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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1916)
THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1916. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE r. ALVO NEWS ITEMS Bulletin No. 2 A PHDaiL m DOT Why We Are Opposing A Government Armor Plant ON: mil To the People: Some people say that the very fact that the Bethlehem Steel Company is so aggressively fighting the proposal to build a Government armor plant is conclusive proof that the Company is seeking to assure for itself the "vast profits" derived from private manufacture. The fact is that armor making is the least profitable feature of steel manufacture. The reason we oppose a Government plant is very simple. It is this: Even though there is but little profit in the making of armor, we have invested over . $7,000,000 in our armor plant; That plant is useless for any other purpose; if a Government plant is built the useful ness of our plant is destroyed. It would be pood business for us to make armor for the Govern ment at any price over and above the actual shop cost, RATHEU THAN SACRIFICE OUR ENTIRE INVESTMENT. t ' ' ' ' " We do not seek to save big profits; our purpose is very frankly to save our armor plant itself built solely for the use of the Government from going to the scrap heap. To To that, yp are prepared to agree for any period to any terms of manufacture which the Federal Trade Commission shall say absolutely protects the Government of the United States. CHAS. M. SCHW AB. Chairman EUGENE G. GRACE. President Bethlehem Steel Company Local PSews From Wednesday's Dally. Mrs. J. II. Vallery was in tcvn to witness the class play and see her daughter, Doris, as leading lady. Mrs. Martin Ilouk returned to Omaha this afternoon after a short visit here with relatives and friends. Mrs. J. K. Vallery and daughters, May, Grace, Louise and Florence, are spending the week in this city, guests of Mrs. B. S. Ramsey. Albert Wallinger, wife and daugh ter, from near Elmwood, were here yesterday to spend Decoration day with relatives and .friends. Mrs. Jessie A. Root departed this afternoon for Big Springs, Neb., whereshe will visit for a time with her husband, who is working there. Mrs. J. II. Teegarden of Brock, Neb., who has been here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Smith, departed this morning for her home. Mrs. C. E. Matous and two little daughters of Ilavelock, who have been here visiting with relatives and friends, departed this afternoon for her home. Mrs. Agnes Chapman arrived Lion day evening for short visit here with he. relatives and friends and to spend Decoration day here where the family no long made their home. R. W. Ilyers, of Lincoln, came in yesterday and visited for the day with ld friends, and attended to the care of ti e graves of his loved ones in the cemetery west of this city. Mrs. Henry Mockenhaupt, of Sterl ing, Nebraska, was a visitor in this city over Decoration day with relatives and friends. Mrs. Mockenhaupt is a sister of Simon Clark, of this. city. Mrs. Sam Long of South Bend, who has been here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Streight for the last two weeks, departed this morning for Red Oak to visit with relatives there. C. II. Fahenstock and L. W. Fahen stock came up from Avoea yesterday and spent the day here with Will Fahenstock, the ifist shortstop of the Red Sox, and took part in the base ball game. -Frank II. Johnson and family of Weeping Water were here yesterday, spending Decoration day at the home of Mr. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson, and with other relatives and friends. Frank McElroy and daughters, Misses Florence, Genevive and Mary, were in the city yesterday to observe Decoration day, and visiting with their old friends, returning in the afternoon to their home in Omaha. I.Irs. J. D. McBride and daughter, Margaret, and son, John, of South Omaha, came down to this city yes trcay morning and spent the day with he- sisters, Mesdames C. S. Johnson and Mrs. C. O. Larson. Mrs. Nelson Jean, sr., who is making her home in Lincoln with her daughter arrived Mondey evening to spend a shaort time here with relatives, at the home of her son, C. L. Jean near this city. She was accompanied from Om aha by her grandson, Nelson Jean. Nebraska State News A lazy liver leads to chronic dys pepsia and constipation weakens the whole system. Doan's Regulets (25c per box) act mildly on the liver and bowels. At all drug stores. Miss Julia Vlcek of Chicago ar rived here yesterday afternoon for a tsiort visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jirousek and this morn ing departed for