THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1916. PAGE S. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. on t ? Need a Yon i Aird IlLL Good Eng u is expressed when DR. PRICES Cereals are mentioned! We want all to come in and purchase these high grade cereals: Cream of All Creamy Toast Wheat Flakes Health Bran Rolled Oats Rolled Rye Corn Flakes Cake Flour White Corn Meal Hard Rice Yellow Corn Meal Dutch Rusk Old Dutch Cookies Hominy In every package of Dr. Price's Products you will find PRICE LESS COUPONS. Also by stopping in now while we still have a few left you may receive one 500 Coupon FREE! 0 u It. fl Call Phones 53 and 54. i-i ml , n1iniMl'ii'lt OENNICHSEN, We Like to Serve, fl it it J DC The JP"."i,'WJP'. ALL NEXT WEEK! 3 U 3 g ES3 took Company OPENING PLAY ess Slit msiUK Plenty of Good Seats at 10c THE BURLINGTON BAND CON CERT PROGRAM FOR TONIGHT Below will be found the program for the weekly concert of the Bur lington band at Garfield park, and which will be one of the most pleasing prepared for the enjoyment of the music-loving public of the ctiy: March "Col. Philbrook" Hall Selection "Forty-five Minutes From Broadway" . -....Cohan Dance "The Wiggle-a-wee".. . Arthur Medley "Southern Songs". .Conterne Rag "Lakeside" Jolley Valse "Calanthe" llolzmann March "Tenth Regiment" Hall "The Star Spangled Banner"... Key For dyspepsia, our national ailment, use, Burdock Blood Bitters. Recom mended for strengthening digestion, purifying the blood. At all drug stores. $1.00 a bottle. Office supplies at the Journal office. I went to Chase county with Rosencrans last fall, and I am going again next Sunday. So am I going to Chase coun ty with Rosencrans Sunday night, August 13th. w IV. me Let us show you some of the good features of a Fairbanks-Morse Type Z Oil Engines. They are de signed to run on kerosene and other cheaper fuels, as well as gasoline. They deliver the same power on a gallon of kerosene as on a gallon of gasoline. They have a throttle govenor, built-in magneto, pump fuel feed, speed regulator, removable bushings in heal ings, close speed regulation, igniter fitted by ground and tapered joint. Price 1 " 4 " 6 H- P. Engine $39.00 " " 66.00 " " 119.00 y WE'RE aftc YOU.' BWait! We have made up our minds to go to Chase coun ty with you, Rosencrans. RUPTURE EXPERT HERE! f nu no At V It t S 3 N -, RESOLUTIONS OF K FSI'KCT. Seeley, Who Has Supplied lT. S. Army and Navy, Called to Omaha. me wmm8Mmtkmmmwll W & T?T7 Ttn A?4 NOMCIMG THE NEW Mi Je.b.7otedo SERIES i.f.f Mi1 ii i n ii" v v y 1 r j a f i j F. II. Sicloy of Chicago and Pliila- elphia. the noted truss tjort. will ue ac me i'aton Hotel ana will il- main in Omaha .Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdav only, Ausrust 1-1, l." and Oth. Ir. Set-ley says: "The Sjei- matic Shield as supplied to the United States Government will not only re tain any case of rupture perfectly. but contracts the opening in ten iLi.- on the averaire case. This instrument eceived the only award in England ind in Spain, producing results with out surtrery. injections, medical treat ments or prescriptions. Mr. Seelev as documents from the United States overnment, Washington, 1). C. ftr inspection. All charity cases without charge, or if any interested call, lie will he jrlad t( show same without charge or fit them if desired. Iiusi demands prevent stopping at any other place in this section. I. S. Every statement in this ad-verti.-enu'iit has heen verified before the Federal and State Courts F. II. Seelev. AN EX-SENATOR, DIED YESTERDAY FLATTSMOl'TH QUARTET SINCS- Nebraska Statesman jn'es in Omaha fellow i:i; Heat Prostration. Had National Reputation ( lo-e istr f President MeKinley. Ad- POBLSC SA Ti.'i tifwe.t CKnlrp.I is the u-ot: I'-, no-.: jcw--,-ful low- It has a 31',' :po"wc- tn lAoc natir tt...; a j-c-. f-vt fn:irvl for LvaJ, j uA-.r By inrreasi.-it, the here cf the motor from 3 ' 4 to 3 ' c are able to om r a prwrr plart which ct lil H P.M. de-e!cps lull 3:,! ho:-- JOV CT. Tests ccid-T tvr; crrtirtici in ail parts ci" :ie country demonst.-a e T?.t it cv -iiy cievIop3 btf iT than fifty irult-s per i-Jur on the rJ. Speed of course varies urvlrr tliifcrrnr cond:tioi:s, but v.i ptact ioJIy every initjj-.rr i iios bcin t'UJ,i f.f'y nuir. to h-ur a: .J ui'Ji taic. We heve rrrcc: cf t:i.g:ir-i ihowir.g th.t to t AiTty-t;ve milt a pvr ;;alx 1 of I i i:ct u;; T!:c pcrfcrr.-ranrr cf thit err iJ wlinoii bty.-.d tj-.litf. T-kc any o..i;.- !cw priced cr on the rr.j'itet. Pit it rgninst t'.m Ovcrlar.d. Corr.prre then for hrjr rperd. fnr r 'I'..rfanrr of jov.;t. 1-r r.i.TZ corr.fort nr.J fraomy, one! you'll L.'iJ thi : .