The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 31, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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v a i uus
The largest shipment of Coffee ever received by any one
merchant in Cass County was received this (Tuesday) morning by
H. IYI. Soennichsen.
of the Celebrated Monarch Coffee from Reid Murdcck Co., of Chi
cago. This Coffee is a regular 40c seller, but can now be bought
3 pounds for $1.00. Monarch Coffee is put up in one and three
pound air tight containers. Lovers of good Coffee will appreciate
this special offer.
Once Tried Always Used!
We Like to Serve. N
)Qr J
H Call Phones 53 and 54.
O., and Mrs. O. L. Mathie of Can a
Fulton, O., arrived Wednesday for
week's visit.
xur. ana Mrs. J. w. Colbert anc
sons Harry and Horton left Wednes
day for Chicago by auto. They wil
visit with their son, Dr. and Mrs
Fred Colbert and may also go up into
Wisconsin before they return.
Mrs. A. J. Tool and three childre:
of Murdock returned home Sunday
after a week's visit with her sister-in
law, Mrs. F. II. Gordner. Mrs. Too
was formerly 'Miss Wurts and taugh
school here a number of years ago.
Walter Jenkins ana iamily anci
Robert Chandler and family of Have
lock were visiting relatives in town
Sunday; the former with his brother
Charles and family the latter at the
R. G. Glover home. They made the
trip in the Chandler car.
Roy Coatman has bought the Alvo
Hardware store at Alvo and will take
charge at once, the stock being in
voiced this week. Since leaving th
farm last fall Roy has been living at
Elmwood and working in the hard
ware store with his brother-in-law, M.
I1 1 'I I I I I I 1 M"M"M"Hl'l I
frM-I-M' l..:..l..i..i..M..i..l..l..M
Ada Coe is on the sick list this
The condition of Charlie Price
is not much improved at this writ
ing. Miss Ethel Woods, of Lincoln, spent
last week as the guest of Miss Meryl
Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook,
who reside Northvesc of Eagle, Sat
urday, July 22, a nine-pound boy.
Wm. Christopherson and family
moved onto the late Mrs. C. A. Lan
ning's farm Wednesday to keep house
for John Williams.
" Mr. 'and Mrs. A. A. Alloway, of
Newton, la., arrived here Thursday
of last week for a few days' visit
at the C. C. Price home.
C. S. Trumble left Monday morning
for Los .Angeles, Califs for a visit
with hi biother, Walter Trumble,
who is in very poor health.
Miss Celia Peterson arrived here
from Defiance, la., Sunday night and
is assisting with the invoicing of the
general merchandise stock of Jno.
Petersen & Co. this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Parker and son,
Harry, of Valparaiso, Neb., autoed to
Eagle Ti.esday and spent the day at
the C. C. Price home. Mr. and Mrs.
Parker are old Iowa friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Price.
Thirty little folks gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spahnle
Wednesday evening and surprised
Mildred, it being her twelfth birthday.
Ice cream and cake were served at
8:30. The birthday cake being an
Angel Food was decorated with
twelve candles and Miss Mildred was
requested to light the candles just be
fore supper. She received a number
of nice gifts.
Phone 168. Auto truck in connec
tion. All kinds of hauling, baggage,
Office supplies at the Journal office.
Dr. J. R. Shannon's condition is
about the same, with perhaps a slight
improvement over that of a week ago.
Miss Carrie Marshall went to Lin
coln Tuesday to be present at the
wedding of one of Dr. Rush's daught
ers. Carrie was one of the bride's
Mrs. O. G. Coglizer and two small
children left Tuesdav for a six wee's'
visit with relatives in the western part
part of the state, going first to Osce
.Mrs. u. 5. iieiiinger ana sons,
Albert and Raymond, who have been
visiting the past two months with her
sister, Mrs. Geo. Hitchman and fam
ily left Tuesday for their home at
Soottsdale, Penn.
Mesdames J. M. and I. W. Toe
garden's sisters Mrs. C. E. Slusser
husband and two children of Canton,
nm w n ji bu Aim
.75 B
jo.b. Toledo
ThU mit!t OvrrUnJ is the
orkr most powerful low
pricrd car.
