Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1916)
I Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If any of thf readers of tlie Journal know of any social eveiu or item of interest in this vicinity, ami will mail same to i liU otlii-e. it will ap-lH-ar under t liis lieudin?. We want all liewsitecns EuiTOit Bgpl 22 m 3 XX II HE greatest bulwark arainst the indigence of old age or the financial drain caused by a protracted illness is a bank account. If you are a business man making big profits; if you are an employee with a line salary, plan i l.-iv aside :i certain sum weekly. Then if the rainy day comes along it wiU tied von prepared. In times of stress you'll find that your bank account is your friend. Yon can look the world in the eye. The man with a bank account looks better, feels better, is better than the man without a bank account. AVe transact all kinds of banking business. SEE US ABOUT AX ACCOUNT TODAY. 3 titstttxxxxxs Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK For of all kinds see J. W. Holmes. Albert Queen was an Omaha visitor :ast Friday. George Henrich was a Plattsmouth visitor Sunday. Ines Marsh was visiting with Plattsmouth friends last week. Herman Gansemer was visiting with Murray friends Wednesday. Oiler $100.00 for your car if stolen, if you are insured bv J. V. Holmes. Miss Eva La Rue was visiting with friends in Weeping Water a few davs last week. Mrs. L. D. Hiatt was visiting with Plattsmouth friends and relatives last Sunday. Miss Vera Moore, who has been at tending summer school at Peru came h'-me Monday evening. M. G. Churchill went up to Laurel, Neb., last week, where he is spending a few days visiting with Bert Craw ford. George Henrich, of Havelock, has been assisting Mr. Hiatt in the Hiatt & Tutt store, during the absence of Mr. Tutt. The county commissioners were in Murray and vicinity Wednesday aft ernoon of this week, looking after some county business. W. H. Puis has been numbered with the sick for the past few ihiys. II. L. Burbee has been assisting in the work at the hardware store. Chas. Carroll returned to Weeping Water Wednesday afternoon, where he is farming, after having spent a few days in Murray with home folks. The library will be open Saturday afternoon and evening. Come and meet your friends there. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Minford and family were visiting with friends in Louisville last Sunday Read Hiatt & Tutt's ad in this is sue. Mrs. William II. Puis was an Oma ha visitor last I-'riday. Oldham's shipped three of their fine Durocs to Palisade, Neb., Wed nesday. Dr. Gilmore and Frank Vallery were Plattsmouth visitors Wednesda afternoon. Watches and jewelry at !??s tbar factory cct. P.ead Hiatt & Tutt's ad in this issue. Miss Opha Baker returned hom from a few weeks visit with friend and relatives in Portsmouth, la., thi week. George and John Holmes returnee to their homes in the northern am western part of the state last Wed nesday. Lowell Parr, who has been here for the past two weeks visiting at the Brendel hemes, departed Monday oi this week for his home in Lebanon. Indiana. II. C. Long returned home fioir Furnace county, Nebraska, and point in Kansas, this wee!:. He has hind ii both localities, and he has been look ing after his wheat crop. There was quite a large attendance at the picture show at the Puis & Gansemer hall last Saturday evening. The pictures were as usual good. an. all seemed to be pleased with them. Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Bren lel were visiting with their son Dr. Will Bren del of Avoca Wednesday. Mrs. D. A. Young returned homo from Lexington, Neb., last Friday, where she was called on account of the death of her brother-in-law, Clark Williver, who was killed a few days ago in an auto accident, the car turn ing over upon him. The funeral was held Monday afternoon from the late home near Lexington. $1,200.00 worth of Watches and Jewelry at Less Than Factory Cost! 17-Jewel Elgins $9.94 15- 44 ik .7.88 15- " Hampdens, 20 year gold case S'J.5,3 21- 44 Rockford, 25 44 44 4k 17.03 Ladies' Gold Watches $8.45 to $15.G0. Many of these watches sold up to $23.50. Jewelry! All o lr Jewelry will be sold at i off. You can well afford to lay up your Christmas presents now and at a big saving. Everything guaranteed. Sale starts August 1st, and closes September 15th. Now is the time to buy as you won't again get such an opportunity to purchase absolutely first class jewelry at such low prices. ffliatt & Tutt MURRAY, NEBRASKA Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt joined a party of friends from Havelock and departed last Sunday for the