The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 01, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    (I THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1916.
Copyright, 1914, by Harper Ci
""iitim:otl Polo. ":in I want
I I .von to tlihik Imiil on it. for
2J I'm all lalkl up an" hardly
know vrliat I believe an' what I don't
ht'Iievp. Now. in the fust place, it is
impossiMe to even start on a hunt lilce
this unless you hare some little thin;
fr some particular person to aim at.
Nov.-. I've sot tins much to start on.
an it is a I! 1 have .cot. The Lord
knows it is small enough when you
realize that you may he suspectin' an'
innocent man an one, without a dollar
to defend hisse'f with.,' You remember
the day Howard an Craic met in town
jjn had that row? Well, that "
just as Craig" was sfartin of? to town.
I happened to be in Trumble-y's piece
' woodland on the slope overlookin'
Craig's farm. I was up thar to see
about some trees I'd agreed to cut
down and stack up in cords fer Trum-
Lley's winter supply. Well, I seed
Craig leave hi boss at the barn an'
walk across his Celd to whar Abe Ful-;
ton was makin a wire fence fer 'im,
The truth is, I tuck no particular no
tice of "em, an' the distance was so
great that I couldn't see the'r faces
good nor hear what v.-as said, but
somehow it struck me at the time that
they was bavin' words.
Whether it was the'r motions or
looks or what not I don't know, but,
anyways, I remember that the fust
thought that popped into my heed aft
er Craig's mixup. "with Howard was
that Craig had quarreled with Abe an
that TTsw one reason he was so ready
to pounce on somebody else. Dut 1
didiit let the thing weigh much with
me at the time, fer, you see, I was fol
lowin' the other scent, but after that
failed I tuck :p the other an' tried to
see ef I could connect Abe with the
"An did you did you, -that's the
question?"' A oner's lower lip was quiv
ering under tense suspense. His Cushy
brows Lad met. - . .
"I don't know. Uncle Ab; as God is
my hnal judge, I don't," role return
ed", "an' that's why I've comp-to you.
All I could do was this: I went by
Craig's Cold an' seed that the fence
wasn't finished, but I couldn't say that
meant anything, fer Craig was slow
pay. an' no sensible ierson would keep
on workin' fer a dead man without
knowin' who was his boss, anyway."
"No, of ctHirse not," Abner agreed.
"Was that all?"
"No. not quite. I next set out to look
fer Abe. I seed 'im in a bunch o'
loafers at the cotton compress, whar
jobs by the hour was give out fer
true-kin an loadin an the like. I
knowed most of 'em. All the time Abe
et on a bale o' cotton whittlin' a stick
an savin' nothin. I noticed that he
wouldn't laugh much along with the
balance, but when I came to think of
it I couldn't remember ever seein the
cuss smile or pass a joke nohow, an'
.so. you see. I couldn't go by that. I
studied 'im a cood hour. I got the
crowd to talk about the murder once,
an' I watched Abe, but I couldn't no
tice that he acted anyway different
from the rest. He jest set with his
feet crossed an' the brim o-his old hat
over his eyes an' trimmed straight in
front of 'im."
"I see. I see." Abner nodded, thought
fully. "I set about in a sly. underhand way
among folks that hail knowed Abe a
leng time, to see cf he'el ever been in
any difficulties. Now. here comes the
only p'int I've found worth considerin,
nn I want yore opinion. Ten years
ago. when Abe lived over the moun
tain, lie was arrested an' tried fer as
sault en a feller an put in jail fer a
year. The feller who he mighty nigh
killed owned a little sawmill whar Abe
was workin', an one day at log rollin'
tl'e sawmill man got m:id at Abe for
some blunder or other an' kicked 'im
like a deg in the presence o' all the
rest. Now. watch close. Uncle Ab.
