The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 21, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    MONDAY, ATTaST 21, 1916.
CopyrlBht. 1913, by
O'Neil Verifies Suspicions.
Till' 1 -tfomotivo Lntl been switch
ed out I'.v this time, ami O'.N'ell
hurried to board it. On his way
f oii;ar In' had tiiiie thorough
ly t" oi;:li the results of this micx
'C tcd complication. His present de
"Vr was :n rely to w-rify his snsjucuiii Appleton had told his secret to
Nataiio. Keyond that ho did not cure
t tl.inU. for there Mas hut one course
f of:.
His ar.ger reached the blazing point
after his arrival. As he stopped down
fi"tn the engine cab Gray silently
handed him a code message from Lon
don which had arrived a few moments,
before. "When its contents had been
'' ciphered O'Xcil' cursed, and he was
furi.;:s as he stumbled through the
dark toward the green: bungalow on
the LIU.
Swinging around the corner of the
h use. he rauie into a bright radiance
whi-.-h streaiiK'd forth from Eliza's
window, and he could not help seeing
the inferior of the room. She was
'here, writing busily, and he saw that
she was clad in the elaborate kimono
v Li' h he had given her. Yet it was
;;-.t her personal appearance which ar
rested his anry eyes and caused 'lite
s:op to halt: it was, instead, her sur
roundings. He had grown to accept her prim
simplicity as a matter of course and
never associated her in his thoughts
with anything feminine, but the room
sis it lay before him now was a revela
tion of daintiness and artful decora
tion. Tasteful water colors hung on
the Avails, a warm rug was on the floor,
and everywhere were rosy touches of
color. The plain white bed had been
transformed into a couch of oriental
luxury. A lace spread of webiike
texture covered it: then pillows were
hidden beneath billowing masses of
ruffles and ribbons. lie saw a typical
woman's crazy corner piled high with
cushions. There was a jar of burning
in. ense sticks near it everything, in
fact, was utterly at variance with his
notions of the owner, liven the girl
herself seemed transfigured, for her
J. air was brought forward around her
fa -e in some loose, mysterious fashion,
which gave her a bewilderingly girlish
O'Neil's eyes photographed nil this in
a single surprised glance as he passed.
The next moment he was mounting
the steps to the porch.
Ian flung open the door, but his
words of greeting froze. His smile of
wel'-ome vanished at sight of his
chiefs forbidding a isage
Murray was in no ruood to waste
words, no began roughly:
I:d you tell Miss Gerard that Poult
iio v Illis is backing me?"
I ;;n stammered. "I perhaps I
"What has gone wrong, chief':"
-Jid you tell her the inside the sto
ry of his agreement with the steam
boat people?"
Ian paled beneath his tan, but his
f-yes met Murray's without flinching.
"I think I did tell her something. I
don't quite remember. Hut anything
I may have caul was in conn"
I thought so. I merely wished to
make certain. Well, the whole thing
is in the papers."
Appleton laid his hand upon the ta
ble to steady himself.
"Then it didn't come from her. She
-Gordon has spread the story broad
cast. It couldn't have come from any
other source. It couldn't have reached
him in any other way, for none of my
boys has breathed a word." His voice
rose despite his effort at self control.
1 His" agreement was illegal," he said
savagely. ""It vill probably forfeit the
i hal ter of the North Pass or land him
in court. I suppose you realize that! I
discovered his secret nnd assured him
it was safe with me. Now you peddle
i: to Gordon, and the whele thing is
p iMic. Here's the first result." He
shook the London cablegram in Dan's
la e. and his own was distorted with
i aire. There was a stir in Eliza's room
which neither noticed. Appleton wiped
his face with uncertain hand. He
moistened his lips to say:
"1 I'm terribly sorry. "But I'm sure
Natalie wouldn't spy. I don't remem
ber what I told her or how I came to
know about the affair. Doc Gray told
jiie. I think, in the first excitement, she wouldn't knowingly"
Gordo:: tired you for talking too
much. I tLought you had learned your
!, but it seems you hadn't. Don't
1 ! line Miss Gerard for pumping you
her loyalty belongs to Gordon now.
I '.iit I require loyalty too. Since you
la k it you can go.
n .Veil turned as Eliza's door open
ed siie stood before him. pale, fright
e:.fil. trembling.
"I couldn't help bearing," she said.
"You discharge us?"
