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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1916)
PLATTSMOUTH SESil-WEEKLY JOUENAE, PAGE r. Ceclar Creek Department News that will be of Interest fScc in and near Cedar Creek ft g WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF n. il i iiURSDAY, AUGUST 2i, 1516. om HAND and can make you attractive prices on V7onI4cr and Superior Press Drills, Hehney Buggies, Birdsei Wagons and Wagon Boxes, Steel Wheel Trucks, King and Hamilton Steel Grain Dumps, Empire Cream Separators. JWi fc33 Lee Puncture Proof and Firestone Tires and Accessories Studebaker Agents CEDAR CREEK, NEBRASKA Lloyd and Carl Scrr.ei.ler spent la.-t Fi id;iy in Omaha. M.s. A. O. A -alt wn.-- an Omaha vis itor li..-t Friday. Kd McIInde a hur-inos? trip n Piatt smouth Wednesday. Mr. and Mr?. Pete Sehroeder drove to Pk.ttsmouth last Thur.-day. Mr. and Mrs. John Th'oic'.f were 1 -latt smouth visitor? last Friday. South ippc-J car loau o. last Thurs- Omaha, as looking after some in Omaha last Fri- Pat V :--.'i..-k to S. J. Reames v bnsim'ss matter day. Mr. and Mrs. John Shurer were .-hoppir.rr in Plattsmottth last Satur day. Paul Roberts was looking after some business matters in Omaha, last j J iuiay. Mi: s Leorr.a Givers of Omaha came in Wednesday for a few days' vi?it at ihy Wolff home. M xs Edith Tritr.c-h visited on Wed nesday at the hfime of Mr. and Mrs. (J. P. Meisinger. Julius Hilfiicker purchased a fine new 1-uggy from the firm of Wolff &, last Thursday. Mrs. Chas. Dasher of Oreapolis, vis ited her daughter, Mrs. John Thierolf, ht Friday evening. Martin Friedrich of Plattsmouth came out last Thursday, his v.: w Ford car a tryout. M:s. Maxwell of Peoria, 111., is vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Slohr this week. First Security hank pays per cent on time deposits. Henry Meisinger, sr., was an Omaha visitor last Saturday. Henry- Owens was a Saturday vis itor in Plattsmouth. Mrs. John Larson was shopping in Omaha Wednesday. For good, freh Candy, Fruit and Nuts, see S. J. Reames. Ms. Fred Wagner visited with her son, Ed, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson were Omaha visitors last Saturday. Wm. Keil and family spent last Satuiday in Plattsmouth with friends. P. II. Meisinger has been, building rirst security oanic CEDAR CREEK, NEBR. Sound, Conservative and Progressive THE BANK OF THE PEOPLE THE BANK BY THE PEOPLE THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE We are anxious to assist the farmer iu feeding and handling his live stock for market Deposits In This Ban are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska, which has reached nearly $1, 000,000.00 It is back of us and protects you! OFFICERS: WM. SCHNEIDER, President W. H. LOHNES, Vice-President T. J. SHANAHAN, Vice-President J. F. FOREMAN, Cashier ! ft ft f? ft ft xs i& & ft If? ft g ft ft STUDEBAKER! STUDEBAKER! A SPLENDID AUTOMOBILE. 7 ho enterprising firm of Wn!; z A'.it i as undertaken a proj.f si: ion trws w:.-i; that proha'y ha- 'icvcr bet.1 i' )ue before it: tin? oc-ahty. that is, to receive a shipment of a whole car of automobiles consigned to them at Cedar Creek, and they are of the popular Studebaker make, one of the finest and most used car for the money on the market today. This fact is certainly demonstrated to Messrs. Wolff & Ault, or they would net place their money in a car load. Mr. Wolff has personally tried those TWKNTV-FOl :i VISIT DEN. cars out and well knows their value, j The Wolff Ault tcritory has been j frreatiy increased for the coming year j also, which not only takes in Mount Pleasant, but Plattsmouth and East and West Rock Bluffs, including- th? i citv of Plattsmouth and Murray. This. There wt;e twenty-four Cedar Ocek citizens that went to Omaha iast to take in the mysteries ot tne y.icvt .-vK-.-a:-L.e:i den. ine trip was made via the Louisville auto route, making a s,hort stop at Papil lion. There were five cars in the let, as follows: Lute Likewise, Philip Al bert, Frank Blatztr, A. O. Auit and J. A. Foreman. The trip was a very Peasant one. and they all report a jroed time at the den. Should there be any more of the Cedar. Creek peo ple vantinp: to visit the den on any future date, an an.-'vrr.ents car. be made by callinjr on J. F. Foreman at th.i l ii - t Sevurb y lank. Anton Mei.