The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 05, 1916, Image 1
raowfcfo Neb State Historical Soc .vol. xxxiv. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1916. No. 102 platte 7 7 - a' 1 V. V i 1 14 HOME CODING AND FALL FES TIVAL DAYS Everybody Should Get In the Pro cession and Begin' to Boost for the Great Event. From Friday's Dally. The efforts of the citizens of this community should all be directed in the coming- two months to the making: of the fall festival a great success, and to this end there should be a hearty co-operation of every person in the city and all lodges and socie ties which can do a great deal toward making the event the success it should be. The plans, which are not thoroughly completed, give an idea of the manner in which it is hoped to carry out the festival to insure its being the biggest event of its kiiK cairied out in the city's history, an? it will be without doubt if everyone gets in the band-wagon and begin to boost. The stock show feature of the festival is one that will appeal to the farmers and lovers of fine cattle and stock, and ul Cass county has some of the best in the state, and, for that matter, in the entire west, as the reputation of many of our stock farms is known among the fine stock breeders from one end of the country to the other. The opportunity of making a display of the stock will be given and here they can be compared by all those interested, and while it will not be on the scope of the state fair it will be possible to bring to gether stock from the Cass county farms that will be worth coming miles to see. Those who are looking after this feature of the program are thor oughly interested in .the stock busi ness and will see - that everything needful is carried out to make it a complete success. During the festival the manage ment of the Red Sox baseball team will arrange a series of games for the afternoon which will provide en tertainment for the lovers of the great sport of the Americans and strong teams will be secured to play during the week of the festal celebration. Not the least of the features of the week will be the "Home Coming," and this will be looked after with thor oughness and care to see that all for mer residents of the city and county are given an opportunity to come to Plattsmouth and see the spirit of progress and advancement that is to day characterizing the people of this city and making it the best little city of its size in the state. Now is the time to get busy and co-operate with the committee in its work and lend eevry effort possible to make the oc casion a red letter event in the his tory of Plattsmouth. There is some thing for everyone to do to make it a success and there should be no lag gards in the good work. FAMILY REUNION AT THE HOME OF SUPER INTENDENT BROOKS From Friday's Dally. The home of Superintendent and Mrs. W. G. Brooks has been the scene of a very pleasant family re union this week of the Brooks family, when all but one brother were present to spend two or three days in the enjoyment of each other's society. The mother, Mrs. L. II. Brooks, of Norman, Okla., was also present to share in the joyful time, and her presence was greatly enjoyed by the sons and their wives and made the occasion complete. This is a splendid American family and Mrs. Brooks can well be proud of the sturdy sons whom she has reared. Those here to take part in the pleasant event were Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Brooks of Marion, la.; A. A. Brooks and son of Hastings, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brooks of Clay Center, Neb.; Mr, and Mrs. F. D. Brooks of Norman, Okla. This event will long be re membered most pleasantly by the families as one of the most delightful of a lifetime and be cherished in th years to come as a most complete family reunion. Letter files at the Journal -office.' RELATIVES OF MAN KILLED AT UNIOII HOT YET LOCATED From Friday's Dally. Sheriff Quinton has so far failed to locate the relatives or friends of the man killed at Union several weeks ago, although all traces of anyone acquainted with the man has been followed up in the hopes of giv ing them information as to his fate. An address found in the dead man's pocket, giving the name of parties in Wyoming, was looked up by the sheriff and a reply received in which it was stated they knew nothing of the dead man and did not know how it had been possible for him to have the address in his pocket. OMAHA ELKS TO "SPREAD OLD GLORY" JUNE 12, FLAG DAY From Friday's Dally. Hag day, June 14, will bring a blaze of glory to the metropolis of Nebraska this year, for Flag day, annually kept patriotically by the Elks, will not only be made memor able by the Elks themselves and by the veteran soldiers of the civil and Spanish wars and women of their ielief corps who join with them in honoring the day, but also by the great patriotic parade of the civic, patriotic and fraternal bodies in gen eral called together by the Commer cial club. It goes without saying that the Elks and the veterans who wore the blue