The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 17, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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MONDAY, JULY 17, 1916.
rar, TZZ
Now that hot weather has arrived to stay you will be wanting "hot weather"
clothes. This is the season in which white goods m
excel. The manufacturers have done their best to J,
give us something new and ditrerent. Especially do
products excel in individuality and beauty of texture. We have received some
beautiful new patterns in Voiles, Organdies and Sheer Novelties, striped, barred
and other beautiful weaves.
The Prices in These Range from 25 to 75c
White Gaberdine, 36-inchas wide, per yard .50c
Beach Cloth, 36-inches wide, per yard 35c
Picque, 27-inches wide, per yard 30c
Galatea, 36-inches wide, per yard 25c
Indian Head, 36-inches, per yard 18c
McCall Patterns are authority on all that is good and desirable in styles,
Prices 10 and 15c
fj Call Phones 53 and 54.
We Like to Serve.
One of the big picture plays of the
year lias been "The Escape" adapted
from the great play of Paul Arm
strong:, which has been arranged in
seven stirring reels by D. W. Griilith,
the producer of tlie "Birth of a Na
tion." This is a soul problem and will
le shown here at the Air Dome for
two nights. Wednesday and Thursday,
July liMh and 20th. The story in
brief is as follows
The play is preceeded by a pro
logue, "The Origin of Life."
May Joyce, a child of the slums,
longed for a better life. She con
tinually besought her father, a steve
dore, to try to better the condition of
his children. With the exception of
May these children were in a bad
way. Jenny was a pitiful example of
the visitation of the sins of the father
upon the children. Larry was fast
becoming a crook. lie was hit by a
stove lid thrown by his father in a
drunken fury. The wound h?aled, but
the boy's natural tendency was inten
sified. "Bull" McGee, a power of evil
in the neighborhood, wanted to marry
May. To pain her favor he had Larry
set upon and, and after a fight, ar
retted. McGee obtaining his release
from the police. There appears Dr.
Von Eiden an ambulance surgeon.
called to natch up Larry. Dr. Von
Siden was impiessed with the char
acter of May. "At all costs" he told
her, "escape from these surroundings".
Partially as a result of the faked sav
ing of Larry and because there seem
ed no escape, May passively agreed
to the marriage with McGee. On the
morning of the wedding, however, a
flyleaf message from Dr. Von Eiden
proved the deciding factor and she
left by the fire escape.
Janny's admiration lor brute power
caused her willingly to take May's
place. May found work in an office,
from which she was later discharged.
In the meantime she had met the Sen
ator, who, in admiration of her beauty
gave her his card reading, "If you ever
need a friend come to me."
Jenny's marriage resulted in a baby
boy which always cried, to the con
stant anger of McGee. McGee falling
over the cradle in a drunken stupor,
the child cried no more. May, unable
to obtain work, finally went to the Sen
ator and found the "easy way". A
fancied illness ied her to meeting Dr.
Von Eiden again. "You need now
more than ever to escape," he told
her. The Senator condescended to
offer May marriage, but she, influenced
by the words of Dr. Von Eiden, again
escaped and found the work she need
ed in a hospital.
McGee sold his wife to the promo
ters of a foreign concert dive. She
threw a note from the window and it
came into the hands of Larry. The
police raided the place and rescued
Jenny, who was brought to May only
to die. McGee escaped. lie traced his
wife with the hope of getting money
and found her dead. Leaving there,
he was tracked by the authorities and
finally cornered and shot by Larry,
who had joined the chase. His mur
derous tendencies now fully ai'oused,
Larry determined to kill his father.
He was, however, intercepted by Dr.
Von Eiden, who took him to his apart
ment. An operation was performed
on Larry and the splinter of bone,
which had so long penetrated his
brain, was removed. Through the
operation Larry became a normal
man. May's love for Dr. Von Eiden
at last awakened and the surviving
members of the Joyce family became
happily united. May's escape to a
better life was complete.