Hrpr A. Brothers.
He nodded. "I'm sorry! I've trusted
iny 'boys' so implicitly that the thought
of betrayal by them never occurred to
me. I can't have men close to me
who make such mistakes as this."
"Perhaps there was an excuse or the
shadow of one, at least. When a man
is in love, you know"
Murray wheeled upon Dan and de
manded sharply:
"What's this?" Then in a noticea
bly altered tone he asked, "Do you love
"Does she love you?"
"Xo, sir."
O'Neil turned back to the girl, say
ing: "I told Dan when I hired him
that he would be called upon to dare
much, to suffer much and that my in
terests must be his. He has disregard-
! ed them and he must go. That's all.
i There's little difference betw-en treach
ery and carelessness."
He left them standing there unhap
pily dumb and stiff with shame. Once
outside the houw he plunged down the
hi'l as if fleeing from the scene of some
crime. He rushed through the night
blindly, for he had loved his assistant
engineer, and the memory of that
chalk faced, startled girl hurt him
"To think that I spent the best part
of two years studying this spot!" he
told Gray as they started for the office.
"I fired Appleton." he broke out at
last. Gray looked up quickly. "He
acknowledged that he did it. I had
no choice. It came hard, though."
"He did some great work, '-kief!"
"I know. That affair at the Cross
ing I intend to pay him well if he'll
accept. It's not that. I like those
kids, Stanley. Eliza took it harder
than he. It wasn't easy for me ei
ther," he sighed wearily. "I'd give
$1"W0 if it hadn't hapioned. She
looked as if I'd struck her."
"What did they say?"
"Nothing. He has been careless, dis
loyal" "You told them so?"
O'Neil nodded.
"And they said nothing?"
"Nothing. What could they say?"
Gray answered gruffly: "They might
have said a good deal. They might
have told you how they paid off your
men and saved a walkout when I had
no money."
O'Ncil stared incredulously. "What j
are you talking about?" he demanded.
When he had the facts he rose with
an exclamation of dismay.
"Heavens! Why didn't you tell me?
Why didn't they speak out? I I
"To think I spent the best part of two
years studying this spot!"
why, that's loyalty of the finest kind.
All the money they had saved, too,
when they thought I had failed! Jove,
that was flue! Oh, I'm sorry! I won
der what they think of me? I can't let
Dan go after that. I" lie seized his
cap and hurried out of the building.
"It's hardly right when things were
going po well, too," said Dan. He was
sitting crumpled up in a chair. Eliza's
arm encircling his shoulders. "I didn't
mean to give up any secrets, hat I'm
not myself when I'm with Natalie."
"We must take our medicine," his
sister toldhimgrave!7. "We deserve
it, for this story may spoil all he's
done. I didn't think it of her. though."
Dan groaned and bowed his head in
his hands. "I don't know which hurts
worse," he said, "his anger or her ac
tion. She couldn't do such a thing,
sis; she just couldn't!"
"She probably didn't realize. She
hasn't much sense, you know. But,
after all he's suffered, to think that we
should injure Lim! I could cry."
The door opened before a rough
hand, and O'Neil strode into the room,
huee, shaggy in his cooiiskin coat.
They rose, startled, but he came to
them swiftly, a look of mingled shame
and gladness in his face.
"I've come back to apologize!" be
cried. "I couldn't wait. I've learned
what you children did wLile I was
gone, and I've come to leg forgive
ness. It's all right it's all right."
"I don't know what you mean!" Dan
"Doe told me how you paid those
men. That was real friendship: it was
splendid. It touched me, and I I
want to apologize. You see. I hurried
right back."
They saw that his eyes were moist,
and at the sight Eliza gave a quiver
ing cry, then turned swiftly to hide
her face. She felt O'Neil's fur clad
arm about her shoulder. His hand
was patting her. and he was saving
gently: "You are a dear child. It was
tremendously good of you both, and 1
ought to be shot for acting as I did. I
wonder if you can accept n wretched
apology as bravely as you accepted a
wrong accusation."
"It wasn't wrong: it was right." she
sobbed. "Dan told her, and she told
"There, there! I was to blame, after
all, for letting any one know, and if
Dan made a mistake he has more than
offset it by liis unselfishness his sac
rifices. It seems I forgot how much 1
really owe him."
