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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1916)
MONDAY, JULY 21. 1916 !r;; : - - - -i PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. ... I . : . a a, i i : ' . '. - k a - t . i ra re 1 i-ia. t a ILL i. 3:ai.aa;, .epe: tx-d as :r the pa.-l :!y iiitle ad ft: : 1 ovr ids d 'thai '.a y from the raJcn r.rld :a rr ;'oaea 'tvd, a; x . idirils&idi'J .41 'iaa.-t , a.a was the saone of a -i . : ! ; .1 i i i-aa at the beaut iful ...aire a a. .' i' Jo.-cj.h San.-?, aaa ;ir . S-v.s and daughter, IJeulah, .! 7 '. ! i i J i-.ti-r-i.'i.a entertained v :' -v. vU-is C'i:S. Many visi ! . ii ad i; u'lui'iv, were pre- !.. Tdv c!f.': i- i-ae of the larirest t v. id kind in the state, a ; i v a ! .1 boh time anil a ',. .'aid aaaaing this one of our ir.iv. v a iaa; meetings. A sploiu!-i-: t.-r .:! :' i'!'.vt-d the business ses . ;,: ! : . ,T.,hn Ilendric'.-.s do'dahli-d , .v. .. ... v 'a. Lumber of beautiful !.-.-.-v . t.-.i select i-v.s and Mrs. r Had -a a. p'vadid reading. The ia ' r t ae a ft. rrci.n's discussion. ;. "V : -. '? Ml of Rt.lV.l Sc'h")!:;." v ;' ,". ; i.i; r v.-.!-: givvn by .. t. sa- j-. .-;..-.vii-..t!- ii'iu-.i-t- !(- fi: '.' aad country .-'.duo's, and as ,V.r f." : 'da .!..: a a -.- .H-ve .' i will, t ii r a a' .ou t Ne .. aaa o.i v::l d aii its a:taa ;t ;;' y "-.' I ':; i'aa'.v c:'l'Vni.V.T ,i ,;;;. a aai ta;i' m.'.v o! lea! M- t'. j' i : : f the ct arnu.nity. while ,! a :. a, a- vy -r-'.ads i !' litt-i' id a-ury - -a "I i; -.i.-e, U'--m ': ed. d"- a . a - . aa . lad'" !d-..!t-ii i s: the a. edy i '' p as 'Vciit m aMi' i.r.aa'.v ; a .pcrt teachev.. -. a-, a -ah- ;a.av a fa:: a 'daaa T.a aa: I;.h-..r f- a iia t a' ' with a a v. . a. .ma;. ' i . - . a., a i fr; I ". . . i i: : " ' c ' ' d a a . a "aiad .. ; .. . a a ;.: ttr ai a '. a i.- a:'d ! !,. -a... . ; a -a. !. .1 V '.' a hi' i:v a' i v, a an i a jj ' .v d 1. a c a -.; t.i !) 're " ' a ' : a i - ' h ' aa e.iaa;i- .1 v.'.a.- ii .a.nija a i . u- v.-i(,:,.- la! "a- r; d ne r: ' - ' : a ' ; i '. ! . . s :".! n on the !.. rem i't aa a i: e a a iaai ; . i . : i e erai tai'-s ara.-aa. whr- . - -awae s aai :- as i !.ei r i i a a a a . a a ; - a a a a a a 1 1 ' in the bal ti e e.dy s t( k"e a M and not a. .)!:!'. ,. .iiunniun nia.n- :.-.'tissimr nie outlooK tor d laiyiae;. jxdnt to the fact i - at Ci itain and F v. ll f. aa.d i.faiaetia oa business offered ''at-a-a r leient inquiries have eed.-d deli.-...'y tlltiv until March .!'.! 7, in iiva.iiiig tijr belief that war vi!! iast beyond that time, i . .a; ua-ister-ve en quick deliverie '. ; lavcr.ted the successful closing o.a.-ia, i;: the market last month. : i.' atdry lor one-half million G-in. : a. a a iiiV'Mi ii-a; r.l.cut ID million dol S v.i;'.t!.J x-.-A he canrddered bv at ;L one la.t a'e care i n, wida-h refused lad cat ;.c'La!I is acount, although it was ceilain it could have ob tairiii the on tract. Uncertainty ex ists i v.T.ifdnjg the exact. amount of war bia.n.-ess aavv per.iling and the opinion j.vava.ils that it is considerably larger an reports iiavi; indicated. Several a. ai . raa lau e been aked to ' bid on i ortva.-t.-t l aanir.g all the way from i-". million to :i0 raid ion dollars. L. (.'2 r;-:Y:rr drove in this raorn ro.r. lias farm home and spent a tin ncr.? looKing alter tome TRIPLETS ARE DOING NICELY From Saturday's laiiv. Reports from St. Catherine's hos pital in Omaha state that the three Riehter triplets, Joseph, Charles and Herman, of Murray, whose mother died at the St. Joseph hospital in that eity within a few hours after their birth, May 17, following a caesarean operation are aininjj in weight stead ily and getting along in fine shape. It is now believed the th'ree little boys will live, and every care possible is given them in the hope of bringing them through babyhood safely. The doctors and nurses are all great ad mirers of the little tots and they are the pets of the nursery. SERIOUS AUTO- -10BILE ACCIDENT NEAR SHOCK From Saturday's Tally A serious automobile accident oc curred on Monday evening near Mur doek according to reports from that section, when an automobile in which Rev. and Mrs. Fred Reutlinger ef Fremont were riding turned over. The a t occurred five miles north and a mile wet of the town of Mur df tk, while the occupants cf the car were er.rcute to Klmwooil where they ware to vi-dt at the home of a sister of Mis. Kuetlinger's sister, Mrs. Jo!i:i Ku:iz. Ti e car turned over when it plung d off .f a bridge into Cailaiian creek, and Mrs Ruetiinger received five I raki i; i ids as well a? having her chest baailv mashed in the fall. The in-stand, and little .".