The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 24, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4
1 MONDAY, JULY 21, 1916. TAGB 3. PLATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. 'Chz plattsmouth journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WKEKXY AT VI. iTTSMOl Til. SKBIIASKA. Entered at Poatoffice at Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION riUCEl fl.30 I'EIl VKAR IS ADVANCE & THOUGHT FOR TODAY Sorrows are like thunder clouds oer our heads they are - scarcely gray; in the distance they look black. Schiller. . :o: August ol remember the date. :o:- Heginning of "Home Coming" cele bration. Ami enjoy the greatest event of ycur life. -:o: Meet all your friends here on that date, sure. Efficiency is the greatest hardship to a shiftless person. -:o:- Saving starving Poland is a cause which should receive unanimous sup port. -:o:- Men are not looking for jobs any rimre, but the jobs are looking for men. Everbody that is anybody, stands up for the two P's Plattsmouth and Progress. ' ' :o:- Fiancisco Villa may be physically constituted to stand all these deaths, but pargraphes are not. -:o: A poo.- man always feels that he lould bear up bravely under an in come tax if he only had an income. -:o: By the way, what has become of the cabbage snake story, that u?ed to go the rounds in the newspaper? -:o: There are no raw recruits on the border now. With the mercury at 10 Mid worse, they are well done on both sides. :o: German dyestuff manufacturer? are no doubt deriving some profit f;om the advice in international cor respondence. :o: Speaking in a general way, candi dates for office are the most agree able people you meet now days. They meet you with a smile that won't fade sway until you have said '"no, I can't support you.'" :o: A nickel is now worth six cents 'on acount of the war." This, how ever, represents its intrinsic value, not its trade value, so now we will continuing to get 1; cents worth of round steak for five nickels, as be fore. -:o:- A tr-ivebng man remarked to the editor yesterday, that Plattsmouth was the busiest little city he had vis ited for sometime. "Stand up for Piattsmouth," is our slogan all the time. We never let up, but boom right along. -:o:- The republicans of Otoe county do not seem to take kindly to the candi dacy of Marshall T. Harrison for iloat representative, and insist that Zim merer remain on the ticket, al though absent,. He is with his regi ment on the border. -:o: As the date for Mr. Hughes's noti fication approaches there is not tho .slightest flurry on the stock ex change. Is it possible that those fel lows have again got advance infor mation and know whether he is go ing to accept or decline that nomina tion? -:c:- Thc theater managers strongly re cent the proposed war tax on their .business. They say it will take 40 'million dollars a year from the poc 'kets of the' amusement men. It would hi. a great relief to the amusement 'men if the proposition v.'-re dropped "and a tax of five cents vpiv Vvied on each loaf of bread. RURAL CREDITS CRITICS We are solemnly advised by local wise-acres that the new land bank rural credit law isn't apt to prove of much advantage to the farmer who happens to be a tenant, and that it is '"hard to understand" why the pres ident gets so much satisfaction out of the passage of the measure. Of course this suggestion is easily recognizable as an effort to discredit the law because it was passed by a democratic congress and approved by a democratic president as a part of a democratic constructive legislative piogram. Yet the dispatches say that when President Wilson signed the bill there were present representatives of the national grange, the farmers' educa tional and co-operative union, the farmers' national congress and the national council of the farmers' co operative association. There was another present also. It .as David Lubin. Now who is David I.ubin? Why he is the originator and head of the international institute of agriculture, which has its headquar ters at Rome, Italy. He is an Ameri can citizen who has devoted his life tc the promotion of agriculture, and when he conceived the idea of the in-U-rnational institute to gather world wide information for the betterment of the processes of agriculture, being unable to find at home the encourage ment necessary to establish and main-' tain the institute, went abroad and found backing that enabled him to es tablish it at Rome with assurance of financial aid enough to stabilize it. David Lubin found in operation in Europe certain forms of rural credit promotion, and at once began agita tion for the adoption of a similar but modified system in the United States, j lie lias kept up that agitation for a number of years. Now it would seem that if David Lubin and the various representatives of the numerous organizations of farmers named above approve this measure, as they did in being present when the president signed it, these r-wlish financiers in Nebraska repub lican newspaper offices might with propriety withhold adverse criticism until a test of the merits of the law shai! have been made. If these men who have made, from self-interest, a study of what the farmer needs, find merit in the law, perhaps it is not the but-in of the spokesman for a too critical partisanism. It has been urged before that the farmer who wants to borrow money can get it on better terms than can some manufacturer and merchants. The suggestion invariably meets in dignant denial from the western com munities, where interest rates on farm loans recently ran as high as 8 per cent. The growing plentitude of notiey may have diminished