The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 24, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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If any of Hi1 readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or itrm of Interest in
this vicinity, uiul will mail
same to 1 his office, il will ap
pear under this lieailin'. We
want all news Items Ki'iTOH
v mv lj-o UCil iXXXXI I
1 a
5 g ,i
J 9
4 y i
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Win? & kq
4 J
A a 43 y
A . i i UV U S f 2 il &n J Wit
II. C. Creamer was visiting in Oma- J Mrs. Zack Schrader has been quite
ha Sunday. j sick for the past few days. j
Lee Nicklos was transacting buri- Wm. Nichols was transacting: busi
ness in Plattsmouth, Tuesday. cness in Plattsmouth Monday.
Be a Regular ct tne Receiv
ing Teller's Window !
Make a bank deposit at least once a week.
If you haven't a bank account start one today.
And, once started, promise yourself that you'll add to it.
In the Event of 111 Health, Loss of Position or
Other Misfortune Your Bank Book
Will Be Your Support
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Arthur Crunk and family spent
Sunday with A. J. Wilson and family.
The Missionary kensington held at
the Oldham home was quite well at
tended. Albert Young and crow of carpen
ters are remodeling Kenosha school
house this week.
W. R. Good was a Weeping Wat?r
visitor Saturday afternoon.
Albert was a Plattsmouth
visitor last Saturday afternoon.
A. F. Nichols was looking after
business in Nebraska City Tuesday.
W. J. Philpot shipped a car of hop.-"
to the South Omaha market Tuesday
Railroad Heads Relieved to Be in a
More Ccncilitory Frame of
Miss Merle Ilenton. of Myna.-d was .evening
visiting with Murray friends and rel
atives Wednesday.
Searl Davis shipped a car of hogs
to the South Omaha market last Fri-
Oidhams' shipped one of their fine .v eening.
nnrnp.Tm-jPv's out to Colorado Wed-1 Alf and Fred Reverage shipped a
nesdav of this week.
Dr. and Mrs. Gilmore and Miss
Margie Walker were Plattsmouth vis
itors last Saturday evening.
For Insurance of all kinds see J. W.
Offer $100.00 for your car if stolen,
if you are insured by J. W. Holmes.
Dr. Will Brendel of Avoca, was in
Murray for a few hours Monday, vis- the past few days
itinff with his parents.
A. L. Baker and daughter. Miss
Opha. and Miss Laura Puis autoed to
Plattsmouth Wednesday evening.
For Sale Three thoroughbred Drr-oc-Jersey
males and one gilt. See
Chester Shrader or II. C. Long.
Alfred Gansemer has been shelling
Rebea Farris is listed among the
sick this week.
J. W. Holmes was a Plattsmouth
visitor Monday.
Elenor Crearnor has been very ill
Jt,xs, tliv jlLil. t : wii. .vi. ..... j
and Mrs. Albert Lillie, has been quite
sick for the past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ellington are
visiting with friends and relatives in
and near Murray this week.
Mrs. A. L. Stokes of Union, visited
with friends and relatives in Murray
Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.
Mrs. Sam Ellington and children of
Plainview have been visiting her
mother, Mrs. Mary Wiley the past
Wm. Hendricks, of Murray, was
visiting his daughter, Mrs. Albert Lil
lie, from Saturday until Monday of
last week.
Roy Spangler was called to Sioux
City, la., Monday by the serious ill
ness of his wife, wh-j is vi. iting her
parents in that cit;,-.
John Schurer and family, Albert
Sehaffer and family of Cedar Creek
spent Sunday with Mrs. Barbara
icar of cattle to the South Omaha mar
ket .Monday evening.
Elmer Creamer has been quite sick
for the past few days, suffering a
I cm-i-.r.i mH-'wIt of flm'oVM ! n f:i 1 1 1 I rM
V V t III VI. V I' V J ' . . i . ....... ..........
Wagener and family.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Minford and
! daughter, Miss Ogla. and Miss Clara
i Yourg, were Omaha visitors Tuesday,
S. Cole and wife and Mrs. Will
Oliver were Omaha visitors Tuesday.
Lee and George Nickles and sister.
Miss Etta were Plattsmouth visitors
last Saturday.
ATi-c V T? Ownn otirl i la no-lit or AT!e
' .' ' ' , , " i : making the trip via the auto route
Pf:; r- stipnt t'iA wppk nn with vpln-! 1
tives at Union.
!v on,! Mic W U P;,!; nn,l Tr:
his old crop of corn and delivering T r 1 ,u
' . . & Louie Puis were Plattsmouth visitors
Monday evening.
Rev. George Robb, of Bethay, has
Mrs. Jenn;e Rhodcn came down from
Omaha last Sunday and spent the day
with Murray friends and relatives.
