The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 24, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    MONDAY, JULY 21, 19 1G.
KM (T-SiSA by -
Copyright, 1913, by
Gorden SHows li is Teeth.
FFAIHS at IIopo were nearly if
not quite as prosp-rous as those
;t Omar, for Curtis .'onion's
.nlverf Hing im.l yiolilcl largo
return. His experiment
the previous summer of ln-inir-
iv. Z his richest sroeklioMers north had
been a .irreat success. They had come
i.sN'iisildy at lu's expense and. once on
the ground, had allowed themselves to
le fairly hypnotized.
lie entertained them on a scale that
was almost embarrassing, and when
they returned to their homes they out
bid one another in their praise of the
financial genios who was leading them
to the promised land of profits and pre
ferred stock. As a matter ok course
they one and all advised their friends
to buy, vouching for the fabulous rich
ness of Hope Consolidated, and. since
their statements were hacked by a per
sonal examination of the property, sub
scriptions came pouring in.
All in all. the excursion h;id proved
s profitable that Cordon l;ad arranged,
for another, designed to accommodate
new investors ami promising "pros
pects." Preparations for their .wel
come were under way when Natalie
The girl and her mother talked late
that evening, and Cordon saw on the
following morning that Gloria at least
hail passed a trying ni?ht. but ho
rave himself no uneasiness. Emotion
al storms were not unusual. lie Al
ways disregarded them as far ns pos
sible, and usually they passed off
quietly. During breakfast he informed
,"I received a letter from Miss GolJ
in yesterday's mail. She is to be
v. of the new party."
'Diil you invite her to return thia
summer:"' Mrs. Gerard inquired.
"I remember her very well." said
Natalie "too well, in fact. I thought
her very bold."
"Siie is one of our largest investors,
and she writes she would enjoj spend
ing a fortnight here after the others
go back."
"Will you allow it?"
"Allow it! My dear Gloria, I can't
possibly refuse. In fact, it would be
the height of inhospitality not to urge
Ler to do so. She is welcome to stay
a? long as she chooses, for these quar
ters are as much hers as ours. I hope
you wiJl be nice to her."
Mrs. Gerard made no answer, but
later in the morning sought Gordon in
his private otlice.
"I preferred not to discuss the Gold
en woman before Natalie," she ex
plained coldly, "nut you don't really
Intend to have l er here, do you?"
"Most assuredly."
"Then I shall have to tell her she is
ut welcome."
"You will do nothing of the sort, my
dear. Y'ou will assume the duties of
hostess, for which no one is more
charmingly qualified."
Mrs. Gerard's lips were white with
anger as she retorted:
"I shall not allow that woman under
the same roof with Natalie.'
"As usual, you choose the niot incon
venient occasion for insisting upon
your personal dislikes."
"My dislike has nothing to do with.
t!ie matter. I overlooked her behavior
with you last year, as I have overlook
id a good many things in the past, but
this is asking too much."
' Gordon's coldness matched her own
as he said:
"I repeat, this is no time for jeal
ousy" "Jealousy! It's an insult to Natalie."'
"Miss Golden is one of our largest
s tof k holders."
"That's not true! I had Penny look
up the matter."
"So!" Gordon flared up angrily.
"Denny has been showing you tho
b'ks, eh! lie had no more tight to
c that than you had to pry into my
ill airs. While Miss Goiden's invest
in nt may not be so large as some oth
ers', she has influential friends. She
did yeoman service in the cause, and
I can't allow your foolish fancies to
interfere with my plans."
"Fancies!" cried the woman furious
ly. "You behaved like a schoolboy
with her. It was disgraceful. I refuse
to let her associate with my daughter."
"Aren't we drawing rather line dis
tinctions?" Gordon's lip curled. "In
tho lirst place. Natalie has ao business
here. Since she came, uninvited, for
the second time, she must put. up with
what sh rinds. I warned you last
sunnier that she might suspect"
"She did. She does. She discovered
the truth a year ago." Mrs. Gerard'
usually impassive face was distorted,
end she voiced ber confession with dif
ficulty. "The devil!" ejaculnted Gordon.
