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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1916)
PAGE 8. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY. AUGUST 3.. 1916. DC The largest shipment off Coffee ever received by any one merchant in Cass County was received this (Tuesday) morning by H. M. Soennichsen. and Mrs. Ceo. Foreman, Sr., 0 5.000 of the Celebrated Monarch Coffee from Reid Murdock Co., of Chi cago. This Coffee is a regular 40c seller, but can now be bought 3 pounds for $1.00. Monarch Coffee is put up in one and three pound air tight containers. Lovers of good Coffee will appreciate this special offer. Once Tried Always Used! H. M. SOEKNIC! iSEN, f Call Phones 53 and 54. U We Like to Serve. f S3 esrsrD czz!J ALVO NEWS ITEMS Chas. Stout was in Lincoln Wednes day J. A. Shaffer spent Sunday in South Bend. Miss Grace Bailey was in Lincoln Thursday. Mrs. Lowry of Lincoln was in town Wednesday. Mrs. Ray Parsell and little daught ei were in Lincoln today. Earl Dreamer returned from Lin coln Thursday on No. 14. Will Sutton left Thursday for Chap pell, Neb., with landseekers. A. I. Bird and family spent Satur day evening with Joe Bird and wife. Miss Marie Bird visited her aunt Mrs. A. J. Friend a few days this week. Harry Parsell shipped his thresh-in?- outfit to Chappell Monday from Greenwood. Lafe Marlen went to Chappell Wednesday to look after his wheat crop there. Mrs. Raloh Uhlev and son of Ver- summer with don are spending the relatives here Mrs. George Foreman and daughter Aurel are in Lir.eo'n to attend the Fp worth Assembly. Mrs. Irene Stout and sister. Ms Florence M .-Kinney were Lincoln vis itors Yedneda . Harry Ilyder of Lincoln spent sev eral days this week with his moihtr and sister. Mrs. Dale Bovles. to an appreciative Sat unlay even in audience. .Miss Flossie Strain and little sister of Bethany came in Wednesday to spend a week with their aunt. Mrs. 1). v. Ymcent. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Copple are en tertaining the former's cousins, the Misses Laura and Bernice Bushnell of Ashland. Mr. Paul Frohiich came down on and her uncle are visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Casey. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rouse and Mr. and Mrs C. II. Kirkpatrick are attend ing the Fpwcith As.-cmbly at Lin coln. The Ladies' Aid Society met Wed nesday with Mis. Mart Nickel at the home of her metier, Mrs. J. P. Rouse. Dr. Paul Thurre-on left i-k tun-ay Xo. 11 Saturday evening to spend a Miss Minnie Ro-e of Kansas Ci:yfCVi. tl:tVs -,vith his daughter, Mrs. C. C. Lucknell. ' Mrs. Ilattie Strain of Bethany came down with Mr. and Mrs. Luce and spent the evening with her aunt. Mrs. D. A. Vincent. Mr. ana Mrs. Xoel Foreman left Sunday evening for Lincoln where Mrs. J. A. Shaffer accompanied her to Lincoln. Miss Clara Lawritsen gave a party Wednesday evening for her guest. Miss Pearl Lagant of Ruskin. Miss LaGant- left Thursday for her home after several days visit. . The I. S. S. club met Friday after noon at the home of Esther Clarl.e. The music of the afternoon wai fur nished by Bertha Bucknell. At 4:20 lunch was served. There were fifteen present Mi gave a dinner Sunday in honor of her father, Able Prouty's eightieth birih- day. in the alterno n a program was given, consisting of music by the Foreman Bros., quartette; reading by Rev. M. A. Keith; favorite hymns of Grandpa Prouty and a tribute to him by Rev. Keith. Those present were Fred Prouty anil family, Grandma Prouty, Mr. and .Mrs. Sam Cashner and grandson, Alvin Cashner, J. II. Foreman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Noll Foreman, and from Lincoln were (). N. Ma gee and family; Lem. Fore man anil tannic. J l-olibitt ami family and Rev M. A. Keith. RAILROAD CRISES BEING WATCHED ATWASHiGTOI Prepare to Offer Every Possible Aid in Preventing Threatened Strike. SOUTH BEND. 9 9 9 vvvw CIIAMBFR OF COMMERCE frgfs i.ntfuvfxtiox wiien mi IICIIIIJ or Remodeling May Call Conference to Impress Con giess (tn Advisability of Action. for Chica sician at hospital. jo where he is house phy ihe Wi.f':!ngti.