Mrs. C. A. P. one and Miss Ethel
Larken of Hastings are guests of W.
P. Hutcheson anil family for a few
Mrs. Wm. La Rue, who has been
visiting with friends anil relatives
over in Iowa, returned home last Sat
urday. Nick Friedrich was looking after
some business matters in the county
seat last Morday and while thorc paid
the Journal a brief visit.
Mrs. George Carroll, o
is in ?.Iurra this week vi-itir.g at ihe
home of r. and Mrs. Ckas. Car
roll and other friends and relatives.
Washington, Aug. 23. Three rail
road presidents today reported to the
! committee, which is trying to formu
late an answer on behalf of the roads
j to President Wilson's suggested plan
I for meeting demands of the union
brotherhoods, the substance of their
conference with the president at the
White House last night.
It is understood the purpose of that
visit was to secure Mr. Wilson's spe
cific ideas on how the railroads are
to reimburse their treasuries for the
many millions additional expense
which would arise out of acceding to
the president's plan for an eight-hour
day wage basis.
The attitude of the president on this
subject was not disclose'.!, but the re
port was considered significant as
showing in what direction the railroad
heads are turning in their efforts to
reach a condusion.
The big committee of brotherhood
'oprt-.entalivcs were impatient at the
delay, but W. G. Lee, head of the
trai.imen's brotherhood, expressed the
b';!f that they would not be rH
hei-o tomorrow. A statement i-
sued by the employes committee
charged the railroads with inconsist
ency In contending for arbitration,
though refusing to arbitrate demands
r ; employes of a number of rrino:
"end:: not represented directly in the
nt negotiations, hut so ul to l.-.y
cent! oiled by the larger lirr.'s.
wt3 will have on sale a complete line of the Famous
Onyx Granite Ware every piece absolutely guaran
teed. Your choice
10 oil on all Oil Stoves. We want to show you our
line of Washing Machines Hand and Power.
Soma Day You Wi5l Buy a DeLavcl Cream
Separator Why Not FJOW?
and Implemsnf Go,9
Witsom Birdsall and family and
ed Ilenton, of P.Iissouri Valley, la..
are visiting this wee!;
Harry Ilenton and l
of Murray.
.z t.u homos of
: Younir. east
There was the largest attendance
Moving picture
; even in The
the same to the Murray market this
Mrs. J. O. Ellington, who has been
here for the past week visiting with
friends, at the old home, returned to
her home in Bloomfield, Neb., Wed
nesday morning.
Leonard Terryberry and family
drove to Whiting, la., last Friday,
vet at the Murray
?how on last Saturd:
pictures were of the very bosc and all
well p'eased.
Mr. and
been in Murray for the past few days taincd
writing insurance.
Roy Hutcheson of Minneapolis.
Minn., arrived Saturady for a visit
with his parents, W. P. Hutcheson.
Rob't. Nickles returned from Chase
Mrs. Will Oliver enter
dinner Sundav, W. P.
Hutcheson ami family, Sherman. Cole
Ethel Lark in and wife. Will Carey
and wife, Roy Hutcheson, of Minnea
polis, Minn.. Mrs. C. A. Borne and
'Miss Ethel Lnrkin of Hastings.
Mrs. Bert Ilenton. formerly of St.
where they spent a few days visitine county Thursday where he had been
friends and relatives. They returned looking after his land interest there. Jof;cPh' Mo- is visiting at the homo
hr.rriA MnnHnr M-onlno- or H . 1. Oiliispie and other fi iena.
t It t a inr-7 t-r r n j boon 'fni'l'inc i - . . .
, .c J"'1 "v-x.w liV, relatives m tnis locawf'-. .Mr. ar.u
led Narrows and Henry Creamer f0T Fred Lut7 f-r thp nast fev -irr; n , c.. T
, . .t i x. o , iita Ldizi.rme past ie. .no......-, urs Henton are moving irom St. Jos-
were Omaha visitors last Sunday jdeparted Monday evening for Dak- eph to Grand Island v;hcre thev wili
James Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. cta, where he will make a two weeks' ,m:,Vp lheir fnture hom
. S. ismith were Plattsmouth vis- 'i-;;t i
itors Wednesday afternoon. I T r i i u J Mrs' A--D' Asch
ernoon James Lougnridffe, who for the past Mrs Wm- Lo hrirl
inerc nn; npf n n wimr mil rt r,t 1- i i ,i : t-
Herman F. Gansemer holds tl; rcc
o.'d for the greatest outs cep e er
r-: iscJ in Cass county. On 21 acres
Cx land. Mr. Gan.-.-r.ic r thre:hed " m:
JM2 i.'U.- n.eis oi o.its ;;t .ia:,i! it. ?
ore. these oats v.eii 'ning vt y-ore I
to the hvisl-.f.-l At , he v.'cigi't mc:'.-'.i re
of o2 jHunds to ti e - , ... th ; a's
would make L'.li.'l bushels to the tv.en-.
ty-four acies. or an average of
iuishels to the -ere. Tne-e W' re
threshed Uy J. R. C. tire gory, and
Mr. G'rc-ory pavs ih-t the-- a re wi'h
or.t a doubt tl;e best that he has ever
seen in all his experience as a farmer
or n'oivlng on a maciiire.
