The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 17, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Sentinels of
There is a deal of talk on preparedness.
ARE YOU PREPARED? This world is full of vicissitudes. You may
be in the best of health today, with fine prospects in business. There may
come a siege of illness. There may come a los of position. Be prepared.
Start a bank account.
Ooen Your Account With Us
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
For Insurance of all kinds see J. W.
Offer $100.00 for your car if stolen,
if you are insured by J. W. Holmes.
V. J. Philpot shipped a car of hogs
to the South Omaha market Wednes
day. The coal business has been the main
issue in Murray for the past few days.
All the coal bins in town are beinsr
Miss May Loughridge, who has been
visiting in Omaha for the past few
days, returned to Murray Tuesday
evening, where she is making her home
with her grandparents.
I. II. Hall, who has been in tho
hospital for the past weeks, receiving
treatment for his eyes, was in Murray
Tuesday. The gentlemen will lose the
siiht of one of his ;yc-r
Mrs. Ona Lawton departed last
Friday for Belle Fourche, South Dak
ota, where she was called owing to the
sickness of her sister, Mrs. Lyman.
She will probably be gone for several
Miss Neva Latta, who has been at
tending the conservatory of music at
Lincoln, spent Sunday and Monday
with relatives and friends in Muri.iv.
She was a guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. S. G. Latta.
There were a large number of the
people from this locality in attendance
at the F'remont tractor show last week
and all returned home feeling well re
paid for the time and expense con
sumed Li making the trip.
M. L. FuvVng, one .f the first ward
aldermen, of Reck Bluffs was in Mur
ray Tuesday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt, who have
been spending their vacation on the
beautiful lakes of Minnesota, for the
past two weeks, retnrned home Mon
day evening. They report a very
pleasant trip.
Entire Stock of Jewelry
and Watches
All gold Jewelry off; all watches off. Must
reduce this stock, hence the big cut in price. As
Christmas is not far off, buy now and make your
money reach wonderfully far. This is the same
class jewelry and watches carried in all jewelry
stores, and absolutely guaranteed.
Buy Now Sale Closes September 15th
Matt & Tutt.
the Home
Lee Far vis departed Tuesday of tJv.s
weeK for Mmco. Okla., where he has
land interest? to look after.
W. G. Booelker writes from Este
Park, Colo., that he is having a fine
time, and will return home in a few
Ellis Daniels was in Murray for a
few days the past week visiting witu
old friends lie was in Ur.ion for the
Old Settlers picnic.
There seems to be a great deal of
sickness in the vicinity of eight miles
west of M-irrav, aH sufTering from an
attack of intestinal trouble.
Mrs. Rob't Shrader, of South Omn
ha, was visiting for a few days the
past week at the home of her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Lone.
Chas. Countryman went to Platts
mouth Tuesday with S00 chickens that
were sold to the YV E. Kenney Co.,
of Clarinda. Some few chickens from
one man.
Ed. Gansemer, who has been in the
hospital in Omaha for the past few
weeks, was here spending the latter
part of last woek with home folks. He
is getting along nicely.
M. E. Fric-drick and Jacob Tritieh,
of Plattsmouth. were in Murray last
Sunday, in the new Fold car of Mr
Friedrich. Martin is now able to han
dle the car just like an old time driver
The Murray schools will open Sop
tember 11th, and everything is being
prepared for that date. The lawn hi s
been mowed and the building and siw
1 ' V 1
roununigs is oeing prepaie lor a
busy winter season.
D. A. Young, one of the truly p'o
neers of this country, is preparing ;
number of old relics that have been
gathered from time to time, that will
be taken to Plattsmouth during the
Home Coming week. Mr. Young says
that he will have some very interesting
specimens for the "Old Timers'
Mrs. Ed. Ranard is still numbered
with the sick.
Otto Puis was a Murray visitor
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Lloyd made a few days visit
with Union friends this week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. G rover Hop
kins, a baby girl, on August 15th.
V. W. Hamilton was looking after
some business matters in Omaha Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Orzd Virgin are vis
iting with relatives and friends in
Frank Vallery and family made a
business trip to Laurel, Neb., Mon
day morning, returning homo Wednes
day morning
M in ford & Creamer shipped a car
of hogs to the South Omaha market
last Saturday.
For Sale Three thoroughbred Drr-oc-Jersey
males and one gilt. See
Chester Shrader or II. C. Long.
