The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 27, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7
THURSDAY. .ri.V 27. i.PiG. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. TAfiE 7. I '.'Vi sT ! "T IPCS?, y53. U -REX BEACH Copyright, 1913, by CHAPTER X. GTeil's Men Have Faith. "i:iT.' t::ik with Mrs. Gerard ii;m.!! li'.r arrival from Hope w.-:-; short mil businesslike. N ,ir!nr lr word nor look did !:-w t!:r.t !sv k:.iw or suspected : i-.liiU f '!: real reason of licr i u i:h Curiloi:. Toward both her Na he prosc-i-ve-d Lis custoni-li'jariii.t- . aiid their first eon hit s"..:: disappeared. Mrs. (lerard l? mi p! :i:uo'l in one of those black Is i;t w!:i Ii it seen:. that no possi- j :, . i mi Its They Discussed the Wonderful Change In Their Fortunes. !i'- font aii brins even a somManrt' of bapi inos--. but it was remarkable bow sjon tbi f'ato of mind to t.ivc v. ay boi'ove ll's matter of fact r!ioTfuln'.---;. U f i"t'aeJ to listen to ll.eir thanks and made them believe that thvy were eonf jrr':;: a real favor lipo.i Lim by aceepti:!? the responsi li'iiiy of the new lutel. iVuding the -o!iipleti u of that structure he was hard pie-ed to find a lodging place for t !i. i . i mail VAi.a and her brother p!Miod that Ihey share the bungalow wi;! iIl.-:::. a thii.c O'Neii had not felt at liberty to ask under the cirenm-staa'-es. Nor was the tact of th b; and ister less than his. They lei eivel (iie two unfortunates as bon e:ed pue--.. I:adr.a!iy the visitors bepan to feel that they wore webome. that they v. e;e needed, that they had an impor tant task to fulfil!, and the sense that they were' really of service drove away depresion. Nijrht alter niirht tla y lay awahe discusshi the wonder ful chaaae i.i their fortunes sind plan ning their future. Natalie at least had no: the slightest doubt tiiat all their troubles were at an end. niorniu?: they awoke to learn !hat O N-il had one to the States. kavi'iL: Ir. Gray in charge of affairs at niar durii:- his absence. The phy in a. w!i' va? fully in his chief's .( ;.':itiden-e, gravely discussed their du- :i" with them, and so dis?reet was that tlioy had no faintest suspicion that la knew their secret. It was typ k al of OWei and his -boys"' that they ; iioal I sliow this chivalry toward twe ;'rie:idless out- a.ts. It was typical of th'jin also that they oae and all con f?i:ute:i themselves protectors of Nata lie and her mother, h tiin it be known t iir..:-.;i'. tiie town that the slightest it; i.. -uo? toward the women would le ; : -.!:ip;ly pun'shed. WhiiO O'Neii'.'; ua'-xpected deiiarture au.-el some -iinmei't. no one excel t Lis tiTisted lieutenant.; d'eaiuod of the -riivo iniportaii'-e of his Ci'ssion. They I. new the uecessitii'S that hounded him. :L?y were well aware of th" trem-bi.:!-,r in.-eci:rity in which uffairs uovr r too.l. i;it they maintained their cheer it I industry, they pressed . the w ork u-na'aaied enertry, nd the road rep forward foot by foot, as steadily : a:- :-:noith!y as if he himself were tlie r;ou:id to direct it. Tim.--, far O Neil's rivaay with the I rust had been friendly, if spirited, but action in coming to the assistance of Mis. Cerard and her daughter rais ed up a new and vigorous enemy who.-e i.ahods were not as scrupulous as thoae i f the IIeid!eiunns. J(jrdon was a strangely unbalanced :a.;a. lie ws mat Jietic. his geniality .vas rtaky heart warming, yet he was icrl'ec'Jj- t'jld bluoded in his selfish- 1 6 i I v.-,,v,i-J.'i? I X. - M - t ' .