The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 27, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, JULY 27, PJlfl.
tj v
' .
Mosul S-IS $725
Tit-n 20.20 $900 C
Three Idz-- slrei 12 -
X ' , r r" : 4
. r
:-z th: at iie i'ninci:: Tractor DemsnstrcLtic:
AuTust 7ih lr. 11th- inclusive
Mi.-s Mir.niv ."'. !' t. r '. a i; Li:i
K-'n isit'.-v Wt-.!r.i-.';:y.
Ulnu-r Rofi!'!-.v 'va.-- h;ck.-.i t. :h
::rm h '.-? Mor.'ir.v.
Mis Mary Arp!.-ni:ir.
frr?1. Lincoln Tuts-sav.
est if Snauer mav.o a ;-::.un
tiij; to ()m:ha Stauvday. !
riev. L. L. Ui-tv-ri-ve and '.-n. Wil- j we"e ir. Lincoln Saturday. !
:drs. C. M. Keeper oi Litc hfield vis- i
J Ta eshinr is jromsr on in this neign
('aJ" ; torhoou the past couple of weeks with
Mi-s A'ta L :r.c n ;s eamprnT lov ;- -wheat averain? fifteen to thirty-fivo
week at Crete with friends frc .-rr. I iu,hcU , ,,,r acre.
o:k. Neh. j j;;.yt.r nieetinir every Wednesday
L. K. IJoh'.dir an i td-rrily a-e pen i- j tven;n;r at :,) o'clock. These are
ir." their two v.oJ.-' Nacation :it Al- jjVt. nieetimrs; come and join us and
:dn, Xer. n:akc them more so.
William Latter ;" A.-hlar. ; . r::u ;-,:r and Mr. Arthur Jenkins mo
Sunday niiht at t:v of G. P. tort-d down from Havelock Sunday
i'orerr.a;,. , vi.-dtt-d at the home of Mr. C. C.
The ::-! elovato is now..wri-. ci ly 1'l and family.
1 i e Aho Grain C'-.. v i.h .la.-lc Iavis j I).-. a:vi Mrs. Paul Thureson and
as mana'jer. p-. Mrs. Noel Foreman were en-
Mrs. Lorin Mickle and ciiil ;:rcn : -t ; lained at dinner Saturday even
went to Wee dr.:: Wat .i- Saturday t-", ; in- at the home of their uncle, Fred
visit relatives. I Prouty.
Mr. and Mrs. lirr.-.tlf-y Dav:.- a:. . j Mrs. Xed Shaffer and son, Ross, of
i am o:l eriii ' '.'
aU o-
d.: 1 daughter of iSai-kf
and S-.'ptc inl.-r lilier-. (
and ui'.
J T C - i
Cash f. o. L. Chicago
- sh f. o. L. ChicaSo
25, IB-3C and 50-60
mrrcn coal ou
gasoline engines.
St. .Joctr.H
! iri ar.Jnur.hter of Syracuse visited rel
I atives hoic this week.
William Urterave left Monday
! for I(.va whii'e he has a position with
, the Milwaukee railroa.i.
S. C. Boyks and G. P. Foreman, sr.,
. a.t. r.ue'i the state democratic con-
, , vtn; . n at ilasunsr? this week
(Jraiivima Covles returned Wednes-
! ilay f;om a few days visit with he-
.-on EIr.-nr and family at Eimwood. .,
Mr. and Mrs. Oris Foreman and
i -rot her Albert cf Yalpaiaiso, spent
Saturday and Sunday with the horn?
pediT-L-.-i! Duro Sows: : daughters of Kin, the
- C'!'d' nuf. tieu to .1 umbo ritic 10th. for August
:her hred to a of Khijr. the Col. Prices $35.00
W. B. RCRTER, fVSynard, Neb.
first of all a quality tire in every
sense of the word.
But the Price is Less
cn Fisi: Non-Skids than on plain tread
casings of several other standard tires.
Make your own comparisons.