Omaha in company with her cousin, Miss Sophia Jirousek, to visit for the day there. To feel strong, have good appetite r.nd digestion, sleep soundly and en joy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters, the family system tonic. Price, $1.00. Nicholas Opp, assessor of Nehawka precinct, came in yesterday afternoon to make his returns to the county assessor and was compelled by the storm to remain over night in this city. vey w OIILO BE PR0OD to have people say of you, "he raises the best hogs in the county." That's what they say of A. J. Swingle, of Leonardville, Kansas, who says injiis Thoroughbred Poland China Catalogue that Standard llog Regulator has made it possible for bim to top the Iliiey County Circuit 'or three years with the highest average sale price and highest price for a single gilt, and yet he did not believe in hog prepara tions until his brother got him to try STANDARD. Feed SANDARD HOG REGULA TOR to your bogs and you can , do as well as he and hundreds of others are doing. It is na ture's way, that's why it is bound to pay. Come in and get a Self Feeder free with TP t. IIAM)--t.8i MJT.M- r-nttt 'to- ?t"- - : - iseh-?- V -V rv ' a jf y i.v.Li, sir --jt .: ... v,ir 7:HTi X '.'?!:; i your first order. WEYRICH 5 HABRBA, Exclusive Agents Headquarters for the complete Standard Line. A meeting of business men and farmers was held in Chambers, Holt county, at which a corporation with capital stock of $200,000 was formed for the purpose of building a railroad from Chambers to Erickson. The lat ter town ;s in Wheeler county. Dell Campbell, living near Ansley, has lost 240 pigs and about $1,500 worth of hogs within the past ten days. The state live stock sanitary board was notified and Mr. Anderson was sent to investigate. He pro nounced the disease hog cholera. The Omaha police have been asked to watch out for an automobilist who slugged the marshal at Plattsmoutn and then ran over him in trying to escape after being stopped for speed ing. Another member of the automo bile party was arrested at Minden. When Ray Crume of Scottsbluff burst into the Alliance land office last week following a hub and hub auto race from the valley country, he was just ;n time to see his opponent file on the piece of land he came to file on. The winner was D. E. Raylor. J. G. Porter, postmaster at Bridge port, Neb., has been ousted by Post master General Burleson for inquir ing why Burleson recommended an in crease in the salary of F;rst Assistant Postmaster General Roper and the three other assistant postmasters general. Drunkenness, immorality and deser tion are the prime causes for an in creasing number of dependent chil dren, Miss EllaCaton, superintendent of the state home for dependent chil dren, told superintendents of Nebras ka state institutions at the annual conference in Lincoln. The second annual Indian congress closed at Gordon after one of the most successful sessions yet held. Be sides the Pine Ridge Sioux Indians, many were there from Rosebud, Yank ton and other Sioux reservations. Thomas Red Blanket won the Indian dancing championship of the world. The jury in the case of the state against Sheriff Ratekin of Falls City and Walter , Ayres of Humboldt, hargsd with assaulting Mrs. Colby when they took the year-old child of Mrs. H. M. Seeley of Humboldt away from her on the street at Beatrice, were found guilty and fined $5 and costs each. The people of Plattsmouth, seat of the first shops built by the Burlington system west of the Missouri river, are delighted at assurances received re: cently from General Manager Hold rege to the effect that ,the manage ment of the road is not contemplating taking any of the work now done in that town away from there. The interfratemity council of the state university adopted recommenda tions to present to the university re gents that would jrostpone the sopho more pledging rule which la grated uled to go into effect next fall until Feb. 1, 1917, and would then enforce it only against those fraternities whose scholarship average is below the general scholarship average for all fraternities. Cjtus H. Deardoff, charged with the murder of his brother, Jerry Deardoff, on April 14, has filed in district court at Lincoln a motion to have his trial continued until the September term of court and in support of his motion are affidavits indicating that the , de fense will be insanity. The affidavit of the defendant also indicates that he considers himself justified in slay ing his brother. j t Decoration day was observed here. J. A. Shaffer went to South Bend Saturday. Thomas Stout and Frank Cook were passengers for Omaha Wednesday. William Casey had business in Lin