-n I'.i-wh var 1 The K. S. Luce musical entertain ment was triven at the Jordan Hall thev expect to make their home after a trip to Denver. Sam s.dd his hardware store to Roy Coatman of Elmwood, who took possession Saturday and will 1 e glad to meet all the old customers. Mrs. Xed Shaffer and son Ross re turned to Beatrice Thursday after spending a week here with relatives. Mr:?. Clarice Streight went to Ash land Monday. Mrs. Samuel Long is j ponding a week with her ?in, out on the lain. Mrs. M. A. Streight spent Saturday md Sunday with her daughter Mrs. O'Brien. F. D. Hill came down from Omaha Monday and spent the night at the lill home. Bazil Wallick returned to Lincoln 'riday after spending several weeks .ith relatives. Chailes Campho1! an 1 Charles Hi1.! and families spent Sunday at the ruaie r ;:-nei;es. Virgil Kiircll left for Wyoming Saturday after visiting with her par ents for a few d;i'-. ludd and Glenn Weaver and Yir- gil Kitrell attended the dance :a-t Friday night at Greenwood. Mrs. Ida Olds started for her home in Iowa last Wednesday after trpend i"g several weeks with Mrs. Sarveto! Long. Misses Francis Canvibell, Liilki Sawyer. and Ethel Hunter vc-tumod from Pe, u Saturday after studying there several weeks. Charles Fo.-berg r.nd family spent several days last week at the Fisher- Washington, D. C, Aug. 2. Offi cials of the federal government, in cluding President Wilson, are closely watching developments in thj con troversy between 22" railroad sys tems and their 400,0. o employes and are preparing to offer every p;-. i:.! d in effecting an a ! cement an,' avouung a stioie. Today the president forwarded to i i t ... me laoor iieprrtment on a.rni.u lad received from the chamber ci e n-erce of tho Ceiled S. ti- '. (.uh Hatry Wheolor, i -kaii ni r the iham'-er's committ.'-' on inilro declaring a stiike is viab!. -I S(,:ne strong r.K a -uics of in? ontion are speedily introduce'!," : urgir.g an inquiry. Acting Secretary of Labor Post said tonight h.e v.:;s in idose touch with the situation, but had not decided whether action by the de pa; tment woi:!d be necessary. The federal ii-' ird. of mediation u: ! our Home! RcmoETiber its the SSardvv.nrc ihni puts the finish to the house. Come in and iook over our line of the latest patterns end styles of locks, Etc. BEST it SWATEK .1 !-! 1 whicii consisted f everything th.;-t hea rt i ould wi-h. anl sp:.-i with cool lemonade. When ali had filled t? .-m-selves to their ;ii!v.o-t. we adjo'.'.i-neil to the inviiing oarior o Noiice Meeting of Board of Equalization Mi Old- v.'un i- to ; conciliation law to atterr.nt : ail roads, a lso i.-- k velopmenis, and it be cailed on as a Jti'ie. ric'l rt i.trikv- ham. ;ind lis instrument ..! Stani'ord. as Stanfo: d mis .11 some ' Mis Fanni' and Schi'dc.'". der, the I a o i veeal ni-ic by 'halfant, Oldham being rain to u r. t must ai-o rr Allison ar.d ti ml. :!:-. i-ok ij! sj',i',e i 'l t;'n. .Ir.v. Hooiie- (ilMljUct i:u.s were J.ept- rolling u- tne arci'.es. l ihat ?Ir. James ! rid- T-ore in at- .ei.i:g wr.tcii ; officials e: H)en a:" th.J Ce- ..l to l e: .urseii. . e:: -eeeir.e ,--.e i ; : ; :.-:.c. 1 ci. happy of the :d the . R. RFiTBLK AN COMMIT! LE MEET, vote, now cr mpletely h'jing counie-i. v canva-. co TI lie night r present. Co-pic; of tiie cha.mher's a; pea! .o President Wilson were forwarded '.u cliairmen of the cengres. ir-na! com- m m m 'it'' TJSE new Jho.b. loledo les visiting tho A- ilersen ie. ilv from .d to reio -esentr. - ie em i bri:; o '. i o ccrrmis :i.n tiv.'-- of tiie lailways :v.u j)i..ves. The chamber is c; calling a conference here to congress with the advisabilit mediate action. iUe cai to-.- will : - t.-, t-o : f..- 'ie : nik . s of the driate- u r vh e . ;.- h :.;::;ty cm I. . i'! r . of fall can.