-jr bjck any tl'inj; .Ne liran olf tl.e That's n strons stntement, lUt fjet ncvcrtlitliii. Try it yourt!f and ici. Here are more important facts. It haj four-inch tirt-s which ; more than generous for a car of thij ilie. Not only ha it a large and roomy body, but it has un attractive, up-to-date streamline body. It has the latest and most im proved system of ignition. It has the cantilever springs the easiest riding spring in the world. Whafs more, it's complete. Not a thing to buy. You get the fintst Auto-Lite 4 cylinder rn bloc motor Cantilever rear springs Magnetic speedometer 31 j " ! ere 5" .IroUo Zln!imlir,e Complete equipment 104-inch v,o3e!L, Electric .ta.tcr 5-passenger touring $635 4-tiic!t tires Electric lights Roadster $620 JOHN BAUER Hie V.'il!o-Over!and Company, Toledo, Ohio' j(oj6. Toledo electric starting and light ing system, magnetic speed ometer, one-man top, de mountable rims and practi cally every accessory found on the highest priced cars. From a driving standpoint, the new car is ideal. It' light, easy to handle and! anyone can drive it. Take one look and be con vinccd. And mark these words th car is destined to be re garded and referred to as one of the really great achievements of the great automobile industry. Vet it only goes to prove how big production can cut cost and save you money. First come, first served. Place your order now. Havinf!: sold my farm and point? to move away- I will sell at puldie auc tion at my place, one mile east cf LaPlatte, on Wednesday', August 1(5, rthe followincr ilescrihed property: Horses, Cattle and Hops- One brown peldinp, 3 years old, weight 1,250; one pray peldinp, 13 years old, weight 1,400; one bay team of .geldings, 0 and 7 years old, weight 3,00!); one bay team of Shire geldings, 4 years old, weight 3,000; one buck?kin mare, pure bred Belgian, 0 years old- weight 1,000; one gray mare, 0 years old, weight 1,300. This lot of horses are all extra good animals. One ?pan of mules, 7 years old, weight 2,050. Eight head of milch cows, all giving milk. Sixty head of spring' pigs. Four head ot yearling ewes and three :'and jn lambs- Farm Machinery, Etc.: Two gas engines, feed grinder, grindstone, three lumber wagons, hay rack, bug gy, transfer stake wagon, one-ton de livery wagon, two new mowing -machines, swinging hay stacker- sulky hay rake, three Dempster hay sweeps, 14-inch gang plow, 10-inch sulky plow, 10-inch walking plow, four new riding cultivators, walking cultivator, Peer ing binder, press drill, corn binder, pood manure spreader, twenty-five feed bunks for sheep, six sets of ex tra good harness. Two new incuba tors, one full leather davenport, and other articles too numerous to men tion. Sale will start at 11 o'clock sharp. Plenty of free lunch at noon. Terms: Eight months' time at 8 per cent interest- Sums under $20, cash. Nothing to be removed until 1 setled for. f LEE WATSON, Owner. Omaha, Nl!., Aug. '. John M Thuiston, former senator from Ne braska and nationally prominent re publican, died here at 4 a. m. today. He had been critically ill for f'.-ur weeks, following a heat prostration, and his death had been momentarily expected for three days. Thrombo phlebitis was the immediate cause of death, according to a statement by the attending physician. Dr. F. J- Schlier. Thurston was hern at Montpelior, Vt -, August 21, 1S47- II.- was one of President McKinley's closest advisers and was regarded by MeKinley as one of the country's ablest men. "Cuba Must lie Free." During his service in congress Thurston won rational notice as an orator. A .speech ho made in the sen ate is claimed to have precipitated th S pa ni.vh-American war. After finishing his ierm in the si Tlnr'f tiu. 1 jsfl-.e in W'm-Ii- III, i i i u i n i i .'f-s nv w oi u t. iii ii ii.ii - ington and practiced law until HH5, 1 when his health failed. He returned: to Omaha and later resumed the prac-: tice of low, but his health handicapped him greatly. Mr. Thurston was temporary chair man of the republican party conven tion in 18SS, ami several times served as a delegate at large to the party's conventions- He was elected to the senate in 1S!4- He was at one time solicitor general of the Union Pacific railroad. On Christmas day, 1S72- Thurston was married to Mis:- Martha Poland, daughter of Colonel Luther Poland, of Omaha. She died March 14, 18'.)8, November of the next year. Thurston was maried to Lola, daugh ter of William J. Furman, former congressman from Florida. Whereas: Our, Heavenly Father in his wisdom has seen it expedient to summon from our