"That affair with the shift bosses
wasn't anything." said Dan hastily,
"and it was Eliza's idea. I refused at
first, but when she started to pay them
herself I weakened." He stuttered
awkwardly, for his sister was motion
ing him desperately to be silent. But
he ran on: "Oh. he ought to know the
whole truth and how miserably I acted,
sis! I deserve to be discharged."
"Please don't make this any harder
for me than it is," Murray smiled.
"I'm terribly embarrassed, for I'm not
used to apologies. I can't afford to be
unjust. I have so few friends that I
want to cherish them. I'm sorry you
saw me in such a temper. Anger is a
treacherous thing, and it always be
trays me. Dot's forget that I was
here before and pretend that I just
came to thank you for what you did."
II;.' drew Dan into the shelter of his
other arm and pressed the two young
Ieople to him. "I didn't realize how
deeply you kids care for each other
and for me."
The same ship which had brought
the ominous news to O'Neil r. Iso
brought Curtis Gordon north. He had
remained in Seattle only long enough
to see the Illis story in print, and then
bad hastened back to the front. But
his satisfaction over the mischief he
had done received a rude jolt when at
his first nioment of leisure he looked
over the late magazines which he had
bought before taking leave. In one
which had appeared on the newsstands
that very day he found to his amaze
ment an article by Miss Eliza Apple
ton, in which his own picture appeared,
lie iMDunced upon it eagerly, and then
as he read his eyes narrowed and his
jaw stiffened. There, spread out to
the public gaze, was his own record in
full, including his initial venture into
the Kyak coal fields, his abandonment
of that rroject in favor of Hope Con
solidated and an account of bis con
nection with the latter enterprise.
Eliza had not hesitated to call the mine
worthless, and she showed how he,
knowing its worthlessness from the
first, had used it as a lure to investors.
Then followed the story of his efforts
to gain a foothold in the railroad strug
gle, his defeat at the Salmon river can
yon, his rout at the delta crossing and
his final deathblow at Kyak. His ca
reer stood out boldly in all its fraudu
lent colors; failure was written across
every one of his undertakings. The
naked facts showed him visionary, in
competent, unscrupulous.
Thus far he had succeeded in keeping
a large part of his stockholders in ig
norance of the true condition of Hope
Consolidated, but he quailed at the in
evitable result of this article, which
had been flung far and wide into every
city and village in the land. He dared
not think of its effect upon his present
enterprise, now so auspiciously launch
ed. He had made a ringing apieal to
the public, and its support would hinge
upon its confidence in him as a man of
affairs. Once that trust was destroyed
the Cortez Home railway would crum
ble as swiftly as had all his other
The worst of it was that he knew
himself shut off from the world for five
days as effectually as if he were locked
in a dungeon. There was no wireless
equipment on the ship, he could not
start the machinery of his press bu
reau, and with every hour this damna
ble story was bound to gain momen
tum. He cursed the luck which had
set him on this quest for vengeance
and bound his hands.
Meanwhile Dan was struggling with
his problem in his own way. The ios
sibility that Natalie had voluntarily
betrayed him was a racking torture,
and the remembrance of Eliza's words
added to his suffering. He triedvo
gain some hint of his chief's feeling,
but Murray's frank and friendly atti
tude baffled him.
When at last he received a brief
note from Natalie asking him to call
he raced to Hope afraid, yet eager to
hear what she might say. She met
him on the dock as he left the S. R.
and N. motorboat and led him directlr
Prompted by Humanitarian Spirit,
Men and Women Recom
mend Tanlac.
Men and women who have improper
digestion, who are nervous and very
irritable because of suffering, lack of
energy and ambition for their work,
are easily discouraged and become
melancholy over slight matters, suf
fer with backaches, poor memory, un
sound sleep that does not really rest
them, irregular circulation of the
blood, dizziness and the common ail
ments of the stomach, liver and kid
neys, many of them are caused by
catarrhal affections of the mucus
membranes, which long unchecked,
finally have weakened the vital or
gans, will find Tanlac a tonic, tissue
builder and appetizer designed to
overcome these troubles.
While it is true that the success of
Tanlac in some cases has been so
great as to amaze certain business
men, it really also, is true that Tan
lac is no more popular in one
than another wherever it has been Tn
troduced. Everywhere, the most prominent
people will give testimony in praise
of Tanlac out of gratitude for the re
lief that Tanlac brings, and because
they believe it is their duty to do so.
