PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAE. MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1916. I I Cbe plattsmouth 'Journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT ' PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Entered at Poatofflce at Plattsmouth, lieb., as second-class mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PIUCEl $1.50 ' PER YEAR IN ADVANCE THOUGHT FOR TODAY What government is the best? That which teaches us to govern ourselves. Goethe. -:o: It looks more like war every day. -:o:- Corn is looking well, considerately. -:o:- A chicken-hearted crows in his sleep. man always :o: The supply of common sense sel dom exceeds the demand. . :o: Worry sends more business men to the undertaker than overwork. -:o: The United States befriended Car ranza, and in return they get tfouble. :o: - Hold ' your firecrackers till the Fourth of July, or you may get your self in trouble. . ; -: o:-j Wood row Wilson has been the na.-. tion's leader in the most trying three years of its history. : :o: ' - Earbecues, like some ladies' hats, are out of fashion. They might have been in style fifty years ago. :o: No town or city has yet been dis covered that is wholly satisfied with the returns of the census taker. :o: The next legislature should change the primaries to a later date. It is entirely too long between drinks. :o: And then the militia may have something to do besides "watchful waiting" before they leave the border. :o: There is no telephone girl with a sweet enough voice to cheer a busy man by telling him the "line is busy." -:o:- The report that Estabrook with drew from the presidential race is misleading. The race withdrew from him. :o: Only seven more days of June. The young people will have to hurry up if they desire to get in on the June weddings. :o: The reason Teddy didn't accept the nomination is because "Billy" Barnes declared the moose convention uncon stitutional. -:o: The mechanism of dolls which say "mamma" and "papa" is superior to that of babies who make "da-da" do for both parents. :o: Some farmers declare the continued cool weather and rains arc retarding the growth of corn, but that oats and wheat are doing well. :o: The reason why so many people in a small town gossip so much more than in a large town is because they know each other better. -:o:- No wonder a woman "who has to keep her hat and hair both on straight is disposed to pick at the counterpane and wish they had been born a man child. :o: ' The general opinion is that while an unexpected cherry seed is hard on weak teeth, a lump of coal is grittier lasts longer and produces twice as much goose-flesh. :o: How great "has been the restraint upon the embattled nations, because of their knowledge of the force be hind the American president, prob ably never can be accurately esti mated. It is certain, however, that had it not been for the moral leader ship of Woodrow Wilson, there would have been no restraint" upon the bel NOW WE WILL SEE Now we will see how some certain of our fellow citizens perform when they get their dearest wish. For months New England, New York, Delaware and Pennsylvania, to- gether with parts of other states, have been fairly shrieking for "pre paredness." For months our ears have been assailed with hoarse cries about our "national honor" being in jeopardy. For months in many a private office of bank, factory and store, middle aged and elderly citizens have wrath fully declared that "Wilson, if he has any nerve, will straighten those Mex ican fellows out." For months editorials have been written, sermons preached and the orderly routine of life interrupted as a result of the campaign to bring about a little war with Mexico at once, while we "prepare" to get into (or keep out of) a big war with some body else at some later date. The war talk has come largely from four sources the politicians, the munition makers, the Americans who have plundered Mexico and a arge number of people who have been misled by the hubbub and out cry raised by the other three classes. The politicians sought to use the war and the Mexican situation to dis- redit President WTilson. (T. R., for example, yelled so loudly that he pulled the ligaments of his ribs oose.) The munition makers sought a market for armor plate, powder, canned beef, et cetera. The Americans who have "large interests" in Mexico demanded that they be protected in their looting of weaker nation by the big nation which has not been good enough for them to invest their money in. In this class is Hearst, the newspaper publisher. The "chorus" have been young men and older men who just "want us to c" Mexico on general principles. This sweet thought has skillfully been put into the heads of such by the paid newspaper and by other propaganda of the other three classes. Very well. All these gentlemen get their wish. Instead of a training camp near Indianapolis or elsewhere, the verbal swashbucklers can enlist and take some training on the Mexican border. Will they? Instead of marking up prices, the munition makers can offer them to 4 the government" at cost. Will they? Instead of asking your son, Mrs. Reader, to fight for Mexican mines and ranches, Mr. Hearst will volun tccr to lead a legion of foreign in vestors. Will he? Come on, gentlemen of the Army and Navy league, and of the National Security league, and of the National Defense league, here is your chance to demonstrate. Go to the armory and enlist. Send your sons. Tell your employes that if they go you will see that their wives