the
teachers and filled with many good
things for the advancement of the
countv. Professor Brown spoke on
arithmetic and compared the old and
new methods of teaching the funda
mentals and especially of addition.
The primary work was shown by
Miss Rudersdorf of Omaha, the pri
mary instructor with a class of little
folks from the Plattsmouth schools as
the model class and some splendid re
sults were obtained from this prac
tical method of teaching.
County Superintendent Miss Mar-
quardt conducted a round table at
which the school work for next year
was discussed at length by the teach
ers who in an interchange of thought
produced a great deal of good. City
Superintendent Brooks spoke of dis
cipline in the schools which was found
very interesting to the teachers. He
also touched on efficiency tests in lan
guages and social life in the schools.
Miss Kaufmann in her penmanship
work added a number of block board
studies for the teachers in this branch
of teaching.
Miss Lillian Rudersdorf at the ses
sion today gave a short lecture on art
in the public schools and illustrated
this with blackboard work. Miss
Rudersdorf is a graduate of the Chi
cago art institute and has studied at
Columbia university where she took
up graduate work.
Mrs. Elvira S. Tewksbury, one of
the most interesting characters of
pioneer days, is now at the home of
Mrs. Dr. R. R. Livingston. Mrs.
Tewksbury first saw Nebraska in
1860, when she came west a single
woman seeking to better her condi
tion. She was born and raised in New
Hampshire, where she first became
acquainted with John S. Tewksbury,
who had preceded her to Nebraska's
golden opportunity. It was probably
an accident that she happened to lo
cate in the same community with Mr.
Tewksbury; at any event, they son
joined their forces and fought the
battle of life together in Cass county.
Mrs. Tewksbury's story of her coming
here and of her experiences after
ward partakes something of the ro
mance. After their marriage they
moved on a farm near Eight Mile
Grove, among their neighbors being
Samuel Barger, J. S. Ruby, Samuel
Richardson and George Colvin. Her
life and that of her husband was one
of hardships, passing through drouths,
grasshopper scourge, failure of crops
and blizzards, yet with all she has
had much enjoyment of life and if
today in the enjoyment of good health
and mental facilities, and will have
her share of the pleasure out of
Home Coming week.
Miss'Kittie Cummins, teacher of
piano and harmony. Fall term begins
September 4th. 8-28-lwkd&w
Prof. Brown's Lecture Very Interest
ing, and Increased At
tendance. From TVednesday b Dally.
The second day of the Cass county
teachers' institute closed with a great
er attendance, and a more earnest in
terest and enthusiasm than has ever
been shown at any previous institute
Professors Geore-e W. Brown of the
rural department of the Peru normal
school instructs in arithmetic, art and
rural sociology. Professor Brown em
phasized the use of good pictures both
in the pchool and the home. He orief-
!y outlined a teacher's plan for the
study of pictures which would be
helpful to all. In speaking. Professor
Brown touched on the subject by point
ing out the study of a picture and try
to recall persons or associations. Is
its general appearance comparable to
the pictures in your mind? Search in
the picture for a new center of illumi
nation. Artists use light portions for
its essential features. Are all ob
jects in the pictures well defined at
the same time and does each assist in
interpreting the central part of the
pictures. An3 picture is a failure
that detracts from the main thought.
Try to feel the thought of each per
son. He also gave a study of the pic
ture of the "Pilgrims Going to
Church," and an outline of the study
of a picture bv children.
In rural sociology Professor Brown
spoke briefly upon the two epocs name-
In rural sociology Prof. Brown spoke
briefly upon the two epochs name-
epoch,- contrastinffthe Jmo. .. He spoke
of the growth and influence of the ag
ricultural colleges and U. S. depart
ment of agriculture. The three im
portant factors in co-operation were:
county agent or agriculture expert;
second, commercialization of a agri
culture; through science and modern
business methods; third, the growth
and influence of agricultural colleges.
Miss Rudersdorf, of Omaha, who has
just returned from Columbia univer
sity, New York, where she has spe
cialized in her chosen work, conducts
model classes in primary reading and
anguage. She emphasizes the social
ized recitation with the children which
gives greater freedom and expression
by dramatization and illustrates the
essential points of the recitation. She
gave many helpful devices that have
a permanent value.
Miss Marie Kaufmann occupied her
period in the institute with a demon
stration of the work of the Palmer
method of penmanship and which was
most interesting and showed the ad
vancement that has been made in this
ine of instruction in the past few
years. Miss Kautmann has accom
plished a great deal in the schools
here with this method and in the rural
schools is adoption has greatly ad
vanced this line of learning in the
Superintendent W. G. Brooks, ably
spoke upon the socialized recitation
comparing the difference between the
new and the old methods of teaching.
