The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 31, 1916, Image 1

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    Of Course You're Coming to the "Home Coming" Aug. 31 to Sept. 4
Neb Stato Historical Stc
.No. II:
Are You
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gaebel Given a
Happy Surprise in Honor
of Event.
From Friday's Dally.
Through an oversight we neglected
to mention a surprise party given to
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gaebel at their
pleasant home in the country on July
in honor of their thirty-fifth wed
ding anniversary. Thev were married
at the home of the bride who was
formerly Miss Mary Gakemeier, who
with her family lived on a farm west
of town. Mr. and Mrs. Gaebel have
alwavs lived in Cass county since that
time, and are numbered among the
most prosperous and best families of
this community. The surprise was
prepared and carried out by the chil
dren and was a complete success, as
the date of the wedding was July 7,
but as the inh fell on Sunday, that
day was chosen in preference. When
the cars began to drive in at 2 o'clock
they were at a loss to undestand how
so many relatives and neighbors hap
pened to call At the same time. The
cars in the lead were William Lau's
and Henry Gaebel's filled with all the
good things to eat. A most bounteous
supper was served, as well as ice
cream, lemonade and cigars. The an
niversary was a linen wedding, and
they received some beautiful gifts.
The supper was prepared by a daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Henry Gaebel, and
by the three deaughters, Mrs. Wil
liam Lau and Misses Ella and Lydia
Gaebel. Rev. T. Hartman. of the Ger
man Lutheran church delivered a
short but impressive address, touch
ing beautifully on the past, the pres
ent and the future. The Courier joins
with the many friends in extending
congratulations. Louisville Courier.
From Friday's Dally.
The extraordinary hot and dry spell
that has visittd this section of the
west is a vivid reminder of the condi
tions prevailing in this state in 1SL4.
or twenty-two years ago, and which
still is remembered by those who suf
fered as a result of the visitation of
the hot winds and the continued dry
weather. It was the prevailing of con
ditions similar to those of this year
that proceeded the visitation of the
three days of hot winds that laid ail
Nebraska helpless under what was
cne of the greatest crop failures of
years, but the conditions then was
different from this year, in that a
greater acreage of the farm lands of
the state are now devoted to wheat
and small grain, which has proven a
Lumper crop. Then, too, Nebraska has
enjoyed the greatest of prosperity
for the past fi-e or six years, and
with the best of crops which puts
everyone in shape to withstand a,
small loss on the com crop, which,
however, is still in shape to stand
several days more of the real hot
weather before it will suffer to any
great extent from the drought and
The government weather man has
held out the promise that there will
be a relief from present conditions by
next week, and that tomorrow cooler
weather will be visited upon this sec
tion of the west, and it certainly will
be appreciated by the sufferers from
the torrid atmosphere that has pre
vailed for the last two weeks.
From Friday's Dally.
Miss Lucille Bryan, who is at the
Still hospital at Kirksville, Mo., tak
ing treatment is reported as being
much improved and the attending
physicians as well as her family are
hopeful that she will secure the de
sired relief at that institution and
soon be able to return home. Miss
Bryan has not been feeling the best
for some time and it was thought
best to have her sent to the hospital
for treatment.
From Friday's Dany.
The house formerly occupied by J
V. Hatt and family on North Third
street, is now on its way to the new
location in the south part of the city
where the new owner of the house,
August Bach, will have it fixed up
and placed in condition for rental.
The Plattsmouth Improvement com
pany, the owners of the lots on Third
street are having the frame houses
removed in order that they may com
mence the construction of the new
apartment house which they will put
up in this city. The removal of the
fiame houses from these lots takes
away several of the land marks of
old Plattsmouth to make way for the
new building that represent the spirit
of progress and prosperity that the
city of Plattsmouth stands for. Both
of the houses that will be removed
from the lots are in good shape and
when placed in their new locations
will make very desirable places for
From Friday's Daily.
Plattsmouth. Neb., July 28.
