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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1916)
MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1916. fahb i. PLATTSMO UTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Oe plattsmoutb journal PIBL1SHKI) SKMI-WEUKLY AT PLATTSSIOUTH, NEBBASIvA. Entered at Poatofflce at Tlattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICEi fl.50 PER YEAR IN ADTANCE THOUGHT FOR TODAY J. So long as we love, we serve; ! J- so long as we are loved by oth V ers, I would almost say that we B J. are indispensable, and no man is useless while he has a friend. - Robert Lewis Stevenson. :o:- Big automobile parade all autos handsomely decorated. :o: Remember the date Thursday, Au gust 31, in riattsmouth. -:o:- The first day of the "Home Com ing" festivities. Many pioneers will be here. :o: Taint up, brush up, and by all means cut the weeds before "Home Coming:" week. Without trench fighting: the present war long ere this would have been "the late war." :o: There are so many laborers in the city "at the present time that boarding places are hard to find. :o: Generally speaking a preacher gets the worst of it from thVmen. and the best of it from the women. :o: Many people claim to hold conver sation with the Lord who are not on speaking terms with anybody else. :o: If you like your home town boost. If you don't like it move out, anil make room for more desirable citi zens. -:o:- Generally speaking, the people are pretty fair, except where the interests of a corporation or a woman's good name is concerned. :o: "The Russians continue pursuit of the Turks," reads a headline. Won der if they will catch them in time for Thanksgiving day? A born millionaire has not the joy of accumulation. Perhaps not; but he often has the joy of scatteration, which his father missed. :o:- The best thing to do is to get rid of your bad habits because other peo ple always exagerate them, and they are bad enough at the best. :o: Hon. Jim Mann says the G. O. I'. can't win with a two-spot for presi dent. But still it seems there was no attention paid to Mr. Mann's warning :o: President Wilson goes right along looking after the affairs of govern ment, while Hughes is deriding him It reminds one of a gnat knawing at the heels of an elephant. :o: Chairman Wilcox, of the republican committee, declines to predict how Maine will go at the September elec tion. Times have surely change since the republican chairmen used to claim everything, including Florida. :o: German losses since the war began aggregate 3,135,177. The only doubt about these figures is that they were compiled in London, " and that fact alone makes the authority of sus picious origin. We now patiently await the report of English casualties from Berlin. Then, after that infor mation is given, by transposing the totals and dividing by three, approxi mately correct estimate figures migh the the result. It is necessary to take some similar, action in order to ac count for the "missing," many o whom will turn up after the peace terms have been declared. Most Amer icans would probably prefer to have their names classified that way, i o-ed in a similar com - bat. DEEDS AND WORDS. Every speech that Mr. Hughes makes is a new argument for the re election of President Wilson. In Chicago Mr. Hughes declared that "if anything in this campaign is real, it is that we are now facing the question whether we want words or whether we want' deeds." Wrhile Mr. Hughes was giving voice to this sentiment, the telegraph wires were carrying the news that through the leadership of President Wilson the senate had passed the child labor bill and that the house conferees would accept the senate navy bill. If Mr. Hughes is concerned about deeds, we refer him to the record of the Wilson administration, a record of achievement in ' progressive legis lation for which there is no parallel. We refer him to the federal reserve banking law. We refer him to the rural credits law. We refer him to the trade commission law. We refer him to the repeal of the Panama canal tolls act that had repudiated the sol emn obligations of a treaty. We re- fer him to the Clayton law, declaring that labor shall no longer be treated as a commodity. We refer him to the income tax. We refer him to the parcel-post law. We refer him to a host of other measures which invoke the power of government for the pro tection of human rights. We refer him to the great measures of national defense which congress is carrying through under Mr. Wilson's leader ship. And, not least, we refer him to the fact that the American people again have an administration that is not under the domination of Wall street and high finance. Mr. Hughes was governor of New York longer than Mr. Wilson has been president of the United States. What was done under his admniistration that compares in point of statesmanship and public service with even the least of these achievements under the Wil- on administration? Mr. Hughes' sr.cer about words and deeds may have been directed at the breign policies of President on ather than at the domestic policies. Very well. President Wilsoa's words have kept the United States out of war without the surrender of a single American right. Where would Mr. Iughes' "deeds'-' have placed us? Diplomacy has only two weapons, words and deeds. Words mean ne gotiation. Deeds mean war. If Mr. Hughes' reproach of the president has any significance except campaign nag ging, it is that President Wilson re fused to plunge the country into war before exhausting all the resources of diplomacy, and that consequently we are in the