The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 24, 1916, Image 1
'Platte A V mon N Neb SUto Hi.tor.vJ HitoricaJ So you xxxiv. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, 31 ON DAY, JULY 21, 1916. No. 11C. LAST SAD TRI BUTE TO NOBLE YOUNG MAN Hundreds of Sympathtic Friends At tend the Last Sad Rites Over the remains of Mr. Iliatt. From Friday's Dally. The Methodist church yesterday afternoon was filled to overflowing capacity when the residents of the city gathered there to pay their last token of respect to the memory of Charles Iliutt who met his death so tragically Wednesday afternoon. The feeling of grief that the event had occasioned among the many hundreds who hail known Charley Iliatt in life was reflected in the hundreds that thronged the church to pay a silent tribute to his life. Rev. F. M. Druliner, pastor of the church, spoke very feelingly on the lit' of the departed friend who had been a member of his flock and who had been associated with the active life of the church sinca he had united with the faith. The pastor took as the subject of the sermon "Character'' and pointed out the many virtues that formed the character of a true man or woman and in this paid a tribute to the brother just passed on whose life has been one that has served to aid his fellow man and not to harm man or woman, but to give a cherry word wherever possible to lighten the load of those more un fortunate than himself. The choir composed of Mrs. E. II. Wescott, Miss Florence Balscr, Mrs. B. Hayes, Mrs. Charles Jelinek, I). C. York, W. G. Brooks, F. A. Cloidt and Jesse Perry gave several beautiful and appropriate numbers during the services that served to soften the grief of the sorrowing ones with the thought of the blessed fu ture which was opening for their lov ed one as he passed from their side into the valley of the shadow. The services throughout were most impressive and beautiful and filled with a deep feeling of profound re gret that the friend and neighbor was taken from his home so suddenly but it was a thought to comfort and sus tain the members of the family that the departed had been ready to go and was at peace with his Maker and firm in the faith and teaching of the church he had accepted. The mem bers of the Men's Bible class of which Mr. Iliatt was a member occupied scats at the front of the church dur ing the funeral services and shared with the family the grief of the loss that had befallen them. The floral tributes were beautiful and the tender blooms of the lilly and rose spoke of feeiing of regret at the death of the well beloved friend who had been stricken by the hand of death while in the full enjoyment of life and health. The interment was had at beautiful Oak Hill cemetery where, as the day was dawning to a close, the body was laid to its last long rest. BIG A. O.U.W. PICNIC AT NEHAWKA ON SAT URDAY, AUGUST 5TH From Friday's Daily. The big Ancient, Order of United Workmen picnic at Nehawka has been set for Saturday, August 5, and on this date the good people of cur neighboring town will throw- open their doors in entertaining the vis itors from all over the county. The committee composed of C. D. Keltner, John A. Whiteman and John White- man, jr., were in the city last even ing and closed the arrangements for securing the Burlington band of this city to furnish the music for the oc casion and also secured the Tulene merry-go-round as one of the attrac tions. A big program will be prepar ed for the occasion and a royal time may be depended on in that fine little city when the picnic comes off. A great many from this city will be in attendance and take part in the joy ous event which the Workmen of that city will have full charge of. The pic nic will be held in the Sheldon grove. G. J. MEISINGER PURCHASES A FINE STUDEBAKER GAR From Friday's Daliv. C. J. Meisinger, one of the progres sive young farmers of the county, was in the city yestqrday afternoon for a few hours and made the trip from his farm in Eight Mile Grove precinct in his fine new Studebaber touring car. This is the first trip that Mr. Meisinger has made in the car j and he is delighted with the running of the machine and feels that it is the right car for general use. He greatly surprised his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meisinger by driving up in the machine as thev were not aware he had purchased the new auto, their home for a number of years at clearly that the best way of bring This is the third Studebaker in the Nehawka in this county, where Mr. ing anything to the attention of the family as Mr. Meisinger's two broth eis, George P., jr., and John each have on of the fine machines. ALUMNI BANQUET DURING THE "HOME COMING" WEEK From Friday's Dally. une ot tne leatures tnat is oemg strongiy urged by a number of the former graduates of the Plattsmouth High school, is that of an alumni ban quet to be held during the "Home Coming'' celebration in this city. This would be an event that certainly would be a very happy one and would be right in keeping with the spirit of the occasion as it would bring the visitors who are graduates of thc- school in close touch with their old friends and be the means of renew ing a great many of the friendships r i ,i : iu .. i ,i , I juimeu uuim i-iie nupjjj sinuui I ...l 1 1 4- u T.l I v.iii-ii ill i n ii i; 2iuiieiiia u. i me uu i naiismoum scnooi. rucn an event. I should be started at once and mem- utrs ui uie uiuer iiusses ui me miiuui snouiu get ousy on tne proposition anu see tnat it is put tnrougn. ine 1 i t 1 . . a. it mi I members of the classes of the last ten years are willing to get into the alumni banquet and the members of the classes of the eighties and nine ties should take it in charge and boost it to a successful conclusion as it will be the older graduates' who will be here to enjoy the "Home Com- : 1. 