The woman nodded. "She accused
Harpr & Brothers.
me "last night. I tried to lie. but
God! How I have lived through these
hours I'll never know.'"
"Ilra-m!" Gordon reflected briefly
"Perhaps, after all, it's just ns well
that she knows. She would have
found it out sooner or later, and there's
ffnue satisfaction In knowing that the
worst is over."
Never before had his callous cynicism
been so frankly displayed. It chilled
her and made the plea she was about
to voice seem doubly difficult
"I wish I looked upon the matter as
you do." she said slowly. "Rut other
people haven't the same social ideas as
we. I'm crushed, and she Poor
child! I don't know how she had the
courage to face it. Now that she has
heard the truth from nij' own lips I'm
afraid it will kill her."
Gordon laughed. "Nonsense. Na
talie Is a sensible girl. Disillusion
meut is always painful, but never fa
tal. Sooner or later the young must
confront the bald facts of life, and 1
venture to say she will soon forget her
schoolgirl morality. Let me explain
my views or
"Never!" cried the woman, aghast
"If you do I shall" She checked her
self and buried her face in her hands
"I feel no regrets for myself for
drifted with my eyes open but this
this is different. Don't you understand;
I am a mother. Or are you dead to
all decent feeling?"
"My dear, 1 am the most tender
hearted of men. Of course I shall say
nothing, if you prefer, for I am sub
servient to your commands in all
things. But calm yourself. What is
done cannot be undone."
In more even tones Mrs. Gerard said:
"You seem to think the matter Is end
ed, but it isn't. Natalie will never al
low us to continue this way, and it
isn't just to ber that we should. We
can't go on, Curtis."
"Y'ou mean I must marry you?"
She nodded.
He rose and paced the room before
answering. "I always supposed you
understood my views on that subject.
Believe me, they are unalterable and
in no way the result of a pose."
"Nevertheless, for my sake and Na
talie's, you will do it. I can't lose the
one thing I love best in the world."
"It would seem that Natalie has
filled your head with silly notions,"
he exclaimed impatiently.
"She has awakened me. I have her
life to consider as well as my own."
"We are all individuals, supreme in
ourselves, responsible only to ourselves.
We must all live our own lives. She
cannot live yours nor you hers."
"I am familiar with your argu
ments." Mrs. Gerard said wearily,
"but I have thought this all out, and
there Is no other way."
He frowned in his most impressive
manner, and his chest swelled omi
nously. "I will not be coerced. You know I
can't be bullied into a thing. I deny
that you have any right to demand"
"I'm not demanding anything. I mere
ly ask this this favor, the first one I
have ever asked. Y'ou see, my pride is
crumbling. Don't answer now; let's
wait until we are both calmer. The
subject came up at least she approach
ed it by asking about the coal claims.
She is worried about them."
"She Mas told by a friend in the land
office that our rights had been forfeit
ed. I assured her"
"I refused to heed the absurd rul
ings of the department if that is what
she refers to."
"Then we have lost?" Mrs. Gerard's
pallor increased.
"Technically, yes! In reality I shall
show that our titles were good and
that our patents should issue."
"But" tlic wouiun's bloodless fingers
were tightly interlaced "all I have,
all Natalie has. Is in those claims."
"Yes! And it would require another
fortune the size of both to comply with
the senseless vagaries of the interior
department and to protect your inter
ests. I grew weary of forever sending
good hard earned dollars after bad ones
merely because of the shifting whim
of some theorist 5.000 miles away."
"Then I am afraid" Mrs. Gerard's
voice trailed out miserably. "It is all
we have and you told me"
Gordon broke iu irritably: "My dear
Gloria, tpare me this painful fault
finding. If I can win for you I shall
do so, and then you will agree that I
acted wisely. If I lose it will merely
be the luck of the average investor.
We played for big returns and. of
course, the risks were great."