Hill Sees Lean Side.
Louis W. Hi-!, president cf tlie
Great Noithein and one of the strong
est opponents of the oipht-houv day.
:vci'.'t 1 in a .-talement giwn one to
day that many v.estern loads in r.'
tieular would h-ive seam earning.;
iievt- vrar a'n. t:i-it. p".!iv won i
tore cu ; rocci
ei'u-hovr-dny wage ba 'i.
Th;--. i- a time -hc:' instead c." le
ing biri dcn.l wllh i:sI?s and i:n-
eaii. i '' . -'('- :';:'-e r
han i
i ,
corn shelled and delivered to the Mur- in the interests of the company he while in the county
ray elevators during the past few represents, arrived in Murray Wed- ,', . ry-, ,
days. The recent rains have almost i r.esday evening for a brief stay. He
assured a good crop here, causing the ' will work this territory for a few
old crop to move. The Farmers' Ele
vator company has taken in over 15,
000 bushels.
Herman Richter, and mother and
sister, went up to Omaha Wednesday
morning of this week to return with
the three little sons of Mr. Richter,
who have been in St. Joseph's hos
pital since they were born. The lit
tle fellows are doing nicely.
days. ,
M. C. Baker, who has been here
for the past few days visiting with
his son, A. L. Baker, departed for
seat both ladies
called at The Journal office and re
newed their subscriptions for that
paper. Mrs. Loughridge has been
spending a few days in this locality,
being a guest at the home of Mrs.
Asch, east of Murray.
Miss Matilda Brandt, who has been
I vii! be in a pcitir-n to erv
i ; no C.-..U luncnes at vtv r.'.:')!:c .-:es
f Murray andthis faU ard winte..; Sco n,e K,fore
of Omaha, vere' , .
Murray, Bex 21.
r uu
R SALE Mv residence nropertv
on Granite street between Fifth and
Sixth streets. If property is not
sold by September 1, it will be fo,
rent. Inquire of Mrs. Julia G
.r brot
re' eiv.
r to :
c )
.ne raJ
e v c i -y en c o ; ; ' a g '
;eet t'ne n?o i
me Tit m erd
the country."' h 'id. ''S'.'ch an cxt r.
leaden rs r- cm' cn.r':'td by thi-
c ;r ht-hour .
off all rso-ib'l Itv
dividends nr.d
evtons'on?, but would th.row a numbc
" a ' a ;
lilroa'-s into iccoiver
rid? their usefulness to
Washington, Aug. 23. President
Adamson, chair-
Wilson uummoued Ser.ato'
Jtn.l liopre-onta! iv of the senate and house com
merce committee, to tho White? House
this morning.
:ndei stcod h
lowed to use freely in the invasion of
Meanwhile Ihe' anxious hours are
not being spent in idleness in Tran
sylvania, where every ablebodied man
suspected of Rumanian sympathies is
being shifted to other parts of the
country. The Rumanian newspapers
in Transylvania are under the strict
est control and Rumanian priests and
churches are under military super
vision. All along the Rumanian frontier the
military forces have been reinfoiced,
defenses strengthened, and every pre
caution taken against Rumanian invasion.
53IJ ita ir 3 i ti W
m mr NJ -war mJi kJ U k
A Nestor comedy
"How Times Do
with Lee Moran
Lady Rafics Returns"
avorc;el fcaJure with
Grace Cunnn5!!aric!
Francis Ford.
With the It:
n army at Gcritz,
-Several thousand Italian-
Americans we'-e in the army thai en
tticd Ge:it7. and are now storming
the Austrian defenses south and east
of the fortress city.
King Victor Emmanuel is constantly
at the front encouraging his troops.
He was in Gority when the city was
taken. The Italians are throwing up
strong foxtif icatiens aiound Goritz.
Both south and east of Goritz, Gen
eral Cadcrna's lines are being grad
ually advanced, though under the
greatest difficulties. Austrian posi
tions on the heights surrounding
Goritz are defended by row after row
of electrically charged barbed wire.