and chil dren do not suffer. Come on now you patriots whose souls have thirsted for war come, you have your chance perform. Perform, or let us hear no more of you. Omaha Daily News. :o: If the Japanese are mixing into the Mexican business those ingenious pco pie ought to remember that it is sometimes easier to throw the fat in the fire than to rake it out again :o: . ine United btates will have no trouble in getting plenty of soldiers ttrf m m wnen young Americans are once aroused they are ready to do battle with all their might and main. They are enlisting much faster in all parts of the country than they can be sworn in. An education isn't much help to a man who has no sense. -:o:- Women succeed in fooling the men, but they can't fool each other. :o: - Don't depend on luck for anything. f,It comes, all right, but don't bank on it. :o: A man can shave himself in two minutes, but he is foolish if he claims he does the job as well as the barber who takes ten minutes for the same work. -:o: Under the leadership of President Wilson the United States has given evidence of reserve power which has made all European nations, after each new move, await the verdict of America. Enlisted men in the state militia have no right to resign or refuse, to accompany their commands when or dered out. And while it has been done in the regular army in the past, no officer can now resign without per mission of the president- :o: As each night falls and no Villa et, the pacifist becomes more firm in his conviction that our land force s adequate to meet any emergency. They now believe that some hireling of Carranza enlisted in Villa's band on purpose to assassinate the daring bandit. -:o:- Mrs. Helen Callatin Welsh of hiladelphia thinks she ought to have more than $15,000 a year to dress herself. We think so, too, judging from the scantiness of the gown she had on when her last picture was taken. The poor thing must have suffered awfully last winter. It is said that Clarence E. Harmon, state food and oil inspector, is using his entire force of assistants to cir culate petition's for the submission of a constitutional amendment, which, if it carries, will retain Harmon in office for the nexf six years. If this report s true, he should be removed from his position without ceremony. A man with such audacity should not hold any public office. :o: Plattsmouth, it would appear, has no room for the "colored gentleman." At least, as soon as one lands here he gets orders from the police to move on." And he generally moves. There is not a negro in town, and our people don't seem to want any. We don't believe there is another city in the United States as large as Platts mouth without a negro resident, and we claim 6,000 population.. -:o:- The latest victory for improved methods of taxation is in one of the important cities of the world. Syd ney, New South Wales, with a popu- ation of 700,000, hereafter will raise almost its entire revenue from a tax on land values, exclusive of improve ments. There is no personal property tax. The principle of encouraging improvements by exempting them from taxation is making progress all over the world. It is a just principle and it gives excellent results wherever it is tried. -:o:- The Keatinir child labor bill has passed the house, been reported fa vorably to the senate by the inter state commerce committee, and placed on the democratic program. This progress, however, does not insure its passage. The cotton mill interests of the south are working to delay con sideration of the measure. , They know that if they can put the matter off for a time the cries of the children are likely to be drowned in the noise of the presidential campaign at home and the echoes of the big guns from across the sea. Every society which has been trying to lessen the evil of child labor should urge the immediate consideration and passage of the Keating bill. It will not do to let this humanitarian reform perish from neglect. Federal action is needed, not only to afford the child protection which tardy communities fail to give. but to 4ceep the industries of states which have good child labor laws from suffering the unfair competition of mills which make profits from the flesh of babies. Pass the Keating bill. POLITICS AND BUSINESS The independent newspaper is the newspaper of today and tomorrow. The partisan newspaper was the newspaper of a quarter of a century ago. Once upon a time when a politi cal clique wished to extoll the virtues of its candidate it bought- a hand propelled press, a pocketfull of shoe peg type and 'founded a newspaper. It generally lasted but a short, time. Newspapers are run different now adays, and the readers have different ideas of newspaper reading than they used to. Men no longer read the newspapers to get their political opin ions. They read newspapers to get the news of the world, and they want it told to them fairly, honestly and without partisan bias. They want to brm their own political conclusions, n this connection a recent address by J. W. Kayser of the Chickasha, Okla., Star is the most pertinent and sound reasoning we have ever heard. Mr. Kayser says: "The partisan newspaper is no longer the leading paper in the larger cities, . where newspaper making nas reacnea us greatest perfection. A quarter of a century ago there was not a great city daily but wore a political label somewhere in its columns. Today there isn't a great daily of the first rank that takes its politics straight. A newspaper is a business enterprise. It must serve