- Mr :: f !!.:iH:'-:! i Harper &. Brothers. Tie?. tie was cool and calculating, but Interference roused him to an aimost insane pitch of passion. Fickle in most things, he was uncompromising in his hatreds. O'Neil's generosity in afford ing sanctuary to his defiant mistress struck him as a personal affront, and it fanned his dislike of his rival into a consuming ratre. It was with no thought of profit that he cast about for a means of crippling O'Neii. Dan Appleton entered the bungalow one evening, wet and tired from his work, to tind Eliza pacing the floor in agitation. "What's the matter, Sis?" he inquir ed, with quick concern. His sister pointed to a copy of the Keview which that day's mail had brought, "Look at that!" she cried. "Head it!" "Oh. your story, eh:" "Head it!" lie read a column and then glanced up to find her watching him with an gry eyes. "Gee, that's pretty rough on the chief. Kid! I thought you liked him. he said gravely. "I do! J do! Don't you understand, dummy?- I didn't write that. They've changed my story distorted it. I'm furious!" Ian whistled softly. "I didn't sup pose they'd try anything like that, but they did a good job while they were at it. Why. you'd think O'Neii was a grafter and the S. Ii. and N. nothing but a laud grabbing deal!" "How dared they?" the girl cried "The actual changes aren't so many just enough to alter the eflect of the story but that's what makes it so devilish. For instance, I described the obstacles and the handicaps Mr. O'Neii has had to overcome in order to show the magnitude of his enterprise, but I "rake has altered it so that the phys ical conditions here seem to be in superable. a.nd he makes me say that the road is doomed to failure. That's the way he changed it all through." "It may topple the chief's plans over. They're very insecure. It plays riirht into the hands of his enemies, too, and. of course, Gordon's press bu reau will make the most of it." "Heavens. 1 want sympathy, no' abuse!" wailed his sister. "It's all due to the policy of the Iieview. Drake thinks everybody up here is a thief. J dare say they are. but how can I face Mr. O'Neii?" Dan shook the paper in his Ost "Are you going to stand for this?" he demanded. "Hardly. .1 cabled the office this morning, and here's Drake's answer." She read: " 'Stuff colorless. Don't allow udini ration warp judgment.' Can you beat that?" "He thinks you've surrendered to Murray, like all the others." T hate him!" cried Eliza. "I detest him!" "Who? O'Neii or Drake?" "I'.oth. Mr. O'Neii for putting me in the position of a traitor and Drake for presuming to rewrite my stuff. I'm going to resign, and I'm soing to leave Omar before Murray O'Neii comes back." "Don't be a quitter, sLs. If yo'.? throw up the job the paier will send somebody who will lie about us to suit the policy of the oflice. Show 'em where they're wrons;; show em what this country needs. Yon have your magazine stories to write." Eliza shook her head. "Bother the magazines and the whole business! I'm thinking about Mr. O'Neii. I 1 could cry. I suppose I'll have to stay and explain to him. but then I'll go home." "No! You'll stay right here and go through with this thing. I need you." "You? What for?" . "You can perform a great and n sig nal service for your loving brother He's in terrible trouble!" "What's wrong, Danny?" Eliza's anger gave instant place to solicitude. "You you haven't stolen anything?" "Lord, no! What put that into your head?" "I don't know, except that's the worst thing that could hapieu to us. I like to start with the worst." "I can't sulk in the jungle any more. l m a liaa loser. Sis. "Oh! You mean i;atalie? You like ber?" "For a writer you select the most foolish words. Like, love, adore, worship words are no good anyway I'm dippy; I'm out of my head: I've lost my reason. I'm deliriously happy and miserably unhappy. I" "That's enough!" the girl exclaimed. "I can imagine the rest." "It was a fatal mistake for her to crmo to Omar and to this very house of all places, where 1 could s?e her every day. I might, have recovered from the first joltif I'd never been her again, 'but' ne waved his hand hopelessly. "I'm beginning to hate ONcil." "You miserable traitor!" gasped Eliza. "Y'ep; that's me! I'm dead to