The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 31, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE' 2.
The Omaha Merchant's Spine is Brok
en Mother May Die. Car
Goes Over Bank.
Aloert V. Diesher of the firms of
Dresher Bros, and Dresher, the Tail
or, was seriously injured Sunday
morning at 7:30 when the automobile
he was driving went over a fifteen
foot embankment on the Wabanei
road two miles east of Clarinda, la.
The automobile turned over twice,
throwing out the occupants of the ear
i,nd injuring all of them except 2-year-old
Virginia Wyman.
Dresher suffered a broken spine,
two broken ribs and dislocation of the
bin. He is expected to live.
Mrs. Helen Dresher, his mother,
suffered' a dislocation of the hip and
internal injuries. She may die.
Mrs. AI Dresher's spine was in
jured. .
Miss. Louise Dresher's ankle was
dislocated, a bone being driven into
the joint.
Mis. Cecil Wyman, a friend of the
Dresher family. suffered a bad con
tusion of the head of shoulders and a
severely wrenched spine.
All of the injured were taken into
Jennelworth hospital, Clarinda.
Dresher was immediately put in a
plaster caste. Within two hours he
was able to move his toes and the at
tending physician believes that he will
not be paralyzed in spite of the frac
ture of his spine.
The party had been visiting with
Mrs. A. V. Dresher's parents at Grant
City, Mo., and were returning to Oma
ha. Rounding a turn near the Oak
drove school house. Dresner evidently
miscalculated his speed and the sharp
ness of the curve and he drove over
the outer edge of the embankment.
The automobile rolled over on him.
Little Virginia Wyman was thrown
clear of the debris and was uninjured.
Her mother was pinned beneath the
wi eckage. the upturned automobile
resting on her head. Her condition
Is serious.
Because of her age. Mrs
Dresher is thought to be in the most
id a r ge r.
The steering wheel ar.d one wheel
were broken from the car.
Passing autoists rushed to the res
rue. Dr. P. II. Kiilingsworth and Drs.
Van Meter and Sherman from the
state hospital worked over the injured
ail uay. Several parties of relatives
and friends motored from Omaha as
soon as- they learned of the accident
about noon.
The party had left (Jrar.t City Sun
day morning and had made rapid time
on the road home.
The above is from the World Ilerak
of this morning. Mrs. Ah V. Dreshei
is a daughter f Hon. E. S. Carver
and . wife of Grant Citv, Mo., our
former home, and we were their near
neighbors for several years when Mrs
Dresher was a little girl. We trust
they all will recover from their in
-The committee in charge of the au
toRjf.bjle parade on Thursday, August
"1. the opening day of the "Home
"nnng" festival have completed
their arrangement for the prizes and
the cash prizes will aggregate $100,
for tiie best decorated car and the
mo.-t comical design. The classifica
tion of these prizes will be announced
Designs for decoration of cars may
be seen in the Patterson & Wynn
garage free of charge and those who
.are thinking of taking part should
call and see the many different de
signs to. get an idea of the manner
in which thc-y desire to fix up their
car. - For- further information parties
should call on C. E. Haney, chairman
of the -Parade committee. This will
be one of the big events of the "Home
Coming" and every auto owner should
take part in the big parade.
Fred W. Young of near Union was
in the city for a short time today
meeting his friends in this city who
had assisted his son, Dorrell Young,
in the automobile contest that has
been conducted by the Nebraska City
News. Dorrell was the winner in the
contest and is now the owner of the
new Overland touring car that was
offered to the first prize winner. Mr.
Young feels very grateful to his
friends throughout the county who
assisted him in the contest.
The following from the Missouri
Valley Times gives a very pleasing
notice of the "Broadway Girls" which
have been showing in that city and
who open a week's engagement at
the Airdome tonight:
Hal Wattles' "Broadway Girls,"
who have been appearing at the Air
dome this week, conclude their en
gagement this evening. This company
has played to capacity business dur
ing their week's engagement and are
without a doubt one of the cleanest
and classiest organizations that ever
appeared in our city. Lou Coast, the
Jewish comedian; Harry Fisher, the
ballad singer; Frank Winfield. Hal
Wattles, the Irish comedians, and
Miss LaMay, the soubrette, are all
exceptional artists in their respective
lines and much applause has greeted
their efforts. Bert DeVaile, the fe
.male impersonator and also 'pianist,
has some of the cleverest work ever
done in vaudeville, and he s;"cly
makes a handsome woman. It is safe
to say there were a good many "oh
and ahs" Monday evening when he
took off his wig and disclosed his
identity. His costumes are beautiful
anil he has several thousand dollars
tied up in costumes, wigs and other
accessories. The chorus has been
working in hard luck, as Miss White
injured herself by falling the first
of the week and she danced with con
siderable difficulty, and Miss Gray
has been unable to appear for two
nights, as she had ptomaine poison
ing. However, the girls did very good
work. The entire troupe is compose i
of splendid people and they have been
hooked here again in the near future
for a week's engagement by popular
The store house special made a
great dash this afternoon to catch
No. 23, with a consignment of ma
terial for the west and Conductor
Co'tner, Brakeman Seivers and En
gineer Hunter sure made some time
in. getting, to., the depot in time to
hve .the material shipped.
