The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 03, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5
THURSDAY, AT GUST 3. liUf,. PLATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. page n !! h ii d -" u - H r J; ? A i E NEBRASKA PROSPERITY LEAGUE A Statewide. Nonpartisan Organization of Taxpayers VICE-PRESIDENTS WESLEY P. ADKINS SOUTH OMAHA JOHN ALPf RTrOM MERCHANT. PLNDL DR. C. C. ALLISON EURSEON GEORGE ANTIL lV 7 M E N T S . B-AtR 2. M. BAiRD H ABTINCTCN J. L. BAKER VANUFACTURt j. w. bet:r FARVETR. HUMPHREY ALFRED FAT- INVtSTKt NTS. OTKCA CHAS. H . BfOV. N R t A If.TATC IN-. L ST ME NTS . J. &UHiE:-S tNvrsTMENTS HARRY V. FJLRNLLY PRINTER W . M . B U M V A N ETON AGE ALBERT CA"N Louis s rrtTs S-C:!-. MAN. KTARNfY E. M . FAIRIELP RlAL ESTATE INVFSTMEKT. JOHN N. FREt- -trR fil ST A T El IN ' t STMtNTS rR. R. g:lmcre PHVS C A N AND SLBiK-N T. V. ooriM C A 1 A ! FESDINAND e Vir Jjoes rohibition : T . O SF1LL '. V A X N f. AN - F AUTURER J. J. HAMGhLN FPtD T HiNKtR A-T-tr.. : v. v-e:' f r : n t F R N K r JO-iVjO'I r ...... A F , rT : NJ CO. C. J. KAtCuACH INVEST vrN-i-S KtL.EV VALENTINE P. J. hE LLY r .CHANT. Nl-ERARA JACOH KLEIN MT R:... ANT. HE ATRSCE P J? L T T A PAN.-MANfB TilAKAH V W F. L L r AN A, "CN. F R A N f. 13 . a . v. t A"!TALIST C - A L CPFATOR A fO-rEA:n: R . . I S 7 ; : N ! 5 . WVM-HE - P !Sh' R The people of Nebraska are being urged this year to adopt state wide PROHIBITION, and to wipe cut the Slocum Local Option, High License Law. Naturally, the average man wants to know what results have been achieved instates where PROHIBITION has been tried. He wants to kn;;w first of all whether state-wide PROHIBITION prohibits. The practical man also wants to know what results have been achieved in Nebraska under the Local-option, High License System We intend to publish a series of articles with a view of lay ing certain vital facts before the people of this state, facts which they should possess in order that they may be able to make an intelligent decision. The citizens of Nebraska want an opportunity to hear both sides of the question. They have little patience with the. extremists, of whom there are some on both sides. They want to hear in plain language why so many men of standing are opposed to state-wide PROHIBITION. We will present evidence in abundance to show that state-wide PROHIBITION does not prohibit; that serious new evils follow in the wake of PROHIBITION, evils far worse and more numerous than those for which PROHIBITION is offered as a remedy. FRANK A r. : ti:ta t . ma. r-. ls city j j r.o-w a-. p N ! . R V. ' - Fl L T J.J o ro ,.- A'TIRNCY C Z r - f- " MI-rAN- k;.br"" civ hiK. V. ATNi L P. i a -. r- '. . t ' ' ' - ' --n f III - ' T F ! A M 1 r. v ' i ' v C F V C r VT r a L C TY Kansas tried for many years to make state-wide PROHIBli ION proliihit, and lias failed. The news item presented herewith is eloquent testimony to that fact. An Item of Proof from Kansas Showing that PROHIBITION does rot prohibit. (News item in Topeka Capital cf November 3, 1915.) "Liquor is being sold to high school boys by bottom char sctcrs" according to Ed. Rooncy, probation ofnecr. "IV F" Alrhimn nnifn-'? rltnrnrv. vrst?rdcv Clftcrr.OOTl WW ww..jr J J J ordered a uLrrzni drawn tor the arrest of the negro v.-ho to have sold liquor to Reuben Niedcns 2nd Johnnie Barrci, tn-r, hnr"? v-hr tnr.l- T.Tr Trln RrnwnelVs Ford from in frcr. her residence, 205 Madison, and began a mad career cf window d t - j KM :! i !! - i -'A THE SOCIAL HIGHWAYM AT AiRBOFiiE Curtis Jaffray Steals Frcm liich to (Jive to the Poor, Swtetluart Helps Him Overcome Habit F.:t n ! i I i' t i; smashing that ended in their arrest. j. 1 1 : u ?r.s ii jt 7" - r The boys gave information to Atchison about purchasing liquor. The warrant will be served this morning." the The Nebraska Prosperity Le: stati. ruoniniTioN. in favor or local option, hkm: l;c:::nse PrcsiJert, L. I CliOFOOT ScnJ lor our literature. Treasurer, '. J. COAD Secretary, J. Ii. IIAYNLS CaMAHA, . NEB it la' u I- STATE AL0i3 TIONATTWQAND A HALF BILLIGNi mm?im of omaha HERE NEXT SUNDAY Icport to State Assessment lioard Ir.dkatcs ?1I.000,()00 Increase in Year. ASSESSED AT A HALF B! ii ! in From V.'e ncr.d? y'. Pa!'y. LiT-cf.ln, Auur. ! .