loyal ty; lost to the-claims of friendship. I've fought myself until I'm black in the face, but it's no use. I must have Natalie."' "She's crazy about O'Neii." "Seems to be for a fact, but that doesn't alter my fix. I can't live this way. You must help me or I'll lose nry reason." "Nonsense! You haven't any or you wouldn't talk like this. What can I do?" "It's simple. Be irice to Murray and and win him away from her." "Is that all? Just make him love me?" Dan nodded. "That would be fine if you could manage it." "Why you you I" She gasped uncertainly for terms in which to voice her indignant surprise. "Idiot!" she finally exclaimed. "You simply can't be in earnest." "I am. though." He turned upon her eyes, which had grown suddenly old and weary with longing. "You poor, foolish boy! In the first place, Mr. O'Xeil will hate me for this story. In the second place, no man would look at me. I'm ugly" "I think you're beautiful." "With my snub nose and big mouth and" "l'ou can make him laugh, and when a woman can make a fellow laugh the rest is easy." "In the third place, I'm mannish and vulgar, and besides I don't care for him." "Of course you don't, or I wouldu't ask it You see. we're taking no risks. You can at least take' up his attention, and and when you see him making for Natalie you can put out your foot and trip him up." "It wouldn't be honorable. Danny." "Possibly. But that doesn't make any difference with me. You may as well realiz that I've got beyond the point where nice considerations of that sort weigh with me. If you'd ever been in love you'd understand that such things don't count at all. It's your chance to save the reason and "happiness of an otherwise perfectly good brother." "There is nothing I wouldn't do for your happiness nothing. But oh. it's preposterous!" She continued to scout suggestions that she could help him bv captivating O'Neii and stoutly maintained that she had no attraction for men. Neverthe less when she went to her room she examined herself critically in her mir ror. In the days before O'Neil's return she suffered constant misgivings and qualms of conscience, but the siirht of her brother reveling, expanding, fairly bursting into bloom beneath the in fluence of Natalie Gerard led her to think that perhaps she did have a duty to perform. She was greatly embarrassed never theless when she next met O'Neii and tried to explain that story in the lie view. He listened courteously and smiled his gentle smile. "My dear." said he finally. "I knew there had boon some mistake, so let's forget that it ever happened. I brought you a little present." Slowly she unwrapped tne parcel and then with a gasp lifted a splen didly embroidered kimono from its box. "Oh-h!" ner eyes were round and astonished. "Oh-h! It's for me!" It was a regal garment of heavy silk, superbly ornamented with golden drag ons, each so cunning worked that it seemed upon the point of taking wing. "Why, their eyes glitter! And they'd breathe Ore if I jabbed them! Oh-h!" she stared at the gift in helpless amazement. "Is it mine, honestly?" He nodded. "Won't you put it on?" "Over these things? Never!" Again Miss Appleton blushed, for she recall ed that she had prepared for his com ing with extraordinary care. Her boots were even stouter than usual, her skirt more plain, her waist more stiff and her hair more tightly smooth ed back. "It would take a tiuffy per son to wear this. I'll always keep it, of course, and I'll worship it. but I'm not designed for pretty clothes. I'll let Natalie wear" "Natalie has one of her own done in butterflies, and I brought oue to her mother also." "And you bought this for me after you had seen that fiendish story over my signature?" "Certainly." He quickly forestalled her attempted thanks by charging the subject "Now, then. Dan te'ls me you are anxious to begin your magazine work, so I'm going to