coln and Omaha Friday and Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis went to Lincoln Tuesday evening to spend a few days. Mrs. F. M. Grove and children of Hickman are visiting relatives and friends here. Mrs. Small of Lincoln spent the past ten days with her cousin, Mrs. G. H. Kirkpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Curyea at tended the alumnae banquet at Elm wood Saturday evening. Mr. Orville Ingwerson and sisters, also Miss Jessie Bucknell, motored to Lincoln Monday evening. Warren Bird, Ed Weideman and John Murtey shipped a car of hogs to South Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. George Neben and children returned on No. 14 Tuesday from s few days' visit at Wahoo. Mrs. Herbert Moore returned last Wednesday from a visit with rela tives at Clay Center, Kas. Clarence Curyea returned from Kansas Friday, where he had been in the interests of his farm. Harry Hyder of Lincoln came in Saturday to visit over Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Dale Boyles. Mrs. C. C. Bucknell and daughter, Eertha, left for a two weeks' visit with relatives at Nelson, Neb. J. A. Shaffer and J. II. Stroemer took supper with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Jones near South Bend Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hollenbeck of Weeping Water spent Saturday and Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Stout. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Barrett and children of Havelock came down. Sat urday to spend a day or two with relatives. Mrs. Ellen Rathburn returned on Tuesday evening from a few days' visit with relatives and friends at Louisville. The baseball game played here on Decoration day by Greenwood and Alvo was won by the former with a score of 9 to 3. ' Mrs. Hattie Strain and little daugh ter came in onNo. 14 Monday, visit ing their aunt, Mrs. D. A. Vincent, until Tuesday evening. ( Mrs. C. W. Boyles and father, Paul Frolich, of Lincoln, were here to spend Decoration day at the home of Mr. and Mrs." C. C. Bucknell. Verl Linch, who has been teaching the past nine months at Edgar, Neb., returned home for. vacation Friday. Mr. Linch will teach at Fullerton next year. Mrs. John Casey and niece, Miss Georgia Trumble, of Omaha, came down Wednesday to spend some time visiting the former's sons, J. E. and W. E. Casey. The Misses Bertha and Jessie Buck nell and Orville Ingwerson and Clar ence Bucknell were entertained Sun day at the home of Miss Christine Rosenow at Elmwood. The Misses Ruth Bailey and Laura Parsell, who graduated from Elm wood high school last Friday, and La Verne Stone attended the alumnae banquet Saturday evening. Walter Rathbun and brother, Frank Rai-hbun, spent Sunday in Louisville. Their sister, Mrs. George Thompson, and children, returned home with them for a week's visit. Among" those attending the gradu ating exercises at Elmwood Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Quillhorst, Mrs. H. A. Bailey, Mrs. Joe Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs.jGeorge Curyea and. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Curyea and daughter, Lillian. Fred WTeaver of South Bend came up Friday and hauled the new "Platte river battleship" down to his home town to be used to make war on the fish. This boat was built by Castle Shaffer, and was launched Saturday afternoon and chistened the "Shaw nee." v School closed at Hedge Corner Sat urday with a picnic dinner. About seventy people were in attendance. An amusement program was carried cut to the enjoyment of all present. Ice cream and cake were served in the afternoon. The school patrons were well satisfied with Miss Grace Bailey's work as teacher. DEUEL CO. LAND. The best in vest ment in the state. Write for prices and terms. j Ritchey Land Co., Chappell, York, Alvo, Neb. Read the want ads in the Journal Office supplies at the Journal office, Commencing Saturday Morning, May 27th, and continuing up to and including June 27th, we will offer all our big line of Farm Implements at greatly reduced prices. This is surely the golden, oppor tunity to buy your farming equipment, at the time all such goods are rapidly ad vancing in price, we are offering them to you at a reduction. Look over the following articles, compare the prices and come in and let us talk Farm Ma chinery to you: One wood wheel farm truck $45.00 value at One iron wheel farm truck 32.50 . Four V. A. John Deere cultivators 27.50 One John Deere shift seat cultivator 29.50 One John Deere hammock seat cultivator 30.00 One Sattley hammock seat cultivator 29.00 One Sattley balance frame 27.50 One Sattley Walker 1 7.50 One two-row stalk cutter, all that we have left. . 