1 iU 11 - I ins aim L.11.-.V umu .cuuie greatly the delights of a visit with old 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 A "111 scnooi menus anu tne Dest possioie way would be to bring all together at a banquet. The class of 1912 of the local school has often held these pleasant little gatherings and they are the only class that has kept alive the old school day ties by an associ ation of the membership of the calss. POLICE SHOULD NOT LISTEN TO PARENTS OF NIGHT PROWLERS From Friday's Daily. The police of the city have had con-1 siderable trouble for sometime with the young people of from ten to fif- teen years of age loafing on the street long after the time they should I have been home and especially with I several young girls who have been down town much longer than they really should be at night. The efforts to look after the welfare of the young folks who run wild on the streets, made by the police, are not appreciat- I ed as thev should be by either the narents or the vountr neonle. as in a ereat many cases when warnimr have been heeded there has been ,,.v, fmKio covai fnr UniU tiia Tinr. I ents and the youngsters. It is really nni o nn, r.r V10 rmliVino- nf fhp ritv to have to round up the boys and girls of this age every evening, as it more properly lies in the province of the parents themselves but in a num ber of cases it is clear that there is very little attention paid to where the young people go or what they do until some trouble developes as a re sult and then a howl goes up over the way the kids turn out. Several times the police have been jumped on by indignant parents for ordering their children home late at night and with this encouragement given it is little wonder that there is so much of the loafing going on late at night on the streets. Office supplies at the Journal office. FORMER CASS i nnv iii i rn LHUI lULLtli AUTO ACCIDENT The Unfortunate Lady, the Wife of T. J. O'Day, Former Editor of Nehawka Register The following from the Pullman, Washington, Herald gives the detail of the death in that state of Mrs. T J. O'Day, who with her husband made O'Day conducted the Nehawka News, The death of this estimable lady will Le greatly regretter by the large num. ber of friends throughout eastern Ne braska: The many Pullman friends of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. O'Day were terribly shocked and grieved last Saturday evening by the arrival of the news that Mrs. O'Day had been killed in an automobile accident near Kenne- wick. Only that morning Mr. and Mrs. O'Day with their son, Ray, had started irom this city to spend a long anticipated vacation in a drive across the state to visit their eldest son who, with his family, resides at Port Angles. They made an early start and had a most enjoyable ride until within three miles of Kenne- wick. Not being familiar with the roads they were following another machine bound for that city. This machine was setting a fast pace and suddenly made a sharp turn. Ray O'Day, who was at the wheel; did not expect the turn and was unable to quite make it. The automobile luf t the road and crashed into a i net". miM. yj uuy wiis uiiuwu uui . Hf.. "vr.,.. . i tree. ti , , . . . . i'.v the shnrlc n 11 fnnrp rtt n n r ten f t strikinj? upon her face. Mr G' r.. u v... r 4- . . .vith fpw srrsitPilps nnd bruises. Ray held on to the steering wheel and was not hurt at all. the accident occurred close to a house and one of the family living in it at once telephoned to Kenne- wick for a doctor, who arrived on the scene within three or four minutes. The injured woman was rushed to Kennewick and an examination show- , th . , broken, but she h d sustained internal injuries which resulted in two hemorrhages and she passed away in a couple of hours. ' The heart-broken husband and son returned to Pullman with the remains 1 Sunday evening and at Rosalia were joined by Lester, a younger son, who was working at Maiden, another son Ingle, was working for C. II. Bar- clay and the eldest son, with his wife and child, arrived from Port Angeles I Monday. The funeral was held at Jximball's undertaking parlors Tues- I day morning. Rev. C. H. Harrison of- gaged in for a great many year? and ficiated. The numerous and beautiful has kept track of the number of cat floral tributes bore mute testimony tie he has dehorned which reaches to the esteem and affection in which deceased was held. The