"But Mr. O'Neil told her his claims"
Gordon's blazing eyes warned her.
"O'Neil. eh? So he is the 'friend in
the land office!' No doubt he also gave
Natalie the suggestion that led to her
scene with you. Tell her to occupy
herself less witb affairs which do not
concern her and more witb her own
conduct. Her actions with that up
start have been outrageous."
"What about your own actions with
the Golden woman?" cried Mrs. Ge
rard, reverting with feminine insist
ence to the subject of their first dif
ference. "What are you going to do
about her?"
"Remember, I refuse to share the
same roof with her. You wouldn't ask
it of your wife."
Now this second reference to a dis
agreeable subject was unfortunate.
Gordon was given to the widest vaga
ries of temper, and this interview had
exasperated him beyond measure, for
he was strained by other worries. lie
exploded harshly:
"Please remember that you are not
my wife! My ideas on matrimony will
never change. You ought to know by
this time that I am granite."
"I can't give up Natalie. I would
jive up much, for we women don't
change, but"
"A fallacy !" he laughed disagree
ably. "Pardon me, Gloria, if I tell you
that you do change; that you have
changed; that time has left its im
print upon even you a cruel fact, but
true." He took a savage pleasure in
her trembling, for she had roused all
the devils in him and they were many.
"You are growing tired!"
"Not at all. But you have just
voiced the strongest possible argument
against marriage. We grow old. Age
brings its alterations. I have ever
been a slave to youth and beauty, and
the years bring to me only an increas
ing appreciation, a more critical judg
ment, of the beautiful. If I chose
to marry well, frankly, the mature
charms of a woman of my own age
would have slight attraction for me."
"Then I will go," said Mrs. Gerard
"Not by any wish of mine," he as
sured her. "Y'ou are quite welcome to
stay. Things will run along in the
usual way more smoothly, perhaps,
now that we have attained a complete
understanding. Y'ou have no place to
go nor means with which to insure a
living for yourself and Natalie. I
would, hate to see you sacrifice your
self and her to a Puritanical whim,
for I owe you much happiness, and I'm
sure 1 should miss you greatly. Some
one must rule, and since nature has
given me the right I shall exercise it.
We will have no more rebellion."
Mrs. Gerard left the room dazed and
sick with despair.
"We must go! We must go!" she
kept repeating, but her tragic look
alarmed Natalie far more than her
"Yes, yes!" The girl took her in her
arms and tried to still the ceaseless
trembling which shook the mother's
frame, while her own tears fell un
heeded. "We must go! Now!"
"Y'es. dearest! But where?"
"You love mo still?" asked Gloria.
"I suppose you need me. too, don't
you? I hadn't thought of that."
"Every hour!" The round young arms
pressed her closer. "You won't think
of of leaving me."
. Mrs. Gerard shook Ler head slowly.
"No! I suppose that must be part of
the price. But penniless! Friendless!
Where can we go?"
"Mr. O'Neil my Irish prince," fal
tered the daughter through her tears.
"Perhaps he would take us in."
"Omar Khayam," said Eliza Apple
ton, entering O'Neil's office briskly,
"you are the general trouble man, so
prepare to listen to mine."
"Won't the kitchen Cue draw, or has
a hinge come off the bungalow door?"
Murray smiled. He was harassed by
endless worries, a dozen pressing mat
ters called for his instant attention,
yet he showed no trace of annoyance.
"If so, 1 11 be right up and fix it."
"The kitchen chimney has a draft
that threatens to draw Dan's salary
out with the smoke every time I cook
a meal, and the house is dandy. This
is a real man's size tribulation; so, of
course, I run to you. Simon Lcgree is
at his tricks again."
The girl nodded her blond head vigor
ously. "Y'es; he's stolen Mrs. St. Claire's
slaves, and she and little Eva are out
in the cold."
"What the deuce are you talking
"Gordon, of course, and the two
Gerards, Natalie and Gloria. 'Town
hall tonight. Come one, come all!'"
