The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 27, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1916.
Cbe plattsmoutb journal
Entered at Potofflce at Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
4- 4
It is not the events of life,
nor its emotions, onr this or v
that experience, but life itsself J
J. which is good. Phillips Brooks J
August 31 to September 4.
The dates to bear always in mind.
The biggest time you ever enjoyed.
Make your arrangements to come
and bring your friends.
The old pioneers who live in Lin
coln are coming to enjoy a good time.
Unlike his new shoes, a man never
gets tight by being soaked in water.
Should a man be expected to enlist
if he is the sole support of an acting
Xew York progressives, in conven
tion, have refused to endorse Hughes
for president.
Let a fool get within reach of any
machine he knows nothing about, he
invariably begins to finger it.
Reports from various sections of
the state denote that the present
wheat harvest is indeed a record
breaker. :o:
"Be clear, be concise, he human,"
says a well known writer in a sketch
on betters writing. Anf if women are
involved, beware!
. :o:
It is very evident that the progres
sive party is a long way from capitu
lating or combining with its worst
enemy the g. o. p.
We once heard a preacher say that
a rich man will have a hard time
crawling into heaven. But that isn't
disturbing our blissful dreams in the
Today the democrats of the state
are in convention at Hastings and
the republicans are in session at Lin
coln. Politics will begin to simmer
after this week.
When it comes to stimulating the
appearance of conferring a great fa
vor, a diplomat hasn't anything on
the fellow who is returning a ten
dollar bill that he borrowed a year
W. II. Thompson will not go as a
delegate from Hall county to the
state convention, but he can attend as
an alternate. John Sink, of nine-foot
red-sheet fame, beat him for dele
gate, and Thompson chairman of the
state committee.
The president of Mexico has at last
gotten busy and seems to have a suf
ficient force in the north of Mexico to
;uell border raids. He has shown that
he could if he wanted to control the
situation but that he did not want to
is demonstrated that he did not (t
what he could until compelled to by
this country, which leads to' the con
clusion that this country owes him
as an individual nothing.
food Commissioner Harman has
made himself the butt of a lot of cri
ticism by having circulated petitions
for an amendment to the constitution
making his office elective for a six
ypar term in place of appointive dur
ii.g "good behavior." He surprised
everyone by getting enough signers
to put, the proposition up to the vo
ters. That shows energy, at least, and
the only question with us what is
really back of his unprecedented ac
tion. Is he really serving the people
now or is he serving the food adul
terers on this point before it cornea
time to vote. Bhure I'ilot.
yvv w rti,ri"iW''V w
"Local thunder storms" is a fre
quent phrase in the summer weather
forecasts. Sometimes they come,
sometimes they do not. The truth is
that no way has been discovered to
predict just where summer thunder
showers will accur. Under certain
conditions they are likely to occur al
most anywhere, and they are just as
likely not to occur at all.
The reason for the uncertainty is
that under the influence of the sum
mer heat the atmosphere becomes
more or less unstable. Currents are
apt to get started here and there and
shoot up or down in the most unac
countable way. Rain comes when
there is a strong rising current, for
that cools the air and squeezes out
the moisture in drops heavy enough
to fall to the earth.
The air of the earth's surf race is
considerably heavier than it is a mile
high. This means it is packed to
gether at the surface, and that it .-
erpanded in the upper atmosphere.
When you pack air together, as m
pumping up a bicycle tire, you find
that it gets heated. When it expands
it cools off. Air expanding and ris
ing loses one degree of heat for every
one hundred and eighty feet thai it
Cold air cannot carry so much
moisture as warm ilr. As the ay- rivr--the
moisture in it begins to condense
into clouds. If the rising comdr.we-
tho drops compose the mist rv.ay be
come large enough o fall as iv.i i
metimes the air rres so liid'y
that . carries the d-e-ps up w;h it .co
they do not reach the earth, but arc
broken up and taken into the atmos
phere again as water vapor. Occa
sionally a rising current is checked
and the drops it was carrying upward
aie suddenly dropped in a deluge
which we call a cloudburts.