Mrs. Add.?. Rhoden, of South Dak
ota, is visiting with her son, Frank
and ether relatives in this locality.
Wm. Pals and Fritz Lutz were
looking after some business matters
in Plat tsrmmth Wednesday afternoon.
W. V. Wasley. the boss auto man.
was in Murray Wednesday with his
new Chevorlet car, the one that he ha. -a
the agency for in this territory.
Jlifs Olga M in ford took a party of
friends to the Air Dome in Platts
mouth last Friday night. It is need
less to say that they had a very pleas
ant time.
Charles Boedeker departed Tues
day morning for Coleridge. Ntb..
where he will make a couple of weeks'
visit at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
J. L. Young.
Misses Mary West and Matilda
Brandt were Plattsmouth visitors
Wednesday of thi.s week. Miss Bramlt
has been visiting with Miss West for
the past few days.
Hank Bice is driving a new Ford,
these days. Then there is Lee Nick
els with his fine Hudson. These two
gentlemen will no douot be very popu
lar batchelors in the future.
Anderson Davis, who has been on
the sick list for the past few weeks,
is reported not so well this week.
The many friends trust that this ex
cellent old gentleman may so n be
restored to his former health.
George Campbell and daughter, of
Bellgraele, Neb., are in Murray this
week visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Campbell. Mr. Campbell
is a former resident of this .locality,
one that always enjoys a visit with the
friends and relatives at the old
Miss Clara Young entertained a
few friends last Friday afternoon for
Miss Neva Latta. At live o'clock
dainty refreshments were served. The
invited guests were: Mrs. Gi M. Min
ford, Misses Neva Latta, Jessie Bar
rows, Mae Loughridge, Olga Min
ford, Margie Walker, Pauline and Fay
Lee Nickels is the' owner of .a now
automobile this week, having pur
chased one of those line Hudson Super-sixes
from the Puis Agency this
week. G. i.iiord, L. II. Puis. Lee
Nickels. Dr. Long and Louie Fried
rich took in the tractor show in Fre
mont last Thursday, making the trip
in Mr. Minford's car, and Lee fell in
love at the first ride in this beauty,
and returning via Omaha, he bought
the new and Mr. Puis and he came
home. in it from Omaha.
There will be a meeting of the con
gregation of the Christian church
Sunday morning, August 20 to decide
the matter of hiring a pastor for the
coming year. There have been sev
eral applications for the work here
and the church board desires to get
an expression from the congregation
before deciding definitely. All mem
bers of the congregation are urgently
requested to be present. Bible school
at 10:00 o'clock as usual, business
meeting at 11:00. There will be no
preaching service in the evening. B.
A. Root, chairman of the board.
Joe Ellington, of Wausa, Neb., has
teen making a visit with old Murray
friends this week. Mr. Ellington
moved from this locality to northern
Nebraska thirteen years ago, where he
has since made his home. He has
done well and grown to be one of the
strong and influential . farmers and
stock raisers of northern Nebraska.
He is the same jovial, wholesouled
fellow of his early Cass county days,
where he has a great many friends
who are always glad to see him. On
Wednesday afternoon of this week, in
company with Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
Young, he made a trip over in the
Old Rock Bluffs locality, to renew for
a few hours the scenes of early years
and visit with old time friends.
t ( &
If any of Die loaders of the
Journal know of any social
eve ut or item of inw-mst In
tl. is vicinity, and will mail
saint to t his otlire. it will ao-Xx-ar
under this heading'. We
want all news items Editok
With the coming of the eleventh day
of. September will note the fourth an
niversary of the Murray Public Li
brary. Today is has all indebtedness
paid and has $100.00 in the treasury
and 1512 books. A committee lias been
selected to purchase new books that
will be here as near the first of Sep
tember as possible. Great plans are
being made for the coming year, and
it is hoped that all old friends and
members and all ritiens of the town
antl community will do what they can
to make it a still greater success. Mrs.
M inford as president; Mrs. II. C.
Long, as vice president; and O. A.
Davis, as treasurer, has made 1'Jl'I a
red letter year for the association.
You will find the library open Sat
urday afternoon and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Shrader, of
South Omaha, spent Saturday and
Sunday at the home of Mrs. Shrader's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Long.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Leach and Mrs.
E. S. Tutt were visiting with county
seat friends Thursday if this week.
