if PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JULY 27, VJU. PAGE 2. $&J J JO La v'JUS J J J 4Mb 1.J v ai 4 u vi fin s p, n sgosr,7? The Meeting Was Uriel" Hut C un sdderabic Hu-iness Y'as Put Through Just' the ame Dt.-pite the rtiifhor heat and ui ccnifcrtablc condition cf the v.'at:Wi there was a full ati.endr.ricc oi l rr.t-nibt r.-hip of the council pron: lu.-t evening to take part in the seni inomhly ir.oetins of the city th.ds an i a great deal of business di.-po.-Vti c by the members of that body. A communication, was ret or. el from C. V. Baylor, as manager t.L' u.e i'aittrmouth Ice ar.d Cold Storage c.ir.pahy, asking that the company i e j-r;inu d a iiineiy-nh1 year l.a-e c:: tiie lar.d oil the i iver he.uum for tr-i? j.urr-o-e t1 :rc ice ; h: 1. 1 1 a is - ii -;:.h:!;c v.,..!:- to snpp.y wi.h waior aiul a Ira lor . h:y pipe on tirr.:-..'e t r-.-et to c;.:ry tur water to n.e pani o; ii:o c-onr.'..r,y. Ti:is v.-;s nia-.Io vit:i -1 ap: : in case tht vlty the p.-n.ini r idi-rati'-n in regard to ti:e t.wiit r. l.:p .: the h.::d. v)n nirtirn the A.r.s r iwi re.l to th.J Hie and v;i i ccriirit.cc- a- well as the judiciary .- .r. ndttee i.-.r thir csi-siileration ;.r . t- rep-v it the iv,:-.i LiWMi'.n: ci lite i v. '.' r.e d. A petition f r ni I-"re-' i'n-h::. ha airl i t ; ; t 1 ' S5 I v v'li vCSC Oi'ia r . .'i-v t :., ..el::..: to ay ivu.J ih Vat:r hr t .-v' i.f tl.t ir j .-vr.te ":". -pci ly chy v.-.ul 1 a.j'rr to ::te:rl the r;!!:s .'i that . rt, v as .- t the h;e ..r ! c rr.ra.llc j " .' :s r;:: .e:;..j.-. h tic cn:::s i . 'nmm.e i'c-p -t : c....r.i t l . !'. Vi: c tr. j . tin. James iU-cris?n r'or co.--:s in ii it" the City ... I 'ir 1 1 -r-rtit . : J rii C . :: . ..:.:h: : : ;'!:'. -!i r.:..-t:. n thi ; r-vi : t wa ; r 1 . ciain t: (.J. II. Ih.iir.vl ' : r i.v. y hirr t th.e p. hire a 1 aril lurdCn vr.s u..i.v.i ; I , '. : th anrnnit av..s rhev On "he c V.V.h. C: tin- c r::rii,c ; rrtt-. tacy c I'.dd v.'-l !'occ n:!r v. ;r i th. I.l . o. tine . c.ra : . x ,ns rri.o. -' r r'l - --1 I '. 1 1; tie- 7-. k.v .1 c .' .kh.r 1 t ; th.e . 7 . .Si. 1 v ; Mr-.. L v-- n.li. ail-ad r: I v. . In l:-.- :a;.T , . : .- . 1 ; . j . : . . t j ' . " 1 .' ' -. h'ir . . . 1 . h:. ; 1, i : t in 1 1 i . - is. j . i r.t t i s . 1. . h- L 1 - - -. i ' ' ' ss h . - Si . ! . . 1 " n . t m y -'- tn.i corr.T'n it 1 1 r-.eo rn 1 1 t r .. ; : 7 , . . , . I x ' . t: . . 11 n -. s .'i -.a . it eidng tip the .--tie,l iat di I r..-t c -:::-! y - 1 . . -y . . . . - - . . . ! - ' h en :k. . n !-7 t ha 1 ! sider that tile ... . : t . h .1 - i . . ' . ' ". ' . ' . ' ... i-"' . C r ; -. ' : . k ' . -- v i,n, . - ...... ' "" h' ' ' ' ' - li ' 1 h - ; , - j . " r...;-iire oih.e a iitke .-am. tk . s-h- j . ... . .h-.. ..'..p.y", ". ' 'Vi'. j k. n rn'.:'. ikitttry v. r - 1 " hie : is." s. ;': '.. , ; : - ;.; j 'i'n- -xt . ih- ' th.--- wo.: hi ie iiie Vee i .d v :i k.e . .:-k-;'-"c k'i (. v t" ! "-,- e::rn;i ih li.kl y- i ;n:h j .ik from Eighth to Ik nth str : I : t,.. 1 .... ' ... ;. . 1 c t ar 1 e.--. :,, ..;!. ,h-..v a an-l tn..ieht tnat the trvet slnul . 1 y ; -: ; - -c ,: , - , , . ! - '- oas cal ;;j : , ci h . : . t h, be v..: in a, -.v.d rh..:,- as pe. -hk . j :-s - ',' 7 'hh- . -V ki: :kr.vn I li - - 1 - ' j Cn the motion tr.-j -eptrt of th. (-y; ;v :. ::... . u . ; ...h- , .-v.;:.; j --:-y- ' C" 7.i;-i- th- ,torf akn. ; : trt-cts. : !i-v s and hi . kv - ecrnnkkce '..'kh-;, : k--- : t k-- ;i . .- . I . 1 .-. -! to b. a csihak in 7he k k wa. ad-.pv.'d ai;-i the .-.tie-et v. id c- t- - -. : ;-;. y., 1, e- -1 t-.