-mrritice 'ral e-:m-on I '; i- o-"ran!z-d-n. The and the recial Meeting of Mayor and Coun cil Sitting as lioard of Equalization. for Improvement District Xo. 11 in the City of Pluttsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska. To All Property Owners Interested: Not k-e js herby given that at 1) p. m., .Mond-y the Sth day of August, I'.'l'k at the Council C!iamler in the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska there will be a special meeting of the .Mayor and Council of said city for t'r purpose of equalizing special as sessments, and making a special levy of ia::es on the real estate within I tvir.g District No. Cov.ntv o! ti. . w::i imp of Wahoo, who have been caii'pine; there. A FiE BABY GIRL AT THE L L. aVCARTY HOME Early this morning the stmk paid a visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. McCarty on Xoith Third stre t and left in their charge a handsome little daughter. Both the mother and little one are doing nicely and the proud father is delighted with the good fortune that has befell him in the advent of the little daughter. The many friends of the family will ex tend their heartiest best wishes for the wefare of the little one and trust that in the years to come she may be a joy and comfort to her parents. T E . v - LTI'i If. Atf e:i P. t' 1 tr.o-s? v. v.o wish to entertain te.-.chcrs during In stitute, that the Institute the week beginning Aug Vl:l tje held J. IX PLATTSMOUTH FORTY YEARS AGO. Joe doing father m re ( Jai ls 1. This r.r-t CHnlard it: the wcrld'i moot ptivcrful low pnetd car. It h3 a " i v'i hcrpcvcr m bioc motor that is a ptrlc-t iriTve! for specti, j-cr and enduran::. By inereaslnt the bore cf the motor from 3 ' to J" ," -e are abl to otTcr a power plant hich at 1950 It P.M. d-elops full Jlij tr powcr. Tests tinder every ccrlitlon in all pbrt3 of ;he tontry dcrrionnrar: that ic CM.'.y drvtlops bcrtcr than f.fty miles per hour cn the road. Speed of course variej under different conditions, but in practically every ir.TTance it has been getting fifty miics an hour atul with case. Wr hve cf ; ir-T..; sho-i.--.f: tnat e;'.!".:i t five ni:irs fr -r'.'--cf ta!ir.e is iiot u:..--'. Tlic prrf irTr.cnc- r r. ; c.-r i J iilrr.'jil bsyi.:;J bti.-f. Tuic zn cth;r Ic a- priced car on the msrict. P.t it rginit tis Cvcri-.iid. Ccrn;re the r-i for ji-.f r rpee'J. for r". i:"5;;jt :f power, f-r r c ci.:r..''. rn:! yull Ty it yo'jr'.cif nj rc-?. I lere are more impcrtant fa -rs. it I four es -Ahirr J.'ot only br.'. it a l.irgr anA' !(!;. but il lui an alTrafiivr. up-lo djte s;ri an.lirie hxy. It l a-, the bust r,nd mo't im JTovcd ?yjttm of ignition. It ta the c-nriievrr srrinr the ea-:u-.t xitlinir spririfi ia tiic Kcrij. V..n'-? n.orc. it "5 crm;'lfe. T.'ot .- thirn; M liv.y. Ycj r.-t ti-.e f.r.t' Auto-Lite 4 cylinder i L!oc r-..jfir lCK-iri'.!-. lic!ij 4-inch tires Carjlilver rear tpn'r-igs "r.iir.e body Llctr:; s'!-: lijhls Ma-netic speec!jmctrr Complete equipment r-tasni;er tourin; $&3S Koadster tCZO JOHN BAUER Tiie Wii!ys-Over!and Company, Toledo, Ohio jo.b. Toledo electric sMrtinc r.n.l liiht ins sy.trm. njirietic speed oriMtcr. c-nc man top. de mountable rims rnd practi cally every a-.-ccssory found cn the highest priced cars. From a driving standpoint, the new car is idi-ol. It's l:Rht. -a-.y tr handle and anyone can drive it. Take one lock and b: con vinccd. And m.irk these words the car is defined to be re rarded anrl referred to as one of the really great achievements of the crcat automobile industry. Yet it only goes to prove how big production can cut cost did save you money. First coinc, first served. Place your ciucr now. ex Within two weeks we will also be able to show you the new large Four at $795 f. o. b. Toledo. This Four is an enlarged and refined Model S.'i, of which 100,000 were sold last year, and the new light Six at $925, which are also startling values. The Willys-Over-land Company "are-'pToducing 1,000 cars a day at the present and in spite of this enor mous production are unable to keep up with orders. IAXCE SATUEDAY EVKNIXf.'. I The Cosmopolitan cluh will - J- give a social dance at Coates' -l l hall on Saturday evening and -l- the public is cordially invited to he present and enjey a good I 1- time. The h.esl of musie and a I royal good lime in store for all V those attending. 1 9 V It's only the paper line that will be found at the Journal office, but this fine will be found complete. Come in and see. NEW ARRIVAL: Have Just received 1 case of these ready made sheets. You who got your supply last season will want your usual supply again if you have not tried these, try just one, get your supply while the price is right. Size before hemed 81x90, price 88 cents. Turkish Towels Pure White Bleached towel, siz 22 good heavy weight, woven of the choicest selected cotton, doubled threaded loops just the thing for the bathroom at per pair 43 cents. See them in our windows. Colgates Talcum Fowder, 25 cent can, a special for a quick sale per can 15 cents. Floyd, who was injured, .'irst r: to. w- learn f r m . ar.d pivpo.