-dn.ver has purchased a When you want some frood reading a new C. A. busines frarafre on his farm this week. ! Soes to show that the Studebaker ie- j don't forjret Reames, Library. Meisinfrer was in Omaha Mrs. J. J last Friday, with her sister at the Immar.uel hospital. Mrs. Geo fro Sayk-s went to Cul lom last Thursday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Will Seybert. J. F. Wolff went to Omaha last Friday and returned home with one of those line, new Studebaker cars that had been sold to Wm. Schneider. The P.urlinirton railroad has been exter.di-'ir its pas. -in-; tracks here this week. This is an improvement that has been grieatly needed for some time. Forest Kinpr of Papillion, was in Cedar Creek last Friday nifrht, visit ::y: with his old-time friend, J. F. Foreman, general cashier of the First Set-urity hank, for a few days. : p!e have a irieat deal of confidence 5 matters in Plattsmouth Mon- ; by increas;nr their territory to sucr an extent. . This enterprisinfr firm W. G. Meisinger has been erecting will have a representative in Flatts- durinp: the "Home Coming"' days, with headquarters at the Amick garage, and they will be more thaii jrlad to demonstrate the many iro.. qualities cf this car to all who are i a new parage on his farm the last . mouth ... i weeK ; THE BONOS REDUCED ONE- HALF AND THE BOYS OUT Farm Loans, Insurance and Real Estate. See J. F. Foreman. Walter Schneider shelled and de livered his old cr op cf corn last Wed r.ecday. G. P. Meisinfjer was looking after some business matters in Omaha last Saturday. Henry Thierolf was looking after some business matters in Omaha last Saturday. Philip and Chas Hennings were vis iting with county seat friends last Saturday. Lew Myers was looking: after some business matters in Plattsmouth on Monday. II. A. Schneider and family were out from Plattsmouth last Friday for a day's visit. Mr. Stivers of Glenwood, came in last Saturday evening for a visit with his son, Robert. First Sccuritv hank pays i ner cent 'James From V.'oanoE3ars Dairy. Yesterday afternoon Edward. Wil- the market now or in the future, i ham and Jesse bashus and Harvey They are after the business and they j Burke were released from jail where believe that the Studebaker car will ! they had been committed following Ee jt ithe preliminary hearing in the county court, on an oruer iron? iis.Li ci .juuge T. Beg'.ev admitting them to bond in the sum of 2,5oO each and accepting; Frank Bashus and wife as the security for the amount. The men were bound over by County Judge Boeson in the sum of $5,000 each and the matter- was at taken up by Attorney R. W. Patrick with Judge Bee ley, on an application to reduce the amorr.t cf the bond and the court reduced the amount set by the county judge to S2."00. and the amount of Ihe property of Mr. Bashus was held J V, ft ? ft ft ft ft ft We have just received a car load of Studebaker automobiles and are in a position to make your delivery at once which is certainly grati fying to a purchaser to not have to do the monotonous task of waiting for delivery. We can show you a car that can not be surpassed in finish, room, seating capacity and "power" for any where near the price. Our 4-cylinder, 40-horse power, 7-passenger body, 34x4 wheels, 112 inch wheel base at $875.00 f . o. b. Detroit and Our Six Cylinder, 50-horse power 7-passenger bpdy, 122 inch wheel base, 34x4 wheels at $1085.00 f. o. b. Detroit are values which no one can match. Our representative will be at Plattsmouth during the Home Coming week and anyone wishing a demonstration with either the four or six are invited to call at' Amick garage at 6th and Vine where Wolff & Ault have opened temporary sales quarters. The buying public are not doing themselves a justice without first seeing our product and seeing the performance of these cars built by the soundest corporation in the U. S. A. We have just closed a contract with the Studebaker corporation of America for new territory. To eight mile Grove precinct we have been fortunate in adding Plattsmouth precinct, including Plattsmouth city and Rock Bluff precinct, also including Murray. Any person wish ing a demonstration other than on Saturday can bring a 4 or 6 to their door by dropping a post card to Wolff & Ault at edar Creek, Neb. You are not in any way obligated to us by reason of a request to call at your home for a demonstration. All we can ask is to "show you" even though you are not from Missouri. If we can not convince you in our efforts to prove the "power," "room" and finish as we claim them we have at least done our part. E3 Local Agents ULT Cedar Creek, Neb. ft in ft ft ft ft i 8 cn time deposits. First Security bank pays ." per cer.l on time deposits. John Hennings, sr., was an Omaha visitor last Saturday. V m. Schneider and family drove to Plattsmouth last Sunday in their new car. Wm. Seybtrt and family spent Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomson, in Cedar Creek. Henry Thierolf is havinr his hor-o wired this week for electric lights. S. J. Reames is doing the work. There were nuite a number of Paul Ingram returned home last plattsmouth people here last Sunday -if- a- -s m . vfr-y ' i , '. rl . km Ire C'n-aoa I have opened up my Ice Cream Parlor and invite all who enjoy something- fine in the way of