-v 'rr3.v, i-'..t he w u'al n-t t;o ,a any- irain in its prestnt c'.:v:ltla:i f-r Ike .;.; .-;,. ..(-.;, ... . C '. -le livc-i t.bo-t thii ly ndtmu--- present. cre-k hehhiv, r-Ji-;. :;; Xk : : ks I ' ;!' ' " heI the feliuws b.n ie ! Cl.i.ii n.ari Harris of th; tt rtet..-ry ,;,.-. j ; ,. . ., j, :. . i ire bv-hh- the i..ad. A!-':t U.' 'o-di ecnnii-e stau-d that the Mtahes for y.;,..: ;,.hin;'n- .;'.-', f --k nkkt (h- :nip wa ; attaeived bid th r ;;w r.-m.-tery lets were ;'. Iian.I ( r y y j .,.' n r, f t ncbo-.h wr-s ru.t '.:. h-r;,'t r.c- la; ' J ' ; irr-lruo-.c! thj tr, ,, ry . i-.tv nr. I oar out post.-- drove ihe entr.ty V a'-! V.. t they wese ; - :,, . , ; ' .. -.. ,1. . r.v.-ay vkh ! vr .:'... ana :. kr a; desire-.! to ha.ve Vrr- cern- .; . y , .t -r cv ...... .-' ,.' O.i the kn.h :.,thing bej ntnad. and et,ry k-- ! at) in i:.:o-l . h:.;e :;o tr:k .,-.:,; ..' -y' ", .. ; ... .. t v-',,;,V- rnr-rb; only five r.iih.-. On the dkt 1 -. 1 1 i the; c would find it In J.r.-L i r.s- c: r.dit-n. ( .t rnu-.a I.ush.n.rky f ti; ii -' -. : . . t- ;7.n:rtet' iep-'rtei a esn.ni; an .atlon from th-- ki..-ai.a Lightin.g ecm j any in r gard to kie in. tailing f inrters f--r tin- 1 hearer ga.-i and ih -er.-pa!iy date. I in 1 h ir letter read by City Warva that the g.-ars ;. I.an're the ri'-ters had i.et nr. ive : .'a test tne c.!e; :r;y vi-! y, ;; ; . ind make a ui-cout o'' ." ;,er n. .-. id! lib- pnid promr dv. 'kie e'-.s.r;.-'. will Ining 1 hti gas rem nl.To tr $l.n:j Councilman lh.!'i ry I : i-yuk-od a; te tie.- status of the Mq,.e-t of the city ta have the electric liyht pedes on Elm .nreet moved f rom tlie itcel bark t- ine adey w huh lias been the cr.u.-e cf a groat d ed of discussion s't several meeting-: of the tounkh Chairman I.tudknshy - t.-i.r-d tliat th-F-ht r i'mpany had njade the rtat -Tiient that the changes would email the expenditme of a. sum between. $175 and $200 and th y oh- n-.t-:el able at this time to .- ahead and have the work carried eu-t. the city roiify th e'h t tomr-'o v .) ahead 'and move Incii' po.'-s en ium ttrelt from Sixth to Eleventh, bark into the alley and if itc-t done the city It) C.;i:C. I iiljll" Col. tract 'lilil U10 i:;uc ctr.v.rar.y, who had, Mr. Buttery ri:k:d vudr Led the tt-i r.s vi the eon tr:ir; In not supplying the proper ev vkv :.::d in putting- on ihj liyhc r.t t V. " ll. U: .-. 1 ho r,n:viirc of t-v. i ok .-? oauiod Coii.-'cIvL-iabiv dkc-.u k'm omcny; the-cc.i-kii.i xr.-ir-i and (.xuiiollr.xc.i I.-:. dy ;r:d "ik -lor a re-re f the ;,:.;: J rk t rrf .: Ci th-' P i...;-K ti t'.K- cu:b li fie -e.dd 1 c-i'kiv.-u In;: this would :iee.Mi.:i.t? th.- C') ii a. r.U-r c. the e: o Ihri- v !.-.- i. r - li- ...n.. .,' a i iv vi. " - - j 1 ler arh : i . e .!:;:u:r :. i.ns e v the rreuio.i "v. ere J -tu::;', ih1; i t.rv. Jvhr.: -i and I tin. t i. , i estt.r. . The v Wc.'Yor. thj. r-irr.-rr ihr crded tite v.hh:r; h-r the n:rd : att v v i. ! O 1." ;..ei r hs to Th i ih i net i -n ! . vi: r r . a d an i 1 1 at i' 'I he k . :n J. 7 r I tae Ck n o : (k (h ; id-u.k -1 Z:tha. . to : .u ri", :-2i.( l 1 -UUp.-.iU is .-i.!; j j; tu. ) i..tvtu:i, noenuii v.'eigiit. -o... iie.ni:.!-. and r.urify thu i-'oo.i, a.; i: . a s- ; -u ; 7 ... . - . -.o .....