: ' i i - - i
Yrank E SchLiter was a paener
this morning: for Omaha where he
will spend the day in that city with
his wife at the Immanuel hospital.
This morning Vern Bates and W
M. Baldwin, residing south of th
city were present in police court to
give an accounting of themselves for
a disturbance that they had occasion
ed in the alley in the rear of the Hatt
meat market last evening. Both men
were handed a fine of 2 and co.yls
and Baldwin settled . his claim
amounting to $5, while he and Bates
were allowed to go to raise the
amount of Bates' fine.
The affair in which the two men
were involved was not serious am
was largely a argument between the
men and during which Bates who was
not in the best of shape, fell against
a lock on the door of the barn of
Mr. Hatt and secured a very copious
nosebleed as a result which gave him
a very startling appearance with his
face smeared with blood. The quarrel
or argument was witnessed by parties
on Fifth street and Chief of Police
Barclay called to the scene where ho
secured the two men and escorted
them to the city jail to spend the
evening and rest up from the stren
uous debate. It would seem from the
statmnts of parties who were present
that Bates was drinking and did not
seem to have a very clear under
standing of what he was doing and
struggled and argued with his friends
until he lost his balance and fell
against the lock with very serious
results to himself. The boys will have
time to repent of their action and re
flect on the folly of getting into such
useless and dangerous discussions in
the future.
Chief Forecaster Says Nation
Will Swelter for Week
or 31 ore
Change for Iowa or Kansas;
Great Crop Damage May
Chicago, 111., July 27. The north
plain states, including Nebraska, the
Dakotas and Minnesota, will enjoy
slight relief from the present "hot
wave" by Saturday, but there is no
indications of any relief for Missouri,
Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin or Kansas,
the forecaster at the local govern
ment weather bureau said tonight.
Every government weather bureau
in Indiana reported 100 degiees, Pier
re, S. D., Grand Rapids, Mich , and
Davenport, la., each reported J 02 de
grees and with the absence of ap
preciable lake breezes the me-cury in
Chicago rose to the 100 nutik and
l;oke all reco as since 1011.
At 7 o'clock UiThiht. nieccrding to
the local bureau, every go eminent
weather station between th? Al!e-
ght.iies and the Rocky mount
ported a maximum of W d..
Guy Gould, wife and little daugh
ter, Jane, of Havelock arrived in the
city Saturday evening for a short vis
it at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
brteight. Mr. Gould returned this
morning to his duties while Mrs.
Gould and daughter will remain for a
more extended visit.
Fcr Infants and Children
In Use For Over 3G Years
Always bears
Washington. D. C, July '!. A
"Bermuda high" is the official cause
of the worst heat wave that has en
veloped the country in fifteen years.
Translated from the cryptic lan
guage of the weather sharps, that
means a great area of high pressure
air has been mobilizing n the weath
er drill grounds in the Atlantic of
Bermuda for the last and nv
has let the full power of its offensive
fiom the seaboard to the P.ock moun
tains. For weeks it has stood like a solid
wall against heated currents trying
vainly t move f i om the interior over
the ocean arid now as it whirls rapidly
along it is gathering heat and mois
ture from the tropics and sweeping
them northward over the continent in
to the vacuum of so-called "low pres
sure areas."
Belief Far Off
No relief is premised from
phenomena which in the east
caused sweite: ing city dwellers to
Jight fires in their homes to dry out
the humidity, or which in the Mis
sissippi valley is threatening to de
stroy millions of dollars worth of food
Chief Forecaster Frankenfied said
today that the heat wave only had be
gun. It is certain to continue through
the week and probably longer.
In Seeking a Cool Spot to Spend Sun
day, Six Omaha People To
gether With Auto Drop
Into Missouri Iiiver.
Searching Parties Work Alt Day
Seining for Bodies, But not One
of the Five That Went
Down Kecovered.