To Mr. F. F. Buttery,
Chairman of the Police Committee:
One would imagine from the speeler
you gave me in the Evening Journal
of July 2fi instance that you was some
punk" sure enough. If I could only
make up and write such a nice piece
about anyone, I think I would be
ike the old darkie, who said: "If
everybody was dead but me, I would
es ride massy's grey hoss and keep
Now, my dear Mr. Buttery, I do not
claim to be so very smart. I may
not even have common horse sense, as
you say, but really, I think that is
better than to bay like a donkey. Get
that, Mr. Buttery
Now, Mr. Buttery, let us try to talk
cmmcn horse-sense, if that is the
jest we can do. In the first place, I
did not say one word against any
of the police force, except your "alert
cop," and I still say what I said be-
ore, if you have forgotten, look it
up in the Journal. I repeat, I was
not going faster than fifteen miles
per hour, until he began acting up,
and not any faster then than Chief
of Police Barclay said we may go
without being molested. If seems
from your writing that you doubt
my word about the way the "alert
cop" acted. You say, "for if," he had
so conducted himself I was entitled to
redress through the process of law to
rid myself of such a nuisence. I know
I could have done so, Mr. Buttery, but
in such a busy part of the season, I
did not have time to kick at every
cur that barks at my heels, and I
knew it was cheaper to give you the
measly" 5 as you say, than to pay
from $40 to S50 or to fight the case
besides, the time I would have lost
from my harvest fields. (I go on the
cheap John plan, you see.) I suppose
the tears have now creases down your
cheeks, and your poor heart beat is
slowly beating away, because you
feel it your bounded duty as a law
abiding and safety loving citizen, to
"pinch" a few visitors of your city
and a few farmers who come to town
to trade while "home folks" with a
very few exceptions do as they please.
And, now, Mr. Chairman of the Police
Committee I would ask, yes, beg and
implore you to find those whom I
have run over, killed and endangered,
or frightened to death and I will
humbly beg their pardon. And now
dear old friend, Chairman of the
Police Committee, as to your threat
of arrest, fine, jail imprisonment, and
oh, dear chairman, about the electric
chair, I am so scared! I beg of you
to be easy with me, and give me a
ghost of a chance. I have been told
more than once since Saturday even
ing, "I was dead easy," and you
know a threat is a threat the world
over. Glenn Perry.
Mrs. P. B. Smith, who has been vis
iting with her relatives and friends
in Murray and vicinity departed this
morning for her home at Bloomfield,
Neb. She was accompanied as far as
Omaha by her nephew, Barney Smith.
A. H. Waltz Sees Accident. C. S.
Stone's and H. Beck's Cars
From Friday's Dally.
Albert Waltz of this place, who was
the first person to arrive after the
accident which cost the life of Dr.
Charlton of Palmyra, was one of the
first to arrive on the scene of an
automobile accident, Sunday, the au
tomobile being one owned by the late
Dr. Charlton and in which Mrs. Charl
ton, her children, father and a young
man who was driving, were riding.
The bridge at this point on the O
street road is being repaired and was
partly completed. It was necessary in
order to keep from running into the
bridge to turn out into a field which
was a very bad place to turn. The
driver in coming down the hill was
unable to apply the breaks, which
were not working right, so dashed
into the ditch, the front wheels bur
ied in the ground on one side and the
hind wheels resting on the opposite
bank. The auto was damaged some,
but no one was hurt.
On Mr. Waltz's return trip, in turn
ing out for the wrecked car, he had
to pass through some soft ground
covered with hay and straw, when
his engine died. His car was occupied
by himself, Jas. McCartney and fam
ily and Julius Langhorst. Jas McCart
ney got out and attempted to crank
the engine and in some mysterious
manner the straw caught fire and
produced quite a blaze. It looked
rather serious and Mrs. McCartney
and children fled to safety as a fire
and gasoline did not look good in the
same place. Mr. Waltz finally got his
car started and pulled out.
This all happened a short distance
from where the first accident occured.
This makes three accidents that Mr.
Waltz has witnessed at this place and
he says that he thought his time had
ccme, but he escaped alright and his
car was not damaged.
Ond Monday evening an accident
occured near the Christian church
when the C. S. Stone car and Har
mond Beck's car" from Nehawka col
lided. Mrs. Stone was driving the car
in one direction and misunderstood
Mr. Beck waving to a pedestrian as a
signal that he intended to turn the
corner, so she turned her car. This
resulted in a collision and two dam3
aged cars, but no one was injured.
The Stone car was damaged to a con
siderable extent but Mr. Beck was
able to have his car repaired so that
he could go on home that evening.
