The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 17, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    MONDAY. JULY 17. 191 fi.
Copyright, 1913, by
O'Ncil Wests Newspaper Woman.
"NEIL found his "boys' awaiting:
him when he returned to his
ruom. There was Mellen, lean,
praunt and serious minded, with
the du-;t of Chihuahua still upon his
shoes: there were McKay, the superin
tendent, who had arrived from Califor
nia that morning; Sheldon, the com
misary man: Elkins. Doc Gray and
Happy Tom Slater. TarUer, the chief
engineer, aloue was absent.
1 sent Appleton in from Cortez,' he
told them. "to come down the rtrer
and make the : reliminary survey into
Oiuar. lie cables me that lie has filed
his locations and everything is O. K.
On my way east I stopped here long
oiiorpih to buy the Omar cannery,
docks, buildings and town site. It's
all mine, and it will save us ninety
days' work in getting started."
"I understand those glaciers come
down to the edge of the river," the su
perintendent ventured.
"The- do," O'Neil acknowledged,
"and they're the liveliest ones I ever
saw. Tom can answer for that. One
of them is fully 400 feet hkjb at the
face and four miles across. They're
constantly breaking too."
"Lumps bigger than this hotel." sup
plemented Slater. "It's quite a sight
ciual to unything in the state of
Mellon, the bridge buiider. spoke for
the lirst time, and the others listened.
"As I understand it we will cross
the river between the glacier and im
mediately below the upper one."
lie shook his head. "We can't build
piers to -withstand those heavy bergs
which you tell me are always breaking
"I'll explain how we can," said
O'Xeil. "You've hit the bullseye the
"We can't build piers to withstand
those heavy bergs.'
tender spot in the whole enterprise.
While the river is narrow and rapid in
front of Jackson the lower glacier
''opposite Garfield there is a kind of
lake, formed, I suppose, when the
glacier receded from its original posi-j
tioa. Now then, here lies the joker,
the secret of the whole proposition.
This lake is deep, but there is a shal
low bar across its outlet which serves
to hold back all but the small bergs.
This gives us a chance to cross In
safety. At first I was puzzled to dis
cover why only the ice from the lower
glacier came down river; then, when
I realized the truth, I knew I had the
key to Alaska in my hands. We'll
cross just below this bar. Understand?
Of course it all depends upon Parker's
verdict, but I'm so sure his will agree
with mine that I've made my prepara
tions, bought Omar and gathered you
fellows together. We're going to spring
the biggest coup in railroad history."
They were deep in their discussion'
when the telephone broke in noisily.
Sheldon, being nearest to the instrn
leent. answered it. "There's a news
paper reporter downstairs to interview
you." he announced, after an instant. I
"I don't grant interviews."" O'Xeil
said sharply. He could not guess by,
what evil chance the news of his plans
had leaked our. !
"Nothing doing!" Sheldon spoke
Into the transmitter. He turned again
to his employer. "Operator says ths
party doesn't mind waitinc." i
O'Neil frowned impatiently. '
. "Throw him ouiT' Sheldon directed
jTLw if! I :
no mn
Harpr A. Brothers.
brusquely, then suddenly dropped the
receiver as if had burnt his fingers.
"Say! It's a -woman. Murray: She's
on the wire. She thanks you sweetly
and says she'll wait"
"A woman! A newspaper woman r
O'Neil rose and seized the instrument
roughly. His voice was freezing as he
said: "Hello! I refuse to be interview
ed. Yes! There's no use" His tone
suddenly altered. "Miss Appleton! 1
beg your pardon. I'll be right down."
Turning tq his subordinates, he an
nounced with n wry smile: "This seems
to terminate our interview. She's Dan
Arpleton's sister, and therefore" He
shrugged resignedly. "Now run along.
I'll see you in the morning."