arrange for you to see the glaciers and the coal fields. It will be a hard trip, for the track isn't throush yet. but" "Oh, I'll take care of myself! I won't get in anybody's way," she said eagerly. "I intend to see that you don't by going with you. So make your prep arations, and we'll leave as soon as I can get away." When he had gone the irl said aloud: "Eliza Toilet, this is yonr chance. It's underhanded and mean, but you're a mean person, and the finger of Provi dence is directing you." She snatch ed up the silken kimono and ran into her room, locking the door behind her. Hurriedly she put it ou, then posed before the mirror. Next down came her hair amid a shower of pins. She arranged it loosely about her face and, ripping an artificial flower from her party hat. placed it over her ear. then swayed grandly to mid fro while the golden dragons writhed and curved as if in joyous admiration. A dozen times she slipped out of the garment anil, gathering it to her face, kissed it; a I uozen times slie Honnetl It, "strufting , about her little room like a peacock. ! Her tiptilted nose "was red and her eves were wet when at last she laid "Oh-h!" Her eyes were round and astonished. "Oh-h! It's for me." it out upon her bed and knelt with her cheek against it. "Gee, if only I were pretty!" she sighed. "I almost, believe he likes me." Tom Slater laboriously propelled him self up the hill to the bungalow that evening and seated himself on the topmost step near where Eliza was rocking. She had come to occupy a considerable place in his thoughts. ",Where have you been lately. Un cle Tom?" she began. Slater Avinced at the appellation. "I've been out on the delta hustling supplies ahead. Heard the news?" "No." "Curtis Gordon has bought the Mc Dermott outfit in Kyak. He had a wild cat plan to build a railroad from Kyak to the coal fields, but he never got far ther than a row of alder stakes and a book of press clippings." "Does that mean that Gordon aban dons his Hope route?" "Yep. He's swung in behind us and the Heidlemanns. Now it's a three sided race, with us in the lead. Mel lon just brought in the news half an hour ago. He was on his way down from the glaciers when he ran into a field party of Gordon's surveyors. Looks like trouble ahead if they try to crowd through the canyon alongside of us." Young Appleton came panting up the hill. "Goodby. sis," he said. "I'm off for the front in ten minutes." "Anybody hurt?" Slater asked. "Not yet, but somebody's liable to be. Gordon is trying to steal the canyon, and Murray has ordered me out with a car of dynamite to hold it." "Dynamite! Why, Dan." his sister exclaimed in consternation. "We have poling boats at the lower crossing, and we'll be at the canyon in two days. I'm going to load the hill side with shots, and if they try to come through I'll set 'em off. They'll never dare tackle it." "But suppose they should?" Eliza In sisted quietly. "Then send Doc Gray with some stretchers. I owe one to Gordon, and this is my chance." Drawing her aside, he said in an -undertone: "Tou've got to hold my ground with Natalie while I'm gone. Don't let her see too much of Murray." "I'll do the best I can." she answer ed him. "but if he seems to be in earnest I'll renege, no matter what happens to you. Danny." He kissed her affectionately and fled. Dan had a thrilling experience. He planted shots of dynamite at various places along the right of way. He met Gordon and completely cowed him. Gordon, desperate, appealed to Murray O'Neii to call off Appleton and his men. O'Neii told Gordon they were follow ing his instructions to the letter. Gor don then sought to strengthen his po sition through the women. Vie prom ised to marry Gloria if she returned with him. Natalie persuaded her moth er not to go back unless Gordon mar ried her immediately, which he refused to do. (To Be Continued.) 