- i... a: ; i..u; : . f,oiti at aii (!reg scores. I'.ice, :i-.kh:). ( iva yae ..reo. a; ceur.o e.owii tn.s att- honi Oruahr. to vi. it wun fiientk Ik;- a Ik hoers bekue ic- tui.dng Lo his work in ()nn,.u. Josersi V'it cr.siuK d famiJv nava oeeu nere for rcverul weed-::-, vis iting with thkr re'utiv. u -ud fra nn., t.:..pai tv d th: i :.: tfriiOon fc.i- t..i.i: home in A!b,-ilon, :do:itana, after a very pleasant :kay in this city and vicinity? James Yvh Newell and wife of Chi cago who have been here vi dtir.g for a i.w :u.. w.th t'udr leiativ-:; an! foetk; id ; art; d I.tr.t t-euiug for ihotr home m the windy city. Interesting Letter I'rur.i Kalpli Miller to liis lodur .'drs. Lovi .Miller, of This City. Mrs. i.i vi Milk-i- of this city hai received tho lolh)vinir interesting let ter :he:n he - son, ikdpii Miller, wiio U at !,'! ,v ;P in hfar.lo Domingo, with the Unite. I S'.ates r.ta.iny corps and vhieh triv.'s on.1 a jrnod ieoa cf ths cor.iutons: n . a:iir.:r at tne iinio me c' iU.ru ;.'.us s . .i ; ,o ii'ir-; :in; marines were ir.r.ue.i to cpae.i a reneuion oi the re.-idient of il:2 v.enTo roptihlio: antiae. July, iPKh Dear Id -iher: We haive lest ;vot settled down, so I will wi lie yon a few line--; to let you hno v what a hard time we ha i in l'laki?"!., it io ir i -i city, which is the e. t i'nl of S-sr.to Detoir. ;;. Or hip. idi-tf) on the -hi tiny o'' .'-.we. h :;' n-al! wc ri.ii lea n po a.-nc - : a: : Ail the le-rh- .- ha I cit;r t reept a few w..... ram. V.h ma ie oe r canm ji of i. a:r. it tr c:i .! i 1 i t oia cm for orr eiu'nty ::u;e hie n o? i . n t ! .; lif e . : a. V-i. and had a;r t- ih.cih t h c .e ;r ! in the ninivh. a t Cm V. e i r . i in k V. -at s. I ve slr.ited oat atstl had. only irons nh'sk fwn mi'ea when we were ari Iiu.hed. We had one man hd!r-d here end'two wounded. We just pu.-.hed ' ight along i.nl we lia.-d f-niy gone about a mile when they ambushed us again, but we wo 10 looking for :';rae1hing like, tiiat to happen so no me was hurt that thee. We went in to e.us.p thai yight at the fifty-five iidle post and stayer! the: e until thj m'.Kr-.hv of the "rd trying to locate the next trenches which were ouiy a few miies fi-t-m us. On the morning of the third of July w started cn our march and when the advance guard had gone about a rnilc they were fired on by the niggi's, but they, drove them back every time, and at 10 o'clock the filing became quite heavy so we toe!: up a brttho formation and began io advance through ehe woods to their trenches were supposed to be. The machine guns were ahead of us and For Irtfatits and Children Mwrysbcari we soon formed a support. Then the whole line advanced and the battle was on. The v. ooij vtie so thick that you could tee only a lew feet ahead and all we coahl do was to fire in the general direction of the? battle. We fired over 1H,0C0 rounds of am munition at the trenches before the niggers stopped firing. We had two men hilled and ten wounded in this place and in the trenches there were J iwenty-eiM'ht dead nivjp;era. I did not mind" Icokin'c at them at all, they really loclted ,e,ood to me lying tlicre dead, after seeing our two boys kill ed. We dug two graves and buried our two boys under a big palm tree. We never buried a single nigger, we were so mad we did not care whether they were buried or not. We camped that night near a little town and the outposts shot two men that were sneaking through the woods j'ust at dark. Everybody was very nervous that night and the out posts and pickets shot at everything that moved. The next morning we took up the march and arrived at the railroad where we met two comnanies of ma- i Tina'., una came in irorn a O' io ruuu and they had fought their way through and repaired the railroa 1 .v ,, , , .,. . , r. . . 1 1 n. 1 1 : i.ii i 1 1' i 'e v ' . i iti'ii'ii-i, i ' i t . v v i I "oar m.. nths an I it was b:td!v in need veoai'-. The next dav we arrived ! . :'i!.l ten miles of tht of San- ' I thi.e.o. A p; i oe conimir-sion came out n.