Witnesses said tn oath at the trial that
Abe tnck his kick in without a word,
lie rolled logs on the rest o' the day
tin' lira wed his pay: but that night evi
dence showed that he waylaid the saw
mill man. beat 'im over the head with
a hickory club an' left 'im unconscious
in the rond."
, "It Is somen' anyway," Abner an
swered interestedly. "Lei's go yonder,
have a chew and plan this thing fur
ther." Abner continued.
One sultry evening at dusk, as Abner
i,at talking to Mary about Howard in
the front yard. Abe Fulton trudged
iihMig past the gate, a wuall bag of
iluur on his shoulder. He did not look
toward them, but kept his eyes on the
dusty road. Seeing that Jlary was
Unking at the man, Abner remarked
casually :
'That feller looks like he is purty
hnr! uPj Ji:Ill-0 regular job work
:n" fer Craig, but that's all otT now, of
Tm scrry for his wife." Mary said
::?tl??siy. "I don't believe the poor
creature gets encugh to eat half the
Use, and as for clothes, she Is a pitiful j
sight. FvehearJ that site Is constantly
j complaining.' I j
At this instant Mrs. Trurubley called
Mary into the house, and Abner was .
, left alone. Going to the gate, he look-1
ed after the disappearing figure he had !
just noted: then he glanceel back iuto
the house. "Might as well now as
later." he mused. "Time is valuable,
an' after all Pole may be away off the
track. Twenty men could 'a' done the
thing as well as this un."
Taking a cautious look into the
house, Abner slipped around the cor
ner and went down the path to the
stable. Opening the door of a stall
containing his favorite horse, he took
the animal by the forelock and led it
across the lot to a gate, which he
opened. Then, raising his hands
threateningly, he drove the horse
through, watching it as it galloped off
into the woods. Then going to a wag
qii shed near by Abner took a bridle
from a row of saddles and halters., and
with it on his arm he passed through
the gate and started down the road,
the leather reins dragging in the dust
at his side. Half a mile farther on he
turned aside into the wood and walked
through the twilight till he saw a
glen in of fire through the trees and
knew it was from the cabin occupied
by Abe Fulton and his wife. Here Ab
ner began to walk more slowly, and as
he moved toward the light he whistled
loudly after the manner of farmers
calling their horses. Presently he
emerged from the low. scattering
bushes immediately In front of the
cabin. Mrs. Fulton came to the door,
her hands white with some dough she
was mixing.
"Iost ye boss. Mr. Daniel? she ask
ed as she recognized him and noticed
the bridle in his hand.
"Yes. Have you seeel im?" Abner
came closer. illes the very devil to
slip a halter when he's hitched to a
post. He l'arnt the trick somehow, tin
I hain't never broke 'im of it."
"No. I hain't.notie-ed a loose boss o
any sort," the woman answered. "May
be Abe has; he's just come from town.
Say, Abe" she turned to look into the
cabin "have you seed anything o Mr
Daniel's boss?"
There was no immeeliate answer, but
a crunching tread came from within,
and Abe slouched forward into the
doorway. Abner remarked a certain
restless stare in the man's eyes and
fancied that he saw a hunted look of
despair in the almost brutal face.
"No, I hain't seen no boss," Abe said.
"Excise me; I smell my bacon a-buru-In,'
Mrs. Fulton exclaimed suddenly.
"Abe, give Mr. Daniel a chair. I'll bet
he's tired."
Abe went into the cabin and brought
out a crude, splint bottomed chair, and
when Abner had taken it Abe sat down
on a wash bench near by.
"Yes, 1 think It is the indoor work
that doc3 me tip. Abe," Abner went on
glibly. "A feller that's lived on a
farm all his life makes a poor out at
a job like my new one. I acted the
plumb fool when I put good money in
that plant- But you know, of course,
that I was countin' on Howard Tins
ley to run it fer me; but, la me, consid
erin the plight the bey's got hisse'f in,
that's all off, an' I've got the bag to
hold, green as I am.".