It is the humanitarian spirit to help
the "other fellow" if you can, that is
the first thought of many men and
women who voluntarily tell what Tan
lac has done for them.
Hundreds of thousands have found
Tanlac an ideal tonic, tissue builder
and strength builder. It reaches
those ills of the stomach, kidneys,
liver and the common maladies of the
day the strength sapping, lethergy
creating ailments that "get your
nerve" whether you be merchant or
artisan, employer or employe, man or
Tanlac now may be obtained in
riattsmouth, at the Mauzy Drug Co.
Tanlac may also be obtained in
Springfield, at H. Fiegenbaum's store,
and in Weeping Water, at the Meier
Drug Co.
The best hammocks in the city can
be found at the Stanfield Book Shop.
Prices the lowest.
to the house.
Natalie went straight to the point.
"I'm in dreadful trouble." she said,
"and I sent for you to tell you that I
had no idea of betraying confidences."
Dan uttered some inane platitude,
but his eyes lighted with relief.
"When I saw in tbe papers what a
stir that North Pass and Yukon story
had made I was afraid I had doue
something dreadful. Tell me, is it so?
Did I make trouble?"
"You certainly did. O'Neil was furi
ous, and nobody knows yet what the
result will be. It it nearly cost me
my head."
"Does he blame me?"
"N-uo! no says you're on Gordon's
side now. He blames me or did until
he generously took it on himself."
"What does it all mean? I'm near
ly distracted." Natalie's eyes were
pleading. "Did you think I spied on
Dan glowed with embarrassment and
something more. "I didn't know what
to think," he said. "I was wretchedly
miserable, for I was afraid. And yet
I knew you couldn't do such a thing.
I told O'Neil I wasn't responsible for
what I did or said when with you."
"Mr. Gordon sent me to Omar pur
posely. He sent me twice. It was I
who brought him word that the road
was saved. I told all I'd learned be
cause I believed he no longer hated
Mr. O'NelL I was happy to tell all I
knew, for he deceived me as he de
ceives every one. I learned the truth
too late."
"Why do you stay here?" Dan de
manded hotly.
"Why? I don't know. Terhaps be
cause I'm afraid to leave. I'm alone.
You see, mother believes in him. She's
completely under his sway, and I can't
tell her the sort of man he is. She's
happy, and her happiness Is worth
more to me than my own. But I
shall go away. I can't stand it here
much longer."
"Where will you go?"
"Back to my old home perhaps.
Somewhere anywhere away from
To Be Continued.)
Letter files at the Journal offica.
East of Riley Hotel.
Coates' Block,
Second Floor
H 'M I..I.iMhI"IoI"IIK"M' j
i-i-i-i-i- -i-i-i-i-i- 'ii:-s:- i-;-i:
-K-j-rv- K-I-:- I-I-I-I-r I-M-;
Henry Day who has been quite sick
the last two weeks at the home of his
brother, E. E., is reported as improv
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jameson have
moved in from the farm and are
located in their new modern home on
Eldorado avenue.
Mrs. L. D. Switzer and son, Clark,
returned Wednesday from Yerrona,
Wyo., where they had spent the sum
mer on the ranch with her sons.
Henry Burrows and wife who had
been visiting his sister, Mrs. S. W.
Orton and other relatives here left
Wednesday for their home in Zephyr
Hills, Fla.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Andrus and
daughter of Manley returned last
week from their auto trip to Chi
cago. Among the side trips was a
visit to Lake Okaboji.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Worman of
southeast of town left Tuesday for
a month's visit in Montana with rela
tives. They will visit at the Glacier
National Park, Lewistown and Wini
fred. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mohr and daught
er of south of town left Tuesday morn
ing ( in company with a part' of four
teen citizens of Berlin) for Colorado
Springs for a two weeks' outing.
The stork paid a visit Sunday, the
12th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Wagoner, south of town and
left a fine 11-pound daughter. Her
man is wearing one of those broad
smiles now days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hollenbeck of
Manhattan, Kas., who have been vis
iting the former's brother, Isaac Hol
lenbeck. at the Wilson Gilmore home
northeast of town the last two weeks
went to Elmwood Tuesday evening to
visit relatives.
Searl Davis and his mother re
turned last week from a six weeks'
visit at Manderson, Wis. The trip
was made by auto. Searl says the
Omaha Auto club recommended the
White way across Iowa but on re
turning over the Lincoln Highway he
found it to be much better.