800 ACRES LAND FOR SALE $20 per acre if taken at once. Write Bert Ostrom, Max, Neb. NOTICE Our Side Board Prize contest will close August 1, so those having any coupons on hand will please exchange the same for numbers. Lorenz Bros. Your last chance to buy a John peere Iron Clad wagon complete and one Indiana waoi;' complete and two e,vtra boxes sr; less than whclsau'e factory pricai, to be sold at private rait. Saturday, July 29. J. L. Barton & Co., Portsmouth, Neb i i rw ia t Mi ii i.M.rvi u n nun Local News From Tuesday's Dally. J Frank L. Rhoden w-as in the city to- ; day for a few hours looking after a few matters at the court house. Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weening ; Water was in the city today looking after a few legal matters at the court house for a short time. Barney Wampler and family and Sam Dean and family departed this afternoon for Omaha where they will make their home in the future. Mrs. Georgia Creamer and sisters.! ,Mrs. Jennie Rhoden and Lulu Wolf were in the city for a few hours today looking after some matters of busi ness. Ed S. Tutt came up this morning from his home at Murray and spent a few hours here visiting with friends and looking after some matters of business. M. D. Pollard, John Whiteman and Allen Cox, of Nehawka. were in the city today advertising: the bur a. u. U. W. picnic that will be held in that place on Saturday, August 5th, ' C. M. Chriswisser of Nehawka was among those going to Omaha this morning where he will visit for a few hours in that city attending to some business matters of importance. L. D. Hiatt of Murray was in the city last evening for a few hours looking after some business matters and returned home with James Tig ncr who had been in Omaha for the day. James II. Herold of Lincoln is en joying a short vacation here visiting with his mother and his many old friends. Mr. Herold is now ejnployed at the Rudge & Gunzel Co., at Lin coln as one of their department man agers. J. W. arrived a short friends Newell Newell and wife of Chicago in the city this morning for visit with their relatives and in this city. Mr. and Mrs. are expecting to he among the visitors here during the "Home Coming" week. Harry Reed and T. W. Fleming, of Weeping Water motored to this city this morning to attend to some mat ters of business in the county seat, and visit with friends for a short time. Mr. Fleming was a pleasant caller at the Journal office. Dr. C. S. Boggs and wife and J. F. Boggs ami wife of Filley, Neb., who have been here visiting with Edgar Boggs and wife departed this morning for their home. J. F. Bcggs and wife are the parents of Edgar Boggs, and Dr. Boggs an uncle of the young man. From Wednesday's Daliy, Nat Huston, the LaPlatte farmer, was in the city for a short time today attending to some trading with the merchants. C. F. Vallery, the road supervisor of Plattsmouth precinct was in the city today for a few hours visiting with his friends. George A. Sherwood came morning on No. 6 and will in this spend a few days here with his brother, Her bert and his friends. Adam Meisinger of near Cedar Creek fcas in the city today for a few hours looking after a few matters of importance vth the merchants. George Mick and E. C. Clymer of Greenwood were in the city for a few houis today looking after some mat ters of business at the court house. Ralph Atwood of the Cedar Creek quarries was in the city for a short time today attending to a few mat ters of importance and calling on his friends. William N. Baird of Salida, Colo., arrived in the city last evening on No. 2 and will enjoy a visit here with his mother and sisters in this city for a short time. James R. Hunter and family re turned Jiome this morning from a ' short visit at Denver and other Colo rado points where they were enjoy ing their vacation. Melville Kcar of near Alvo and sis ter, Mrs. Harrington, of