T!ie man tapped the toe of his ragged
shoe with the battling stick. He swal
lowed, glanced furtively at Abner and
cleared his throat. Presently, with a
wavering glance, he jerked out: .
"He'll come ont all right."
"Humph! I say," Abner sniffed,
"what makes you think that. Abe?"
"Oh. because fellers like him always
come clear. Howard's' got influential
kin, an he stands at the top. The
courts are a sort o' joke an' so is the
general run o' juries. A feller jest has
to have a little pull in politics, a few
dollars behind im an' wear good clothes
to git out o' anything."
"I wish you was right; I really do,"
Abner answered. "You ain't as old as
I am by a long sight, Abe." Aimer's
tone had never been so confidential
and friendly. "You ain't seed as much
o' lawin. Billy Barnctt. as you may
know, is as keen a practitioner as the
state has got. I've retained him, an
he's workin' with might an' main on
the case, but him nor me nor all the
law in the world can't tlova thing as
long as Howard holds out as he is
"Holds out?" For the first time the
glance of the small eyes sought Abner's
inquiringly. "What do you mean by
holdin out?"
Abner seemed to hesitate, and when
he finally spoke it was as if he had de
cided that he might fall deeper into
confidence with a man whom he
"Why, Abe. just between yon an'
me, I'm afraid that the boy's bullhead
ed stubbornness is goin' to block all
our efforts in his behalf. You know the
law well enough. All of us know the
law well enough to know that the
courts are lenient when a man comes
right out an' admits that he done a
wrong thing. I'm talkiu' to you now
as a friend an' a neighbor. In fact,
I've heard Howard say lots o' nice
things about you an' yore wife, an'
I know you are interested in his wel-1
fare, an will hate to hear how he is
actin'. But the truth is the sad truth
is that he won't listen to reason. Talk
as we will, the boy sticks to his plan
o' claimin' that he knows nothin at all
about the shootinV
"Well, maybe he don't!" burst im
pulsively from the man on the bench.
"A feller ain't guilty till he's proved
Abner's eyes gleamed.
"I'm glad to hear you stand up fer
'im, anyway, Ale," Abner went on
suavely; "but, nevertheless. I wouldn't
like fer you to talk to him on that line.
Thar's too much evidence agin 'im."
"Yes, I have that is, I've heard folks
talk. I know all they are a-sayin. I
I doa't'blame Howard. He he'd be a
to say he cone it unless unless he
due it, no matter what you an Bar-
nett advise. Life's fooThorL Huh, ef
Howard claims he didn't do it, maybe
he didn't He's always treated me
fair. The boy lent me some money
once when I couldn't git It from any
body else."
"Oh. yes, Howard has a big heart In
'im, an' this is killin' 'im. You only
have to think about it, Abe, to see
how humiliated he must be. He was
jest gittin' a firm foothold in this new
line. The papers all over the state was
talkiu' about him an'- his work. Dar
ley Is right now gittin' on a boom
which Howard set afooL A new rail
road is comin', a site has been select
ed an bought in the edge o town fer
a cotton mill with thousands of spiu
dies that will give employment to
mountain folks fer miles around. But
right in the middle of it the silly boy
lets his hot temper git the best of 'im.
He has a few words with a feller that
nobody liked an' then waylays "im an'
shoots 'im dead in his tracks, an', of
course well, he'll have to take" his
medicine, that's all."
"I don't believe Howard done it!"
Fulton blurted, ."because you say he
says he didn't."