-;t ti,; and we were e;ive:i free iniicc to tiie iorcs in tne city, t..O -liii'e -.:.!; it-v. li iiivii nuu in -s a'e yket here .iast now in -.e thy. In the small towns there is r II I s - ie tre Ide. Our mi-sien to ; hnntn l!ii.i'n . was .inniosed to be j :. o r.cel'ul .ne. Vv e were sent here to ' 7-i n ti:) th.? -an road " tnat tney j t roe tet 4 to ire tOvcr e. ..(!(''!), OCi o- tn ! sugar am ! o; - ., ! ky Y h. v e-.'kl n,., t ip warchoeses a; :e; it out over Tai ' rt.ad. Well go.nddiyo for tlii-- time, j lla!h Mider, I C"-. k, Foii ah lies. U. S. Marine. A kkid ki: I !ItId CAMAi'.A r . . .: t.. C '..in, ..iicncm-. i ".v: ;t.' ; . r "t" as ikilaws: "'I i-e: s . 1 n:ei lean ill .1 Wsae is in ih-r: a 1. . I i v,- been troubled .. - i. : i.:.v:ng us. ! ! !..".. 1 e'nee i.v ".'c.i ag.iiu . eras goo 1 . , -j. vt ;. rosea . ,.t w: to cranna vr. 1 1, it. As. , M .-. i . i: . k aha." V !' iMter V -V ,t..l roe-. .:;-h Ict-.-r.-: fin 7 it man r ii'es,lecau.x- hnien: of the :-:i;ae'i. irhab-s ! lis1 kver anil tne box el is r. v. iten eoistij.it;ui is con tii the di-eae. in poor ap nrci. :-u ;C-;t 1: n, voniitinc, ::c:vtu.-- I s. 1 ah; in the hew. dr. . !".. it wih a. r.p.iiy sive tiu-ek .i.o-.). .t thug .-t.-icn jr. rdanvfaeanine; Ciitmik, 1 . ".-ld.h! h shian.l Ave., Chicago, vrs "iiggi .1 to get Triner'.s i.nnnienv ,'or v. It is r.u txttilent or rn.u in muscles and I'-mts. -vl ( : ' u -1 . - es. Ik ice 1'j and hi'r. by I .. ill: .-. Your I-.t-l tiianee- to buy a d oh:: ; 1 a !' ,u Ciad wagon crmplete r.nd .y Jr.o'-.r.a 1 .rr.r.lcte and t .v. ..' -1 bencs at !es than riio!e.-ale ''.a- ..:ry yrhs; u io he : old at privide ah Saturday, -hdy 2d. J. L. Cart-oi ce Co., Fl dtsmoutb, Neb. If you have anything for sale adver tise in the Journal. Airdbme Monday, THE POPULAR prm-wf. MOSTLY FEATURING THE and a Big Beauty Chorus of Singing and Dancing Girls and Funny Comedians. Bsu'f Fall Io &Qzr i!;c Great Deoiio! k? PLENTY OF GOOD lir.lu-JJ IRE PAY FOR TROOPS AND VOTE IN FIELD The Senate Agrees to Amendments to Army Bill Expected to Pass Today. Changes Age Minimum for Enlist ment From 19 to 21 Years. Washington, D. C.,- July 2(5. In creased pay for officers and men of the regular army and national guard in active service for the Mexican emergency, improved camp conditions to safeguartl their health, and author ization for them to vote in the field at the coming presidential election were provided in amendments to the aimy appropriation bill agreed to" to day by the senate. By a vote of 41 to 13 the senate i alao saisnonded the rules to adopt an : i amendment changing the age mini mum for enlistment in the regular aimy from IS to 21 years without the consent of parent or guardian. ! Under the provision boys under 21 ... j - be retained in the service unless they tiled within thirty days the written consent of their parents or guardians. The amendments was adopted without j roll call. The bill is expected to pass tomorrow. mm SUFFERING BADLY FOB THE WANT Tlie continuous tlry weather ;drce ih' Fourth of July, has began to rm.ke itself felt in this county an 1 the corn has suffered somewhat frcm the lack of tain fall and the in tense heat that has prevailed. The. pastures and gardens have been th? greatest ftifferers from thr dryness and it is beginning to be felt in p:o- 1 viding feed tor stock in the pastures . 1 . 