Lincoln, were in the city yesterday afternoon for a few hours attending to some mat ters at the court house. Don C. Rhoden of Murray was in the city today for a few hours look ing after some business matters with the merchants and visiting with his friends. Miss Anna Hiatt of Sidney, la., who has been assisting in the care ot her Grandmother, Mrs. I. S. White at her home near Rock Bluffs and also J. visiting her sister, Mrs. F. R. Gobel man in this city, departed this morn ing for her home. Mrs. F. R. Guthmann and little Paul, departed this morning for Mur phy, Idaho, where they will visit for a short time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Guthmann there and "with the new son which has recently miide his advent at the Guthmann kame. Miss Minnie Guthmann accom panied her mother as far as Omaha. iJtJaJ TO OMAHA The cost of Bridge Tolls for Round Trip using our 'Commutation Books Auto and Driver, round Trip .'50c Extra Passengers, each, 5c $10.00 Book; 55.00 $5.00 Book, $2.50 Commutation Books Good any time and Transferable. PLATTSMOUTH Auto & wagon Bridge Co. MtTK i: TO UtKIHTO!!. State of Nebraska, OOllUtv ol l rss. ss. IN COt'NTY Cni'lIT. In the matter i t!.'' i-Mhk- i f'.iiii!: K Van Doreii, deeeiis-'d Nlti-0 is lielel'V 1 ' II to Ii.-- CTi'ii;. tors ! sai J iIcc"hsi 1 that ! annus uil be had upon the elainis 1 i i - 1 afain.-t .said estate, before me. ('minty .luiit-t-of C' County. Nebraska, at the 'nm ty Court room in M:.tlsniii;; h. in said i.itiTntr ,1,-1 tlir 1 1 1 1 1 it:i rif Aurriist 111!! and on' the 14th dav I-Vbniar , : '. 1 7, a t 10 o'eloel; a. in., eaeh day I .! exam i na - i tion. adjustment t.nd All claims must be on or 1 efoie said las Witness my hand a ! lowan-'e. tiU-d in said ciiuft t hour of hta;ii!ii. a nd si al of said Countv Court, at J'lattsmout h. Nebras- ka, this Hth ilav of .Tu!y, 1 r 1 ". . ALLHN J. BKCSO.V Countv .Judtre. i SI'AI.I 7-17-4v. i '! !: ( oi n o i it t or tiik ( Ol NT O'' XS. M'.lii! M V. In th" matter if the Kstat" of I.dvv.iid (.!. lu'Viy, licci dsn!: To "itm'Mh I lit rest e?! in the i;tnlf of Kilwurtl !-v-v, Dcciumi il : You are hereby noiifh-d tnat thre is now on file in the County Court ol ("ass County. Nebraska, the final report of (ieorse 1C. 1 invev, as administrator of the estate of Kdward .i. lo, t. , deceas ed, and also exceptions mereio. ami i cttnipnt f ii 1 t f -1 1 1 f- m ft s 1 1 ti- 1 1 si rir l n u said report filed by Frank K. Sehlater as special administrator of the estate of .lane A. I mvey, deceased. You are further notified that on the L'rid (lav of August. 1 !!;. at the office of the Court v .linlrc. in the Court lioo-e. in l'lattsmouth. Cass County, Nebras ka, at the hour ot t.-n cn.e-i a e- ;; hearing will be had upon said report, said exceptions and said statement fal sifying anil si'iThais-'ing: said report, such orders and decuees will !e entered therein as to the court may seem proner from sa;d heat-ins. includins the dis tribution of the residue of 'said estate, if any there lie found, to such persons as are lawfully entitled thereto. To all of which you. will take due notice. Ill- the Court .hLi;. 1 HfCKSi N Countv .lude. Hated July Jo. HMC IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTV OF CASS, NEBRASKA. In Re-Estate of David L. Amick, De ceased. NOTICE To Ruth Ar.iic'x, Theodore Amick. and to all other persons terested : You are herein notified that a L. inst tition has been filed in the above court alleg-insr the death intestate of David L. Amick, a resident and inhabitant of Cass County, Nebraska, on May 17th. li)l"; that he left his as his sole and only heirs at law, the above named persons, ar.d prayinp for the appointment of Theodore L. Amick as administrator; that a hearin"; will be had upon said petition at the office of the County Judpre, Court House, Plattsmouth. Cass County, Nebraska, on August 15th 