"What you believe don't settle the
matter." Abner said, as if contemptu
ous of an opinion which seemed so ill
grounded. "Howard can't prove noth
in at all to offset the evidence piliu'
up mountain high agin 'im. Lawyers,
judges an' experts generally are laugh
in at his stupidity in holdin out like
he is eloin. You ain't entirely alone
in yore opinion. Abe: thar's his mam
my. You'd hardly expect that broken
hearted woman to eloubt the word of
her only child, an I wouldn't talk as
free with her as I have to you. Ef she
sees fit to believe Howard's cock an'
bull yarn about sleepin' cn that moun
tain an' all the rest he up well,
that's jest her right. Then thar is an
other one that won't listen to reason
nuther, an' that is Mary Trurubley. I
don't know fer sure, but I imagine ef
this calamity hadn't fallen them two
would 'a hit it off together. La, Abe,
that's pitiful! I think sometimes ef
she'd jest jine me an' Billy in advisin'
Howard to tell the whole truth that
he might be influenced to own up be
fore it is too late."
"He'd be a fool to do it," Abe mut
tered. "Well, have it yore way," Abner
sighed. "After all, Abe, Craig was an
overbearing man, wasn't he? You done
some work fer "im now an' then an'
ort to know as to that. I remember
seein you about his place. Ef he was
as bad as folks say you'd know it, 1
"He was a devil on human legs."'
Abe's eyes were flaring indignantly.
"He deceived several young gals that
I knowed. One was a fust cousin o
mine, a pore orphan, with nobody to
take her part. He got 'er love some
way, an' after he'd left 'er high an'
dry fer another gal she used to hang
around the woods try in' to see the
skunk. She broke down an' told me
all about it. Oh. I knowed 'im!"
(To B Continued.)
FOR SALE McCcrmick hay sweep.
Only been used a elay and a half.
Inquire of A. W. Smith or cr.ll
phene No. 475-W. 6-1 -2tw
from Wednesdays Dally
Last evening the members of Platte
lodge No. 7, Independent Order of
Odd Fellows, were given a most
pleasant surprise at the loJge rooms
following the business meeting, when
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Setz gave a
very delightful informal musical pro
gram. Several vocal numbers, bcth
solos and duets, were given, as well
as a few piano and guitar selections,
which served to make the occasion
one cf the greatest of enjoyment to
everyone in the lodge. This splendid
concert made , a most excellent fea
ture of the evening and a rare treat
in the musical line.
From Wednesday's Tally.
Yesterday the editor of the Jour
nal, Colonel M. A. Bates, had the
pleasure of receiving a visit from
Dan Killin, now of Omaha but a
former representative for several
terms in the legislature from Gage
county, and where Colonel Bates first
made his acquaintance in the session
of ,1909. It is needless to say that
the visit was most thoroughly en
joyed and it was with the rarest of
pleasure that we met our old friend.
Mr. Killin accompanied Henry R.
Gering to this city and took the occa
sion to visit the Journal. He has
embarked in business in Omaha since
removing from Beatrice.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Miss Esther Larson of this city,
who for the last term has been teach
ing in the public schools at Tilden,
Neb., has just been elected as a meirhT
ber of the teaching force of the
Omaha public schools. This is a well
deserved tribute to the ability of Miss
Larson in her profession as she has
been very succes3fuj in her teaching
in the different cities in which she
has been engaged in school work.
The school board at Tilden parted
with reluctance with Miss Larson,
but the opportunity in the larger city
was much greater and brings her
closer to home.
From Wednesdays Daily.
Last evening a very pleasant social
time was enjoyed at the J. C. Peter
Eon home on lower Main street, when
Miss Edna Peterson and Mrs. L. L.
McCarty entertained at a most
charming miscellaneous shower in
henor of Miss Christine Soennichsen,
whose .wedding is to soon take place.
The rooms of the Peterson home were
very prettily decorated with a color
scheme of red, white and blue, the
American flag, predominating in the
rooms. The ladies were entertained
at the Airdome in the earlier part f
the evening and later adjourned to
the Peterson home, where a few
hours were spent in music and a gen
eral good time and in showering the
guest of honor with the many beau
tiful remembrances that she will
treasure in the years to come. Dur
ing the evening elainty and delicious
refreshments were served, which
were prepared and served in keeping
with the patriotic nature of the deco
rative scheme.