class associations our beloved brother, Charles Ilialt, therefore 'be it resolved: That in Brother Iliatt's passing we have lost i. most useful member of our class, faithful and conscientious, and ever willing to discharge any duly placed upon him; that we shall miss his ge -iaUy and loyal services to the class am! shall ever feel the presence of his influence.. j Resolved: Thai we hereby extend' to his grief stricken companion our most heart felt sympathy in this hour of her givat t-st anguish and we com ine.ul her for consolation to Him who .'";'! :.!! tilings well. Keso!vid: That a copy of ihose res olut'ons be spread upon the records o o-'r i.ioie t las. a tony c nveeu ;o the witlow of our departed brother and that the same be published in the I'iat tsnieuth .Journal. K. B. Windham. Robert I'ation, .J. W. CrabiM, Committee. Last evening the members of the IMattsmouth male quartet, composed of Messrs. F- A- Cloidt, W. C. Brooks, .leanings Seivers ami Don York, with Miss Hazel Tuey as pianist, journeyed out to the Masonic Home and for sev eral hours entertained the aged resi dents of the home with their very pleasing selections, and it is needless to say that their efforts were very much appreciated by the residents of the home, as well as Superintendent W- S. Askwith ami wife. Money to loan on city real estate by the Plattsmouth Loan & Building Association. See T. M. Patterson, Secretary. 3-2-tfd MANY ATTEND TRACTOR SHOW Quite a large number of the farm ers of this section of Cass county have been in attendance at tl.e trac tor .show in F: emont this week, where they have thoroughly enjoyed them selves in looking over the many makes of the tractor, that is becoming more ! and more in demand on the farms The new Ford tractor, wide;: is being shown for the first time- is attracting a great deal of attention, and the fact that Henry Ford himself is present at the meeting has added greatly to the interest of the gathering. OR SALE I own the following which are for sale: properties One six-room brick house on Fifth street between Marble and Rock treets. City water and electric lights. One six-room frame house on cor ner of Oak and Seventh streets. Elec tric lights, well and cistern. One building lot on Oak street be tween Seventh ami Eighth streets. One six-roam frame house in good condition, gas. electric lights, city watts, located on Oak street between Seventh and Eighth streets. If von are interested ca'.l at office. A. I- Tidd. Office over First National Bank. 7-2S-2wkd. my -is R aocs: 3SS emarkable Clearance NEW GENERAL MANAGER AT WESTERN MACHINE COMPANY Within two weeks vre will also bo able to show you the new large Four at $795 f. o. b. Toledo. This Four is an enlarged and refined Model 83, of which 100,000 were sold last year, and the new light Six at $1)25, which are also startling values. The Willys-Overland Company are producing 1,000 cars a day at the present and in spite of this enor mous production are unable to keep up with orders. J. P. Spearman, auctioneer; W- A. C, Johnson, clerk- The dance at the K- S. hall on Sat urday evening will be one of the pleas ant events of the season and every one who can should be present. The dance will be on from 8 o'clock to midnight. Mr. T. It. Fetcrson, electrical and mechanical engineer of Omaha, has associated himself as stockholder and general manager of the Western Ma chine and Foundry company of Tlatts mouth now one of the best manufac turing plants west of Chicago. Mr- Peterson is an inventor of known ability, ami is also vice presi dent of the Standard Foundry com pany of Omaha, who at present are acting as sales agents of the Peter son Irreversible Steering Gear for Ford cars. The Western Machine and Foundry are now equipping to manu facture a large number of accessories for automobiles. fl Sale3 Journal. bills, done quickly at the of Summer Dresses! We have dovidod our stock of Summer Dresses, including plain and fancy voile and colored linens, in to three lots. Those we have marked down for quick clearance: Lot 1 Plain voile and colored linen dresses. Values from $2.50 to $3.75, now $1.95 Lot 2 Plain and fancy voiles; some embroi dered and lace trimmed. Values from $3.50 to $6.00, now :---$2.45 Lot 3 Fancy and lace trimmed voiles and col ored lined dresses. These are good styles at wonder ful bargains. Values from $6.50 to $10.00, now. . . . $3.45 Ladies' Night Gowns made of fine quality of Nainsook in slip-over styles, short sleeves These are prettily trimmed with lace and fine embroidery. Values up to $3.00, (t A i $l.HkV now, if" ovey & Son VALUE! QUALITY! SERVICE!