1916, at 10 o'clock a. m.. before which hour, all objections thereto, must be filed and at which time orders will be entered in accord ance with finding of the Court thereon. Bv the Court thU 20th day of Julv, A. D. , 191. ALLEN J. I5EESON. County Judee. A. ROBERTSON, Attorney. W The name Dean's dence Doan's Kidney in -pi cs confi Pi'Is for kid- ney ills. Doan's Oitment fo- skin itch ing. Doan's Rerulets for a mild laxa tive. Sold at all drug stove.". John, Miller ar.d bride returned to this city last evening' and will makij their home at Mrs. H. J. Streiprht's 'apartments in the Henry Boeck build- in":. Mrs. J. W. Jones and babe, who have been here for the past few weeks visiting- at the home of Mrs. Jones' mother, Mrs. Adah Moore, and family, departed this morning on the early Burlington train for their home at Shenandoah, la; Mrs W. F, Moore came up this morning from her home east of Mur ray and departed on the early Bur lington train for Omaha where she i will visit her grandson, Walter Hes- senflow, at the hospital in that city for a few hours. Billious? .Feel heavy after dinner? Bitter taste? Complexion sallow? Liver Doan's perhaps needs waking up. Regulets for bilious attacks, all drug stores. 25c at , Cameras Hadraba. fcr Kent Weyrich & AUTO ROADS j IN -J i; ( (H vrv nil T. ( ol it I or k . In the Sutler of I lie I HHe-. ot liiirirw 'I eipel. Id'i ( lll lh I .oil inn 'l -iiel. I -M'iit-il, iitid HerniHii 'leifirl. I -ven-il. i on ii i : it i n .. o : . I Teip. 1. i v rl. al n sident , Nebi ak .ii.i i t 1 1 . . r.M;. inline i In! hi- - his jiet 1 1 I'm ill j ' i i a i i . j t ! :s Ce j la 1 e a , ei 1 1; i, I y intr that Cliarle Triiii !, ! l l. ! .:i b i ! :i ri t of b-pH I t I'll this 1 i 1c 111 Mai eh ::rd, 1 !!'. t In-i- of lots one (It and M ''V . on or a t.o' ! in ft siinpi two ( I in I .ioek ejl.tei ii ( 1 I. in Y nu ii i; a 1 1 .-moo t h. ("ass e value of about homestead f his family, and ib 1 it io ii to I ' I 1 asiia. of I i, I, i ; ! was t ! , : .-ase.i and emi n i y . I 5 4'" ml I the sal thai sa ! as lis id d c sole ;.; Low isa left s ti rv I vi n i; h'tn. !y Inn- at law, l is ; nd seven einid- W ; u o w . Tiip' ren. named as f .trnsta Mall. id lows: iriee ' TeU.e ip. 1 '. .lull. Teipcl 1 1 e I II 1,1 I I Ti i pi I. . lienrv Tejp!, Cl,;;lies Clara S. !:v. ;n tz. Teipe' and Flefi i in e 'lei pi I at'-, i . and that no n; n mane in tl t rv a i ipoi a t no i,i S,i id est ;n ii rid .All m W ot lea plication has slate of .Wbr of an admin..- c er hei i. l; a. Ini tiator of that more than elapsed sine'- lue ed, and th:.t l.oi of said Charles two years hnvc rev (le; t!i lit said lli'lHH'- isa '!' ipel. the widow Tcipi 1, iW-'-cased. and the mother of all t h named, departed this or a bout I leeem her 1 eh i Id ren in t. lite intestate, :. 111, seized 1 1 on : o ' 11 inipfe of an undivided one-thiiil interest in said real estate, and b-ft he: surviving, as .-oie and onlv h irs at law, t1,e c;iii!re:i before named, who. on the death of their mother, became vested with the entire ownership of said premises in common jtud undivided. And that Herman Teipe. late an in habitant of Knox County. Ncbrasko. and one of the ,ejs at law of sanl Charles Teipcl and Koiii-.-a Teipel. de ceased, departed this life, intestate, mi or about August M h. l'.MTi, seizejl of an undivided ime-sr i eni h interest in said real estate, and left surviving him. as; his sole and onlv heirs at law, his wid ow. Katherine Teipel. and five daugh ters, named as follow.