remains were luiteneu 111 uie uuu reiiuws tcuicicij. a ' 1 il r.1.1 T711 l I Abbie Bailey O'Day was born m one of the first frame houses built in Nebraska. She was the daughter i of D. P. Baily a pioneer freighter on the plains, and who later became one of the pioneer ranchers of the west, Her mother's name was Matilda El- sey, who belone-ed to one of the prom- I inent pioneer families of western Vir- ginia, which later became a part of the new state of West Virginia. She was married in April, 1887, at Ne braska Citv. Neb., to T. J. O'Dav who was a vnnnr law stuHt V,va dren were born to the union, one of whom died in Missouri in 1894. The v,Q K,rr- Wo,. t tit t l.. I and Lester survive her. She unite! ivitii o Rontict -vwV. ; nf lSft4 and lived in ".he hope of a true Christian, her happiness being mar red only by the death of their second son. She would have reached her forty-eighth birthday the morning after the fatal accident. The last day of her life was one of the happiest, as the enjoyed every moment of the trip and was looking . forward with keen anticipation to the visit with her eldest son. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire commun ity in their sudden and crushing sor row. E. L. Wilcox departed thi after noon for Newport, Neb., where he will take up farm work there for a short time in that vicinity. OF COURSE ADVERTISING PAYS IN THE JOURNAL From Saturday's Dally. That advertising brings to the minds of the public the value of the article advertised is clearly shown by the experience f Isy Rosenthal, the agent for Delco lighting system that was shown here a few weeks ago. Mr. Rosenthal advertised his lighting system in the weekly edition of the Journal and as a result received a large number of favorable responses from the residents of Cass county, and f() per cent of -those writing him stated that they had saw the adver tisement in the Journal. This shows public is through the columns of a newspaper and the most successful advertiser of the county find the same result in placing their ads in the papers of the largest circulation and that covers an extended field. LITTLE SON OF OSCAR DAVIS DIES FROM EAT ING CUCUMBERS From Friday's Dally. Last night Allen Davis, the little two and a half-year-old-son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Davis of Murray died at the family home after suffering for several hours most intensely from inflamation of the stomach and bowels. The little one was taken very sick about 4 o'clock yesterday after noon and despite all that could be done to relieve his pain and suffer ing he grew steadily worse until death came to his relief. It is sup posed that death was caused by the child eating too freely of green cu cumbers early in the day and which caused the inflamat'on to start that in the end cause! death. DEHORNED MANY CATTLE IN HIS CAREER IN CASS COUNTY From Saturday's Dally. S. L. Furlong, one of the old resi- dents of the county was in the city today for the first time in three months, driving up from his home in Rock Bluffs, where he has been con- fined for some time suffering from an injury received from a cow at his home. Mr. Furlong while able to be up and around is compelled to use two canes to travel with, and lLids it very inconvenient and disagreeable, He has also given up his work cf de horning cattle which he has been en the astonishing figures of 13,005. This is a very large number and in i- . 1 i A I . . uicaies Liiai, uui uiu incnu nas ucra pretty busy in the past in the hand- Jing of cattle. He has been very sue cessful and in all cases has been able to give perfect satisfaction in his work in every way, but his advanced years and feu'eress will not pvmit him to longer engage in this work that reouires a rood deal of strength and i ctivity. Old Friends Visits From Friday's Dally, George W. Shrader came up yester- day afternoon in company with his 'laughters, irs. ueorgia creamer, Mrs.. Lula Wolf and Mrs. Jennie Rhoden, to attend the funeral of Mr. Charles Iliatt. While here Mr. bhrad- er was a pleasant caller at the Jour nal editorial rooms and also called and renewed his subsci'iption to the Old Reliable. STRUCK BY TIMBER From Friday's Daliv. This morning T. M. Scarbrough, one of the employes of the Burlington planning mill while he was engaged in handling a rubble car loaded with heavy timbers suffered quite a severe scalp wound when one of the timbers fell from the car and struck Ted on the top of the head. The injury re quired several stitches to close the wound, but Mr. Scarbrough will be able to be at work as usual despite the injured head. ERALO MRS. JOHN ULiCK The Funeral Occurred From the Ros ary Catholic Church and Large Number of Iriends At tended Services. From Saturday's Daily. The funeral of Mrs. John Ulick was held this morning at 10 o'clock at the Holy Rosary Catholic church in the west part of the city and the church was filled to overflowing capacity by the friends to pay their last tributes of love and esteem to the loved one now gone from their side. The beauti ful and impressive reciuiem mass of the Roman Catholic church was ctle- rated by Rev. Father John Ylcek, assisted by the members of the Holy Rosary choir. Li the sermon Father Vlcek paid his tribute to the memory the depart? I lady who had been trken, while yet mi the mcining of cr life, suddenly and withe tit warn- ng from the fsrrily c'icle. The i-er r.on was delivered in Bohe:::ian and Cei man and w-js one filled with much Lcauty and breuiit to the sorrowing t:,e.5 a message of and comfort 1 their hour of deepest grief. Thorn were a large number of the members of the Wooi'.mi'i circle and friends of iv. family pn .