For Sale.
My carriage and furniture wagon for
sale. Can be seen at the Parmele liv
ery barn. M. Hild.
ILLY T. 76142
Billy T. is a sure foal getter, and
can show" over fifty colts from last
season's service. .He has been in
spected for 1916, and, found perfectly
sound in every way.
That the Pcrcheron Stallion Billy
T. is recorded by the Percheron So
city of America, and that his recorded
number vis 76142.
Color and Description: Black;
Star; Right hind foot white.
Fcaled March 6th, 1910. Bred and
owned by Clyde Hayhurst, Shelby,
SIRE: Brourllard, 76141, by
Nerveaux, by Picador, by Brutus, by
Gcrmanicus, by Abd El Kader, by
Passe Partout, ,by Comet, by French
Monarch, by Ildertum, by Valentin,
by Vieux Chaslin, by Coco, by Mig
non, by Jean Le Blanc.
DAM: Nora 50861, by Pedro, by
Invincible, by Voltaire, by Brilliant,
by Coco, by Vieux Chaslin, by Coco,
by Mignon, by Jean Le Blanc.
Second Dam: Lavina 47669. Third
Dam, Letitia 23360. Fourth Dam,
Black Nell, by .Pravo 1621; imported
1881. Fifth Dam, Bay Tib, by Mon
arch 1704; imported 1880. Sixth Dam,
Vance, by Tempest 458; imported
1876. Seventh Dam, Nellie; import
ed 1873."
In witness whereof we have here
unto affixed the seal of the Society.
Dated at Chicago, Illinois, April 3d,
II. E. McWilliams, Pres.
Wayne Dinsmore, Sec'y.
The Celebrated Jack
Spanish Warrior, 2041 2
SPANISH WARRIOR is jet black,
mealy nose and belly; was foaled
November 17, 1911, and was bred by
J. H. Hardin, at Ninevah, Ind.; will
weigh at the present time 975 pounds,
but when fully matured will make a
1,000-pound jack. He stands I6V2
hands 5 high, and has an excellent
reputation as a quick performer and
foal getter.
Billy T. and Spanish Warrior will
make the season of 1916 as follows:
Every dry in the week at Nehawka.
Phone mc at Sheldon's store. If I
am not there leave your name and I
will call you up or call at your place.
TERMS The service fee for both
Billy T. and Spanish Warrior will be
$15 to insure standing colt. Money
becomes due at once if mare is parted
with or leaves the community, and
when so parted with my guarantee
ceases. Care will be taken to prevent
accidents, but I will, not be responsi
ble shouany occur.
Hclbrock Blinn and Vivian. Martin
Co-Starred in World Film To
Be Shown at Airdcmc June 6.
The World Film Corporation pre
sents the five-part photoplay, "A
Butterfly on the Wheel," based on the
stage play of. the same name, which
was a remarkable success at its pub
lic presentation a few years ago.
Holbrook Blinn, one of the most
popular as he is assuredly one of the
most gifted, motion picture artists in
the world, plays the lead in the
drama, and Vivian Martin is opposite
him. You couldn't possibly have a
more striking hero and heroine in a
motion picture than these two favor
ite players, who have won for them
selves warm places in the affections
of motion picture theater-goers.
With Mr. Blinn and Miss Martin
in the picture there are also such fine
artists as George Ralph, June El
vidge, John Hines thus making the
cast of principals exceptionally strong
and attractive. Miss Martin and Miss
Elvidge are two of the most beautiful
women now appearing in pictures.
The story concerns itself with the
matrimonial adventures of a success
ful business man and his young wife,
Peggy, who, after the honeymoon,
becomes unhappy because hubby ne
glects her. And in that mood she is
ready to listen to the pleadings of a
friend of her husband, who wants her
to elope with him.
But, notwithstanding the equivocal
position in which she is placed, Peggy
is loyal to her husband. Still you
cannot play with fire and remain un
hurt; and if you touch pitch you are
bound to be defiled.