-: Louise Teipel. age 7 years: Vein a Teipel. age .", years: Alice Teipel. age 4 years, (Jrace Teipel. age 2 years, and Irene Teipel, age in months. "all resol ing at Creighton. Nebraska, who ar now the owners of an undivided one seventh Interest in said real estate, and that siid real estate was. at the date of the death of said ilo-pilcnls and now i wholly exempt from attachment, exe cution or other mesne process, and is not liable for tie payment of the debts of said decedents, nor any of them, left owing by said decedents and praying for a hearing upon said petition, and that upon sin-h hearing that an order be entered dispensing with a regular administration of said estates and eaclr if them and ior minings or racts upon as of said petition and for igning 'said real estate law of said decedents as law. ;:i:foim-: oi:ikki:i. ti t. il i- allegatin :, deet-e ass t he hei I s at provided bv IT IS TIIK said cause lie heard bv the Court m t ho , lfith day of August. 1 ! 1 r, . at 10 o ( lock j a, n.. at the Countv Court l oom, in I'lattsmotjtli. in Cass- Countv, Nebraska, land tlat all persons inteiested in sa hi states be notified of such hearing ty the publication of this order for thn-o successive weeks prior to said da of hearing, in the l'lattsmouth .linirinil, a legal newspaper published in -npl county, and that if they fail to appear and contest said petition the Court ma' enter the decree prayed for in sabt petition. I5v The Court. .i. i;i:i:s Countv Judge. JNO. M. I.KYI .. Attorney for I'etit ioners. 7-iT-:;w i.i:;i, Miiici:. Notice tu on-IteNii!ent l-frudniil. Their ll?ir, I e ieem, I.ege-i, I'er feounl It eiirexeiitnl M ex null nil I'er mouh I ul rrt-ttU in 'I'lieir Kutalr, J. V. liii-i l.iiuir, if living, if, tae unknown heirs, devisees, b g.itee-. personal representatives and all per sons interested in the estate of .1. V ilinchman; P. T. .Moss, if living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, de visees. I gate'-S. peli-otial representa tives and all persons interested in t bn estate of . T. iloss: Alfred I . .lours, if living, if decen----d. the iiiiklimi u heirs, ilr Isio, I' aK-es. personal representatives. and all persons interested iti tin- estate of Alfred Ir Jones: Clifford, first real name unknown, husband of .Josephnu: Clifford; the unknown heirs and de visees, legatees, personal rep resen t : lives and all persons interested in. estate of 11 la. V. iJavis, deceased: You aiid cadi of u. are hereby n'iti-fb-d that I-', (i. I'rieke. as plaintift, o:i the I'Sth day of June. 1M K. liled I is pe tition in the Iiistrict Court of Cass County, Nebraska, wherein you, and all vou are iiefenua tits ; t he obje-f and prayer of which petition i, that the claim, interest, right, title and interest of each and every one of vim in and to Lots four (-It five ( ."i and six r ; i in block eight ( S i, in White's- .'. fin ion to the City of I Ma t tsn.ou r u. andios fori- i -i five ( .", i an.i u:, Mil. in bioek ejehtv-nine iR?i Jn t he (':;.- of I'ia ttsmouth, tas.- County, Ni.')'-;ik1!h, he declared invalid an 1 of no force Mi l effect : that the title of .said plaint ,ff f.t pr.d to said real estate and every pun thereof be iiuieted as against ou and each and every one of you. ar.d against any and all claims of each and all of you, and against the claim of each ami all of any person claiming under, through or bv you. arid that it be ad- r.m,ej ani decreed tnat each and all and of ou whose ou whose names are above set fori ti nvintr, anu ir dead. the. heir.-. i devisees legatees, anu personal repre- sentatives and other persons interested in the estate of each and every one of claim or in- you. have no right, title. in"i in or iu hhi real estate, or anc part thereof, and that each and uil i f said defendants, those named and lu -. hose names aie unknown, and .io stated, be forever barred from claim ing or asserting any right, litie. In terest or estate in and to na.i.1 real es tate or any part thereof, and for sucli other and further relief as to the court mav seem just tnd equitable. You and ach of you ate further -inr'n.ed rpat yon required to answer sid petition on or before Mondav. the -bth day of August, 191. . F. G. FKICKt:, C. A. RAWLS, Attorney. rialQtl-