-year-old babe wlv 'uc- e in the car . scaped without c:iau injury. The injured lady waa akin at once to the residence of Rev. Sehwr.h, tliD Evanga-Iical pastor ,.i Ma-dock, is .still there in a very ;eriaa condition but it is thought that : lu' will recovir from the effects of d'o aia-'a!t:.t but will remain at Mur- i cck iTtil it i tnoiign sale to nave !n a taken te her sifter's liome at i .dm wood. Ri v. Ruetlintrer is pastor )f the laaangeidad. church at Fremont : : wall known in -eligious circles in :a.ti:n Nebaaska. The accident has aaa: ad a nu.-t profound regret in the ! ca'ay where it recurred and where injured lady is quite well known io a lage nv.n.'oer the residents. THE PROPER C0URS1 lid"rinaticH cf I'rictlcss Value to Eery riattsnuiuth . Citizen Mow to act in an emergency is an .-.vl, da'e of ir.e-timable worth, and Ida is p.u ticularly true of the disease aad ids of the human body. If you -alfcr with kidney backache, urinary al '.e, the advice contained in the fola.v. ir.g statement should add a valuable asset to your store of knowl edge. What could be more convincing p:oof of the efficiency of Dean's Kid aey Pills than the : tatement of a Fialtsneuth woman who used them and who publicly tells of the benefit derrived ? Mrs. Harry Kuhney, Eighth and J'c-mI Sts., Plattsmcuth, ays: "I louldn't say anything but good in praice of Doan's Kidney Pills for I knrav from personal experience that they are all that is claimed of them. I use Doan's Kidney Pills whenever my back aches and my kidneys are not acting as they should and they nevei" fail to give quick relief. We use Doan's Kidney Pills in our home whenever necessary for kidney trouble and they always give good satisfaction." Price r.Oc, at sdl dealers. Don't sim y'y ask for kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Kuhney hud. Foster-Milburn Co., Prop., Buffalo, N. Y. PRESENTED WITH FINE CAKE The Ladies Social Worker's club, composed of the residents in the com munity south of this city, on Satur day afternoon remembered the Jour nal publisher with a most acceptable present in the shape of a fine Angle food cake that was brought in by Mrs. W. A. Taylor and Miss Nettie Smith, and served as a most delightful treat. The ladies have our most sin cere thanks and it certainly demon strates that they are not devoting their time to the study of current topics, but also are experts in the line of preparing danties for the table. AGENT FOR MONUMENTS. R. L. Propst is the agent for the Glenwood Monument works and would be glad to call and show sam ples to those desiring anything in this line. Call telephone No. 4012. Read the Evening Journal. Only 10 GO TO OMAHA AND RETURN IN MOTOR BOAT YESTERDAY Yesterday morning a boating party consisting of Jack Iverson, William Ilinrichsen and Louie Kroehler em barked at 7 o'clock in the motor boat of Mr. Iverson and started for Oma ha to enjoy the day on the rolling deep. The voyage while not as event ful as that of the submarine that crossed from Kiel to Baltimore under the waters of the Atlantic, was one filled with much interest a.s well as pleasure to the members of the party. On the way up quite a little time was lost near Folsom, la., when the craft ran on a sand bar and it took quite a good deal of skill to . get it afloat again on the waters of the Big Muddy but after several tries the boat was floated and the party reached Omaha shortly after 2 o'clock where a short rest was had and the return trip was then undertaken and the navigators reached the landing here at o'clock, his is mighty good time and especially in the trip up the liver where the boat was pulling against the current. The boat has a 12-horse power en and certainly can get ur and travel over the river in fine shape. OMAHA VISITORS AT THE THIEROLF HOME YESTERDAY Yesterday the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Thierolf was the scene of a most delightful gathering when cnumber of the friends of Miss Elsie Thierolf from the Lord Lister hospital in Omaha come down to enjoy a few hours recreation from the heat and closeness of the city. The time was spent pleasantly on the cool shady lawn of the Thierolf home, and at a suitable hour a dainty and delicious picnic supper was enjoyed on the lawn to which all did ample justice, and in the cool of the evening they departed for the metropolis. Those who were present from Omaha to enjoy the oc casion were: Dr. Foltz, police sur geon and wife, Miss Carrie DeVere, Dr. Potter. Charles Robel, manager of the hospital. Miss Flannery, super intendent of the hospital. Miss Lillian Luban, surgical nurse, Miss Mary Clark, Miss Laura Henry, Miss Se dalia Barlaw. Miss Hannan Wilson, Miss Elsie Thierolf. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Thierolf and Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Roscncrans. of this city completed the members of the pleasant party. Come to The Journal for fine stationery. Our New Policy One Price the Year Round I ; la L anything by marking goods at or below cost for clearance purposes. The customer gets just what he pays for no less and no more. He doesn't have to wait for sales and he doesn't have to worry about being stuck with seconds or infer ior merchandise. Try out this new plan. You're bound to like it. If there are any points which are not clear, let us explain them. Our lines of stock are standard, but our prices are lower. We do not offer bargains, but everything we sell is pure value. Fall in line with these new methods and save yourself money. ' Come in and see our Summer Line of Society Brand, Kuppcnhcimcr and Clothcraft Clothes the prices are right. Stetson Hats Car hart Overalls . PICNIC AT PAPILLION Yesterday Misses Marie Donnelly and Edith Dovey delightfully enter tained Mr. and Mrs. John W. Falter, Miss Bonnie Huffey, Mr. Leonard (Meisinger, Charles Dovey, Gretchen Donnelly, Mr. Ralph Aldrich of Ne braska City, and Byron Arries, in honor of Miss Bonnie Huffey of Hast ings, Neb., who is visiting at the Dovey home. The jolly picnicko. .; ::.a-j tored to the vicinity of Papillion in the afternoon where a few hours were very pleasantly spent in various out dcor frolic and at a suitable time a most tempting picnic lunch was spread and to which all did ample justice. The merry picnickers then motored on to Omaha where they spent a few hours. THE SOUTH PART OF THE CITY IMPROVING TO GREAT EXTENT The south portion of the city has been doing a great deal of improving this season in the building line and a number of the homes in that section of the city have been remodeled and placed in first class shape and a num ber of new hemes put up that great ly adds to the appearance of that part of the city and indicates that there is a steady advancement in the property iniests of that section. With its wooded hills and handsome hemes nesting among them there is no more attractive spot in the whole city than that lying in the south part of Plattsmouth. The new homes that have been erected are all occupied by families that aid in making the city prosperous and from Main street south to the city limits there is a region of handsome and attractive homes that certainly speaks well for the advancement of the city. With the improvements already made and those projected for the next few months this section of the city will come rapidly to the front. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoer Remedy. Eevery family without exception exception should keep this prepara tion at hand during the hot weather of the summer months. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is worth many times its cost when needed and is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over. It has no superior for the purposes for which it is intended. Buy it now. Ob tainable everywhere. Ed Dorr of Wabash was attending to some important business matters in this city Saturday and was a pleas ant caller at this office. Suppose you come into our store in March and bought a suit for $20.00. Then a friend of yours comes along in July and buys the same suit for $ 1 5.00. Wouldn't you be a little bit sore? Yet that is exactly what happens where clearance sales prevail at the end of a season. We believe it is an unfair method and there fore have discontinued it. A one-price policy now prevails in our store. You can buy just as early in the season as you desire and be sure that you are getting the same price as the man who buys three months later. The Squareness of this Plan The dealer as well as the customer gains something from this new policy. It is true that his profit may be smaller on each indi vidual article sold, but the point is, he sells more at this small profit and does not lose Boy Scout Suits c He A good sign to go by and good knickerbockers to "go buy." IN DUTCHESS KNICKERBOCKERS 10caButton;$1.00aRip your boy will be well dress ed, comfortably dressed and economically dressed. Dutchess Knickers repre sent the utmost in value. Thousands of mothers have been delighted with their all-round excellence. So will you with your first trial. c. E. Wescott's Sons Everybody's Store CUT YOUR WEEDS The law provides for the cutting of the weeds along the public high way from July 15 to August 15, and the attention of the residents of Road District No. 1, are called to this pro vision of the law and requested to comply with the law by having their weeds cut. A great many of the resi dents have already cut their weeds and their action certainly one that is appreciated and it is hoped all others will co-operate in getting busy on the weeds without delay C. F. VALLERY, Road Overseer. Rudolph Bergmann of Manley was in the city yesterday attending the ball game and visiting with his friends. Manhattan Shirts Hanson Gloves r ,1 A ii . d :it 23 in tiie Journal trading with the merchants. I cents a week.