1 as the giass is drying up m bad flutpe. A great many iif the farmers st a to that if the thought is broken in the next two week a greater part ' of the corn will not suffer much as the reult of the protracted dry spell but after this period the effect cn the tern will be most serious. The dry weather has permitted the thresh irir to be carried on without interus- liun and the ?mall grain crop in this ee ink v will be a snlcndid one anil v.-v,;!M-,t. , h,avt- n 1.1 st. vo.-.i- the theat is of the verv highest tan- .,,,,1 .;ii v,w.Ti t'h.o Mm mnnov value' as the crop last year, which was create:- in the amount but the grain was decidedly of a much lower standard than that which has been harvested this year. State of Ohio, City or Toledo. Luc&3 County. C3. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is tonior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney z Co.. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that snid lirm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot he eurott bvtheudu of II ALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before ir.e and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December. A. D. 1S3S. A. W. GLEASON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken In ternally and acts through the Blood on tre Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. 1'. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold bv all tfruRpists. 75c. llall'3 Family Fills for constipation. 31st Hiiiil orsiparsy- 1 GIRLS SEATS AT 10c July IMPORTANT TO ALL THE AUTOMO BILE DRIVERS From Wednesday's Dally. To Mr. Glenn Perry and other speeders admittedly, or otherwise: In the issue of the PlaUj. ..u.. ..i Journal of the date of July 20, 191(5, one Glenn Perry addressed an article "To the public" to wit: "I confess I was going faster than the law says we shall go on the avenue when I was stopped by the 'cop' Saturday evening." Very well Mr. Perry in view of the fact that you admit it (regardless of the fact you might have done some ! trading with us if our alert cop ha"d not pinched 'ou) it becomes our bounden duty as law abiding and safety loving citizens to impose upon you, just as though you were an or dinary individual, the penalty forj your violation of the law. Mr. Perry further states: "I deny j I was going as fast as the he (the- cop) said I .wash' But you admit Mr. Perry thai you were in reality ex- j ceeding the limit prescribed by law; j going faster than the f ramers of that i law who had the safety and welfare j of the public at heart and wished to protect them fiom the disastrous re j u cf indifferent and reckless auto i (Olivers nenevea you snouid go. A ; man sentenced to the electric chair for murdering his fellow man with ! a club three feet long might just as consistently set up a defense that the club was not to exceeded two feet and eleven inches in length, and be cause of that fact he was entitled to escape. Your statement of the conduct of the "cop" reminds one of the ravings of a disordered imagination. For if he had have thus conducted himself !QT H ? i towar' J0U' - ou were entitled to re Ul iJiisJivJ k U iiia diess through the process of law to lid yourself of such a nuisance and annoyance, but you seem to incline to the theory that because he may have exceeded his authority you had j n ri-ht to bre-k tht huv- a:'d 1 a?rce such a situation might arise but there fecms to have no element of such in this instance. You say you do not have to tie - pend upon other peoples' speedome - ters to know how fast you are going. Sure you do not. But you may de- pend upon this, that if you, while in the city limits of the city of Flatts - mouth, Neb., go tearing through the strcets of same in your automobile, not only endangering the lives of your family and friends