Sales bills aone quickly at the
"The. Desperado"
y a western romance with
ii Rupert Julian
Saturday Evening,
August 25th
Show Marts at 8:30 Sharp
The Stanfield Book Shop has a
most complete line of hammocks and
croquet sets that has been brought
to this city and at the lowest of
planned, to discuss with them legisla-
ticn on the rt !!:
ir mm
'or the .vcltlomert o
Clnv Centp V7r.lnp;fl!3 mnrr.iiiir tl-. o !
home of his daughter. Mr. Baker has ! vi;tiri with Mary Wcs!' Fevtn i WANTED Position for. reliable 12
. i x i i x xi i i miies west ot iviurray, lor the past
been making an extended trip through ! , . 1
Iowa and Michigan, and is going to i
four weeks, was accompanied to the
make his home for the present in .
Clay Center.
xSaturday evening. Miss Brandt has
enjoyed her visit in the country very
much and was given many entertain
l ear-old boy to work m city and
attend school. Can care for a cow
and horse. Call telephone No. 32.
Entire Stock of Jewelry
and Watches
All gold Jewelry off; all watches off. Must
reduce this stock, hence the big cut in price. As
Christmas is not far off, buy now and make your
money reach wonderfully far. This is the same
class jewelry and watches carried in all jewelry
stores, and absolutely guaranteed.
Buy NowSale Closes September 15th
Miatt & Tutt,
The K. S. Turner girls will hold a
About the first of the month ' social dance at the K. S. hall Saturday
she goes to Glenwood. where she will Evening, August 2Gth. Everybody in
take up her position as nurse
Dr. B. F. Brendal has been making
a decided improvement in the appear
ance of his residence and the office of
Drs. Brendel & Brendel, by the addi
tion of a new coat of paint to both
buildings. Phil Lambert and John
Schlotman are doing the work. The
doctor is also making other improve
ments to the residence in the way of
'repairs and changes.
I E. C. Davis of David City, has v een
engaged by the nvmbers of the
Christian church of Murray to fill the
palpit here for tho ne::t ten months,
commencing Sunday, September 3d.
Mr. Davis comes t' Murray most
highly lecommends! as a minister
and church worker, lie is an excel
lent talker. Services will be .icid
b-'th morning and evening at the
Christ ?&n church in ihe future.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman returned
to Murray from their eastern trip
Tuesday, and will make a few days'
stay in Murray. While in Racine, Wis.,
Mr. Pitman owned a garage for a few
weeks, and having an opportunity to
'dispose of the same to an advantage
he did so and returned to Murray. He
has not fully made up his mind just
where he will locate for the future.
He may go south and may remain in
Fancy stationery in different vari
eties at the Journal office. Come and
see us when you want stationery.
Remember ths Journal carries the
finest line of stationery in town, and
can please all in this line of goods.
lh.3 mil? cad disputes would create ri
comm.: ir-'ion to investigate the working j
cf the eight-hour day and collateral
1 rev
SnoQ iriDrP sn??in
ioneyjill Ourod
Fistula and All Rectal Dlss cured with
out the knife. Permanent cures erusrentei.
Write fer Free Illustrated book on Rectsl
Diseases and tcstimor.ials ef hundreds sf
cured patients In Nebraska and Iowa.
240 Ceo Bids., Omaha. Neb.
Drs. Hlach & F&ach, Tfia Dentists
l Tho largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Specialists in
I charge of all work. Laiy attendant. Moderate Prices. Porcelain fillings,
E just like tooth. Instruments carefuby sieruiii'd alter using
1 Send for kree sample of Sam-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment.
3rd Floor Paxton Block. OMAHA
Newspapers Flooded With Pcssiinis
lie Information Concerning
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Only Public Bath
Shoe Shining and
Porter Service.
Tel. 2CO three rlng-e .
Shellenbarger & Atkinson,
London, Aug. 2:i. The Hungarian
newspapers are being flooded with
pessimistic information concerning
Rumania which is absoibing the pub
lic, according to a Budapest dispatch
to the Morning Post. The Hungarian
public believes, says the dispatch, that
the liberty they enjoy at the hands of
the censor is designed to prepare the
people for the worst.
The military expert of the Resti
Naplo says:
The entry of Rumania into the
war will not at first affect the mili
tary situation in the Balkans, for the
Rumanians( will have to adhere to the
united strategic plan of the allies and
will not be permitted to go straight
for Transylvania. Dobrudja and Bul
garia will be their immediate aim.
Five hundred thousand or (.00,000 men
of the Rumanian army are not the
chief factors for the consideration of
the central powers, but rather the
problems presented by the new terri-;
tory which the Russians will be al-!
Stock and Poultry Powder
Every Package Sold Under a
Positive Guarantee!
verall at $1.
Genuine German Dyed
Pals & G
. - w
-at -