democrats, republicans, socialists and bull moosers if it would achieve its great success. There isn't any more excuse, to my mind, for a republican newspaper than there is for a republican -h-y goods store or a democratic flour mill or a socialist butcher shop. Do not undesrtand that I think the editor of a newspaper should be a denatured political animal. The editor of every newspaper should be a partisan and a member of a political organization, but he has no more right to serve his J readers with only one brand of poli tics than a keeper of a butcher shop has to advertise that he is the only purveyor of socialists' beefsteak in town. The day of the newspaper that waxed fat because it gave undivided allegiance to any particular political party has passed or is rapidly pass ing. No political party is always right, nor' can all its candidates al ways be the right kind. No news paper that wears a political collar can ever hope to achieve complete and lasting success. If it grows powerful and rich by the support of a political organization the next turn of the political wheel of fortune is likely to leave it bankrupt, for the American people are notoriously fickle in their political allegiance. The fault of the partisan newspaper is not in the fact that its editorial columns give un divided support to a political party, but in the fact that often its news matter is colored to suit the political label that the paper bears. We are all familiar with the newspaper that the morning after election claims that its candidate has wory when Jhe re turns finally disclose the fact that he was snowed under by about 50,000 votes. The newspaper that does such a thing loses more prestige in a day than it can regain in a year. It may gain favor for a day with the political manager who persuaded the editor to run his dope, but it will finally lose caste with him, for the party chair man will soon class this editor as too easy a mark to be worthy of consid eration. The e'ditor of an independent newspaper is a free moral agent. He doesn't have to sneeze every time the state chairman .has an attack of in fluenza. The partisan newspaper is supposed to give -space to the county or state politics of its party. , The editor of the partisan sheet is sup posed to put the ticket at the head of the editorial page even though a half dozen of the candidates are three years in arrears on the subscription books. A republican dry goods mer chant doesn't give two bolts of calico to the good of the republican party. He gives what cash he feels he can give to the support ofthe party, and he gets credit for the same. The edi tor of the partisan newspaper gives his columns, the. thing that is his stock in trade, and gets no credit for it. The editor of an independent newspaper can belong to a political party. He can give of his time and money to the support of that party, but he can exercise his God-giyen right of scratching the ticket if a candidate doesn't measure up to the right standard. He can be as bitter a partisan personally as he desires, but he can adhere strictly to the safe business rule of not mixing politics with his business." !oi- Refreshing 0 showers come very often. -:o:- So many, people say they know, when they don't, but will argue just the same. -:o:- A girl in, your arms is worth two girls in your dreams, but is a lo more expensive. :o: ; Perhaps Carranza would be rea sonable if the pacifists would remon strate with him. -:ot- A country divided against itself cannot stand. Will the pacifists please take notice? -:o: If a, man attends to his own busi ness there are plenty of people who will call him cold-blooded. -:o:- The increasing importance of the peanut makes it bad form to refer to it any longer as a "goober." :o: There may be no such thing as monopolizing trouble, although some make a strong effort in that direction. :o: Japan and Germany both are now suspected of egging on Carranza. Why slight England, France, Russia and Austria? :o: Occasionally a man violates his marriage vows, but it may be attested that but blamed few women obey their husbands. -tot- So queer is the stock market that there was a drop in shares of con cerns that would immediately profit from a Mexican war. -:o:- So4neone seems to have flattered insect powder on our Fourth of July celebration. But our "Home Coming ' celebration will be a hummer. -rot- Many farmers in Cass county are putting in electric light plants, run ning wires from their houses to the barns, which is very convenient all around. Unless you are willing to be a lonely hermit, living in an isolated spot or some other remote place, you can't expect to avoid association with hypocrites. tot- More than likely the Mormon re ligion would grow faster if more men were able to support two or three women, which some of them try to do, anyhow. -tot- Now is 'the proper time for those who insist that differences can always be settled by "reasoning" and by ap pealing to one's sense of honor, to jump on a bicycle and go down and try it on Carranza. Various parties are figuring on get ting the moose vote, about as follows t Socialists, 10 per cent; prohibitionists, 20 percent; democrats, 30 per cent, and republicans, 90 per cent, which makes 150 per cent. The rest of the moose, it is presumed, will stay at home. -n -tot- As has been inferred before, the average woman is a' strange person. The other day a certain woman told her husband that she needed this and she needed that, and he finally gave her $50 to buy it all, but she took the money and put