The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 05, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6
JOURNAL. MOtfDA, JUNE 5, 1916. PAGE PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEELY - r I L w 1 K- t - ii i rt Tl it .11 : IKI Li U 1 J ll-JV 14 Your Summer Underwear Problem can be easily and quickly solved by letting us show you "Dependon" garments. These are of an extremely fine gauze mercerized yarns, cut so as to give the most elasticity where needed. They come in a complete variety of styles to fit every figure. Ladies' Union Suits; lace knee, tight knee, shell knee, prices 65 and 50c Ladies' Union Suits; lace knee, all closed, prices 65 and 50c Misses' Union Suits, drop seat, prices 35 and 25c Ladies' Vests, prices 10c to $1.00 Men's Union Suits, ribbed and mesh, price $1.00 Men's Separate Garments, ribbed and mesh, price each 50c Boys' Union Suits, ribbed and mesh, prices 25 and 50c COLLARS! We have just received a complete variety of the newest things in Collars, the new large Puritan Collars, made of fine organdy, marquisette and net with lace and pleated frills. Prices ranging from 35c to $1.50 New Collar and Cuff Sets, with blue and rose frills, also plain white sets. Prices 50 and 65c GLM.SCIE NNflCfflSEN ir Call Phones 53 and 54. IE We Like to Serve. T " r t4 PUPILS ACQUIT TED THEMSELVES WITH ALL HONOR Pupils Acquitted Themselves Well and Received Much I'raise From Those Present. The pupils of Miss Olive Cass Sat urday afternoon gave a most pleas ing recital at her home, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all in attendance and which reflected great skill on the part of the young people and the ability of the teacher who has had charge of their instruction. The program as prepared was as follows, but some of the pupils from Pacific Junction missed, the train, to the great disappointment of the class, and were unable to be present: Duett Golden Rod White Una Crook and Eva Crook Pretty Little Butterfly Spaulding Ruby Kimmel Bird's Morning Song Streabbog Nettie Spangler Dance of the Fairy Queen. .. .Bugbee Margaret Jay At Dancing School Arnold Eva Crook Soldiers Marching By Renard Paul Haynie Airy Fairies Spaulding Ethel Stone Cinderella Match Engelmann Una Crook Gladys Waltz Fearis Elizabeth Fisher Fairy Dell Mackey Anna Fisher On the Deep Sea Steinheimer Jack Parmele Soldier's Song Steinheimer Richard Beverage After Wild Flowers Streabbog Bentle Stone Vocal Solo "God Remembers When the World Forgets". . Carrie Jacobs Bond Mrs. Charles Haynie Decoration Day Spaulding Orpha Stone The Shepherd Boy Wilson Marie Bogle Spring Song Mendelssohn Fay Crook Humoresque Dvorak Mabel Ledgway Flower Song Lange? Edna Born Simple Confession Thome Ruth Jacks The Voice of the 'Cello Weil Ina Crook Duett The Approach of Spring. Lindsay Ruth Jacks and Mabel ledgway The numbers given by little Ruby Kimmel and Nettie Spangler were a pleasant surprise to their friends, be ing played with much taste and ex pression. The selections given by Margaret Jay, Eva Crook, Ethel Stone and Una Cook showed much ability in memoriz ing and were played with ease and precision, thereby delighting the au dience. Jack Parmele and Richard Beverage received much applause for the man ner in which they played "On the Deep Sea" and Soldier's Song. "Decoration Day" by Orpha Stone gave snatches of "Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground" and other songs loved by our soldiers, and was received with ap- f (PJ ifff ver KML. (Lair. 6-Cylindcr 7-Passenger Touring Car $1145.00 f. o. b. Toledo, Ohio 4-4-4-4- it it it 5-5-5-2- Willys-Knight 1125.00 " Model 83 Overland 695.00 75 " 615.00 75 " 595.00 a a it a a tt a a a a a a To date the Willys-Overland Company has manufactured and shipped over 125,000 1916 Model Automobiles, which is more than double of any automobile manufacturer with the exception of one. It is also more cars than the Overland Co. themselves made for 1914 and 1915 combined. We have cars of each model in stock and will be pleased to demonstrate same. ' JOHN BAUER, Agent PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA plause. The ever welcome "Spring Song" by Mendelssohn, was played with skill and spirit by Fay Crook. Mabel Ledgway gave as her offering, Dvorak's "Humoresque" and this was given with unusually good expression. '.'The Flower Song" was played in an excellent manner, with much express ion by Edna Born. One of the most delightful numbers was "Simple Con fession" by Ruth Jacks, and it was thoroughly enjoyed. "The Voice of the 'Cello" was given by Ina Crook and was an excellent imitation of the soulful tones of that instrument. The duetts, "Golden Rod" by Una and Eva Crook, and "Approach of Spring" by Ruth Jacks and Mabel Ledgway were enthusiastically received and brought to a close a most delightful program. EADYTOBO THE BIO ! 