It ha a 31 Vi liorwpovrcr en
bloc motor tlwt it a prrfret
marvel (or speed. pccr
and endurance
By increasing the bore of the
motor from 3,' to 3 ;" we
are able to offer a power
plant which at 1950 R P.M.
develop full 31 J. horc
powcr. Tests under every condition
in ail parts of the country
demonstrate that it easily
develops better then fifty
miles per hour on the road.
Speed of course varies under
different conditions, but in
practically every instance it
bos bee. letting fifty miles
an hour and with ease.
We have scores of telegrams
showing that eighteen to
twtnty-five miles per gallon
of gawkne ii not unu.ual.
The performance of thij car is
almost beyond belief.
Take any other tow-priced
car on the market. Pit it
against this new Overland.
Compare them for sheer
speed, for abundance of
power, for riding comfort
and economy, and you'll
ft: id this car will bark jfiy
thing tlic clt.i off the
That's a strong statement,
but a f-ct nevertheless.
Try it yourself and see.
Here are more import ant fact s.
It has four-inch tires which
are more than generous for
a car of this size.
Mot only has it large and
roomy body, but it has an
attractive, up-to-date
streamline body.
It has the latest and most im
proved system of ignition.
It has the cantilever springs
the easiest riding springs in
the world.
What's more, it's complete.
Not a thing to buy. You
get the finest Auto-Lite
4 cylinder en bloc motor
;y," bore a 5" strata
104-inch whaelbas
4-inch tires
Cantilever rear springs
Streamline body
Electric starter
Electric lights
Magnetic speedometer
Complete equipment
S-passenger touring $635
Roadster $620
The WUlye-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio
jfoJf. Toledo
electric starting and light,
ing system, magnetic speed
ometer, one-man top. de
mountable rims and practi
cally every accessory found
on the highest priced cars.
From a driving standpoior.
the new car is ideal. It's
light, easy to handle and
anyone can drive it.
Take one look and be con
And mark these words the
car is destined to be re
garded and referred to as
one of the really great
achievements of the great
automobile industry.
Yet it only goes to prove how
big production can cut cost
and save you money.
First come, first served. Place
your order now.
Within two weeks we will also be able to show you the new large Four at $795 f. o. b.
Toledo, This Four is an.enlarged and refined Model 83, of which 100,000 were sold last
'year, and thenew ligfif Sfxa't $925, which are alsdtartlffig
land Company are producing 1,000 Cars a day at the present and in spite of this enor
mouB production are unable to keep up with orders.
J. D. Brittell was culled to Neligh,
ftNeb., Saturday on account of the
serious illness of a son, who resides
at that place.
James Durbin commenced the car
penter work for the new improve
ments at the Elmwood State bank on
Monday morning.
D. C. West and daughter, Gladys,
the Misses Beck and Yonk, of Nehaw
ka and Miss Alice Frost of Fremont
were visitors at the C. S. Stone home
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Minford and
daughters left on last Friday for Du-
luth, Minn., where they expect to
spend a few weeks visiting at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. Lucile
John Gonzales has just had a fine
large barn 58x6-1, an auto shed lOx
20 and an addition to his house 12x16
completed on his farm. These im
provements add materially to the ap
pearance of his farm and he sure h:s
some nice buildings.
Mrs. E. J. Jeary and two little
daughters returned on Tuesday from
Imperial, Neb., where they had been
on a visit for two months with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Dettman.
The little girl that was reported to
have spinal trouble is much improved.
Henry Standef and family of South
Bend, Henry Meissinger of Idaho and
a cousin from Oklahoma all visited :t
the James Durbin place Sunday. Mrs.
Standler and Mr. Meissinger are also
cousins of Mr. Durbins, so he hail
three cousins visiting him on the same
E. O. Hollenbeck and wife arrived
Wednesday from . Manhattan, Kas.
They will visit with their numerous
friends and relatives in Elmwood and
Weeping Water for a few days. Mr.
Hollenbeck is a nephew of Grandma
Hollenbeck. He came to this country
with his people and settled near Elm
wood in 1859.
Mrs. Robert Alford arrived from
Nehawka on Tuesday to join her hus
band who has purchased with his
brother the Roettger hardware stock.