The band concert last evening at
Garfield park was attended by a very
large crowd to enjoy the exceptional
ly pleasing program given by the
Burlington band as well as the breeze
that made the park a spot of refuge
to those who had suffered with the
heat during day in the shops and the
business section of the city. The al
ways tuneful and pleasing offering
of "The Prince of Tonight" was one
of the most appreciated numbers giv
en and this was also true of the over
ture, "Superba." The grand selection
"Songs From the Old Folks" was
given in a most pleasing manner and
brought back a great man of the old
time songs that had been favorites
in years gone by and was throughly
enjoyed by young and old alike. The
song, "There's Silver Threads Shin
ing Among the Gold," was most
pleasing to the music lovers and re
ceived with marked approval by
everyone. The band concerts are con
stantly growing in popularity and the
park furnishes a most delightful spot
to pass the hot summer evenings with
the tuneful selections from the band
to assist in passing the time. The
Little Helpers of the St. Luke's
church from a stand on the outside mf
the park served ice cream cones and
found a ready market for these dain
tier, from the heated and perspiring
From FVidav's Daily.
This mornine Mayor James C
Dahlman of Omaha, and City Com
missioner George Parks of that city
motored down and spent a few hours
here looking over the proposed pavin
of Washington avenue, on which Mr,
Parks' company, with J. H. McMaken
of this city, are the two lowest bid
uers. 1ms is tne lirst visit o: tne
mayor here for some time and while
only able to stay a very short time he
was able to meet a number of his old
friends. Mr. Parks is the new mem
ber of the city commission of Omaha,
elected to take the place made vacant
by the death of John C. Drexel, and
this was his first visit to this city.
From Saturaay's Dany.
A story of a neighborhood differ
ence between several parties residing
on a farm between Greenwood and
Alvo was scheduled to be given an
airing at the office cf County At
torney Cole today, but one of the par
ties failed to make an appearance. It
seems that one of the residents of
that section leased his farm on shares
to a man who was to rvtn it and re
ceive a certain per cent of the crop
as his reward. The farmer resided
with his tenant, until considerable
bad feeling was engendereti the far
mer and his tenant and wife, and as
a result of this a suit was filed for
damages in the sum of S5,000 in the
district court a short time age. Now
the farmer claims he has not been
treated right while he has visited the
farm to look after the crop as he
states the tenant has threatened him,
and on the other hand it is claimed
that the farmer has threatened the
tenant, and as a result the case is
quite badly mixed up and would re
quire a man with the judgment of a
Solomon to pass on the case and it
was for the purpose of reaching some;
understanding in regard to the con
flicting stories that the parties were
requested to come in and lay the mat
ter before the county attorney in or
der that if the evidence was clear
enough in regard to the charges of
threatening that he could take some
steps toward quelling the warlike
feeling that prevails. Just what the
final outcome of the case will be is
hard to sumise.
From Saturday's Dallv.
On every hand there comes the re
port of the old settlers who are ex
pecting to come to Plattsmouth dur
ing the "Home Coming" celebration
to take part in the festivities. From
the far off Pacific coast there ccfcies
a message that the old settlers will be
on hand from that section where so
many former residents of Cass coun
ty and Plattsmouth are located and
they will gladly avail themselves of
the opportunity to be back in Platts
mouth for the week. The residents
here who have relatives and friends
residing at points quite r. distance
away have notified them by mail of
the forthcoming festivities and a
large number have responded with a
notification of their intention to be
present at Plattsmouth from August
31 to September 4. It will be a sur
prise to many to note the improve
ments that have been made in the
past few years and to see the prog
ress that the city is making.
From Saturday's Dallv.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. August
Keil near Cullom was made much
happier yesterday when a fine new
son and heir made his appearance at
their home. The little man is in fine
shape and the mother is reported as
doing nicely while August is reported
as feeling mighty proud over the new
addition that has been made to the
family. The little one arrived yester
day forenoon.
Clarence Barrett the Accused Caught
West of Murray, and Brought
Town, Cut Released This
From Saturday's Dally.
The second and closing chapter ot
the rather sensational case in which
Clarence Barrett figured as one of
the main characters was played out
at the court house when Mr. Bar
rett was released and cleared of the
charge that the authorities have been
seeking him for the last few days
that of attempted rape.
