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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1916)
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1916. 'ii , PAGE 8. ( ( ( ( ( i ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( : AnpiG dliMiiiie Our entire stock of Knit Underwear, which consists of Ladies' Union Suits, Ladies' Vests, Men's Union Suits, Men's Separate Garments, and Boys' Suits, will be offered to you at a discount of y 3 We also have a few sizes in Ladies' back closing H. & V. Brazzieres that sell for 50c, which we offer you now at You will also find on our bargain table a few numbers in Ladies' Muslin Under garments at a great reduction. It will be to your advantage to look these over. H. M. SOENNSCHSEN, H Call Phones 53 and 54. JDt DC DC We Like to Serve, jl 13 L " !C I W. R. C. NOTICE. The Woman's Relief Corps will meet in regular session at their rooms in the courthouse Saturday afternoon, August 26th, at 2:30. The members of the G. A. R. and the Boy Scouts are requested to come to this meeting. All members of the corps are urged to be present as there is business of importance to be transacted. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Seven-room house, two big lots, well located. About five and one-half blocks from main part of city. Ce ment cellar, electric lights, city water. For sale cheap. McKnight & Haney, Glenwood, la. If you wont Amick, No. 18-5. to go anywhere call 4 I- IN PLATTSMOUTH FORTY YEARS AGO. H-H ? ST. MARY'S GUILD, NOTICE. St. Mary's Guild will meet at St. Luke's church Friday evening, imme diately after the service. All mem bers are requested to be present. Eczema spreads rapidly; itching al most drives you mad. For quick re lief Doan's Ointment is well recom mended. 50c at all stores. r ONE BIG WEEK Com M onday, August 28th mencmg -TILL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND 11 mm qj a "i rir cc ivi A T) im ii ffc ffc -VSS Ufl Ve. . - - JliMATMCIISM S3!! VaSJUJ it ' J2S tew 25 CARS 3 00 PEOPLE 25-PIEGE B AND Auto and Motordome! Garry-Us-AII! Ferris Wheel! 1 5 Attractions! Handsome Riding Devices! Clean, Orderly and Well Lighted Midway! Home Coming and Fall Festival starts Thursday, August 31 and lasts until Monday, September 4th. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AND RELATIVES ON THE BRUNDAGE MIDWAY! All roads and footsteps lead to Plattsmouth all next week. Plenty of room "has been reserved for Fords. ' Auto parades, fraternal parades, base ball games and free acts will be on tap daily. Hotels and cafes have arranged to take care, of the immense crowds that will be present. Come daily and early and stay late. It's Joy Week in Plattsmouth. Cone enjoy yourselves with us. ) ) ) ) ) ) Tl T , . . .wr. Lie wis uaiKins brings us an apple which measures twelve and one quarter inches in circumference, and is the very perfection of a rosy red one. Brother Dovey has jone to Cincin nati, and. will take in St. Louis, too Somebody on the street says Dovey will be the contingent candidate at Cincinnati. We are informed that in spite of some bad luck there are wheat fields in the county that will go over twenty uusneis to me acre. .ir. Jones, in Liberty, has a field that will po over twenty bushels. Mr. Frere has on that will go twenty-five bushels. The last seen of Bob Windham (so says Chapman) he was trying to bare foot around the Main Kxposition building at Philadelphia, and bound to see her through. Hob savs his ex penses there are slight, except lor postage writing home to the girls. W'e are pleased to see Dr. John Black out again, and understand he feels almost well. W'e should be sorry to lose the doctor before we all know whether Hayes or Tilden is to win If fate decides for Tilden we want to help the doctor build a huge bonfire, believing that the will of the gods must be obeyed, decide they for Sam my or Kutnerlord. The Louisville and Glendale Sunday schools had a joint picnic last Satm ay. l ne uiemiaie iieJeation, num bering about seventv, rode over to ouisyille, where they formed in pro cession ana were met by the Louis ville school and brass band and es corted to the place of holding the picnic. Upon reaching the grounds. the schools united in singing some of their choruses and glees, and the ef fect was very fine. After singing, the swings were in constait demand until dinner was spread, and such a dinner W'e wish thev would hold a picnic every week. After dinner Rev. Cyrus Alton addressed the schools in a few very appi'opriate remarks, and then the scholars enjoyed themselves the balance of the day according to their fancy. ME NAME N1TED STATES Secretary Lane, Judge George Gray and John K. Molt to Meet Mexicans. SESSION TO BE HELD SOON Washington, D. C, Aug. 2:3. Franklin K. Lane, .secretary of the interior; Judge; George Gray of Wil mington, Dela., and Dr. John K. Mott of New York will compose the Amer ican members of the joint commission to settle differences between the United States and Mexico, Secretary Lansing announced last night. The arrangements for the meeting will be made at once by Secretary Lansing and Ambassador Arrendondo. All the commissioners have ac cepted. Secretary Lane, who will :ead the trio, was the first selected. Associate Justice Brandeis'was next chosen, but decided after a conference with Chief Justice White his duties would not permit him to serve. Members of Hague Court. Judge Gray is a retired federal cir cuit judge and a former United States senator. Since l'JOO he has been a member ot tne international perma nent court of arbitration of The Hague c onvention. Dr. Mott is general secretary of the international committee of the Young Men's Christian association. He de clined the post of minister to China, tendered bv the president. Tiie Mexican commissioners are: Luis Cabrera, minister of finance; Ygn.acio Bonillas and Albert Pani, en- j gmeers. The withdrawal of trooos is likelv to be the first question taken up, to which the commission is expected to agree. Plans to prevent border raids will then come up. nr1 im nk of You may need a new stove this Fall. We are just in receipt of a very nice line