"Oh!" O'Neil's eyes brightened.
"There have been terrible goings ou
over at Hope. I went up yesterday
in my official capacity to recounolter
the enemy's position and to give him a
preliminary skirmish, but the great
man was sulking in his tent and sent
word by a menial for me to begone or
look out for the bloodhounds. Isn't he
the haughty thing? I don't like to 'be
gone.' I refuse to git when I'm told;
so, of course, I paid my respects to
Natalie and her mother. But what do
you think I found? Mrs. St. Claire
desolated, Eva dissolved in tears and
her hair down."
"Will you talk sense?"
"Just try a little nonsense and see.
"Well, the great eruption has taken
place, and the loss of life was terrible.
Among those buried in the cinders are
the dusky eyed heroine and her friend
mother. It seems Eva had a hand iu
the overseer's exposure"
"Y'es, yes! It's about those coal
claims. I knew it was coming."
"She told her mother of the horrid
treachery, and mother lugged the com
plaint to Gordon and placed it in his
lap. Result, confession and defiance
from him. Even the family jewels are
"Is Gordon broke?"
"He's weltering in money, but. the
coal claims are lost, and be wants to
know what they're going to do about J
it The women are "ruined. He mag
nanimously offers them his bounty;
but, of course, they refuse to accept
"Hasn't he made any provision for
"Coffee and cakes three times a day.
That's all. He won't even provide
transportation, and the troupe oan't
walk home. They refuse to stay there,
but they can't get away. I've cabled
the Iievlew, overdrawing my salary
scandalously, and Dan Is eager to help,
but the worst of it is neither of those
women knows how to make a living.
Natalie wants to work, but the extent
of her knowledge is the knack of frost
ing a layer cake, and her mother never
even sewed on a button in all her life.
It would make a lovely Sunday story,
and it wouldn't help Curtis Gordon
with his stockholders."
"You won't write it, of course."
"Oh, I suppose not, but it's madden
ing not to be able to do something.
Since there's a law against manslaugh
ter, the pencil Is my only weapon. I'd
like to jab It clear through that ruf
fian." Eliza's animated face was very
stern, her generous mouth was set
"You can leave out the personal ele
ment,' he told her. "There's still a
big story there if you realize that it
runs back to "Washington and Involves
your favorite policy of conservation.
Those claims belonged to Natalie and
her mother. I happen to know that
their locations were legal and that
there was never any question of fraud
in the titles; hence they were entitled
to patents years ago. Gordon did
wrong, of course, in refusing to obey
the orders of the secretary of the inte
rior even though he knew those orders
to be senseless and contradictory, but
the women are the ones to suffer. The
government froze them out. This is
only one instance of what delay and
indecision at headquarters have done.
I'll show you others before we are
through. As for those two You say
they want to do something?"
"It's not a question of wanting.
They've got to do something or starve.
They would scrub kitchens if they
knew how."
"Why didn't they come to me?"
Do you need a cook and a dish
washer?" Murray frowned. "Our new hotel Is
nearly finished. Perhaps Mrs. Gerard
would accept a position as as host
ess." "Hostess! In a railroad camp hotel!
Who ever heard of such a thing?"
Eliza eyed him incredulously.
O'Neil's flush did not go unnoticed as
he said qidetly:
"It is unusual, but we'll try it She
might learn to manage the business
with a competent assistant The sal
ary will be ample for her and Natalie
to live on."
Eliza laid a hand timidly upon hl3
arm and said in an altered tone:
"Omar Khayyam, you're a fine old
Persian gentleman. I know what it
will mean to those two poor women,
and I know what it will mean to you.
for, of course, the salary will come out
of your pocket"
He smiled down at her. "It's the
best I can offer, and I'm sure you
won't tell them."
"Of course not I know how It feels
to lose a fortune, too, for I've been
through the mill. Don't laugh. You
have a load on your shoulders heavier
than Mr. Sinbad's. and it's mighty nice
of you to let me add to the burden.