Prices on Fisk Grey Non-Skid Casings
3 s30 . . 10.40 4Jx3S . . 31.20
3xSO . . 13.40 42x36 . . 31.SS
4- x33 . . 22.00 S x37 . - 37.30
More than 125 Direct Fisk Branches insure
Fisk Service to dealer and car owner.
auer in .fore Than 1 25 Cities
i i hi wiiii i i -- ' r ii-hi Tii-mrnMiril
Denver, Colo., came in Friday for a
week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. A
Shaffer and Mr. and Mrs. Castle
Sabbath School out door meeting
at 10 a. m. Classes for men, women
and children. Preaching at 11 a. m
subject of the sermon: "The Master-
builder and His Work."
Mr. Brown and son Clifford, Mr. and
Mrs. A. B. Stroemer and Mrs. J. H
Stroemer motored to Winifred, Kan
sas, starting Monday, where they will
visit with the family of Mr. and Mrs
Ed. Stroemer.
John Linch and family of Omaha
visited at George P. Foreman's last
week enroute to Lincoln via the auto
route. Mrs. Arvilla Linch and daugh
ter, Eva, returned home with them
the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Moore and daugh
ter, Blanche, left Sunday on No. 8,
to spend the day with friends in Oma
ha where they took No. G for Chicago
where they expect to visit a few
Mr. and Mrs. George Curyea ar
rived at Los Angeles Sunday o. k.,
where they were met by Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Froley. They later visited Mr.
mid Mrs. George Hess and reported
that the weather is fine and all of the
folks who formerly lived at Alvo are
jdoine fine.
Domestic Science and Practical
Work and Play Classes' on the church
lawn every Thursday at 3:00 p. m.
These are for boys and girls of all
denominations or no denomination.
Girls are learning to cook and sew.
Boys to do other work suitable and
agreeable things to them.
As usual, if the weather permits,
the evening service will be held on
the church lawn. These outdoor ser
vices are proving rather popular be
cause of the comfortableness of meet
ing out-of-doors. Some declare that
they are more comfortable there than
any other place that they can find.
This service begins at 8:00 p. m. The
subject of the sermon: "Safety De
posit Vaults."' Come to all or any of
these and bring a friend.
The I. F. C. Club met Friday after
noon at the home of Emily Strang.
Roll call was answered by a helpful
uggestion to the club. The program
consisted of an instrumental solo
"Nights of Gladness" by Marie Ap-
pleman, and vocal solos by Pearl Le
gant and a duet venetienne valse by
Vera and Marie Prouty. The re
mainder of the afternoon was spent
in reading the "Little Shepherd of
Kingdom Come" and in , doing fancy
work. Lunch was served at 4:30.
There were sixteen present including
one guest. Pearl Legant, of Ruskin.
The class of 1903 of the Piatts
mouth High school have started the
ball to rolling in preparing to hold
a class reunion on the occasion of the
fall festival and "Home Coming'
week. The class held a meeting Mon
day evening and the members of the
class present consisting of Miss Ber
nese Newell, County Clerk Frank
Libershal, Miss Violet Dodge, of this
city; Mrs. Margaret McClahanan of
Fairbury and Roy V. Pepperberg of
Lincoln, and discussed the success of
the proposed reunion in which they
expert to have a vital part. The class
will get in touch with the members
residing outside of the city and give
them an opportunity to be present at
the big event. The action of the class
should be taken up by others of the
classes that have graduated from the
old high school and everyone who
can urged to be present at the re
There will be a Canning Demon
stration held at the Barton Hardware
store on Saturday, July 29, commenc
ing at 10 o'clock a. m. at which time
the Government Cold Pack system
will be demonstrated. 2td2twkly
From Wedneeaay's Dally.
A band of gypsies visited the city
this morning and were encamped for
a few hours on South Fourth street
with their array of horses, dogs and
kids as is usual with traveling out
fits of this kind. This band claims to
be Russian gypsies and were here
three years ago on one of their trips
over the country. They have covered
all parts of the country since their
previous visit to this locality.
One John Deere, 3 1-4 Iron Clad
wagon, 'complete and one Indiana,
3 1-4 wagon complete and two extra
boxes, to be sold at private sale Sat
urday, July 29, Here is a bargain
for you.