His "boys" made their- way down to
the street, talking guardedly as they
O'Neil entered the ladies parlor with
a feeling of extreme annoyance, ex
pecting to meet an inquisitive, bold
young woman bent upon exploiting his
plans and his personality in the usual
inane journalistic fashion. He was
surprised and offended that Dan Apple
ton, in whom he had reposed the ut
most faith, should have betrayed his
secret. Publicity was a thing he de
tested at all times, and at present he
particularly dreaded its effect. But he
was agreeably surprised in the girl
who came toward him briskly with
hand outstretched.
Miss Appleton was her brother's dou
ble. She had his frank blue eyes, his
straw gold hair, his humorous smile
and wide awake look. She was not by
any means beautiful her features
were too irregular, her uoss too tip
tilted, her mouth too generous for that
but she seemed crisp, clean cut and
wholesome. What first struck O'Neil
was her effect of boyishness. From
the crown of her plain straw "sailor"
to the soles of her sensible -walking
boots there was no suggestion of femi
nine frippery. She wore a plain shirt
waist and a tailored skirt, and het
hair was arranged simply. The wave
in its pale gold was the only conces
sion to mere Jrcttiness. Yet she gave
no impression of deliberate masculini
ty. She struck one as merely not in
terested in clothes, instinctively ex
pressing in Ler dress her own boy is L
directness and her businesslike absorp
tion in her work.
"You're furious, of course. Anybody
would be," she began, then laughed so
frankly that his eyes softened and the
wrinkles at their corners deepenwd.
"I fear I was rude before I learned
you were Dan's sister," he apologized.
"But you see I'm a bit afraid of news
paper people."
"I knew you'd struggle, although Dan
described you as a perfectly angelic
"But I'm a real reporter, so I won't
detain you long. I don't care where
you were born or where you went to
school or what patent breakfast food
you eat. Tell me. are you going to
build another railroad?"
"1 hope so. I'm always building
roads when my bids are low enough to
secure the contracts. That's my busi
ness." "Are you going to build one in Alas
ka?" "Possibly. There seems to be an op
portunity there, but Dan has probably
told you as much about that as I am
at liberty to tell. He's been over the
She pursed her lips at him. "You
know very well, or you ought to know,
that Dan wouldn't tell me a thing
while he's working for you. He hasn't
said a word, but Is that why you
came in frowning like a thunder
cloud? Did you think he set me on
your trail?"
"1 think I do know that he wouldn't
do anything really indiscreet." Mur
ray regarded her with growing favor.
There was something about this boyish
girl which awakened the same spon
taneous liking he bad felt upon his
first meeting with her brother. He
surprised her by confessing boldly:
"I am building a railroad to the In
terior of Alaska. I've been east and
raised the money. My men are here.
We'll begin operations at once."
"That's what Mr. Gordon told me
about his scheme, but he hasn't done
much so far."
"My line will put his out of busi
ness; also that of the trust and the
various wildcat promoters.
"Where does your road start from?"
"The town of Omar, on King Phillip
sound, near Hope and Cortez. It will
run up the Salmon river an past the
glaciers which those other nen re
fused to tackle."
"If I weep it is for joy," aid the
girl. "I don't like Curtis G onion. I
call him Simon Legree."
"Well, be impresses me as a real old
time villain with the riding boots and
the whip and all that. 'Uncle To:u's
Cabin' ia my faro rite play; it's so fu
ny. This is a big story you're given
me, Mr. O'Neil."
"I realize that"
"It has the biggest news value of
anything Alaskan whicli has 'broken
for some time. I think you are a very
nice person to Interview, after all."
"Wait! I don't want you to use a
word of what I've told you."
Miss Appleton's clearly penciled
brows rose inquiringly. "Then why
didn't you keep still?"
"You asked me. I told you because
you are Dan Appleton's sister. Nev
ertheless I don't want it made pub
lic." "Let's sit down," said the girl, with
a laugh. "To tell you the truth. I
didn't come here to interview you for
my paper. I'm afraid I've tried your
patience awfully." A faint flush ting
ed her clear complexion. "I just came,
really, to get some news of Dan."
"He's perfectly well and happy, and
you'll see him in a few days."