There are times when the atmos
pheric movements are so strongly
marked that the forecaster may feel
fairly confident in predicting that
they will bring rain. But for long
stretches in the summer no strong
movements develop, although condi
tions make it probable that there will
be here and there upshoots of air that
will cause rain. Then he must take
refuge in adding to his prediction
of "generally fair and continued
warm," the words, "perhaps a local
thunder shower." Kansas City Star.
Congress expects to adjourn Au
gust 20. We could hardly blame them
if they adjourned a month earlier.
The man who is a success at what
ever he undertakes does not deserve
as much credit as the man who tries
and fails and then tries again.
Bill Orpet may be innocent of mur
der, but he acted the part of a dirty
coward, when he left that poor girl
to die alone in the woods. lie should
have received some punishment for
that outrageous act.
The speeding question on the ave
nues is just at present agitating the
minds of many of the autoists. We
know nothing about it, but there
seems to be considerable complaint
in the manner in which some arrests
have "been made. The many accidents
that have occurred in different sec
tions of the country, should be suf
ficient warning to our local autoists
against speeding, especially on such
a public thoroughfare as Chicago
avenue. Chief of Police Barclay is
using his best effoits to check the
speed habit, 'and in doing so he ex
pects to treat all parties alike. In
many instances there is no necessity
for speeding beyond fifteen miles an
hour, mark, anyway. The Chief is de
termined to break up this speeding
within the city limits, not for grudge
against anyone, but to save the lives
of those who engage in it, as well
as innocent women and children who
arc out for an evening's pleasure.
"They ' are coming Father Aura
Twenty thousand strong to Platts
mouth. -:o:-
The great "Homing Coming" event
in the old town.
Beginning August 31, and ending
September 1, inclusive.
We counting on you and all your
neighbors coming to meet your old
Glenwooel is arranging for a base
ball tournament for some d;ite in th'i
near luture.
Generally speaking, an infant pro
digy is a person who will know as
much at 10 as he ever will.
It must be said
forces are an aciive lot. They ui al
ways chasing or being thawed.
They claim this is the hott-r.t sum-
mt-r we have had in many vears, and
the summer is not near over yet,
These paving contracts
hould be -
given to home men who spend their
money here and not in Omaha. Home
first all the time, is the proper pro
gressive spirit.
To the weather: Ah. don't gel ail
hc-t up trying to attract attention. We
knew you were here a month ago, an 1
seemed to like, us well, you conclude .1
to remain awkile. We were glad you
come, and will be just as glad to see
you go.
:o :
Ezra Meeker, who has navigated
the Great Plain; almost ever since
tiiey became level, has finally con
c uded that a meter car will travel
just as well as oxen, and the oppor
tunities for profane invectives are
just as tempting.
Representatives erf the allies in this
country have sought in vain for some
way in which to embarrass the Ger
man mercantile submarine. Had the
American government been as unneu
tral as some have piefcired to con
tend it was, undoubtedly reasons
could have been found for imposing
rnnoyances upon the officers and
crew of the Deutschlan 1. It is said th
British are not satisfied with our
treatment of the submarine. That
will excita little concern over here.
The government of the United
States has stood up steadily for hu
mane treatment of merchant vessels
and those who happen to be aboard
them, and the Peutschland was ac
corded welcome and every courtesy.
It was a concern wiih respect to
which this government was neutral, as "neutral as if it had b:en a
Bntish or a French vessel vouching
at an American port on a lawful mis
sion. And the American public which has
been roundly scolded for its partiality
for the allies, and the American press,
which is even yet under. fire upon the
same assumption, applauded that
German submarine and it valiant
skipper cordially. The admiration of
l oth for the achievement of the craft
and its crew was genuine, because its
mission was one that could be ap
plauded wiihout reservation.
It doos not worry an American to
reflect that the cargo which this sub
rnaiinc will carry away from our
thores will go to Germany and be of
benefit to that people. The. United
States stands ready to provide the
pec pic who have sent the Deutsch
l.ind every aid and comfort that it is
ready to provide the people of every
ether country. If they have found a
way to come after what they may
want, the United States and the peo
ple and government thereof will be
only too glad to supply it. Americans
will hope that ethers like the Deutsch
land may come often and carry home
whatever the German people may
most need, and that the goings and
comings may be effected without mis
hap or disaster. For. the United
States government and people are in
fret, as well as in attitude, neutral.