3 0, r COIN in mi a e? Executive Committee Held lis First Meeting This Morning to Start the Pall A-liclliRK. FIRM FOUNDATION Nothing Can Undermine It In Platts-mouth. People are sometimes slow to recognize true merit, and they cannot be blamed, for so many have been humbugged in the past. The experi ence of many Plattsmouth residents, expressed publicly through new-papers and other sources, places Doan's Kidney Pills on a firm foundation here. J. L. McKinney, Granite street, Plattsmouth, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills, procured from the Crescent Pharmacy, are the best medicine I ever used lor disordered kidnevs. Whenever I have had occasion to take them they have never failed to gie the best of results." (StaUtneiit given April 10, 1!U2.) On February 22. 11) 10, Mr. Mc Kinney said: "I am ready to back up what I have said, before regarding my experience with Doan's Kidney Pills. I have never found anything equal to them for lame back and a few doses has always done good work." Price iJ cents at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. McKinney has twice pubiiciv recommended. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., RulTalo, X. Y. FOR SALE One bed, 1 spring mattress, 1 dresser, 2 small tables, 1 bookcase witlf desk, 1 commode, 1 sofa, 2 rock ers, 1 piano, 1 dining room table, 1 itchen table, 1 sewing machine, " dining room chairs, 2 kitchen chairs. 2 piano stools, 1 cabinet, 1 hall rack, pillows, several sofa pillows, 1 kitchen range, 1 coal oil stove, 1 mir ror, l wasning machine, ringer, wash board and tubs, 1 copper boiler, 1 big 5-gallon jar, several small ones, sev eral fruit jars, by the dozen, kitchen utensils, toilet set, water set, 1 set of dinner dishes, 2 big Axminster rugs, several small rugs, several pictures, carpet sweeper, 1 cedar mop, 1 iron ing board, 1 table pad, 1 water bar rel, 12 window curtains, clothing for man or woman, 1 set of engineering books, 1 clothes rack, several glasses of jelly and cans of fruit, 1 gas plate and fixtures, and many others too numerous to mention. I will he at my home on tenth and uranite streets any evening from 5 to 8 p. m. and will be glad to show you the goods. C. M. HOLMRKRG. Ed Murray, Dave Murray and George Stites of the vicinity of Union were visitors in this city Saturday evening. S. C. Uoyles, one of the leading esidents of Elmwood, was here for a short time today, looking after a few matters at the court house. Colonel W. E. Jenkins of Murray was in the city for a short time to day, en route from his home to Oma ha to visit for the day in that city. Automobile Insurance AT LOWEST RATES! FORD CARS Fire Insurance One Year $400.00 $4.00 Fire and Theft Insurance 1 Year $400.00 $8.80 We write your insurance at the same rate each year if we get the insurance on your new cars. T. H. POLLOCK, The executive committee of the fall festival held their first annual meet ing this mornin to discuss the arrange ments for the event that gives prom jse of being the greatest event that lias been h-ld in this city in a number of years. The eh-fmite dates for the oent was set form Thursday, August 21, to Monday, Sept-mbcr 1, and will give five big festal day:; full of enjoy ment and pleasure to Plattsmouth people and the visitors who will be gathered for this great big time. The heads of the diir'll"ererii committees their part of the program to 10 ike f.he celebration a winner in every way. On t!e dilT'trever.t committees tie fol lowing chairmen were seleeLed: City Government, Mayor Sattlei ; Fir: nee. J. F. Falter; Home Coming, K. 15. Windham; Uaseball, Claud Smi'.h; Decoration, C. E. Ilaney; High School, Raymond Larson; Stock Show, Dr. (). Sandin; Publicity, II. A. Schneider; Concessions and Grounds Dr. D. 1. Revnolds; Entertainment. J. V. H:tt. It is expected t,o start the ball roll ing at once on the work of preparation for week and the amusements and free attractions which Will be a part ot the elite! t linnient featuies will be se cured and advertised unite the gen eral plan of the festival is being laid out. The Home Coming feature of the festival will be opened on Friday. September 1st, with a well balanced program that will furnish edentey of entertainment for th? f rmer i esi dents of the city, in audition to the other amusements that will-be secured to add to the pleasures of ihe evert. On the first few days the Cass county residents will receive special honors and in the baseball game, the teams from the county will be secured if pos sible J.I'd it is probable that will play here either on Thursday er Frioay, and on the last three days the crack teams of Omaha will be here tj play the Fed Sox. On Sunday, Sep tember Md, the churches of the city will entertain the old residents of t-.e city with special services :is we!! as ether attractions. The closing day, Labor Day, will be set aside for the laboring people with a great