Ie selected the points to be stressed
and those to be avoided.
Superintendent Miss Eda Marquardt
held a conference with the new teach
ers giving them many useful and im
portant suggestions which will make
them stronger and more efficient.
Superintendent Marquardt awarded
prizes to district No. 19, Miss Evelyn
Wolf, teacher, for the lowest per cent
of tardiness during the year and dis
trict No. 70, Carl Cunningham, teach
er, secured the prize for the greatest
improvement shown in penmanship
during the year. The prizes were
handsome pictures.
Superintendent T. V. Truman of
Weeping Water spoke upon the teach
ing of manual training in schools.
This morning Mites Emma Ort, of
the University of Nebraska was at
the institute and gave a most inter
esting outline of the work of the boys
and girls club in the promoting of
scientific agriculture and home eco
nomics. This lecture was very inter
esting: to the students of the agri
culture work in the schools. Miss Ort
is endeavoring to introduce more of
the rural schools to take up the boys
and girls' club in advancing their
Letter files at the Journal office.
George D. Davis of Maryville, Mo.,
cousin of Hon. R. B. Windham, ar
rived yesterday for the Home Coming
accompanied by his son, Don, making
the trip by automobile. Mr. Davis
will doubtless be the earliest pioneer,
as when a small boy, his family lo
cated at Glenwood, la. In 1854 his
father, William H. Davis, together
with John Carroll, Abraham Towner,
father of Mrs. William Gilmore, Isaac
Ashley and W. W. Wiley came over
the river near Rock Bluffs and paid
the Indians $10 apiece for the privi
lege of squatting on some land that
they might have the first chance when
the treaty was signed. Mr. Davis
was also present at Bellevue when
the government commission consu
mated the final treaty with the Otoes,
Pawnees and Omaha Indians and saw
the final closing acts at the mansion
house, still standing just west of Belle
vue. Mr. Davis is a brother of the
late Mrs. Burwell Spurlock. Although
seventy-six years of age and on
crutches he could not resist the Home
Coming feeling. He is stopping with
Mr. Windham.
When it comes to having a good
time, it would be hard to beat that
held by County Superintendent Eda
Marquardt, Margaret Turner, Uni
versity Place; I. Floyd Tremain. Mal
colm; Minnie Streji, Greenwood;
Clara Dohner, Lincoln; Floyd Canady,
Weeping Water; Laura Rudersdorf,
Omaha; Superintendent-W. G. Brooks,
Plattsmouth; H. M. Worley, Alvo; R.
E. Dale, Nehawka, at a picnic dinner
the Nebraska university alumni
held on the banks of the Missouri
river. Miss Marquardt led the party
knowing the camp stove and toasting
forks waiting at a point where the
blutfs and river appeared the grand
est. Several trains passed over the
Burlington bridge during the stay of
the picknickers. A kodak in the hands
of Miss Streji is supposed to show
Miss Marquardt and Canady making
coffee; Superintendent Brooks, Dale
and Worley, toasting wenies while the
rest of the party were preparing sand
Twas a big spread with more left
than two children could well manage
to carry away in a big basket. 'Tis
said men feel especially good after
enjoying a hearty meal and the gen
tlemen demonstrated this fact by re
vealing their best jokes and university
yarns either on themselves on their
professors the ladies vieing with
them in stories calling forth peals of
Darkness appearing the party gave
college yells ending with a rousing
'U-U-Uni," led by Mr. Dale and Miss
Mr. Richardson, the ferryman, con
ducted the alumni to and from the
owa shore, and the return to Platts
mouth was made in the full glare of
the brilliantly lighted carnival
grounds. Each feeling more keenly a
sense of pride and joy at having once
been a student at the great Nebraska
University and long to remember their
pleasant time during the Cass county
The special "Home Coming" edition
of The Journal appearing this evening
was at first intended to be used only
in the semi-weekly edition of the
paper, but in order that the adver
tisers might have the advantage of
the circulation of The Evening Jour
nal, it appears in the daily edition as
well. A number of the articles used
for this special edition of the weekly
have appeared at previous dates in
the daily, but in order that the spe
cial advertising may be properly han
dled they will appear in the daily
this evening, as a part of the weekly.
Home grown, re-cleaned alfalfa
eed, 99.9 per cent pure, $11.50 to
$12.50 bushel; fall rye, $1.40; timothy,
$3.25; white hulled sweet clover,
$10.90; rape, $5.00; blue grass, $2.25.
We pay the freight. Samples mailed.
Johnson Bros., Nebraska City, Neb.
The Old Town Still Has a Warm
Spot in Its Confines
for You.