miserable and unfortunate condition of beiner at peace when American boys might be dying by the thousand every day in the trenches. Is that what Mr. Hughes wants? Every time Mr. Hughes speaks he emphasizes the painful fact that he has no legitimate issue and no con structive policies of his own. His whole campaign is directed not j building himself up but to tearing the resident down. Before Mr. Hughes was nominated The World looked forward to his can didacy in the belief that it would mean an appeal to the reason and the in telligence of the American people. In all kindliness toward Mr. Hughes, we must confess our disappointment. There is no appeal to public reason or public intelligence in Mr. Hughes' campaign addresses. No citizen is wiser or Deiier iniormea or more 1. X A 1 sanely advised in his public duties be cause of anything that Mr. Hughes has said since his nomination. The Hughes speeches are only an in vocation to blind bigoted partisanship They are the commonplace product of a commonplace republican mind, and as such they are quite unworthy of the diaries E. Hughes that New York used to know. New York World. Keynote speeches often unlock noth ing but a great big mouth. :o:- The weather man has been very good to Nebraska the past few weeks. ' :o: It is useless to worry about the chump, for he always has a good time. -:o:- Gasoline has fallen a cent. My, what a fall that is, my countrymen! It is discovered after marriage that many sweet women are only sugar coated. :o: The paper famine has reached such a stage that only the vulgar rich can afford paper collars. :o: Indiscriminating charity may not have the right to bestow charity, but it surely does make a vei-y great num ber feel good. :o: To gather material to write a book was one of Brant Whittock's plans when he went to Belgium as minister. Guess he has material for a shelf full. :o: A newspaper heading announces, "Baby Cyclone Hits Polk County, la.," which would indicate that even the babies are in a warlike condition this year. :o: If this country is ever confronted by a shortage in chautauqua talent, which seems quite unlikely, there is a lot of it going to waste in Europe this summer. :o: Since Roosevelt gave the sturdy German element of our citizenship such bitter denunciation, and since Roosevelt has endorsed Hughes, it is not likely the German Americans will be over enthusiastic for the republican candidate. :o: Candidate Hughes is making a strenuous plea for the old republican doctrine of "protection to our infant industries." The voters will probably feel patriotic enough to insist at the polls next November that the country be given "protection" from the party bosses of the G. O. P. :o: Justice Hughes claims in his "cir cular" speech that weakness nearly landed us in war." No one has ob served this to be true, but it wouldn't be surprising that the weakness of the republican arguments against the democratic administration would "land" Woodrow Wilson in the presi dential chair for another four years. :o: The report a few days ago from the east that the republicans had about lost all hope of carrying Nebraska is all bosh. The hone of the G. O. P. is that the democrats will believe such reports and not work as hard as they otherwise would. They expect to carry Nebraska, and the democrats want to work harder than ever if thev wish to hold their own. The hope of the G. O. P. is that they will catch the dem ocrats napping and secure Nebraska white they are sleeping. :o: THE PRESIDENT'S TASK. For the first time in human his tory, the orderly continuance of the transportation activities upon which depend the life, health and prosperity of one hundred millions of human be ings hangs upon the action of a single man the president of the United States. It does not depend upon his official action, for he is not clothed with au thority to deal with such an emer- htiiLj. uiiuci kiit; law, ins puoiiiuii as mediator is an impossible one; he f 1 Tl flit TTa-IJn. 4U In... Uin M i ? has nothing to stand upon. But this very weakness is his strength. He is not helpless; he is clothed with the moral power of the guardian of the helpless. His strength is not that of human . statute or decree; it is the strength which belongs to the one who fights not for himself, but for the in nocent who cannot, lift a hand in their own defense. President Wilson has no physical or legal resource which is, in this hour, jt the slightest value; his weapons are of the spirit. He is well equipped for such a struggle. He knows how things that are not may bring to naught things that are. Our hopes and our prayers go with . him. St. Louis Republican. MR. HUGHES' GREAT MISTAKE. It would be easy to fill the editorial columns of the World-Herald with re publican expressions of disappoint ment and displeasure caused by the campaign speeches of Mr. Hughes. The thought that comes to one, after reading the editorial utterances of independent and self-respecting editors, and after hearing republicans talk in places where men do congre gate, is that Mr. Hughes is running for the presidency twenty years too late. Twenty years ago, or such a matter, his style of campaigning would have been popular. The great majority of Americans were then hide-bound par tisans. They seldom read the oppo sition papers. Few ever went to hear a speaker on "the other side." They believed, religiously, that nothing good could come out of Nazareth. Repub licans believed all democrats were horse thieves or worse, and demo crats looked on republicans as cruel molochs who dined off the boiled flesh of tender babes. Times have changed since