The result of Peggy being fre
quently seen in compromising circum
stances with Collingwood, the lover,
is that her husband divorces her.
But a reconciliation is affected be
tween them. Before this consumma
tion is reached, however, there are
many striking happenings in this
photoplay which, among other sensa
tions, has a' terrible and terrifying
theater fire scene; this scene provides
the movie fan with a real thrill.
This great photoplay will be shown
at the Airdome or Grand theater on
Tuesday evening, June 6.
Holbrook Blinn
and Vivian Martin
A Butterfly
nthe Wheel!
A Thiilling Drama of
Matrimonial Strife.
Produced by the Great
A Shubert Feature!
Tuesday, June 6
Gem Theatre Matinee
Air Dome Evening
From Wednesday's Dally.
This afternoon a damage and slan
der, suit for $10,000 was filed in the
office of the clerk of the district court,
in which Nathaniel Flood is the plain
tiff and Hulda Loider is the defend
ant. The petition states that for the
past thirteen years the plaintifF has
resided at Greenwood and has had
the cenfidence and respect of his fel
low men. That on or abou May 19,
1016, the defendant, in the presence
of Lewis Shafer, Aaron Pailing, Earl
Howard and divers others, made the
statement, "Nathaniel Flood stole a
lawnmower belonging, to me." This
has caused the plaintiff great mental
anguish, it is claimed, and for which
he desires the sum of $10,000 as a
balm to heal. Both parties are resi
dents of! near Greenwood and the
trial of the case will attract consid
erable attention from that part of
the county.
Study Food Values
Food provided for the family table de
serves the careful thought of every house
wife. Do you use thought when buying
baking powder?
The quality of cake, biscuits and all
quickly raised flour foods depends largely
upon the kind of baking powder used.
Royal Baking Powder is made from
cream of tartar derived from grapes. It is
absolutely pure and has proved its excel
lence for making food of finest quality and
wholesomeness for generations.
Royal Baking Powder contains no alum
nor phosphate.
New York
From Wednesdays TOallv.
A suit was filed in the county court
this morning entitled Estelle Horn
beck Hyde, Administratrix of the
Estate of Thomas M. Hornbeck, vs.
Idd G. Hornbeck, in which the plain
tiff sets forth that the deceased was
possessed at the time of his death of
a farm in Saline county, Missouri,
and that since his death the -rental
amounting to .$301.80 has been in the
possession of the defendant, Idd G.
Hornbeck, who has failed to turn the
amount over to the plaintiff as ad
ministratrix of the estate, and she
prays that a judgment for the amount
be rendered by the court-
Shetland Pony For Sale.
Fine Shetland pony for sale cheap
at $100. Call on William Gilmour,
Plattsmouth, R. F. D. No. 1.
Bead the want ads in the Journal.
State of Nebraska
j ss.
Cass County i
In County CourfC
In the matter of the estate of Fred
crick Engelkemicr, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to the cred
itors of said deceased that hearings
will be had upen claims filed against
said estate, before mo, County Judge
of Cass County, Nebraska, at the
County Court room in Plattsmouth, in
said county, on the 10th day of June,
1916, and on the 11th day of Decem
ber, 1916, at 10 o'clock a. m. each day
for examination, adjustment and al
lowance. All claims must be filed in said
court on or before said last hour of
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 10th day of May, 1916.
(Seal) County Judge.
John M. Lcyde,
Attorney for Administratrix.
Lawyer. "
East of Riley HoteL
Coates Block,
Second Floor.
j jj'bJ j
The cost of Bridge Tolls for Round
Trip using our Commutation Books
Auto and Driver, round Trip 50c
Extra Passengers, each, ' 5c
$10.00 Book, r $5.00
$5.00 Book, $2.50
Commutation Books Good any time
and Transferable.
Aula & Wagon Bridge Co.