The dead are:
Willis Letner, 32, 521 South Eigh
teenth street, a salesman for Schmol
lcr & Mueller Piano Co.
Mrs. Gertrude Letner, 28, wife of
Letner, a pianist in the musical de
partment at Brandeis Stores.
Mrs. May Swift, 25, Kivard Hotel.
Miss Grace Snyder, IS, a stenogra
pher, 521 South Eighteenth street.
Harold Larson, 22, 521 South Eigh
teenth street.
Thomas I. Swift, 2G, in charge of
the sheet music department at Bran
deis Stores, husband of Mrs. May
Swift, was th.e only one of the party
who escaped death.
One of the worst automobile acci
dent." '.hat h.i.s i.ver occurred h? this
section .if (he .'tate ocemve 1 early
y nday morn'.yr i i cut a n: e east of
LaPl.itte wnen a party of Omaha
i oiists nut d:img plunge i into the
waters of th.e Mvouri river md five
c the six r? .run in the car were
drowned. The accident occurred at
i:'.4." and wa - cr.u. cd evident. y by the
ti;:er of the machine mistaking the
iad leading iv : LaPlatte and in
stead of choosing the one going west
and leading to the camping grounds
and it was clearly out of the question
to do anything like rescue work.
As soon as the fact of the terrible
tragedy was telephoned from the
nearby farm houses into Omaha, a
number of the police of the South
Side station were sent to the scene
of the trouble but on their arrival,
there was no trace of any of the
bodies to be found. All efforts to lo
cate the bodies of any of the victims
were futile and when the car was
hauled out of the river by means of
grappling irons at 10 a'clock yester
day morning the bodies had dissap
peared from the car and had been
washed away by the current of the
river. Dynamite was used in an effort
to bring the bodies to the surface but
without success and it was thought
that the dead had been born by the
swift current down the river. A motor
boat from this city was sent up the
river with dynamite to assist in try
ing to raise the bodies from the
depths of the river but without suc
cess. The car when it was recoverd
from the river was not greatly dam
aged with the exception of the wind
shield which was bent and badly
Frantic and unnerved, Swift yester
day gave a dramatic description of
the tragedy.
After quitting work at 9 o'clock
Saturday evening at the department
store, Swift played with an orchestra
at a dance near Fort Crook.
Letner and other members of the
party called for him in the automo
bile shortly after midnight. The
group planned to spend the night at
some camp along the river. Letner,
who owned and was driving the car,
was unfamiliar with the roads.
"We were driving not much more
than ten miles an hour," said Swift.
"We had no place in particular to go.
We also had heard that the roadway
iii that vicinity was treacherous. Let
ner excercised precaution.
"My wife, Mrs. Letner, Miss Sny
der and myself were in the rear seat.
Larson sat beside Letner.
Mrs. Swift and Mrs. Letner were
playing ukeleles. The three women
were singing softly.
"The road we were in appeared
to be in constant use. We had just
For comfort and
and satisfaction
in work clothes wear the
One Piece Overall Suit
It's cool and conuciIj as it hangs from the
shoulders so it can fit loosely it is not tirht at
the waist.
It keeps dirt and dust out and has no loose end
to aggravate you and get caught in machinery.
The ideal overall for motorists, machinists and
farmers come in blue, khaki or stripes, in all
sizes, colors guaranteed. Our price is
Because we bought before the advance
e. e
a m n
W & s 5Ti r
where a number of Omaha people
were camping, the driver drove east passed three farm houses.
on the river road ard without an in
nijvulon of their danger the mem
li : s of the party gaily rode to their
death. The river at this point has
taken a great deal cf land away from
tho Nebraska side and a swift cur
rent has cut into the bank until the
"Suddenly I saw a stream a short;
distance to the south. 'Why, there is
the river!' I shouted to Letner.
The women continued with their
"Some impulse led me to throw my
leg over one side of the car. I seized
roadway leads directly into the main hold of my wife at the same time.
channel of the river and it was along Maybe she thought I was joking.
this dangerous highway that th? Probably Letner suddenly swerved
Omaha party proceeded to their the machine. I don't know. Anyway,
death. Thomas Swift, the sole survi- I lost my hold on her.
vor of the auto partv saved himself "In an instant I was catapulted to
y leaping from the machine as it the ground and fell on my face. The
icViml r i r l- tJir oni!vinl-mipf intn sinfinf stinnpn. Thp machine s llP"ht.S
i ... nt'i . v i nv iiJi.Fciiii.iinin Ai.vx'i r I n t - , . . ,
the river six feet below and attemp- went out. The car, now a big, black " l" - -
In the Tacoma, (Washington) News
of July 24. appears an account of the
tragic death in an automobile race of
Frank Lake, a former Plattsmouth
young man and a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Lake, old time residents of
this city. Mr. Lake, who was a me
chanic, assisting in the operating of
the car of Ulysses Aubry, a driver of
Tacoma, had accompanied Mr. Aubry
to Portland, Ore., where they were to
take pait in the race on the Portland
race course. The death of the two
men was caused by the bursting of
the tire on the car of Aubry. The car
tore through the fence along the
speedway and overturned after plung
ing down the bank of the first curve
below the grandstand straightway.