and the khaki, and the women of the Relief Corps will not be the least of the figures in the pro cession. This year there will be not only the Omaha Elks, but also sev eral hundred Elks from all over Ne braska. The Nebraska association of Elks will be holding its fourth annual meeting and reunion in Oma ha, the reunion being timed to close with the big demonstration on Flag day, the march to Hanscom park, the moving pictures to show the country at large how the fires of patriotism are kept burning and thousands of people in Omaha gladly and reverent ly joining in the tributes to "Old Glory." Not only Nebraska Elks, but also their ladies, are invited to the meet ing and reunion. There will be the Ak-Sar-Ben den show for the men the first night, Monday, June 12; an auto ride, an outing at one of the parks, an informal reception and dance at one of the country clubs, and a chaperoned tour for the women, all of which is on the program. There are sixteen lodges and about 8,000 Elks in Nebraska, and to the hundreds who cannot get away to the grand lodge the state reunion will be a treat, and will tend to build up the fraternal interests of the Elks in the state, and to not only "get together" as regards acquaintance, but also to crystalize sentiment on some things that western Elks want to express themselves on to the grand lodge. A PLEASANT MEET ING OF THE DE GHEE OF HONOR From Friday's Dally. Last evening the Degree of Honor enjoyed a most interesting and pleas ant meeting at the lodge rooms in the A. O. U. W. building, which was quite largely attended by the membership. The chief, feature of the evening was the initiation of three new candidates, Miss Edna E. Morrison, Mrs. Johanna McApline and Mrs. Blanche A. Davis, into the order, the service being very impressive and inspiring to the mem bers and candidates. In the election of delegates to the state meeting of the Degree of Honor, to be held in Omaha on June 28 and 29, Mrs. Eliza beth Thomsen was selected to repre sent Plattsmouth lodge at the meet ing. The Degree f Honor is showing a most pleasing' increase in member ship and . its success is a source of much pleasure to the members who have been most energetic in their efforts for its advancement. Stewart's Phonographs, only $5.00, at Dawson's, Plattsmouth, Neb. MISS NORA ROSEN GRANS ENTERTAINS IN CHARMING MANNER Gives Kitchen Shower In Honor of - Miss Myra Thierolf, One of the June Brides. From Friday's Dally. , Yesterday afternoon Miss Nora Rosencrans entertained in a most charming manner for Miss Myra Thierolf, who is to be one of the June brides, and the event was in the na ture of a kitchen shower. The hand some Rosencrans home was filled with a large number of friends of the charming bride-to-be, and the occa sion enjoyed to the utmost in shower ing upon Miss Thierolf the well wishes for many happy years and the bestowal of the many handsome arti cles which she will find useful in her new home. The ladies spent the aft ernoon in delightful social conversa tion as well as in the making of dust cloths that were presented to the guest of honor as tokens of the esteem of her friends, and each one bore the initials of the donor, making a very pretty remembrance. The shower consisted of articles for the kitchen and a great many handsome gifts of aluminum will find a place in the home of thl bride-to-be. Dur ing the afternoon dainty refreshments were served by Misses Mary Rosen crans and Mary Egenberger, and add ed much to the pleasure of the guests, and chief among these were the strawberries which had come from the home of the prospective groom, Mr. B. A. Rosencrans, "The Acres," where the young people expect to reside. Those in attendance were: Mrs. Paul C. Morgan of Hay Springs, Neb.; Mrs. Virginia McDaniel Allen of San Francisco, Cal.; Miss Edith Dovey, Mrs. C. A. Rosencrans, Miss Florence Cunningham of Beaver City, Neb.; Mrs. John W. Falter, Mrs. Ed ward Egenberger, Misses Marie and Gretchen Dbnnelly, Mrs. R. F. Pat terson, Mrs. Willard Beesley, Miss Janet Clement, Miss Teresa Droege, Miss Lillian Dwyer, Miss Alice Tuey, Miss Lillian Bajeck, Misses Christine and Mathilde Soennichsen, Miss Anna Hassler, Mrs. C. O. Larson of Scran ton, Kas.; Miss Mary Rosencrans, Miss Mary Egenberger and the guest of honor, Miss Myra Thierolf. SOME PETTY THIEVING GOING ON IN TOWN From Friday's Daily. Yesterday Henry Kaufmann, the gardner, residing a few miles south of this city, was made the victim of what seems a rather bare-faced rob bery of some ten gallons of lubricat ing oil and a box of axel grease, valued t $3. The stuff was taken from the wagon of Mr. Kaufmann, which he had left on South Fifth street, where the team was tied. Mr. Kaufmann did not report the loss until this morning, when Sheriff Quinton was notified of the affair, and started to look into the matter. The oil made a heavy load, so that it would be necessary to haul it away in a wagon, being out of all question for a man to carry it any distance. The loss is one that will amount to quite a sum as the oil is high priced. Shortly before