They will have rooms at the Roettger
residence until Ed Gustin vacates the
property which he now occupies in I
the north part of town, when they will
move there.
iast Saturday ioren l'arish was
hurt while helping to put ice in the
meat cooler at Saxton's meat market
He was attempting to take a large
cake of ice up the shute when he
slipped and fell to the ground and the
cake of ice fell upon him. His back
was wrenched to such an extent that
he will be layed up for several days
aaa aa
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kirkpatrick
spent the latter part of last week in
Avoea visiting with the former's
sister, P.Irs. M. S. Harmon and family
Hon. Willis E. Reed. Attorney Gen
eral of Lincoln will be one of th
speakers here Saturday. August 5th
at the picnic. Be sure to hear him
V. O. Eaton and family of Wymore
spent Sunday at the home of II. L
Thomas. Joe Eaton and wife of
Lorton auloed up and spent the day
Misses Nettie and Minnie Morris
of Russellville, Ark., who had been
visiting A. B. Rutledge and family re
turned home Tuesday morning.
Elmer Dovel of Auburn who landed
the plumbing contract for the work of
placing the water system in the school
house now have two men on the job
s we are going to have a picnic
this year let us clean the town up a
ittle so it will make a better impres
sion, home ot tile weeds are young
saw logs now.
J. G. Wunderlich and M. G. Kirne,
wo of Cass county's staunch demo
rats left Monday morning for II:is
ings to attend the state Democratic
onvention held there this week.
Theodore Nelson who is farming
northwest of town met with a very
lainful accident Saturday while haili
ng hay. He was standing on the rear
of the load when the team started
md being unprepared he fell from the
oad. He sustained one broken rib
nd a severe shaking up. lie has been
making his headquarters in town
while the injury is healing.
The picnic which had been agitated
here for some time reached its climax
a week ago tuiay. The most enter
prising members of the A. (). IT. W.
lodge started the ball rolling, held a
meeting and decided in the affirma
tive. Bills were printed at om-e. ban
ners made for cars and now it is
being advertised to the full extent to
be held Saturday, August 5th.
When Boildiog
or Remodeling
Your Home!
Remember its the Hardware that puts the
finish to the house.
Come in and look over our line of the latest
patterns and styles of locks, Etc.
Saturday evening lor a visit witli nis
aunt, Mrs. Harve Miller and other
Herman Rieke left Tuesday for
Chicago, where he will be detained on
business for a few davs and will also
take in the sights of the windy city.
In speaking to one of the oil men
iere tnis week we were informed tnat
the well was down over 1,0M) feet and
that the prospects were as good as
Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Cross are in
California attending the sickness of
Mr. Cross's brother. Will, who is not
expected to survive much longer. Just
when they will return is not known.
A, H. .Chilcott and wife returned
from their visit to Washington and
Oregon Friday night. Mr. Chilcott
feels greatly improved and says that
lie has taken on live pounds in weight
since leaving here. What would have
happened if he had stayed about two
where the
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kreeklow, li
ing near Manley were made to re
joice Sunday by the birth of a baby
Miss Viola Haney, of Plattsmouth
visited over Sunday with her sister,
Mrs. E. F. Stcinhaus and family.
Dr. Worthman reports the arrival
of a fine baby girl at the home of
Hans Schroeder at Cedar Creek Tuesday.
Mrs. Many Fitzgerald and grand
daughter, Miss Ruth Fitzgerald. Mrs.
T. E. Farmele and daughter. Miss
veai s
This week the
reunion is to be held will be put in
shape. Tiie water will be tested, the
mowing machine will be kept busy,
and not a thing will be out of place
when the reunion days get here, to
put rn one of the best Old Settlers
Reunions ever held in Union, and they
have had some pretty good one during
the past twenty-seven years.
old Chatelaine furnished excellent
One of the most enjoyable numbers
on the summer entertainment course
was given on Monday evening at
which time a company of musicians
known as "The White Hussars" ren
dered a decidedly pleasing entertain
ment. Students of Peru will not soon for
get the jolly time spent Saturday
evening at the Annual "Stunt Night."
Each boarding or rooming house
group was requested to come dressed
to represent some nationality and the
response exceeded all expectations.
Germans, Mexicans, Irish, English,
Arabians, Hoboes, Indians, The Thir
teen Original Colonies, Uncle Sam,
Charley Chaplin and scores of other
jnarched in regal array from the dor
mitory to the gymnasium where each
group put on a stunt characteristic
of the nation represented.