--N"!.-. k:.'. t'tal i: -njiert y valuuli"., i. a v.! on report -f the state- evrui.t So;ird will The total asese-l va!i.utioji, or,! frfih of the actual v.Uu'. sr-.oroMo.diio or I '.'.'. ,''') l.r l-lo. Unless Ukmc countic- rrioie th:i!: which re- port" 1 a fiecre:; c, arc Jih-e to rnuke a .ufficint s-howintr th'ir vakuition will he raiscfi, the Ft ate hoar-1 ricci'lci. Ti.i.; was the y-ar for revaluation of real estate ar.d a-scssors in ali of tl;r i( unties ha l heen instiurted to fix the valuations at tl-vce-ruarlers of the market values of real estate a-, i ccofHcd in the effice of the rcLrister of deeds. These are the rountics vhi.-e offi cers will have Jo explain the docrca-e: Pdainc, lioonc, Do:c, Butte, P.rcv.n, r.uffalo. Cedar. DaVion, Deuel. Dixon. Furnas. Garden, G;irfic!d, Gosper. Grant. Greeley. Hall. Hamilton, How ard, Morrill, Nance, Sioux aiid York. From Voflnc?day'? Iaiiy. The ehann:i n.--hip team of the City ieajrue of Omaha, the '"Murphy's Did J Its," will lie here on next Sunday afternoon to do haUle with our local j athletics at the Red Sox l'ase ball ! j-:irk. The Murphy team is one of the : host in aniatuer circles in the metrop olis and uncay atiernoon trim med the Ilollv team in their leaprue and annexed the championship before a crowd of ",()')'.) people and they should ,ju ve a strong drawinq: card liore. The team is composed of some of the fa.1-tort hal! players of the me trojiolis and come prepared to try and curry off th" biic end of the craie re ceipts. The Sox wili be in form for the occasion and redeem their defeat of last Sunday if it is possible by taiintr the city leajrue cnampicms m tf camp. With the record made i'Srainst the leading teams of the me tropolis the locals should be able to do business with this organization. LET'S HAVE P()TH SIDES vIOBOOCK BANK HAS A VERY CLOSE CALL In another column we -publish a dis play advertisement of The Nebraska Prosperity Lcapue, printed at our regular advertising rates. While we are in no ways responsible for the statements made, we believe that the voters are entitled to hear both sides of everv nublic ouestion. In the mar- i . 1 'i ... i.T- r r of the advertisement will be found j visum- ami ikmL: aitei a icv. matters at tne court nouse. iitnr, A. Zo;:, o-ne of tlie pi'ominent farm ers near Murdock and Henry Guth mann, cashier of the Bank of Mur- ! dock, were over in the countv seat to- the names of the officers and vie. I i tel.? tlr.t lhtr- ore m-nninptit fitters' a I'llliai "liti bank had a call from Manager Charles I'eterson of the Airuome has secured an exceptionally ?t rone attraction for next Tuesday eveniiiLT at his playhouse when he will have "The Social Highwayman" fea turing Edwin August as the drawincr card. This is one of the strong fea tures of the Worid Film company and will Le in five icels. The story of the lay which has stirred playgoers the country over is as follows. John Jaffray and Louisa, his wife, live in a cottage not far from Sir Hujrh's. mansion. John has been cast off by his father when he marries Louisa, who is the child of one of the tenants on the Jaffray estate. John appeals to his father for aid for his wife, who h; soon to become a moth er. He is curtly refused. Louisa, star ving, curses the rich who erind the poor. That niprht