who may happen to be riding with you, but ail , with whom you come in contact, you will be promptly arrested and if the court P1"-, fin i in moncr or jail As to the city's wanting your "zsey" S5.00 bill to pave their ave nues, we have this to say: "You with ! yur handsome nuta car will certainly benefit as much as most anyone in having the avenues paved.1 Now in the matter of the 8,000.00 worth of trade which we seem to have forfeited by reason of our insitinpr upon your obeying: the law, we have this to say on behalf of our business men. You trade with them because it is to your advantage to do so and not because of any exceptional af fection you entertain for them. And in conclusion, Mr. Perry, let us ad monish you to come down out of the mental clouds amongst which you seem to have been soaring, and light on the ground of common, horse sense. Before running over anybody give 'em a chance. Toot your horn al light, but be careful of the car,'. Very truly yours, Ik F. Buttery, Chairman of the Police Committee. CCMniMfil nilT I CTTCB0 HIT IUITATIHM in TUC ua iei9i!Mf iuim iu nts. HOME GOfrlING An effort has been made to nlace the circular letters and envelopes ad- vcrtising "Home Coming" in every i f-; : it .i j j u I swic aiiu unite in Lilt; city iiu tut; I committee has had them distributed in the hope that the public would avail themselves of the opportunity to nut them in use. In case anyone . has been overlooked in this matter they can secure envelopes and cir- i u.. n:,. v ir ti' n I . tu;tia uy ttiuiiip ui i jo. 11. tt eatuti, . l :j o i M - j;iuaiufiii- ui tuu uniiiifi t iui ciuu.lt These envelopes are very handy in re minding vour friends that there will be something doing in Plattsmouth during the big week commencing on Thursday, August 31. Secure some of the printed matter and see that it is sent out to our absent friends at once. George L. Meisinger, one of the enterprising iarmers oi tugnt iMiie GroVe precinct was in the city for a few hours today visiting with his friends. ed and made to pav &1m sentence; get that? bH?2l m, ki.pj!tDTilch. K.-i,il,bkCT ' 4 Si 4IM1 meu them lot Two MdixIii. B tjl if "Jr. tUl con! o. c 1 1 M f- nu I en Lmti j Tl MB F.ftjr CeaU or p. . Htw tttr i Nw. I T " zi r t s a mm was one boy's comment when his mother pointed out the Money Warranty sewed in his pair of DUTCHESS ja Knickerbockers His enthusiasm was no less than the parent's - a big ger, more liberal warranty could not be. It is insurance against the vexations of ripo, tears and missing buttons. And besides all this, these famous "knickers" are cut for comfort and case of" action and fit. C. E. Wescott' So s iib Everybody's Store II. E. Weld departed this afternoon for Pes Moines where he will join Id. J .con Earl and secure a location to tni- f bark in the drug .-tore busir.es-. George P. Meisinger of near Ce i 'i- Ci.ek was in the city for a few 1k us j today looking after some burns matters with the merchants and vi- iting with Ida relatives and friend Office suppTTos at the Journal oiihe. The Ancient axon dressed quite differently from the axon tcday. But Ins ill- tained the three essentials of j j fi , , uiuutni uicsn 11 was a nana made garment- The fabric was pure wool And it withstood the severest wear. These three essentials fire found jn Societv Rrnnrl roAc "J j rV 1 i dav - 1 hey are ths base Upon which modern art and crafts- n.cL - ri-i. -r-i l'tA ls reached in the extraordinary models of Society Brand Clothe iiia ocawu (l2s-4k ManAatta?i Shirts Car hart Overaslh Stetson ITa is Hansen tMkmrn: - . mil lym.-f .yt'.r.njii