lakes in Minnesota. They will be gone alKnit throe weeks. Eugene Taylor was taken to the hospital a few days ago, where he is receiving treatment for a badly in fected hand, lie is getting along very nicely at this time and all indications are in favor of his early recovery. nrfiTiJ fir rnn&tCD uttxxn m mMU n no- OSES IN OREGUN RE sow EsyELOPiKG kovel The following from the Woodburn, (Oregon) Independent, gives the sad news of the death in that citv of Harry Four reels of pictures at the Puis &. Gansemer Hall Saturday evening. United Presbyterian church ser vices for Sunday, August C. Sunday:,,,, fa;m uvvned by !r. J. II. school at 10:00 a. in., preaching at.u;in t.ast of .Murray and the Phillip 11:00, subject, "The Extent of Cod's r.,..,u 0(rup;,,i bv Mr. Ode- f.r E. Cole, a former resident of Cass county and Who will be remembered i y many of the older resident of Mur ray and vicinitv. T! t old Cole hur:ie- -tead v. h ere ! !e. was tid! n va Provinces." Outdoor service at S:h) if weather permits, if not, il will he in the church. Subject of evening sermon. "The Mocker, Strong Drink." him invite you to worship a number of vears and sold bv when lie moved to )vg.m: '"Harry H. Co'e died at hi.-: hone in this city at 12 a. m. this morning after a prolonged illness, lie had returned the Sunday before with his wife from We cordially with us. Kay Henry, who was quite, pain-i the mountains, where he had gone fully injured last Friday by a horse j with the hope C improving his health, tramping upon him, was taken to j "Hai ry E. C-ie was born on a farm Omaha Sunday morning, where an X-n-ar Plat1 .-mouth. C;i county. Neb., ray was used in the location of i.-.- j November 1. 101. He married .My in juries. He was found to be getting tie I J. llichnrdson T. binary 10. nlnm- TiieoK- :,n1 tho inin"i,s will ' With his family he moved to Ore von II I V. , J DIVIDE FOES 1 WEOOE Advances Has Practically Separated German and Ausstiian Forces in East. We Would i?" the move- enveloping prove of a rerious nature. He was crushed and bruised about the should- er and chest. j The Murray Library Association j met last Tuesday evening and trans-1 acted the business for the month. The issocintion is in better condition at) i-,vic-mt tir,( .-nr lwfi,v "fit ' will soon celebrate the fointh anni versary of its existence. It h:is nia'V i rapid pr:nvth, and be n of rrcat service to the people of Muv- jy and. cr,'.i'ii'y. Sirs. W. E. Dull was vis-ting with! "riends and relatives in Omaha thi veck. in 1s:j7, at i -1 Ha'.sev. wlieie Petrogiad, Aug. li. The Russian wedge separating the Austrian and j (lei man forces was thrust forward still further today. Not only has the separation been virtually accom plished but today unofficial advices indicated lauid in-oress o rncnt from th south Kovel. j Military experts lure believed that the terminus of the one remaining j railroad line to Lemberg at Stojanof j had probably fallen before the ad-j vance northwest of IJrody. I Prodv s eaoture e.ave the czars; foices commaivl of the terminus of the main tap line. Utilization of the railroad lines in Calieia will greatly aid the Russian advance. .Flood., -till are hampering operations. they remained two years. The' then mile norihwe-t there until thev moeou to a .';.rn: om of Woodburn and live- moved to thi-? city, where i until calleM tiy I was in the furrMture ' J i arrv v ole was French (Iain in West. Paris, Aug. 2. French onslaughts ' have won additional ground from the Idtrmans both i-ortii and south of the jbar.d end fat he;-, a cm ei :iu '!isi..-ii!"i!, !f:rmed many ;.ct; ! always r oly to h. ! i 1 ? . 1' a--:-tance. ;.n i e li I'or a time ;usiiu'ss lie-re :i devoted of.l : i .1 i mum' '.:e (-mme, r.icoiiiing to the official com- toi'.ay. A small German gain after many unsucces. ful attacks with asphyxiat- ing gas was admitte;! m auxnapier JOHN SAIUIENT DRONSON. man, who h.'.d p"- !-.ird;T.--s, was vlier i.e coubi li who knew him No nth er i i i:"'s c"i-T,'.!Pity w;:-: r.i' "'.' liiizhlv respected and eteemcl and his. dath is :nc-ttrn-d by all. He wa- ;i rr.em'n r - Yom! luvii Lodge No. A. F. A A. M.. were OMwc-.oil. lut tlie enemy s losses were s:-.!,i to be heavy. One pn.-on-; r were taken. "North of the Somrne we captured ' a pw.-erful f-rtified xrk between lb m r.nd Monai ihe statement d.e- : "SiVII 1 (O t M.- SilTt'llli' W (:- (Jerman xv nch northwest of several. -r.e west of ive:rrreen Modern John Sargent Uron.-on was born Februaiy 12. l.S5S. iji Elizabeth Lawn, Essex county. New York, at the a'. e jf 14 years he removed with 'lis par jnts to Johnson ciunty, Kansas, where he lesuieu tor live years, ami I ,.p ;pj, c.n xvh"ir. it the age of 10 years he came to the 'n :on;e oi his uiicjC, it. t . I alK.u, ue:u Murray, Neb. In early manhood K Cliapte WoM'i men. Civ.otev. 