this western Nebraska rate during recent .nonths. This rural credits law may not be perfect. It is possible that its ap plication may bring out defects. But it is an important first step. Possibly in time it may be made to fulfill the needs of the tenant farmer. In time ii must also extend to the home-seekers taking up government land, most of whom really need help. It would tend wonderfully toward rendering new unused portions of the national domain fruitful if the government should provide a system of aiding those who settle upon raw land in the hope of making it serviceable to man kind. Lincoln Star. -:o:- A man making an effort to take defeat gracefully is putting on the most painful performance. :o: Every town has a citizen who "has buried two wives'' since he arrived there, and is suspected of having ethers planted around at several for mer places. He who is not for us is against us. -:o: Are you mouth ? a boomer for Platts- Then boom with all your might for "Home Coming." :o: We don't expect any sluggards to do anything of the kind. :o: Besides the physical and military training you get in the army, you don't have to eat salad. :o: The devil has but mighty little use for the man or woman whe attends strictly to their own business. :o: The rankest piece of business that we ever heard of is the theft of seven skunks from a skunk farm in Indiana. -:o: Democratic postmasters are severe ly scolded by Postmaster General Burleson for officiating1 in politics. Is there any more causes for complains under democratic administration than there was under republican rule? I guess not. :o: The resolution adopted by the Otoe county republican convention at Syra cuse last Tuesday, endorsed John L. Kennedy for United States senator. and Congressman Reavis, but not a word anpears in commendation of Sutton for governor. But this is sim ply a straw. :o: Prince? Henry of Bavaria has been wounded in the head. This should start rumors of a new gun of wonder ful range, provided he was not like the Prince of Wales, wounded by the usband of a sergeant's wife. It will te a long day ahead before a prince s .-hot while fighting in the front tienches. :o: A newspaper man of long peri- eiice observed the other day that be cause of some trifling inaccuracy, o. the belief of someone that there was an inaccuracy, a newspaper will be branded as being irresponsible. With so many chance for mistakes to get into a newspaper, considering the large number of facts handled by a daiiy newspaper, the "wonder is that more errors do .not creep into print. Often the person who criticises mo.-': seveie'y the newspaper for an ia ac curacy has neither the ability nor the qualities that would admit of him managing a newspaper for a single day, and the mistakes he makes in his own business every day, which are covered up where the newspapers er rors are public, would amount to a far bigger average of errors com pared to aeeuincics. The newspaper is made by human beings with all hu man deficiencies, and their critics us ually have little to do and plenty of time to do it in, a state of happiness the newspaper maker never has op portunity to enjoy. PROSPERITY However, complaints of scarcity of lai.or continue, and farmers are now feeling the pinch in this respect. New buying of teel comes largely from foreign sources, the orders indicating an admixture of war's wants v.iih materials u-ed for constructive pu -poses. K . up reports barring th;;r coriing Soai the Gulf sections of the south and reports ef bii" rust eman ating 7'om the northwe- are favor able. Railroad traffic ; heavy, earn ings are exceptional' large, and c'l'o-s :vvi nues of larg.; nads for the fiscal year ending June '.'.0 promise to eveed VI P.0,000,00() largest sum dieted for an previous like i'CT ". I ; ;.k cleaning; rve.i'.ly sur pass those of one and two years ago. At this time last year war orders were diffusing activity in widely separated lines. Money is firmer, de mand is better and desposits at some points are decreasing, but at the me tropolis funds placed by trust compa nies seem to have prevented the market from maintaining the full ad vance. The stock market reflects bearish operations, which apparently are shifted from one group of stocks to another when and as conditions are deemed propitious. Binding expendi tures for the first half of the year at 120 cities equal the best aggregates of past years, and are 27 per cent ahead of a year ago. Bradstreet's Review. THE NATIONAL GUAKD The calling out of the National Guard has developed some facts that are worth notice. In the states where there has been a constant demand for a large army and navy, where theie has been the largest preparedness parades and where the press has bee n denouncing the peace proclivities of the president, fewer men have re sponded to the call in ratio of popu lation than in others where no dis plays ,or demands have been made. The mobilization will be worth all it will cost even if there is no war with Mexico. The first effect of the ap pearance in a few days after the call of about 100,000 men on the border, all well armed, fully equipped and in splendid physical condition, was to cause some Mexican politicians to change their methods toward the United States. This mobilization beats all the Plattsburg camps ten te one. The men who have gone to the front are ruder strict military diselinline, and will be brought face to face with the training that men of the regular army are subjected to. There is vastly mere of military gain in such an ex perience than could be gathered from many sessions of the camps in Platts burg or elsewhere. The mobilization has brought up