George Schanz of this city, wjio has
been having considerable trouble with
his eyes is feeling greatly improved
since his return from the hospital in
Omaha where he was for six weeks
recovering from an operation for his
eyes and which has resulted in a
much better condition. Mr. Schanz's
many friends will be pleased to learn
that he is doing so nicely and trust
that he may find a permanent cure
for his affliction.
Ben Dill, of near Murray, was
among the visitors in the city Satur
day spending a few hours here look
ing after some matters of trading
with the merchants.
If you want to buy a home in
Plattsmouth, see Chas. E. Martin, he
can furnish, you with the kind you
desire. ' 7-17-lwk.
In ihe dispatches from Beatrice
appearing ii the Lincoln State Jour
nal of yesterday, appears the r t."ce
of the v.Kkiing f . o n Henry Mi!it
cf Plattsmouth anl Mrs. Elii s-th
Walker of Omaha, which occurred in
that city on Saturday afternoon. The
wedding was performed by County
Judge II. D. Waldon of Gage county.
Both ot the contracting parties are
well known in this city, where they
have lived for the greater part of
their life-time, and the news of tha
wedding comes as a great surpri;
to the friends in this city. The bride
has been employed at Beatrice as
nurse in the institute for the feeble
minded for the past few weeks since
leaving this city.
The girl's turning class of the local
K. S. society together with a number
of the members of the K. S. society
motored out to Dodge, Neb., where
they attended the tournament given
there by representatives of turners
from several towns. The trip was
made by auto and was most enjoy
able to everyone of the party and
they returned last evening. The auto
mobiles for the trip were supplied by
the Amick taxicab company.
.Mexico city, Jiuy n. it is an
nounced hore officially that the dif
ferences which have arisen between
the United States and Mexico may be
considered as satisfactorily settled. It
is expected that details of the con
ference between Secretary Lansing
and Ambassador Arredondo will be
given out Monday.
Presidio, Tex., July 1G. (By motor
to Marfate, Tex.) The Villista band
recently reported to be making its
way toward the border in this vicinity
has broken up in little groups in an
attempt to make their way back to
the hills, according to reports receiv
ed by Mexican military authorities in
Ojinago today.
All automobile owners who are con
emplating a trip out into the county
for any distance are requested to no
tify II. A. Schneder of the publicity
committee of the "Home Coming"
celebration and secure banners ad
vertising this event, which can be
used on their automobiles.
Ledger. $
Mr. Younk -rs and family of Platts
mouth, visited with friends here last
Miss Eva and Vollie Frans, of Oma
ha are here visiting with relatives
and friends.
About GO hoboes headed for the
north via the Missouri Pacific could
be seen this morning.
A couple of cars derailed in front
of the depot last night caused a little
delay with the freights.
Albert Meade, of Fairplay, Mis
souri, who has been visiting here for
the past month seems to like Nebras
ka pretty well and says that he wil
stay the balance of the summer.
Miss Fannie McCarroll, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCarroll, re
ceived her certificate as school teacher
and has been employed to teach the
Mt. Pleasant school, near Nehawka.
Miss Eva Town who has been here
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs
U. S. Town for the past two weeks
left for Nehawka yesterday, where
she will visit with her brother, George
The Murray home talent play, "A
Race for a Million," drew . a good
crowd here last Friday night. It was
a success from every standpoint and
much credit was given Mr. Hiatt for
the way in which he had the actors
trained in their parts.
rr- i . t ,
ine government tug boat mat is
used on the Missouri for snag pulling
was tied up Monday night right be
lew U. S. Town's place. One of the
fellows helped Mr. Town put up al
falfa, and Mr. Town says that he
could do better for himself if he
would leave the boat altogether and
go to farming.
All Masons are requested to meet
at their lodge rooms this evening at
o'clock to arrange to attend the
funeral of the late Robert Sherwood,
which will be held tomorow, Tuesday
Fancy stationery in different vari
eties at the Journal office. Come and
see us when you want stationery.
