MONDAY, JULY 31, 19K5- PAG2 1. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Cbe piattsmouth journal PUBLISHED SEUI-WEtKLV AT PLATTSMOUTII, IV E B It A SKA. Entered at Postofllce at Piattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PIUCK fl.30 9 vrv THOUGHT FOR TODAY It is heaven upon earth to I V- hae a man's mind move in -l- charity, rest in Providence, and J.turn upon the poles of truth. . Bacon. 'S I ! v :o: Heme Coming." Five days. You dn't want to forget it :o: If you have, ever lived in Cass ton niy. :o: All tiie oil si.-1 tiers that ean tome v. ill he lu re to enjoy the happiest event of their lives. :o: The excessive heat is really becom ing alarming in ni".ny sections. The crisis in gasoline is whether i.i spell it with an "V or an "e." Rut that fhould not raise the price. :o:- Soap and hydrant water is the only that -will do away with the "ils" of perspiration.- It's cheap, loo. We have come to the conclusion ihat the.-e millionaire hreakfust foo l I'i-oiiuce:s have m far failed to eon-pete with ham and eggs. -:o: Is a silver lining to the war cloud. I r- :iti I r, i vi't".-ii tn tpitn ;! the! ; rv ; .i t;.t ion of German and Austrian i''"P. m 1-eer will probably be v.'.i ad Nance in price. As L. F. .Lanrhorst has been .-elected as chairman of the democratic' committee, it is now in order 1 :-r h'Ct a new ch ait man for Cass count v. Don't vou think? :o:- In speaking of the efficiency of tate officials, the man who is elec ted, has but little to do only to strut around like a rooster in a barn yard, and look wise, while clerks do the work. -rot- It's funny, but nevertheless true, that the same man who u-ed to let bi horse go all day without a drink water now looks into the tank ecry few minutes to see if the ga.-o-iine is running !w. The Lincoln News rays that "eighty per cent of the republicans of Nc biaka are dry." Evidently the repub lican state convention, held in Lin coln last Tuesday didn't show such to be the case. It was very mum on the dry question. :o:- An Omaha man has rued his wife for divoiop, together with alimony, of course. He states that his wife did i lie proposing, and si; ice that time she has o.dy given him $1 a week for Tending money. Is it unju.t to as!; what he would do with more? :o: The mystery of the death of the fine St. Rernard dog of the litllo grandnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dovey being slyly investigated. Also, the sodden death of Judge Reason's do - -rnetime ago. The man, or woman, .bo would poison a pet door for re venged is too low in the estimation ol the people, to even he countenanc ed as a respectable citizen. A Dutch r.cwspaper published at Amsterdam reports that f5,000 work men employed m muuition factories and electrical works i i Rerlin have gone on a strike because or the fact Hint Dr. Karl Licbknecht, the social ist leader, was recently given a pris on sentence for protesting against J he European war. If these .",,000 workmen in common with the labor ers of other European countries had refused to accept employment in any munition factory, there would have been more ot them left to strike. FKH VEAU IS ADVAXCK WHY DEMOCRATS ARE HAPPY Democrats gathered together in the state convention at Hastings were just simply happy. There is no other word to express it. There are words and pharses to express the various parts of it good humored, harmoni ous, prosperous, contented, a bit proud but the sum total of them all is happiness. And the reason democrats are hap py is thai they are entitled to be. They have earned happiness. They have earned the right to be modest ly proud of themselves, of their party and of its administration of affairs in state ami nation. As was said in the convention, they have acquired the title to the old re publican slogans. They can stand now for letting well enough alone, for four years more of the full dinner pail, for a continuation of the present bles sings of peace and progress and pros perity. In the words of Senator Hitch cock they have killed Cock Robin. They put the progressive party out of business by being so progressive themselves that there was no room for two progressive parties. As Colo nel Roosevelt himself has said, they have written the progressive party policies into law. And reverting again to Senator Hitchcock's language, the Colonel perforce declined the nomira t;on not because he would not like to be President, but because he didn't' relish the job of sitting up with a corpse. Democrats instead of viewing with alarm can now point with ptide. It tastes almighty good to democrats, that does. l"o- so many years repub lican editors and spell-binders had been proclaiming that democrats were incompetent to administer gov ernment, to preserve and promote properity, to advance justice, to con struct and enact sound and progres sive legislation, trait some democrats had even b-.-gun to wonder if it could possibly be true. They have found, to their delight it couldn't and isn't. Democratic administration has giv en to ihe nation more construe. rve legislation of a progressive natun it; a bt'.le more than three years than was jver enactel i.tfore in twice that period. It has given . priected banking and el.