J." L. Barton & Co.,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
No Prohibition Endorsement, But
Straddle on Railroad Control
for Primary Change.
Lincoln, Neb., July 25. The Rose
water allies, aided and abetted by the
torrid weather and the inability of
Chairman E. R. Gurney to find the
end of his speech, wore all the fight
out of the republican state conven
tion here today.
Ex-Governor Aldrich, who in the
cool of the morning had said that not
a republican could be elected in Ne
braska unless the convention repudi
ate the national platform declaration
for exclusive federal control of rail
road rates, grew calm and docile un
der the heat of the sun and the Gur
ney's hour and forty minutes speech.
E. L. King of Osceola, who had said
that Nebraska republicans should
never indorse so repugnant a prin
ciple, grew quiet and peaceful under
the insistence of party leaders that
Nebraska could expect no help from
the national ticket or committee if it
slapped the national platform in the
And so, working together, the
standpatters, the heat anl the length
of Gurney's speech controlled the con
vention. By the time the platform
was reported at 5:15 p. m., only about
GO per cent of the delegates were in
the hall to approve the draft, their
principal business. They did it per-
funtorily and unanimously, without
cheers or enthusiasm. Then they ad
journed. Many Straddlers.
The platform committee had iu
delayed in vain. Out of its long de
liberations had come a platform
which must excite admiration bv its
innocuousness. It indorsed the pri
mary as a principle, but declared the
need of amendments to remedy glar
ing imperfections.
It spoke naught of prohibition, de
spite the overwhelming dry sentiment
of delegates, but it pledged its candi
dates to enforce bv statute and execu
tive act any constitutional amend
ments he people may adopt, on any
subjct whatsoever.
It approved the entire national
platform, including the troublesome
railroad plank, and then qualified this
by a paragraph which appears to
mean that the original indorsement is
to be taken with a grain of salt or i
not, just as individual republicans
may Unci expedient under varying
FVnm "VVertnesrtav's Dally.
Yesterday the Journal office was
given a very pleasant visit by Ned
C. Abbott, superintendent of the
school for the blind at Nebraska City,
and Charley Hubner, editor of the
Nebraska Citv News. The visit of our
two friends was very much enjoyed
and some time spent in a very pleas
ant manner. The two gentlemen were
enroute by auto to Bellevue where
they expected to spend the day and
in looking over the Merrill mission,
one of the first settlements in the
state. Both of our friends are always
welcome and the Journal latchstring
is always awaiting their coming.
One John Deere, 3 1-4 Iron Clad
wagon, complete and one Indiana,
3 1-4 wagon complete and two extra
boxes, to be sold at private sale Sat
urday, July 20, Here is a big bargain
for you.
J. L. Barton v Co..
Plattsmouth, Neb
Farmers, mechanies, railroaders, la
borers, rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclectic
Oil. Fine for cuts, burns and bruises.
Should be kept in every home. 25c
and 50c.
Season is Here!
and,weare prepared to su
ply your wants in all kinds
of meats for threshing. Also
Fresh Tomatoes,
New Cabbage,
Cucumbers and all
Kinds of Groceries!
Telephone us and your order
will be ready when you come.
We Deliver. TeL No. 4 (Both Phonea.)
Interesting Happenings Print
ed In Condensed Form.
News of All Kinds Gathered From
Points In the State and So Reduced
In Size That It Will Appeal to All
Classes of Readers.
Patrick J. Boyle, veteran printer, is
cead at his home in Omaha.
John W. Wicks of Lawrence, a?ed
Sixty, hung himself in a coal shed at
Niobrara, Neb.
-Mrs. Edward Stevens of South
Oiuaha was attacked and badly in
jured by a savage dog.
Charles llonisly, eighteen years
old, was drowned at Pierce while bath-
ins in tJie Elkhorn river.
Superior grain dealers, millers auO
bankers have organized a loard ot
trade. F. Myers is president.
The churchmen of Omaha are jjoinK
to enter the political arena and take
a hand in the campaign this fall.
Lonrad G. Fisher, nioEeer citizen
and builder of the first Leef pa'-kihi;
plant in Omaha, is dead, aged seventy
two. Charles Eekw ell, the young man liv
ing near Fairbury, who was stung on
the neck by a polscnous insect re
cently, is dead.