there was a garden pr.rty privtn by Sir Husrh. Louisa, tak ing advantage of John's slumber, creeps from the cottagre to the estate. uobles. Countess Possi, however, has i-trongr suspicions of Jaffray and noti fifies the police. Upon hearing1 this, and to save his friend as well as satisfy his desire of vengreance on the woman who has de serted him, Han by shoots and kills the Countess. When the police arrive to arrest Sir Curtis they learn of the murder of the Countess, and after making a confession in which he takes the entire blame for all thefts Ilanby kills himself before the police can reach him. Several days later Curtis confesses to Eleanor that it was he who "in reality was "The So cial Highwayman," and she Lids him go forth and begin a new life, after which they go down the road of happi ness together. MRS, DRESNER DIES OF INJURIES! SON NOT TOLD Sunday Auto Accident Prows Fatal to the Mother of Mr. Al Drt shcr. COMING BAGIC UNITED DOCTORS SPECIALIST WILL AGAIN EE AT PLATTSftlOOTH, NEBS., HOTEL RILEY WEDNESDAY AUGUST 16, 191 S IIOUKS 1D:U0 A. M. TO h :) P. Remarkable Success of TaLnied Pi. - sicians in the Treatment of Chronic 1 i l: s. Offer Services Free of Charge. ' 4 s A V . v r S f jDWIN A'JG'J5tXv" Tempted i.y the sight of a string of pearls on a woman's r.?ck, Louisa -teals them. Frantic with poverty. Louisa takes the pearls to an old pawnbroker and strikes a bargain with him, aiso binding him to secrecy. When her child is born, they call him Cuiii- J tiff ray. The news is received by Sir Hugh with an outburst of rage. At the age cf twelve, Curtis' par ents find the horrifying discovery that he has inherited through pre natal influences, a tendency to steal. Terror-stricken at the discovery. Louisa confesses to her husband that Curtis inherits her traits, because she stole before he was born. Upon John's death Sir Hugh virits the widow and grandson, wilting to adept him and give him the education of a gentle man. Fifteen years later he finds Curtis referred to as Sir Curtis Jaffray, man about town and scholar. A deep mys tery clouds his life, and in his room he has various material with which he can disguise himself at will. Hamby, a former acquaintance of Jaffray, shabby and disreputable, traces him, and for old time's sake Jaffray de cides to employ Hamby ar- a social secretary, meaning, however, to use him as a tool for his nefarious opera tions. Jaffray gives an entertainment at which Count and Countess Rossi are MRS. SCI! LATER IMPROVING From WeOnefsday's Daily. Mrs. Frank E. Schlatcr, who is at the Immanuel hospital in Omaha re covering from the effects of an operation for appendicitis is reported as doing nicely and her condition has caused the brightest hopes for her speedy recovery and her. family and friends have been rlelighled with the r,rcat progress idle has made. of the communities in which they re side, and many of them are large property owners. The officers of the League are responsible for the state ment that these gentlemen have tak en part in the affairs of the League because of their belief that state pro hibition would work an injury to land and town property values, and would, moi cover, jeopardize the business in terests of the state at large. EXCURSION TO CHASE COUNTY Oscar Gapen and wife were among the visitors :n Omaha yesterday for a few hours returning home on No. 2 last evening. Rosencrans & Donner will run an excursion to Chase county Sunday eve ning, August KJth. They will have a Pullman car of their own. This Pull man will be our home from the time we leave until we return, and will be parked at Imperial, the county seat of Chase county. We will leave Platts mouth on Sunday evening. August loth, and return the following Thurs day morning. The Total expense for this trip will be $17.50, including rail road fare, Pullman service, hotel bills and a loO mile auto trip over Chaso county. For further information and reservations for this trip see W. E. Rosencrans, Plattsmoufh. night and who- was evidently frightened away before he could complete- his work. The large steel safe in the bank was drilled by a buiglar with a result that a .