it in the bank and refuses to spend it for anything. On the showdown the average woman is considerably of a tightwar. tot The following is going the rounds of the country newspapers and there is considerable room for thought in its phraseology, too: "Taxes are funny. The man who spends a lot of money improving his premises by buildings, etc., finds his taxes doubled. The fellow who lets his property run down until it is an eyesore finds that his taxes grow less. Why not regard the fellow who improves the town in stead of penalizing him?" Children Cry The Kind You Itavft Always in use for over RCi Years- All Coiiiittvrftits. Imitations Experiments that trifle with and endanger Iho health of Infants and Children Experience against lxpcrimcuU What is CASTOR 3 A Castoria is a harmless snbstitnto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotia substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys V"onnn and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles y ami Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, assimilates the Food, givinj? healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Ianacca Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind' You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK C I TV. STATE TO Tit A IN BOYS New York state has a penchant for doing things once it is aroused. While the whole country has been talking about universal military service, com pulsory training, federal volunteers, etc., the empire state has gone ahead and quietly put into force and effect five laws baaring upon military serv ice. New York begins at the bottom by authorizing compulsory physical training for all public and private school pupils more than 8 years old. All boys of the state between the ages of 16 and 19 years, unless regularly employed as a means of livelihood, are compelled to take military train ing. The course is given after school hours. One bill authorizes the gov ernor to enroll all male citizens be tween the ages of 18 and 45 years. He may .order a draft at any time to fill the ranks of the National guard or any other detachment of state militia and amend the general mili tary laws. The measure was actively supported by the military and the administrative heads of the New York National guard, the state cham ber of commerce and the head of the public schools athletic league of New York city. :o: Five destroyers will be in readiness to sail within three days from Phila delphia navy yard "for any service," a news dispatch says. Including serv ice as dreadnoughts, presumably. ' :o: Patriotism founded this govern government. We had traitors .who tried to destroy this grand and free country, and that spirit still remains in those whose interests are entirely foreign. They are traitors. Glacier National Park This Sum mer Will Delight Thousands Now is the time to plan a vacation tour. You will want such a complete change of environment as will drive out every thought of work, and free your system from the torpor of monotony. Glacier Park will give you such deep, high and wide pictures of nature's magnificence as to calm your mind, worn. with petty worries. Glacier is the indescribable climax of the grandeur of the Ilockies. Here you penetrate into localities of hidden mountain lakes and into the depth of forests; you reach mysterious sources of cascades and torrents tumbling from melting glaciers. You zig-zag over mountain passes aiong Government trails that yield to the beholder such glorious perspectives of weird topography in countless hues that word painting or any kind of a painting seems cheap and futile. This is, too. a delightful vacation land. "Here are resources for every tourist. "Good management and good nature" is the Law of the Park. I e me send you Glacier Park publications; they will make to you a strong appeal to renew youa energies in that land. liliiliiiiqi'iii t for Fletcher's Boaght, and which has heen lias boninth sh'Twfnrn nf ana iias uecn. mauo unucr ills per sonal supervision since its Infancy. AIllllV HO OUR to tlf oi'ivm Von in iTita. ami .Tiisr-:i-?-Mil ' inf-. Signature of Some people, however, yet believe that war can be prevented with Mexico. :o:- And then, my countrymen, there is such a thing as a nation being too proud to watchfully wait any longer. ;o: Some people spell it "gasoline," while others spell it "gasolene," but it's high enough, which ever way you spell it. It looks bad for the divorce busi ness. Few man can afford to buy "gasoline'' and pay alimony at the same time. The Allies seem to think so highly of the dreeks that they can't bear to see their friends fooling with such dangerous weapons as firearms. :o: Perhaps the pacifists would like to have the government follow the Chin ese example in another respect and built a high wall along the Mexican border. -:o: There was no confusion when the" British government set the clock an hour ahead, according to the London Telegraph. Maybe the censorship is still in full force and the British pub lic hasn't found it out yet. :o: - The withdrawal of our troops from Mexico has been demanded by the proud president of Mexico, and the American Union Against Militarism, if anybody knows what that is. The president has answered Carranza's demand in a manner that meets pub lic approval, and the country would now be glad to hear that Amos Pin chot, Oswald Garrison, Villa and Dr. Sidney Gulick had got a note. R. W. CLEMENT, Afiont L. W. Wakelev, General Passenger Agent, 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. liferents.