new questions that will not down.. The Sprinfieid Republican in speak ing of the National Guard savs: -We are all ready to pay them honor wnen the government demands their ser vice, nut not all ot us have bee:: equally sympathetic and regardful ef them before the crisis came. The least v.e can do when men go out from the community life to serve their coun try is to see that dependents they have left behind are adequately cared fore." There has been some objection to the severe physical requirements, but that there has been no discrimination letween them anil the regular army is shown by the fact that five colonels of the regular in service on the border s:s well as several of lower rank have lecently been retired for physical dis ability. The result is that perhaps no other army of 1 00.000 men of equal physical ability to that on the Mexican border was ever before as sembled. Governor MeMehcad said that '"every man had to pass an in spection by twelve different doctors, eaeh a sreeialist in some part of the physical anatomy." The result was that a man had to be perfect from his toes to his teeth. Several were reject ee! on the account of the condition of teeth an l at least one man because he had a crooked toe. World-Herald. :o: Never before in a national crisis was the country so supremely con fident of the wisdom and courage of its leaders. :o: There are a good many things that need modifying in this city, bClt it is not our duty to take such matters in hand. If it were, we would proceed tc ek it. -:o:- There's an art in keeping cool an I comfortable in hot weather and the first rule is to keep cool! Those who are by nature of a calm, placid tem perament are those who on the hot test days remain cool and comfortable. Cultivate placidity, then, don't get excited, don't run, don't fuss mental ly or physically. Remember that it is far easier to keep cool than to get cool. :o: She-was a dream. She was fairer than the dawn. She seemetl to float across the big room, such was her grace. Everybody looked. The type writers stopped. Even the telegraph instruments stopped. Not for many a day had the office been freshened by such a vision. She approached our desk. Proudly we rose. With a smile that hevealed the whitest of" teeth, she asked, "Where's the city editor at?" :o:- The cry of "free trade" has gone glimmering among the bowlings of the past. Papers that have not suf ficient brains to realize the fact that we are enjoying the most prosperous times we have experienced in fifteen years are still howling some. But the trouble with there little ignorant sheets is, we aie enjoying these good times under a democratic administra tion. That's what ails them. The live wires are the people who do the work and they are doing it. :o: Quite a number of men know wo men who can keep a secret pretty well, but they are a very scare ar tick. The York Democrat: Judge Sutton stand up! Did you ever have a gov ernment liquor license made out in your name? :o: The study cf domestic science per haps could be made even more popu lar, with the girls if cooking, sewing and etishwashing were eliminated. :o: We yield to no man our admiration i for the consuming sex. That's why we elo not wish them te enter the base ball game and the wrestling match. :o:- A Wakeeney, (Kansas) young wo man is nursing a sprained arm, the result of a vigorous hug from her finance! This is a warning to fiances in Plattsnioii'.'i. Some kind of lifers are dangerous -:o: Henry Ford is not in the habit of throwing away his money. He might accept the nomination of the prohibi tion party but he knows that no mat ter how much he spent it wouldn't t::ke him within miles of the White House. :o: They are all coming to Plattsmouth oti Thursday, August Ml, and remain during the active "Home Coming" festivities, which end on Monday, September 1, with a great Labor day program, including the flag raising at tlie Bmlington railroad shops. :o: Parents of girls and boys, under 14 and 15 years of age. should keep tl.em off the street after 11 o'clock at night, at least. Their tramping the streets at this hour of the night does not speak well for the parents or city either. :o: Farm loan hank race between Oma ha and Lincoln will make . a warm fijrht. Lincoln beat Omaha out of the Reserve bank by her contention and she will do the same with this. Omaha shordd turn around and favor some p'-ore central location than Lincedn say Grand Inland. :o: The standj.att ir: are vkwlr., wiiii r-'tm the fact t'1 .it Toddy's soil eut i.ot jroinjr to ;:' v : out. Leaders can :-at -hen thev ; -)." but thev ii r pull the wed over iho cu f ihe people to th ti party th it a v i e .ng tired iness, and no one in -.:". more so f. ctent of vjiir.'.? . r" t)v t'u t kind of bus can realize; this t.'ia:: once pop- ular Teddy Roosevelt. :o: IIETTY (IKKEN'S .MONEY Hetty Green leaves a fortune esti mated at one hundred millions. It is said of her that t-he always had on hand more real cash than anyone in New York, save, peihaps, the late Russell Sage. The result was that when panicky times struck Wall ttreet Hetty was there with the ca.h and was enabled to make short tinu? loans at exorbitant rates of interest", which yielded her enormous sums of money. At other times she turned her attention to investments and so uner ring was her judgment that it is said she rarely made a mistake. A popular misconception concerning her was that she made ail her money. This was a mistake. At her father's death she inherited some ten millions. And so well developed was her judgment and her estimate of values that she speedily began to increase it. But in all her long" life it is not relate.! of