Founded on Paul Armstrong's Great Play Put in 7 Stirring Reels C
Featuring Blanche Sweet, Mae Marsh, Robert Harron, Owen Moore and Ralph Lewis
"Who is the man your daughter is going to marry?
Do you judge him by his money, his earning capacity, or
his character and fitness to be your daughter's husband?"
Every man and women in America every youth
and girl over fifteen years should see "THE ESCAPE"
and KNOW what life is for thousands, perhaps millions
of people in the larger cities.
"THE ESCAPE" is a picture of life as it really is.
"THE ESCAPE" is endorsed by press and pulpit be
cause it teaches the great lesson of life with infinite power.
"More eloquent than the spoken Drama.
"More convincing than a thousands sermons.
"A lesson to those striving to better humanity.
"A thrilling drama of sex-eugenic science."
A photo drama written in belief that all men are
brothers and that human beings, collectively, are respon
sible for human boings, individually a drama of the eu
genic science, showing many phases of life ranging from
the realistic to the visionary, from poverty to affluence,
from horror to supreme happiness. Civilization is as yet
only half complete. As much more remains to be done
as has already been accomplished. You must bear your
share of the burden and fight your part of the good fight.
y Wednesday and Thursday, July 19th and 20th
Mrs. M. E. Brantner spent a few
ays the latter part of last week vis-
ting at Lincoln, returning home Sun-
Albert Kettlehut left Monday for
is home in Milwaukee, Wis., after
aving visited here two weeks with
Mrs. C. N. Rouseh and daughter,
Mary, of Pueblo, Colo., arrived here
Sunday for an extended visit at the
Yed Muenchau, sr., home.
Frank Lanning commenced tearing
own the old building just north of
is garage Wednesday so that work
can begin on his new building.
Art Remaly is getting about by the
id of crutches' on account of a three
nch gash on his left heel caused by
stepping on a piece of glass Tuesday
Mrs. Byron Stall, who lives south
east of town is seriously ill with ty
phoid fever. A trained nurse arriv
ed from Lincoln Wednesday after
noon to help take care of her.
Walter Hardrock suffered quite a
painful accident last week when he
ran a sliver through two of his fingers
of his right hand. Under the care of
a physician the injured members are
getting along nicely.
Rev. L. J. Dorseif returned home
last Saturday morning from Decatur,
Ind., where he went about three weeks
ago to attend the marriage of his sis
ter. He also visited at St. Louis and
various points in Iowa and reports a;
very pleasant trip.
S. E. Allen departed Monday night
of this week for Roy, Montana, for
an extended visit with his son, Char
les', who is holding down a homestead
near that place. Mr. Allen may de
cide to go to Canada for a visit at the
Morgan home before returning home
Oil Stoves
You ought to have an Oil Stove these hot days.
It will save its self in price of fuel alone.
We have in stock a full assortment of the best
stoves on the market.
These are all this year's models.
very mature age and has been very
feeble for some time.
Wednesday night officer C. T. Noell
was called on to take off of the mid
night train a man who was drunk and
causing a disturbance. He was hc?j
over night here and then released is
he had sobered up and became more
Mesdames J. II. Cowles and Carl
Day returned last Thursday from their
trip to attend the family reunion in
New York State. Thoy were accom
panied home by Mv. Carl Day's aunt,
Mif. Summer Day, and grandson Eer-
nest Jones.
Dr. J. R. Shannon who has becen im
proving splendidi3' ruffereed a paraly
tic stroke Tuesday nk;ht and is lying
very low. It was thought Vednesday
he would not live until noon but he is
still holding on to life by a thread at
this writing, Thursday afternoon.