'There i ve vv sons. V," illard w;l! also !i No. ird t t o. i:. e t it: e a rei : :nicd en seou it. iinpriso::!.':,: "in the Champagne Aub ivi -, fe..ces car .1 Russia ed Jim 1 1 t'connais.-ance mited with the Christian c'lUieh at Rock Creek. He was married to Mis Voir. Stratten November lo, He died in the Presbyterian hospital in Omaha on July J7. The funeral ser vices were held in Murray at the Christian church by the Rev. W. A. Taylor, of Union, conducting the ser vices, and the remains were laid to rest in the Young cemetery on Satur day, July L(:. He leaves a wife and one sister, .Mrs. .J. A. liatche Murray, to mouin his !os. Oi First Ilirthdav Anniversary Li'st Sunday was the fwst anniver sary of little Richard Frederick Rren !el. the HUlo son of Dr. and Mrs. J. T". P.rendel. and in honor of the ocea ion there were quite a number of the relatives and friends of the family invited in to spend the day. It was a pleasant day for all those in atten dance and even the little lad in whoso honor the occasion was given seemed to take the same pleasure in the day. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. IJ. F. Rrendel. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. R ron del, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Prendel. of Avoca. Miss Selm i Mai piardt. Mrs. Jameson and tw-o daughters, Mary and Grace, Mrs. Bessie Seybolt, A. L. Baker and daughter, Opha, Win. Barker and Lowell Parr. n a. widow .-Td , and .1. (lilbert. rc'VH r.'d'L red by nv.ny mi. "The fun?ral wi!! b '.vpi.-es a'-.,! vvi. i will be in the Saturday a f: ernooP Interment will be at :;o;m .rcn man oetaciun i';:'(r: On the Sommt id dispersed at the point a (ler- of the "!io loveu under .Masorm' iasenic Belle Pas .i." Tern pie f' nt, the commi'iie said, there were thirty-three aerial combats by French airmen over the (it-rnmn lines. One vlerman ai'Voplan?. by two Nicuports. fell in ime. l-ou.teen other Lieiman ma ine weie ob'igod to land badly maged. fh eh, TO CALL THE ATTEP3TSON of our customers and friends to the fact that we can sell you the Old Reliable Stag Gaug Plows as long as they last at the old prices, but will be compelled to' advance the price as soon as our present stock is sold out. We can still show you some bargains in Wagons, Gas En gines, Power Washers, Oil Stoves and Ranges. Come in and let us convince you. Yours for business, MURRAY re AND iiTipie snoot Co., MURRAY, NEBRASKA FOR SALE FOR SALE I own the following properties which are for sale: One six-room brick house on Fifth street between Marble and Rock streets. City water and electric lights. One six-room frame house on cor ner of Oak and Seventh streets. Elec tric lisrhts. well and cistern. One building lot on Oak street be tween Sevt nth and Fiehth streets. Nine room residence, in the best of condition and everything well kept up. Will be sold cheap and on terms. Call Mrs. Dora Moore, telephone 459-J. tfd. Joshua Andrews and wife wero among those going to Omaha this morning to visit for the day in that citv. Read the Evening Journal. Only 10 rents a week. One si::-room frame house in good condition, gas, electric lights, city water, located on Oak street between Seventh and Eighth streets. j jjMJBrxrMijjagK mi nwa ma in nnmamama If ycu are interested call at my office. A. L. Tidd. Office over First National Bank. 7-2S-2vkd. SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT. WOMEN'S STRAP SLIPPERS RECEIVES NOTICE OF PATENT it J JIIJTnMATJP P.hP TPP1 c'ou,t :u;,! rk'r'' completely AU AUIJlJi.SflU UHIS !LJ I demolished Oerman trendies wero oc- Il-.rlin Admiis Smr.II Uerlin. Aug. 2. Repulse of all alli ed attacks on the Fh'.aders front, ex cept c:i the high road between Mari- From WVilneswav's Dal1. v. .lelin (i. Clau. e: i X"I not ie j r. nt it: mint foi i roia : ;r M lt:'te?"'t ! an aut'Mimtic of thi- coy has re- liipjten t;f the . ; 'm gove: : extension eai1 CEMETERY NOTICE All persons interested in the Young cemetery are requested to meet at the cemetery on Wednesday, August !, at one o'clock p. ni., for the purpose of cleaning up the yard and making other needed repairs. By Order of Committee. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sincere thanks to the kind friends and neigh bors who so lovingly assisted us in our hour of sorrow. Mrs. J. S. Bronson. Mr. and Mrs J. E. Hatchott and Family. FOR SALE One second-handed Ford car in good shape and one Overlain! car. Prices right. Call on W. W. Wasley. stop. This is -i piojeet epf i Mi. Claus ha- been wori i t:me and h:n at hist so '.tent a pro.. 