I I hope it won't break your joor
back. Now, I'm going up to your
bungalow and lock myself Into your
white bedroom, and"
"Have a good cry," he said, noting
the suspicious moisture in her eyes.
"Certainly not!" Eliza exclaimed In
dignantly. "L'm not the least bit senti
mental." (To Be Continued.)
FOUND Yale lock key found at A.
O. U. W. hall Wednesday night.
Owner can have same by calling on
Simon Clark and paying for this
Biliousness and Stomach Trouble
"Two years ago I suffered from
frequent attacks of stomach trouble
and biliousness," writes Miss Emma
Verbryke, Lima, Ohio. "I could eat
very little food that agreed with me
and I became so dizzy and sick at my
stomach at times that I had to take
hold of something to keep from fall
ing. Seeing Chamberlain's Tablets ad
vestised I decided to try them. I im
proved rapidly." Obtainable every
From Saturday's Dal!y.
A complaint has been filed with
the county insanity board against
Donahue, a resident of near Weeping
Water and Sheriff Quinton motored
out to that locality this morning to
tring the man in for examination be
fore the board.
Constipation and Indigestion.
"I have used Chamberlain's Tab
lets and must say they are the best I
have ever used for constipation and
indigestion. My wife also used them
for indigestion and they did her
good," writes Eugene S. Knight, Wil-
minton, N. C. Chamberlain's Tablets
are mild and gentle in their action.
Give them a trail. You are certain to
be pleased with the agreeable laxa
tive effect which they produce. Ob
tainable everywhere.
Local News
From Friday's Daily.
Gailen and Glenn Rhoden motored
in yesterday afternoon from their
farm and spent a few hours here with
Mrs. Will Fitzgerald and babe re
turned to Omaha this morning after
a short visit here with relatives and
Henry A. Schneder returned home
this morning from Benkleman, Neb.,
where he has been for the past few
days looking after some matters of
interest near that place.
George W. Snyder came in yester
day afternoon from his farm home
and spent a few hours here with
friends as well as looking after some
trading with the merchants.
Misses Lillian Bajeck and Florence
Richardson were among those going
to Omaha this morning to visit for
the day with friends and accompany
Miss Pheme Richardson that far on
her journey to Colorado.
C. D. Keltner, John A. Whiteman
and son, John, motored up last even
ing from Nehawka to make the final
arrangements for the holding of the
Ancient, Order of United Workmen
picnic at that place on August 5.
J. E. Thompson returned home last
evening from Rochester, Minn., where
he has been taking treatment at the
Mayo hospital in that city. Mr.
Thompson is feeling in much better
shape and his friends will be pleased
to see him return home feeling so
George M. Porter and wife and
sister, Mrs. Van Petten, and Dr. E
D. Cummins motored down from Lin
coln this morning to spend a few
hours with the old friends and expect
ed to attend Hiatt funeral but were
too late. Dr. Cummins departed this
afternoon for Omaha for a few hours
while the other members of the party
will return to Lincoln by auto.
From Saturdays Dally.
J. R. Vallery came in this morning
from his home, near Mynarl, and
spent a few hours with his friends in
the county seat.
Frank Blotzer, jr., motored in last
evening to spend a few hours look
ing after some matters of business
with the merchants.
Jack Patterson of Union was in
the city for a few hours last evening
enroute home from Omaha where he
had been on some matters of business.
Henry Horn and son, Harry drove
in this morning from their home near
CedaV Creek to visit for a few hours
looking after the week-end shopping.
James McCullough, of near Murray,
was in the city today for a few hours
looking after some trading with the
merchants and visiting with his
Joe Hunter and family of Havelock
are in the city for an over Sunday
visit here at the home of Mr. Hun
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
J. H. Donnelly came in last evening
to enjoy an over Sunday visit in this
city with his family and friends and
take a brief rest fieru his work as
state bank examiner.
Mrs. B. W. Livingston and little
daughter were among those going to
Omaha this morning where they will
spend the day in that city looking
after some matters of importance.