-rc ..ey :y. torn so admirable, i efficient, that nq u di mus dare men tion it neither in their platforms nor in their speeches. Under the old re publican system a bank depositor, in times when he needed money most, could go to the bank and get per haps ?." to S10 of his own money if he could persuade the banker that he was in dire need of it to feed his family. Under the democratic system he can get all his money he wants the instant he wants it, can get all the credit to which he is entitled at a lower interest rate, and can sleep sound of nights without fear of pan ics and crashing banks. Under the republican system the business men of the east could get credit at the lowest market rate, but the farmer of the central and western states was held up for 8 to 10 per cent. Democratic adminstration is wiping out the inequality and injus tice. The; farmer will, soon be able to got cheap money on approved .security the same as the business man, and farmers and business men alike will profit from it. Samuel Gomper has said that tho democratic administration has done more for labor than any administra tion had done before. All legitimate corporate enterprise testifies that, by the federal trades commission act, the democratic party has done for sound and honest business what re publican administration failed to do it has made the laws governing busi ness affairs, has made it easy to obey the law and has protected business from unfair and competition-wreck irig competition. Through the income tax a fair share of the burdens of taxation have been removed from povei'ty and imposed upon wealth. Thanks to the popular election of senators the people have captured the senate from Wall street and the big interests. , And in the state, democratic admin istration has reduced taxes almos $1,000,000 in the bionnium, has intro duced efficiency and strict honesty into the conduct of the state's busi ness, and has enacted a volume of progressive legislation that is the pride of Nebraska and the emulation of all other well governed states. Why shouldn't democrats be happy and a bit cocky in their demeanor It is soul-satisfying to have been rut to the test and proved sound and ciean and efficient. It gives a healthy sense of self-re spect to have a luminous and spot less record to point to and to back one up. It makes democrats feel jolly when the opposition party is left without an issue of its own and fearful to at tack the record of constructive pro- gressivism that constitutes the dem ccratic issue. It makes democrats laugh right out loud when republicans, in the quest oi -in issue, are reduced to the r tremitv of going outside the countty c. f'i:d it. With nothing to citack in de they point to Mexio and say: See how badly off Mexico is. Let us li'ame Wilson and the democrats for tl at!" Why not blame Wii.r .i and tv'ti e.cmocrats also fa Europe's being so baely off. for revolution in China, for mtnsles in Timbuetoo and for fa lure of the fisheiit r in Greenland? And so democrats can't hilp it. They feel good. They feel prodigous ly, even hilariously, good. They "just don't hate nobody," not even the re publicans. Instead, they invite them with pride and real hospitality into tiie democratic household and urge to make themselves at home and partake largely of the exhaust less store of democratic blessings. It is great to be a democrat. If you don't believe it, brother, come on in and try it. Our goods are genuine. Once used, you will accept no other. World-Herald. :o: They are as free as water, and bring results. -:o:- It is speculation if you win. It is gambling if you lose. :o: Cyclone Davis is not shouting "amen" over- the Texas primary re sults. -:o:- The Lod's promise to provide has been made the scapegoat of a lot of dyed-in-the-wool low-down laziness. :o: The political prognasticator is due to have his probascis bumped several times and insundry ways this falls. :o: Senator La Follette has gained the ill-will of many of the leading stand pat officers because he believes Wil son should be re-elected. The senator is only one out of a hundred or more prominent and high-up republicans that believe the same as Senator La Follette. Some people in this old burg pay no more attention to cutting the weeds around their homes than they did to shoveling the snow from their sidewalks last winter. They must love to hear mosquitoes singing in their ears. Weeds breed both mosquitoes and disease. :o:- The New York World, commenting on the death from fright during a t-torm of a New Jersey woman "who through all her life of 50 years had felt a nervous dread of lightning," asked, "Cannot the multitude of oth erwise rational people who are ob sessed by this same dread take coun sel of the fate of this unfortunate and allay their fears?" A day or two aft er this question was asked, a woman in Paris, 111., rushing out of the house during a storm to rescue some chick ens, answered the warning voice of her sister by crying out, "I am not afraid of lightning" and fell dead from a bolt attracted by a metal clothesline under which she was passing. The beginning day should be born in mind. Just let it lie if you want to kil a falsehood. Thursday, August 31, the great au tomobile parade. :o: September 4, Burlington day and flag raising. :o:- Emotional insanity is a fancy name for fighting mad. With flag. raising at the Burlington shops and parade. :o: It's the high cost of wasting that cuts out the profits. :o: Until it gets into the union, love's labor is generally lost. :o: Wild oats are good for neither man or beast why sow "em? -:o: A fashionable girl is sometimes known by the styles she has quite wearing. :o: An inch of rain looks a foot long, when a farmer wants to save his corn crop. :o: This has been corn weather to a finish. Rut a good soaking rain will finish it up in fine shape. :o: Every citizens should be interested in making this the biggest event in the history of Piattsmouth. Anybody who can get the solid sup port of the fault finders ought to be elected by a large majority. :o: No man realizes what a mean, con temptible wretch he is until some- ody runs up against him for office. :o: Mr. J. W. Curry's effort to turn the prohibition party of the state over to the republican party, was a signal failure. :o: It is unanimously agreed that a million dollar rain'' can't come a bit too soon and too often to us iust now. :o: Next to hating you for being a iar, a woman hates you most when he can't catch you in a lie, if you ire her husband. Of course, as the story goes, Gov rnor Morehead will have a great deal to do in the management of the state campaign in Nebraska. There is no doubt about that. :d: Remember the time when your am- ition was to carry a red lantern and work on the section at $1.25 per day? Then why laugh at the boy when he ias equally foolish ambitions. -:o:- Correspondence from the allied front on the allied successes is con- tiadited by correspondence from the German front on German successes. n both instances the correspondence s probably as nearly correct as the censorship permits. :o: A house 1,000 years old has been unearthed in Mexico in remarkably good condition. Speculators and build ers of "houses-to-sell" might go down and look it over, and find out just what principles to avoid in order to mild a house that tips over in less than two years. While the people of the middle west are longing for a cooling shower of ain, the south is losing millions from cloudbursts. The damage is roughly estimated at ten millions of dollars. liooks like the weather man sent all the clouds the wrong direction. But then it is a difficult task to suit everybody, and the man who operates the clouds has no one who can in fluence him. Most of us do our best to try it, though. :o: Omaha should have the land bank on general principles. It is the metrop olis of the state," more people visit that city four times over, than any city in the state. The largest stock market in the west, which is a means of bringing hundreds of farmers from western Nebraska, that do not have any business in Lincoln or any other city of note. Yes, give Omaha the land bank because she is the city that calls farmers from all over Nebraska to confer on business. GEORGE SHELDON AND HUGHES Chairman Merton L. Corey of Clay Center put many clever thoughts into the receptive minds of the democrats assembled in the state convention at Hastings, but there is one of them that promises to be above all the others productive of results in the coming election. He suggested that when the dele gates, especially the farmer delegates, went back home they should probe the confidences of their republican; neighbors. He suggested that they should find out why the repubulican neighbors so frequently extolled George Sheldon as one of the greatest of Nebraska governors, and whether or not it was because, as the greatest of his official acts, he signed a 2-cent fare railroad regulation bill. If that proved to be why the re publican neighbor held George Shel don's service as governor in grateful remembrance was urged to ask the neighbor if he held Charles E. Hughes, the republican candidate for president, in high esteem because Mr Hughes, as governor of New York, vetoed a 2-cent fare law. It is a pertinent question and de serves an answer, undoubtedly tn great prestige former Governor George Sheldon acquired through his administration was due to the fact that it fell to him to pass upon a 2- cent fare railroad regulation bill, and that he did not allow any influence to deter him from doing his duty in the matter. It may be urged that conditions in Nebraska and those in New York were different. It is a valid claim Thev were different. A New York railroad, owing to the density of traf fic in that state, was much more apt to be able to thrive under a 2-ccnt fare railroad rate than was Nebraska, where traffic was so much lighter. Such a law could not be compen satory in Nebraska and confiscatory in New York. The conditions as to density of traffic were vitally dif ferent. Rut that was not the only ditfercnce. there was an even more otential one: Nebraska had a gov ernor ready first to show his sym pathy for the common people, while New York had one ready first to zealously protect the railroad cor porations through a pretense of sham fear that they would be wrongfully ind hopelessly injured. Lincoln Star :o: "Should the country newspaper have an editorial page.' this ques- tion is being discussed at intervals by grave philosphers and wise pen art- sts in various sections of the coun- trv. Let us suc-jrest another and iust as intelligent subject for discussion. onoum me.touuuy g.oteiy Ol VI iL. i . eep sugar for sale?" It has been our observation that the most sue cessful trrocerv stores sell sugar and we know of no grocery very impor tant publication in the state that doe not have some sort of editorial de- panmeni. me menean jmuia im.