For cattle and horses. Good run
ning water. Two miles southeast of
this city. Inquire of James Kennedy.
Sales bills aone quickly at the
iv 'im: coiatv rot ur or thi:
oi t or ( Af,..M:iiinsu v. -
In the matter of the t-s-late o' Charles
i. ' Oreiit;, lif'CCJlSnl.
, n f NOTICK.
T(4 u!l J'-lsnti lut ii.-U-l in the i-stut
of Charles il. Cvhik, 1( ' sod : ,
Vmi -uk hereby notttifil that 'f homa.
T. Yo'injj lias liiotl n i-etition hsIjpu' !'rj
af1n:fiistratlJ!) of ih" estate of M aris;
IV Oral jr. ileeeaseil, alh .giliK Hifoft? ot
er ihinfis that sall h--ea ! ; died in
testate in C':ss county, Nei!iHk;(. leav
ing personal estate to he administered.
Also that Frtid dec-eased left him pur
v i i n as his only heirs at law, hi
widow, Aliee Craii?, and Mildred
C'rais. daughter; Hernese Craig, daugh
ter and Harold C Craiir, Hon.
Yoii are further notified that a hear
ing on said petition will l.e had on the
20tl day of June, 3 9 1 f., at the hour of
ten . oViof !c a. m., at the office of the
County Jiidjre, 1'lattsrnouth, Cass Coun
ty, Nehraka.
All ohjertions or exceptions to said
petition arid the appointment of and ad
ministrator of said deceased, must bo.
on file on or hetore said outc, or tiie
allcKatioiis of said petition will l.e
taken as true and the prayer thereof
gran ted.
Dated this 27th day of May, 1'JlG.
!- the Court,
5-L'!-:3v. County Judge.
IN T1IK msTIllCT ( Ol l!T OK Till:
tl Tl K C.SSMillUASi,.
Archibald Uohenshcll, ct. a.1.
.Plaintiffs. t
vs. j
Kate llohenshcn, et. ;tl.,
I efenda tit s.
Ni'Tii'K f i:i:i'i;ki:i; s kai.m.
Notice- is hereby Kivcn that in pur
suance of -an order at the 'District
court duly entered on the lTtli day of
May, in the above entitled cause
authorizing me as referee in partition
to sell the following described real es
tate, to-wit:
The west half of the north-asv
quarter, and the west half of the
southea.-t quaiter: the south half of
the northwest quarter, and the
north half of the soul ii west quar
ter, all in Section twenty-three
(I'l!) Township twelve (12'l:anf;e
nine CJ), all in Cass countv, Neb
raska.. for cash, ami as upon execution. I will
on the 1st day of July, 3!1.;, at eleven
o'clock a. m. at the south front doi.r
of the court house, In I 'lu ttsinouth. Cass
county, Nebraska, sell to the highest
oidder for cash, the foregoing describ
ed weal estate. Said sale will remain
open for one hour.
Dated this 2'!"th dav'of Ma v. 191C
r, k t, , "leferee in l'artition.
C. A. 1 1 AWLS, Attorney.
State of Nebraska, Cass countv. ss In
County Court. In the matter of' the
estate of, Loretta Ault. deceased:
Notice is hereby given to the cred
itors of said deceased that hearing
wiil be had upon claims tiled against
said estate, before me. county judge
of - Cass county, Nebraska, at the
county court room in I'lattsmouth. In
said county, on the ; 1 1 1 .lay of June,
1911'., and on the ltith day of December,
1916. at 10 o'clock a. m., each day. for
examination, adjustment ami allow
ance. All claims must ho filed in said court
on or before .said last hour of hcjui'.jg.
Witness my hand and seal of km id
county court, at I'lattsmouth, Nebras
ka, this 10th dav of Mav, 1 ; 1 f ; .
alli:n J. UKKSON.
(Seal) County Judge.
Attorney for Administrator.
..,::r,.,r. ..