Ed Dorr, the democratic war horse
from near Wabash, motored down
this morning in his Chalmers car, ac
companied by A. N. McClury, of Lin
coin, and spent a few hours in this
city visiting his many old friends.
Mrs. Matt Spader of Omaha was a
visitor in the city over Sunday with
friends of years gone by, returnin
last evening to the metropolis.
S. H. Shoemaker was among those
going to Omaha this morning where
he was called to look after a few
matters of business in that city.
Miss Louise Lohnes departed Sat
urday afternoon for her home at
Cedar Creek where she visited over
Sunday there with relatives and
R. L. and wife and family
motored up to Blair yesterday where
they spent the day there with old
,'friends and they report a most enjoy-
jablc trip and a delightful time.
Mrs. W. R. Bryan and daughter,
Miss Lucille, departed Saturday even
ing for Kirksville, Mo., where Miss
State of Ohio. City of Toledo.
Liucas County, as.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
Is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business In the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken in
ternally and acts through the Blood on
the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send
tor testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
Sold by all druggists. 75c.
HaU's Family Pills for constipation.
The cost of Bridge Tolls for Round
Trip using our Commutation Books
Auto and Driver, round Trip 50c
Extra Passengers, each, 5c
$10.00 Book, ...$5.00
$5.00 Book, $2.50
Commutation Books Good any time
and Transferable.
Auto & Wagon Bridge
State of Nehru ska.
County of Cuss, ss.
in coiw'tv cm'i:t.
In the matter of the state of Sarah
Van Doren, eleeeased
Notiee' is hereby f-'iveii In the
tors of said dee-eased that hcarin
be lial upon the claims filed ;
said estate, be-fore me. County
of Cass Countv. Nebraska, at the
oreeli -;s
ya Inst
.1 nunc
Cm m -
tv Court rcMin in rlat tsinmit li, mi said
county, ou the 1 4 1 1 1 day of An trust. 1 '.!;.
ami on the lltii day February, 1H17. at
10 o'clock a. in., each day for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must lie tiled in said com;
on or before said last hour of heaiintr".
Witness my hand and seal of said
Countv Court, at t 'la 1 1 smou 1 1 :, Nebras
ka, this 14th day of .lujv.
AI.I.liN .1. HKKSe'N.
County ,ltidre.
In Re-Estate of David L. Amick, De
ceased. NOTICE
To Ruth M. Amick, Theodore L.
Amick, and to all other persons in
terested :
You are hereby notified that a pe
tition has been filed in the above court
alleging the death intestate of David
L. Amick, a resident :ind inhabitant
of Cass County, Nebraska, on May
17th. 1910; that he left his surviving
as his sole and only heirs at law, the
above named persons, and praying for
the appointment of Theodore L. Amick
as administrator; that a hearing will
be had upon said petition at the office
of the County Judge, Court House,
Flartsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
on August loth 10 1(5. at 10 o'clock a.
m.. before which hour, all objections
thereto, must be filed and at which
time orders will be entered in accord
ance with finding of the Court thereon.
. D
the Court this 20'.h day of July,
, 1010.
County Judge.
A. ROBERTSON, Attorney.
Lucille will take treatment there at
the Still hospital for a short time.
John Bergmann, one of the lead
ing farmers of near Mynard was in
the city Saturday for a few hou:-s
looking after some trading with the
merchants and visiting with friends
Frank Sebatka and mother, Mrs.
Anna Sebatka, were among those go
ing to Omaha on the early Burlington
train yesterday where they visited
with Walter Sebatka at the Imman
uel hospital.
Morgan Waybright and grundaugh
ters, Misses Elizabeth, Virginia and
Helen Beeson, returned home this
morning from Edison, Neb., after a
short visit on the Waybright ranch
near that place.
Asburv Jacks and wife and Mr. audi
Mrs. Jesse Elliott, returned yester
day afternoon from Hamburg, la.,
where they were called to attend
funeral of a brother-in-law of
Jacks, which was held Saturday.