them but Mr. Hughes, appar ently, has not changed with them. He stands a shining example of purblind partisanship. In all that President Wilson has done during his troubled term of office this censorous judge can find not one thing of which to speak an approving word. In the long list of democratic legislative achieve ment he can find nothing which he finds it desirable to commend. He can do nothing but scold and find fault. He does this, not because he doesn't know better, but because he thinks it the best way to win votes. In this the St. Paul Pioneer Press, one of the most important newspapers of the great northwest, thinks he is sadly mistaken. Expressing the hope that Mr. Hughes will see the erorr of his ways before it is too late that great republican newspaper says: "What is it that gets votes? The question has been raised in the minds of a great many voters by the cam paign methods of Mr." Hughes. There is a sensational interest in hearing an opponent raked over the coals, espe cially when that opponent happens to be the President of the United States. And there may be an agreement with much that is said. At the same time does the attitude of the persistently critical candidate win support? It is human psychology that it may, even though the candidate be fair and truthful? "That we shall soon see. We may observe it ere long in a change in the policy of Mr. Hughes. His political scouts may report that he has not found the range and that his enemies are massing for attack. In that case he will probably take a new line, if, indeed, he has not already done so before these words are printed. If he does not make such a shift of di rection we shall learn after the elec tion in November whether it pays to measure out full strength, unmitigat ed damnation to the opposition. "Is there no way, moreover, where by a candidate can brand and define his enemy without turning sentiment toward that enemy It seems to us there is. It seems to us that it is wholly feasible to be friendly and sympathetic toward a political op ponent who has had tremendous, sud den and unprecedented problems to cope with, and, at the same time, to condemn his policies and modes of action. There is usually some re deeming feature about the most hard ened and intractable of criminals. There is usually some spark of intel ligence in the merest half-wit. If there are any such redeeming qualities in the personnel of the present ad ministration they have not been openly acknowledged by any utterance which Mr. Hughes has made thus far in his campaign. "The question is, will the people who have formed their independent conclusions as to the sincerity, intel ligence and loyalty of the president to the interests of the masses take kindly to the untempered castigations administered by Mr. Hughes? The task of the candidate is different from that of an attorney nailing his points before a court of law. Popular sym pathy is not of the same stuff as judicial determination. Are the psy chologists of the Hughes campaign quite on the job?" What is it that is causing repub lican editors to write, and rank-and-file republicans to talk, in this fash ion? It is not that they have suddenly become democrats. It is not that they indorse everything that President Wil son and the democratic congress have done. It is not that they are in any way hostile to Mr. Hughes. But it is because their innate sense of fairness has been outraged by their own leader. They cannot, in self-respect, go with him in his sweeping and apparently vindictive attacks on a president who, as the Pioneer Press says, "has had tremendous, sudden and unprecedented problems to cope with." They do not, as good Amer icans, relish seeing their president held before the world as deserving no better treatment than "the most hard ened and intractable of criminals." They do not like to have him depicted as "the merest half-wit," devoid of "some spark of intelligence." As the Pioneer Press frankly proclaims, they have formed their own conclusions as to the "sincerity, intelligence and loy alty of the president to the interests of the masses," and for these reasons they take unkindly to Mr. Hughes' antiquated campaign methods. Mr. Hughes is a man of high char acter and great ability. He is the type of man Americans delight to honor, precisely as President Wilson is. But he is making a great mistake and the best evidence of that mis take is the chorus of protest that comes from his party friends. World-Herald. "Come on boys !" :o:- Be here by Thursday, August ol. :o: Ami jump in the bandwagon the first day. -:c:- And enjoy yourself with many pio neers that will be here from every quarter of the globe. -:o:- Perhaps republicans get their polit ical views from writers of fiction, but the democrats don't. The campaign is getting started. Hughes calls Gompers a 'nuisance,'' and Gompers calls Hughes a "pettifog ger." When a bachelor becomes about so old he should be relegated to the "less expensive department" in the base ment. :o:- Only one woman in ten thousand tan make salt rising bread, and only one in ten million should be permitted to do so. -:o: Only twelve more days till the band begins to play and the beautifully decorated autos begin to toot their horns. :o: The Turks are on the retreat, says a dispatch. What's all the rush; it's three and a half months until Thanks giving day. :o: Keep it before the good citizens of Plattsmoutb cut the weeds and be in a hurry about it. You know it is your duty to do so. -:o: It seems the easiest thing in the World is getting married. All that is required is a girl, a man, a preacher, a license