noon the missing oil and box of grease was discovered in the yard at the home of Fred Olden hausen, father-in-law of Mr. Kauf mann and it seems to have been the work of some practical joker, who sought to slip one over on Mr. Kauf mann, but it is carrying a joke to the extreme to carry off a man's prop erty, and it is fortunate for the party doing it that they were not discov ered as they might have had some trouble in squaring things. MAKING SOME IMPROVEMENTS From Saturday's Daily. The local lodge of the Improved Order of Redmen is having the front of the building on lower Main street painted and put in first class shape. The building is being decorated in the colors of the order, red, blue and green, and will be a most pleasing looking home for the lodge when it is completed. PREPARING FOR MORE STREET PAVING IMMEDIATELY From Friday's Dally. The active preparation of the plans for putting down the paving on the half blocks along Third, Fourth and Fifth streets are being carried out by J. II. McMaken, the contractor, and as soon as the final stakes are put down by the engineer the work will be started and pushed to rapid con clusion. This is a step that has long been desired by everyone and will add much to the business section of the city and the value of the property along the streets where the improve ments are made. It will also do away with a great deal of the mud and dirt that is now washed onto Main street by the rains. Mr. McMaken will see that the city gets a good job and one that will be lasting. A MOST DELIGHTFUL FAREWELL PARTY AT THE BAIRD HOME From Friday's Dally. Last evening a most delightful farewell porch picnic was held at the home of Mrs. J. T. Baird. The occa sion was in honor of Miss Pearl Staats, who will depart for Lincoln Sunday afternoon, where she will attend the summer school session of the state university, and Misses Anna Daniels and Margaret Giberson, two of the members of the high school faculty, who will not return to this city next fall. The young ladies gathered at the Baird home about 6 o'clock, where some very pleasant moments were spent on the large porch of the Baird home. When all the guests had arrived, a most deli cious and tempting supper was served in regular picnic style on the porch. The "eats" never did taste so good and the merry company just simply fell to and ate and ate until they could eat no more. The remainder of the evening was most enjoyably spent in various diversions, which af forded them much pleasure and mer riment. On their departure the young ladies ex.pressed their warmest thanks to the Bairds for their kind hospital ity and much regret at having to lose the three honor guests. Those in attendance were: Misses Clara Weyrich, Pearl Staats, Carrie Greenwald, Crete Briggs, Margaret Giberson, Flossie Butte, Anna Dan iels, Alma and Esther Larson, Ada Mann, Gertrude Morgan, Carrie and Estelle Baird, Amelia Martens and Mrs. A. G. Cole. KENSINGTON CLUB TENDERS FAREWELL TO MRS. P. F. RIHN From Friday's Daily. The Thursday Afternoon Kensing ton club at its last meeting, at the home of Mrs. Fred Mumm, enjoyed a most delightful time when the mem bers tendered their friend, Mrs. P. F. Rhin, a pleasant farewell as she is to leave next week for her future home in Bartlesville, Okla. The aft ernoon was spent in plying the busy needle and in the expressions of re gret of the members that they were soon to lose this charming lady from their circle. As a remembrance of the many happy days spent together Mrs. Rhin was presented with a hand some brooch as well as a large num ber of pieces of fine china to cherish as tokens of the friends in Platts mouth when she takes up her home in the southland. A very dainty and delectable three-course luncheon was served by the hostess during the aft ernoon, which every one of the twelve members present thoroughly enjoyed, and at the home-going hour expressed their wishes for success and happi ness for the guest of honor in her new home. Mrs. Rhin expects to leave Monday for Bartlesville, and her absence will be keenly felt by the members of the Kensington club as well as her many friends throughout the city. Harry Johnson is at Weeping Wa ter this week, doing some plastering for Mr. Bert Reed. STRANGE CON DUCT OF AN OLD RESIDENT HERE Apprehended Leading Away a Cow From Luke Wiles. Barn Believed To Be Insane. From Saturday's Dally. Last night L,uke L. Wiles, the stockman, residing just at the south west boundary of the city, suffered the loss of two of his young cows, which were taken from the pasture where they were grazing, and for a time it was feared that they would not be located, but were found this morning by Sheriff Quinton, one of them roaming along the highway quite a distance from the Wiles farm, while the second animal was found in the possession of L. C. W. Murray, who, while mentally unbalanced, had taken the animals. The first word of the whereabouts of the cattle was received this morning in a message from the Platte river toll bridge, tell ing of a man being there with a cow answering the description