Listen, Mr. Renter, take that trip
to Chase County with Iiosencrans on
August l.'tth. You will see something
that will beat renting.
Fred H. Ossenkop of Louisville was
in the city yesterday lor a few hours
taking in the base ball game v.nd vis
iting with his friends.
Wheat is making from fifteen to
thirty bushels per acre in Chase coun
ty. Go and see for yourself, on Aug.
13th, with Roscncrans.
First Class Lands $15.00 to $35.00
per acre, wnn tins years v.neac crop
paying tor tne lanei it grew on. mis
is in Chase County. Go with Rosen-
crans on August l-itn ana we n snow
Your Grandfather told your father,
and your father told you, he would
have been rich, if he had bought real
estate. What will you tell your son:
That I went to Chase County with
Rosencrans on August 13th.
Tin-: t (HM t
i oi vrv.
rot it t or c
. !-:mt M .
In tin- H"llrr of Hit KmIiiK'n of 1 lifirlew
Tci-I, !) 'ii'il : Louisa 'I t-1 !.
cciccil, mid lie rif in ii I e'l'ie l.
I ccr ii ril. lull
17th. i i '.,
Now i. n this .1 ii 1 y
l aii'S ii,ul. liiid ti'tv l;ls I'i'titi'iri i,t
this CmiM. nlleuiiiK that Cl.mles T ipel,
late a resident and i n 1 , i ! t a n t of ("ass
county. Nebraska, departed tliis life in
testate, on nr iihout Mai li ::id. 1!":'. Ilie
owner in fee simple of lots uric ill and
two in H'x U eighteen . in Voiinu1
v iiaV Addition to I Ma 1 1 siiiunt Ii, Cass
cicmty, Nebraska, of the value of ahout
? 1 ou.oo. which was the hotneNcad of
the saiil deceased and his family, and
that said deceasel left surviving him,
as 1 is sole and onlv I ens at law. his
widow, Louisa Teipei arid seven child
ren, named as follows:
Ajrnsta Hall, (nee T ipel i, Herman
Teipei, Charles Teipei. Julia Telpel.
Clara Schwartz, i nee Teipcli, Henry
Teipei, and Fred Teipei.
All now of lcuitl ae, and that no ap
plication has ever hceii made in the
stute of Nebraska, for tl,c appointment
of an administrator of said cstale, and
that mote than two years have now
lapsed since the deal'' n said lec,i--ed.
and that Louisa T ipel. the widow
of said Chailes Teipei, deceased, and
the mother of all the children before
named, departed this life intestate, on
or about December 1!. lull, seized in
tee simple of an undivided one-third
interest in said real estate, and left her
surviving, a- her sole and onlv In irs a!
law, the children before named, who.
on the death of their mother, became
vested With the entire owmrship of
said premises in c ommon and undivub d.
Atid that Herman Teipei. late an in
habitant ef Knox County. Nebraska,
and one of the heirs at law of said
Cliarles Teipei and Louisa Teipei. dc-ccasf-d.
departed this life, intestate, on
or about Auvrust stli, 1:1.".. seized of an
undivided one--sovent li interest in said
real estate, and left surviving him, as
liis sole nnil onlv heirs at law. his wid
ow. Katherine Ted pel, and tive daugh
ters, named as follows:
Louise Teipei, ae 7 years; Wrn.i
Teipei, iirp a years; Alice Te-ipel. ay
4 years, eJrace Te'ipel, ac J years, and
Irene Teipei, ane in ment lis, all resid
ing at Creiirhton. Nebraska, who are
now the owners of an undivided on -seventh
interest in said real e-state, and
that said, real estate- was, at the date- of
the- death eif said decedents and now i
wholly exempt from attachment, exe
cution or other mesne proce-ss, and Is
nut liable fur the payment of the debts
ef said decedents, nor any of them, left
owiii' by said decedents and prayinir
for a healintr upon said petition, and
thai npein su--h hearing that an order
le e-ntered dispensing with a rcular
adminisu ation of said estate's and each
ef them and for findings of facts upon
the allegations eif said petition and for
a decree assiirniny sai 1 ten I estate to
tie heirs at law of said decedents as
provided bv law.