The Oldham farm hog house, just
now reaving completion, under the
supervision ni-el carpenter work of
.Albert : cun'' ami assistance oi car
penters, is to i;e one -r ttie most com
plete and modern in this locality. IwJ
will be amply 'arge to accommodate
the rapidly growing needs of the Olr-
i:am hero for s'ure tune containing
fifteen separate pens, all sunlighted
and ventilated with the now Johnson
e iuel suiwiine windows ami ven
tilators. The structure is being will
b::ilc, on a concrete foundation, and
of heavy frame material, and will
Slant! the test ib" years to The
Oldham herd of Puree-Jersey's is be
coming so popular over the country
ill at they h:
are larger
? been compelled to pe more modem oiiart-
United Prerbyte'-ias. chuvh scvices
f'jr Stirdav, August ', are as fol
lows: Sunday sehool at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching at 11:00 a. m., subject of
sermon. "The Model Prayer." Eve-
King service on lawn if weather is
war; p. and pleasant, otherwise- it will
be in the church. This service is at
7:30 p. m., instead of 8:00 o'clock.
Subject of the evening service: "Noah.
A Type of Christ."' Our communion
service will be held Sunday mo mint".
September 3rd. Let all interested bear
thi.s in mind and make plans to be
Misses Mattie Nutzman antl Judith
Stn.ub cf Avoca spent Sunday antl
Monday at the heme of Lloyd Gipt-n.
Miss Gertrude Robinson cf Univer
sity Place arrived Tuesday to b; the
guoiit of Miss Villa Gapen, for seeral
From Tuesday's Datlv
Those who have thought that the
com crop might be a failure should
view one of the stalks taken from the
place of W. A. Nord, north of the city.
On this one stalk there are seven good
sized ears, and they certainly would
indicate that the corn crop this year
is going to turn out mighty well. Mr.
Nortl is quite proud of the yield of his
corn, antl will take the stalk to the
state fair at Lincoln.
Customer near Plattsmouth, Neb.,
is unable to finish payments on piano
contract. We will turn piano over to
first satisfactory party who will pay
balance either in cash or five dollars
per month. Write Schmoller & Muel
ler Tiano Co., Omaha, Neb. ldlt
arfeer S
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Only Public Bath
Shoe Shining and
Porter Service.
Tel. 200 thre ringfo
Shellenbarger & Atkinson,
Murray State Bank
of Murray, Nebraska
Charter No. oT3
Incorporated In the Stat of Nebraska, at the
cluse of liuMnexs August 10th. 1'JIC.
Loans and discounts 5 S5.1t;7 'K
(ventrafls H M
Hanlcintr house, furnil and fixtuies 00
Current expenses, taxes and inlerot
paid'. 1.9 :iU
iMie from national and state
hanks 27.rJ7 CO
Checks and items of ex
change.. 1- !
Currency l.t'dO to
Silver, nickels and cents 41 l .'-40.M0 21
Total ..
; i.-lll
Capital stock paid in rlO.Oeo Co
Surplus fund :.""' u
Undivided profits .41 X'.
Individual deposit Mihject to
rhe.-k rtVI.OlO -Jt".
Time ci'i't ili"it-..f . 4'..4.' ! X',
('ashiei'seheckso'il.-.tanclin;-'-. I.7i'l l ll-.t'V. 11
Depositors' truaramy fund '' '''
Statu ok Nkbuaska,
Count v of C;;ss. )
fi.'.j.iit :c
SS I T ! I ., 11.1
sistant Cashier of the al.o e named hank, do
het t-hy s wear l hat. al e si atement is a correct
and true copy of th- report made to the State
haidvin hoard. 1- IIai.i.sthmm.
.sivtaiit Cashier.
... t Ciias. t 1' a II.MKI.K. Director.
Atu-M.-( I!K, nctmax. Director
Suhscriied an I sworn lo hei'oie me this C li
(1a V Of A UiTUst . l'Jlt'.. V Klt.N A I i ATT.
(sei, Notary Public.
I, I.. ainin
The death of Mrs. Philip Lambert
occurred on Wednesday, Auirust !.
lulo, at her home in east Murray
after an illness of some years dura
tion and during which time she has
borne with patience her suirerinj? and
misfortune. Mrs. Lambert has for
the past thirteen years been totally
blind and shut out from the joys of
life has borne with patience the un
seeing: tiajs. The hu.sband is the well
known painter of Murray antl the
family one held in the highest esteem
by all those who knew them.