The city of Plattsmouth and its citi
zens will welcome back tomorrow the
hosts of those who formerly made their
i,mc ;n thic fitv nnd pojntv and v.hc
in the vears gone by have located l
other localities but who listened to the
voice of memory whispering of the long
ago have returned for the day at lea?
in he old home.
How much such a visit to the old
home means, can only be measured by
those who have wandered away from
the scene of their early associations
Each spot has for the Home Comers
a tender recollection as here many of
them spent the happiest hours of their
lives and here their families have
grown up and upon their minds and
hearts Plattsmouth must ayways have
a great place in their lives. To those
who came here at an early day the
changes that have been made will
prove wonderful and to those of later
years the realization of the develop
ment of the city cannot but be im
pressed. The Plattsmouth of the early days
has gone never to return and like the
vanishing ranks of the pioneers who
came west in the early fifties, it is fast
becoming only a memory that is cher
ished as one of the great lessons of the
development of the west. Only the
great hills that line the bluffs of the
Missouri river have not been changed
greatly as in the city the improve
ments and changes have cut down and
changed the hills and filled the spots
where once the creeks ran unchecked
through the principal section of the
The Plattsmouth of the seventies
and eighties has also stole into the
past as only a recollection and many
of those who were then in the flower
of manhood and womanhood have long
since passed the river of death and to
the old residents coming home their
absence will be sadly noticed as they
scan the faces of the ones who now!
What the city is at present herj
people can feel a pardonable pride in j
as each has had a great part in its
development. The spirit of confidence'
in the future of the city shown by;
its residents has done more than any
one thing to bring the city to the
front rank of progress. The fine i
buildings, the numerous beautiful
Glomes and the growing industries are
all proof of the spirit of civic pride
and energy developed by the men and
women of Plattsmouth.
We welcome the former residents,
young and old back to Plattsmouth
and assure them that the freedom of
the city is theirs while here, that we
are all glad to see them, whether they
lived here fifty years ago or five, and
that this occasion will be very pleas
ant to every resident of Plattsmouth
who can hear and see these former
citizens during their stay here and
participate in the Pioneers' day pro
Welcome Home ! and may your stay
here be as pleasant as the anticipa
tions of the friends here have been.
To the relatives and friends who
have been so kind and sympathetic
during the sickness and at the time
of the death of my infant son, Her
man, I desire to express my most
heartfelt appreciation and assure them
that their goodness will long be re
The automobile parade which was
set to take place this morning at
10:30, has been postponed until 10:30
Saturday morning, when the schedule
of the march as originally planned
will be carried out. The rain which
has prevailed throughout the day
made the change in program neces
sary. As far as possible the program
for the day was carried out and be
tween the showers the crowd was able
to enjoy the band concerts.
Office suppffes at the Journal office.
Tuesday at the home in Murray,
Herman, one of the little sons of Her
man Richter, died after a desperate
battle since May last to save the life
of the little babe as well as his two
brothers. This is a very sad misfor
tune and has cast a profound gloom
over the entire community, as it was
hoped that the triplet brothers might
be saved and nursed through the per
iod of their babyhood. The mother
died last May, at the time the three
boys were born, following a Csearian
operation at a hospital in Omaha.
The babies have been kept at the St.
Catherine's hospital in that city since
their birth up to a few weeks ago,
when they were taken to the home
of the father near Murray, and have
since gradually grown worse, unti
death visited the home and took one
of the babies to join its mother who
had gone before. Another of the lit
tle ones is quite low at the present
time. The funeral was held at the
home, near Murray,
.Vl.Tl.VTt ..! MTITTTT t'-T-l-T?!
T..T..T-T. ,T....T..?-T. .T-?-T..TT. .T-T-T-T.
Mr. Donohue, our new justice of the
peace, called in to see the Herald the
other day. He is a very intelligent
man and ought to make a good J. P.
Mullen, our famous short-hand re
porter, is around again, working away
at that old Dr. Black horse case. We
are really interested to know wrho
owns that black horse by this time.
And so Captain O'Rourke's folks
have got the loan of a young banker
within a few days, eh 2 Well, captain,
we sympathize, we know all about it;
just how they keep you up nights,
and the care they take and all that
that is to say, we's been told so.
Mr. Schicketanz, a brother-in-law
of Mr. Henry Boeck of this place, has
established himself as a barber in the
neat rooms of the Platte Valley
House, and opened up a very neat and
inviting shop. He was formerly of
Council Bluffs.
Mr. D. L. Morrow, formerly of this
place and now at Rawlings, on his
way to the Black Hills, says, tell the
Plattsmouth folks not to be in a
hurry to start for the Black Hills.
Wait for warm weather and good
roads, says Mr. M.