Earrett after leaving on such short
notice Tuesday proceeded out to the
vicinity of Murray where he secured
a job on the farm of Otto Puis and
was there yesterday when a telephone
message informed Sheriff Quinton of
his whereabouts. The sheriff and
Chief of Police Barclay proceeded out
to the farm of Mr. Puis and secured
Mr. Barrett, bring him back to this
city, to assist in straightening out the
mess that had been turned over to the
heriff and county attorney. He
seemed greatly surprised at the
haige made against him and at once
tated his innocence of this attempt
ed crime. When brought to the office
of the county attorney he proceeded
to tell his side of the story which
gave the affair another aspect alto
gether and the circumstances of the
se seemed to bear him out in his
tatement that it was purely an unfor
unate affair in which he was a party
ut not to the extend that had been
charged. Mis. Ward Barn the com
plaining witness against Barrett was
rought up to the court house and the
parties gathered m the office ot
Countv Attorney Cole to discuss the
ffair. The lady stuck to the original
tory for some time but-finally weak
ened and agreed that the story of
ariett was nearer the truth than
that which she had told, and -while
they had been indiscrete, Barrett had
not used force cn her as had been al-
eged. This of course made the matter
take on altogether another appear
ance and County Attorney Cole de
cided that it would be useless to
waste $50 or $75 in a preliminary
hearing in which the state could not
win and to save this amount to the
taxpayers allowed Barrett to go. At
the conference it was proposed that
money consideration could settle the
affair but this will lie between the
parties in the case entirely.
The case is certainly a very pecu-
iar one and the parties in the mat
ter would have done well to have kent
still in regard to it. Barrett states
hat his reason for running away was
he feared that Mr.' Barr would do him
iolence for his act and in getting
away he was compelled to drop his
suit case and hat. The clothes were
restored to him and he was sent on
his way rejoicing.
From Friday's Dailv.
This morning Mrs. frank h. bchla-
ter was taken to Omaha where she
will enter the Immanuel hospital to
be operated on for appendicitis as
oon as possible. Mrs. Schlater has
suffered a very sudden attack of this
sssc -sb hadhewillopis etao intao inta
malady and it developed into a very
acute case making an operation
necessary at once. Mr. Schlater and
Mrs. Henry Mauzy accompanied the
patient to the hospital and will be
present at the operation. The many
friends of Mrs. Schlater will regret
very much to learn of her illness and
trust that she may find relief in the
operation from her suffering and be
speedily restored to health and be
able to return home to this city cured
of her illness.
J. S. Hall, who has just returned
from an auto trip through Kansas
and western Nebraska, on which he
was accompanied by his wife, depart-
ed this morning for Glenwood to
spend a few hours looking after the
interests in his furnace company and
will go from there to Minden, Neb.
From Fri(!v'8 Dallv
The ladies of St. Paul's church
were very pleasantly entertained yes
terday afternoon at the pretty home
of Mi 5 . J. P. Falter, on Xoith Third
street. Here too, there were a large
number of the ladies who braved the
intense heat and delightfully spent
the fleeing moments in social conver
sation and other amusements calcu
lated to make this afternoon meeting
most enjoyable to those fortunate
enough to be present. Dainty refresh
ments were served at a suitable time,
which further augmented the pleas
ures of the afternoon.
From Saturday s Dai'v.
From the Peoria, (Illinois) Gazette,
we learn of the death of Mr. Martin
Cushin, for a number of years a
resident of Plattsmouth, and one of
the veteran train men of the Burling
ton, his death occuring on Thusday.
June L'O. at his home in the Illinois
citv. Mr. Lusnin nau ueen very active
in the union labor circles during hi?
entire lifetime and his connection
with the Burlington was servered in
18SS during the great engineers' and
firemer.s' strike. Following this strike
he gave up railroading and later
moved to Peoria where he located an !
made his bom? for the rest of hi.
ears. He was cne of the charter mem
bers of local No 8 of the Stationary
Firemen union and was very active
in its organization for a number of
Tride.s as-ei.iblv- for Luig tim rep
i esenting his local, and always main
tained a keen interest in everything
pertaining to its welfare. The funeral
of Mr. Cushin was held last Saiur-
the . ingdale cemetery
The friends . -..-re who were a:
quaintcd with Mr. Cushin :e
time of his .-ervice with the P. x 1 r..
tcn - regret wry much to larn
cf his death as he was a man with
the faculty of making friend;; v.i'.h a'l
tho.-e whom he came in contact with.
This takes away another of the
pioneer railroad men who represent
the constructive period of American
railroading and the early days of the
development of the transportation
means of the country.
From Saturday's Dally
Those who saw the beautiful pic
tures of "Then I'll Come Back to
You" when they were showed two
weeks ago, were much impressed with
the story that they revealed to the
eye. The published story of the play
commences this evening in the Even
ing Journal, and the facinating story
by Larry Evans is one that will please
the lovers of a good clean story, and
cne free from anything that is the
least offensive. This story is one of
deep heart interest and will prove one
of the best that has been offered
by the Journal to its readers. Do not
fail to read the opening chapters of
this story today as it is one ihat will
please rveryone. The story deals with
the struggles of a youth and the love
of a good true woman who recognizes
the vaiue of the man of her choice.