Ice Cream to call and see what we a. -e serving out 'Journal ro satisfy the hunger in the v. ay ot Harding- Ice Cream S. J. Reamer. Cedar Creek. L 600 t5e- aturuay nom a nospitai in umana. He is petting along nicely at thi time. There was an excellent time at the dance given at the Sayles' hall last Saturday evening. Another one in two weeks. Repairs are being- made on the Keil school house east of Cedar Creek, pre paratory for the opening of the fall term of school. Louie Henninfjs has commenced the work on his new farm residence just south of Cedar Creek, which, when finished, will be one of the finest in this locality. '.fine new Mitchell car through John Gauer of the Cedar Creek agency. The Mitchell car is one of the good ones and will give Mr. Meisinger ex cellent service. Mr. and Mra. Will Seybert and family, Louie Keil and family and Chas. Keil and family, drove up to the state fisheries last Sunday, where they spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bcezley of Syracuse were in Cedar Creek last Thursday, returning- home in the evening-, and were acocmpanied by Miss Honor Seybert. Mr. and Mrs. Beez ley returned with her to Cedar Creek -on Friday. Elsewhere in this section of The will be found an advertise ment for the Hotel Cedar Creek, un der the management of John Larson. j who is conducting a first class hotel in Cedar Creek and is deserving: of all the assistance and patronage pos sible from the people of this locality. spending the day at the lakes. Mrs. Arthur Stander. of Louisville, drove up last Sunday morning to spend a few days with his mother. Walter Schneider and family drove to Plattsmouth last Sunday v.-he re they spent a few hours with relatives. Miss Beacliel came down from Ash land last Friday morning and made a few days' visit with friends at the old home. There was a slight typographical error in the Cedar Creek department last week, in which we stated that Mrs. J. F. Roberts and Pnu.p .-tochr drove to Plattsmouth Wednesday. This should have read, P. H. Roberts and Philip Stoehr as making the trip. Thus errors will occur it seems in spite of all that can be done.. ,Rev. Richart came out from Omaha last Saturday evening and preached two very interesting sermons here Sunday. The next services will be held here on Sunday, September 3rd, when all members of the church are requested to be present at the morn ing: services as there will be busi ness of importance to look after. - Hotel Cedar Greek JOHN LAP.SEN, Proprietor Under New Management Board by the Day or Week! "Your Patronage Solicited sufficient by the district judge. REPORT OF THE CONDITION or The First Security Bank OF CEDAR CREEK Charter No. I2SS in the State of Nebraska at thetlose of business August 10th, PJ1G. ALVO NEWS ITEMS RESOURCES Loans and discounts 4"3 1Y t fverclraf ts 275 securities, judgments, claims. t-v: none ( Hlier :is--ts . . . . none Banking house, turniiuie and lix- ti:r s 1 (HH 00 Other real estate none t'urrcnt I'XptMiM's, taxes and Inter est i. aid . :2 27 f'asii items . none lue from National and St ate b:nks ?s 77W 40 I hecks and item-, of e.- cli.ine -'A'.' 02 Currency (iold coin 110 ttt Silver, nickels and ivm.s. :i'.'l U lO.tiOl .1 Total. r.s 07 LIABILITIES Caiiital stock paid in 10 000 t"0 surplus fund none I'ndi vidfil profits rc'l Dividends unpaid none Individual deposits sub ject to check $12 !- Os Demand certiticatesof de posits none Time certilicate of deposit 7 010 o Cert itn-d checks none Cashier's checks outstand ing . :h7 t'4 Due to national and state hanks ... 7 031 0 27 O.V) 70 Notes and hills re-discounted none Hills payable none Depositor's guaranteed fund 40t 00 Total : ... . 672 5j State or Nebraska 1 County of Cass. 'S- I, .T. F. Foreman. Cashier of t lie above named bank do nereby swear that the above statement is a correct and true copy of the report made to the State Hanking Board. J. F. Foreman. Cashier. Attest: Wm. Schneider, Director. . II. L mixes. Director. Rev. Embree spent Monday nifrht at the G. P. Foreman home. ?.Ir. and Jlrs. Wm. Casey aie visit ing in Kansas City tlds week. Joe Foreman is in Lincoln taking: treatment for a sprained foot. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Boyles are spend ing their vacation in Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Boyles are en joying their vacation in Colorado. Miss Jennie Nickel and sister and brother were in Lincoln Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Foreman re turned Monday from their trip to Colo rado. A great number of people from this place attended the circus in Lincoln Wednesday. Miss Pearl Keefer and her music pupils picnicked in the Boyles' prove Thursday evening. Mrs. C. B. Currence and child of Bethany came in Monday to visit her husband a few days. Miss Gladdys Appleman returned from Lincoln Wednesday where she has been visiting- for several days. Miss Genevieve Lowry of Lincoln came in Wednesday morning to spend the day attending to school matters. r Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman autoed to University Place Sunday. Their lit tle daughter returned home with them Mis Flo Boyles returned Wednes day evemr.jr from Colorado where she ppent the past few weeks with friends. Mr and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer returned Monday from Sutton where they vis ited relatives and friends for a few days. E. O. Hollenbeck of Manhattan, Kns., came in Wednesday to visit his brother Isaac Hollenbeck and other relatives. Andrew Sutton and daughter. Miss Delia and son, Wm., returned Friday from Chappell where they have been visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Foreman and Mrs. L. E. Bobbitt of Lincoln visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman Tuesday evening. Harley Tollard and son and Grand pa Frohlich and grandsons, Clifford and Raymond Bucknell were fishing NoJaryblic.' Mr- and MrS ChaS- Adams of Or- ange, Tex., came in Saturday morn ing to make an extended visit with his sister, Mrs. J. W. Davis and Mr. Davis. The pupils of Miss Pearl Keefer gave a recital in the M. E. church Tuesday evening which was well at tended. The eighteen pupils who tool; part showed talent and progress. Chas. Godbey, wife and daughter, returned Tuesday from a two weeks' tiip to the western part of the state, visiting relatives at Alliance, Mitchell, Chappell, Overton, Amhurst and Kear ney. The I. F. S. girls enjoyed a trip around the world with thirty of their friends Friday evening in two haj' racks. The countries visited were Germany, at the home, of Laura Par sell; Spain, Leah Miller; Ireland, La Nita Mullen; Africa, Fern Dimmith and the United States, Vera Prouty. They returned home at an early hour all having a very enjoyable time. The young people of the Epworth League gave a farewell surprise party for Mr. and Mrs. Verl Linch, Satur day evening at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linch. The evening was spent playing var ious games and at last pictures were shown of the bride and groom's ro mance which caused much amusement. Ice cream and cake were served to twenty-four jolly Epworth Leaguers. All departed wishing Mr. and Mrs. Linch success in their new home. Local News DEUEL CO. LAND. The best in vestment in the state. Write for prices and terms. Ritchey Land Co., Chappell, York, Alvo, Neb. LOST Brown imitation leather suit case, containing girl's wearing ap parel; was lost on road between Papillion and LaPlatte, or Platts mouth. Finder please return to The Journal office. ltd&w Remember that S. J. Reames sells the latest books published. Harold Bell Wright's latest works. Don't forget S. J. Reames when jou are in need of paper napkins, paper plates, ice cream dishes and all kinds of crepe paper. From Tuesday's Dally. Alf Nichels was among those going to Omaha this afternoon. C. A. Gauer of near Cedar Creek was in the city for a few hours to day looking after some trading with the merchants. P. A. Hild of near Murray was in ihe city yesterday afternoon for a few hours visiting with his friends and attending to a few business matters. James W. Holmes, Nick Fredrich. and P. A. Hild were among the Mur ray visitors in the city yesterday mot oring up to enjoy a few hours in the county seat with their friends. Mark White came in this morning from his farm near Rock Bluffs and departed for Omaha where he will visit for a few hours with Barney Miller at the Immanuel hospital. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Foster of Union, who have been visiting in Denver and other Colorado points for the past week, arrived in this city last even ing and visited over night at the Lar son home. Mr. and Mrs. Foster and little daughter returned to their home at Union on the morning train. BUILDING BEING PAINTED. The front of the Egenberger build ing on lower Main street is being treated to a coat of paint and gener ally fixed up in fine shape, and Charlie Hartford, the coal dealer, is feeling proud of the handsome ex terior of his office. This building will be right in line for the "Home Coming" festivities with its new coat of paint and general handsome ap pearance. Gideon Archer is doing the work and adding to his laurels as an artist. BOOSTERS OUT IN COUNTY. Yesterday an automobile party com posed of E. H. Wescott, H. A. Schneid er, v . A. nobertson and ti. t . Goss, motored out in the country to look after some matters for the forth coming Fall Festival and the mem bers of the party visited everyone of the towns of the county and found everywhere the common sentiment that the occasion was going to be one of the biggest events ever held in Cass county.