The reason the Omaha train was
late Wednesday evening was that just
north of town they stopped and pulled
one of Wm. Ash's engines out of the
ditch. The Missouri Pacific gets a
good many kicks but we think they
are the most accommodating of roads.
We have heard of them stopping for
a farmer's cream but never of them
pulling a thresher engine out of
Leader-Echo -l-
H. B. Gibson and family are mov
ing to Tilden, Neb., where they will
make their future home, Mr. Gibson
has purchased an interest in a bank.
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds left for their
home in Lane, Kas., the latter part
of last week in their new Oakland
car which they purchased while here
on a visit with Dr. and Mrs. O. E.
Young Frances Parish had his jaw
bone broken while he and another
youngster resorted to blows in a little
mix-up. The Parish bov was taken
to Lincoln to have the injury at
tended to.
Wm. Cook shot a large wolf at his
f.rm Wednesday morning. He saw
two wolves, near a straw stack with
a ch;cken and shot, wounding one of
them. It ran and he found it later in
the day, dead.
Dr. Chas. Parish returned Monday
from St. Joseph, Mo., where he had
been called on account of the sickness
of his mother. He was gone about a
week and reports that his mother was
but little letter.
Frxl Schneider of Shenandoah, la.
ari'vcd on last Fridav to visit at the
hoiv.c of his brother, C. Schneider. It
has 1 een fifteen years since he visited
his- brother at this place. He re
turned to his home on Tuesday.
Mr. McDougal and family and Miss
fGorham of Dunlap, la., came overland
t visit their cousins Wright and
Clark Gonzales, and their Uncle, John
Gonzales and families. While here
fthey motored to Utica and visited
friends there.
Fred Backemeyer of near Murdock
who recently purchased the Huffman
lots just north of the Grant property
on Main street has already announced
the operations of a new house thereon.
We understand that he intends to put
.up a fine modern house.
Mrs. L. M. Meyers and children of
Thurman, la., arrived last Friday
.fvpr.inr to visit at the home of Mrs.
J Meyers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
: Durbin. She is their daughter and
will remain until her mother who has
not been very well for several weeks
is some better.
Last Friday a deal was made where
by C. S. Aldrich became the owner of"
the property formerly owned by G.
L. Berger and now occupied by Ed.
Gustin. This is fine property and Mr.
Aldrich will fix. up the place making
some substantial improvements as well
as making it modern throughout.
There are two nice lots, the location is
the best in the city, and he will make
this his home. The deal was made by
Ed. Gustin.
Born, Thursday, August 10, 191(1, to
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tyo., a girl.
Mrs. John Ahl and two children
will leave today for Omaha, where
they will reside in the future.
Miss Lucille Alexander of Omaha
is visiting here this week with Miss
Eva Williams and Miss Locia Had-
Misses Jer,sie and Elizabeth Spence
of Havelock visited with friends and
relatives in and around Louisville last
Miss Myrtle Hennings is in the
Presbyterian hospital in Omaha re
covering nicely from the effects of
an operation for appendicitis which
she underwent last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones and
family, and Mr. and Mrs. Jones' par
ents, who were here from Fredonia,
Kan., drove to the fisheries Saturday
for a little outing.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wagener are
rejoicing over the arrival of a little
daughter that arived at their home
Sunday, August 13, 191H. They re
side on a farm two miles south of
Weeping Water.
Mrs. Frank Johnson went to Omaha
Thursday to bring home her sister,
Miss Katherine Boedeker, who was at
the Presbyterian hospital recovering
from a serious operation for appendi
citis and other troubles. They rode
home in the Joe Schmarder car and
Miss Katherine stood the trip well and
is gaining strength daily.
N. F. Hennings arrived last week
from Chickasha, Okla., to visit with
relatives and old friends. This is
Nick's first visit here since leaving
Cass county eight years ago. He re
ports crops in good condition in his
vicinity but says he saw many dry
spots through Kansas and southwest
ern Nebraska on his way up. He ex
pects to remain about three weeks.
Mrs. S. M. Cox and daughter of
Lincoln, returned to their home after
an extended visit with their son and
brother Allen and family.
Miss Etta Swartz left for Louis
ville Wednesday morning, where she
will visit for a week or so with her
cousin, Miss Irma Koop.