Miss Appleton nodded. "So he wrote,
but I couldn't wait Now. won't you
tell me all about him not anything
about his looks and his health, but lit
tle unimportant things that will mean
something? You see. I'm his mother
and his sister and his sweetheart."
O'Neil did as he was directed and
before long found himself reciting the
details of that trying trip up the Salm
on river. He told her how he had
sent the young engineer out to run the
preliminary survey for the new rail
road and added: "He is in a fair way
to realize his ambition of having you
with him all the time. I'm sure that
will please you."
"And it is my ambition to make
enough money to have him with me,"
she announced. With an air of some
Importance she continued: "I'll tell you
a secret I'm writing for the maga
zines stories!" She sat back await
ing his enthusiasm. When she saw
that it was not forthcoming she ex
claimed. "My, how you do rave over
the idea!"
"1 congratulate you. of course, but"
"Now, don't tell me that you tried it
once. Of course you did. I know it's
a harmless disease, like the measles,
and that everybody has it when they're
young. Above all. don't volunteer the
information that your own life is full
of romance and would make a splen
did novel. They all say that"
Murray O'Neil felt the glow of per
sonal interest that results from the dis
covery in another of a congenial sense
of humor.
"I didn't suppose you had to write,"
he said. "Dan told me you had in
vested your fortune and were on Easy
"That was poetic license. I Action
ized slightly in my report to him be
cause I knew he was doing so well."
"Then your investment didn't turn
out fortunately?
Miss Appleton hesitated. "You seem
to be a Itindly, trusting person. I'm
tempted to destroy your faith in hu
man nature."
Tlease don't"
"Yes, I shall. My experience may
help you to avoid the pitfalls of high
finance. Well, then, it was a very sad
little fortune, to begin with, like a boy
in grammar school just big enough to
be of no assistance. But even u boy's
size fortune looked big to me. I want
ed to invest it in something sure no
national bank stock, subject to the dan
ger of an absconding cashier, mind you;
no government bonds with the possibil
ity of war to depreciate them, but
something stable and agricultural, with
the inexhaustible resources of nature
back of it This isn't my own lan
guage. I cribbed it from the apple
"Apple man?"
"Yes. He had brown eyes and a
silky mustache and a big irrigation plan
over east of the mountains. You gave
him your money and he gave you a
perfectly good receipt Then he plant
ed little apple trees. He nursed them
tenderly for five years, after which he
turned them over to you with his bless
ing and you lived happily for evermore.
At least that was the idea. You could
not fail to grow rich, for the water al
ways bubLled through his little ditch,
and it never froze nor rained to spoil
things. I used to love apples. And
then there was my name, which seem
ed a good omen. But lately I've con
sidered changing 'Appleton' to 'Berry
or 'Plummer" or some other kind of
"I infer that the scheme failed."
O'Neil's eyes were half closed with
"Yes. It was a good scheme, too, ex
cept for the fact that the irrigation
ditch ran uphill and that there wasn't
any water where it started from and
that "apples never had been vjade to
grow In that locality because "vE some
thing In the soil and that brown eyed
Eetty's title to the land wouldn't hold
water any more than the ditch. Other
wise I'm sure he'd have made a suc
cess and I'd have spent my declining
years in a rocking chair under the fall
ing apple blossoms, eating pippins and
Jonathans and Northern Spies. I can't
bear to touch them now. Life at my
boarding house is one long battle
against apple pies, apple puddings, ap
ple tapioca. Ugh! I hate the very
' "I can understand your aversion.
laughed O'NelL "I wonder if you
would let me order dinner for both of
us, provided I taboo fruit Terhaps
I'll think of something more to tell you
about Dan. I'm sure he wouldn't ob
ject" "Oh, my card Is all the chaperon I
need! It takes me everywhere and
renders me superior to the smaller con
ventionalities." She handed him one,
and he read, "Eliza V. Appleton The
"May I ask what the V stands for?"
He held up the card between his thumb
and finger.