It will concern them little whether
the British government likes the situ
ation and the treatment of the sub
marine or not. Lincoln Star.
tor mussm'
things up that bisets the newsi ap :r
rhap found expression in the prrLlici
tion. Sunday morning of the platform
of the democratic county convention.
In an effort to least about the in
crease of wealth under democratic
rule the platform .stated in thir
teen recent months the incj ease i:i de
posits alone in Nebraska amrrunlt'l L
33,000,000, but vlun the piati.rm
appeared in the paper the braggado
cio was sufficiently elminalcd.
Fcr there in cold ty it apr.o.i
tis-it !i. thirteen recent month r. the de
pos;,N. not the increase, anvv.mted t
Of course the deposits hi str.t-.j
b:;:iks amount to many time.-) - ,'.'0.) ,
0i . U is the inerea-12 of $:;X,G::oNiO
that democrats are jn titled o brag
it if. one of the :i'. y; n.vs "f iho
ri a-.-vapor vri;er th-it he eannct ;vt
tlii;:-;-; into the
;er ire wore.s
Which he writes them. Oilier .v--
j wli w rite for the nape-.: often :.u! l
-imilar annoyance, and they a:
re qualified .to know what a
humiliation daiiv dos., f ib's -v
'thing eecasie:-? the nev reaper v. titer.
The item it. the plal:"o:m should
have read, in the paper, as it reads
in the copy:
In thirteen rrcont months of demo-
cratic administration the
(icr:os,r ;
state banks alone in Nebraska
creased" ?3S,n;).).00().
Instead of as it app.tuvu in the
In thirteen recent month.: of demo
cratic adrr.inisti ation th deposits in
state banks alone in Nebraska
'am-c;ntcd to" .?3S.nO(Mii'.
But this error is not an unmitigated
evil. It gives the democrats an c.p
portuuity to brighten up the pietur
by eoi i ectii-ig it. Lincoln Mar.
It never gcis too h'i or u o eoid i
velt the society bud.
The less ; ;:! honor a man hi!
noiT se nsitr.
;i2 is aoout it.
l.acK i i prepare irr'ss n
or key:
s mi-rrht.
us out of a v.
nan our.e
A number of prt-bicrns pre.
themselves with, the arrival d'
Deutsthland, including who got
dyestuf fs?
There ought to be some sort of an
airangement whereby the chiggers
could be induced to take their vaca
tions the same time we do.
:c. :
Nebraska democrat?, are una in: no us
and enthusiastic for President Wilsen.
How hard it is to convince the. Mex
icans peace is good for them!
They have bee n crazy so long.
: o:
The endurance race which ends No
vember 7, is goim- to be some race
in Nebraska, let use assure you, and
the candidates who arc the fleetest
en foot, and money to pave the way,
can win in almost every instance.
:o: ;
The democrats have cause to feci
confident that President Wilson will
I e re-olccted. The party knows he is
oompetent to guide the distinies of
the American people, and the common
people irrespective of parly, feel the
same way. His opponents cannot give
rny reasons why he i hould not be
A news, item from- Council i1iufi
states that the marriage licenses an-1
divorce suits are running "ncch and
neck," but lb." other day the ccnteert
resulted " to i in favor of the "fiivorc:
contestants. Pi'Jnihly the girls in
Iowa have not got into the game of
proposing this year, and the men bate
to tako the risk in the face of such
a large ratio of divorces.
, It is really aggravating to the
standpatters who ar e. cont riling th
campaign of cne Charlas Hughos fo
the pi esidency, that President Wil
son pays no more attention to thorn
than he does. The president is too
busy to bother with such feilcwr, dur
ing these exciting times trying to
benefit the people, whilo F.oot, Pen
rose, Barnes & Co., are trying to get
in their work for the benefit of ths
gi afters who want to get a hold on
the offices again."
course, you are coming.