Fire at Clarkson destroyed the Nv&
Schneider elevator and its grain con
tents, causing a. loss of Slii.uuo. which
is covered by insurance.
Secretary McAuco has announced
that hearings will be held in Lincoln
on the proiose;l location of a farm
loan, bank in this res-ion.
Professor L. J. Knoll of the West
Point public schools has resigned
that place for a position as cashier
in the Ralston State bank.
Fifty-eight automobiles, containing
Dunbar boosters, swooied down
on Nebraska Lay, advertising tr.e
Dunbar chautauqua, Aug. 2 to (J.
The annual report of County Super
intendent Vogltance shows Ccliax
county lias sixty sciio? districts,
with a total of 4,2'! school pupils.
Lincoln citv cc.mmissToners Lave
asked $703.4.72 of city funds with
which to run their various depart
ments for the year opening Sept. 1.
The village hoard of Burchard has
called a special election lor Autr. 1-
for the purpose of voting on a 4.u(.'U
bond issue to provide the village
with electric lights. !
Doane college hue just received a
check for $ ironi the estate Oi.
Edward Whitin of Whitinsville, Mass.,
as an endowment for the Whitin li-
brarv of Ioane ctriege.
J. Snyder of Adams, aged sev
enty-eight, was prostrated by the heat
at Beatrice and taken to a hospital.
This is the first heat prostration re
ported there this season.
Clark Welliver, a fanner living near
Lexington, was fatally injured in au
automobile accident when the auto
driven by Krnest Duffy and in which
Welliver was riding went into Buffalo
The condition of John M.' Thurston,
former United States senator Iror.i
Nebraska, who is critically ill at an
Omaha hospital, is reported as un
changed. The patient is unconscious
a great portion of the time.
Rev. O. E. Sexsnrtb, a well known
lecturer and minister of Washington,
was selected by the vestry of the
Iloldreice Presbyterian church to suc
ceed Rev. Craie Whitesell. who ac
cepted a call in Iowa last May.
A portion of the cast wing of the
state capitol has settled three-quarter
of an inch r.mce the last official
measurement was made nearly ten
years ago, making a total of seven
and three-quarters inches of settle
ment. The greatest wheat crop In the hTs
tory of Nebraska has been harvested.
What is true of wheat is also true of
oats and promises to be true of corn.
Such is the information conveyed by
the weekly crop report of the North
western railroad.
Clarence Slider, who stole three
horses near, was caught
eight miles west of Ardmore and
brought to Chadron. By. means of
one of the horses footprints Slider
was tracked to an old shed. Ho con
fessed xo the sliiiff-
Robert Lindley, aged twenty-ono, is
in a Norfolk hospital with a broken
spinal column as a result of diving
from a twenty-foot bank into the Elk
horn river, striking his bead in the
sand of the river bed. Fie will live,
but is paralyzed on one side.
While riding his horse into the cool
ing waters of Connolly lake, John T.
Taylor, living near Waterloo, was
drowned when the horse dipped and
fell, crushing Taylor under its body.
Neighbors soon learned what had hap
pened and got the body from the :aKe.
He is survived by a wife.
Frank St. Clair and Frank Hcok,
the former a horse buyer and the lat
ter a young farmer living near Over
ton, were arrested at Kearney. It is
alleged that they took a Ford car at
Lexington and dro've to Oconta. where
they disposed of it to H. Bobblettc.
trading it for some horses. The ma
chine has disappeared and cannot be
located by the oflicers.
Plattsmouth Fall Festival
Thursday, Xugust 31, 1916 Automobile Day.
Registration 7:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. Name, Residence and Number.
Band Concert Main Street, 9:00 a. m.
Automobile Parade, 10:30 a. m.
Noon. i
Band Concert, Man Street, 1 :3U p. m.
Free Attractions, 2:30 p. m.
Base Ball, 3:00 p. m. . ,
Awarding Automobile Prizes, 5:00 p. m. '
Evening. s
Band Conceit Main Street, 7:00 p m. " .