Miss Appleton blushed for all the
wor'fl like a boy, then answered stiffly:
"It stands for Violet But that Isn't
my fault and I'm doing my best to
live It down."
On her return to the Review office the
managing editor complimented Miss
Appleton on her work and surprised
her by, assigning her to Alaska to ex
pose the men who were "trying to
snatch control of the empire."
(To Be Continued.
h-h-k-k-m- i-i"H--i--;-H-i-
Courier 4
104 in the shade Monday afternoon.
If hell is any hotter better escape it,
Miss Dorothy Group returned Tues
day from Wisner, where she has been
visiting with friends the past week,
came it( stmhc mamtb mthacthe tmh
Attorney John Polk, of Lincoln,
came down Saturday for an over Sun
day visit with his parents, Dr. and
Mrs. L. F. Polk.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stulken and
three children have arrived from Al
berta, Canada, and are visiting at the
home of Mrs. Stulkin's mother, Mrs.
M. Huber.
Miss Joyce Loveland, local manager
of the telephoe exchange, returned
home Sunday from a ten days' vaca
tion which she spent at Holdrege vis
iting with friends.
Roy Clifford is home from Elgin this
week visiting his parents and enjoying
a short vacation. He has a good po
sition in a general merchandise store
in Elgin as head salesman.
Charley Carter is said to be in a
hospital at New London, Indiana, and
Mrs. Carter in writing to friends here
states that he will not be able to do
anv work all summer. We did not
learn what his ailment is.
Miss Lillian MacMullin left Monday
for Niala, Nevada, where she will
spend the summer at her father's min
ing camp in the heart of the Nevada
mountains. More than one hundred
miles of the trip will be made by stage.
The report of the birth of a fine
baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Fornoff on July 5, 1916, was
received at this office too late for pub
lication in last week's issue of the
Courier. The little fellow is getting
along nicely and Henry is all smiles.
Miss Eda Schoeman left Thursday
for an extended visit with her uncle,
George Frampton and family, near
Cache, Oklahoma. Miss Eda has been
looking forward to this trip with pleas
urable anticipation as it is the first
time she has made so long a journey
Two J. I. Case complete rigs, en
gine and steel seperators. One Peer
less engine and Nickles & Shepherd
seperator. Trade or sale. Good terms.
One ten horse portable gas engine.
One John Deere, six hole, corn shel
ler complete. Frank E. Valleryi Mur
ray, Neb.
Come to The Journal for fine sta
tionery. Statement of the Condition
Of Plattsmouth. Neb., on the 30 day of
June, 1916.
i iri inoriVBtf limits ciki
Ians on stock or pas book security i:!.9o 00
Iteal estate sold on contract -XoL'tf 01
Delinquent Interest, fines, etc 1.029 13
Tuxes paid and advanced 1,949 42
Other assets, rent account and re
pairs 281 49
T - i . i 1 . . , I
.$204,042 TP
Kunnins: stock and dividends 15.02S 05
Paid up stock and dividends 28.160 00
Keserve fund in. 54
Undivided profits 7,501 24
Other liabilities cash, overdrawn.. 55 96
Total . .
....S204.942 79
Receipts and Expkndititres for th Yeab
Ending June 30. 1910.
Crash on band last report $ 2.5C2 72
Dues (running stock) 31.&Mi 00
Morteape payments 31.C2T 25
Stock loan payments 7.HU5 00
Real estate contracts- l.ul 56
Interest 14.H7 17
lines 31 54
Membership and transfer fees 1HI 26
Cash overdrawn 55 W6
Total 8 8.851 45
Mortffsurc loans $ 60.32. 00
Stock loans , 3.190 00
Withdrawals running stock and di
vidends 23.-?.;n 00
Salaries 1.3u0 c0
Other expenses - 229 11
Insurance and Taxes paid and ad
vanced 418 29
Rent and Repair 159 05
$ St.SOl 45
I, C. G. Frlcke. secretary of the above
named association, do nolemnly swear that the
foregoing statement of the condition of said as
sociation, is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Approved: Secretary.