The Broadway Girls musical come
dy company who open their week's
engagement at the Airdome tonight,
and if one can judge from the news
paper writings we have received this
company promises to be the best ever
in Plattsmouth. The company boasts
of several features, among them the
"Broadway Quartette," and another
which is always a big surprise. And
which from all reports is worth the
price of admission alone. Tonight's
bill, "A King For a Night," a scream
ing comedy full of catchy songs and
pretty dances.The company presents
a complete change of program every
The Worst Beat fur the Red So in
Many Months the (las Com
pany in the Game i) 1o L'.
In a "comedy of errors" the Ca
Company base ball te.m of Omaha
romped uv.ay with the game villi
the Red Sox yesterday by the sco'-e
! c 1' to '1 and trie locals were reahv
foitunate in thtir demoralized condi
tion to keep from being shut out.
The Gas company were in the be --r
form that they have been on any t.:
their visits to this city while the S::
could not have h"en any worse t;n i.r
any condition. Dyke, who did the t.--sing
for the Sox was erratic and v.
touched up for .-eveval hit.- at critic..',
times and several crvliv 1 1 rors by
Sox infield aided in the big srrc
piled up by the Omaha aggregation.
Feltman, opening for the vi.-iter.
in the first rapped a safe on" to rijh
f;elu and was fol'owed by Tract;, with
a ir.p to second which was fun.!.1-.,
y Huff and t.ic runner .-. - safe.
pv( bst secured a live one to the K ft
warden that scored both Fe'tmaii .'in i
'irreey and when Weesner was safe
on an error by Rnckwell, Prob.-t
.scored Weesii' r was put out at tie
plate when ho iittempted to .-c :e.
Stangle was passed to first and Siiaf-?i-r.
th' rr.ii.-htv pitcher of the Ga -
aggregation, was whiffed by Dyl.t .
Ccady closed the innirg by a fly to
Koop in the right garden.
In the Second there was more agony
for the locals as the Omaha lads rai
ded another to their large and grow
ing list of scores. Crosby was retire i
Rockwell to Craig; Felvman v.i
passed by Dyke and later scored when
Parriott fumbled the hit of Probst at
third base.
There- was nothing doing in the w; y
of scoring on either side until the
eighth when the Omaha team adde !
to their lead and the Sox saved them
selves from a shut out at the hands
of their foes and incidently shattcted
the ambition of Newt Shaffer to have
a no hit and no run game registered
vp for reading for the folks at hem".
In the Oinahta half of the inning
Shaffer opened with a two bagger to
light and was followed by Graham
who was presented with a pass to the
first station; Coady was out on a fly
to Parriott at third and Crosby was
also walked. IV.tman rapped a nice
cr.e out in the left garden that Bill
Mason annexed, and in fact Bill was
the one bright spot in the game as
.'even of the put outs of thi' team
were made by him. On the error of
Rockwell two scores were made.
Probst ended the agony by retiring
Dyke to Craig.
The Sox in the eighth made a des
perate rally and were assisted by the
delivery of Shaffer who allowed Par
riott, the first man up to have fir-t
base and when Rockwell hit to center
for two bags Glenn came over with
the run. Herold was retired when
Probst made a lucky catch of his in
field drive and when Koop hit to left.
Reeky was able to beat the throwin
and scored. Mason hit to right field
safely, but could get no farther but
died on the base when Dyke struck
The ninth was really too pathetic to
mention when the Gas company ag
gregation piled on the agony by ad
ding three more runs to their list and
in this inning a pass secured by
Weesner resulted in a score when
hits by Stangle and Graham netted
as many runs and the crowd, hot.
tired and disgusted wended their way
From Frldav's Dally-
Joseph Fetzer departed last even
ing for Manitowoc, Wis., where he is
to enjoy a visit at his old home. It
was in this city that Mr. Fetzer v;n
born and spent his boyhood days but
it has been forty-two years since he
came westward to Plattsmouth to re
side and a great many changes has
been made in the old home. The visit
is ore that will be enjoyable and give
Mr. Fetzer a relief from the intense
heat that is prevailing over the we-t
as he visits in the lake country of
Head the want ads in the JoumaL