of the one taken from the farm of Mr. Wiles. On the arrival of the sheriff at the bridge he learned that Mr. Murray had been there with one of the cows, inquiring the way to Dunbar, and on being informed that he was headed in the wrong direction had turned around and started back toward Plattsmouth. The sheriff followed up the tiack of the cow and man and near the farm of George Stander overtook him and turned the cow over to the owner, bringing the unfortu nate man back to the city in his auto mobile. On the way in Mr. Murray appeared very quiet until almost into the main pait of the city, when he drew a pocket knife and made a pass at the sheriff with it, and it was only after considerable difficulty in han dling the man that the weapon was secured, and after that the trip was completed without further trouble. Mr. Murray was brought to the court house, where he was questioned by Attorney C. A. Rawls, who is act ing in the absence of County Attor ney A. G. Cole from the city. The unfortunate man was laboring under a great strain and was clearly not responsible for his actions in any way, so that it is thought probable it will be necessary to have him placed in the hospital for care and treatment as his condition is quite pitiable. For a great many years Mr. Mur ray was one of the wealthy men of the county, possessing several hun dred acres of land, but meeting with financial reverses he has worried over the fact as well as his affliction of almost total blindness, until his condi tion has become acute, and making it necessary to have him cared for where he will receive proper treat ment for his case. A few years ago it was necessary to have a guardian appointed to look after him, and this has also preyed to a greater or less extent on his mind, until he is indeed in a most unfortunate condition of body and mind and little resembling the bright and vigorous man of a few years ago. Under the load of trouble that has befallen Mr. Murray it is not surprising that he has been unable to withstand the strain, as it is about as much misfortune as is possible to be visited upon anyone, and his friends of the years gone by will regret very much to learn of it. Mr. Murray has been residing near Weeping Water and frequently came to this city to visit, and last evening on arriving at the Wiles home he secured two halters and going to the pasture led the cows out and away, but one of them was hard to lead and he was forced to turn her loose. When found by the sheriff both Mr. Murray and the cow were exhausted by their long trip over the country. TO ATTEND CLASS PLAY This afternoon Mrs. D.'C. Morgan and the members of her Sunday school class, Misses Catherine Gorder, Catherine Schrack, Abbie Brown, Ethel Tritsch, Adelie and Blanche Sayles, Doris Vallery, Agnes Bajeck and Alice Weyrich, departed for Bellevue to attend the class play this afternoon given by the members of the senior class at the college there. P. E. RUFFIIER IMPROVING AND WILL GET WELL The condition of P. E. Ruffner, who is at Omaha taking treatment, is re ported as showing marked improve ment and the gentleman is now able to take nourishment and to use his jaws to some extent. The examina tion of the jaw of Mr. Ruffner indi cates that an abscess had formed in one of the duct glands near the base of the tongue and this has caused the trouble that for several days made it impossible for him to take food or, in fact, to move his jaws to any ex tent. It is with much pleasure that the friends will learn of the change for the better in the condition of .Mr. Ruffner and will trust that it may continue until he is restored to his usual state of good health. MISS CHRISTINE SOENNICHSEN TO BE MARRIED IN CHICAGO From Saturday's Dally. Last evening H. M. Soennichsen and daughter, Miss Christine, depart ed for Chicago, where Miss Christine will be united in marriage on Sunday morning to Mr. Jack Coughlin, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Frank W. Gunsalus, the eminent divine of that city. The wedding will be a quiet one, with only the rela tives of the contracting parties pres ent. The friends here of the charming bride will regret greatly to lose her from their circle of friendship, but extend to her their heartiest well wishes for years of happiness and success in her new home. Born and reared in this city, Miss Soennichsen has been able "to number all who knew her as a friend by her genial and pleasing manner, and her absence will be keenly felt by all of these. The grdom, Mr. Coughlin, is well known here, where he has frequently visited while engaged in his various business enterprises in different parts of the country, and to those who knew him was a genial and cordial gentleman and one well worthy of the charming ady he has secured as his bride. Mr. and Mrs. Coughlin will make their home in Chicago in the future as the groom has a cozy home await ing the coming of his bride. TWO HAPPY YOUNG HEARTS THAT NOW BEAT AS ONE Two Plattsmouth young people stole a march on their friends Satur day when they journeyed to Omaha and there were united in the bonds of holy wedlock by the Rev. Charles W. Savage. The contracting parties were H. E. Steinhauer and Miss Mable Hoffman, two of our most popular young people, and their friends here were delighted to learn o'f the happy event and tendered to the newlywe-ds their heartiest con gratulations on the decision to take up life's journey together as one. Mr. and Mrs. Steinhauer returned home on No. 2 from the metropolis and at once took up their occupancy of the cozy home which the groom had prepared for his charming bride, and here the young people will make their home in the future. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steinhauer, and is a young man of industry and worth, and who possesses a host of f riendj who will learn of his new happiness with pleasure. He is at present in the employ of the Burlington in the shops in this city, where he is held in the highest esteem by all who know him. For a number of years Edgar was one of the Journal force and in his venture on the sea of mat rimony will take the best wishes of the "bunch" for future years of suc cess. The bride is one of the charming and accomplished young ladies of the city and who has won many friends by her pleasing and genial disposi tion, and it is with great delight that her friends will learn that she is to make her future home here in their midst. FALLS CITY ; MAN HELD' UP AND ROBBED Three Hoboes Jump On the Stranger at La Platte, Heat Him Up and Rob Him of $12. But Are Arrested Here. David Ransome, giving his resi dence as Falls City, made his appear ance in this city in the wee small hours Sunday morning, with blood flowing from several cuts about the face and head, his clothing torn, and robbed of what money he had on his person, as a result on an encounter with three strangers whom he met up with Saturday night at La Platte. As the result of the quick work of Chief of Police Barclay the three men, all of whom were identified by Ransome, were rounded up and lodged in jail, to answer to the charge of robbery and assault, and to await the coming of the Sarpy county officials to take them to Papillion. It would seem from the story told by Ransome that he was riding to Omaha in a box car on the north bound local freight over the Missouri Pacific and up to the time they stopped at La Platte eevrything went lovely with the expedition, but here is where the trouble started. Ran some had got off the train to exercise while it was stopped and there fell into the company of the three stran gers and soon they tried to cultivate a closer acquaintance with the Falls City man, and on his declining to get chummy they proceeded to mix, one of the men knocking Ransorne down while the other two, one of whom had a wooden leg, proceeded to search the helpless victim and remove from his person in the neighborhood of $12 in money as well as several small arti cles. After the robbery Ransome was somewhat dazed by the effects of his treatment, suffering a good deal from the cuts and bruises in flicted, and started back to Platts mouth, where he arrived in the early morning hours of Sunday, and after having his wounds dressed at the Perkins hotel, he told the story of his misfortune. Shortly after 7 o'clock yesterday morning three strangers made their appearance, walking down the Burl ington tracks from the direction of La Platte, and as one of the party was a wooden-legged man it at once attracted the attention of several who had" learned of the holdup and assault pn Ransome. Sheriff Quinton and Chief of Police Barclay were notified of the circumstances of the three tramps and at once proceeded to start a search for them. The three men were evidently of a desire to spend a little of their newly acquired wealth as they came up town shortly before 9 o'clock and made a number of pur chases at different stores, and the first ' victim was grabbed by Chief Barclay near the Fitt & Hitchmann garage and the man escorted down the street, where he was turned over to the custody of a number of by standers. The chief then nailed the second man at the depot, who was identified by Ransome as the man hitting him, and the third of the trio, the wooden-legged man, was found in the store of A. G. Bach, where he was buying a few small articles when the chief arrested him. The men were escorted to the county jail, where they were held pending action on the part of the Sarpy county au thorities. ENTERTAIN FOR GUESTS Yesterday Mrs. M. E. Manspeaker entertained at her home at luncheon in honor of the distinguished visitors of the Woodman Circle who were pre sent from the supreme lodge to attend the monument unveiling. Those pre sent were Miss Dora Alexander, Mrs. Mathilde Henning, Mrs. Kate Rem ington, Miss Brown and Mr. Paul. Mrs. Manspeaker was assisted in the entertaining by Mrs. Joseph Droege, local deputy of the Woodman Circle. The occasion was one filled with much pleasure to all fortunate enough to be in attendance. For the Simon Pare Benjamin Franklin Lightning Rod, call on T. W. Vallery, or write him at Murray, Neb. 4-24-1 mowkly