demon stration that will prove ji fitting cbse to the event and one long to be remem bered. The occasion is going to be the greatest boost the city has had in 'ears, and all of the citizens are urged New Perfection Fireless Cooking -Jl 1 I i 1 , fTT 1 i o r . Oil Stoves! Combines a four-burner stove, fireless cooker, oven, cabinet and warm' ing shelf , into one com pact yet roomy complete cooking device. , A popular priced cabinet style stove. Two burners uneler the oven section. Just, one burner is sutlicient for all oven purpe)ses. The extra burner is convenience when it is desired to preheat the oven quickly. e)p.Mi -rate in bottom of oven makes it possible to use oven burners for grate surface cooking by opening erven eloor anel removing raeiks. ' u wash day, for example, the boiler can be heated on ,he two outside ! urner.s while the oven burners may be used to cook your mid-day meal. TOR & SWTEK W ash Goods Sale is Now On! We are showing a good variety of Wash Goods in ex cellent values: 40-inch Striped and Figured Voile 40-40-36-28-27- u it to aid it in every wa;. the fall festival can led letter event. possible so that 1H dee? as a VERY INTERESTING TALK AT THE PRE BYTERIAN CHURCH A large number of the members of the C. E. Society of the Presbyterian church anel memlxus ef the church anel congregation gathered in the En eleavor ienm at the church last eve ning to hear Mr. George C. Reed of Weeping Wjiter, who has been engag ed in the missionary work at Morenco for the past sixteen and one-half years. It was a most interesting and instructive talk, anel was most highly appreciated by the large number in at tendance, and fortunate enough to hear him. Mr. Reed first spoke of and tolei why we are to ge to all lands and preach the gospel. He hael a large map of Africa displayed and pointed out the various countries and told of the varieus people located in that land. He also told of some of the work done by Moffatt anel Stanley, who were among the first missionar ies to that lanel. Mr. Heed then toeik Morocco, the portion ot Alrica Batists Organdies Embroidered Voiles " Batists Lace Cloth The above is a selection to retail at per yard .25c and is a rare bargain at the price. Mercerized Palm Beach Cloth for Skirts and Sport Suits at 25, 50 and 60c per yard. See our selection of Ladies' Collars and Neckwear. We are showing Shirt Waists on the bargain counter. SLEDS & LOTS TUEE STRE ATTRACTION Dr 1 hh ' A L - if"-; If. vv. SI 7::i -' ' i forty minutes. Georgie, the boy won der, by means -of what he terms his magnetic power, matches his strength against the combined efforts of twelve men taken from the crowd and makes them easy his victims. He only weighs 102 pounds and cannct be lifted. BE SURE And come to the entertainment given on the church lawn tomorrow, Tues day, evening, from 7 to 8 o'clock, by the children of St. Luke's church school. If rainy, it will be postponed to the first pleasant night. ft.,:,- Av ,- .1 - VJ' A free attraction will be given on the streets of Plattsmouth Saturday afternoon at 3 anel in the evening at 8 o'clock. George Abbott, the boy wonder, has made arrangements with the Commer cial club of our city to give a free entertainment from a large platform on the streets of the city, on Satur day and again in the evening. Each entertainment will last appromimately NOTICE KNIGHTS AND LADIES The Knights and Ladies of Security will meet tomorrow evening at the rooms in the Woodman building at 8 o'clock. Initiation ami refreshments. NOTICE TO PUBLIC I desire to notify the public that John and Frank Boetel are no longer connected with my livery and auto line. Q. K. PARMELE. Subscribe for the Journal. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always beam the Signature of 2- ecus up where he spent so many years, and ; then told ef the inhabitants, some of their customs, characteristics and laws. He said that most of the in habitants of Morroco are of the Mo hammed religion, and that it was very hard to convince them that there was a better religion, and one that would make them live better lives.. At the close of this splendid talk an offering was taken. RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL Ward Patton, who for the past few weeks has been at the Immanuel hos pital in Omaha, recovering from the effects of an operation, was able to return home yesterday afternoon and is feeling in the best of shape and much improved as the result of tha operation. Children's Suimmeir Dresses! A large stock of the season's best styles from a prom inent Eastern maker have just been marked and placed on our tables. Most of them are of plaid and striped ginghams trimmed in whiteand matched plain colors. Wonderfully attractive styles and real values. AGES 8 TO 14 Prices 65c, $1, $1.25, $1.65 E. G. Dovey & Son VALUE! QUALITY! SERVICE! Riley Block A want ad will bring what you want. I