D. B. SMITH. 1
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th
day of July 1916. A. L.TIDD.
Lbeax.1 Notary Public
lly com mission expires Oct. &, 1815
An Experiment With Sugar.
The following is a curious experi
ment, necessaries for which are very
simple. Hold a few lumps of sugar,
one at a time, la a pair of nippers and
plunge -them rapidly Into collodion of
10 degrees (ordinary photographer's
collodion); then place them in dry air
for four and twenty hours to allow the
ether completely to evaporate. They
are still to all appearance common
lumps of sugar, and you may safely
place them on top of the sugar bowl
without any risk of the trick being
apparent to the eye. Now hand a glass
of water to one of the spectators and
beg him to put a lump of sugar-in it,
as you say you are thirsty for glass
of sweetened water. The sugar will
fall to the bottom at first, just like an
ordinary lump, but in a few moments
it will remount to the surface and
float there, greatly to the amazement
of those present.
In reality It is no longerhe sugar
Itself that we behold, Thfr'sugar, in
fact is dissolved in the water. What
we now see is the ghost or double of a
lump of sugar. The collodion pene
trated every cavity of the sugar, and
now, having got rid of its soluble com
panion while yet retaining the crystal
line form and white appearance of the
saccharine, the collodion shell floats
upward to the top and stays there.
But be careful! Though the illusion
is an optical one, it will not bear the
test of touch. Should any one of the
spectators step In before you are
aware and snatch at the ghost of your
lost lump of sugar they will seize a soft
and spongy nothing that will crumble
Into flinders at the touch. Magical Ex
periments. Strange Chinese Beliefs.
Among the many extraordinary cus
toms of the Chinese is that of banding
years together in groups of twelve,
called "cycles, and naming each year
of the series after some animal. Thus
the first year of a new cycle is the
year of the rat, the second the year of
the ox, the third the year of the tiger.
Every Chinese born in the year of the
rat belongs to the Order of the Hat,
and so on, says London Tit-Bits. The
animal class of every Chinese man and
woman is thus recorded aud is held
to be of great importance in foretelling
the future. Another curious fact about
the Chinese reckoning of time is that
in the Celestial nation a child is held
to be a year old as soon as it is born.
With the foolish superstition so dear
to the oriental mind, a baby boy is
frequently given a girl's name in order
to deceive the evil spirits, who appar
ently have an objectionable habit of
making it as hard as possible to rear a
male child successfully.
The Angry Oyster.
Many, many years ago a man walked
by the shores of a large bay. At his
feet lay a very ugly old oyster all
covered with tiny shellfishes and sea
weeds. As the traveler wandered about
this water citizen, which looked to him
like a rock, he kicked it to" find out
what it was and why it should be to
covered. At such treatment the sur
prised oyster opened its wide mouth in
astonishment and then tightly closed
its shell. While the creature's mouth
was open the man noticed the beauti
ful creamy layers within the shell, 60
he determined to find out more about
his new acquaintance. lie pried open
the mouth of the oyster. This enraged
the shellfish so that it snapped the
heavy doors together, bruising the
traveler's hand. As soon as possible
the man released his pinched fingers
and put them in his mouth to ease the
pain. Almost instantly the hurting
was forgotten, for as the man sucked
his fingers he was delighted with the
taste of the oyster. His was the first
oyster feast.
Ever since people have been eating
oysters and attending to growing them.
The Privileges of Boys.
Henry Clay said that when he was a
boy his mother was very poor, but
never too poor to buy the proper books
for her children. He attributed the
fact of his success in life to a good
mother and good books. But think
what greater opportunities there are
for boys and girls in these days than
in the time of Henry Clay, with all the
public libraries to which boys and
girls have access. Even in the country
there is always some way to get books.
If you cannot meet great men in the
flesh, you can sit down with them in
their books. It is a great privilege to
be able to know the thoughts of "kings
and queens" from books that tell about
Henry Irving's Dog.