of Cook Stoves. You nre invited to inspect them. TOR & SWSkTEK &1 .1 D!fm iygvr Si OUPiLlilUiUli TRAIN KILLS T! Six O'clock Passenger Hits Auto Stevens Crossing, Near Greenwood. at PKOF. BROWN TO 15 L HIMiE. Prof. George W. Brown of the rural department of Peiu Normal, will lec ture each day at the Teachers' insti tute. His afternoon addresses, at 2:50 to 3:30 from Monday to Thursday, will be of special interest to rural communities. All board members ar.d rural pa trons are cordially invited to be pres ent each day. A collection of more than 100 pictures will be on exhibi tion in the assembly room of the High school throughout the week ar.d all friends of art are invited to come and view the pictures. Prof. Brown will lecture on Monday and Tuesday at 1:30, on the subject of "Art." EDA MARQUARDT, County Superintendent. SENT AT NM ACK W1LS0 Sav I'ndne Publicity Was Gii Opinions ef Officer of One Society. en TO MEET !N KANSAS CITY HEXT MRS. A. If. BROOKS IMPROVING. 9 uiai m Mrs. A. H. Brooks, mother of City Superintendent W G. Brooks, who has been quite ill at the home of her son in this city for the past few days, is reported as showing improvement arid is now on the highway, appar ently, to recovery Mrs. Brooks has just returned from a visit at Detroit and the trip proved very fatiguing to her, and for the last few days she has been very ill. Her sons, residing in this state and Kansas, were at her ,bedside since Sunday, but her im -proved condition has allowed them to return home. HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI NOTICE. In order to avoid confusion i'.nd to promote a more orderly arrangement of entertainment, those alumni who h.ive undertaken to get in touch with the various member? of their classes, will be asked to create, a sentiment among their classmates that will ter rninate in some sort of temporary or ganization for arranging for a picnic dinner on "Home Coming" day. Each class will be asked to organize for this purpose. COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SCHOOL Committee on Public Schools, Raymond Larson, Chairman. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express to our many kind friends and neighbors our deep est heartfelt appreciation of the sym pathy and kindness shown to us in our hour of grief at the death of our beloved wife, mother, daughter and sister. We also desire to thank the friends for the beautiful floral re memberances. F. II. Speck and family. (Mr. and Mrs. Harry II. Kunney. , Mr. and Mrs. Roy May-field. New York, Aug. 23. Delegates of the American Federation of Catholic- Societies, in convention here today, were resentful of the publicity given attacks made upon President Wilson and his administration in meetings of the federation. Too much stress has been iaid upon the meetings of the German Catholic organization', delegates said. It was stated that the German organizations, which criticised the administration foreign policy, represent but one-fifth cf the total membership. After telling a mass meeting that there were 10,000,000 Catholics in the United States, which meant 3,000,000 voters, who could wield a tremendous influence, James F. Zipf of St. Louis, president of the Verein, said: "I do not contend now for a relig ious party. We are too big for par tisanship, but our influence should be cast where it best will serve the holy principles for which we stand." A burst of applause followed. Re-Elect Officers. Bishop Joseph Schrembs of Toledo, chairman of the federation committee on resolutions, said today that the resolutions concerning Mexico rcpre sented no backdown from the anti Wilson stand taken by National Sec retary Matrc in his report to the con vention Monday. Kansas City was chosen as conven tion city for 1917. Joseph Brennan of Boston was the only officer who failed of re-election The rest of the board, headed by John Whalen of New York as president, were re-elected. I .ncoln, Neb., Aug 3. Th--e men were .'n?tantly killeu by the r, o c'o-k westbound passenger on the Bu.ling ton --:ad at Stevtr' crossing, three miles from Greer.v--.oJ. The ocad, identification being m ; ic from fffcers found at th? score o', the tragedy : FRf.D MERCURY. Seneca, N.I. N. D. MERCURTC. Mullen, Ne'). E. S. SWEENEY, Whitman, Neb. Sweeney was b?headed. One sut case found in the wreck contained the name of "Fred Meicure, Seneca, Neb. Another, that of "E. A. Sweeney, Whitman, Neb.," while N. D. Mer cure's identification was throupr. a knife ;:mrk bearing the name, N D. Mercuie, Mullen, Neb." The bodies of the three men were brought to this i'ty. The men were 'ssing the trick in an automobile. T:.o engineer of the train did not kn.iv the auto vr.- on the ::-j'fk until th? pilot hit the ;-ar. NOTICE TO ALL. All parties having ice cream pack ers of mine are requested to return (hern at once as we need them at all times. John Schianacasse. Your bath room equipment needs a Gas Water Heater. See the Nebraska Lighting Co. now. E3 luff Sox vs x v: -::.v- t-X : S -i t ?( .:.:.: - J '3 v Stars- hi OF OMAHA This team is one of the fastest in Omaha, and a real exhibition of base ball may be looked for. Game Called at 3:00 Admission 25 Acorn Cigars, Chewing Gum, Pop and Peanuls FOR SALE ON THE GROUNDS State of Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing: business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Cth day of December, A. D. lSbS. A. W. GLEASON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall s Catarrh Medicine Is taken in ternally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of tho System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Pold by all drupjarists, 75c. Hall's Family fills for constipation. mmmmi o r j ford cars! f . o. The following prices on Ford Cars and Chastip, b. Detroit, becomes effective August 1st: Ford Chassis $325.00 Ford Runabout . . . Ford Touring Car, Ford Coupelet Ford Town Car. . . Ford Sedan Car. . 345.00 360.00 505.00 595.00 645.00 AVe guarantee there will be no reduction in the above prices prior to August 1, 1017, but can not as sure whatever against an advance in price any time. T- li. POLLOCK, DEALER