Mrs. Lambert whose maiden name
was Pauline Freeelly, was born in
Stevenson county. Illinois, July 2,
lSofl. In isr.ti she was united iu mar-ri-.'.o-e
to Frank Schlotman of Harris
burir IVnn.. to which union were be-rn
four children, all survive her. In 1S8S
j-he was married to Philip Lambert at
Frteport, 111., who survives her and
who has tenderly cared for her in all
these years and during her last ill
ness. The deceased was always known as
a kind ami Jovintr friend and mother
to all who knew her, and although a
Tcat sufferer she bore her trials with
much patience. Two daughters and
two sons, three sisters antl numerous
friends survive her and mourn their
Funeral services were held at the
home on Saturday mornimr at 10
o cioca, i;ev. w . ureer .lcv.rory ot the
.Murray United Presbyterian churc
conuuctinjr tnem ami interment was
then made in the Youne; cemete ry near
We wish in this public way to thank
our many fiientis and neighbors for
the beautiful floral offerings and for
their sympathy and kindness shown
through the sickness and death of
our beloved wife and mother, Mrs
Philip Lambert.
Mr. Philip Lambert.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schlotman.
Reports from the Immanuel hospital
in Omaha indicate; that Henry C. Mil
ler, who is at that institution re-cov
ering from the effects of an opera
tion for an abcess in the left side, is
getting along nicely and showing
signs of improvement. Those who
have visited him at the hospital re
port him as getting along as well as
could be expected under the circum
Don't use harsh physics. The re
tion weakens the bowels, leads to
chronic constipation. (Jet Doan's reg
ulets. They operate easily. 25c at
all stores.
Rome, Aug. 1G. Austrian airmen
nearly hit the United States consulate
at Venice in their recent raid, it was
learned today. Bombs exploded with
in thirty yards of the building, show
ering it with fragments, United States
Consul B. Harvey Carroll and his staff
were badly frightened.
If you have anything for sale adver
tise in the Journal.
we will have on sale a complete line of the Famous
Onyx Granite Ware every piece absolutely guaran
teed. Your choice
10 ofl' on all Oil Stoves. We want to show you our
line of Washing Machines Hand and Power.
Some Day You Will Buy a DcLavel Cream
Separator Why Not NOW?
rut mnmt
S li
Oliie Howell in
A Double's Troubles
a two reel feature
j a one reel romantic drama
''The Sham Reality
y with Grace Cunard and
0 Francis Ford.
Saturday Evening,
August 19th
The Stanfieltl Book Shop has a
most complete line of hammocks and
croquet sets that has been brought
to this city and at the lowest of
Drs. ClTach & EViacfi, The
The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Specialists in
charpe of alfwork. Lady attendant. Moderate Prices. Porcelain fillings,
just like tooth. Instruments carefully steruued utter using.
Send for free sample of Saui-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment.
Stock and Poultry Powder
Every Package Sold Under a
Positive Guaraniee!
Genuine German Dyed.
Puis & Gansemer,
19 th,
implement Co.,
Twenty-three miles east of North
Platte, Neb., on Lincoln highway.
Three miles to t:ooel town, all in the
bottom, the best of black loan and
every foot of it fine alfalfa land.
Plenty of line prairie hay and alfalfa
on it now. .Must be sold quick,
jper acre, only for thirty days. Terms.
C. li. Schleicher, IJ140 South 1(5 st.,
j Omaha, Neb., Telephone Tyler J0."J. Jt
ia week in d tf; It w.
Our home place on North Sixth St.,
dwelling with three lots. Partly mod
ern, in good repair. Good location. A
good investment cither as a home or
for speculation. To be sold at ''before
the boom" price. Terms can be ar
ranged. Investigate. Gertrude Beeson.
Remember ths Journal carries the
finest line of stationery in town, and
can please all in this line of goods.
Sows for Sale!
T am offering ! head of pedigreed
Duroc Sows; 3 daughters of King, the
Col.: 1 daughter of Burke's Goodenuf,
bred to Jumbo Critic 10th, for August
and September litters. Others bred to
a son of King, the Col. Prices $3o.00
ai.d up.
Mynard, Neb
3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA
Rectal Diseases cured without a surgical ijv
operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other genYl
eral aneasthetic used. CUKK CiU AKAN i.
to last a LIFE-TIME. I&"bxamination frbb.
Omaha. Nebraska
at $1.15