-eft both at the home and the church to attend the last sad crvices and the floral remember- anccs which were numerous and beautiful silently attested the deep feeling of sympathy felt by the entire community for the family in their loss of a loving wife, mother, daugh ter and sister. At the close of the services the cortage wended its way to the Catholic cemetery where all that was mortal of the beloved lady was consigned to its last long rest. The pall bearers were selected from the members of the Cigarmaker's union of which Mr. Ulick, the hus band, was a member. Among those out of the city attending the funeral were: Emil Droege, wife and child, and Carl Droege of Magna, Utah; Mrs. Caspar Reitter and son of Dcadwood, S. D., and Joseph Bestep hoff and daughter, Miss Crete son, Mrs. Mat Spader and Mrs. Margaret O'K-'uke of Omaha. In the death of Mrs. Ulick the com munity in which she was reared to womanhood, has felt a great loss as to those who had known her during her lifetime she was very dear ind her life, filled with good deeds and a devotion to home and family, that certainly could be an inspiration to those left behind. Taken without warning from life into the valley of the shadow of death she passed pre pared to face the Maker of all things and to enter into her reward in an other world where suffering and grief are never known. ENTERTAINED IN HONOR OF MISS MILDRED STEWART From Friday's Dally. Last evening a very pleasant time was enjoyed at the handsome home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Roberts on High School hill when Mrs. Roberts to gether with the members of the High school class of 1912 entertained in honor of Miss Mildred Stewart of St. Joseph, Mo., a former member of the calss. The evening was spent very pleasantly in visiting and renewing old acquaintances among the mem bers of the class, agrcat many of whom had not met for some time and the few hous thus spent will long be very pleasantly remembered by everyone present and the old school days discussed with the greatest of enjoyment by everyone present. At a suitable hour dainty and delicious luncheon was served by Mrs. Roberts and daughter, Miss Helen that added greatly to the delights of the happy event. The members of the class all appreciated the pleasant opportunity that had been afforded them to meet their former classmate and to renew the ties of school friendships. Stewart's Phonographs, only $5.00, at Dawson's, Plattsmouth, Neb. FUN THIS MORNING FINE ST. BERNARD DOG POISONED AND DIED From Saturday's Daily. The family of H. N. Dovey are mourning the loss of the fine large St. Bernard dog that was pr?scnte to them some time ago by T. J. O' bnen of Omaha as a gift to little Helen Jane West, the giandaughter o Mr. and Mrs. Dovey. The animal was one of the largest dogs ever brought to this city and one of the purest strains of the St. Bernard in the west The dog was poisoned by someone and was found by members of the family lying in the yard dead. This is a very mean trick for anyone to poison dog and especially one of the value of the fine animal of Mr. Dovey's The dog had been a great favoriate with all of the family, and especially of the little mistress, and its loss was keenly felt as it was a very do cile animal and one that it was per fectly safe for anyone to be with. CHARMING DINNER PARTY AT THE G. H, FALTER HOME From Saturday's Daily. A very charming dinner party was given last evening at the cozy home of Mr. anl Mrs. G. H. Falter in honor of Miss Bonnie Iluffey of Hastings, Neb., who is a guest at the home of Miss Edith Dovey. The rooms of the 'alter home were very prettily ar- anged in a color scheme of pink and white which proved a most pleasing touch to the happy occasion and on the dining table pink roses were used in the decorative scheme. The dinner which consisted of three coures, was erved by Mrs. Falter, assited by Mfs. R. F. Patterson. The occasion was leld on the anniversary of Gretechen Donnelly, and in honor of the great event a large handsome birthday cake occupied the place of honor on the table and its brightly burning candles added to the beauty of the scene. After the close of the dinner the members of the party enjoyed a ery pleasant automobile ride out through the country for a few hours vhich proved a most delightful diver sion ot the evening, and was thor oughly enjoyed by everyone. Those who were participants in the delight ful occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Falter, Byron Arries, Leonard Meisinger, Misses Gretchen and Marie Donnelly, Charles Dovey, Miss dith Dovey and