Free Attractions, Main Street, 7:00 p. m.
Band Concert Garfield Park, 8:00 p. m. to 9:00 p. m.
Carnival Afternoon and Eveninjr.
Friday, September 1, 1916 Home Coming Day.
Band Concert Main Street, 8:30 a. m.
Parade Old Settlers. School Children and Ladies' Fraternal Socie
ties, 9:00 a. m.
Opening Program "Home Comers." 10:30 a. m.
Class Reunions Basket Dinner, Hijrh School Campus, 1:1:00 m. .
Band Concert Main Street, 1 :30 p. m.
Free Attractions, 2:0o p. m.
Home Comers' Program Addresses, Reminiscences and music,
2:30 p. m.
Base Ball, 3:00 p. m. ' ' i '
Band Concert Garfield Park, 3:00 p. m. to 5:00 p. m. V
Bard Concert Main Street, 7:00 p. ni.
FVee Attractions, 7:00 p. m.
Concluding: Home Comers' Program, 8:0 p. m. -t
Carnival Afternoon and Evening. v.
Saturday, September 2, 1916 Stock Show Day. .
Band Concert 9:00 a. m.
Stock Judging Stock Pavillion. 10:30 a. m.
Band Concert 1:00 p. m.
Live Stock Parade, 1:30 p. m.
F'ree Attractions. 2:30 p. m.
Ball Game, 3:00 p. m. r '
Band Concert Garfield Park. 3:(U p. m. to 5:oo p. m.
Addresses on Live Stock Stock Pavillion, 3:00 p. m. to 5:0 p. m.
Band Concert Main Street, 7:00 p. m. '
Free Attractions, 7:00 p. m.
Band Concert Garfield Park, S:00 p. m. to 9:0u p. m.
Carnival Afternoon and Evening.
September 3, 1916.
Special Services for Home Comers !n all Churches. 1
Monday, September 4, 1916 Burlington Day.
Band Concert Main Street, 8:30 a. m.
Parade Burlington Employes, 9:00 a. m.
Flag Raising at Burlington Shops, 9:30 a. m. tv
Band Concert Garfield Park, 9: 30 a. m.
Burlington Sports Program Garfield Park, 10:30 to 12:00 m.
Band Concert Garfield Park. 1 :0 p. m. '
Turners' Exhibition Garfield Park, 2:00 p. m.
Base Ball, 3:00 p. m.
Band Concert Garfield Park, 3:00 p. m. to 5:(m p. m.
Free Attractions, ":00 p. m. .
Band Concert Main Street, 7:00 p. m.
Free Attractions, 7: p. m.
Band Concert Garfield Park, 8:00
' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Behrns and
Mr. Andrew Sturm and daughter, Miss
Gertrude of Nehawka, motored to this
city this morning in the Sturm's car
and spent the day visiting friends and
attending to business matters.
L. A. Meisinger, wife and family
were in the city yesterday afternoon
for a few hours attending to some
trading with the merchants.
Col. V. H. Young, president of the
Masonic Home association, who has
been here looking over the Home de
parted this morning for Omaha.
Are You in the Same Position
"I have to pay for it anyway, so I might as well feed STANDARD
HOC; REGULATOR." said a customer the other day. When asked
what he meant, he said: "If I don't buy it, worms, indigestion, con
stipation, cough and other similar things cost me twice as much a it
would cost to feed STAN-
Start to-day. We will supply
WEYRIOH & HADRABA, Exclusive Agenf
Headquarters for the complete Standard Line.
p. m. to 9:00 p. m.
Joseph F. Hadraba, wife and chil
dren returned home last evening from
Lawrence, Neb., where they have been
for a few days attending to some bus
iness matters.
John Albert and wife departed this
morning for Pilger. Neb., where they
will enjoy a visit there for a few days
with relatives and friends.
Miss Gretchen Donnelly was umoric;
those going to the metropolis this
1 . y 1 . . L.
. . , ... i-naTid i T .ill- nn r I r t
with friends.
so I can't aflord not to feed it."
Many people are paying for
TOR the same as this man
You can feed STANDARD
fpr it out of your increased