Henry Irving once had a dog who
would sit at one side of the stage every
night and remain until, the perform
ance was over. When Mr. Irving wns
leaving for the United States the dog
went as far as Southampton. Greatly
distressed, be saw his master leave by
the boat, and then he disappeared.
Three days afterward he was seen on
the stage of a theater in London. lie
was mud from head to foot, and his
feet were all cut aud bleeding. He had
made his way by foot from one place
to the other, and so none knew how he
found his way.
Parts of the Cody.
This holds dear treasures of the past:
This next, as drois. one sees:
This, with first letter placed t'ie last.
Reveals a row or trees.
This one la .often In a iout:
Thl one. in war. may win;
Two letters from tliis one leaves mjt.
While two from t'u.-" one, i'v
Alien ers. Nhft. W3:st (waste. suiTi
(plner). lips, inns. m;ut m-out-hi. -!ii.'i
(ch-!n Youifc's Companion
The cost of Bridge Tolls for Round
Trip using our Commutation Books
Auto and Driver, round Trip 50c
Extra Passengers, each, 5c
$10.00 Book, $5.00
$5.00 Book, $2.50
Commutation Books Good any time
and Transferable.
Auto & Wagon Bridge Go.
1 THE (lr.TV ( (U ltT OK CAKS
" (OlMV, K II K A SKA.
In the lttfr of Hit of flinrliK
TViH, Ile t-ji-'il : louia TIH. I--tf
aNfil, mid llrriiuiii -1 . I)rfM'Hl. kok hi:ahin;.
Now on this July 37tii. 1 0 1 comes
Charles Teipel. and tiles (.Is petition in
this Court, alleging thut Charles T
late a resident and inhabitant of Cuss
countv, Nebraska, departed this life in
testate, on or about March 3rd, 1!0L'. the
owner in lee simple of lots one (1) and
two (2 in block eighteen (1m, in Ymiiis
& Havs' Addition to Plattsmouth. Cass
countv, Nebraska, of the value of about
$400. 0(, which was the homestead of
the said deceased and his family, ami
that said deceased left surviving him,
as his sole and only heirs at law, his
widow, Louisa TeipH and seven child
ren, named as follows:
Aprusta Hall, (nee Teipclt. Herman
Teipel, Charles Teipei, .Julia Teipel.
Clara Schwartz, (nee Teipel , Henry
Teipel. and Fred Teipel.
All now of lejral ate, and that no ap
plication has ever been made in the
state of Nebraska, for the appointment
of an administrator of said estate, and
that more than two years have now
elapsed since the death of said deceas
ed, and that Louisa Teipel. the widow
of said Charles Teipel, deceased, nnd
the mother of all the children before
named, departed this life intestate, on
or about I'eceniber 1?., li'14, seized in
fee simple of an undivided one-third
interest in said real estate, and left her
surviving?, as her sole and only heirs at
law, the children before named, who.
on the death of their mother, became
vested with the entire ownership of
said premises in common j!t:d undivided.
And that Herman Teipel. late an in
habitant of Knox County, Nebraska,
and one of the heirs at law of said
Charles Teipel and Louisa Teipel. de
ceased, departed this life, intestate, on
or about August Stli, 1JU.", seized of an
undivided one-seventh interest in said
real estate, and left surviving him, as
his sole and only heirs at law, his wid
ow. Katherine Teipel. and five daugh
ters, named as follows:
Louise Teipel. ace 7 years: Verna
Teipel, ace 5 years: Alice Teipel, ape
4 years, tirace Teipel. aire l' years, and
Irene Teipel. acre 10 months, all resid
ing at Creip-hton. Nebraska, who are
now the owners of an undivided one
seventh interest in said real estate, and
that said real estate was. at the date of
the death of said decedents nnd now is
wholly exempt from attachment, exe
cution or other mesne process, and is
not liable for the payment of the debts
of said "decedents, nor any of them, left
owjnc by said decedents rnd prayinpr
for a liejtiins uV'on s;,id petition, am!