The following faculty members will
take advantage of a leave of absence
next fall in order to do graduate
work. Mattie C. Ellis, Mary V. Dick,
and Professors F. C. Jean. Miss Ellis
will enter the University of Wiscon
sin; Miss Dick, Columbia University,
New York; and Professor and Mrs.
Jean will attend the University of Ne
braska. Miss Frances Tuthill, who has had
charge of the physical training for
women during the absence of Miss
Koch, has accepted a position in
Wichita, Kansas.
Peru Normal played two very inter
esting ball games last week with the
Oklahoma Indians. On Tuesday the
Catherine, motored to Omaha j score was 1 to 0 in favor of the In-
R. L. Propst is the agent for the
Glenwood Monument works and
would be glad to call and show sam
ples to those desiring anything in this
line. Call telephone No. 4012.
Have Just received 1 case of these
ready made sheets. You who got your
supply last season will want your
usual supply again if you have not
tried these, try just one, get your
supply while the price is right. Size
before hemed 81x90, price 88 e'ents.
Turkish Towels
Pure White Bleached towel, siz 22
x45, good heavy weight, woven of the
choicest selected cotton, doubled
threaded loops just the thing for
the bathroom at per pair 43 cents.
See them in our windows.
Colgates Talcum Powder, 25 cent
can, a special for a quick sale per can
15 cents.
Mrs. John Tyo and children of
Haigler, arrived Tuesday, having
been called to the bedside of the for
mer's mother. Mrs. S. J. Givens who
is not erpected to recover.
Mrs. M. N. Drake has been suffer
ing from a severe attack of rheuma
tism for several weeks, and while not
bedfast, she finds it both difficult and
painful to get about very much.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Spence and
family drove down from Havelocck
Sunday to spend the day in the coun
try with Mr. Spence's mother, who,
although now 83 years old, is enjoying
fairly good health.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Yant and fam
ily', and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Diers
and family drove to Omaha Sunday
for a short visit with the C A. Richey
family and to take the children to the
wild west show.
The drought continues and yet the
corn refuses to yield or show any out
ward signs of damage from the long
dry spell or even hot winds. Local
showers are reported on all sides but
Louisville and vicinity continues to
swelter in the heat and dust.
Charles Kraft sold his interest in
the confectionery store this week to
his brother, Richard who will continue
the business. Kraft Bros, have been
in business here for a number of years
and have established a good trade.
Charley has not yet decided just what
line of business he will enter into but
will perhaps remain in his present
position for the balance of the sum
mer as assistant to his bither.
dians, with Long pitching and Blank-
enship catching for Peru. On Wed
nesday each team had a change in
the pitchers' box and the score re
sulted differently. DewertT pitched
for Peru. Each side got plenty of
hits and enthusiasm ran high. The nor
mal was in the lead until the ninth in
ning when the score was tied. How
ever the Normal succeeded in scoring
again and carried off the victory.
On Friday evening all students and
friends were guests of the Philoma
theans at their final program which
was given in the chapel. They pre
sented the play entitled, "From Sump
ter to Appomatox" and are receiving
much well deserved praise for their
splendid work. The Philomathean
orchestra under the direction of Har-
"Home Coming" week is going to
a hummer for Plattsmouth. While we
are making fair average sales on
honey, we are not "speeding" because
we have a Chicago Ave. "cop" up
here that keeps fast goers within
bounds of the law. 21bs. of Comb
Honey for 35c is not a big price when
there is a big crowd in town.
J. M. Young,
The Honey Man.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Bohamper on South Tenth street,
there arrived a fine little daughter on
Friday evening. Both the mother anJ
little one are doing nicely and the
little stranger has been received with
much pleasure by the parents.
Letter files at the Journal office.
- Ledeer. 4
H-H- "I-I-I-H "I-I-M-I
from a
B. V. Dutton and family
home Thursday afternoon
month's visit in Iowa.
Misses Elma and Alma Dodson of
Magnet were guests at the Dave La-
Rue home the latter part of last week.
.Mrs. -Minnie Surface of Marquett,
Neb., was a guest at the Dave LaRue
home the latter part of last week.
Earl Perkins of Arkansas, arrived!
-Musical Comedy Company-
Broadway Quartette
and a Big Beauty Chorus of Singing and Dancing Girls
and Funny Comedians.
Don! Fail to Hoar Iho Groat DoVoilo!