IT IS TIlKIIKKi UK ()KlH:i:i:i. Thae
said cause be heard bv the Court on tin
ltUh day of August, l!'lt., at 10 o'clock
a ni.. at the Countv Court room, in
IMattsmouth, in Cass County, Neduaska.
and that all persons i:iterested in said
estates be notified if such hearing by
the publication of this orde-r for three
successive1 weeks prior te saiil day eif
hearin'-r. in the IMattsmouth Journal,
a leral newspaper published in said
county, ami that if they fail to appear
and cont st saiil petition the Court mav
enter the decree prayed fur in sai-t
petit ion.
l!v The Court.
Al.l.K.V J. KKIXtN.
County Judge.
JN(. M. i.i:vi..
Attorney for Petitioners.
.Notice to 'ii-ltsllciil lie IciiiIh n I.,
TliHr lllr, ! Iet. I. k h rrn, cr
Monnl lttiriiiliif ivi nnil nil I'cr
kuii liir.eel In Tlicir I '.. I n I .
J. V. liinehman. if livinu, if de-eeased,
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal I epresei ta t i ves and nil per
sons i n 1 'ls t ed in the estate of J. V
liinehman; I'. T. Moss, if living, if
deceased, the unknown heirs, de
visee's, h-ale'cs, personal re' I a -tives
and all persons interested in the
state nl I'. 1. Moss; .m eii i . .lones.
if livinn. if decead. the
heirs, devisees, le;alee'S,
reprcsen t a t fv es. and all
interested in the estate of
u n k now ii
pel sona 1
Allied l.
first real
Jones: Clifford.
name unknown, husband of
J oseph i to
Cliiford; the1 unkneiwn loirs and d--vise-e-s,
legatees, personal representa
tive's and all leisons interested In
estate of Ella V. Mavis, deceaseel:
Vim and each of you a re hereby noti
fied that K. J. I-'t icke-. as plaintitl, on
the- i-sth day eif June, J'llfi. filed his pe
tition in the llistliet Court e.f Ca... :
County, Ne-biaska. wherein yeu and all
yen I are elef 'tida Ii 1 : the obji t
anl prayer eif which petition is
that the claim. Interest, riht, title and
interest r,f each and every one of jnn
iu and to
Lots four (I) live C) and six ttli
i:i block tiKht M, in White's .l
eliliejii to the City of I M a t tsmeiu I Ii,
and !o'.- leuir ( 4 I five ." I and Hv
;. in block e-!Khty-nine (81 in the
Ci; y of Plattsmouth, Cass County,
NVh' askii,
li. de'clareel invalid and of ne forr and
ellect; that the tltlo or said plaintiff in
and to said real estate and every pa i t
thereof he uieted as against you and
each and every one of you, atid against
any and all claims of each and all ir
you, and aprainst the claim eif eueli and
all of any person claiming; undni,
throiiRli or by .von. arid that It he- ail
j::JM'l and decreed that each and jell
of eut whose names are above set
forth, if living, and if dead, tho heirs,
devisees, legatees, ami personal re pre
sent. 'it lves and other pe-rsons interested
iu tlie estate of each and every one o
you. have rr riffht, tide, claim or lu
te test in or tr said real estate, or nn'
part thereof, and that eaeli and all of
sale! defendants, those named and thus
whose names ate iinknown, and .u".
st at eel, be feirever haired from claim -ins:
or asserting any rls-Jit, title, in.
terest er estate in and to said real es
tate or any part thereof, and fer sueji
other and further relief as to the e-ouit.
mav seem just tnel equitable..
You and each of you are furthe-i
rioffiel lat ou are te.uilrf-d to answer
said petition on or before Monelav, Mi'i
list!! day of August. 1 9 1
f. a. rnicKK.
C. A. RAWLS, Attorney. r