that upon such hearing that an order
be entered dispensing with a rerular
administration of said estates and each
of them and for findings of facts Mpn
the allegations of said petition and for
a decree assicrnins' said real estate to
th heirs at law of said decedents as
provided bv law.
said cause be heard bv the Court on the
16th day of August. lilfi, at 10 oclot 1;
a. m., at the County Court room, in
Plattsmouth. in Cass County, Nebraska,
and that all persons interested in sa id
estates be notified or .ucn hearlnc: by
the publication of this order for three
successive weeks prior to said clay of
hearinpr. in the Plattsmouth Journal,
a lesal newspaper published in said
county, and that if they fnil to appear
and contest said petition the Court may
enter the decree prayed for !n said
Bv The Court.
County Judge.
Attorney for Petitioners.
State of Nebraska,
Countv of Cass. ss.
In the matter of the estate or Sarah K.
Van Poren, deceased
Notice' Is hereby priven to the credi
tors of said deceased that hearings will
be had upon the claims tiled atrainst
said estate, before me. County .Imlce
of Cass County. Nehreska. at the Coun
tv Court in Plattsmouth. In said
countv, on the Hth day of Autrust. l!Mfi.
and on the 14th dav I-VI,niaiy, 1M17. at
10 o'clock a. m.. each dav for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must be filed in said court
pn or before said lost hour of hearinir.
Witness my hand and seal of said
Countv Court, at Plattsmouth. Nebras
ka, this 14th day or Jul v.
County .liil!?e.
In County Court. State of Nebraska,
Cass County, ss. In the matter of
the estate of Charles R. Craig, de
ceased. Notice is hereby given to the cred
itors of said deceased that hearings
will be had upon claims filed against
said estate, before me, county judge
of Cass county, Nebraska, at the
county court room in Plattsmouth, in
said county, on the 20th day of July,
1016, and on the 21st day of January,
1917, at 10 o'clock a. m., each day,
for examination, adjustment and al
lowance. All claims must be filed in said
court on or before said last hour of
hearing. Witness my hand and seal
of said county court, at Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, this 20th day of June, 1916.
6-22-4wks County Judge.
Robert McCleery, the Weeping
Water contractor, was in the city for
a few hours today looking after some
items of business.
Fra nk
Sivey, Plaintiff,
The Plattsmouth Perry Company, a Cor
poration, ft. al., J fcndaiits.
To the Defendants: The Plattstnout li
Perry Company, a Corporation; The
unknown heirs, devi.-ces, lepatees,
sonal representatives, and all other per
sons interested in the estate of Sam 1
11. 'Ioer, also known at S. il. Moer. tic
ceased: Alfred Thomson; Mrs. Alfred
Thomsen, first real name unknown; the
unknown heirs, devisees, lepatee, per
gonal representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estate of Alfred
Thomson, deceased: the unknown heirs,
devisees, letratees. personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Mrs. Alfred Thomson,
lirst real name unknown, deceased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estate of Joseph
1'. Crosswait, also known as J. P. Cross
wait, 'deceased; Wilkins Warwick, ad
ministrator of the estate of Joseph I '.
Crosswait, deceased; 'J. I'. Wot lcv. whose
first real name is Jesse P. Worlev: Mrs.
.IeSse I'. Woiley, first real name un
known; the unknown heirs, devisees.
lep"atees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Jesse P. Worlev, also known as
J. P. Worley. deceased, the unknown
heirs, devisees, Itpratces, personal rep
resentatives nnd all other persons in
terested in the estate of Mrs Jesse
P. Worley, first real name unkn iwn,
deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives ami
all other persons interested in the
estate of John W. Haines, deceived:
Edward J. Weekbacu. (lertrude H.
WtckViai h. Eugene H. Wcekbaeh, Louis
G. Weckbach, Grace Weckbiich. Jos
eph V. Weckbach. Frances Weckbach,
Mathilda L. Costelloe. Martin F. P. Cos
telloe, Katie F. Weckbach. and the un
known owners and unknown claimants
of that part of lots 7, X, 9 and 10, in
block 1GS, Plattsmouth. Nebraska, lyinp;
north of Lincoln avenue, in Cass county.