-;nta!l hole was n-.aele in the steel walls of the safe but luckily before the party was able to get into the safe they had evidently be-come frightened and ran away leaving the contents un touched. There was nothing else dis turbed about the bank. The section of the country around Murock was also- visited by a very fine rain Wednesday evening which brought a three-ouarters of an inch of rainfall to aid the corn and other vegetation and as a result the crops were very much benefitted. The corn looks fine. -the two gentlemen re port, and the prospects are good for a bumper crop. The hot weather and the two recent rains are rapidly bringing the corn oul in great shape Read the Evening Journal, tents a week. Only 10 FOR SALE Our home place on North Sixth St., dwelling with three lots. Partly mod ern, in good repair. Good location. A good investment cither a:; a home or for speculation. To be sold at "before the boom" price. Terms-, can be .ar ranged. Investigate. Gertrude Becson. 7-31-lwkd-2wksw euets. iiamov re-cognizes xne coun ter - as a woman whom he had loved, and who deserted him years before in Italy. Lilla, "The Countess Rossi," becomes infatuated with Jaffray, and they commence a violent flirtation, al though it is understood Jaffray is engaged to Eleanor Hilson. One of the first things Curtis notices about Lilia is the magnificent black pearl which she is wearing, recognizing it as the famous and priceless black pearl of India. Jaffray has an old jeweler fashion a pendant exactly similar to the one worn by Lulla. In the meantime Ilan by has told Curtis that the Countess Rossi is his wife, stolen from him years before in Italy by Count Rossi. At midnight, in the midst of a gay party, the engagement of Eleanor Hilson and Curtis Jaffray is an nounced. - Suddenly it is discovered that the black pearl of India is mis sing. There is immediate consterna tion among the guests, and Curtis, an elaborate bow, suddenly dis covers the missing pendant on the floor, being, however, the fake dup licate made by his craftsman. Curtis' bov ideal is Claude DuVaU "The Social Highwayman," who stole frorii the rich to give to the poor, and iie preyed upon the rich during the gay hours o fhis life, spending his entire gains from his illicit traffic in alleviating the sufferings of the pov- ertv stricken. Society is puzzled at, the frequent and unexplainable dis-j val- L Others Will Kccoer; Funeral to Re in Omaha Thursday Al tor-noon. The I'nhcd Sp.-ri..: ceu.-.ed bv the State of Nehra.-.: the treatment of ail diea.-e-. in-i .id-i'u-- d foi ::;i:ie.-:. nervous and chron ic di -ease.-; of nvr. von.v n and chi'd '. n, offer to all u';: call on thi r:;. coi: -ultat ion. e ::.mi:iali-:ui- From Wednesday's Daily. 31 rs. Helen Dresher. who was -injured when the automobile of her sen. Albert Dresher. overturned on an em bankment near C'.arind.i. la., early Sunday morning, died at 4:2- yester day afternoon in Kenilworth ho-jd'.al at Clarinda. 31 rs. Dresher va ('.-" years of aee. the widow of the late Samuel Dre.-her. who died about nine years ago. She rbout sixteen vjee eve f ret . Ah ti.e.-e vaij 1 - II t! t a i o e to ii.' teat able r . : e i v. ' a- f 1 cl.; vc v. e.:.-t (f t ro'.t- i in re'.".n f i i - that e . i the '.lit el p. I '1 t:it. Th- 'the treatme; re; t a re-.'.;!..- iu:;d to r ed .-kill and m .;! c -i 1 ti... t .': Diseases liver, biood '.;:.UiiM' had lived in Omaha years. -Aioert ires;;er. t ie son wno w: s i -.r.'"