Misses May and Doris Vallery of
near Plattsmouth, returned home Sun
day after a two week's visit at the
home of F. R. Cunningham.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stone of Elm
wood, who autoed down Saturday, re
turned on the early morning train
Monday. The auto was left here ow
ing to the heavy rain.
The apple harvest has started at the
Pollard orchard and it will not be long
before the picking is on in full blast.
Over thirty barrels a day have been
shipped out for over a week.
Word has been received from F. P.
Sheldon and their auto party in the
eastern states that they are having a
delightful trip and visit. They are
expected home about September 1st
Will Obcrnolte, who is laying the
brick on the addition to the bank, has
made a nice showing, and if the
weather permits, it will not be very
long before the bank will be rear
ranged and find them in more suitable
Five cousins of Mrs. D. D. Adams
of near St. Joe, Mo., came through
here on the way to their home from
the tractor show in Fremont Tuesday
and stayed here until Wednesday
morning. The trip was made by auto.
Mr. and Mrs. George Sheldon en
tertained ten young ladies at dinner
Tuesday evening in honor of Miss
Mabel Pollard of Salem, Neb. Miss
Pollard has been teaching in Ludlow,
Vt., the past two years, and' goes
there in a few weeks for her third
year as a teacher of Latin and En
glish. James Miller and Henry Gruber are
busy this week placing a cement base
ment in the school house. A plat
form has also been placed around the
pump. We understand some of the
rooms are to be replastered. It will
surprise all the tax payers when they
-see what an improvement has been
made in the building this summer and
what better accommodations the schol.
ars will have from now on.
Will Tritsch, one of the leading
farmers in this section of the county,
was in the city for a few hours
day attending to some trading with
the merchants.
Baxter, riaintiff.
Clara n. Young, also known as Clara
Ellon Young: et al.. Defendants.
. oil ce f Salt to Quiet Title.
To the defendants Clara E. outR
also known as Clara Ellen Young.
John Ioe Voung, first real name un
known; husband or widower of Clara
i: Yountr ftlo known as Clara Ellen
YounK: Clara E Ymmp roe, real nam
other than Clara E. You rip unknown;
John loe. first and real name unknown,
laishand or widower of CWtra E. Younn
)oe: the unknown lielrn. devisees, lep
atefs. personal representatives and all
dtlier persons interested in the estate
of Clara E. Younp also known as Clara
Ellen Ymmg. otherwise described s
Clara E YounK I oe. real name other than
Ciarn E. Yoiiit unknown, oer.-.-x-ie.i . ii'
unknown hirs. dc irees, legatees, per ii .irf'i'iiali"',e and nil o'her pei
si n-- inu-resttd in the estate or Ji.
l..f Younpr, tirst '-eal name unknown,
U-ea.d: the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees. pei.'"nal representatives and
all otlit-r persons interested in the es
tate f John Doe. first real name un
known, dt-ceased: Samuel M. Jones, also
known as S. H. Johes. Mrs Samuel II.
Jones, first real name unknown; the
unknown heirs, devisees, lepalees. per
sonal representatives and till other pel -w..,,
interested in the estate of Samuel
II. Jones also known as s. n. .tones. -ee'nsed:
the unknown hens, devisees
legatees, personal representat i es mum
all other persons interested 111 ine , i-
late of Mrs. Samuel Jl. .tones, n si iv
name unknown, deceased. iacain n.
Miller, a partnership composed 01 . n
,or I'aekard and Jason J. Miller; Spen-
r rackard, E'.erta racKaru. me un
known heirs, devisees, leaiee. i r,
onal representatives ana an oniei
persons tnteresteu in ine f.-ian- i
er Packard, deceased: hip uiikiiii
heirs devisees, legatees, personal irj
reseii'tatives and all other pet sons in
terest, -d in the estate of Electa Pack
ard, deceased: Jason i. Miller, Mary I',
tiller; the unknown heirs, devisees. le;r
s:tees. personal representatives and all
other' persons interested in the estate
of Jason . Miller, deceased: the un
kiiovti heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sons representatives ami all other per
sons interested in the estate of Mary I".