her that she ever did anything to ic lieve the sufferings of her fellow men; that she never took delight in the things that make life worth iiv inrv. She raised her son with a single idea in view to make money. His v-iei.vs of life were the hard matter-cf-fact ideas of how to make money. -ha had no home life. She cared noth ing for children or flowers. If she lead books it was with the i-le i of 'discovering" new ways to make money. A. ui when she had made it, she work ed all the harder to keep it making money for her. The money she made did nothing for her or anyone else. It proved a hard task master and drove her on and on. Now no rus te mains to say a good word to her ritmory. Children Cry TIio Kind Yott Have Always iu v.o lor over io years, and '' -j sonal Alleivr AH Counterfeits, Imitations and Tust-as-fe'ood 99 are but i:xsoriiuents that trifle with and endanger the health of luiants ;:iui Children Hxpcricnco against Experiment What Is CASTORIA Castoiifi is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, 3IorpIiino nor otlier Narcotic substance, its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms find allays Veverislmess. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, ITatuIoT:r, "Wind. Colic, all Teething1 Troubles and Diari-htea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Sleep. Tho Children's I'anacca Tho Mother's Friend. S3 Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMRANV. NEW YORK CITV. Yes. a bier time in Plattsmouth. -:o: From August 31 to September 4, inclusive. :o: Evcibody interested shoukl remem ber dates. -:o:- The erreatest event ever pulled off in the old town. -:o: They are coming" from the east; they are coming from the west; and the north and south. -:c:- Evidently the Hughes managers arj going to have a hard time to even get the standpatters together. :o: That America may be free among nations and that America may be free among" men that is the democratic propose. :o: A scientist claims to have dis covered the germ of idiosy. It's so plentiful that it is a wonder that it wasn't found out before. -:o: Did you ever hear of anyone go ing to sleep at a ball game? Not here in riattsmouth. But we've heard of 1 oys making eyes at the girls in the grand-stand. -:o:- Kx-Governor Handly, of Indiana, is the nominee of the prohibition party for president. The nominee is quite an able gentleman, and a f ul!-fledged temperance man. Will the temperance people support him? :o: The government has undertaken the task with local help to clean the waters in thc vicinity of New York of man-eating sharks. If they clean up all the sharks infesting- New York they will have undertaken quite a job. -:o: Spend S17.50 on August 13th, and go with Rosencrans for a three days trip to Chase County. NATIONAL PARK SUMMER You can cover the West's magnificent Hookies in one grand tour on the $J5 Glacier Park excursion ticket from Eastern and Central Nebraska goin one way via Denver. Our new Denver-Billings Central Wyoming mainline takes you alongside Koek Mountain National Etes Park, alongside Yellow stone Park. A 70.) MILE MOUNTAIN PANORAMA, from Colorado to the Yellow-' stone along the Eastern slope of continuous mountain chains. On this circuit you can, by detours, make the tour through Estes Park or throuSh Yellow stone via Cody, the antomobile scenic entrance. Our through service routes to Denver, Billings, Cody, Gardiner or Glacier and between Denver and the Yellowstone may be combined into a sweeping scenic mountain tour that embraces more grandeur at Ihwpp miua , scenic tour on eaith. for Fletcher's Bought, and which has been lias Dome tho signature o has been made under his pcr- supervision since its infancy. no one to deceive von in this. CASTORIA always Signature of PEACE .MOVEMENT The river of rumors that constantly flows from the fields of battle in Eu rope wearies the patience, but occa sionally a few facts are printed that are very significant. Among" these facts is the resignation of Hungarian leader with the announcement that he will organize a party in the Hun garian parliament that will propose peace, regardless of what Austria may do. About the same time a dis patch from Petrograd announced the departure from that city of the Coun cil of Ministers for the Russian army headquarters on the line that is pene trating Galicia. At the same time there was an outbreak in the whole Hungarian press and the censor let rp to an extent not known since the war broke out. When all these facts are taken into consideration, it seems that there is something under way over there look ing toward making peace on the part of some of the belligerents. There may be nothing to the reports, but re ports came from Petrograd and Hun gary at the same time. The actual facts are as hard to obtain in Europe as elown on the Mexican border. The people of Europe are just as uncer tain whether Emperor Francis Joseph is dead as the people of the United States are whether Villa is dead. It is rather strange that with press as sociations better organized than ever before, with cables, the telegraph and the wireless all in good working or der, the news is more unreliable than for the last ten years. However, it is pretty certain that peace movements are under way in several parts of Europe. World-Herald. :o:- Perhaps the reason there are so many poor efforts to write poetry is that many a persons mis'takes a lump in the throat for inspiration. o iuu may Write me for particulars; Homeseekers excur sions to Douglas the first and third Tuesdays of ach month. R. W. CLEMENT. Ticket Agent L. W. WAKELEY, General Passen-er A-ent 1004 Faruum Street, OMAHA, Neb. I. jf-