The car was completely demolished
and the two unfortunate men hurled
twenty-five feet when it overturned.
Aubry died on the way to the hospital
and Lake a few mintes after reaching
that institution. Lake was riding as a
mechanician as a favor to Frank I.
eiits, Mr. and Mrs
leaves a widow and
daughter, residing in
parent:-;, Mr. ar.d Mrs.
Joseph Lake. He
a ln-year-ohl
Tacoma; his
J. F. I.aVe,
three brothers, Joseph R., W. C, an 1
Arthur J. Lake, all of Tacoma an 1
five sisters, Mis. Herbert Sharp, Mr.-.
W. Straight, Mrs. J. E. Pitts an 1
Mrs. B. W. Edwards, of Tacoma., and
Mrs. J. Linden of Seattle. Mr. Lake
was the foreman of the Washington
Machinery company at Tacoma.
The friends of the family here will
regret very much to learn of the utir
timeiy death of the young man who
was in the full flush of manhood, and
their deepest sympathy will go out to
the bereaved family in their hour of
misfortune. The funeral of Mr. Lake
was held at Tacoma on Tuesday afternoon.
Piatt of Tacoma, the regular man o
the job of tending the car. At the
time the accident occurred the car of
Aubrv was being run at a high rate
The young man referred to below
is a son of Captain and Mrs. Isaac
Wiles of this city, and has grown
from an employe of the Burlington
as a clerk in the shops in this city
to one of the leading business men
of St. Louis. We are pleased to learn
of the advancement of Mr. Wiles. Mr.
Wiles and wife arc expected back in
this city to attend the "Home Com
ing" celebration. The following is
from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat:
Isaac R. L. Wiles, vice president of
the O'Xeil-Wiles Lumber company,
yesterday purchased the beautiful
country home of Charles Van Dyke
Hill in Hampton Park.
The house is on the west drive,
near the southwestern intersection of
the Clayton and Hanley roads, about
300 feet south of the Clayton road
It occupies a high point fronting on
Hanley road and West Hampton
drive. The grounds arc beautifully
embellished with forest trees and
shrubbery and covers one acre.
' I l 'l . lni,n 1 1 1 i II
room, dining room, kitchen and ser
vants' dining room on the first floor,
5 bedrooms, 2 baths and 2 sleeping
porches on the second floor and 3 bed
room and bath on the third floor. It
has hardwood floors and hot-water
heat. There also is a garage for two
Miss Edna Shopp, who has been
attending summer school at the State
Normal at Peru, Neb., returned home
to thrs city last Thursday and will
spend the remaining of her summer
vacation with her parents in this city.
ted to assist his wife from the car form in the darkness, made a plunge,
but without avail. The dead numbers There were shrieks that were muffled
Mrs. Swift, Mr. and Mrs. Edward in a flash by the water. I heard a
Lcfler of Omaha, Mrs. Lefler's sister, splash.
who lesisdes in Lincoln, and anothe: "Then I found myself half way over
unidentified woman. the bank. I clutched with my hands
At the r,oint where the accident at the dirt. It crumbled. I could not
happened the road lies along the flat grasp a supporting hold. Slowly I
bottom land and is in very good shape worked backward and crawled away
so that the automobile .party driving from the precipice.
along at a good rate of speed would On my knees I searched about en
not notice the near approach to the deavoring to find the road. I scream
river and especially at night with con- ed, hoping to locate some of the per-s-iderable
dust blowing and with the ?ons in the water. I yelled and begged
fact that there is no fence or protec- them to answer, in my excitement,
lien of any kind to prevent anyone My eyes became accustomed to the
from driving directly into the river, darkness and gradually I discerned
The first warning of their impending the outline of the bank,
doom was when the driver of the "Then I ran up and down, continu
Omaha car saw the muddy waters of ing to shout. Fatigued and panic
the Missouri opening up in front of stricken, I stopped a moment to de
li is car and before anyone but Mr. cule what to do next, lhen 1 remem-
Swift could get out of the doomed bered the farm houses we had passed
car it had leaped from the bank into a few moments before.