-i.iTip driving the machine at the time of ulcers, we; the fatal accident, himself lying in with lev. the same hospital with a broken ba -k c-hronic di.- and other grave injuries, has not been advised of his mother's death, his l'.M f -stand .: -e . t t in to can. i i. .! t1 i 1 .- i fun sh'.ek !i ck oe-.-n cu: .1 l n physicians fearing that tie would be to much for him. TI ... I c- - .. .1 i niL-t oiaci .son.-., .-a:n. j r., i.-eai a'iei op rations "or a Charles, with a daughter. Louise, in- tumors. g-:t( r. t jured in the same accident, were at accented will 1" Mrs. Dresher's bed.-ide, as were 31 rs. i oration or kyp .de 1 T U . . .. .1 11... f . -1 II - . i , --ii liesaei auu .-i rs. v. ecu iman. ! thr-v wt re : who were also among the injured. j.o earn the All the other injured are report e 1 ' geons," ly as doing well, and Miss Louise I 'res.'i-: !,-r ; f.. V.-T; ? Acco'-ding t o the 1 1-. ; L . ieg U )( .ted .'it! f.rsi iii A. "Ll; .: .vav wit! O i ..II tr e you, ?' ma: have h; b" t cr will probably accompany the v -, t iu- ? uee( mains f her mother to .rj:aha today. ! ;-u s -e-:.-e -. the others remaining at the No riatt.r v: for the present, as their injuries are 'be. no matter v oi a more serious nature. ine tunerai ot .Mrs. neien --(,-- n- will be held at th.e family reside nee. j ciar.s. it v ' oi n.-.-- .x: i, .a micih 1 1 1 li i -, w-1 (. tneiii at ( dav afternoon, with private scrvh-ts also at the chapel at Forest Lawn cemetery, where burial will be made. Al Dresher is expected to be con fined to the hospital for about time weeks yet, and he will not be advised cf his mother's death for some davs. -e a'.r.:ei;t o pa ri a ti . 1 1 . . v - i : o -World Herald. State of Ohio. City ot Toledo. Lucas County, as. Frank J. Cheney makes cath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in tho City cf Toledo, County and fc'iate cforesnici. and that said firm will pav the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLAP.S for earh and every cast of Catarrh that cannot 1-e cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th du.y of December, A. D. 18bG. A. V,-. G LEA SON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken in ternally and acts throuph the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send Tor testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all druecistr. 7Zc. Hall's Family Pills lor constipation. ;(''! ; ;t o;hc: i r , ha i with - vonr : ii. '.e i: f :-e v . tied in yur.r mi al. If yoar ca.--e- i- i' -curable they wii! giv you stv-h ai!i -e a.s may I'elitve arid -lay the ii-r.i-e. Do not put off this duty y,.u w-.- out se'.f frit nd-t or relatives wiio a- '. utTei ing beer. use of vein- sickness, as a visit at this time ma .orn-ov.t ar.u ru ii-uo v i !:ie:i o- women, no jnatter v mav be. f-a.ll. it c-s! , this fr-.-e oiler is for tid : viit oidy. 3Iarried ladit.- e -a.e with th- ir I u -bands an.T miu rs itii the'f pa-e-ii . Laboratories, 31 ib-.vaukec. Wa-eon in. i VeU. hat you a i : an i t ' s i-' u i.ot; AGENT FOR 3IONU3IENTS. R. L. Proprt is the agent for the Glenwood Jlonument works aril would be glad to call and show sam ples to those desiring anything in this line. Call telephone No. 4012. m CP ff REDUG? 9 N FQRB GABS! Tlie followiiirf dices on Ford Cars and Clias.-i. , i. o. b.. Detroit, becomes ellective August 1st: .$325.00 . 345.00 . 360.00 . 505.00 Ford Chassis. Ford Runabout Ford Touring Car Ford Coupelet Ford Town Car 5S5.00 Ford Sedan Car 645.00 We guarantee there will be no reduction in tlie above prices prior to August 1, 1 1 1 7, but can not as sure whatever against an advance in price aiiy time. W. W. WASLfY. LOCAL REPRESEJiTATiVE appearances of jewels and other val-Ji