Miller, deceased; John U. Clark: Amelia
H. Clark; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of John E. t'lark. deceased: the un
known heirs, devisees, lepatees. per
sonal representative and all other pel -sons
interested in the estate of. Amelia
15. Clark, deceased: the "unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees', personal representa
tives and all- other persons interested in
the estate of .usaiiah I 'rake, deceased;
I. ouis : P: 'Cole also known as I,ewis
E. 'le: "lara E. Cole; the un
known heirs, devisees. lepatees. per
sonal representatives arid all other
persons interested iri the estate
of Eouis F. 'ole, also known as
Eewis F. Cole, deceased: the unknown
heirs, devisees, lepatees. personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Clara E Ode.
deceased: William I.. ',rav: Mary,,E.
Moore. Etta Moore. Isabella Moore tid
the unknown owners and the unknown
claimants of fractional lots six tit,Stfil
seven l"). in the northeast quarter
(NKl-4 of the northwest quarter
(N'V1-4i of section twenty-four ( 1! I .
township eleven (11 . north ratic"
thirteen (13). east of the Kth I". M . m
the County of" Cass, Nebraska.
You are hereby notified that on April
10. A. I .. ll'lii. plaintiff tiled her suit in
the IOstrict Court of the County r
Cass. Nebraska, to ouiet plaintiff's title
to the above described lands, to-wlt'
fractional lots six (fit. and seven .
in the northeast quarter NEl-t of the
northwest quarter lNW'1-4 1 of section
twenty-four -J, township eleven (11 i.
north tanpe thirteen (E:. east of t he
;th I'. M. in the County of Cass. Ne
braska, because of her adverse posses
sion In- herself and her praritors for
more than ten years prior to the com
mencement of said suit and to enjoin
each and all of you from havinp or
( laiminc any ripht, title, lien or inter
est, either lepal or equitable, in or t
said lands or any paj't thereof: to re
quire you to set forth your ripht. title,
claim, lien or interest therein, if any.
either lepal or equitable, and to have
the same ad.iudped inferior to the title
or plaintiff and for perietal equitable
relief. This notice Is made pursuant
to the order of the Court-
Vau are required to answer said pe
tition n or before Monday, October 2.
A. IJ. 19 10. or your default will he duly
entered therein.
A t torney.
I THE f'OIMl CIH iit or tiii:
(OIM1 OE J'Asiti, M:ilHAMvA.
In the matter of the Estute of Edward
j. ! ovey, deceased:
To nil l'friiM Interested In the Emlnle
t i:lviirl ii. I-. eeetiiel:
You are hereby notified that there is
now on file in the County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, the final report of
(leorpe E. Iovey. as administrator of
the estate of Edward t;. Iovey, deceas
ed, and also exceptions thereto, and
statement falsifying and sureharpinp
said report filed by Frank E. Schlater
as special administrator of the estate
of Jane A. I'ovev, deceased.
You are further notified that on th
';;d day of Aupust, 1!M. at the office of
the County Judpe. in the Court llou.c.
in IMattsmouth. Cass County. Nebras
ka, at the hour of ten o'clock a m . a
hejirinp will he had upon said report,
said exceptions and said statement fal
sifyinp and surcharpinp said report,
such orders and dec-dees will tie entered
therein as to the court may seem proper
from said hearinp. Includinp the dis
tribution of the residue of said estate,
if any there tie found, to such persons
as are lawfully entitled thereto. To all
of which you will take due notice.
Itv the Court
County Judpe.
Dated July 1P16.
In the matter of the estate of Henry
YV. Eaton, Deceased.
To all Persons Interested in the Es
tate of Henry YV. Eaton, Deceased:
You are hereby notified that pe
tition for administration has been
filed in the above cause allopinp:
amoriR other thinpp that said de
ceased died intestate in Cass County.
Nebraska, on the 29th day of July,
1916, leaving as his only heirs at law
his widow Margaret Eaton, and two
grandchildren Paul I. Eaton and Mar
garet N. Eaton, and asking that ad
ministration of said estate be granted
to Dorothy M. Lynch.
A hearing on said petition will be
had at the office of the County Judge,
Court House, Plattsmouth, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, on the 11th day of Sep
tember, 1916, at ten o'clock a. m.. all
of which you will take due notice.
Dated this 10th day of August, 191G.
By the Court.
Allen J. Beeson,
County Judge.
Pub. 3 wks. Mon. weekly
Ix)st Between Murray and Union
a bunch of keys on ring, valuable to
Satur-.owner. Finder please return to
'Journal office and receive reward. 2td