--t.-s to sirihe for i.)LOi!iotitn scor.. fisherman, Mr. I'urdv cr-ught a monstrous ii-h last week writhing nearly 2'M) lbs. lie understands catching them, as he lias car.vh: quite a numher of largo ones lately. Through an oversight, or careless ness, we failed hist week to notice the return home of Oeo. .Smith Esq., and family from an extended t-air through California, where they have been visiting friends for the past month. (Jeorge says il.ey had an ex cellent time, and we should judge so, from their refreshed appearance. Xow come on with your legal busi ness, ard criminals look ;i "leedle out." And now comes our neighbor and friend, Leonard, also from the Flack Hills, bearded like a pard, and rug ged :;s a mountain bear. lie has photographed everything under the sun out there, and tried his bet to coax tne sun down into a cave so he could photo tiie back end of that. 31 r i.onara nas made considerable in vestment in Central Citv. and thinks that's the place guess it is. We know one thing, there was one happy little woman in Plattsmouth one even in t: shortly after this bearded and bronzed stranger walked into the post oMice of his native (?) town. Mr. Leonard, with new views, new implements, and a renewed lease of life and goo humor, will hereafter be found at his old stand on Main street over Peter Merges' store. And that's the mat ter with the old black-hiller. will cunti.T.Je t ) F Jv, and neen. Kindiy tUpkone Xo. -l Tt , County Superin t'.T.'lent's office, v'thkt th- next few days. F.'.ia Marquardt, Superintendent. See the kinds ot fancy stationery, the latent up-to-date, and sure to plca?e, at the Journal oiTice. t A. P.OBERTSON, Lawyer. East of Riley Hotel. Copteij' Block, SoccnJ Floor i 1 11 to pay the co-t of paving tiie streets in said disTi'ct, to-wit: all that part of Third street Horn the south line of Main street to the south line of Ikarl t2-c-et; all that part of Fourth .-iiu't from the south line of Main str-et io the south line of the alley in block 'U; all that part of Fifth street from the south lire of Main -treet to the south line of the alley in block ;;k in the City of Platts mouth. Xt braska. Tiie folicv.i.ig described real es tate ic included within said District Xo. 1J.. to-wit: aAa eight (8), nine ( 1 ) , ten (10), eleven (11). t vvel ve (12), thirteen (Vi) in IJlock thirty two (o2: all the vacated portion of I -'earl street between blocks Xo. ?l and Xo. 47; lots one (1), two (2), three (", four (4), five (5), six HI), ten (10), eleven (11), and twelve (12) in block Xo. thirty-three ')')); lots one (1), two (2). three :'.). four (4), five (5), and six ((',) in block Xo. thirty-four (3-1); lots .ne (1), two (2, three (C), in block Xo. thirty-five H-j) all in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County , Ne braska. Dated this 01st day of July, 19Kk Attest: J. P. Satti.EH. Mayor. Jess F. Warga, City Clerk. Subscribe for the Journal. ZUGKWEfLER & LUTZ School Picnic. I'ditor Herald: Accepting an in vitation to attend a picnic on last Saturday, gotten up by Mr. Joseph Robinson, teacher near Three Groves, as a last farewell to his pupils, we wended our way to the residence o Mr. J. G. Oldham, in whose grove the good time was to be. Resting for a short time in the cool shade, the cro quet furnished amusement until the "little speeches by little folks" began, which were well done considering (he diminutiveness of the speakers. After ench had said his or her say, they marched out in double fdc to the grove and gathered around the. well filled tables, where we all did justice to our selves as well as the refreshments furnished by the "good mothers," t r m 9 v 9 9 9 9 I fai d : MmmrtHmm ten n i - issMM 1 B mi r n nu q - tea JfeSw ..." - , - "5 I OF OMAHA This team won the cham pionship in the City League, and is composed of excep tionally fast ball players. Game Called at 3:00 Admission 25c flsorn Cigars, Chewing Gm;i, Pop and Peanuts FOR SALE On THE GROUNDS