and a little nerve. No after consideration are necessary with most young people who don't know how to get along after marriage. :o: Some of our citizens are showing the proper spirit by dressing up their properties in a most presentable man ner. Thousands of strangers will visit our city in about ten or twelve days, and it behooves our citizens to have the city appear at its best. So get a move on you in the way of "fix ing up." -:o:- Down in "bleeding and suffering" Kansas the state is educating its criminals. Last week thirty-one con victs in its penitentiary were given diplomas after completing courses in agriculture, steam and electrical en gineering, carpentering and black smithing, the courses being the same as given at the state agricultural college. ftHmTf f"" mm ItLS'i'iVw 11 Children Cry VVWWWWWWWWWV Tlic Kind You llavo Always in. use for over SO years, ana 4 ' sonal -ccccsUX Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and Tust-as-good " are hut Kxpcrhuciits that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children ISxpcrieuco against UxperimcuU What is C ASTORIA Casforia is a harmless snhstitnto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. IS contains neither Opium, 3Iorphino nor other XarcoUr; Mihstance. Its ai;c is its guarantee. It destroys V.'orni r.nd allays Fcverishiiess. For more than thirty years it has hecn in constant use for the relief of ('o:j:;tij)at:ori, .Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething- Troubles and Diarrlio-a. It regulates the Stomach ar:d IJoweJs, assimilates the Food, givinj? healthy and natriral sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. genuine CASTOR! A always iBears the In Use For Over 30 Years I he Kind You Have Always Bought THE CrNTAUH COMPANY, M K W Y OHK c I TV. HM UNION. Ledger. 5--: The little child of .Mr. and Mrs. Harry M (.-Carroll is suffering from an attack of appendicitis. C. F. Harris ard Lee Fan's left for Oklahoma City, Tuesday to be gone a few days on business. Attorney C. II. Taylor of Omaha came down and spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks. Mis. James Taylor who has been! visiting her son, Alva Stites, at Glen- dive, Mont., returned home last week. Alma Knell returned home last Thursday right from a four weeks' visit with friends and relatives in Omaha. Council Bluffs, Little Shoe, and Bancroft, la. Mrs. Cora Comer and daughters, Mabel and Delia, of I'hilipsburg, Kas., have been the guests of Mrs. Lou Comer. Gertie Iloback and Ben llo back for the past few days. Henry Becker and wife left yester day for a four weeks' auto tour which will extend through South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado before they return home. The little son of Luther Meade severely cut his hand with a corn knife Monday. A physician was sum moned and sewed the wound up and now the little fellow is getting along all right. Frank B. Larsh of Portland, Ore., and brother of John Iarsh, is in this neck of the woods again. This week Frank and John are both in Nebraska City attending the chautauqua. E. L. Daniels and family of Beatrice are here visiting with C. F. Harris and family. Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Daniels are sisters Creed impressed it on our minds that he didn't care about anyone knowing that he was any relation whatever to Mr. Daniels, ellowstone, w cenic Y Are the strong magnets for this Summer's tourist travel. ip National Parks on a Glacier Park Ticket A sweeping circuit tour of the West's magnificent out-of-doors from Colorado to the British boundary National Parks on a Yellowstone Ticket 700 miles of mountain panorama, Colorado to the Yellowstone. The Cody way with its !0-mi!e automobile ride for Fletcher's Bonght, and which lias fceon lias homo the signature of has hcen inado under his per- supervision sineo its i::ran y. no one to deceive rouin thii. Signature of and Daniels says that if we would not say anything about it he would sine keep it still. FAREWELL PARTY TO MISS MEHERIHG FRIDAY AFTERNOON A number of the young friends of Miss Dorothy Mehering gave her a most delightful surprise on last Fri day afternoon when they called at the Mehering home to tender their pleas ant treat to their young friend. The affair was in the nature of a very pleasant picnic party and had been ar ranged by Misses Grace Bceson and Janet Bjeck in honor of their friend who is soon to leave for Lincoln where she will make her home. The time was delightfully spent in playing games and enjoying several musical numbers by members of the party and at a suitable hour the tempting lunch eon was thoroughly enjoyed by the members of the party. Those who were present to take part in the occa sion were Misses Janet Bajeck, Grace Bceson, Clara Mae Morgan, Virginia Bceson, Genevieve Whelan, Helen Roberts, Allene Bajeck and Catherine Shopp. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to publically express our deepest heartfelt appreciation of the kindness and sympathy shown to us at the lime of the death of our loved one and to assure these friends and neighbors that their kindness will be always remembered and especially do we desire to thank Mrs. Grono of Omaha who so kindly assisted us in the hours of grief. We also desire to express our appreciation of the beau tiful floral remembrances. JOE LAIIODK, W. E. SMITH. HARRY SMITH. Glacier and Colorado over Sylvan Pass is the crowning scanic adventure of the Yellowstone tour und the sensation of the season. Travel the Cody way, one way, any way. R. W. CLEMENT. Ticket Agent 1j. W. WAKELEY. General Passenger Agent, 1001 Farnuin Street, OMAHA, Neb.