To the grer.t
'Home Coming" cele-
In I'iattsmoutb, August 31 to Sep
tember -1.
A n 1 enjoy the happiest time of
your life.
Old neighbors you knew years a;
will all be here to greet you.
:o :
Knowing what you are talking
about is rarely considered an essen
tial of conversation.
-:y :
Therc I.-- no .such thing as monopo
lirdng trouble, although some make a
strong effort in that direction.
l:y was it mat rur. hprague re
fused to j-.crve longer as scretary of
the state committee? Ilr certainly
was the "right man in the right
: c :
With an out and out prehibitioni.-t
at the neat! ol ihcir licliet. le.r gov-
e.n;.-r, the i enubiuan : tare comentio:i
failed to declare for it and n')W many
republican prohli-; say t'h-.-y acted cow-
d!v in this i
d, loo, with
Mr. Sutton present.
ddition to the -. minion dollar.
proposed to
;vi ii for the DanisV
j ri ted States
i i e; i i i : u i sh to icnmark ail us rignts
in Greenland. AL-o we might be ready
to throw in any claims we may have
on the North Pole.
' lie voier:; :i' i uii oid:ite- are be
ii". more avaif of ihe fact vvc y
.lay. that th; ; e is t . o much space be
tween the primaries and the general
election. Tlie piimary law slmald be
;i::c 1 by its entire abolishment, or
or. a ii
:o :-
The Biiih-h blacklist u-.;ti ictions go
too f;n a. Washington dispatch an
nounces that certain insistent ropre-
v. ill result, t o
better look out. This is the los
f vhese Uni..c.l Siatt ri. V.'e c.a
j.'et along wltliout Iasgland ai k 'ut a
easy as England can gel along with
out us.
Suppose some high authority should
come to the average merchant in Ncv
l.raska t.sday and give him absolute
minority to the 'price of his
merchandise 70 per cent above pi es
se nt prices, and at the same time the
irnie high authority should compel
ti.i public to buy things f: cm the
meichant at the advanced price,
whether they wanted to buy from him
or not.
Suppose some high ' authority
lould come to Nebraska farmers to
v'ay ami grant them permi - ,ion te
sell farm produce at 70 per cent high
er prices than they are now receiving-,
and. at the same time compel the
1 iblic to buy iho produo from Ne'er-aska
farmers, although they might
'.rant to buy from some other souice.
But what's the use rupposi ng such
things? they never happen. But that
very thing did happen to the Nebras
ka railroads last Monday, when the
Intel tate Commerce commission
granted them authority to advance
their freight rales 70 per cent aboe
prc"'nt charges.
And then remember that the Ne
braska railroad managements, coup
led with all the other railroad man
agements, are complaining that they
cannot -afford to pay their trainmen
living- wages, and cannot afford to
fiiant them better working conditions.
.In the face of the repeater: succes
ses of the railroad management:", in
just about anything
-If (
the hands of the com
. . JV C. U
mm s:
".in, ami in
ri face
:efaa! to grant
their tiainmen tne
eight-hour clay and better working
condition well, is ii, any wonder that
thinking people are becoming to re
gard live. Interstate Commerce commies-don
as a hideous joke, and. thai
t' n;.'. people arc beginning to dis
cover that th'e American people will
never be able to get a square deal in
their dealings fith the railroads un
til the day of government ownership
cf all raiircads. Ami that day is com
ing 2 ai icily. Columbus Teleg-xara.
pvi. ii-. guv. ;y A. : ft V.rv
Jret CosUats 15 Plaid Drachid
J j -
-3 s-i a-; Gf
alcq: :ol- 3 per cent
AM- -5c Il'Ja R-cparationlbrAs-o.-f,
t1 iiimi ilipuilar.tlllcdula
Profiles UiyesUouXucciful-
(c si
' pxti hcsi.tomtuii"
O'Mirw MorpBuia nor Jluitiai.
Hot XAitcoTic.
JlrrMle .'irJii-
j'cpptrmii't -
Jac Simile SignataAct
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
I-H:noc:ats do not have to depend
iipcn their own number for approval
.t' ibe pi e. ident's .Mexican policy. For
er.atcr La Toliette of Wisconsin, a
republican, has joined with scores of
:ther leaders of the g. o. p. in eom
ncntUng it and the march goes
readily on!