51.00 30 tooth harrows at per section Three-hole cookers, Blue Bell oil burner 13.50 Peerless Steam Washers 5.00 - John Deere Binders, (the best on the market) can save you from $25 as long as they last. Star Litter Carriers at wholesale cost price. Big Discount on all Farm Implements, Bug gies and Wagons for the Next 30 Days tt it tt tt tt tt tt it il tt it tt it tt tt tt it tt tt tt $40.00 27.00 21.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 21.00 14.00 40.00 4.00 10.00 3.00 $20 to XL. Plattsmouth, BIG DISCOUNT ON HAY ii BAR '9 Successors to G. P. Eastwood) Hebrnsfca I-I-I-I..!. .m. I I .I-I-I-I-I-I MURDOCH. . (Special Correspondence.) 4 4. Miss Grace Gustin is attending commencement at Elmwood this week. Mr. August Panska is having a well dug on his Murdock property. Rev. A. H. Schwab has been suf fering from a very painful infected boil. Miss Anna Thiele is visiting her sister in Elmwood and attending com mencement. Mrs. Jones of Stratton is visiting her daughters, Mrs. H. V. McDonald and Mrs. H. A. Tool. Misses Ruth and Gladys Sorick gave a high school party Saturday evening. Games were played and refreshments served. The guests de parted at a late hour. ' Mrs. Cooper of Des Moines, repre senting the Midland Lyceum bureau, was in town this week and placed a strong entertainment course of four numbers for next winter. Local eighth grade graduating ex ercises were held at the Evangelical church Tuesday evening, May 23. Rev. Schwab had been engaged to speak, but his illness prevented, and the committee was fortunate in secur ing Dr. 'J. A. Beattie of Lincoln, who delivered an able address upon the subject of "Six Important Factors In Education." Several pleasing num bers of music were rendered. The graduates were: Edna Miller, Anna Scheel, Adela Peters, Opal Hite, Manila Eichof, August Wendt, Willie Lau, Albert Rieckmann, Edith Bou ton, Martha and Huldah Leutschens and Clara Oehlrking. On May 5 the Murdock high school baseball team played a return --game at' Grand Prairie. Cunningham, the teacher, took a picked team from the vicinity and stood them against the visiting team. The Murdock team struggled under obstacles throughout the game and the final score was 6 to 5, in favor of Grand Prairie. Mon day, May 22, Grand Prairie had a picnic in remembrance of the closing time of school. They invited the Mur dock high school to be present and enjoy the ice cream and another game of baseball, to which they heartily responded. In fact, they had another new player, which greatly aided them in winning. The game was largely attended and it was interesting from beginning to end. Many class yells were exchanged on the grounds. The little folks under the fifth grade at Grand Prairie were smart little yell masters for the home team. The score stood 13 to 4 in Grand Prairie's favor for the second time. After the game the high school pupils were entertained at ice cream, which was a fine refreshment for the defeated high school team. We wish the Grand Prairie team much success this year in playing ball. XOTKK OK AIM'I.K'ATIM.V FOIl 1. Hit 011 1. 1 i:si:. Notice is hereby Klven to all persons interested tmd to tlie public that the undersigned, J I. A. Schoemann and M. Lfc Williams, have tiled their petition and application Jn the office of tho city clerk of the City of I'latti-nioulh. County of Cass, and State of Nebraska, as required by law, sltrned by tho required number of resident freehold ers of the said city, setting forth that the appliciints are men of respectable character and Mar.diii;? and are resi dents of the State of Nebraska, and praying that a license may be iu"l to the said II. A. Schoemann and M. L. Williams for the sale of malt, spiritu ous and vinous liquors for the period of one year from the date of the hear ing of said application in a building situated on lots eleven and twelve (11 and 12). in block twenty-seven (27 . in the First ward of the said City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. II. A, SCirOEMANN, M. L. WILLIAMS. May 20, 1916. Applicants. See the kinds of fancy stationery, the latest up-to-date, and sure to please, at the Journal office. Take your pick of these ictor-Vicfarolas TV VI 815 $50. , vm $25$40V It isn't necessary for you to have one of the more expensive Victor-Victrolas to have access to all r the wonderful variety of Victor music. Any instrument frbm the Victor-Victrola IV at; $15. to the $200 Victor-Victrola XVI will play every record in the Victor catalog. .&?s Select the instrument that is best suited to your home and start. in to enjoy the music and fun.t Come in and see us about it today. ' " 7 i i .a ma Uolctaalior and Jotvcfcr 3