'it ion fi r h 'ike patent stop is om' dt Mgned for t se on railroa 1 cars and 1 :v the a ! vantage of giving a gnat deal more comfort to the persons aligning from :i railroad conch than t'.io e that are in use at pro-e-rt. They are made so that when no-; in u--e they can be drawn up ant j.naticallv -vvA be ou', of the way im'll it is de-ircd to use ivM-m when 'hey can be release.! and dropped down for the use of the per s. ns alighting f'ora the car. copied, was announced by the war of fice todav. whi-!. for some co ia the : , : . . 'lit. i . I i v' l L. j Haig Reports (Jains. London. Aug. '2. IJritish troops are still grappling in hand-to-hand com bat with the (fc,-m:ins around I r'ieres. but are gaining, according X (leneral Doughis IL'ig's report from I the front today. The Ibitsh commander-in-chief said additional progress had been made c:i-i oi Remember ths Journal carries the finest line of stationery in town, and can please all in this line of goods. STATE TREASURER ADOS $242,800 TO SCHOOL INVESTMENT FUND HOUSE for rent after September 1. Inquire of Mrs. Julia Dwyer. 8-3-tfd. FOR SALE My property on Granite St., between Fifth and Sixth Sts. Inquire of Mrs. Julia Dwyer. 8-3-lmod&w. Rerncmberthe picture show at the Puis & Gansemer Hall Satur day evening. arber HOTEL RILEY Plattsmouth, Nebraska First-Class" Service y Only Public Bath f IN THE CITY f Shoe Shining and X Porter Service. The successful physician treats his patients with medicine that is all medicine pure, clean, exact, palat able. Such a preparation is Triner's Arneiican Kiixir of Bitter Wine, which has an agreeable bitter taste and consists of bitter herbs and pure red wine. It is very helpful in all conditions in which it is necessary to remove, from the body, all waste mat ter and also when the body needs new strength and energy. In many ail ments of the stomach, the bowels ami the liver, this remedy gives a speedy relief. It is indicated in constipation, distiess after meals, weakness, ner vousness, poverty of blood and will increase your appetite and disrestion. Price 81.00. At drug stores. Jos. Tiiner, Manufacturing Chemist. 13H3 133i) So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. 18 i ; iiiiimibimiibm Yes, Madam, you can get a good looking, good fitting, durable and stylish pair cf strap slippers for Two Dollars and Fifty Cents better possible, than you im agine. That is you can get them, if you come here for them. Leathers in Dull Kid and Pat Colt two, three and four straps; high or low heels; medium and wide toes. The demand for Triner's Liniment is growing which shows that it works to liv? satisfaction of our friend.:. It if. great in rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains and swellings. Price 2)C ad f0e, by mail 3re and 00c. For regular action of the bowel-; easy, natural movements, relief of constipation, try Doan's Regulets. 2oc at all drug stores. Always expect lo find the best shoes, at reasonable prices, here and you'll never meet with a disappointment. Fetzer Shoe Co. White Parade Pumps -1fim-ra---n-i n - Shop j JL Lincoln. Nub., Aug. 2. State Treas urer O'eorgo E. Hall added another S-2i"2.Sv'0 to the permanent school fundi investment in Nebraska during July, according to his monthly statement. There is still about $85,000 on hand to invest. The balance of funds on July 31, as a permanent school investment was i0.7T-l,3!S.33 as compared with i?0. 5S8. 177.05 a month ago. The cash on hand is $1,757,091.21, which includes cash on deposit, $1,-7-1 D 301.77; normal school warrants field as cash. 5.831. and a Johnson county warrant for $2,500. During July .',711 warrants were is sued by State Auditor Smith, amount ing to !?7tS,8 17.55, making the total state warrants during the last seven months $3,2C6,00 1.55. j The largest item was $13S.77S.S4j from the temporary school fund fori the semi-annual school apportion ment to the ninety-three counties of! the state. TPs lee Kim. of Clothes THAT WILL KEEP YOU COOL! Tel. 200 three ring's I Shellenbarger & Atkinson, X PROPRIETORS Itching, bleeding, protruding or blind piles have yielded to Doan's Ointment. 50c at all drug stores. Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping Water wak in the city today attending to a few matters of importance at the court house. Men's B. V. 1). Union Suits $1.00 Porosknit " tl 1-00 Springtex " " 1.00 Chalmers 4 4 4 4 50 Also Boy?s 44 41 50 Union All's for men and boys, prices ranging from Sl.00 to 2.l5 ASso a complete line of IVScn's and Boy's Dress, Work and Sport Shirts at prices that are right. PoIs& Gansemer, Murray, Nebraska.