You wiil take notice that on the Zlst
dav of June, 1H1K. the plaintiff herein.
Frank W. Sivey, filed his petition in the
district court of Cass c ounty, Nebraska,
against you and each of you. the object
and prayer of which petition is to ob
tain a decree from said court, remov
ing liens and clouds from and quieting
the record title to all that part of lots
seven (7). elprht (S). nine (9) and ten
(10, in block one hundred and sixty
nine (169), in the city of Plattsmouth.
lyinp; north of Lincoln avenue 1n Casn
county. Nebraska. in plaintiff. as
against you and to exclude and enjoin
vou and each of you from ever asserting
or claiming any rip:ht, title, estate,
lien or interest therein adverse t
plaintiff. by reason of plaintiff's
adverse possession of said prem
ises by himself and his prantors for
more than ten years prior to the com
mencement of said suit and for such
other and further relief as equity may
ronu ire.
This notice is civen pursuant to the.
order of the court.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday. Aujrusi
7th. 1910, or default
atrainst you therein.
will 'be taken
JOHN M. LKYDA, Attorney.
iee to Non-It cnUIrn t Ur f cinliiiil,
" Their Heir. lr-vlw. I .ejt I -. I'rr
Minnl ltcreeiititlvM iiud nil IN-T-xoiim
lulerewtetl in 1 heir llnle.
J. V. llirchman. if livinir. If deceased,
the unknown heirs, devisees, lepatees,
personal representatives and all per
sons Interested in the estate of J. V
llinchman; P. T. Moss, if living:, if
deceased, the unknown heirs, de
visees, lepatees. personal representa
tives and all persons interested In tin
estate of P. T. Moss; Alfred I . Jones.
if livi"C. if deceased, the unknown
heirs. devisees. legatees.
persona I
renresentatU es, and all
interested in the estate of
Alfred I.
Jones: Clifford.
name unknown, husband of
first real
Clifford, the unknown heirs nnd de
visees, lepatees, personal representa
tive and all persons interested in
estate of Klla V. Davis, deceased:
You and each of you are hereby noti
fied that F. G. Frlcke. as plaint iff. u
the 2Sth day of June, 1916, filed his pe
tition in the District Court of Cass.
County. Nebraska, wherein you and all
vou are defendants: the object.
and praver of which petition Is
that the claim, interest, riplit. title and
interest of each and every one of yon
in 8iil to
Lots four i ) five- ( ? ) nnd six ( I
in block eipht (S), in White's Ad
dition to the City 'if Plattsmoui li.
and lo's four ( 4 1 five (ii) nnd r
). in hJoek c :'t?hty -nine (S9 In the
Ciiv of Plattsmouth. Cass County,
N 'j'-ask.'i,
be declared Invalid and of no force and
effect: that the title of said plaintiff In
and to said real estate and every part
thereof be quieted as apraiust you and
each and every one of you, and against
any and all claims of each and all of
you, and aprainst the claim of each and
all of any person Halminc undet,
through or by you. and that it be ul-j-.idfced
and decreed that each and 1 1
of j cm vhose names are above set
forth, if llvina:, and if dead, the heirs,
devisees, legatees, and personal repre
sentatives and other persons interested
in the estate of each find every one of
yon. have no ripht, title, claim or in
terest in or to sHid reil estate, or arn
pa' thereof, and that each and all ff
said defendants, those named and Hiukh
whose names are unknown, and .ir.;.
stated, tie forever hatred from elaim
inp: or assertinp; any riprht, title, in
terest or estate in and to said ral es
tate or any pnrt thereof, and for sucfi
other and further relief as to the court
may seem just tnd equitable.
You and each of you are further
nofied that you are required to answer
said petition on or before Monday, the
Sth day of August, 1916.
C. A. r.AWL:?. Attorney.
Letter files at the Journal office.