Mr. Mushizer, who has been here
for some time as a barber, lately sold
his stand to George St. Clair, and
goes to Hornelsville, N. Y., where he
takes a large shop. Mr. M. was a
good workman and a pleasant citizen,
too good in fact, to lose if we could
Kelp it.
Prof. Bronson, a blind phrenologist.
has been here for several nights ac
companied by his wife. They lecture
and examine heads and have had the
court house full every evening so far.
The boys are having lots of fun over
the professor's prognostications, he
told Elam Parmele he should have
been a lawyer, and Phil Young that
he was too good looking to live long,
besides' giving him a chromoo. Every
body wants to go and see Mr. Bron
The annual meeting of the Pleasant
Hill Cemetery association, which was
to have been held Saturday, Septem
ber 2d, has been postponed until Sat
urday, September 9th, at 10 o'clock
at the Horning school house.
C. H. SHOOP, Secy.
James W. Holmes, who purchased
new model Ford car from T. H.
Pollock, sold the car to Thede Amick
today for a premium of $5 more than
the full purchase price of the car.
r. Holmes at once ordered a new
Ford of Mr. Pollock for future deliv
ery. The sale of Fords during the
week has been as follows: John S.
Vallery, Frank E. Vallery, James W.
Holmes, Henry Rice, Chris Shoemaker
and Glen Vallery.
Mrs.- W. W. Dickson of Omaha,
came down this afternoon to visit
during the Home Coming festival at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Li Todd, west of the city.
Letter From Durwood B. Lynde in
Response to Invitation to Attend
the Alumni Picnic.
From the border where the soldiers
of Uncle Sam are encamped comes :
response to an invitation to lie pres
ent at the alumni picnic and reunion
at the high school grounds tomorrow,
which is sent by Durwood B. Lynde
of Union, a member of the class of
1911. In his letter Mr. Lynde says:
"Llano Grande, Tex., Aug. 23, llfi.
"To Alumni Committee,
"Plattsmouth, Neb.:
"Just received the letter in regard
to all the old graduates of the P. II.
S. and thought I would tell you that al
though I would sure love to le there
I do not see how I can.
"I am down here on the border with
Company B, Fifth Nebraska, from Ne
braska City and don't believe Uncle
Sam is going to send us back very
soon. Would certainly like to be ther
Friday, September 1st, and see all my
old schoolmates, especially the class
of 1911. I know they will have lots
of fun talking over old imes and I an
taking this manner of sending my
regards and also my regrets to them.
"We are not having any picnic here.
like hundreds of the fallows that were
going to, as we drill five or six hours
a day and have two hours a day on
school of the soldier.
"I happen to be one of the non
commissioned officers of our compary.
so don't have to work quite so hard an
the privates but have plenty, and al
ways enough to work up an appetite
for the bacon, prunes and beans
we have to eat. The weather is lovely
here, gets pretty hot from ten to four
in the day time but mornings, and eve
nings the Gulf breeze that we get here
is very cool we always have to hunt
our blankets before morning.
''Our camp is thirty miles west of
Brownville and only four miles north
of the Rio Grande river. I have been
down to the river several times but the
regular army cavalry that are lo
cated there on patrol duty would not
allow us to cross over into Mexico,
although I crossed into Matamoros
from Brownville last Sunday when a
ew of us fellows took a little trip.
"There are about 15,000 troops here
in this camp from Indiana, Minnesota,
North Dakota and Nebraska. We an:
getting equipped as fayt as they can
get the stuff here but that is not vry
a st.
"Anyone that says this country is
prepared for war or speaks against
preparedness please send them to me
and I think I can convince them that
this country certainly needs it. '
"We have been called out ovei tow
months now and haven't half the stuf"
yet that we need to go into war if
there should be one.
"We haven't the least idea how long
we are to be here as the officers won't
tell us a thing and the government
won't order a pay day. Those are the
main reasons there is so much discon-
ent in camp. If they would tell us
we were going to be here a year or
three months or three yearr if thr.t in
what it is to be, we could arrange our
Lusiress affairs at home and be much
better satisfied than the way it is.
'My three years will be up in April
and if we are still here am sure com-
ng back unless there is actual war
going on, but don't think there will
be, especially if they let us start a
while before is, as we are all positive
we could clean the country in say six
weeks if they would turn us loose.
Thanking the committee again for
remembering me, I beg to remain.
Yours truly,
"Co. B., 5th Nebraska.
From "Wednesday Dally.
At. the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.
'. Langhorst at Elmwood on Thurs
day was given a most delightful en-
ertainment at which they announced
the engagement of their daughter.
Miss Daisy to Mr. Sidney John Moore
of Omaha. The wedding will take
place on October '4th. The bride is
one of the roost charming and popular
young ladies in the county and htr
friends will extend to the bride-to-be
$5.00 Phonographs at Dawson's.