twenty feet of water below and was "Awakening the farmers, I told
carrying the remaining five passen- them what had happened.
gfrs to their death. As Swift leaped "They ran back with me and again
from the car he grasped the hand of we tried to get a response from my
his wife to pull her out with him but friends.
his hold was broken and the woman "Our efforts were futile. Someone
plunged to her death with her com- suggested telephoning the authorities.
panions. Captain Briggs of South Omaha and
One of the residents near the scene men from Omaha police department
of the accident was the first to re- came in automobiles."
cpivn notice of the terrible trairedv Swift refused to leave the river
and spread the call for help but as- bank. He watched the rescue workers
s..-.f .mr o nrrived too late to save anv I constantly and occasionally aided
of the members of the party from whem possible.
drowning. A lady residing a short Mr. Thomas Swift, who was the
distance from the scene of the trage- only member of the party saved and
dy was sitting on the porch of her whose wife lost her life in the acci-
farm home as the car passed her dent is a son of Patrick Swift, who
home and states that the members was one of the old time engineers on
of the party were laughing and talk- the Burlington before the strike of
ing and while she wondered at a car 1888, and the family made their home
being on this road at that time of I here for a number of years,
the night, did not pay any particular
attention to the incident until a few MOVIMJ TO PLATTSMOUTH
minutes later when she heard the
orncli n e the mnfbino tonlv its din of
I . . t- 1 r C T XT I. ...In a
rfpnth into the river. The ladv. Mrs. "enry tfecK, 01 .vicueun, i.tu,
A. P. Batchelder. aroused her husband has recently purchased the Frank
who was asleep in the house and he, !aus residence property, is moving
without stopping to dress started on a to tnis city ana win maKe uiu
run for the river bank. When a short home in the future. Mr. Beck, who is j
u o,.,: ,v,o. v,,if la brother 01 Jonn isecK, resiaing ;
lllSl.ini It 11K lilt: Li iIWUL. II" nBO iiuii 1 -
rmrnrl bv the terrible exnerience and northwest of thecity, has been en-
who sobbinfflv told the storv of the -gaged in farming near McLean and;
" - I w - . . TT
accident and implored assistance. The evjll now enjoy lite in tnis piace. tie j
men hastened back to the river but .was a resident ot cass county several
there was no sign of any of the party years ago being engaged in farming.
just passed them.
The families of the two men ha(
been very much opposed to their tak
ing part in the race and it was over
their protest that the two unfortunate
young man took part in the fatal con
Lake, riding for the first time in a
race, left his wife at Burton Satur
day morning, telling her he was go
ing to Portland to see his friend Au
bry take part in the races Sunday
Mrs. Lake was to take a later boat
to Tacoma and bid her husband fare
well at the train. The boat was delay
ed and she did not again see her hus
band alive, the first intimation of his
taking part in the race was when she
received the message of the death of
Mr. Lake. The families of the two
men were greatly affected by the ac
cident and they had frequently urged
Aubry to give up his amibition to
become a racer.
Mr. Lake was thirty-four years of
age and had made his home in
Tacoma for the past ten years, mov
ing from Plattsmouth with his par-
Yesterday the country home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Xolting southeast of
the city was the scene of a m.-t
pleasant surprise on this estimable
couple when in the neighborhood of
fifty of their old friends and neigh
bors gathered to spend the day with
them. The guests of honor were una
ware of the pleasant time in store for
them and the first intimation of the
intended surprise was when the cars,
nine in number, containing the
friends began to arrive at the Xolting
home and the members of the party
announced that they were going to
make the day one long to be remem
bered. The party came provided with
all manner of good things to cat and
in the cool and shady grove on the
Xolting farm a sumptious picnic din
ner was enjoyed at the noon hour that
was thoroughly enjoyed by every
member of the paity. The day wa.
spent in visiting and having a fine.
ocial time among themselves until
evening when they wended their way
lomeward and the event will long bo
very pleasantly remembered by Mr.
md Mrs. Xolting as one of the hap
piest days in their lives. The members
of the party were old neighbors who
had lived near the Xolting family
west of this city before they moved
o their present farm.
Stewart's Phonographs, only $5.((.,
at Dawson's, Plattsmouth, Neb.
A New Idea in
Selling Clothes!
No more Clearance Sales.
One price all the time.
Smaller profits bigger sales.
No bargains, but better values.
Fewer losfcs for the dealer
better service for the customer.
Philip Shionoli
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hats
Carhart Ovcraslls
Hansen Gloves