It is up to :e publicans now to prove
that their own lenders are wrong in
in .or.-in.g pemcy. i:erore tney can
even make a start ai criticizing the
1 hey p'oper. And the Lark, we opine,
v. .! prove to Do senne cnore oelore
ey finish vilh it.
A few weeks ago the republican
r.ders clenched their fists, stifled
tiieu- ccn.-eie nee - an.i swatted ooldly
at the demncralic Mexican policy as
untenable, outra-
geous policy they ever saw promul
gated by an American administration.
Today those same leaders find them
elves battling with their own
ranks over this question and in
stead of using their ammunition whol
ly on the democratic enemy they find
a stubborn, determined republican
lank and file intercepting their march
to victory upon this issue.
Tis no wonder if Justic Hughes
sits uneasily in his chair and note;
ti e trend of public opinion. 'Tis no
wonder his issues and interviews which
he stamps his foot and says the party
"must" get together. The approval of
the president's course is so genuin
ami so widespread irom tne repuo-
lican rank and file, and includes so
many of he leaders, too, that addi
tions to the ranks may be expectcel
It would be out of the question
'twould disturb his judicial poise,
don't you know but wouldn't it be
splendid if Justice Hughes himself
would now approve the policy, too?
If he would, it would simplify mat
ters immensely, for then there would
n't be a single valid issue between
him and his opponent, and the people
would have the opportunity of choos
ing a president without multitude of
distressingly complex questions to
confuse them while about the task.
If you have anything for sale adverT
tise in the Journal.
Dis. Ma oh & EV3ach, The Dentists
The largest and bost equipped dental orlices in Omaha. Specialists in
charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Prices. Porcelain fillings,
just like tooth. . Instruments carefully sterilized aiier using.
Send for fkee sample of Suni-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment.
3rd Floor
All Rectal
, , to last a LIFE-TIME. K?' examination pres. sj
rtr?. f. v tiddv
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
It is now up to the party with the
best and most thorough organization
to carry Nebraska next fall. And you
must remember the republicans have
some thoroughbred organizers-, and
they have long since been planning.
The democrats must get busv.
The selection of L. F. Langhorst,
as chairman of the democratic state
committee, was hailed with much joy
by the democrats of Cass county, and
eastern Nebraska, where he is so well
known and commended as a worker
and organizer. The Journal extend-?
congratulations to Mr. Langhorst.
That was a "humdinger" of a.
speech that M. L. Ccry, chairman,
delivered before the Hastings conven
tion. There is one of the brightest
lights in the democratic party, which
goes without saying, that it is not
always the ablest democrats that get
a shake at the plum tree.
Charley Hubner, editor of the Ne
braska City News, was in the city a
short time Tuesday, accompanied by
Prof. Abbott, of the Blind Institute,
enroute for Bellevue. We were agree
ably surprised with a vL-dt from
I CVi n rlf nc this ic Viis -firct vicit in
nausmoutn since tne Journal tamiiy
have been here. Mr. Hubner is -i
genial fellow and we are always glad
to meet him.
A New York woman on her wed
ding day told the husband that by
making her his wife he had taken
her out of htll an.i placed her in
hcriven. She is new t rking the coi:rt
1o take her out of "heaven" i-nd
award her attorneys' fees and $-!i) per
month alimony. You can't suit swj
people not even in 'heaven."
:o: y
The republican candidate for gov
ernor says he is awaitmg orders
from the temperance league, before
announcing his platform. A man of
Sutton's calibre, should be able to
lead and not follow the dictates of
henchmen. The Judge sees this hand
writing on the wall: "You'll b
damned if you do, and you"ll
damned if you don't!"
Stewart's Phonographs, only $5.00,
at Dawson's, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Paxton Block, OMAHA
r m
Diseases cured without a surgical
operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other gen- h
eral aneasthetic used. CIIRKr.riARiMTwcn tl
Omaha, Nebraska
syj. ,"r.TT!ij