- a a. nm : 11" .1 . the editorial pages of newspapers, ami me puonc imes a nei. uuu. 1 j i vi- iM. 4U.a 1 has the courage to take a stand some- where near the side of the street that is occupied by the question at issue. et the dis-believer in the editorial ;-rge try to "slip something through this department ami ho will soon l learn weather the public reads it or i not. -:o: Germany is threatened with a gi gantic labor strike. So are we. Her r:inital citv has a crime wave. Noth ing cr us. Except that she has a war that we haven't, and we have some hyphenate -s she rastn't, our joy. and sorrows are common. Hail fellow will met! Arrests should be made for care- less driving of automobiles. There is not nearly so many accidents caused from speeding as there arc through careless driving. A wreckless driver is where the trouble comes in in al most every accident. :o: In retiring still in possession of the championship, Frank Gotch shows ex traordinarily good sense, together with a broken leg which might prove a handicap in future matches. :o: You will regret it the balance of your life if you are not here to en joy the event. Children Cry Tho Kind Voir Have Always J3otiglit, and -which has been i iu use for over SO years, lias borno tho signature of -? and has been made under his per- j&f&Jtfj1--- sonal supervision sinee its infancy. -CCccUZ Allow no one to deceive yon in thta. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " arc hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment., What is CASTORIA Casforia is a harmless snhstituto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, 3Iorphino nor other Narcotic fsuhstancc. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Vorms ar.d allays Feverisliness. I 'or more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, AYind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhaa. It regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's lanacca Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 'Bears the n Use For The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMMNV, MEW YORK C I TV. rf hit ' rni i A ItM fcwITii i I iTa mm Everybody is coming to. :o:- The great jVil festivities. Beginning Thursday, August 31. -:o:--:o:- With :ade a great automobile pa- Aud ending Monday, September 4. :o: Everybody should remember that while you are tooting your own horn, that there are several others in the band wagon. -:o:- A district judge hands down a de cision that a hen, though she he alive, may not be classed as live stock. A fowl decision, so to speak. :o: little paint gee--, a long ways to- v.cid satisfying the farnilv with -ihe condition cf farm life. Yes, and home lifj within the citv, also. .Q. There were about fifty delegates in attendance at the progressive (bull moose) state convention, but thev de- cided to hold the organization togefh- l J i 4 r t C1 Ior lwo ears longer, a une grair for Mr. Chairman. :o:- It is a queer sort of religion that makes a ma so narrow that he hates and fears all outside his own creed lie ought to be mighty sure that his road is provided with terminal fa cilities. :o: an The wifcof an Illinois sheriff hamicuffo)I a nc,rro pii.5onor to her se,f am, took him from Chicaff0 to Lhe cit l)astiIe at Lincoln, 111., her hf)me town As she kft thJ winJy dty , f noi..omon stare.i at her jn open-mouthed astonishment and " i admiration. When it comes to nerve, some of these women folks make the mcn fCel as though they occupied a back seat in "nigger heaven" in com parison. 1916 NATIONAL PARK You can cover the West's magnificent Kockies in one grand tour on the so t. lacier i'ark excursion ticket from WA "r,,,lT- ur new "enver ....... . : i t- es you alongside l.oek Mountain rational Etes Park, alongside Yellow- A 700 MILE MOUNTAIN PANORAMA . fmm CnW-rtn tl,. v.n. st0ne along the Eastern slope of continuous mmmi ain ,.hain n .m, ....:. you ran, by detours, make the tour through Estes Park or throuSh Yellow stone via Cody, the automobile scenic entrance. Our through service routes to Denver, Billings, Cody, Gardiner or Glacier and between Denver and the Yellowstone may be combined into a sweeping scenic mountain tour that embraces more grandeur at lower rates than any scenic tour on earth mm mm 1 if-' S Vf lri . for Fletcher's .R Signature of Over 30 Years t"'tj-i'Vu ii 1 Li i Ignorance is knowing are not so. :o: things that Brains without a conscience am without a d.ive-. is a The cold wave was held up by the I. V. 'V's somewhere in the north. -:o: It takes more than the strength of a wrestler to hold down an idea some times. :o: If you want to be deceived just judge a cigar or woman by the wrap per they wear. :o: The public will take more interest in the New York clockmaker's strike about next December. :o: Vacation days will soon be over, and the most of the people will be glad, if the kids are not. -:o:- The prohibitionists have a strong ticket, there is no question about that, and with a million dollars compaign fund, they may be able to make it quite lively in several of the states, if those who profess to be prohibi tionists stick to the ticket and prin ciples they profess. Biliousness and Stomach Trouble "Two years ago I suffered from frequent attacks of stomach trouble and biliousness," writes Miss Emma Verbryke, Lima, Ohio. "I could eat very little food that agreed with me and I became so dizzy and sick at my stomach at times that I had to take hold of something to keep from fall ing. Seeing Chamberlain's Tablets ad vestised I decided to try them. I im proved rapidly." Obtainable every where. 800 A CUES LAND FOR SALE ?20 per acre if taken at once. "wYite Bert Ostrom, Max, Neb. tsUIVIIVItH Eastern and Cent ral Nebraska goin- . . . . " - innings Central Wyoming mainline Write me for particulars; Homeseekers excur sions to Douglas the first and third Tuesdays of each month. R. W. CLEMENT. Ticket Agent L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent, 1004 Farnum Street, OMAHA, Neb.