Miss Bonnie Iluffey. State Senator John Mattes of Ne raska City, accompanied by A. P. Young and Engineer Johnson, of Wa- oo, were in the city for a few hours this morning and while here the Sen- tor was a caller at the Journal of- ice for a few moments. DAM MEISINGER AND MOTHER RETURN HOME FROM PEKIN This morning Adam Meisinger and mother, Mrs. J. II. Meisinger, return ed home from Pekin, 111., where they were called last Sunday by the death f Adam Saal, a brother of Mrs. Meisinger. While at Pekin Adam took advantage of the occasion to visit the old home farm which he had not seen since his parents removed from that ocality forty years ago, and while only a child of six at the time of eaving Illinois. Mr. Meisinger had ittle difficulty in recognizing the old lome although many changes have occurred since that time. The visit on a sorrowful mission detracted from the enjoyment of the trip, but Adam find his mother met a great many of the relatives and friends still residing in that locality. CARD OV THANKS. We take this method of returning our most sincere xnanKiuiness to me many friends of this community for their kindly assistance in our hour of sorrw and bereavement, in the loss of our dear husband, son and brother. Especially do we wish to thank the Knights and Ladies of security, the Choir of the Methodist church, the Men's Bible Class, Elks Lodge and The J. L. Barton Hardware Co. Mrs. Charles Iliatt, Mose Hiatt and Family. UNVEILING MONU MENTS TO DEPART ED MEMBERS Emil Meisinger and John Nesson, Who Sleep in Glendale Cemetery. Yesterday afternoon the members of the Woodmen of the World from Plattsmouth, Weeping Water, Louis ville and Cedar Creek, gathered at Glendale cemetery, ten miles west oT this city where they dedicated and umeiled two mounments to the mem ory of Emil Meisinger and John Nes son, in that beautiful city of the si lent. The ceremony was one of beauty and impressiveness as the members cf the supreme council carried out the ritualistic work of the order in un filing these monuments. The Wood men of the World mark the graves of every one of their departed mem bers with a handsome monument and insures that the last resting place will always be remembered by those who are left behind and over the grave the flowers of rememberance strewn by the members of the order. The supreme council of the order composed of Hon. W. A. Eraser, Oma ha, sovereign commander; B. W. Jewell, Omaha, sovereign advisor; John T. Yates, Omaha, sovereign clerk; S. A. Ferrell, sovereign escort, Johnstown, Pa.; Dr. E. Bradshaw, sovereign watchman, Little Rock, Ark.; C. D. Mills, sovereign sentry, Jacksonville, Fla.; J. E. Fitzgerald, Kansas City, Mo.; E. B. Lewis, Kin- ston, N. C; T. E. Patterson, Chat tanooga, Tenn.; Ed D. Campbell, Port luron, Mich.; William Ruess, Cleve- and, O.; Rainey T. Wells, Murray, Kentucky; W. M. Crawford, Birming ham, Ala.; Dr. I. W. Porter, Mobile, Ala., supreme physician; arrived in the city near the noon hour and after paying a short visit at the Masonic lome they departed, for Glendale to ake part in the unveiling ceremon ies. The Plattsmouth camp headed by . C. Ripple, commander and W. B. ishel, clerk acted as escort for the supreme council to the cemetery, where the shafts of granite to the memory of the two members of Ever green camp were formerly unveiled. Sovereign Commander W. A. Fraser gave a Short address explaining the principals of the order that has at tained such high rank among the fraternal societies of the nation and the custom of honoring those who had gone before and seeing that the widow and orphan children were pro tected from want. Sovereign Escort S. A. Ferrell of Johnstown, Ta., also gave a .short address during the un veiling ceremonies and assisted the overeign commander in the ritualistic work, he quartet from the Louisville camp assisted with the musical num bers and several beautiful and im pressive elections were given during the course of the ceremonies. In addition to the members of the executive council of the Woodmen of the World, Mrs. Emma B. Manches ter, supreme guardian and Miss Dora Alexander, supreme clerk of the Woodman Circle were present to take part in the ceremonies. The attendance was quite large at the cemetery as the residents for miles around had assembled to wit ness the services and they were beau tiful and inspiring in every way and did much to bring before the public the great underlying principales of the Woodmen of the World. The su preme officers made the trip from Omaha in automobiles and returned at the close of the exercises. This is the first time that this city has been honored with the presence of the head officers of a great fraternal order and the local camp appreciated the distinction that has been given them. CANNING DEMONSTRATION There will be a Canning Demon stration held at the Barton Hardware store on Saturday, July 29, commenc ing at 10 o'clock a. m. at which time the Government Cold Pack sj'stem will be demonstrated. 2td2twkly Hans Tarns, one of the traveling capenters of the Burlington, returned to Omaha this morning after an over Sunday visit here with his family.