Jake Domingo Js suffering from a
badlv burned hand as the result of his
uilding a fire in a stove in the oven
of which there was a pan of grease
The grease was soon caught fire in
the oven and upon Mr. Domingo's
opening tne oven door to investigate
it, the blaze burst out upon him with
the reesult above recorded.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Langhorst and
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Penterman motored
to Manilla, Iowa, last Friday to visit
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Misses Janette and Lou Mutz, of
Maryville, Mo., arrived on Monday
and will spend several weeks visiting
at the home of their aunt, Mrs. W. N.
Mrs. M. II. Tyson and two daugh
ters returned to Wahoo the first of
the week after a visit of a week or so
at this place. They will soon go to
Scotts Bluff to live.
Mrs. J. B. Elliott returned from
Champaign, 111., Saturday, after a two
month's visit at that place. She had
been called there by the illness of her
father. He died a short time before
her return.
State Treasurer Geo. Hall and wife
and E. H. Eastham, of the State In
surance department, arid wife motor
ed down from Lincoln Sunday and
spent the day visiting at the home of
L. F. Langhorst and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gains, of Hor
ton, Kansas, visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Turner on last
Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Gaines
was formerly Miss Jennie Sams, who
used to live here and is well known
to many.
Atty. Wm. DelesDernicer returned
from Manilla, Iowa, the latter part of
last week where he had been visiting
with his daughter. Mrs. Wm. Penter
man. He was there on the Fourth
and made a rousing speech. 'Bill"
made a "hit" up in that country.
W. H. II. Cassel. who has been con
fined to his home because of a serious
affliction of cancer of the face is again
quite low at his home in this city.
Mr. Cassel has suffered very much
from this affliction, but it was some
better for a time and a few weeks ago
his condition became serious. Way
land Cassel. his son from Scotts Bluff,
is here at the bedside of his father.
Wm. Delse Dernier motored to Lin
coln on Tuesday to appear for Frank
Ilulfish, formerly of Wabash, in a
case that comes under the Employers
Liability Act. It seems as though
Hulfish was operating a picture show
at Lincoln, and had employed a young
lady to sell tickets; she had contract
ed a sever cold because of the lack of
proper heating of the building and is
suing for damages therefore.
The Brotherhood of American Yeo-.
man will meet Tuesday night in A.;
0. U. W. hall. There will be initia
tion. All members are requested to be
present. Visiting members welcome.
R. L. Propst is the agent for tho
Glenwood " Monument works and
would be glad to call and show sam
ples to those desiring anything in this
line. Call telephone No. 4012.
Miss Mildren Butler returned Mon
day from a week's visit with relatives
at Herman, Neb.
Mrs. W. Preston left this morning
for Iowa City to visit an aunt she had
not seen for a good many years.
Miss Hazel Rich who has just com
pleted a business course in the Boyles
college at Omaha came home Satur
day for a vacation visit.
Edwin Hunter, Ruth Noyes, Webb
Russell and Grace Prichard autoed to
Adams Sunday and spent the day at
the Rev. Alfred Hunter home.
Albert Johnson and grandaughters
Lois Johnson and Vesta Taylor re
turned Monday from three weeks visit
at Denver and Colorado Springs.
C. E. Archer and family left Tues
day morning for Gardner, jn. v.,
where Mr. Archer will help in harve t
threshing and other farm work for
a relative, Tom Leaver.
J. W. Kear who has been lying very
low for the past week is reported to
be slowly dying. He has reached a
Never Before Suich
a ColledtioKi of Rare
Every day has brought increasing crowds of thrif
ty buyers to take advantage of the prices we have
marked on all summer lines. We're determined to
clear the decks and make ready for fall merchandise
and we're rapidly accomplishing our purpose. Many
customers have told us that the bargains are far bet
ter than those shown by the city department stores.
We are adding new items daily as the sale goes
on! Come in and search, you'll surely find something
out on the tables that will show you a snug saving on
the amount you invest.
Refer to our page ad it contains the
chief items.
E. G. Dovey & Son